Snow White's Story, Part 1

[ M/g, spank, mast ]

by Pent


Published: 8-Feb-2013

Word Count:

Author's Profile

Story Summary
This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Snow White Arrives

"Just a wisp of a girl she was when she came to us", said Doc as he sat on a log in the forest clearing, spectacles on the end of his nose and puffing his pipe there in the sun. "Knocked on the door of our cottage deep in the forest; clothes torn; scared and shaking too. Couldn't have been more than eight at the time, though we never did know for sure.

We cleaned her up, and being a doctor, I bathed her with soap and warm water. When she was clean and dry, I gave her a quick medical check up. She seemed in good health: Thin and starving hungry, but she was all in one piece.

Raven-black hair she had and sparkling dark eyes. A lovely clear white skin, and not a blemish anywhere! She could not tell us her name, so we called her Snow White!

She was too exhausted to talk or eat much, so we put a night-gown on her and put her to bed on a couch. She slept a lot for the first few days and we kept watch over her. At every waking, we fed her warm goat's milk with bread in it.

It took a few days, but we soon saw she wasn't just a beautiful little girl . . . she was willing and hard-working too. She quickly learned how to cook for us the way we liked and to keep the place clean.

She just couldn't do enough to please us!" Walt was again working into the small hours to keep ahead of his team, drawing the key cartoons for the movie that he hoped would make his name. He chuckled to himself for a brief moment about the success of the story his people had spread around that he, Walt, could not draw! Saved him from making no end of free sketches at parties and public functions!

Walt's head felt thick, almost numb: the result of long hours and too much coffee. He was drawing without thinking - he was past that - giving his subconscious a free hand. He could always rely on that, and he produced his most artistic cartoons with the deepest insights when he worked in that mode . . . in his mind, he could ***see** the characters move and ***hear** them speak!

On this night, 'Doc' had appeared and simply started talking to Walt as he, Doc, sat ruminating, perched on a sunny log puffing his pipe in a forest clearing. Doc had a rough and kindly voice. His tale was strange and Walt never stopped sketching the scenes, one after another as Doc described them, without interrupting him as he went on talking, and this is the story Doc told:

"It wasn't long before Snow White was up before us every morning and got the fire going and made our breakfast and something to take with us for mid-day. When we got back from work at night she had a fine hot meal waiting; Snow White could make a good stew from the game we caught: rabbit or venison, duck or goose.

She did not mind if we dozed in front of the fire after dinner, and she sang happily (and not too loud!) while she set to and cleaned the pots and dishes. If she was tired she would come and sit on my lap usually, and we would cuddle until she fell asleep and I would carry her up stairs and help her into her night-gown, and then I would tuck her into bed.

We had a lot of fun too, singing and dancing while Grumpy thumped out tunes from his old pipe organ. Snow White had a clear sweet voice which set off our gruff chanting quite beautifully, in a way that was a thrill to hear!

She heated pans of water so we had regular baths at night, and she scrubbed our clothes while we were away working in the mine.

Teach made friends with Snow White and showed her his shelf of books. She specially liked the one with animal drawings: foxes, deer, goats, mice, and lots of birds.

Teach taught Snow White how to read the words in the books, and then how to write the words for herself. She was quick to learn, and Teach soon started her on doing arithmetic.

It was wonderful having Snow White to come back to after a hard day's work, and we came to love her dearly as we watched her fill out and grow. Snow White's body was lithe and her hips moved freely, and her round bottom shook a bit each time she put a foot to the ground.

She wore simple dresses of light material that showed off her lovely curves as she went about her work. She was very beautiful and many the restless night we all had, dreaming about Snow White!

But as time passed, Snow White's attitude changed I'm sorry to say: She started telling us what we should do, like take our boots and caps off in the house, and wash our hands before eating, and she tried to order us around with all sorts of nonsense like that, and that's where the boys and me had to take her in hand.

The Grimms' story books don't have anything about this, because it wouldn't be proper to tell children about it.

This bit about a witch with a poisoned apple is all hokey, of course: It was invented for kids, to cover up what really happened to Snow White in our forest cottage . . ."

