Published: 8-Feb-2013
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Doc sat on the log in the sunlight of the forest glade, filled his pipe and got the tobacco burning well, then went on: "It was the third summer that Snow White had spent with us and she grew more and more rude and critical of us again, until we all felt she had to be taken in hand and spanked once more.
It somehow happened that she had always been standing in the dormitory next to a bed, before each of her spankings, when she was suddenly pushed down onto the bed and tied to it with leather belts from the dwarfs' waists.
This time, though, it was a warm summer evening and Snow White's insults finally brought the dwarfs to breaking point when they were all standing just inside the open door of the cottage, near a backless couch.
You've guessed already what happened, I'm sure: Snow White suddenly landed face down on the couch and her clothes were stripped from her by angry dwarfs while she was all the time shouting defiance.
Her wrists and ankles were quickly bound to the frame of the couch with the dwarfs' leather belts, so the naked young girl lay face-down with her arms and legs spread apart and tethered, and she was completely at their mercy.
The dwarfs were all beside themselves with rage at the rude and cutting remarks from this child with clear white skin like a china doll, with not a hair on her anywhere of course except her raven black head, and they layed into the firmly rounded cheeks of her bottom which appeared at the start as though made of delicate white porcelain, each using the full strength of his miner's muscles.
Snow White screamed and yelled as her bottom changed from white to pink to red to deep scarlet. Then Grumpy appeared with fresh-cut switches from the birch trees outside.
Snow White pleaded:
But to no avail: Grumpy began by pressing a switch firmly down against her red and bruised cheeks. Then he raised it and brought the birch down hard so it sank deep into her flesh and left an angry weal across her tender bottom.
Snow White let out an anguished scream of tortured pain that rang through the cottage and out into the forest, and continued to yell until her lungs were empty.
Her arms and legs were not held as tight-stretched as usual, as the couch was narrow, and she used her elbows and knees to push her body up and down in the air to cool herself before she thumped back down on the couch again, and took the next cut from the birch switch on her lovely young bottom.
Her agonized yells of pain after each cut from the birch rod continued as her body leapt from the couch and wrythed and wriggled in the air before she flopped back down on the couch again, ready for the next cut . . .
Then Grumpy gave her another swipe and buried the birch rod once again deep in her firm round bottom, and Snow White's agonized yells were repeated.
Grumpy continued to beat Snow White until her bottom was a network of angry red weals, and I motioned him to stop.
Then I gestured to Licker with my tongue and he went to work and soothed Snow White's burning flesh with his skillful tongue. This calmed her and he began to slide his long narrow tongue up inside her ravishing bottom which soon had her moaning in erotic delight.
We dwarfs had all eased out our rampant yards and stood stroking them so Snow White could see the delight she was giving us.
She began to jerk in spasms, as far as the tight leather belts on her arms and legs would let her, and cried out as ecstasy gripped her.
It was during Snow White's final surge of wanton lust and orgasm, as she was shouting deliriously:
'More! Aaaaagh!! Moooore!!! Aaaaaaagh! Moooooooooooore!!!'
It was just then that the young Prince strode in through the door of our cottage, attracted I'm sure by Snow White's wild shouting.
He was a handsome young man about eighteen and wore a steel breastplate bearing his coat of arms, with a sword at his side.
He quickly saw what was happening, with Snow White's red and beaten bottom showing the stripes of the birch rod and Licker's face pressed hard up into it, and the rest of us standing and goggling with our rampant members shooting out their jism!
Snow White was shouting her head off in ecstatic joy:
'Aaaagh! Moore! Aaaaaagh! Mooooore!! Aaaaaaaagh! Moooooore!!!'
Then she shuddered and collapsed as though fainted, when the Prince marched forward, pulled Licker from where his face seemed to be glued to Snow White's red-hot bottom, and his tongue made a 'pop' as it came out from the tight firm grip of her narrow tunnel, like the cork coming from a wine bottle.
The Prince flipped open the buckles of the leather belts and removed them from her arms and legs, then gathered Snow White up in his arms, crushing the chest of the naked young girl against his cold steel breast plate.
