Published: 9-Feb-2013
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The End of Part 1
Young Bunnie, just able to stand, supports her weight by holding onto a shroud and gazes out over the bow of the ship to the distant horizon . . . her bottom is scarlet raw and looks horribly painful. What further adventures lie ahead for her, young Bunnie wonders?
As the narrator's voice dies away, the night-club audience goes ballistic. She had asked them to make no noise during the acting and narration, and they make up for it now. As the curtain falls, they cheer Bunnie and Flaybum to the rafters. They rise to give a standing ovation . . . and get pleased but exhausted smiles and deep bows from the two actors.
Tom said meet him at eight in Narrow Street outside the "Crop and Cane". The lady's clothing shop keeps me late dressing windows and I rushes home to put on my red dress and posh myself up with plenty of makeup because Tom always likes me looking more like twenty than the fifteen which I really am so we can go into pubs, and when he takes me somewhere to eat like tonight, and it helps that I'm tall for my age and have a nice round bum.
I'm a few minutes late when I gets there a bit out of breath. Tom nowhere in sight - maybe he had been kept working late at the Limehouse docks? I sticks my head in the Crop and looks inside then goes over to the curb and looks up and down the street for him and a taxi pulls up in the road beside me and the door opens.
A voice, sounds like a friend of Tom's, calls me to get in. The taxi starts with a jerk and throws me back into the seat. Hands grab me and someone says to bend me over. I feel my skirt being yanked up and the jab of a needle in my bum - and that's the last I knows for a bit.
When I wakes up my wrists are tied together above my head and me looking at a thick wooden post. My eyes get clearer and I am on the deck of an old square-rigged sailing ship with men who looks like pirates. One of them plays a concertina and the rest of them dances hornpipes.
But the whole thing is on a stage with a blaze of lights.
Coming round, I struggle a bit but a gag stops me shouting and I'm barefoot and in a funny old fashioned dress which is not the red one I put on at home.
Then I really comes back to life and I kicks at the post and a man shouts an order and everyone clears off except the one who shouted. He's a tall nice looking man and comes over towards me.
Then I hears a woman starts to read a story about Captain Flaybum and a helpless girl. She reads with the voice of a toff and I soon tell from the scenery of the boat's deck and the tall man dressed like a pirate: The story is about the two of us!
I couldn't hardly see the audience beyond the footlights but they must have told I was struggling all I could for real life to get myself free. But I was well tied and there was no way to escape!
Just like in the story the woman is reading, Captain Flaybum takes a long knife and cuts the skirt away from my dress and cuts off my bloomers to leaving me standing bare arsed and I see someone has shaved the couple of wisps of hair from round my quim while I have been unconscious so I am as smooth as an artist's model.
Then the captain sits himself down on top of a barrel and pulls me down over his knee and grabs one of my bums in his mouth and lifts with his hand underneath and shakes me all over the place with his teeth.
It feels like a shark trying to eat my arse and me helpless to stop it. Tom never did that to me - not yet anyhow -and it makes me feel sexy! Then the captain grabs my other bum in his jaws and shakes me the same way and gets me even more randy.
He drops me down onto his knee and starts to spank my bum hard so he really hurts me - just like Tom does it - and I keep thinking of the marks of his teeth that must be on my bum and the sexy pain I'm feeling like I always get from Tom's spankings and I'm soon soaking wet down there.
He gives me a proper hard spanking, then he stops and the woman who's reading says Captain Flaybum's going to tie me over a barrel on the deck and he kicks over the one he's sitting on and pushes me over it and ties me down to iron rings on the stage with my ankles wide apart and my wrists still together.
I've never felt so helpless in all my life lying spreadeagle over that barrel with all the audience gazing at me and not able to move with the ropes holding me down.
Just to let them enjoy the sight I think, the captain walks away so the audience can have a good look right up my pink rosebud and all as I am tied there waiting to be beaten and I feels myself blushing scarlet all over with embarrassment.
