Published: 8-Feb-2013
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"Snow White was restless as she slept on her bed near the fire and turned from side to side, while the time ticked away.
Then, even as she slept, Snow White's breathing turned to short gasps that got deeper and deeper and her face became quite red while her hips squirmed around and jerked in all directions under the bedclothes. I could see the excitement of the deer-antler plug in her bottom was bringing on an orgasm even while she slept and her frenzied movements got wilder and wilder until she was finally racked by a deep and shuddering sigh, then slept motionless once more.
Snow White's breathing was deep and regular as I sat beside the fire reading. Then after an hour or so she was lying on her side and her legs began to twitch, like a dog that dreams of chasing a rabbit . . . or of being chased by something big and frightening!
She turned onto her stomach and her movements became more and more violent as she thumped on the pillow with her fists and jerked her hips up and down on the bed and cried out in her sleep, softly at first then louder and louder until she woke and shouted 'Help! Help!!'
I had moved quickly and was right beside her, ready to hold her down: With the antler horn plug deep in her bottom, she might hurt herself if she tried to sit up.
As Snow White felt my hands on her shoulders to stop her from sitting up she shouted:
'Oh! Doc!! He was beating me and I couldn't get away! All over my bottom with a stick!! Oh, it hurt terribly!! Ohhh!!' and she flung her arms around me and hugged me tight, weeping.
I calmed her as best I could, stroking her, soothing her and saying: "There-there! It's all over. He's not here any more! You're safe with me now!"
And slowly Snow White stopped her sobbing and looked up at me smiling: 'Doc! You are lovely! I feel so safe! It's funny, though -he hurt me a lot as he beat my bare bottom with a stick, but Doc, can I tell you something strange, and you not tell anyone else?'
I nodded: 'Of course you can Snow, and whatever you say is secret with me.'
'Well' she said, 'He hurt me a lot . . . but, Doc, I liked it!! I don't know how to explain it: it hurt me and I liked it at the same time!! I felt I deserved it! And it gave me a strange tingling feeling between my legs and I still have it! Doc . . . do you think I'm going mad? Will they take me away and lock me up in a lunatic place for ***liking** a beating?!'
'Snow White' I said, 'you are certainly not the first girl to feel like that about being spanked or beaten! In fact, it's really quite exciting that you do feel this way: you are sure to have a lot of fun in your life!
'You will meet all sorts of wild and caring people . . . like the men and women who would ***love** to give you a caning, the way Grumpy does when you need it . . . Don't think any more about it for now, though . . .
'Much more important: you seem very hot and I think that you are a bit delirious. Tell me, how does your fever feel?'
'I am hot, Doc, and I'm feeling so tired!' she replied.
'Well we need to see ***how** hot, Snow, my dear. Turn over on your tummy again so we can find out . . . here, I'll slip these pillows under your middle . . . and I'll slide the gold tube back into your bottom . .'
I lifted her nightdress and saw her cheeks were now quite pink with her warmth.
'Now I'll pull the ivory plug out . . . gently', as I wiggled it around inside her bottom.
'Gently', as I pulled it carefully and wiggled it and pulled again, 'And . . . there it is!!'
I had the hot water and the gold tube ready and tested the tube on my lips before coating it with cooking fat. Then I separated Snow White's cheeks with one hand and slid the tube right down into her narrow cleft and onto her pink rosebud lips.
'Now, I'm going to push gently . . . and move it around, side to side, up and down, side to side, . . . and iiiiiiin it slides . . . back a bit . . and iiiin again . . . back a bit and iiiiiinnnn. That's all the way in now!! Does that feel comfortable?'
Snow White nodded and smiled at the deeply sensuous feeling from the warm gold tube up inside her bottom, and I wiggled it around gently to pleasure her more.
'Now, I slide the gold nugget into the tube!' as I plopped it in and began to tap the gold nugget against the end of the tube.
She felt the little hammer blows right up inside her bottom and smiled at the voluptuous feelings I knew it gave her! I could see the pillow under her middle start to be wetted and her cheeks reddened even more.
After a little while I pulled the gold nugget out of the tube and quickly put it in my mouth while she watched me closely.
Snow White's fever was raging hot!
'Snow' I said, 'You have become very hot, and we must cool you down! The best way is with cold water right up inside you . . . I've got the things we need . . . it's a bag that we hang up here beside your bed . . . and I replace the gold tube with this one that's at the end of the pipe from the bag . . . there . . . it slides in easily, doesn't it?'
I'd made the irrigation bag and tube, thank goodness, when we dwarfs went down with fevers a few years ago. I had used parts from the insides of a goat and ended it with a tube of hollow bone to slide up into the patient's bottom; this had a small bladder on the end that I blew up once it was inside her bottom to keep the tube from sliding out again.
'Now, turn and lie on your side and I'll take away the pillows . . . we pour cold water into the bag and it runs up inside you . . .' Snow White pulled a face at the shock of the cold water up inside her. 'Yes, I know it's very cold . . . it has to be to cool you down! . . . that's filling you nicely . . . there, we leave it for some time to cool you . . . I'll massage your tummy . . . and the water runs further into you' I said, and pressed one hand against her bottom while my other hand rubbed her bulging stomach.
