Published: 7-Feb-2013
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"Use this wood rule to smack her bottom", I suggested. Eleanor took it and held down her baby Joan with a hand on her back as she lay over her lap then gave a light slap with the wood rule on her infant's soft round bottom.
Her child let out a startled yell and Eleanor turned her questioning face to me:
"You're the psychologist, but do you really think so, Anne?"
"Go on, El", I said, "You want to say'Bad girl!' each time you smack her, and keep up a steady slow spanking for a full minute this first time".
"I feel so mean! It's not as if my lovely Joanie had even lived long enough to do anything wrong!", Eleanor said, but she started to spank all the same, and above the screams from Joanie I tried to explain:
"You are giving Joanie a wonderful gift, El. When she is older she will get deep satisfying pleasure from spankings that others give her. She may even come to enjoy doing it to other young people, as well as just loving to be spanked herself.
"Really! I promise you, dear El!"
Eleanor, with her jaw determined and set, and watching the wall clock, continued gently slapping her baby's soft round bottom with the wood ruler, saying "Bad girl!" with each smack, until her dear sweet innocent Joanie was squirming all over El's lap and yelling her head off.
As soon as the minute had passed, Eleanor dropped the wood rule like a hot potato and gathered her dear Joanie up into her arms and held her darling baby tight to her as she cooed and cuddled the sore and frightened infant close to her, saying:
"All forgiven! There, there! You are a good girl, dear Joanie!"
"Joan would love it if you put her down on the table and kissed her soft sore bottom, El".
Eleanor gave a secret smile to herself as she laid Joanie on the towel in front of her, and gently pressed her lips into her baby's pink bottom again and again, and her baby's yells slowly died away.
"Turn Joanie so her legs are towards you, El, and use this warm sponge to make sure she is squeaky-clean down there between her cheeks", I said, holding out a small sea-sponge that I had squeezed almost dry.
"Now nuzzle your face down between her cheeks and reach out your tongue to press on Joanie's rosebud. If you keep pressing there with plenty of spittle, she will soon let you in and she will never forget that pleasure, dear El!
"She will want to have that sensuous feeling again and again for the rest of her life, and when she's older your dear daughter will want to give that same ecstatic pleasure to other young people she likes".
Eleanor was completely absorbed in the delight she was giving to her baby daughter to make up for the pain she had given her, and I began to tell her something of how these mother-and-baby games had grown over the ages . . .
"I make a point of getting to know any patients in our hospital who are nannies, El, specially the older ones.
"They have often been with one family for a long time, and can tell you exactly what sensual treats the mother gave to her babies. As the hospital psychologist, they usually tell me everything they can about it.
"And the older nannies have been long enough with a family to know what results these mother-baby games had for the child in later life.
"You might be surprised at what some mothers do with their babies, but I remind myself that those relationships should be even more intimate than with their husbands.
"Anything is proper between mother and child, of course, as long as it gives pleasure to both. But most mothers only like some of the games with their babies that the nannies told me of, depending on the mother's own background when she was an infant herself.
"Joanie is loving every moment of what you are doing to her now, isn't she?" and El's baby was gurgling with pleasure, as her tongue pushed and probed into the entrance to Joanie's bottom.
"You have to remember, dear El: It's only until your darling Joanie is about a year old that you can go on building in her the longing to be spanked and kissed on her bottom, so she can choose to enjoy that for the whole of the rest of her wonderful life.
"By stopping when Joanie reaches twelve months, she won't ever remember you doing it to her, so she won't have any idea where her delight in spanking and the other things all come from, and the spell won't be broken for her".
"Some of the nannies have told me that Joan may come to switch later from enjoying to be spanked, to enjoying to spank others - girls or boys - but you can never know in advance if that will happen.
"Psychologists call it a'transfer', because when they spank another person, they transfer to themselves the thrill of the pain that the other person is getting.
"It's like when you go to a movie: You often imagine the hero is doing to you exactly what are seeing him doing with the heroine on the screen . . .
"They are the most wonderful gifts you are giving your darling Joanie, as you teach her to enjoy being spanked, my dear Eleanor, and soothing her afterwards in that sensual way".
"You have got Joanie really cooing and gurgling with pleasure from sliding your tongue down into her bottom like that, dear El!
"It might be a good idea to stop soon and let her sleep, so that all you have done with Joanie today has time to sink into her mind.
"What do you think, El?"
Eleanor lifted her flushed face from where it had been pressing deep between the cheeks of Joanie's smooth round bottom and said:
"Just a bit longer, Anne love: I am getting ecstasies from this too, you know!" and she went back again to sliding her tongue down between the cheeks of Joanie's plump bottom.