Then the captain comes back and he has a piece of rope in his hand about a foot long with a knot in the end. I can't do anything but squeal through the gag but the woman reading the story puts words in my mouth like begging for mercy, and I'm only a defenseless young girl, and my father will pay any ransom if he will untie me.
The captain just laughs in a nasty way and starts to beat my bare bum with the rope and it hurts like hell and my noise gets as loud as I can make it.
The pain is awful and I twists my head to see what he's doing to me. Through my tears I see him rub my bum with the palm of his hand and it looks like he has red dye on it so my bum is getting to look all raw - although it's not - and I realize that he could be beating me a lot harder with that rope's end.
I give the captain a smile as best I could with a gag in my mouth - but he understood and smiled back. If anyone in the audience saw it they would think he smiled because he enjoys flogging a young girl's tender soft bottom with a rope's end -which I'm can see he really does!
But he knows he can't overdo it - I see burly men dressed like pirates waiting in the wings and I finds later, if the captain gets too rough with Bunnie the story suddenly changes and the men leap over the side 'from another ship' and knock him down.
Not that they'd have been much use, those men in the wings - every time I looks they're all busy having themselves off with their cocks in their hands, enjoying what's happening to me on the stage!
The story teller woman has the captain stop beating me and use a bowl of grease to make my arsehole slippery. He turns to face the audience and puts his feet each side of my head and scoops his finger in the bowl of grease. Then he bends over my body and runs his greasy finger up and down my crack for a long time so the audience can see what he is doing and gets them all worked up for what he does next.
Finally he slides his finger slowly up inside my sore bum and I hear a gasp from the audience and the captain whispers in my ear that it is really KY on his finger.
I can tell from the way his finger slides smoothly up into me that someone has done it to me already while I was out for the count as it goes in so easy now and I smile again to the captain to show I likes it.
I'm sure it looks very rough and painful to the audience though and I'm shouting as loud as I can and when he changes to use his thumb next and I wriggle like he is really hurting me.
But his big thumb slides up into my bum as smooth and nice as his finger and I give him a wink to show it's OK and he is doing it easy and slow like Tom does and wiggles his thumb around inside me there getting me excited and I am making awful squeals and shouts through the gag as though he is killing me.
Then he gets up again and undoes his codpiece so his stiff prick stands up proud for them all to get a good look and I give a loud shriek of terror as though a fifteen year old girl has never enjoyed a man's rampant cock inside her before.
In the story I say he will kill me, while he stands putting KY on his prick. Then he lies himself on top of me and jiggles his bum as if he is pushing hard into me. But he is really as gentle as Tom when he does that with me, and it slides up into me a bit at a time until he's all the way in and it's just lovely to feel him right up there inside of me.
I'm thirteen and not as tall as I am now, when Tom first tells me he wants to do me in my bum, and a friend at school shows me how to cut the end of a candle into a long point with a knife and melt it smooth over the gas cooker.
Next day when the wax is all hard again, I use Vaseline and slowly make the narrow end of the candle slide up into my bum, in and out, further and further, until it goes all the way in and out easy and I'm all ready for Tom's big cock.
I usually gets ready for Tom that way each time before I meets him but I'm in too much of a rush tonight to stop and do it, so some nice person at the theatre must have done it for me.
Captain Flaybum takes it real slow and his John Thomas slides up into my bum smooth and easy. It gives me a gorgeous feeling that goes right through me and it's like heaven when he comes, right up there all the way inside me.
He's a lovely man!
The captain knows to go slow at the start while my excitement grows until I'm jerking every whichway and nearly mad with waiting, then he pushes hard a few times and comes right up there inside my bum hot and hard which pushes me right over the edge and I near passes out.
Not even Tom does it better. The captain buggers me just lovely and we lies for a long time and I wiggle myself to feel him up there inside me and his knob begins to go soft and the woman slows down her reading it seems, to let the audience see us just lie and enjoy each other for a bit.
While we are down there the captain asks if I am on the pill and I tells him 'Yes'.
