Published: 13-Feb-2013
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I returned to Miss Potter's School for Ladies after the Christmas break, and was startled to find the school work had become easy -I now seemed to remember everything the first time I heard it in class or read it from my textbooks . . . I couldn't understand why the teachers went so slowly, and I filled the time with my new-found pleasure of talking to whoever was next to me . . .
The teachers were forever telling me to be quiet and gave me punishments when I didn't stop talking: detention, writing lines, weeding the school vegetable garden . . . but really nothing could stop my new-found excitement of enjoying the lessons and then talking with my friends as soon as I'd understood what the teacher was telling us, while she went on to repeat it again and again for the slower girls . . .
About a month into the school term, though, at the end of dinner one Friday evening, Uncle Pent told me that he wanted to talk to me before I went to bed - First, I was to go up and start on my week end home work - Then at 9 o'clock after having my bath, I was to come down to see him . . .
Well! At last nine o'clock came and I went down in my nightdress, dressingown and slippers.
Uncle Pent was sitting in one of his leather covered padded armchairs:
"Joan (and I knew it meant trouble as soon as he called me 'Joan') Stand here, in front of me: I have had a letter from Miss Potter, the Principal of your school."
"She tells me your work had improved out of all recognition, and you are much quicker than you used to be in understanding what the teachers are telling their classes . . . but she says you start to talk to your neighbor as soon as you understand what the teacher is explaining."
"Nothing the teachers have been able to do ever stops your incessant chatter during class!!"
"Miss Potter asks me to punish you in any way I see fit, to stop your talking in class . . . because you are disrupting the lessons for the other girls, and it can not continue . . ."
"You know what she means, Joan: The parents of other girls have been complaining that their daughters can't learn their lessons because you are talking all the time in class . . ."
"You will have to leave Miss Potter's School for Ladies unless you stop your chattering during lessons!"
"Tell me, Joan: Is Miss Potter right in what she says about your talking all the time in class?"
" Uncle Pent, it's since the Christmas break -the teachers seem to go so slow -and I've come to like the other girls so much more . . . I can't just sit and twiddle my thumbs in class while the teachers go over the lessons again and again . .."
"Joan, I am going to ask Miss Potter to move you into classes where your mind will be stretched more than it is now."
"I think you could go into a more advanced French class; And I know you are only twelve, but you could start Latin."
"I'll ask for you to do more Algebra too, so you'll be ready to begin Calculus next year . . ."
"In fact I'll ask Miss Potter to put you into more difficult classes for everything . . . and that'll give you more to think about while the teachers are talking."
" But that's not all, Joan: You must learn to turn the leaves of your book and read more about what the teacher is saying, once you've understood what she is trying to explain."
"Because, after you atoned during the Christmas break I know your mind feels as though it has woken up bright and fresh after a long sleep. But if you keep talking in class . . ."
(And Uncle Pent SHOUTED):
"And we don't want that to happen, do we?!"
and I shouted back:
"NOOOOOOOOO ! ! ! ! !"
"Well, I'm going to do my best to help you to remember that, Joan! I want you to go and bend over the back of that padded leather arm chair and I am going to make your bottom so sore that you will always remember: NOOOO talking in class!!!"
"And it's no use crying . . . go and bend over the chair!"
As I bent over the round padded leather back of the armchair I noticed that it was the other one . . . not the chair I had bent over for my atonement which had a bump on the back that had pressed up into my pussy . . .
This one had an odd groove from front to back in the top of the padded leather back:
They must have made them specially that way for Uncle Pent . . .
Penty tied my wrists and ankles to the legs of the leather arm chair just as he had done when he and the three men had helped me to atone . .
Then he switched off the lights in his study so the dark oak-paneled room was lit only by the flickering flames of the fire . . .
He briskly lifted my nightie and tucked the hem up into the neck and arranged the mirrors just like before so I could see everything that he was doing (and my bare white bottom bent over the back of the leather arm chair, waiting for its punishment) except the flames of the fire didn't give much light in the room to see by . . .
Penty picked up a black paddle from his desk and slid it along next to my face so I could feel and smell . . . he was going to use black leather to hurt me.
"There, Joan, this is what I am going to use on your bare bottom! I think you should kiss the black leather paddle before I put it to work!"
And I gave the sinister black leather a loud kiss so he would hear it: I didn't want to make him more annoyed with me at this point ! ! ! !
And then Uncle Penty hit the black leather paddle: CRACKKKKKKKK ! ! ! ! on the leather back of the armchair ""-
I quaked with fear at the sound . . . I could feel myself burst out in a cold sweat of plain terror . . .
"Joan, I want you to count out loud each time the paddle hits your bottom! One Uncle Pent . . . Two Uncle Pent . . . Three Uncle Pent . . ."
Then he brought the black leather paddle hard on my bare bottom and I . . . . . . . . YELLLLLLLED ! ! ! and burst into tears
"NOOOOOOO ! ! ! Oooone Uncle Pennnnt! Choking on the words
And he waited a loooooong time """"-then . . . . . . . BAMMMMMMMMMMMM ! ! ! ! again
"OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHH ! ! ! Twooooooo Uncle Pennnnnnnt !" I just managed to get out
And so it went on . . . and it HUUUUUUUUUUUUURT terribly every time he did it . . .
Each swipe of the black leather paddle stung awfully as it went . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CRAKKKKKKKK on my poor tender twelve year old bottom and I just managed to jerk out between my sobs and tears:
"Fiiiiiive Uncle Pennnnnnt!" or whatever the count had got up to . . . and I saw in the mirror: my bottom completely changed shape each time Uncle Pent beat it with the paddle . . .
My firm round cheeks were mushed completely flat by the black leather-covered paddle then they wobbled around a few times before they got back their smooth round curves again -
More red after each BAMMMMMM on my poor poor bottom . . .
"Siiiiix Uncle Pennnnnnnt!" and each time the leather paddle went CRACKKKKKKKKKK!!! on my poor soft twelve-year-old cheeks . . .
I gave a mix of SCREEEEEEAM and YELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL !!! and my tears flooded down onto the seat of the leather armchair -O-H-H-H-H-H-H! it H-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-R-T-T-T-T ! ! ! ! ! !
And each time he beat my bottom with the leather paddle Penty shouted:
"Sevvvvvennnnnnnnnnn Uncle Pennnnnnnnt ! ! ! !
And he waited a long time after each BAMMMMMMMMMMM on my bottom -before the next one - BAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
I thought it would never end """"""""""""""""""""-
But at last Penty said, when I choked out:
"Thiiiiiirty Uncle Pennnnnnnnnnt!!!!"
He said:
"There!!! Will you remember now what will happen if I ever hear again of you chattering in class?!"
"Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeees, Uncle Pennnnnntttt! I'll rememememberrrrrrrr!!!!! Please don't spank me any moooooooore! ! ! ! ! !"
"Good!! I am glad to hear it -because I hate doing this to you, Joanie my love!"
"And I don't want the spanking to hurt you any longer than it need or for your bottom to show marks more than it has to from this paddling."
"I am going to rub in some special cream to help take away the pain now, and the marks . . ."
And I saw in the mirror he put the fingers of both hands into a jar, and they came out covered with white cream . . . which he then gently massaged into my cheeks . . . all over . . . gently "gently "gently """pressing into my soft warm bottom and soon the pain began to ease and melt away . . .
And it felt exciting.
And Penty's thumbs slid down and gently "gently "gently "rubbed across my rosebud and down "down between my legs and onto my pussy . . .
And I began again to have that strange and lovely feeling like I did at the end of my atonement when I was sandwiched between Penty and Sir John and their stiff things were siding in and out between my legs . . . and I couldn't understand what was happening to me and I got so so excited . . .
And I was getting strangely excited now all over again and it felt woooooooooooonderful.
The fire had died down so I could not really see what Penty was doing to me but it felt like his stiff thing was slippery and sliding between me and the top of the leather padding right along the groove across the top of the chair
"Joanie my dearest I am so very sorry I had to spank you . . . I do love you very much you know!
"And I am doing this to make sure you realize I will always love you very very much . . . and he stiff thing slid in and out in and out in and out rubbing against my pussy . . . while Penty's tummy banged again and again against my sore sore bottom hurting me terribly each time his stiff thing slid in against my clitty . . .
But somehow the pain of his banging against my sore bottom only made me more excited . . .
I started to wiggle my bottom up and down against Penty's stiff thing as it rubbed against my clitty . . . until I was suddenly out of all control. . . I couldn't stop what I did . . . I was thumping my bottom up and down as fast as I could go as I got more and more my excited """"-and then I suddenly spaced out with the most wooooooonderful feeling as if I was floating away in a gorgeous hazy cloud up into the sky . . ..
I must have passed out because the next I knew Penty was laying me down on the cool sheets of my bed and pulled the top sheet over me and murmured as he kissed me gently on my cheek:
"There . . . my lovely Joanie!! I had to beat you for your own good my darling."
"But you know I truly love you most dearly!"
"I love you too, Uncle Penty ! ! !"
"Sleep very well And when you wake in the morning remember: YOU "WILL "NOT "TALK "IN "CLASS ! ! !"
And next morning I DID remember why I had such a very sore bottom and I remembered as it ached and hurt all that week-end and I remembered it for all the rest of the time I was at Miss Potter's School for Ladies ""-
Going back to school on Monday I found it was terribly sore to sit at my desk in class . . .
I passed Miss Potter in the passage between classes and overheard one of my teachers saying to her: " . . . really finding it very difficult to sit in class!"
Miss Potter sent for me after lunch that Monday.
When the secretary let me in Miss Potter was standing beside her desk with a severe-looking dress buttoned all the way up the front.
After the door shut she walked over and turned the key ominously . . .
Then back at the window, standing behind her desk:
"Joan, your teachers tell me you appear to have a sore seat this morning?!"
"I'm always concerned for the health of my students -come over here to the window . . . you do have long legs for twelve years old, don't you? . . . Now turn round and stand facing *this* corner of my desk"
"I want you to pull down your drawers . . . and raise your kilt . . and bend over the corner of my desk so I can see properly . . ."
"As I suspected -black and blue -that must have hurt a great deal when it was done -the result of the letter I sent to your guardian no doubt?!"
"We do not administer corporal punishment on the school premises -we leave that to a student's parents or guardian -but we do need to know when it has been carried out!"
"No! Don't move! Stick your bottom out more . . . I need a photograph for your private file "(CLICK!)"
"A Polaroid "so no photographic shop will see it! I am the only person to look at a student's private file, so you have no call to look so concerned, Joan! !"
"Now stand up and press yourself against that corner of my desk so it holds you steady -I need another photograph of your bottom with its bruises while your cheeks are full and round . . ."
Miss Potter's desk had a knobbly wooden carving at each of its corners: I'd heard teachers say how dangerous they were -
"You can catch your clothes and tear them on these knobbly little wood carvings at the corners of Miss Potter's desk!"
