Snow White's Story, Part 3

[ M/g, anal ]

by Pent


Published: 8-Feb-2013

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Story Summary
This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Doc Attends to Snow White

"One morning, when we came downstairs, Snow White had lit the fire but had got no further: She was lying beside it, collapsed on the floor. Her face was flushed and her forehead was hot: She had a fever. We carried her bed down to the ground floor, and we laid Snow White on it so I could care for her.

As the others left they wished Snow White a quick recovery, and I said goodbye to them at the door. I went back into the cottage then and helped Snow back into her nightdress, and checked her over from top to toe as she lay on her bed.

She had no swellings anywhere, which was good, but I needed to know just how bad her fever was, so I dug out the fever-tester from my medicine drawers.

I had made this tester for body heat some years before and find it a great help in these cases: it is like a metal cigar tube, made of gold, and I slide the rounded end deep into the patient's bottom. The tube is about as thick around as your middle finger, and near twice as long.

Down into the open end of the tube I slide a gold slug on the end of a wooden rod; After it's been in there for a few minutes, I pull out the rod and pop the slug into my mouth, and I feel with my tongue just how hot the patient's body is. It's a wonderfully sensitive way to test for body heat.

When the singing of the others had finally died away in the distance as they went off to their work in the mine, and I had finished examining her, I had Snow White turn over on her face while I pushed a couple of pillows under her middle to raise her bottom up in the air, then I pulled up her night-dress to uncover her beautiful skater's cheeks. They looked so adorable, with their clear white unblemished skin: it was difficult to believe that anything could be wrong with her!

I first arranged the sheet so that only her bottom was uncovered: "We must make sure you don't catch a chill", I said, 'We'll keep you covered up as much as we can'.

Covering Snow White as much as possible was nothing to do with catching a chill, of course: You must try not to offend a young girl's sense of modesty when you treat her as I planned to do, or she will not cooperate!

I showed Snow White the tube that I was going to slide into her bottom, so she wouldn't be upset when I did it, and explained how it would help me to make the fever go away.

'Oh! It looks very big!' she said, but her eyes lit up all the same as she saw the gold tube.

'I am going to use this gold nugget first, and it will gently open the way in' I said, showing her a tapered rod of solid gold.

One end was round and about the size of a pea and the rod got thicker from there, up to the size of the hollow tube.

'I'll be very gentle, my dear. I won't let it hurt you. Don't worry. I expect you will like the feel of it! Most of my patients do!' I said to relax her.

This gold plug looked as though its surface was wavy. In fact, the 'waves' on the surface were shallow grooves winding around the rod. They made the gold cone work like a cork screw: If you turned it one way, the plug tried to move forward, into her bottom; Turn it back the other way, and it moved back out! 'Tried to move', because most of the time it just went round and round without moving further in, and just gave a pleasant feeling.

I put this solid gold plug into warm water for a minute, and took it out and tested the heat on my lips, then melted plenty of fresh cooking fat on the tapered end. I stood up and got my head right over Snow White's bare bottom. Like many young girls, her hips were narrow, side to side, but her cheeks stood up invitingly behind her, with orbs that pressed tightly together.

I separated her cheeks with the fingers of one hand, while with the other hand I slid the tapered plug down into the deep cleft between them until the small end, the size of a pea, touched her pink little rosebud lips.

'Now, I'm going to press gently while I turn this gold plug round . . . and back again . . . round . . and back again . . . round and . . . Ah! It's starting to slide into your bottom!'

'Oo! Ooo! Oooooo! It's nice and warm!' she cooed. 'No one will come in will they? I don't want anyone watching! It would be so embarrassing!'

'No, my dear, just relax; they are all working at the mine. There's just us two alone together; no one will disturb us all day! Now, try and push your bottom up towards me . . .'

'That's it! That helps the plug to slide further into your bottom! Now we'll just take a rest here, while you get used to the gold plug being this far in. I'll move it a little from side to side... now out a bit . . . and back in again'.

The gold plug was going into her bottom pointing in the direction of her head, so it was sliding in exactly along the line of her rectum . . . and I was taking it very slowly so it would not be in any way unpleasant to her . . . just the opposite, in fact.

The warm slippery gold plug, pulling itself into her bottom as I turned it, provided a sensual pleasure that was heavenly to a young girl.

You see, I needed to slide the heat-tester into her bottom two or three times a day until she was right through this fever, so I wanted to make sure she really enjoyed me doing it, though it would have been too much to expect Snow White ever to admit that she liked it even just a little!

I wriggled the plug around some more inside her bottom, to get her really comfortable with having it there. The weight of the solid gold cone helped it to go in nearly on its own!

'Now, let's go on if you are ready, so this slides well in. It's really going to help me treat your fever so you get over it quickly! . . . I'm pushing gently and turning it . . . Now I turn it the other way and it comes out a bit . . . Now push and turn again, a little further in this time . . . I can warm it again if you like?'.