'Now I lower the bag and the water runs right out of you into the bucket on the floor.'
'Oh! That does feel nice!! Can you do it again, Doc?'
'Surely! We pour cold water into the bag again and it runs down into your bottom and cools your whole body . . . '
I continued for nearly an hour, filling Snow White's bottom with cold water and letting it drain out of her again. While the water stayed for several minutes each time in her bottom, I held her between a hand on her bottom and my other hand on her stomach as I massaged her and helped the cold water to run right up inside her and cool her well.
Her skin began to return from pink to white again as she cooled down, and she kept murmuring: 'Oh! That's lovely Doc! Oh! That's lovely. Ooooh!'
Nothing leaked out and not a drop of water got onto the bed sheets all this time. After Snow White seemed cool enough I said: 'I am going to take out this tube and put the ivory plug back into your bottom and let you sleep again, Snow White' I said, and did just that.
Snow White woke again, of her own accord, at about four o'clock, and remembered what I had said about not sitting up. 'Oh, Doc!' she said, 'I am much much better! I feel really cool now!!'
'Turn on your side and rest on your elbow, Snow, and have a drink of water . . you've perspired a lot today and need to make it up. . . Good, now let me test how hot you really are: these feelings can be misleading, you know!'
'There, turn over on your tummy . . . that's it! . . . now the pillows . . . and I'll take the antler plug out of your bottom again, I'll wriggle it gently from side to side . . . up and down . . . side to side . . . there - it's coming out easily!
'Now I slide the gold tube into your bottom . . . It's starting to go in easily now, isn't it? . . . Out a bit and iiinnnnn again . . . out and iiinnnnn as far as it will go! . . . there, is that comfortable? . . . good!' as she nodded and gave me a shy smile.
I put the rod with the gold slug into the tube which I held with one hand as it pressed down onto the cheeks of her bottom, and tapped the rod with the gold slug against the end of the tube that was up inside her, making little shock waves that I could see were getting Snow White excited again.
By the time I removed the rod with the gold nugget, she already was starting to wet the pillows, which was a good sign, and I slipped the gold slug into my mouth.
Snow White's fever had passed!!!!
I tidied everything up before the others returned from their work at the mine: they never did know what I did with Snow White to get her over her fever . . . and she certainly was not going to tell!
Following my orders, Snow White did little the next few days but quickly regained her strength and got back to her full daily load of work.
She did, though, occasionally have some recurrence of fever; she would tell me before I went off to the mine with the others in the morning that she felt hot and feverish and ask if I would please stay and check how hot she was . . . .
She seemed particularly to like the first time I twisted and worked the warm solid gold cone-shaped plug into her bottom; She wriggled and made little moaning noises and smiled a lot as I slooooowly turned the plug so it drew itself into her bottom, then backed it out again, then tuuuuuurned it some more, then out again, then riiiiiight in up to the thickest part of the plug.
Then I moved the heavy gold cone from side to side, out and in again, round and round, so Snow White would become thoroughly happy with it there.
When I had replaced the heavy gold cone in her bottom by the gold tube, and followed it with the gold slug on the end of the wooden rod, and tapped the gold slug up against the end of the tube, like a little hammer, she was smiling again and wriggling with pleasure in anticipation of more!
I always found she was 'Hot and need to rest in bed, with the deer-antler plug in your bottom so it will be easier to put the tube in again when you wake up' and she would be restless under the bed-covers and become agitated and thrash around with the smooth antler plug in her bottom and she had an ecstatic orgasm as I sat reading by the fire.
Snow White invariably awakened shouting for me to come and saying a giant had been beating her - and on later occasions saying that the giant had ravished her, up inside her bottom - but she always remembered what I had said about never to sit up while the deer-antler plug was in her bottom.
Snow White wanted me to hold her tight and comfort her when she woke up all excited like this, as she asked "Am I bad for having have such dreams?"
And I would say: 'No, my dear! Many girls, and boys too, have such dreams, and some really and truly do things like that to each other, and they live very very exciting and happy lives together while they do these things too!'
Then I would find she was 'very hot' and needed to be cooled with cold water right up inside her bottom, and I would bring out the tube to do it with, and press with one hand against her bottom and massage her tummy with my other hand to help the cold water to go right up inside her bottom.
On later occasions, I got in the way at the end of her treatment of sliding a rather thicker antler plug into her bottom, one that also had more length to stick out of her bottom below the narrow waist that the lips of her rosebud would grip on. Then I again pulled her nightdress down over her lily-white bottom and brought the covers up over her so she could rest and sleep again.
Snow White learned to use her hand to hold the end of the longer antler plug and wiggle it around inside her bottom and move it in and out and rub her clitty until she gasped and moaned enough to bring down the house . . . then she lay and fell into a restless sleep with twitching, exciting dreams . . .
But these later fevers were no way as severe as that first one and I suspected Snow White may even have partly feigned them so as to enjoy the feeling of the warm gold plug as it slowly eased open the way into her bottom; and the heavy gold slug as it banged against the end of the gold tube up inside her bottom; and the cold water that filled her until her tummy bulged tight; and the long polished antler plug which I slid into her bottom and she could hold and move around until she gave herself a delirious, ecstatic orgasm."
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