"The carvings are all different heights at the corners of the desk, too so if you don't catch a pocket on one and tear it then you rip your clothes on another one!"
But Miss Potter said they were copies of ancient misericords from the choir seats of a monastery in Europe.
The top of each knobbly shape sloped downwards away from the desk, towards floor and Miss Potter said they were very valuable . . .
Well, Miss Potter was wanting me to press myself against one of these knobbly little wooden carvings on the corner of the desk in front of me . . . and I felt the shiny little wood carving slip snug between my legs, and as I pressed forward the top of its knobbly surface came right up to press against my clitty -
It felt so good . . . and I pressed harder against it . . .
"Good, Joan!"
"Now tell me something my dear . . ." and she put both her hands flat on the cheeks of my bottom! and pressssssssssed against them ""-I gasped and winced with the pain . . while my clitty was being pressed hard against the knobbly wood carving . . . . and it felt lovely . . . . at the same time as my bottom was hurting most awfully . . .
"Does it hurt you when I do that?"
"Ahhhhhhhh! Yessss!!! Miss Potter!!!!! It hurts a lot!!!"
"Well now, my dear Joan, we do not beat wayward students in this school but when this discipline has been done at home . . . I sometimes like to "rub it in" like thisssssssssss ! ! ! !"
And she dug her fingers deep into my cheeks and kneaded my bottom and prodded my cheeks and probed my sore flesh as though she wanted to hurt my bruises as much as possible . . .
Her fingernails were long and sharp and dug into me like the talons of an eagle . . .
It was agony for me and my poor bruised bottom . . .
"OOOOOOWWWWWW! Miss Potter!!"
"Naughty girl!!" and she was rhythmically pushing me forward and letting me go so my clitty slid back and fore against the knobbly wood carving on her desk . . .
"Naughty girl!!"
" OOOOOOWWWW! Miss Potter!!" and release
"Naughty girl!!
Push Poke Prod
"OOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWW!! Miss Potter!!!!" and relax
"Naughty girl!!!
Rammmmm Squish Pinch
"AAAAAAAGH! OOOOOOOOOOOOH!! Miss Potter!!! and let go
The agony of her finger nails sinking deeeep into my poor bruised bottom was terrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrible . . . But I was starting to get all excited again from the little knobbly wooden carving that rubbed hard again and again against my clitty . . .
I was getting sooooooooooooooo excited down there -but I am sure Miss Potter never realized what she was doing to me!
I made to turn my head, but she quickly said:
"Look to your front Joan!!
Then I could only feel the fingers of one of her hands digging into me -everywhere all over my bottom and underneath in between my legs too as she kept like chanting:
"Naughty girl!"
"Naughty girl!"
"Naughty girl!"
"Naughty girl!" and dug her fingers into my soft warm bottom and I shouted out every time in pain "and excitement -as the shiny knobbly little wood carving pressed and rubbed against my clitty . . . again again again. . . .
"OOOOOOOOOOOOHHHH!!!! Miss Potter!!"
And her movements got faster and faster and it hurt my bottom dreadfully and my clitty was making me more and more excited . .
It must have been hard work for her because I heard Miss Potter gasping for breath right in my ear then a big heaving sigh from her and at that moment I shuddered with dizzy ecstasy as I struggled for breath too, pressing my clitty haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaard against the little knobbly wood carving on Miss Potter's desk.
My knees turned to jelly and I flopped forward my boobies flat down on the desk with my bottom sticking out again stunned and unable to move . . .
Then I faintly heard Miss Potter calling again and again while she pinched my bottom to revive me . . .
"Now Joan stand up you can pull up your drawers again and put your kilt down and turn round . . ."
At last I began to wake up . . .
"Joan! Do you hear me!! arrange your clothes properly and turn around!!!"
When at last I moved and did as she said turning to face her Miss Potter's face was bright red and her chest was heaving. I noticed two or three of the buttons had come undone, lower down on her dress -and I vaguely wondered about how that had happened . . .
Miss Potter composed herself a bit and began to lecture me:
"Mr. Embury is coming to discuss your work with me tomorrow, and we may decide to make some changes in your classes, so you will find the work more difficult and have less time to even think about talking . . ."
"Meantime, you know what the result will be if ever you talk to other students in class again!"
"Please do not do it!! I like you Joan and I do not want to write letters that get you punished like this!"
"You are not to discuss with anyone what happened in here today!! And, Joan, I very much hope I never have to write another letter to your guardian like the one he received on Friday!"
But she had a funny look in her eyes . . . I thought she had seemed to enjoy what she had just done to me and would really like to do it again as soon as she could -
I had better watch out ! ! ! !
I stumbled out of Miss Potter's study not quite knowing what I was doing and went and sat in the lavatory for a long time then washed my face and went to my classroom and sat very quietly "quite unlike me "until the last bell.
Penty did go and talk with Miss Potter about my classes and I was moved into more difficult ones . . . and I had much less time to talk in class -even if I wanted to -which I didn't . . .
But I got excited for years afterwards whenever I thought about the punishments given me by Uncle Penty and Miss Potter and what they had each done to me afterwards . . .
Dear darling wise Uncle Penty: he had steered me away from disaster one more time -and set me on the right course to enjoy my wonderful school.
My dear Joanie, this is the account of yet another occasion when your behavior led inevitably to a severe spanking . . . and this time you got a school friend into trouble too . .As before, I write as though it is you telling what happened, Joanie, to help bring it all back to your memory, so many years later . . .
With fondest memories, dearest Joanie,
Your ever loving Uncle Penty X X X X
Lydia and I were having a late dip in the school's warm swim pool. No one else was around - which right away was breaking the rules of "Miss Potter's School for Ladies" - and we were having a wild time chasing each other to the bottom of the pool, and back up into the last of the sunlight.
Tall, slender Lydia was more languid than lively by nature, but she could swim like a seal. As we were cavorting in the water that evening, Lydia turned on the surface and swam close past in front of me, just kicking her legs gently - then suddenly, up-ended and dove downwards.
As her round cheeks passed slowly down in front of my face - and without even thinking - I gave a swipe with my hand . . . . A quick reaction by me, but I knew I'd really stung her bottom.
I waited anxiously for her to come up . . .
As Lydia's head broke the surface again - she grinned . . . and shouted: "Harder!!", and came towards me again just kicking her legs like before.
This time as she up-ended and her lovely bottom slowly sank into the water, I was ready and put all my force into the spank I gave her . . . Lydia grinned again as she surfaced, and shouted: "Better!"
She repeated her up-ending near me . . . again and again she did it . . . and each time I spanked her tempting bottom as hard as I could . . .
At last, though, I waved when she came up and shouted:
"Let's dress - we'll be late!"
The changing rooms were right beside the water. We soon had our swimsuits off and got the hot showers going. Lydia's bottom was scarlet from the spanks of my hand, and I wanted to thank her . . . for letting me discover this side of her.
"Here! Let me dry you, lovely Lydia!!"
She was really beautiful - shoulder length fair hair and a creamy-skinned, long-legged body, with her boobies just starting to sprout - like mine - and a perfect bottom.
I took her towel, and rubbed her hair. Then down her back, to dab her cheeks gently with the towel. I went round to the front, and gently patted her little boobies, and on down her tummy, and tickled her pussy playfully with the towel . . . and I saw she liked that.
Then I don't know what came over me . . . I just seemed to act on instinct . . . I'd never ever done anything like this before. . I dropped her towel on the floor of the shower - and kneeled on it.
My face was on a level with Lydia's pussy - and I reached round and gripped her blazing red cheeks firmly in my two hands . . . and pressed my mouth gently into Lydia's lovely quim . . .
My tongue licked and lapped and sucked and slurped, and Lydia gave little croaking noises of delight, as she jerked her pussy towards my hungry mouth, and got up on her tip toes, and down, again and again.
One of my hands was making fun with my own pussy at the same time, and our grunts and gasps got more and more sensuous . . . until we groaned and shuddered and shook, in a wonderful moment of one-ness and ecstasy - lost to the world - - - - -when the door flew open, and Miss Potter, the Principal herself, stood there, framed by the setting sun, stunned to silence.
"GIRLS!!! WHY are you here?? WHAT is this???!!!"
I was too shocked and dazed to even try to stand up - I just kneeled there staring stupidly . . .
"GET dressed immediately - QUICKLY, now!!!!" And Miss Potter stepped back out of the shower door.
We wetly pulled our clothes on, and soon dressed, we went to her:
"Yes, Miss Potter!", we both said.
"Joan, you are to go home immediately. I will ask Mr. Embury your guardian to deal with you tomorrow!"
"Lydia, you will walk back to your dormitory, and you will go straight to your room and into bed. I will tell Matron you are unwell and not to be disturbed.
"You are to stay in your room tomorrow, until I send for you! A maid will bring you meals . . .
"But, Lydia, Joan: Neither of you is to say a word about this to anyone!! Do you understand?!!"
"Yes Miss Potter!!", we said.
"You are both equally guilty of this most flagrant breach of decorum and decency! I am not sure I can even let either of you stay in the school - - -"
"I will consider the matter!
"Now, do what I've said, and not a word to anyone!!", looking awfully fierce!
I turned to walk home, and dear Lydia went the other way, towards her dormitory building, while Miss Potter got on her bicycle and rode off, kicking furiously at the pedals.
When I got home, Uncle Pent met me in the hall as I went in. He looked very serious and said:
"Miss Potter has been on the telephone . . She sounded upset about something she says you have done, and wants me to be in her study at nine tomorrow.
"What have you been doing, Joanie my dear?"
"She said I am not to talk about it with anyone!"
"Come into the study . . ."
Shutting the door:
"Joanie my love, you mustn't leave another person to tell me if you've done something wrong. *You* must tell me yourself!
"Remember, I am your Uncle: I love you very dearly and I am always on *your* side . . .
"What's happened, Joanie love?"
"Oh!! Uncle Pent!! I'd been swimming with a friend, and I was being nice to her in the showers afterwards, when Miss Potter walked in, and she saw what I was doing!!
"It was awfullllll!!!"
"When you say "Being Nice" to your friend: Were you kissing her?"
"Yeeees!! Uncle Pent!"
"Were you kissing your friend on her lips - or somewhere else? Joanie, tell me!! Don't make me drag it out of you like in a law court!!"
"Uncle Pent . . . I was kissing her pussy . . . and she liked it very much . . ."
"Were either of you having an orgasm as Miss Potter walked in?"
"Yes Uncle Pent . . . . both of us were . . ."
"Joanie love, don't just stand there! Come and sit on my knee so I can cuddle you . . .
"So, that's what's making Miss Potter ask herself if she can continue to keep you and the other girl in her school?! Dear sweet Joanie . . .
"Or is there more? Is there anything else, any tiny little thing that Miss Potter may complain about when she sees me tomorrow?
"Don't let me be surprised by something I don't know about, will you Joanie? Is there anything else to this??"