He grabbed a large wool rug from the couch and wrapped it around her, threw a purse of gold to me, and strode out to his horse carrying Snow White with him, shouting:
'That is no way to treat a young girl! I am taking her from you!'
The cool of the evening woke Snow White enough to sit where the Prince placed her, facing forward with her legs astride the horse's saddle and gripping its pommel while he mounted to sit himself behind her in the saddle, and carried her off, giving her as they went the fond and manly cuddles, kisses and caresses that she had never before received but had dreamed of for so long.
The nursery books do have it right, we know, when they show pictures of the Prince riding off with Snow White on his charger, like this.
What they don't say, and what the story-tellers in the bazaars of the East have always known: The Prince had become uncontrollably aroused by the scene in the dwarfs' cottage and as soon as he sat behind Snow White in the saddle, he bared his member, which stood rampant, as we all saw, pressing hotly against her bare back.
The young Prince was strong and had broad shoulders: He took Snow White's waist in his two hands and lifted her, saying:
'Put your hands down onto my legs my sweet girl, and lower yourself gently so I slide up into you!'
Snow White propped herself up with her arms, and leaned back against the Prince's cold steel breastplate. His hand went down to guide his rigid member, while his other arm around her waist helped to support Snow White.
Licker had done his work well, and as the Prince lowered Snow White gently, his truncheon began to slide up into her bottom.
'Oh! You are big! Bigger than anything before, Prince!'
'I will hold you, dear one, and lift you a bit, my love'
'Do try again, dear Prince! It is lovely! I like it well!!
'There . . . It is in further now.
'Do stop moving again so I get used to your great size!
'That's good! Now out again, please . . . Now go in more!'
'Dear love, you are so tight on me! Are you really all right?'
'My cheeks hurt dreadfully after the cane, but do go in more!
'That's lovely!!
'Go in as far as you can now! Ohhhhhhh! Ohhhhhhhhhhhh!!
'I think you are right up into me now, dear Prince!
'You completely fill me! I can hardly breathe!
'You are wonderful ! ! !'
'My dear beautiful love! I will start my horse to move slowly while we stay together as one. Do you wish to turn and wave farewell to the ones you were living with?'
Snow White looked round towards us and waved with a look of bliss on her sweet face and moving her hips in new-found ecstasy, while Prince wrapped the rug around her warmly and the horse gradually quickened his walk on the trail into the forest.
Before we lost sight of them, the horse had begun a gentle trot which lifted the riders in the air at every step. The Prince's rigid member must have thrust up into Snow White's young bottom each time, ramming into her like a piston, then withdrawing a bit . . then ramming up into her again . . .
They can't have gone further than Snow White's skating pond when we heard in the distance her familiar:
'Aaaagh! Moore! Aaaaaagh! Mooooore!! Aaaaaagh! Moooooore!!!'
And this time joined by a man's voice:
'Dear love! Oooooh! Dear love ! ! Oooooooooh! Dear love ! ! !'
Then silence.
I visited the castle some years later, and the Prince's horse told me everything that happened after they left our cottage. He had heard a lot of what happened inside the castle too, from the stable boys.
After that first delirious ecstasy for them both, the Prince had stopped his horse while they held each other long and lovingly.
'Give me a kiss, dear one!'
'A kiss? Pray what is a kiss dear Prince?'
'You know not what is a kiss? I will show you, my love!'
'I like it when you do that, dear Prince. Let me do it to you!'
'Dear love, you are exciting me again with your kisses! We must move on towards the castle!', and he made his horse to canter on along the trail.
'My sweet, we must stop by this brook: My horse has been long without water. Let us dismount and sit on your blanket while we let him take his fill.'
They spread the rug on the ground while the horse enjoyed a rest and drank from the small stream. The Prince took Snow White in his arms and kissed her long and deep. His hand went between her legs and fondled her cunnie while he asked:
'Dear love, tell me your name and how you came to be with the seven dwarfs?'
'It happened a long time ago: I was very young and I remember a woodcutter was shouting at me to run far into the forest or I would die and I ran and I kept falling and bruising and cutting myself, and I ran on it seemed for hours until I saw a cottage with smoke coming from the chimney and I beat on the door with my sore hands.
