Published: 9-Feb-2013
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This account was found in the Old Library of a Cambridge college, between the pages of an atlas, hand-written in ink on loose sheets of paper.
The only words changed here are those that have long fallen into disuse, and no attempt has been made to correct the grammar or style of the original.
When I woke up, I seemed to be captive on a sailing ship, a young girl dressed in a grey silk crinoline, my face was to the mast, and my hands were tied to it above my head. Mama and Nanny and the other servants and our crew were nowhere in sight - I was the only one there from our ship.
We were anchored and I could see land nearby. Uncouth rough men were running about the deck and up the rigging, tying up the sails and fastening down the hatches. I saw a tall thin ruffian near the wheel who seemed to be giving all the orders and swearing a lot. Back in England, Papa would have got the men from the home farm to chase a scoundrel like that away from the estate with pitch forks!
I never had anything to do with that sort of person at all, of course - the servants always protected me well. Any time I went riding Sam the groom, or Ted the stable boy, would follow behind on a horse, along the roads and the paths across the fields. Ted was fun - I could talk with him - he was eighteen and told me about all sorts of things, like how calves were made. One warm summer day behind a haystack, he showed me how he could make babies - it was funny when his white stuff shot out! I let him feel the place where he said it would go into me, but I would not even touch his thing, of course!
I was brought back from my daydreams roughly - the ruffian was standing over me, leering and laughing. "Well, and what is your name, my little lollipop?" and he gave my cheek a nasty rough pinch. "Bunnie" I answered, trying to sound fierce, "Who are you and why am I here?" His laugh sounded nasty as he replied -
"People call me Captain Flaybum and, Bunnie, reason you are here is you are the only one I wanted from your ship and I am going to have a lot of funnnnn with yew! Crew has all gone ashore now with their fun in kegs, so there is no one going to disturb us, shout as loud as yer likes. Heh! Heh! Heh!".
And I saw what he said was right - there was no one else left on the ship.
"So, let us be seeing what you looks like wout all them clothes on!" With that he took a long evil looking knife from his belt and sliced away my dress. I was terrified and screamed but all he did was laugh and cut away my underclothes too - but he did not touch anything above my waist.
Standing there, naked from the waist down and tied to the mast with the breeze cooling my quim and my bare bottom I was so shocked that I made no sound. I could feel my face go scarlet and hot, then white and icy - I shook like a leaf, my knees knocking in panic.
"By my Lady! Your skin is like ivory! Not a hair on your body anywhere, as pretty as a peach, and just as tasty, too, I will warrant! Now, you come over my knee, my little Bunnie", and he untied my hands from the mast but left them still bound together.
He sat down on top of a barrel and pulled me down over his lap and put his head straight down and sank his teeth into my right bum. I yelled with surprise as much as pain as he shook his head and jiggled my whole body around, then he put a hand underneath and lifted me up with his teeth still gripping onto my bottom.
I was too terrified to even shout out with the pain.
I could feel his rough wiry beard scraping against my little rosebud. Then he opened his jaws, and dropped me down onto his lap again saying - "And you be tastier than any peach, my little Bunnie!"
Then he lowered his head again and took the other half of my bottom in his mouth and clamped his jaws on it. This time it was his nose that pressed on my rosebud, snuffling away as he lifted me again.
Even with the dreadful pain I began to tingle and started to get hot down there.
"Now, let us warm you up a bit, my little Bunnie!" he chuckled. I had been beaten before, of course, when I had disobeyed Mama or Papa, and they used willow canes - it was agony and I had always sobbed for hours after it.
But this was different. The Captain slaps me on the bottom with his hand which is rough and hard. As he hits my bottom it gets hot and burning with pain and I yell out and tears pour down my face but at the same time I feel a strange warming deep inside me and my quim is soaking wet.
It is a mixture of stinging pain and the kind of warm pleasure that I feel from riding at a hard trot on a horse when I bounce up and down in the saddle. It is like a big leather hammer banging up into my quim, and the feeling of pounding goes right up into me.