"Well I don't think Miss Potter knows, but I was spanking Lydia in the swim pool, before this all happened, and her bottom was scarlet when Miss Potter discovered us.
"But I really don't think she noticed that . . ."
"Sounds as though you and Lydia had quite a time, down at the swim pool this evening!!
"Tell me a bit about Lydia - Is her home here in town, like you? Have you met her parents?"
"No, Uncle Pent, her parents are in Europe somewhere - her Father works at an American Embassy. So Lydia is a boarder at the school, and goes to an Aunt in Canada for vacations."
"Hmmmmm! Miss Potter will probably want me to spank you, like when she sent that letter two years ago; And you'll have to be brave about that Joanie love, or she'll say you must leave the school.
"I am going to be interested to hear what punishment Miss Potter orders for Lydia, though, when she doesn't give corporal punishment in her school and Lydia's parents are in Europe . . .
"Joanie, go upstairs now and do any homework you've got. Miss Potter doesn't want you to go to school tomorrow and I am to be there at nine.
"So in the morning after breakfast, go to your room again, and use the time to work ahead in the textbooks you've got at home.
"Don't lose sleep over this, Joanie! Leave tomorrow to look after itself!! Goodnight my love!!" and he gave me a hug, and kissed me tenderly - and patted my bottom as I turned and left . . .
Uncle Penty told me when he got back from the school, next morning, what happened when he met with Miss Potter:
"Mr. Embury! Pray be seated!! I will come straight to the point! I was bicycling past the changing rooms of the swimming pool, yesterday evening, and I heard - unusual - noises coming from inside.
"I opened the door, and there before my very eyes, was your ward, Joan, in flagrante delicto with another girl, called Lydia Forsythe.
"Never ever in my school has such gross blatant indecency like this ever been discovered before!!
"I find it difficult to see how either girl can remain in the school to contaminate - that's the only word for it - to contaminate the other girls with their lewdness and depravity!!
"What have you to say, Mr. Embury?!!"
"You horrify me, Miss Potter!!! I really don't know . . . It comes as a complete surprise . . .
"How old is the other girl - Lydia, did you say?"
"Lydia is fourteen, the same as Joan - Her parents live in Europe, and she goes to an Aunt in Canada for vacations.
"I would consider accepting as punishment for both girls, a severe spanking on their bare bottoms, which I witness -
"But I would have to ask you to administer the spanking to Lydia, in your house, as we do not give corporal punishment on school premises."
"I have a letter from Lydia's parents, which gives their permission for just such a punishment, if I ever feel it is called for."
And she handed the letter to Uncle Penty, and he read it, then said:
"Miss Potter, the severe spanking that you propose, sounds a suitable punishment for the two girls - and please let me have a copy of this letter for my records, in case my spanking of Lydia is ever questioned later."
"Yes, certainly, Mr. Embury!
"I was hoping we could act this evening, and conclude the whole matter before class tomorrow, so the girls are left in suspense no longer than needed."
"Yes indeed, Miss Potter. I suggest you bring Lydia to my house this evening - at seven-thirty?
"Should both girls be dressed in their school-uniform kilts, which are convenient for chastisement?"
"Indeed, yes, Mr. Embury! And before each girl is spanked, she must be tied securely over the back of a chair to bring home to her that she is unable to move and totally under our control in what follows.
"I would like you to start with thirty hard swipes, with your hand, on Lydia's bare bottom, witnessed by me and by Joan too, so she watches the painful punishment of her friend.
"I will ask for more than thirty spanks, if Lydia shows any lack of contrition!"
"I should hope to make Lydia extremely sorry for what she did, with even less than thirty spanks to her bare bottom, Miss Potter!"
"Good! My sport in the summer is tennis, you know Mr. Embury, and I have a strong forehand stroke! I feel it would be appropriate if *I* administer Joan's spanking, rather than you, after you have tied her down to a chair so she feels completely at our mercy.
"This will all be entirely proper at your house, so we maintain the rule against corporal punishment on school premises . . .
"This spanking of Joan by me, after you have finished spanking Lydia, will be witnessed by both Lydia and yourself . . .
"If we can agree on these arrangements, I will bring Lydia to your house, and we will arrive at seven-thirty this evening!"
Uncle Penty agreed and said, as he left Miss Potter's study with a copy of the letter of permission from Lydia's parents:
"Miss Potter, I feel sure that the thoughtful punishment we have planned for these two young girls, will successfully deter them from ever being discovered again in the grossly indecent situation that you found them in!
"I look forward to welcoming you and Lydia Forsythe to my house, at seven thirty this evening!"
Uncle Penty returned home, and told me what had been arranged.
"I needn't tell you Joanie love, I will be tying Lydia and you to the leather armchair so well that it will give Miss Potter exciting dreams for months.
"And after your spankings you must look very tearful and penitent this evening, penitent enough for Miss Potter to believe she will never again find you with Lydia, or any other girl, the way she saw you at the swim pool!
"I only hope young Lydia has the sense to do the same - or Miss Potter will be demanding much more than thirty spanks for both of you . . .
"I will ask Blossom to bring a good lunch up to your room, then a light snack at six, before she leaves the house for the evening: You don't want a lot of food in your tummy on these occasions!
"Then I want you to do all you can on the toilet and use a douche to wash out your bottom, before you have a good soak in a hot bath and use soap to make sure you are very clean - everywhere.
"Dress yourself in your school-kilt uniform, with a pair of simple white draws underneath - not too tight, so they will be easy to pull down . . .
"I will come up for you at seven-twenty!"
"Uncle Pent - will it hurt an awful lot??"
"Let me put it this way, Joanie love: In spite of her rule against corporal punishment at the school, I suspect that Miss Potter really enjoys spanking girls on their bare bottoms!
"By being so careless, and letting her discover you in the very act with your friend Lydia, you have given her the chance to spank you as hard and as long as she likes!
"Yes, Joanie love! I think Miss Potter is going to give you a really severe spanking tonight - on your bare bottom!
"And I hope it teaches you not to be so careless in the future, about what should only be done in a private and secure place.
"Now, upstairs and concentrate on your school books! I'll come for you just before seven thirty . . ."
I didn't even look at my school books all afternoon of course. Instead, I got out the book Uncle Penty had given two years before: "Penances for a Nun" and prepared for my spanking that night, by gazing at the pictures in the ancient book, which showed nuns being spanked by monks, in all sorts of different ways, and imagined myself in the nuns' places . . .
Blossom brought up my lunch, then a little food in the evening, and told me to be good, as she was to be out of the house for the evening.
After a shower, I put on plain white cotton panties, then a crisp white blouse, and my school kilt, with low-heeled black shiny shoes.
I brushed my shoulder-length hair until it shone, and held it back with a white ribbon . . .
Then I picked up my book again, and tried to imagine what a spanking from Miss Potter would be like, tied down so I couldn't move and watched by Lydia, and by Uncle Penty . .
I felt hot and cold by turns, with a mixture of dread, and mounting excitement . . .
By the time Uncle Penty knocked on my door, I was shaking with trepidation - and a strange feeling of joy and anticipation . . .
Uncle Penty led me down to the dining room, and I had to hold on hard to the banister rail as we descended, as my knees were wobbling with fear of what was going to happen to me. The big table had been folded away to make plenty of room for our punishments . . .
The sofa, and a padded leather-covered armchair, were arranged for people to sit and talk, with a tea-table set between them, and a sherry decanter on it too . . .
The second padded leather armchair was turned - ominously - with its back to the other seats, and some distance from them. Several pieces of soft braided rope had been placed on the floor so the ends came out on each side of the armchair, ready to tie us each in turn . . .
More than a dozen candle sconces around the room added their warm mellow glow to the usual electric lights . . .
I heard a car drive up outside, and the door knocker banged loudly -
I peeked through a crack in the curtains, and saw Miss Potter's black sedan outside.
Uncle Penty left me and went to open the door . . . and in came Lydia, looking demure and attractive, in a crisp white blouse, and her school kilt - the same as me.
Lydia was followed by Miss Potter, wearing one of her stern-looking dresses, and a grim expression on her face . . .
Uncle Penty followed them in, and closed the dining room door behind him, as Miss Potter said:
"Lydia - this is Mr. Embury: Mr. Embury - Lydia Forsythe."
And Penty shook her hand:
"Glad to meet you, Lydia!", which startled Lydia a bit!
Miss Potter looked around the dining room, sizing up the furnishings and their arrangement, then:
"Mr. Embury, let me tell Joan and Lydia again, why we are all here in your house!
"Stand here, in front of me, please, girls! and listen!!
"You are both guilty of behaving outrageously in the changing rooms of the school swimming pool yesterday!
"You were conducting yourselves in a way that was quite abominable!
"We are here for you to be punished, until I feel certain that you will never be found behaving in such a lewd and wanton fashion, ever again, on the premises of my school!!!
"If I can not feel certain tonight that you are going to change your ways, then I will have no alternative but to expel you both from school!
"You, Lydia, will be on the first flight tomorrow, to your Aunt in Canada!! And you, Joan, will never enter my school again!!!
"I am inclined to think, however, that you are both amenable to discipline and you will show me, before I leave tonight, that you are contrite, and have fully atoned for your appalling behavior!
"Lydia! Your parents have given me a letter, as you know, which permits me to arrange any punishments for you that I see fit.
"Mr. Embury, here, has kindly agreed to spank you on your bare bottom, thirty times - - - Or more if I feel that more is needed!
"Joan! After Mr. Embury has finished spanking Lydia, you will be spanked by me. Again, for thirty times - or more if I feel that more is needed to achieve your full atonement and make you completely penitent!
"Joan - Please stand there, with your back to that wall, so you see the punishment of your friend!
"I shall sit upon the sofa - Mr. Embury, please proceed with tying Lydia securely in place so she can not move and spanking her on her bare bottom, thirty times . . . . to start with!"
I saw that Uncle Penty didn't like being ordered around like this in his own house! I think it was to regain control that he said, very politely:
"Lydia . . . please take off your panties and bend yourself over the back of this padded-leather arm chair!
Lydia looked startled, but removed her pantied as modestly as she could then laid herself over the back of the back of the heavy leather arm chair, while Penty went on:
"Miss Potter, allow me to pour you a schooner of Bristol Cream sherry - unless you would prefer tea? . . . Then sherry it is!
"The room is not over-warm . . . let me give you this silk shawl across your lap to warm you!
"Blossom left us some cake on the table here, before she went for the evening . . . Do please help yourself, and to the sherry, while I devote my full attention to young Lydia here!"
Miss Potter took a deep drink of the sherry, and bit into a substantial slice of cake, while she settled herself comfortably into the sofa, with an air of expectation that said: "Let the games proceed!"
"Lydia . . . Please move your hips forward, so you are further over the back of the chair!"
And I saw it was the padded leather armchair which had a small lump sticking up on top of the back - a lump which would fit snugly in, to press against Lydia's pussy . . .