'The dwarfs let me in and they took care of me, and they gave me the name of Snow White because my skin was so pale.
'They taught me to cook the game they caught, with vegetables in the ways they liked, and I washed their clothes and I kept the cottage clean.
'One of them taught me to read and write and do arithmetic. We sometimes sang and danced to the music that Grumpy made with his organ and I was very happy with them.
'But then a strange change came over me and every day I got more and more rude to the dwarfs, and in the end they spanked me for it with their hands on my bare bottom and with birch rods too.
'Well, dear Prince, you will not believe this, but I enjoyed being spanked by them! And it wasn't long before I was being rude to them quite often, so they spanked me again and again, and used the birch rods more and more to beat me on my bare bottom.'
'Snow White my love, if you are ever rude to me, I will spank you too! Don't ever forget that will you, dear Snow?!'
'Indeed dear Prince; I would expect nothing else! And do you have a name beside Prince that I may use?'
'Please call me John, dear Snow. Of all my names, that is the one I like best!'
By this time the Prince had slid a finger into her cunnie:
'Dear Snow, you are slippery down here so I know you like the feel of this, but no one has done this before, have they? Because the way is blocked!'
'I like it dearly, but not near as much as when you slid yourself up into my bottom on the horse, dear John.'
'Come, turn over on the rug sweet Snow. Lie on your face and I will slide myself up into you again!'
When the Prince had moved the blanket over to a soft patch of docken leaves on a hump in the ground to make Snow White comfortable as she lay face down on it with her bottom bent over the hump, he bared his rigid member once again, ready to lay himself atop the naked young girl.
'Pray, dear John, would you not think to remove that tin can from round your chest before you lie on top of a naked young girl who you say you like?'
'Do you make to reprove me, a Prince? You insolent wench! I will teach you to speak more respectful! Stretch your arms above your head and hold the branch there on the ground, and do not dare to move them!'
Prince John drew his sword and pressed the broad side down onto Snow's firm white bottom, bent up towards him over the hump in the ground. She knew what was coming and shouted:
'No! No John! Stop! I am sorry I was rude!"'
SLAPPPP came the broad side of the cold steel, down onto Snow's tender young cheeks, on that warm summer evening in the forest glade.
'OOOOOOOH!! THAT HURTS!!!' Snow had never been spanked before with a steel sword.
SLAPPP SLAPPP SLAPPP SLAPPPP SLAPPP . . . the blows from the sword rained down and flattened Snow's round cheeks again and again with no pause for her to cry out.
But John soon stopped: He could not bring himself to wait longer and threw himself down on top of the lovely naked young Snow White, breast-plate and all.
His rock-hard truncheon slid easily up into Snow, helped by his slippery jism from when they were in the saddle, although the whole way in was no less narrow and tight than before, and her tight young bottom gripped his rigid member firmly along its whole length, like a clamp.
'Hmmmmmmmmmmmm! That's lovely dear John,' she cooed, 'Do stay still like that so I enjoy you deep inside me! It feels specially good after your spanking with cold steel!
'Do you forgive me now, dear John, for being rude to you?'
'Darling Snow! I love the scent of your hair!' burying his face down into her black locks, 'You hold me with such a tight grip I find it hard not to lose everything straight away! Yes, of course I forgive you dear Snow . . . this time!'
'Oh John! I am becoming excited again just like on your horse! I can not stop it!' and she jerked her bottom up towards him again and again.
'More! Harder! Push into me! Moore!! Moooore!!! Aaaaaah! You are lovely, dear sweet Prince!'
The Prince pushed his battering ram in and out of her sweet bottom, and soon felt his hot jism shooting up into the naked Snow's tight young bottom while her body squermed and wrythed in ecstasy beneath his weight.
They lay a long time locked together in their hot love and lust, then the Prince lifted himself and turned Snow in his arms to face him:
'My dear sweet Snow, we have not been with each other more than a few hours, but I know already: I love you, I want you, I need you, and I will do anything to have you, to marry me and be my wife so I can go on loving you for ever and ever, darling Snow White!
'Dear sweet lovely Snow, do you love me enough to say Yes? Please say you will marry me so we never need to part?'
'Dearest John! I love you! I love you!! I love you!!!