Snow White nodded her head eagerly, so I took the heavy conical plug right back out again. I wiped it clean of grease and dropped the plug into fresh hot water, while she watched closely everything I was doing!

After a minute I took the plug out of the warm water and tested the metal against my lips: just the right heat! A quick coat of cooking fat and I spread Snow White's lovely white cheeks again and slid the gold plug down into her cleft and onto her beautiful pink rosebud lips once more.

This time, as I turned the plug and gently pushed on it, the entry into her bottom was easier, and Snow White gasped with pleasure as the freshly-heated heavy metal cone began to slide effortlessly, lubriciously into her bottom.

I had almost stretched her entrance enough, so I only had to turn the plug a little more to take it in that last little bit . . . and soon her bottom held all of the plug right up to the place where it was a uniform thickness, before it got much larger to stop it going too far in.

'Now your opening is wide enough for the tube to go into your bottom smoothly! Let's hold the plug there and move it around a little so you get completely comfortable with it', and I slid the heavy gold cone in and out and moved it up and down and side to side.

'If you are ready now, Snow my dear, we'll slide the gold tube into your bottom?'.

'Mmmmmmmmm!', came the answer!

'All right . . we'll dip the tube into the warm water . . . and we'll dry it . . . test it with my lips to make sure it's warm enough . . . and put some stuff on so it will slide easy . . now we gently pull out the cone . . . and sliiiiiide in the gold tube. You see how nice it feels?'

'Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!', came from Snow White again!

'I'll just hold it there for a minute while you get used to it', and I wriggled the tube around gently inside her bottom, as I felt for how far the tube could slide into her bottom.

And I was surprised by how far the gold tube went in!

Licker must have pushed hard with his tongue inside her there on the several times he got to do it, and pulled her colon free of its moorings inside her, so it now gave a long straight passage up into her bottom! I saw Snow White was getting quite wet on the pillows underneath her middle, which was good: it meant she would look forward to the next time I needed to do this!

'Now, this is where I would like you to lie quite still for a few minutes, Snow!', and I slid the gold slug attached to the wood rod into the tube in her bottom.

I was holding the long gold tube all the way into her bottom with one hand as it rested on her cheeks, and with the other hand I moved the stick in and out, tapping the gold slug against the far end of the tube, deep inside her bottom.

It wasn't really necessary to do this tapping at all, you understand, but it gave Snow White wild sensations, as her slight gasps and moans told me, and it made her enjoy even more what I was doing - the patient's cooperation is absolutely essential for this whole method of treatment to work, you see!

After I thought the tube and gold slug had reached the heat deep inside her body, I pulled the wood out with the gold slug on the end, and quickly popped it into my mouth, while Snow White watched me.

The gold slug was about as long as the first two joints of your little finger, so it held the heat of the inside of her bottom very well, and long practice had taught me to judge the severity of a fever from pressing the gold slug against my tongue.

'Let's do that again, Snow White, just to make certain . . . I'll pop it back into your bottom again while you hold still for a few minutes again!', and I slid the wood rod with the gold slug back down into the gold tube that was deep inside her bottom, and held the tube firmly with one hand while it pressed on her bottom.

I banged the slug around against the end of the tube again, and I could see Snow White getting ever more excited as I did so . . . Then I pulled it out and popped the gold slug into my mouth again to feel the heat away inside her bottom.

It felt the same as before: She was not dangerously hot!

'Snow, my dear, with the fever you have, you must stay in bed today,' I told her. 'I'll put a jug of water beside you and you must drink plenty of it'.

'Tell me whenever you want to use the chamber pot as I want to help you in and out of bed'.

'Now, I'll need to test again how hot you are at about mid-day. It will be easier to do that if you keep a plug like this in your bottom while you sleep', and I held up a shiny plug made from deer antler about the thickness of the gold tube.

But this plug was shorter than the gold one I had used first, and it narrowed to a waist near one end, which her lips would grip and stop it sliding out again.

'We'll find the gold tube slides into you again quite easily, later, if you keep this in your bottom between times. I'll slide it in and you will find it just sits in place and you can forget about it while you sleep!'

I slowly pulled the gold tube out of Snow White's bottom, and slid the smooth greased antler plug into her. Her lips closed and gripped at the place where the thickness sank down into a waist, near one end, and that made sure the plug would not slip out while she slept.

'Now, I'll get you one of the animal picture books that you like, and you can read it softly to yourself until you feel like sleeping.

'I'll be over here by the fire reading: just tell me if there's anything you want! Are you comfortable for now?' I asked as I pulled her night-dress down again over her finely-sculpted bottom and covered her with the sheet and blankets.

'Yes, I'm all right, thank you Doc', she said faintly, 'You are good to me!', and I could see Snow White wriggling under the bedclothes, the better to enjoy the feel of having the antler plug filling her bottom . . .

Her eyes were soon closed and she slept".

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