"Good! Now, I am going to hold you in place with ropes so you will be unable to move while I am punishing you".
With that, Penty tied Lydia's wrists to the front legs of the leather armchair.
Then Penty tied Lydia's ankles to the back legs of the armchair while he pulled them wide apart. He followed this by bringing up the ropes that he had already placed under the chair and lay on the floor where they came out on each side, and tied them round her body.
By the time he had finished, Lydia had been trussed with the soft braided lines that encircled her body in four separate places, from each side.
The ropes made Lydia look as though she must be a desperate criminal: they were far more than were needed to hold her secure and she could hardly breathe by the look of it.
"I have tied the ropes with knots that will not slip, Lydia, so they won't tighten on you: It is soft braided rope so it will not mark you, and it is a bit elastic: if you pull it hard, it will stretch a little, then bring you back again to where you were before.
"Now, my job is to spank you - hard! I have no wish to be staring at your brightly illuminated bare bottom; I am turning off the electric lights, so we are left with the flickering candlelight, which is a more appropriate to the painful and terrible punishment you are about to receive.
"Lydia, I am going to lift your kilt now . . . So!!
"Now, Lydia! I want to hear you ask me yourself, to spank your bare bottom - thirty times!"
"Mr. Embury, pleasegivemethirtyspanks . . . onmybarebot ! ! !"
. . . poor Lydia was so embarrassed that could hardly say the words!
"Lydia, I could hardly hear what you were saying! Ask me again, please! And speak slowly in a clear voice, loud enough for us all to hear plainly!!"
"Hru-hmph: Mr. Embury, please give me thirty spanks . . . on my bare bottom ! ! !"
"Thank you! I will do as you ask, Lydia! I want you to count the number after each spank . . . "One, Mr Embury", "Two, Mr Embury", and so on . . .
"I expect you will become extremely penitent, Lydia, long before you count to thirty!
"All right, Lydia?"
"Yes, Mr Embury!" . . . in a shaking voice, muffled down in the depths of the armchair.
Then Uncle Penty stood back and removed his tweed sports jacket, where Lydia could see what he was doing, and rolled up the right sleeve of his shirt, to show her a tanned and muscular forearm . . .
Lydia's lovely bottom, at the top of her long and slender legs, was beautifully rounded, and the color of rich cream . . .
Uncle Penty rested his left hand on Lydia's bare botom and moved his feet to put him at the right distance, adjusting his feet in a very business-like manner . . .
His hand was laid on Lydia's left cheek, and his fingers moved as though he were playing a piano . . .
"Lydia! The muscles of your bottom are tense! You must relax them before I spank you, or I might damage you there . . . .
"That's better ! !"
Then he pulled his left hand away and swung his right arm. He brought his hand down hard on Lydia's left cheek, with a loud . . . . SMAKKKKKKKKKKKKKK
Her cheek flattened, then bounced back, wobbling for a moment from the shock of Pent's hand landing - WALLOP - on her soft creamy bottom . . .
Pent knew from me that Lydia liked to be spanked . . . but she had never been spanked this severely before, judging by the way she screamed! After several moments gasping for breath:
"One, Mr Embury!"
Uncle Penty put out his left hand again, and gently touched Lydia's soft round cheeks . . .
"Relaaaaaax your bottom, Lydia! You must relaaaaaaax!"
Then Penty's right arm swung back and he brought his hand down again with a loud . . . SMAKKKKKKKKKKKKKK on Lydia's right cheek this time.
Again his hand completely flattened Lydia's soft round cheek and she let out a yell to raise the roof and her body jerked hard against the ropes that tied her! ! !
I'd seen that Pent had kept his hand cupped, so it made a lot of noise when it met the soft roundness of Lydia's bottom, without really hurting her a great deal . . .
With her quick intelligence, Lydia had understood without being told by Uncle Penty, that she had to show every sign of extreme pain, and make sounds of deep remorse, so Miss Potter would accept that thirty spanks were sufficient ! ! ! !
After more gasping and heavy breathing, Lydia's choked voice mumbled:
"Twoooo, Mr Embury!"
"Louder please, Lydia, so we can all hear!"
And Uncle Penty reached out his left hand again, to strum a gentle tattoo on Lydia's left cheek once more:
"Relaaaaaax, Lydia ! ! ! ! I will massage you a bit so there'll be no bruises to show later ! ! I will not spank you until your bottom is completely relaaaaaaxed!
Then, quickly again, Uncle Penty took his left hand away and his right arm swung back before his hand came down hard on her soft round bottom, making a loud . . . . SMAKKKKKKKKKKKKKK
and Lydia jerked hard against the ropes around her body and shouted as though the roof had fallen in . . . and kept sobbing . . . . for a long time . . . then:
"Threeeeee, Mr. Embury ! ! !"
Uncle Penty's left hand came out again to touch lightly on Lydia's bottom, and ever so gently . . . massaging her beautiful soft round cheeks . . .
Lydia told me next day - Uncle Penty's light touch on her bottom made her soooooo excited !
All I was able to see by the light of the flickering candles, was Penty's fingers lightly touching Lydia's bottom, as he said over and over:
"Relaaaax, Lydia! Relaaaax your bottom! You will bruise far less! Relaaaaax!"
Lydia told me though, that while Uncle Penty's fingers were playing lightly over her bottom, his thumb had every time slid down between her cheeks, and pressed on her rosebud, then his slippery thumb slid right on down between the lips of her pussy, making her almost out of her mind with delirious excitement . . .
And each time he pulled his left hand away, just before the other one came down . . . . SLAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP ! ! ! ! ! ! ! on her soft warm bottom . . . and she YELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLED in pain while her body jumped and tugged at the ropes - before they sprang back and returned her to where she had been.
(I relayed what Lydia said to Uncle Penty next day, too, so he didn't need to worry about maybe having got too rough with her).
As the number of spanks mounted, Uncle Penty would say:
"Relaaaaaax, Lydia! No tensing your muscles! Just relaaaaaaax your bottom! Easy now! Relaaaaax!"
And he not only massaged her bottom, "to help you to relax, Lydia!" but he began to rock her bottom from side to side as well, on the back of the padded leather armchair so the bump under her pussy worked its way in, to press on her clitty, as she rocked from side to side on the top of the leather chair . . .
Then Uncle Penty would stop his massage without warning, and he brought down his right hand to meet her soft round bottom again, with a resounding . . . . SMAKKKKKKKKKKKKKK
And Lydia yelled and sobbed and gasped and shuddered, and jerked against the ropes that held her fast, again and again . . . before she eventually called out the count in a choking voice:
"Twenty Fiiiiiiive Mr. Embury ! ! ! !", or whatever the number had got up to!
I was getting sooooo excited, watching my friend get her lovely bottom spanked then massaged, spanked then massaged, making her jerk and wriggle around more with every spank . . .
And I saw Miss Potter's hand seemed to be greatly agitated under the silk shawl over her lap, while she had poured herself a second large glass of the sweet sherry, and had sipped deep into it . . .
At last, Uncle Penty's hand landed . . . . SMAKKKKKKKKKKKKKK, on Lydia's scarlet bottom and she yelled in agony:
"Thiiiirty Miiiister Emmmmbury!!!!, Ohhhhhhh!! That MUST be all ! ! ! I am terribly sorry ! ! ! I will never do anything like it again ! ! I promise ! ! ! Can you stop spanking me ? Pleeeeeeeeeeeease ? ! ! !"
I saw Uncle Penty turn to Miss Potter:
"I feel sure our purpose has been achieved, Miss Potter ! ! ! Don't you agree ? !", and nodded his head to reinforce it . . .
Miss Potter said:
"Lydia! I accept your apology! I feel sure you will never be found again misbehaving in the way you were!
"Mr. Embury will release the ropes holding you, then stand up, girl! Straighten your clothes, then go and stand against the wall beside Joan . . . ."
I saw Uncle Penty slip Lydia her panties to tuck inside her blouse, instead of having to pull them up over her blazing bottom.
Then he helped Lydia to stand upright, and straighten her kilt so it hung properly.
Uncle Penty supported Lydia firmly by her arm, as she walked painfully over to where I was standing, and leaned her back gently against the wall, as she turned to watch my spanking . . .
"Joan! Come here, child! I am going to spank you over my knee!
"I am going to give you a plain old-fashioned bare-bottom spanking, with no stopping to count, or anything like that!
"Mr. Embury, please move the table and tea things back out the way then sit and watch as a witness . . .
"Now, Joan, take your panties off, if you please . . . . and lay yourself over my lap, as I stay seated on the sofa here . .
"Joan! You have behaved outrageously! When I have finished, I want to hear you say you are sorry, and will never behave that way again!"
"Lay yourself over my knees now . . . and I raise your kilt . . thus!
"You can make all the noise you like, Joan; I will not stop until I am finished!"
And Miss Potter spanked me, hard, with her tennis hand on my tender young bottom . . . which had much less padding than Lydia's . .
Uncle Penty and Lydia watched all of my bare-bottomed spanking... and heard my shouts and yells of pain and agony, as I kicked my legs -
They stared as I squirmed my bottom, and writhed, and wriggled around on Miss Potter's lap, trying to ease the pain . . .
Choking with tears, and sobbing so hard with the agony, it was difficult to get breath . . .
It was non-stop hard spanking on my poor young bottom, and Miss Potter hurt me terribly . . .
I believe she hit me as hard as she possibly could, and I'm sure she was not counting . . .
She just went on as long as she had the strength . . while I yelled and squirmed and wriggled every whichway . . .
Miss Potter's spanking totally lacked the slow decorum of Uncle Penty's spanking of Lydia, with her "Twenty Five Mr Embury!"
No massage to reduce the pain and bruising! No pause for me to get my breath! Just on and on and on . . .
And my awful embarrassment at having Uncle Penty and Lydia gaze, as my bare bottom was beaten to pulp, right in front of their eyes . . .
And when Miss Potter at last stopped spanking me, she did like she had done two years before: she dug her long finger nails into my sore bottom, and clawed at my red hot cheeks, saying:
"That's to rub it in!!, That's to rub it in!!, That's to rub it in!!"
Just as she'd said last time . . . while I continued to yell and sob and squirm and wriggle and shout over and over:
"I'm sorry Miss Potter! I will never do anything like it again ! ! Please forgive me ! ! I'm sorry ! I'm sorry ! ! I'm so-o-o-o-orry ! !
After I had managed to shout this about six times, between sobs and moans, at last - Uncle Penty said loudly, so he could be heard above my din:
"Miss Potter, I think we have achieved what we set out to do, with Joan as well as Lydia, don't you think? And we want to avoid any suggestion of excessive punishment, don't we?!"
At last Miss Potter took her long finger nails out of my bottom and said:
"Stand up, Joan! I accept you apology, and your assurances that you will never again be found the way I discovered you yesterday!"