"While you are about it, El, why don't you feel what is happening to Joanie's little cunnie. Does she feel soft and warm down there yet?"
A moment later, Eleanor lifted her red face again: "Anne, Joanie is all puffy and excited in her cunnie!"
"You must be doing something right then, dear El! That's exactly the effect on your darling Joanie that you want to have!
"When you feel you have done enough for this first time, it would be a good idea to wrap Joanie tight in old-fashioned swaddling clothes, so she falls asleep with the feeling of being firmly bound and held so she can't move at all.
"You needn't worry about changing her for a long time after that: She will love the warm feel of her own pee and poo oozing up over her skin inside the swaddling. It takes her back to having warm liquid all around her, and hardly able to move, like when she was inside your womb.
"A baby finds it wonderfully soothing to be bound tightly. When she is older she will really enjoy having someone she likes using cords to bind her firmly so she can't move at all, and spank her while she is bound tight like that, too!
"I didn't know if you had any swaddling for Joanie, so I brought you some, dear El! They are the same kind of muslin that mothers have used for centuries to wrap their babies. This was made in Australia and it's described on the Web as traditional swaddling for babies".
"That sounds a lovely idea, Anne. Thank you so much. Oh! Look! There's instructions showing how to wrap them round Joanie, too.
"Tell me something Anne, as a psych: When I was enjoying myself so much with my tongue inside Joanie's bottom just then, was I doing a'transfer'? I really did feel as if I was pleasuring myself!"
"Everything we have come to know points to just that. But what you can never know, dear El, is who planted the memory of that pleasure in your own mind when you were an infant, by doing the same thing to you?
"It could have been your mother of course, but just as likely to have been a nanny or a baby-sitter. Or did you have an older brother or sister, perhaps?"
"Sounds as though it's only the unlucky few who were never given the taste for it as an infant, dear Anne, and the tastes for a lot of other fun things too", Eleanor grinned at me.
"Oh! Tastes sometime change, nannies tell me. Children who enjoyed intimate games when they were infants can grow up to be rude and angry if someone talks about the pleasures of spanking and so on.
"They are a bit like girls who change their nature and grow up to become prickly spinsters: No one quite knows why it happens!
"So you need to be careful talking about it, until you know how the other person feels!"
We soon had Joanie wrapped tight, so she was unable to move her arms or legs, and her body too was bound firmly by the muslin wound tightly around her, and Joanie was cooing to show she loved it.
Eleanor laid her down in the crib. The last hour must have been exhausting to her, with so many new things happening, and almost immediately baby Joan shut her eyes and slept.
When Joan had closed her eyes and started to breathe deeply, I went to the drinks cabinet and poured a Bristol schooner of Tio Pepe for El and me: she needed to relax and absorb all I had been saying about the pleasures she was putting in store for her darling daughter, with the spankings and other things she would be giving Joan on most days for the rest of her first year.
"Come and sit in the kitchen while I make us some spaghetti for dinner, dear Eleanor, and tell me more about the town where you are living now".
This was the second night here since Eleanor had driven over with her baby Joan for their holiday with me. While Eleanor talked, I cooked spaghetti and heated a mouth-watering sauce I had prepared, and soon served it for El and me with all the trimmings and a mellow Chianti.
After we had become somewhat mellow ourselves and moved on to ice cream and coffee, I turned back to the subject of El giving her baby Joanie the tastes for other joys in her later life.
"Another delight that a mother can give her infants which will serve them for all their lives, dear El, is one that was actually taught in medical schools as remedy for a costive infant.
"The doctor would advise mother to wrap cotton wool around a smooth match stick, and cover the cotton wool thickly with Vaseline.
"Then she turned her child face down on the table with a towel underneath, and use the fingers of one hand to separate the cheeks of the infant's bottom, and the other hand to gently press the Vaseline-and-cotton-wool-covered matchstick down in there against her baby's rosebud.
"Mother then moved the other end of the matchstick from side to side and up and down, while she pressed it against baby's rosebud all the time, until the slippery cotton-wool-coated sick began to slide up into baby's bottom.
"Mother withdrew the stick and added more Vaseline to the cotton wool, then slid it back up into the infant's bottom again.
"She carefully slid the cotton-wool-covered stick in and out of baby's bottom, thickly covering the cotton wool with Vaseline again and again, sliding it further and further up into baby's bottom until it filled the infant's rectum.
"Every few minutes, the mother slid the stick out and added more Vaseline to it, then slide it slowly back into baby's bottom again.