Walt had just finished a sketch of Snow White in side-view as she reached up to hang washing on a line. The outline of her young body and the shape of her sweet bottom could be seen clearly with the sun shining through her thin dress . . . and Walt took a fresh sheet of paper to draw on as Doc continued:

"Snow White had been growing more and more critical of us all as time went by, as I said, and one night she was standing in our bedroom being specially yakky and unpleasant, telling us how we all ought to behave better and I could see everyone was really fed up with her bossy behavior.

Then one dwarf pushed another, who stumbled against Snow White so she fell across a bed and another one shouted: 'Come on. Grab her!'

Everyone rushed and held her ankles and wrists so she couldn't get up again. In the blink of an eye, leather belts came from the dwarfs' waists to hold her arms and legs to the bed frame as she lay there, face down on the bed.

Snow White jerked and wriggled furiously, shouting with her arms thrashing around - as far as the dwarfs' belts allowed: 'Stop it! Let go of me! You beasts! Not fair! Let me go! You brutes!'

And much more of the same. But the leather belts held her arms and legs loosely to the bed frame, with her legs spread wide.

In no time, her night-dress was yanked up to give us the full vision of Snow White's dazzling white body and her beautiful young bottom with her pink rosebud winking at us from deep between her cheeks.

Snow White squermed and wrythed on the bed, accentuating her naked loveliness as she shouted and struggled to escape.

She was a delight to look at, with her soft white skin and smooth young curves. Her bottom was like many a young girl's: narrow side-to-side but jutted out firmly and invitingly behind her, with cheeks that had hollow sides.

In some ways I was sorry for the young girl; No one had ever laid a finger on her since she had come to us; She was completely unused to smacks or blows of any kind - She was certainly not used to being tied down to a bed ready to be spanked by several rough hands on her bare bottom.

Snow White was shouting with indignation and injured pride, but that did not stop us at all - We had all had enough!

Teach and Sleepy happened to be each side of her and began spanking the cheeks of her bottom - first Teach's hand, then Sleepy's - I had never seen Sleepy so wide awake as now! First one cheek got a spank, then the other! Young Snow White shouted and screamed at the top of her voice as the rough work-hardened hands rose and fell:

SLAP - OW! . . . SLAP - OOW!! . . . SLAP - OOOW!!! . .

When Teach and Sleepy got tired, Happy and Groggy took over and slapped even more deliberately. Each slap flattened a cheek: Snow White really had been very unpleasant with both of them -


There was hardly time for Snow White to yell when the next blow fell on her tempting round white bottom, although - truth to tell - by this time her cheeks matched not so much a white lily as a bright red rose, and Snow White wriggled as hard as she could so her bottom was jumping all over the place while they spanked it.

Everyone took their turn except me - I just stood and enjoyed the sight! - and they spanked Snow White hard so she was soon weeping and shouting her protests at the top of her voice. The noise was deafening! and it seemed to go on for ever as the color of her bottom grew more and more like a beetroot!!

Grumpy had been away for a long time and I could not see him anywhere; I thought that perhaps he felt we were being too severe with Snow White. But at this point he walked in from outside and in his hand he had a bunch of supple birch canes.

Before I let him do anything with them I said: 'Wait on a minute. Everyone turn and look the other way. I need to check the patient!'

You see, I had my suspicions, but I just wanted to be sure, and when they had turned away, while Snow White was still pleading: 'Oh! Do stop! I will be good! I'll never be rude to any of you again! Oh! Nooo!' I slipped my hand between her legs and felt her cunnie. I was right! She was dripping wet!! She was loving her spanking!!!

'All right!" I said to Grumpy, "Just try one, not too hard'.

And Grumpy did - he began by laying a supple birch cane across her scarlet bottom and he pressed down on it so she could see and feel what was going to happen.

'Noo! Nooo! Nooooo!' she yelled.

But that did not stop Grumpy at all . . .

SWISSSSH - CRACKK !!! The birch cane cut into Snow White's lovely rounded cheeks, just for a moment, making a deep valley that ran across her cleft.

Snow White let out an ear-splitting S~C~R~E~E~E~E~A~M~M~M~M to High Heaven, like you had never heard before . . . . . .

'Just one more!!' I whispered to Grumpy.

He lowered the birch cane and pressed it down hard across her bottom again . . .