Miss Potter stood up from the sofa herself and said:
"Thank you, Mr Embury. I feel our objective has been attained. Both girls deeply regret their conduct yesterday and I accept their apologies!
"I want you both in class on time tomorrow morning girls! Now, Lydia, thank Mr. Embury for attending to you so carefully! Then come to the car with me . . ."
Lydia said:
"Mr Embury!! Thank you! !"
. . . . and I saw the others were just as surprised as me: Lydia flung her arms around Uncle Penty, and kissing him long and passionately . . . while hugging him tightly to her.
Lydia told me next day - She had never before felt so loved and cared for by anyone - as while Uncle Penty was spanking her . . .
I felt a sudden twinge of jealousy watching Lydia hug Uncle Penty . . but remembered she had no father in her life, and as her dear friend, I really ought to share Uncle Penty with Lydia from now on . . .
"Lydia! That's quite enough now! Come with me child!!"
Miss Potter led the way, as Uncle Penty opened the doors for them.
While the others' backs were turned, Lydia turned and radiated at me a smile of pure ecstasy, and I grinned back at her . . . then she followed Miss Potter and Uncle Penty to the car.
Lydia got in the back, I noticed, to lie lengthwise across the seat, so she didn't have to sit on her bottom ! ! ! !
As Uncle Penty came back into the dining room, he said:
"Wait while I put out some of these candles . . ."
and went round snuffing them with his thumb and finger, until there were only two in the whole room that were left burning, and in that dim flickering light Uncle Penty said:
"Joanie love, Miss Potter treated you a bit roughly, I thought, and did nothing to soothe your bottom after she had punished it so severely!
"Come and lay yourself over the back of this armchair, and let me see what I can do to take away the pain . . .
"As you bend over, lift your kilt all round, so you are not crushing it under you! No point in messing it up any more than we have to!"
There was so little light from just the two candles, that I tripped on the rug, and nearly fell on my face, as I went over to the armchair that Uncle Penty had sat in and watched my spanking . . .
But I got there in one piece, thankfully, and lifted my kilt, and laid my bare tummy over the padded leather back, and Uncle Penty lifted my kilt at the back, to bare my blazing hot bottom to the air . . .
"I will lightly rub on some vitamin cream; It will feel nice and cooool, and help remove your bruises . . .
"Theeeeere! . . . Sooooothing, isn't it?! . . . .
His gentle and expert hands quickly helped the pain to go, and excited me as only Uncle Penty knows how . . .
I just let my eyes close, down there in the depths of the chair, as he soothed the sore sore cheeks of my poor battered bot, and I felt his fingers start to slide further and further, down between my cheeks, and separate my legs, so his hand moved right under me to stroke my pussy . . . and it felt gorgeous . . . . . . . . . . . .
Then I felt a strange sensation and I couldn't figure at first what Uncle Penty was doing . . . Then I realized: He was nuzzling his mouth deep in between my cheeks . . and his tongue touched my rosebud.
He kissed and licked and sucked until his tongue began to slide right up into my bottom and he kept sucking and slurping . . . and the feelings were making me deliriously excited.
Then he took his tongue out of my bottom and licked up between my legs to kiss and suck the lips of my pussy while his fingers kept teasing my clitty . . . He was doing to me almost the same as I had been doing to Lydia when Miss Potter walked in and caught us . . .
Then his probing tongue went back to my rosebud and he French-kissed me deeper and deeper there while I got more and more excited . . . I couldn't stop myself as I was swept up, up, up on the crest of a huge high wave and I began jerking uncontrollably and my bottom must have hit Penty in the face often while he thrust his tongue into my bottom harder and harder and deeper and deeper until fireworks seemed to explode in front of my eyes and I peaked out and collapsed down again onto the round back of the leather armchair and out of this world in a pink haze of exhausted delight . . .
I vaguely remember after that, Uncle Penty carrying me upstairs to bed, where he laid me gently down and took off my kilt, then rolled me over on my tummy and kissed my mouth as he murmured:
"Sleep very well, Joanie my love!"
I wakened in the morning, with the sun flooding in through my bedroom window, and I moved stiffly to my bathroom for a shower.
Uncle Penty was already at the breakfast table. I gave him a hug that morning that was longer and tighter than usual, and Blossom smiled from the sideboard:
"Somebody is fond of you, Mr. Embury!"
Life with Uncle Penty was so wonderful: It was worth every bit of the pain of being brutally spanked by Miss Potter to feel his love for me afterwards in that deeply caring and very intimate way.
Our biggest track event of the summer was against River Valley Girls' School: it was the last event of the season, just a week before the end of the summer term. Excitement on the day was tense. I was best at hurdles so I'd been entered for that race. I heard they had a really good hurdler - Jennifer. With me at fifteen, she was a year older, and the other two in the race were both seventeen - I was to be the youngest competitor . . .
Hundred meters, 500 meters, long jump, high jump, . . . . all the other events had been completed - only the hurdle race was left. Two of us were running from Miss Potter's and two from River Valley.
We got ready on the starting line - the pistol went . . . But it was a false start - someone had jumped the gun.
Again we got ready at the starting line and the pistol went -and we were off . . .
Jennifer and I soon left the other two behind and went neck and neck throwing ourselves over one hurdle after another. I felt I was flying - with feet barely touching the ground as I skimmed each hurdle in turn.
We must have been only a split second apart as Jennifer and I came to the final hurdle, and both schools had gone mad with their cheering:
"Go it Jennifer! Jennifer!! Jennifer!!! Jennifer!!!!
"Joanie! Joanie!! Joanie!!! Well Done Joanie!!!!"
and I took that last hurdle as though I was lifted and propelled by the will of all my friends - cheering . . .
But I hardly got over it -I wondered the bar hadn't fallen -I felt it hit me hard and sore right on my pussy as I leaped over it . . .
That stinging blow galvanized me to a last desperate effort . . . and I broke the tape just a hairsbreadth ahead of Jennifer -
I staggered and fell flat on the grass, exhausted, and rolled over on my back . . .
I heard a gasp go up from the spectators near me -one girl shrieked -Matron Dibbs rushed up and threw a towel over me -Two men put a stretcher down on the grass . . . .
I couldn't figure what the fuss was about - Matron said:
"It's always the hurdles that does it!! . . Now don't you worry Joan. This just happens once in a girl's life, and it's quite normal! You're going to be fine!
"Roll over onto the stretcher then the men will carry you into the First Aid tent and you can just lie still in there and rest . . ." and she helped me to roll over to be face-down on the stretcher.
She thanked the men and closed the tent doors behind them.
When Matron helped me roll over on my back and lifted the towel off me, I saw - the whole front of my running shorts was soaked in blood . . .
I went rigid in fear - while Matron said:
"That's all right, Joan! That's all right! It's quite normal!"
and calmly cut away my shorts with scissors and cleaned me up with warm water. The blood was all over my tummy and down between my legs. . . but she just gave me a quick wipe and said:
"Lie very still and don't move! You're a healthy girl and the bleeding has stopped already -lie still here for an hour, and it won't begin again!
"You've just torn some skin that doesn't usually get torn until a girl's wedding night! It's all that stretching to go over the hurdles -
"I know -it always happens to someone so I'm ready every sports day waiting for it in that hurdles race!"
That made me feel better and I lay still, there on the camp bed . . . and I must have dropped off to sleep because the next thing Matron Dibbs was shaking me:
"You can get up - carefully now - Joan! I will take you home in my car . . . there . . . wrap this bath towel round your middle . . .
"Miss Potter came to see you, then your Uncle Embury, but you had dropped off to sleep.
"I told them that you should stay home and rest tomorrow, so don't come into school -Just lie on a couch for the day!!"
Somehow it didn't matter much: I had won the silver medal for the inter-school hurdles race - and I was still only fifteen ! !
When we reached home, Uncle Penty and Blossom came out on the driveway and he opened the car door. I was glad Matron had wrapped the towel to make me decent.
Uncle Penty thanked her and said:
"Yes, could you perhaps come round about nine in the morning and check that Joan is all right? Thank you, Matron!"
Uncle Penty bent over and slid his arms underneath and picking me up very gently with me hanging onto his neck. He carried me carefully in and straight up the stairs to my bed. Blossom had put a plastic sheet under the bedclothes, she said, "Just to make sure!". He laid me gently down on my back and kissed me, then left Blossom to help me get into pajamas.
Blossom brought me juicy chicken sandwiches for supper - but I could only eat a little and drank some of the milk, then just went to sleep again, propped up on pillows behind my back.
Uncle Penty came before breakfast to see me next morning. He was so glad when I told him I'd already been to the bathroom on my own - so we knew I could do that safely . . .
Then he said the same as Matron Dibbs - "This happens to every girl sometime in her life!". He had an anatomy book with him and showed in a picture where the skin had torn . . . while I won the inter-school hurdle race - AND a silver medal!!
He asked if I'd ever felt in there with a finger (I had!) and found the way was blocked -
"Well", he said, "It isn't blocked any longer!"
"But don't try again for a week or two, to let it heal completely!"
Blossom came with a breakfast tray and I was ready for the boiled eggs and toast! Matron Dibbs arrived in the middle of it -and she saw at once that I was doing all right! She left advising Uncle Penty to give me iron tablets and to have me eat plenty of spinach - Lucky thing I liked it!
Well, that was a lot of excitement about very little! When I got back to school the next day, Miss Potter called me up onto the stage in morning assembly, and presented me with a silver cup for the school and a huge silver medal for myself - in a case with blue velvet lining.
"For Inter-School Hurdles, to Joan, who injured herself in winning this trophy for our school, and the youngest of our athletes ever to win this high award!"
and all the girls burst out in applause and cheering - I believe they thought I had purposely hurt myself for the sake of the school!
I walked slowly back to my place - loving the moment, as I showed off the cup and the big shiny medal in its case - doing my best to look as though "my injury" had left it painful for me to move!
Lydia told me the same thing had happened to her, but it was when she was out horse-back-riding in the Christmas break, up in Ontario, and she had dripped blood in the snow, all the way back to the stables - she'd been terrified with not knowing what had happened to her. I was lucky for me that Matron was nearby, and she knew what to do about it!
Lydia told me we could do a lot of exciting things together, now it had happened to both of us - but she wouldn't say what, just:
"Wait till I come back after the summer holidays -and I'll show you ! ! !"
And she flew to Ontario two days later, when school ended for the summer vacations . . .
I was off at camp most of the summer, canoeing and swimming and riding: I learned to jump a horse over a five-bar gate! And I got good with sailing a Sunfish on the lake, and playing the guitar by the wood fire in the evening. My songs were sad though - I wished so much that Lydia had been there!
When I came home from camp, it was soooooo good to see Uncle Penty and Blossom again, and be back in my own room, and have proper meals again!
Uncle Penty told me over dinner - which Blossom had made my favorite tasty Irish stew - that he wanted my paediatric specialist Dr. Cooper to check me over before school started - I was to give a blood sample the next day, and see Dr. Cooper the week after - "Just routine - make sure I hadn't picked up anything at camp!"