"She kept doing this until it induced the infant child to have a good poo".
"Do you see, dear El, how this was done to get plenty of Vaseline into the baby's bottom, so it melted right up in there and the poo just slid out?"
"Yes, Anne. And I'll bet baby just loved the feeling of that slippery matchstick with all that Vaseline, sliding in and out of her bottom, too!"
"You're right, dear El! Babies liked the feeling so much that they would actually start to hold their poo every day until mother had given them that sensuous pleasure again, day after day, and that actually made their constipation into a habit.
"It wasn't until about 1950, in Britain anyhow, I don't know about France or America, that doctors began to change their advice for constipated infants, to something they wouldn't enjoy quite so much!"
"By the way, some nannies have told me that if you do the same thing to an infant boy, he usually gets a rigid erection from the excitement of the slippery stick sliding in and out of his bottom and it gives him delirious ecstasies of pleasure to his little prostate.
"The acute pleasure can be so deeply imprinted on his young mind that he grows up with a strong urge to slide smooth slippery things up into his own bottom . . . or maybe even asks another boy to slide his erect penis up into him.
"Nannies did tell me that many boys eventually made a transfer, so they got orgasms by sliding their own erect penis into another boy's bottom.
"A few boys even make a further transfer and sought out girls who liked having an erect penis slid up into their bottoms, to the huge delight of both of them.
"Nannies have told me that a baby girl often becomes so excited by the sensuous in-and-out movements of the slippery cotton-wool on a stick, that in later life she always preferred a man to make love to her that way, instead of in her cunnie.
"We don't need to worry, like the doctors did, about baby Joanie getting excited by you sliding a slippery stick in and out of her bottom, because that's exactly what we are trying to do!
"I can show you how to do this with Joanie tomorrow. The angle you use to slide the stick in is very important, and I'll show you how to do it".
"You must be exhausted, dear Anne, with telling me so much!
"That was a lovely dinner you made us; thank you so much. And you have given me a lot to think about. Shall we hit the hay ourselves, so we are ready for tomorrow's excitements?"
"Good idea, Ellie love. I have put you in beside Joanie while she sleeps there in her swaddling, and you have your own bathroom.
"Good night my sweet", as we enjoyed a lingering embrace, like in our college days.
My apartment was completely quiet, right through the night. I don't think any of us stirred - certainly not baby Joanie, bound tight in her swaddling: she didn't cry out or move even once!
In fact, she didn't awake until both Eleanor and I were dressed and had finished our breakfast of toast and coffee.
Then El lifted Joan and gave her a bottle. Only after that did El unwind her swaddling which went into a waiting bucket of warm water for washing, and wiped her clean before sponging her, then dried her gently.
El laid her baby Joan face down on a towel. We didn't use cotton wool and matchsticks, of course: I had some Q-tip cotton swabs ready and a jar of yellow unbleached Vaseline.
I twirled one of the Q-tips around in the Vaseline until it was well coated.
"El, this is where you have to be careful! Look, I'll show you. I separate dear Joanie's cheeks with one hand and I slide the cotton swab down onto her little pink rosebud and hold the shaft of the swab so it pointed along her back, up towards her head.
"That way, it lies right in the line of her rectum.
"I press the end of the Q-tip downwards as I move the other end of the shaft up and down and side to side.
"It's that lower lip of her rosebud that is going to move down and let the Q-tip into her bottom . . . .
"It helps Joanie if you make encouraging noises while moving the Q-tip around and pressing on it, El, and I'll nuzzle my face into her sweet bottom too.
"It only takes a few moments while we knock at her door . . . . then the Q-tip begins to slide up into her bottom. Do you see?"
"Yes, I do! And Joanie likes it too, from her gurgling noises!"
"I pull it back out again and daub thick Vaseline on the Q-tip again.
"Why don't you do it this time, El love, while I watch?"
"All right. Tell me if I have the Q-tip pointing right?"
"Yup! That's going to slide into Joanie exactly along the line of her rectum. Just press gently now, until Joanie opens her rosebud to you, then slide it slowly up until you feel it stop.
"That's it! Now let it sit there. Move the end up and down a little, and side to side, to give Joanie the most marvelous feelings.
"There! Just hear those gurgles - she loves it!
"Best if you sit comfortably, so you can pleasure dear Joanie for fifteen minutes or more"
"Is it really all right for me to do this to her for that long?"
"Yes. You see we are doing this until the Vaseline melts inside her and makes her feces so she can't stop them from sliding out of her. Can be five minutes, but it may be fifteen with extra Vaseline added to the Q-tip to melt inside her bottom before it actually works.