Prince, the stallion, is the best one to do it on. He is very powerful and gives me wonderful feelings when he trots . . . I have become good at driving my heels into him, very hard, to get him to go fast - it has made my long legs as strong as iron.
When Sam the groom sees me getting excited and going red in the face with trotting on Prince, he says he knows why I like to do that, but he says it is not good for young ladies. But a fat lot I care what he thinks!
The spanking by the Captain is cruel, though, and nothing like my fun with Prince. I am being terribly bruised and getting worse. I am a mixture of shouting and sobbing. Then he says - "Now, we will put you over the barrel and see what the rope end will do for that chubby little bottom of yours young Bunnie!".
I can not believe his cruelty!
"No! Noooooo!!", I screamed.
But he paid no attention and picked me up under one arm and kicked over the barrel he had been sitting on and threw me over it. He fastened my wrists to a ring in the deck and used a rope to tie my ankles to two other rings so I was face down over the barrel, legs spread apart and I could not move.
I was shouting and dreaded what I thought he would do to me next -
"Please Captain Flaybum! Please! I am only a young defenseless girl! Papa will pay any ransom! Pleeeese have mercy on me! I will do anything you want if you will just untie me! Pleeeese!"
"I like to hear yer holler, my sweet young Bunnie! And you will holler a lot louder before I have finished warming your plump little bottom with a rope end"
I see him pick up a short piece of rope with a knot at the end -he raises his arm and brings the rope end down hard on my tender young bottom.
It feels like a red hot poker across my cheeks and I shriek with the pain. My young skin is very tender, but he does it again and again, and I am soon a screaming mass of pain, begging for mercy - whenever I am able to say any words at all.
Finally he says - "Now let us see how you are coming on", and puts his hand up between my legs. I am soaking wet by now, and he says - "Feels like you are nice and ready for me, young Bunnie!"
"I likes an easy path in so I have got grease from the galley".
He picks up a wood bowl from beside him on the deck and scoops his finger into it. Then he slides the finger in between my sore cheeks and right up into my bottom. Nanny had sometimes given me medicine that way and I like the feel when she wiggles her finger "to make the medicine work!", but Captain Flaybum is much rougher with his finger and he hurts me awfully.
He pushes his finger in and out of my bottom a several times then he scoops his thumb into the grease bowl and pushes that up into me instead of his finger and I shout even more with the awful pain of his big thumb.
I shout and plead for him to stop hurting me but he pays no attention and keeps ramming his huge greasy thumb in and out of my sore bottom. Then he stands up and undoes his codpiece. His thick stiff thing stands up in the air looking like a yam. It is about as long as the one that Ted the stable boy showed me but much thicker and I am terrified.
"Captain Flaybum you will kill me if you push that into me! Do not try! You must not! It will just split me open and I will not be any use to you dead!", and I break down in helpless shuddering sobs at what I see he is going to do to me.
But he just throws himself down on top of me and puts his arms down to hold himself up a bit then he lowers himself and I feel his huge thing start to slide up inside my bottom.
In a little bit then out again . . .
In a bit more then out again . . .
Slooowly . . . further in then out again . . .
And I yell with terror as loud as my lungs will let me.
"Aaaaah! I do not remember when I last had such a tight young girl as you my poppet! I takes it slow and I stretches your little bottom to make me welcome inside there and you feel lovely and warm and tight like you are sucking me inside you.
"You grips me so tight like a vice as if you trying to suck my life right out of me.
"You just lovely young Bunnie!".
In the end his enormous thing is right up inside my bottom and he presses himself hard against my sore cheeks and his huge stiff thing is as far as he can push it up inside me.
It hurts a lot but it is an exciting hurt as he presses his huge stiff thing hard up into me making my tummy bulge against the barrel under me.