Well, when I saw Dr. Cooper - who knew me well by this time of course - he listened to my breathing and heart and everything. Then:
"The biggest hazard at a camp is the insects, Joan. I want to examine you closely for bites of any kind -Go behind that screen and take all your clothes off and put on the gown you'll find there -the opening goes at the back . . . ."
"Good! Now lie face down on the examination table . . . and I'll start by looking at your back"
"First, I'll run this fine-toothed comb through your hair -and onto a piece of paper . . . ."
"And the magnifier shows . . . . . none of the specs on the paper are suspicious!"
"Next, I am going to use this big magnifying glass that moves around above the table to examine every square inch of your skin -Just stay quite still as I look . . . ."
I could feel Dr. Cooper open the gown all down my back and lay it back so he could see every bit of me from head to toe which he had seen all before, years ago . . .
"Some of the nastiest insects like deer ticks which can give you Lyme disease leave a mark smaller than a pin head!"
"Some bites leave almost no visible trace -So you must tell me if it hurts anywhere that I press, Joan!" and Dr. Cooper pressed with his finger tips over every part of me starting at my neck and working his way slooooowly down my back and sides moving the huge magnifying glass around and peering through it -pressing me firmly with his finger tips in one place after another to see if I could feel the jabby pains of any insect bites.
He pressed too firmly to tickle but it felt strangely exciting to have his fingers cover every single square inch of me . . .
It reminded me of the very first time I had met him -I'd felt then he was a doctor I would gladly trust with my life.
His probing fingers got to my waist - and made me wince, but not with bites -
He missed out my bottom - which I wondered at -and went straight on down my legs and all over the soles of my feet.
Then - and I needed to wonder no longer! -
"I want you to slide on your tummy towards the end of the table now so your legs hang down -I'll pull you by the ankles -gently . . ."
"There! Now put your feet wide apart on the platform down there -and I'll sit on this low stool to make sure I miss nothing . . ."
Dr. Cooper's finger tips pressed all around my bottom and right in onto my rosebud -and he must have seen I was starting to get hot and wet down there with the excitement . . .
"Good! All clear so far!"
"While you are like this dangling over the end of the table it's a good time to take your temperature, Joan . . ."
"Just relax while I lubricate you . . ."
He slipped on a thin rubber glove and seemed to spend ages lubricating it thoroughly - in full view of me so I could see him doing it -
Then he came over and I felt one of his fingers pressing down on my rosebud . . . and his finger rocked from side to side and pressed and rocked and pressed . . . until his huge finger started to sliiiiide up into my bottom -
He kept his finger inside my bottom and I could feel him moving it around in there . . .
"A few moments with this wriggling finger gets you really relaxed so the thermometer is actually quite pleasant when I slide it in!"
"Now - the thermometer probe itself! It is a bit larger than a plain rectal thermometer -This steel tube has instruments to measure your temperature and your pulse and your blood oxygen all at the same time!"
"It has been standing in warm water to make it more welcome to your bottom when I slide it in!"
"Just relaaaaaaax, Joan! . . . It has a smooth round end and it's smaller than my finger which was inside you a moment ago -"
"I push gennnnnnnntly . . . And there it is -sliiiiding right up all the way inside your bottom !"
The steel probe felt stragely exciting up there in my bottom and Dr. Cooper held his hand firmly on my cheeks to stop it from slipping back out again . . .
"You can see the pens on the chart over here -The red one is your temperature - still rising. Green is blood oxygen - a good high reading The one going up and down is your pulse . . ."
"There - your temperature measurement has leveled off - normal. And the probe slides back out of you again -of its own accord!"
"Everything as it should be there! and we have a record of it." and he gave my rosebud a slow careful wipe with cotton wool . . .
"Now - back up on the table again -and roll over on your back I'll take your gown right off to see if anything has been biting at your front . . ."
"Start at your neck again -and it takes time, you know, as I press everywhere on you one place at a time -But we can not rush this . . ."
breasts -
armpits -
tummy -
waist -
groin -
legs -
feet . . .
All clear - Good!
"The last thing I need to look at, Joan: The school matron tells me you had some haemorrhage after a hurdle race. I want you to put your ankles up in these stirrups so I can examine you in there."
"I will sit on this stool which puts my eyes at the right height -and I gently sliiiiide my finger innnnnnn -there!"
"And now a vaginascope -No! Don't flinch -I have warmed it and lubricated it so it'll feel all right . . ."
"There -it's in -that's not unpleasant -is it?!" and the smooth warm glass thing that Dr. Cooper has slid into my pussy felt looooovely!
I could feel -I was getting wet and excited down there and I wanted to move to make it slide further in . . .
"Don't move now -while I look at the walls of your vagina . . ."
"Good! You're in great shape there! All healed up again and no scars left!"
"Right! That ends my examination -go back behind the screen and get dressed again, Joan!"
After I returned, fully clothed:
"You're in good shape physically, Joan my dear. There's just one thing -your blood analysis shows you are low in hypo-somelongword. It often happens to girls while they are growing! I am going to give you an injection which will take care of that . . ."
"It's easiest for you to have the injection in the cheek of your bottom -so just bend over the table one more time . . . I raise your kilt and pull your panties down a bit . . . And that's it!"
"A few patients feel a bit uncomfortable after this injection -one likely side-effect is to change your periods or stop them all together and it's nothing to worry about! But if you find anything unusual like being dizzy come and see me straight away!"
"It's most unlikely, though!"
"I want to see you every three months for a year to repeat the injection -Then we will do another blood test to see how you are doing."
"All right, Joan? The receptionist at the front desk will make the appointments. Nice to see you again! Give my regards to your uncle -Good-bye!"
When I got back from my visit to Dr. Cooper I told Uncle Penty what he'd said of course, and he noted the dates of my appointments in his own calendar, too so he could remind me and make sure I didn't miss any of the injections.
My periods did get irregular but I did not notice any other effects from those injections -I wouldn't even have known the shots were doing anything for me!
The next term at school began with rehearsals for a play that had Lydia and me in it: Romeo and Juliet. We both had just minor parts but the boring rehearsals were every Saturday as well as during some weeknight evenings - for four whole weeks . . . We had to sit and watch these dreary rehearsals when we were not on-stage ourselves -"to really learn the play"!!
Saturday was the only day that boarders were allowed out to visit - if their Dorm Mother signed a permission slip - and I was itching to have Lydia come to our house so she could tell me more about "a lot of exciting things we can do together".
We finally got to act the play after all those weeks of rehearsals - and it was awful! Juliet was played by a thirteen-year-old, who had no idea what it was all about, but Uncle Penty told me that Shakespeare had meant her to be only thirteen. Maybe they had different customs back then and Italian girls matured earlier!
But whoever heard of Romeo being played by a girl?!
The very next Saturday Lydia at last got permission to come and visit me.
She came after the school lunch. Uncle Penty had gone out in the morning and said he wouldn't be back until after dinner: we two were to eat without him - and "Please give my regards to Lydia!"
Really, I don't think he wanted to have dinner with Lydia so soon after that awful bare-bottom spanking that Miss Potter had him give her, in the summer term, last year . . .
Anyhow, Lydia came at two o'clock, and I took her straight up to show her my room . . .
She had said rather mysteriously in school on Friday:
"I like to eat raw carrots, you know! Can you get some from Blossom before I come on Saturday and have them up in your room ready for me to nibble on?"
"Nice long ones thick and thin -they taste different you know! A mix of all sizes . . ."
Blossom had said:
"You sure do have funny friends Miss Joan! Peeled carrots -All long, but some thick and some thin you say!"
"All right! that's easy . . . I'll peel a pound of carrots for your friend Miss Lydia and you come and fetch them to your room Saturday morning!"
I had never seen Lydia eat a raw carrot! but I had them all ready for her in my room -shiny and moist . . .
We had both been warned at the start of the term by Miss. Potter that even after more than a year we were still on probation because of "That disgusting episode at the swimming pool!!" And we were not to be seen so much as holding hands -
"NO public display of affection ! ! !"
Or we would both be expelled on the spot . . .
The result was Lydia and I had hardly even touched each other in all that time since that evening at the school swim pool . . .
It had been so hard all through those months of school and I felt like a walking time-bomb ready to explode at the slightest touch of Lydia's hand . . .
As soon as we were in my room I turned and locked the door - I had even used oil so it hardly made a sound -and we kissed . . .
My hands wandered joyfully all over Lydia's lovely body -stroking and pressing and cuddling -And Lydia responded eagerly . . .
But as soon as my lips left hers Lydia asked:
"Where's that old book you talked about? The one your uncle Penty gave you about nuns' penances? Let's look at it . . ."
"Lie on the bed with me and I'll show you . . . Here it is -It's got pictures just like I said!"
And we lay on our tummies with our hands caressing each other as we turned the pages together . . .
" I can translate most of the Latin now but you don't really need it! Look, the monk is spanking this nun's bottom with his hand as she lies on the table tied to it . . ."
"Let's look through it . . . Ooooh! The monk does just about everything you could think of with the nun! He spanks her with his hand then a paddle then a leather belt then beats her with a bunch of willow switches!"
"Some of the time she is held by other nuns -"
"Other times she is tied so she can't move . . ."
"Joanie, you've got a grey cape with a hood -the one you come to school in when it when it's cold . . ."
"It's my turn to spank you -give me the cape and cowl to put on so I look like a monk! . . . . ."
"That's right -and I'll pull the cowl up: just like a monk! and close the curtains of the punishment room!"
"Now lie on the bed, Joanie . . . . on your tummy . . . and I pull off . . . . your panties . . . ."
"And I lift your skirt . . . . ready to give you a penance . . . for all the things you have done wrong . . ."
"You are a naughty nun!"
"You were caught asleep in the services in chapel four times this week!"
"You were late for kitchen duty almost every day!"
"You were insolent to Mother Superior!"
"You were found wearing dirty linen twice!"
"You should feel thoroughly ashamed of yourself!"
"Are you ready for your penance, nun ? ? ?"
"Yes, Father ! For I have been very naughty ! ! Please make my penance a hard one ! ! ! Don't stop even if I cry . . . ."
And Lydia started to spank my bare bottom
"Ooooh! Harder, Father ! !"
"Ooooh! I'm terrible, Father ! I am sooooo sorry for what I have done ! Please punish me well for it !"
And Lydia went at it, spanking my bottom as hard as she could go -
She went on and on for ages slapping my bare bottom . . .
and covered every part, so by the end I could see my bottom was scarlet all over and was stinging dreadfully . . .
"Your penance is completed, nun! Now turn over onto your back so your bottom hurts you -and for me to show that you are forgiven and that you are truly loved . . ."
Oh!! It hurt me terribly to have my scarlet sore bottom pressing down on the blanket . . .