It's about time to add some more Vaseline now, El dear, so slide the Q-tip gently out again and load it up!
"Right! Now slide it slowly back into Joanie's bottom again.
"She really loves what you are doing to her, doesn't she?"
After some ten minutes, Eleanor was pulling out the Q-tip to load even more Vaseline onto it, when Joanie suddenly started to make a poo that seemed to just go on and on for ever.
"Those doctors certainly knew how to get a baby to do what she should! That will be a great way for Joanie to start every morning until she is about a year old!
"What do you think, El?"
"No question that she will really enjoy it, too!
"She's certainly going to have an exciting life when she is older. First she will want to be spanked. And she will like that even better if she is tied so tight she can not move.
"After being spanked, she will want to be kissed on her bottom: French kissed, for preference!
"Once so excited, she will encourage her man to slide his rampant engine up into her bottom again and again until he gives her an orgasm, and himself too!"
"Yes, dear El. And best of all, she will have no idea how she ever came to have such strong and unusual urges which make her so popular at parties, and so exciting as a lover!"
We soon had Joanie clean and dressed, and the place washed and clean again.
"It's sunny and warm outside. Why don't we unfold the pram you brought in the car, El, and take Joanie for a walk in it, along to the shops?
"That will get her some fresh air".
"A great idea!
"I am going to make dinner tonight - no arguing, now, Anne! - and I'll be able to get something in the shops that I'll enjoy cooking".
"That will be lovely, El. Thank you!
"Will you be happy with soup again for lunch if we get a baguette while we're out, and some cheeses?
"We can all have a nap after lunch, then give Joanie today's spanking before her bedtime tonight".
"That sounds lovely. Such a pity, Anne, that Joanie will not be able to recall each day of this exciting visit!"
"Yes! My nannies tell me that her school may notice that she somehow always seems to break rules that call for corporal punishment by the time she is ten years old - if you send her to the kind of school that she will enjoy.
"And you are likely to notice other interesting behavior by the age of fourteen to sixteen, if you have done your job right in this first year . . . according to my nannies, Eleanor!"
The rest of our week together passed in a regular routine for Joan of a day that started with feeding while she was still held tight in her warm, moist swaddling. Next, her swaddling was removed and she was sponged clean and carefully dried and powdered.
Then she was laid flat on her tummy and a Q-tip with lots of Vaseline was slid up into her bottom, to her loud chortles of joy, then slid in and out with more and more Vaseline, until she finally could hold her poo no longer and let it go.
In the evening, a spanking on her soft round cheeks was followed by a soothing tongue massaging down between her chubby cheeks then slid up into her bottom until she was gurgling in happy ecstasy.
Joanie was then wrapped tight in fresh swaddling and laid down for a long night of warm moist sleep.
I closed my eyes in bed that night thinking how Joanie would enjoy in the morning her mother sliding a Q-tip slippery with Vaseline down into the snuggly place between the cheeks of her soft round bottom to push on her little rosebud and she felt it wiggling there from side to side until the slippery tip began to slide right up inside her bottom and thrilled her through and through as her mother slid it in and out with more Vaseline on it every time the slippery end went back again up into her bottom until so much Vaseline gone in and melted there inside her that she could hold her poo no longer and the soft warm stuff all came sliding right out of her and she gurgled with delight from the lovely feelings she was enjoying.
All that day Joanie would know to expect the strange new feeling of having her soft smooth bottom smacked with a wood ruler and the lovely tingling feeling it gave while she shouted and yelled with the pain until her mother stopped slapping her bottom with the wood ruler and cuddled her tight and kissing her red bottom then slid her tongue down between her plump cheeks to press on her little rosebud with lots of spittle and push and push into her until the way in slowly opened enough for her mother's tongue to start sliding right up into her bottom with feelings that were more exciting than any pleasure she had felt before and made her chortle in her delight and shout with joy until her mother at last slid her tongue back out again and began to wrap her in pieces of soft muslin which became tighter and tighter round her until she couldn't move her arms or legs even a tiny bit and her body was held firmly so she was completely bound and captive in a way that was wonderfully soothing as she dropped off to sleep with the feel of being held very firmly and loved while she still had the exciting memory of her mother's tongue probing into her rosebud then sliding slowly on up inside her bottom.
Starting in about ten years time, I looked forward to hearing from dear Eleanor about Joanie's adventures in the exciting life that she is certainly going to have with her friends as she relives the pleasures she was now having in this first year of her life.
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