Then a story from Ted the stable boy flashed through my mind -An Indian Rajah liked to push his thing into the bottom of a young boy, just like Captain Flaybum was doing to me now over the barrel, but the Raja always finished by strangling him with his two hands while his thing was up inside the young boy. Ted said it made the bottom of the boy grip even more on the Raja to make his white stuff shoot out harder.
Ted said the Rajah killed a young boy like that every time he had his fun then just had the dead boy thrown to feed the vultures.
I was sure the pirate captain was going to do the same to me then just throw my body to the sharks.
So I almost died with relief when Captain Flaybum shouted -
"You be too exciting for me to wait longer young Bunnie. I be comin, comin fit to die! Ooooooooh! You be so tight young Bunnie!", and it suddenly felt like a hot clyster was being pumped right up inside my tummy . . .
He lay a long time on top of me with his huge stiff thing up inside my bottom while I lay over the barrel unable to move with my wrists and ankles tied to rings on the deck. In spite of the pain, I felt a warm glow inside me which was lovely as I felt his huge stiff thing slowly going soft.
Then as he pushed himself up off me he jiggled his thing in and out of me again a few times and it got all big and stiff again. He stood up all smeared with blood from my raw and bleeding bottom and his thing sticking right up in the air again and said -
"Now young Bunnie that was just the beginning. Now we comes to the real fun bit", and I saw him put grease from the galley thick onto his stiff thing and my feeling of panic and terror came straight back and I shook like a leaf in the wind.
"We unties you young Bunny . . . and puts you down where you truly belongs!" and he threw me down on my back on the deck.
He stood over me there with his codpiece open and his enormous thing sticking up like a truncheon - it is huge! Then the Captain lifted my ankles and pulled them apart and threw himself on top of me as I lay there on my back.
It was agonizing - I screamed with terror at the top of my voice -the deck was all sharp splinters which jabbed into my raw and bleeding bottom - I pushed my bottom up away from the jabby splinters but that just impaled my poor little quim so his slippery ramrod started going in there and with all the grease he had on his huge stiff thing it began to slide right up into me.
I had played a bit at home with candles, but he was enormous, and he wanted to hurt me. I felt as though he was tearing me apart and I screamed in agony.
"Ha! Surprising what a raw bum does for a young girl when she is lying bare-arsed on the splinters of a deck! Always comes jumping right up to me she does! Like she just can not wait for me to fuck her, eh! young Bunnie! And you likes that too my girl! Oh what a lovely tight little cherry!"
I knew that Captain Flaybum was just using me to get his own quick pleasure and I was terrified. He would not care if he killed me in getting his fun. And he was probably going to throw me to the sharks anyhow when he had finished.
But in a strange violent primitive way I wanted this savage pirate captain inside me, to give me a baby. I felt agony from the deck splinters that stabbed into my raw bum, and from his huge thing up inside my tummy, but I kept shoving my quim up hard to meet his thrusts all the time.
I was starting to feel a shuddering ecstasy, far deeper and wilder than I had ever had when I trotted across the fields on Prince. And I did what I always did with the stallion Prince to urge him on harder - I kicked in hard with my heels, using every bit of the strength in my long legs - and my heels hit the Captain in the middle of his back . . .
And it suddenly seemed like I had trodden on a brittle bit of firewood - there was a crunchy feeling under my heels . . .
The Captain gave a mighty gasp and gurgle - his face turned deathly white and his mouth and eyes went wide open. He just rolled off me and over onto his back on the deck.
I must have broken his spine, but I did not stop to find out.
I scrambled to my feet. Captain Flaybum was still moving weakly and moaning - I grabbed his long sharp knife and I thought to stab him - but decided not to become a murderer but to prolong his agony as he deserved, so I left him to die slowly!
I ran to the anchor rope and sawed away at it with the knife until it parted then gripped the knife between my knees and cut the rope that bound my wrists together.
There was a strong breeze and the ship slowly drifted with it, away from the land and out towards the open ocean.
I not only had my life but I was free again!
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