But once I was turned over onto my back Lydia began to fondle my pussy with one hand and my little boobies with the other -
One of her fingers started to feel its way into my pussy opening -and it seemed to slide in quite easily and it felt wonderful . . .
Then Lydia stopped and separated my legs - wide . . .
She picked up a long carrot about as thick as my middle finger and put it in her mouth and sucked it a bit . . .
Then she put the thick end of the carrot on my pussy and started to gently push on my pussy opening as she smiled at me and looked deep into my eyes . . .
And the carrot slid up - up - up into my quim . . . and it was lovely . . wonderful . . gorgeous . . .
I had never felt anything so heavenly before -and I moaned in delight -
Lydia moved the carrot out and in again -out and in again -out and in again . . .
I don't know how often -but I was soon lost to the world on cloud nine shuddering and I peaked out -squirming and wriggling and sighing and moaning in my heavenly delight . . .
It was just soooooo wonderful -I didn't know before that anything could be so wonderful . . .
As I lay half-conscious on the bed I vaguely knew that Lydia was doing to herself what she'd just done to me . . .
She was lying beside me on the bed with her hand sliding a carrot in and out in and out in and out -faster and faster . . . until she gasped and shook and jerked then lay still . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A bit later when we had both come back to life again we cuddled tight and tenderly kissed . . . .
"Lydia - that was so wonderful ! ! You are nice to show me what a carrot can do !"
"What shall we do with the ones we used?"
"Give me the one that was in your pussy, Joanie -" and she put it in her mouth and began to eat it . . .
"I want to eat the one that is in you, Lydia -"
I pulled it slowly out of her and munched the warm sweet-tasting carrot that had been up inside Lydia's cunnie . . .
Ooooooh! What a day that was! My life had taken on a whole new dimension . . . I was soooo excited.
I just hugged Lydia awful tight and kept saying:
"Thank you dear sweet Lydia ! Thank you ! ! Thank you ! ! ! Thank you ! ! ! !"
"I can never thank you enough for what you've shown me today ! ! ! ! !"
"I do love you so !"
"Now, better get straightened up -Blossom will soon have our dinner ready downstairs . . ."
"I told you we could do a lot of exciting things together now we've both lost our maidenheads!"
"And they are wonderful things aren't they?!"
"Let's both have a shower -but no drying me this time!"
"Ooooh! Your bottom *is* red ! I really did give you a penance this time -Pays you back for the spanking your Uncle Pent gave me !"
We were both so happy -We chattered our way down to the dining room and right through dinner.
As Blossom took the dishes away she said:
"I hope you liked the carrots, Miss Lydia?"
And Lydia, bold as brass:
"Yes, thank you Blossom They were delicious ! In fact I'll take the ones we didn't eat back to school with me ! Thanks again !
As soon as Blossom had shut the door:
"Lydia, how could you ? !" and I burst out giggling . . .
I put my coat on to walk Lydia back to her dorm but just as we were leaving Uncle Penty opened the front door . . .
"Hello, Lydia! Just leaving? Sorry to have missed dinner with you -I was so looking forward to meeting you again . . ."
Lydia blushed scarlet:
"Another time I hope Lydia!" and she ran out of the house in embarrassment and down the front steps . . .
I followed and walked with Lydia back to her dorm and said good-bye to her just as the Minster clock struck seven . . . But we didn't dare even kiss as we said good-night with so much light from the street-lamps . . .
I was floating on air all the way back home -What a wonderful world Lydia had opened up to me today !
And I had kept some of the carrots instead of giving them all to Lydia to take back to school -And Blossom had plenty more where they had come from . . .
When I got back to the house Uncle Penty met me in the hallway;
"Hope you had fun with Lydia?! Blossom tells me she likes raw carrots - peeled! Has she taught you to like them too? They are really very good for you -help you to see in the dark, they say . . ."
"Yes Uncle Penty I think Lydia has converted me !"
And I'm sure he knew exactly what it was that Lydia had converted me to !
Next week at school brought the worst news:
Miss Potter had looked through the permission slips for the week and saw that Lydia had visited me at home.
She had called Lydia into her study;
"Lydia, I see you visited Joan on Saturday! After what happened last year I don't think that is at all a good idea -I have instructed your Dorm Mother to sign no more permission slips for you to visit Joan . . ."
"And don't try to argue with me!"
"You know very well that if I had to tell anyone the reason for this, I would have to expel you both immediately!!"
"That is all !"
When Lydia told me I was horrified . . .
I told Uncle Penty but he just said:
"You have lots of other friends, Joanie who you can invite here any time . . ."
"No one can stop Miss Potter from having a nasty suspicious mind!"
But I wasn't sure if Uncle Penty had guessed what Lydia and I had done together when she visited and was just joking to me about Miss Potter's 'Nasty suspicious mind' !
Either way he clearly thought he couldn't help . . . and I told Lydia.
I was back to those agonizing look-but-can't-touch days again -just aching to melt into an embrace with Lydia . . .
Then about the end of November I had a brilliant idea: Why doesn't Lydia spend the whole Christmas break with me instead of going up to her Aunt in Ontario?!
I told Lydia and she thought it was a marvelous idea! She would write and ask her Aunt for permission and she gave me her Aunt's address so Uncle Pent could write too and ask for her to stay -
It would solve everything to have Lydia to myself all through Christmas and for my sixteenth birthday as well . . .
Penances for Nuns every day ! ! ! !
Over dinner that night I did my best to control my excitement as I asked Uncle Penty would he please write to Lydia's Aunt -to get permission for her to stay with us for the whole Christmas vacation, specially as it was my sixteenth birthday then . . .
Uncle Penty said he liked the idea - maybe he thought he just might *have to* spank Lydia again -and he wrote that very evening to Lydia's Aunt . . .
I was so excited waiting for Lydia's Aunt to say "Yes"! It was difficult to get any work done with the anticipation.
No answer for a week! Lydia said the mail took for ever in Canada . .
No answer the next week either . . . But at the end of the third week -a letter came addressed to Uncle Penty from Ontario . . .
He was late home that evening - he would have to be! and didn't get in until ten o'clock. I'd stayed up past my bed time -to know the answer from Lydia's Aunt . . .
When he came in from dinner with a friend the first thing Uncle Penty did was go to the John -Then he came into the study with me and poured himself a Scotch while I held the letter and the letter knife ready for him to open it . . .
The whole vacation sharing a bed with Lydia . . . I was almost bursting as I waited while Uncle Penty calmly slit open the letter and read it -
"Joanie, love!" and I knew from his tone what the answer was . . . . . . .
"Lydia's Aunt says all of her Canadian family are looking forward to seeing Lydia at Christmas."
"She thanks us very much for our kind invitation but points out that we have the whole school term to see Lydia while Lydia's family and friends in Ontario only have the few days of the vacation which always seem to pass too quickly anyhow! And she thanks us again."
"Oooooooooooooooh! Uncle Penty ! ! ! ! That's beastly!"
I couldn't stop myself crying as I ran up to bed and banged my door . . .
The rest of the term was Hell and I just did more and more studying to try and forget about Lydia -
And I think she was becoming close with a girl in her dorm . . .
Blossom kept me supplied with raw carrots - peeled and moist. When I asked her for more she always inquired:
"Do you like the sizes like I've been doing them, Miss Joan? Long, but some thin and some fatter? Just tell me if you want them different!"
I sometimes wondered if she'd guessed what I was using the moist smooth carrots for . . . and was kindly concerned if they were doing their job well . . .
And I was getting to enjoy them more and more as I looked at the book of "Penances for a Nun" each night after finishing my homework.
But I just ached to be able to wrap Lydia in my arms again and hold her . . .
With the Christmas break came my sixteenth birthday.
Lydia had told me the sixteenth birthday was important for all girls, as they can say "Yes" to any man once they are sixteen -
And the Law of the Land no longer has anything to say about a girl being "under-age" after she reaches the magic age of sixteen . . .
I didn't even mention all this to Uncle Penty -I thought he might put bars on the windows and lock me in at night if I even joked about it . . .
Lydia had gone to her aunt in Ontario for Christmas but I had other friends - who lived in town - from my school who I had invited to my birthday party that afternoon.
We had a conjurer for old times' sake just like my birthday parties for as long as I could remember -and he pulled a live rabbit out of his top hat - just like always!
Uncle Penty found me in a quiet corner of the hallway and put his hands on my waist:
"It's wonderful to see you so happy on your birthday, Joanie love!"
"Sis must be very glad to look down and see her daughter having so much fun with her friends . . ."
"Not that she was my real sister you know! after my own parents both died in a car accident, her parents looked after me as their ward. My Father had been a school friend of Sis's Father . . ."
So I am not really your Uncle, Joanie love -I just like to think I am! And let me wish you the happiest birthday in the world my dear sweet "Niece" . . .
"Uncle Penty! You've never told me that before -but you will always be my dearest sweetest Uncle Penty, "Real Uncle" or not!"
"Thank you for a wonderful party . . ." and I kissed him - for the first time ever - full on his mouth . . .
Most of the fun after that was the music - CD's -Uncle Penty was there all the time and he danced with every one of my friends and me too -he could fairly swing! And we girls all danced with each other too.
Blossom had made us some really good things to eat and I'm sure we all put on weight -And all my freinds went home tired and happy . . .
The morning after the party when I was sixteen-plus-one-day I got out of bed a bit grumpy -probably too many creamy deserts!
I still can't figure exactly what happened at breakfast, though -Maybe Uncle Penty mistook something I answered to him or perhaps I really was rude to him . . . Anyhow, next thing I knew he sent me to my room for the day, "In Disgrace", he said, scowling . .
Blossom brought me my lunch, and then my dinner on a tray before she went out for the evening with the ominous instructions to her from Uncle Pent not to come back before midnight -
Ominous for me, I mean . . . and this became a certainty when Blossom gave me an envelope with the dinner:
"Please be prepared for punishment, Joan when I come for you at seven o'clock, dressed as you were for Miss Potter".
Just that! No IF or BUT about it!
I felt angry with myself and so sorry that this had to happen when I had hoped Uncle Penty and I would be celebrating tonight me being sixteen, just the two of us together . . .
But I knew he was completely inflexible about punishments when he felt that punishment was due . . .
Promptly on the dot of seven o'clock, "Tap Tap" on my door and I opened it to meet a stern-faced Uncle Pent wearing his one-piece light-weight track suit and ready to punish . . .
I was all prepared in the way he wanted -in a crisp white blouse and school-uniform kilt with my hair brushed to a glistening shine - a white bow in it -and low-heeled shoes on . . .
I knew better than to try and change his mind with saying I was sorry or by crying . . . He would just tell me I was being a coward about what needed to happen to me anyhow . . . and he would go ahead with the punishment just the same.
But I really was sorry this had happened to spoil what was supposed to be such a great celebration for both of us -not that I was even sure *what* had happened . . .
"Walk ahead of me down to the study, Joan!"
We went down in silence to the floor below and into Uncle Penty's study.