Then the woman goes on reading and the captain stands up and get himself stiff again and the audience could see the red dye on him - looking like blood from my raw bum. Then he unties me and kicks the barrel out of the way and shoves me down on the 'deck' on my back. That bit of the deck is covered with canvas so it's easy on me, never mind what the story says about jabby splinters.
I gets the message though and pushes my quim up towards him to make it look like sharp splinters are sticking into my raw bum. I can tell someone already made my quim ready with KY too while I was unconscious, because his weapon just slides right up into my cunnie as smooth and lovely as could be.
We go at it hard for a bit then he whispers that I am to kick my heels into the middle of his back as hard as I can when the woman says it in the story.
I hear her read it and I gives him a good hard wallop with my heels right in the middle of his back and he rolls off me onto the deck gasping just like the story says.
I lie for a moment a bit stunned and sorry that he has stopped fucking me. Then he whispers to get up quick and grab his knife like the story says, and he jerks his head towards the 'anchor rope'.
I go and saw the rope through, then I cut my wrists free and - what's not in the script - I cut that bloody gag away from my mouth.
Fee at last!
I goes and looks out over the bow like the story says, turning my bright red bum for the audience to see and 'just able to stand, support my weight by holding onto a shroud' as if I was limp from all his punishments.
But if anything's worn me out it's the wonderful sex Captain Flaybum just gave me - better than I can remember in all of my fifteen years!
The curtain comes down. The captain throws a cloak around me and leads me in front to bow and smile to the audience who's all shouting and cheering like I've never heard any audience cheer before.
They go completely mad when I turns and throws my arms round Captain Flaybum and kiss and hug him again and again. He shows he likes it by he grabs my bum with his hands and pulls me to him so all the audience can see.
He had really been very kind to a young girl of fifteen who's tied up and gagged, bare arsed and helpless, completely in his power to hurt any way he wants.
But instead of that, he gives me the most wonderful sex on the stage that night. Tom never done it better with me, and that's saying a bit!
When the manager at last tells us we've given the audience enough he leads me back to a dressing room with a warm tub of water ready for me and tells me that the young woman Lucy would look after me, and he tells her to keep everyone else out, and asks what my name is. 'Daisy' I tells him and thanks him for the tub of water.
I soap myself clean and relax in the warm water then Lucy dries me off with a soft towel and helps me get back into my own clothes.
She has some makeup and I feels better after I put a bit of lipstick back on. I asks Lucy the name of the place where we are but she tells me the manager had said she's not to answer any questions from me and it's as much as her job's worth to tell me anything
When I have my coat on ready to go she rings the bell and the manager comes and sends Lucy away. When the door shuts he gives me an envelope and tells me to tuck it away safely, as there's five hundred pounds in it to say thank you for acting the part of Bunnie on the stage that evening.
I'm over the moon: it's more than I make in a month working at the shop and it stops Tom getting upset about tonight because every girl, twelve and up in the East End of London likes to do a bit of whoring on the side just to get some spending money, and that includes Tom's young sister too. We can have a real family party with the money, just for a start!
Then the manager asks when am I going to be sixteen and I tells him next July third. Then he says he wants me to work here at the night club regular every month as I make a good Bunnie, but he says I can't do that until I'm sixteen which is why he's paying me a bit extra today.
In fact he says I wouldn't be working there at all tonight except the regular Bunnie for that Saturday phones and says she's got a fever, and Len goes out to find a girl who can do the act and he thinks I looks about twenty when I comes out of the "Crop and Cane" in Limehouse and ready for a bit of fun!
I tells him Len could have asked - if he hadn't stuck a needle into my bum and put me unconscious! But bygones be bygones I tell him, and can I come and see him about working here after I turn sixteen?
He has me write down my name and address so he can send me a birthday card to tell me where to come to, and he copies the address to tell the taxi driver where to take me home tonight.
He says he has to blindfold me first so I don't know where I've been and he will walk me a little way like that, then he'll get the taxi for me and put me in.
As I'm sitting there in the taxi on the way home I feels like a real lady and I can't wait until the third of July so I can play the part of Bunnie every month - without a gag in my mouth too!
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