Published: 8-Feb-2013
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"We were specially nice to Snow White after her spanking, to show we bore her no ill will, and she did the same, and all the time she was doing well at the home-work that Teach set her each day for when she had spare time.
Winter came and Teach every night went over with Snow White what she had done: She was learning quickly to read and write, and to do arithmetic.
The coldest part of winter was coming and we made her a pair of skates in the forge down at the mine, as a present.
Then there was a day when I had to walk back to the house to bandage a deep cut on my finger.
As I turned the last bend in the path, there was Snow White on the pond; The ice was thick and smooth; She was skating most beautifully and spinning around up in the air before landing and racing off again, then more jumps and twizzles. While she skated, she sang a song I'll never forget: 'One day, my Prince will come . . .'
The same few words, over and over again. It was just like the singing of a young girl of today, dreaming of a pop idol, who will come and sweep her off her feet.
Never mind my finger, I clapped my hands and shouted, 'Bravo! Bravo!!' She blushed scarlet with pleasure, and came over to look after my cut.
Now I saw why her bottom had come to look even more firm and rounded: It was what skating had done for her!
It couldn't have been half a year after her spanking that she started again being critical and rude to us all. I always suspected she did it deliberately . . . she had found her first spanking so very exciting that she was hankering after another!
Anyhow, she got more and more bossy again until just what you'd expect, did happen: she was wagging her finger and trying to tell Happy that he should have better manners, or something, while she was standing near his bed . . and pretending to lose his balance, he fell against her so hard that she fell across the bed . . and you know very well what happened then . . .
I am quite sure she wanted it to happen, and after they held her down, and fastened their leather belts to keep her arms and legs spread wide on the bed, and got her night-dress pulled right up, she became just as noisy and excited as before with her bottom bouncing all over the place as we spanked her . . . only this time after a long blistering spanking from the dwarfs' hard rough hands, Grumpy gave her ***six** THWACKs with a birch cane: THWACKKK! OOOOW! . . . THWACKKK! AAAAGH!! . . . THWACKKK! HEEEELP!!! . . . THWACKKK! EEEEKK!! . . . THWACKKK! HE-HE-HEEELP!!! . . . THWACKKK! STOPPPPP!!! Then Licker went to work slurping and sucking her heavenly round bottom, 'to soothe her'.
He took for ever to ease his long slippery tongue up inside her lovely bottom; his face pushed hard against her soft hot silky cheeks while his hand was underneath, massaging her cunnie.
Licker made Snow White even more excited as he kept shoving his face violently up into her bottom, like a calf ramming with its nose to get milk from its mother!
Snow White exclaimed every time Licker banged his head against her bottom:
'Aaaagh! Mooore! Aaaaaagh! Moore!! Aaaaaaaah! Moooore!!! '
Snow White was blushing red all over and she got more and more excited until her little hips went into spasms of delirious jerking ecstasy . . .
Licker had to hold onto her firmly to stop his face being bucked off her bottom.
I could see his eyes watering as his nose was banged again and again by Snow White's tailbone.
But Licker bravely held on and Snow White, shouting wildly, came to a shattering climax before she collapsed exhausted and motionless on the bed, arms and legs still held firmly by the dwarfs' leather belts.
Again, no one said anything about it the next morning, but it began to be a regular thing as Snow White provoked us more and more frequently to give her these spankings that brought her such ecstatic delight . . . and we dwarfs found them wildly exciting too!!
You see, we weren't at all the cuddly little old men that some people picture us! - we were small, yes! but not so old and very virile!
Snow White needed more and more strokes of Grumpy's birch canes to bring her to a climax as time passed. She twisted and jerked frantically in every direction and yelled her protests as Grumpy beat her young round bottom, not to try and escape but from frenzied ecstasy.
After the first few lashes of the birch rod I would give her 'a medical inspection' to gauge how many more she should have, then Grumpy set back to work making more angry weals across her bottom with the birch rod as she gave excited yells fit to raise the roof and jerked her sinuous white body around furiously as Grumpy went on beating her bottom . . . and her juices soaked into the bed beneath her.
Needless to say we seven bachelors all had our hands in our pockets during the first spankings and while Licker was massaging with his tongue away up inside Snow White's bottom, and with his hand on her cunnie as well. He was massaging himself with his other hand - and we were all having the time of our lives!! Our trousers must have been difficult for her to scrub clean afterwards . . .
But during later spankings we became less bashful and had our erections standing out openly while we stroked them.
Snow White got even more excited when she saw us doing this. While Grumpy was beating her bottom with the birch rod her eyes were sparkling and rolling around as they goggled first at one masturbating dwarf, then another . . .
She couldn't take her eyes off what we were all doing with our erections.
Then when Licker finally managed to slide his hot wet tongue into her tight little bottom and massaged her up inside there while his hand rubbed against her cunnie and his face was lost between the cheeks of her scarlet bottom and she rose towards her climax, she could see our jism shooting out from our rampant weapons in all directions and Snow White just went berserk in her final delirious ecstasy.
The sight of eight orgasms all happening at the same time had to be seen to be believed! It's the wildest thing I've ever known!
From my medical checkups I knew we were doing nothing to damage her hymen and she was still a virgin.
Snow White herself was in the prime of health all this time. She almost seemed to need these hard and regular spankings, followed by her wild orgasm, for her general well-being!"
Walt had made quick sketches of every step of Snow White's punishment face-down on the bed, from the first stripping of her clothes or night-dress that left her naked and wriggling as she pleaded and protested, wrists and ankles held with leather belts fastened to the bed-frame . . .
To the spanking of her divine bottom by the dwarfs' rough hard hands . . .
Then the stripes that were cut by Grumpy across her scarlet bottom with a birch rod as they each one for a moment made a deep valley in the firm flesh of Snow White's bottom . . .
Then Licker starting to slide his long thin tongue in between her sore red cheeks . . .
And finally a sketch of Licker with his face pressing hard into her heavenly bottom and his hand down between her legs stroking her cunnie, while Snow White turns to look over her shoulder at the dwarfs behind her, her face showing wild ecstasy as she sees each dwarf engrossed and lubricious, squirt his jism across the room from his stiff ram rod, while Snow White yells wantonly in her climax.
Never before had Walt captured riotous scenes of orgy in such a life-like manner with drawings that would have aroused a stone statue let alone any person who looked at them, whether they were man, woman or old-age pensioner.
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