I knew this was serious when I saw one of the padded leather armchairs waiting for me and the room was lit by just a few flickering candles . . .
"Joan, I want you to stand on this low platform and face the back of the padded leather armchair."
"Don't worry about the platform -it's just to raise you a bit, to put you at the right height . . ."
"First slide your shoes off . . . Now I'll take your panties . . ."
Uncle Penty reached his hands up under my kilt and grabbed my panties
He pulled them right down and told me to step out of them -and threw them onto a chair.
"Now your kilt off . . ."
Uncle Penty undid the buckle and took my kilt away altogether - a thing he'd never done before in punishing me -and he put it over the back of the same chair.
"Joanie, this is a serious punishment: I want you completely undressed without any clothes on at all ! Unbutton your blouse . . . Now let me have it -And your bra . . ."
I stood on the platform facing the back of the padded leather armchair totally naked -feeling completely exposed and unprotected with nowhere to hide my embarrassment . . .
Uncle Pent always lectured me first and began -
"Joan, I'm not sure you even know just how rude you were to me at breakfast this morning!"
"You are becoming self-centered and cock-sure and bumptious; In fact, not at all pleasant to have living in my house.
"You have become what is commonly called "A Brat" and it won't do!
"You have to learn your true place in the general scheme of things!
"You are *not* the center of all creation . . . You are one minuscule speck on this earth!
And on and on went Uncle Penty's lecture until I was feeling really bad and very small . . . and I began to cry . . . And he finished with:
"I am going to spank you until I feel sure you will think much more carefully before you speak in future . . .
"Now lay yourself over the back of the padded leather armchair, please . .
"I am not going to tie you in place -you are big enough to know you are not to move . . .
"I want you to call out the count after each spank, Joan: One Uncle Pent Two Uncle Pent and so on . . . Do you understand, Joan?"
" Yes, Uncle Pent!"
" Why is it that you seem to spend your life atoning for things you have done, Joan?" and I knew better than to say I didn't even know what I'd done wrong -but I felt again so sad this was happening to wreck what should have been such a wonderful day for Uncle Penty and for me happily and lovingly celebrating this special birthday together . . .
Uncle Pent went to his desk and opened a drawer.
He came back and showed me -it was the black leather-covered paddle that he'd spanked me with before when I'd nearly been expelled for talking so much in class . . .
Just like last time Uncle Penty slid the paddle against my face so I could feel and smell . . . the black leather that was going to spank me.
"There, Joan, this is what I am going to use on your bare bottom! Like last time, I think you should kiss the black leather paddle before I put it to work!"
And I gave the sinister black leather a loud kiss so he would hear it: I didn't want to make him more annoyed with me at this point ! ! ! !
And then Uncle Penty hit the black leather paddle: CRACKKKKKKKK ! ! ! ! on the leather back of the armchair - - -
I quaked with fear at the sound . . . I could feel myself burst out in a cold sweat of sheer terror and my knees turned to jelly . . .
Uncle Pent began my spanking without further ceremony -
The leather paddle hit my bottom - but not too hard -Perhaps he was going to warm me up slowly for a long and severe punishment?!
"One Uncle Pent . . ."
"Two Uncle Pent . . ."
"Three Uncle Pent . . ."
The spanks started lightly enough but they were getting harder all the time!
As I counted:
"Twenty-one Uncle Pent" the paddling was much harder than at the start . . . and no pauses to soothe my sore bottom like he had done with Lydia!
Just spank, spank, spank, spank -and it was starting to hurt me most dreadfully . . .
"Thirty Uncle Pent" the tears were pouring down my face and I just croaked out the number . . . But still the spanks were not too hard!
But a mounting feeling of excitement was building up all through me along with the zappppp and pain of the leather paddle . . .
I could feel I was soaking wet between my legs . . .
My pussy was jerking against the back of the armchair each time the leather covered paddle zapped into my bottom which gave me a strange and lovely tingly feeling . . . I had never felt so much excitement from a spanking before ! ! !
And on and on my long punishment went with my bottom beginning to hurting a lot while I was getting more and more excited all the time in spite of the pain . . .
But at:
"Forty Uncle Pent . . ."
He stopped and said:
"I think your bottom has been paddled enough, Joanie love. Never forget what I told you about thinking before you speak!"
"Now your punishment is over -I am going to soothe your lovely bottom for you and he began gently gently running his hands with cream of some kind on them over my sore hot cheeks . . ."
Uncle Pent was sooooooooooo gentle and his touch was gossamer-light as he gently stroked and soothed my bottom . . .
My tears soon stopped and I was getting wetter than ever between my legs as Uncle Penty's fingers slithered down between my cheeks -
"Move your feet wider apart on the platform and push your bottom back towards me about six inches, Joanie love . . ."
I shifted my feet more apart and slid my tummy back on the top of the leather armchair towards him -
And Uncle Penty's hand went through sideways between my legs so his thumb slid along between the lips of my pussy -to squish gently against my clitty
It made me tingle with excitement and I was sooooooo wet down there . . .
Then . . . . he pulled his thumb back a bit and started to slide it right up inside my pussy just like Lydia had done with the carrot . . .
I melted - - -and I began to push my bottom further back towards Uncle Penty so his thumb went in even further -and I was getting sooooo excited . . .
Uncle Penty sloooooowly massaged inside my pussy . . . Then Uncle Penty slid his thumb back out and pulled his hand away -
I looked round over my shoulder to see what he was going to do next -and by the flickering light of the candles I could just see He had dropped his track-suit to the floor and was kicking it away so he stood there muscular and naked . . .
His thing was sticking right out in the air in front of him big and stiff -
It looked huge . . . Then I saw him cover it with cream and I felt him slide his enormous thing between my legs . . .
He put the end of his stiff thing up into the opening of my pussy and slowly began to pusssssh pussssssssh pusssssssssssssssh . . . and his huge enormous stiff thing was sloooooowly sliding up into me -
He backed out a bit and pussssssssshed again and his great truncheon slid further up into me . . .
It felt scary . . . and wooooooooooonderful like nothing that had ever happened to me before . . .
It made Lydia's carrot feel like nothing!
Uncle Penty's stiff thing was hot and big as an unpeeld banana and it completely filled me - tightly!
I moaned and groaned in utter delight as he slid his truncheon sloooowly further and further up into me . . .
Uncle Penty's tummy pressed hard against my sore bottom and he leaned over me so his body was pressing down against my back as I lay over the back of the padded leather armchair -
His hands came up to cup my little boobies and fondle them as he slowly pumped his enormous stiff thing right up as far as he could go into my pussy . . .
Then he stayed there pressing hard against my sore bottom unmoving up inside me with his huge hot thing making me more and more excited with every passing moment . . .
I tuned my head over my shoulder:
"Uncle Penty! Uncle Penty, you are giving me a wonnnnnderful feeling that goes right through me! ! ! !"
I knew then that I had been totally mistaken all day! I had thought Uncle Penty was going to make me atone for something I had done wrong . . .
But instead - here I was, sixteen years old and Uncle Penty and I were celebrating my birthday in a most incredible way that I had never known before had even existed . . .
First making me hot and excited with the black leather paddle then sliding his huge stiff thing up into my soaking wet slippery quim as I squirmed and wriggled with joy . . .
It was like nothing I had ever imagined -
I was deliriously happy in our ecstasy together . . .
My groans and shouts got louder as my excitement rose until it felt like a starburst of firework display had burst in my head and I yelled:
"More ! ! ! Uncle Pent, more ! ! ! More ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !" and I felt Uncle Penty move his huge stiff thing out . . . . and in again just once"
It seemed to start jerking and pulsing inside me and squirted something right up into me hot and lovely . . . as he let out a mighty shout:
"Joannnnnie ! ! ! ! My love ! ! !" and stopped moving -
He held me tightly with his stiff thing all the way up inside me and his hands squeezing my boobies murmuring:
"O lovely Joanie! O Joanie my love, What a beautiful Joanie you are, You are, You are! What a beautiful Joanie you are! . . . . . Now you are sixteen ! ! ! !"
We stayed still like this for ages it seemed, in heavenly bliss that is fixed now forever in my memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
After an aeon in Paradise -Uncle Penty slowly slid his thing back out of me and pulled on his track suit again -then helped me to stand upright.
"Joanie my love I am going to take you up to bed -I'll bring your clothes later . . ."
At sixteen I thought I was getting heavy but Uncle Penty swung my naked body up in his embrace and my arms circled his neck holding him tight.
Cuddling me close he walked out of the study door and up the stairs to my bedroom as though I was just a feather and I felt the cold air wafting past my red-hot bottom . . .
Uncle Penty pulled my bedclothes back as he held me firmly on one arm and laid me gently down on my tummy then kneeled on the floor beside me:
"Joanie my love, I am so glad you are sixteen now and we can really love each other my dear heart!"
"Uncle Penty! Uncle Penty - take your track suit off and lie here beside me so I can cuddle you!"
He did -and slid his strong muscular body down into the bed with me and I held him tight while one of his hands squeezed my sore bottom to remind me of his spanking . . .
" Uncle Penty? Uncle Penty, will I maybe have a baby now?"
"Dear sweet darling Joanie! Those injections Dr. Cooper has been giving you: one of their side effects is you can not have a baby as long as he keeps giving them! No! There's not the slightest chance you will have a baby ! ! !"
"You do think of everything Uncle Penty -You are wonderful . ."
"Uncle Penty? I'm so glad Lydia could not stay with us for Christmas!"
"Maybe the invitation I sent to her Aunt did not sound sincere enough, Joanie love!"
"Uncle Penty? Uncle Penty, if I am naughty will you spank me like that again?"
"Maybe Joanie!"
"But that kind of spanking was meant for fun, a "recreational" spanking, it's called. It wasn't hard, it was meant to be for you to enjoy, as my present to you on this special birthday of your life my dear sweet Joanie."
"A recreational spanking is saved to be given to you on just very special occasions, like today. Particularly with what we did after it, my lovely Joanie."
"I didn't tell you what was going to happen beforehand: I'm not sure I could have explained it! So I just let you think you were going to be punished for doing something naughty, like every time before, my darling sixteen-year-old Joanie."
"I hope you don't mind me doing it that way, Joanie love?"
"I should have figured for myself, Uncle Penty! Lydia told me why my sixteenth birthday would be so special . . . I should have known you would give me a wondeful surprise like what we did together this evening."
"Uncle Penty -I feel wonderful ! I do love you ! ! !"
He held me very tight to him and buried his face down in my neck -
"Dear darling Joanie! I love you more than words can say . . ."
"But time for you to sleep now -Unless you have more questions?! . . ."
"No more questions my dear wonderful Uncle Penty! I really do love you with all my heart. Thank you for my birthday celebration!"
Uncle Penty slid out of the bed and gently kissed me as I dropped off to sleep with my bottom still stinging.
And I knew my whole life with Uncle Penty had changed gloriously now I was sixteen . . .
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