'I will love for us to be married and be together for ever.
'You will need to have me taught the ways of the castle that you live in, and I will learn fast. I have a will of my own sometimes, as you know, and you must promise to spank me to make me behave properly whenever I need it, so my behavior never disgraces you!
'Will you promise me that, dear John?'
'Promise to spank you whenever you need it? Yes my dear sweet Snow, and sometimes even when you don't need it, just for fun!
'Oh! Snow, you make me so happy, I could dance for joy, but instead . . .'
John rolled Snow over onto her tummy and started to spank her lovely young bottom again with the flat of his sword, to the music of Snow White's shouts of pain and joy.
Not for long though:
'Come my wife-to-be. There will be plenty of time for that once we are married! Let us get back on my horse and make for the castle. The King and my mother the Queen will be wondering where I am all this time.'
They mounted and Prince John wrapped the blanket warmly around Snow White. Once they were moving again along the trail towards the castle, John told Snow why he never took off his breastplate and sword in the forest: Wayside robbers sometimes attacked travelers there -though his horse had been certain to warn them as they lay on the blanket, in time for him to jump up, sword in hand to defend her.
They passed a cottage and saw in the moonlight that laundry was still hanging out on a line, which someone must have forgotten to take in at nightfall, (just as Snow herself had often forgotten to do with the dwarfs' laundry!)
A girl's dress was hanging there: Prince John rode up quietly and took it from the line, and dropped a gold piece into the pocket of another garment there.
A short distance further, and they dismounted while Snow White put the dress on: It looked as if made for her, and her appearance was almost respectable to the King and Queen when later they arrived at the castle.
The deep love Prince John and Snow White felt for each other was clear to the King and the Queen, and Snow White quickly learned the ways of the castle while preparations were being made for their wedding.
Snow White rapidly became an expert horse-woman, and Prince John greatly liked seeing his eleven-year-old wife-to-be dressed for it, and moving gracefully as she took her mount over jumps, with a riding crop all the time in her hand.
Prince John showed Snow White the King's library too, and they explored the shelves together. Not all the books were serious: There were some with drawings of people doing wild things, and one picture that showed a knight on horseback holding a young maiden with her bare bottom up in front of him, ready to lower her down onto his rampant member - "That's where I got the idea!" laughed Prince John, and Snow White giggled.
Their wedding was an occasion of great joy to all the kingdom.
The Prince knew, from what he'd seen the dwarfs doing with Snow White, how to raise her to a fever pitch of excitement with spanking and caning and his tongue, and often used her own riding crop on her bare bottom as well, before his let his rampant member even touch her.
They never lost the pleasure of crying aloud in the throes of their bedroom ecstasies, and the walls of the whole castle echoed their joy, for all to hear.
It was only some years later that Prince John showed Snow White other ways to make love. But she could never forget her first ecstasy as he lifted her up from the saddle of his horse and lowered her slowly to impale her sore and beaten bottom on his rigid yard, and she sometimes asked him to put on his cold steel breastplate and repeat on the large rocking-horse in their bedroom all the things he had done with her on that Summer evening in the forest.
They lived most happily ever after, as the Prince taught Snow White, ready for when he would become King, to be his Queen and rule the kingdom together. Many were the ecstatic spankings and canings and lickings she enjoyed from her Prince before their wild love-makings together."
As Walt put the finishing touches to his last quick series of sketches of Prince John and Snow White while they reveled in their many pleasures of the bed-chamber, the loud laughter of Walt's team arriving for a new day of work shattered the spell: Doc and the forest glade were nowhere to be seen as the men and women streamed in through the door with a mug of fresh coffee for Walt, and switched on all the lights in the studio.
The dozens of quick but inspired pencil sketches were immediately seen by Walt's team as brilliant work.
They did not need to be told the story - the sketches said it all - and the team were all astounded by them.
Not that any of the drawings could be used in the movie that the public was to see, but the team set to work and soon made a cartoon that was to become a collector's item of unparalleled erotic art which was particularly prized, for some unknown reason, by older women - some of them grandmothers!
No copies of the movie have been seen at auction now for fifty years or more.
Maybe it's time to make another?!
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