'No! Noo! Nooo!! Nooo! Aghhh!' she shouted at the top of her voice and wriggled furiously on the bed. She might well have turned on her side and the cane would have hit her pelvis bone, and I was glad to see she deliberately chose to have the cane strike on the cheeks of her lovely firm bottom - - then - - -

SWISSSSH - CRACK!!!! and the birch cane cut deep into Snow White's tender angelic cheeks once more . . .

She was ~ screaming ~ and ~ sobbing ~ uncontrollably ~ now.

I felt sure she had learned a lesson she would never forget, so I signaled for Grumpy to stop, and turned and motioned with my tongue to Licker for him to use his to soothe her burning cheeks.

Now, Licker had got his name from his liking to lick everything in sight that looked tasty.

Through doing this often every day his tongue had grown so it could come out thin and narrow, and to near the length of my hand.

He used his warm moist tongue now to soothe Snow White's bright red cheeks, dabbing all over them very gently at first, specially where the birch cane had left its angry weals.

Then he began to slide his hot wet tongue down into the cleft between Snow White's cheeks.

You could tell from the way her crying quieted and her breathing changed . . . Licker's tongue was soothing her, soooooooothing her . . .

Licker worked slowly, all the while making loud noises of licking and slurping and sucking, until his narrow slippery tongue began to prize apart the lips of Snow White's little pink rosebud and slooooooowly slid up into her lovely firm bottom.

Licker kept pulling his tongue out then pushing in again, a little further each time, until his face was pressed hard against the silky cushion of her hot red cheeks, and his slippery tongue was exploring away up inside her bottom.

Snow White blushed red all over and wriggled with delirious pleasure. And Licker kept on sliding his slippery tongue in and out and all around Snow White's succulent bottom.

Licker's hand disappeared between Snow White's legs to stroke her cunnie and soon, with the sensations of his tongue inside her bottom and her excitement from the spanking and the massaging of her little clittie, her hips began to jerk in spasms, uncontrollably, and her breath came in short gasps and she shouted louder and louder:

'Oooh! Oooooh!! Agggggh!!! Ohhhhhhh!!! Moooooooooore!!!!!' until she gave a final last shudder and collapsed motionless on the bed.

We each in turn kissed her 'Good Night!' gently on her hot red bottom and I dabbed some soothing salve on her tender cheeks, then we undid the leather belts that had been holding her wrists and ankles to the bed, and covered her with a sheet and blanket and left her to sleep for the night.

Licker did not wash his face or his beard before he got into bed that night, I noticed, nor the next morning. When he thought no one was looking he would put out his tongue and lick some of the taste of Snow White that still lingered in his mustache for several days after, all the time with a dreamy look on his face!

Snow White got up early as usual next morning and made our breakfast while she moved about stiff and painful, but no one said anything at all to her about the night before.

After breakfast, I waited up in the dormitory and let the others go on to the mine, so I could see how Snow White acted after her spanking when she thought no one was watching.

Was she feeling persecuted and miserable? Or did she act as though her punishment had been well deserved, with no hard feelings towards us?

I came softly down with just socks on my feet, about a quarter of an hour after the others had left, and squinted round the curtain that was across the foot of the stairs.

Snow White's mind was clearly on other things, and she did not notice me behind the curtain, even though her face was almost straight towards me.

She was standing beside the fire and had her hands behind her, holding the arms of a dining chair to support her weight as she slowly lowered herself to sit on its hard seat.

Then she lifted her hands so her bottom took her full weight, and rocked her body slowly back and fore, and side to side.

All the time while Snow White was lowering herself to sit on the hard chair, then when she rocked herself slowly, her face held an expectant look with sparkling eyes, only broken by an occasional grimace caused by a twinge of pain.

Snow White was finding for the first time that sitting on a freshly spanked bottom felt ***most** delicious . . .

After a minute, Snow White used her hands again, to help herself stand up, then she enjoyed the pain of lowering her spanked bottom down onto the hard seat all over again, with lips parted in breathless rapture.

I had seen all I needed and went quietly back up the stairs again. I put my boots on, then clumped down in my usual noisy way.

Snow White had bent over a bowl on the table, and was washing the breakfast dishes and I just waved to her as I ran out of the door to catch up with the others.


Snow White was very nice to us after that, for a long time. . . not so much as if she was a naughty little girl who had been punished and corrected, but more as if she was a young girl who had had a deeply satisfying and loving experience . . . with each of us!"

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