Published: 6-Feb-2013
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Since leaving the turnpike, I seemed to have driven forever on that snowy Connecticut afternoon. Several times I'd back-tracked and checked the sketch map, then started again from a clearly-marked cross road, and tried once more . . .
At last! I'd got it right! The name "Grayholme" on the stone gate posts loomed up ahead of me. The house looked friendly with candles lit in several of the windows, but much of the building was lost to sight there amongst the trees.
After I'd slid my way up the driveway, I saw an open garage door, and assumed it was meant for me. I eased my Peugeot between the door posts, being careful not to slide into one of them on the thick slippery snow.
As I came out with my coat and suitcase, I felt an icy cold wind and was glad of my tweed suit. I closed the garage and turned to make for the front door.
There were half a dozen stone steps up to it and as I put my foot on the first one, a light went on and several bolts rattled and banged then the heavy studded door swung open . . .
There in the doorway at the top of the steps was my young niece, Elizabeth!
"Oh! Hello!! Uncle Penty!!!", she shouted and rushed down the steps to me; she never had been one to stand on ceremony or act ladylike!
Down she raced . . . and lost her footing on the slippery snow just as she reached me. I put out an arm and grabbed her, and made very sure she could stand again before I let go, but not before I had hugged her and kissed her forehead, with:
"Lizzie, steady my love, or we'll be lying together, down in the snow"
"Uncle Penty! You're here! Oh! I'm so sorry - I fell asleep waiting! Where have you been? You were meant to come for lunch!
"They've all gone to a party the other side of the river, and left me to open the door for you,'If he even comes!' they said. I think they really didn't expected you here at all with this awful snow! Do come in!"
"I got lost with all the turnings and snow covering the road signs! Thought I'd never arrive, Lizzie! But that doesn't matter now I'm here!"
Elizabeth picked up my coat and shook the snow off it, then pulled me up towards the open door.
Once inside and the door shut again, I stood in the hall gazing around at the grandfather clock and oil paintings and a magnificent staircase with carved banisters of dark wood. In the dim light, the ceiling looked all of twenty foot high.
"Uncle Penty, you must be starving. Rose put a pie in the oven for your lunch before she went home but look, it's three o'clock now!"
"Lizzie, that would be lovely. Let me eat in the kitchen while you tell me all about your year. I'll stop in a bathroom on the way if you show me where."
"Bathroom's right there by the front door. I'll wait and show you the way, . . . or you'll get lost - again!", and giggled.
"Don't get fresh, young lady! I don't want to have to spank you before I even get to eat!"
"I'm very sorry, Uncle Penty - really I am!", grinning . . . .
I soaked my face and hands in warm water: It made me feel civilized again, and ready to enjoy Lizzie's lively company.
Liz was sitting on the bottom stair:
"Feel a bit better now?"
"Yes. Sorry to be so long - it takes time to thaw out after so much driving - but I'm ready for that pie now. Lead on!"
We walked for ages, turning several corners as we went.
"Thanks for staying to guide me, Lizzie; I would never have made this on my own.", I said, enjoying her back view, walking ahead of me as she chattered away.
I'd sent Elizabeth a birthday card (as usual) only a month before when she had turned fourteen, and she must have put on almost an inch since I'd last seen her, but still no more than about 5-5, and so slender and boyish (except for her firm teenage-girl's bottom) that she couldn't weigh above eighty pounds . . .
We were there at last. When Liz turned on the lights I saw that the kitchen was magnificent. I went and lifted the wine bottle from the table - it was a Bordeaux. Paul, her father, had remembered my taste - and he'd placed it close enough to the stove for the bottle to be just at the right temperature . .
"I'll pull the cork on this while you serve up the pie for me, Lizzie. Where are the corkscrew and glasses?"
"That cupboard there Uncle Penty. I'll see what shape the pie is in. Steak and mushroom, Rose said. And, look! She covered the top with foil to stop it drying out."
I opened the bottle and filled two glasses while Liz set a dinner plate in front of me, with the hot pie dish and baked potatoes beside it on a board. As Liz lifted the foil off, I saw the crust was cooked to a "T".
"Get a plate for yourself, too, Liz - so at least you can taste it: from the aroma, I think it's going to be very good. Is it all right if I help myself?"
"Yes, of course, Uncle Penty! And have as much as you want of it; I've eaten already. I'll just have a little bit to try it."
I ate a mouthful of the pie, then took a sip of the wine, and it was heavenly! I felt sure the beef had been flamed with brandy, then wine added before the pie was baked.
"Lizzie love, try a sip of wine with the pie. It's a claret and just perfect with steak and mushrooms".
I knew Paul had brought her up to take an occasional glass of wine, and Lizzie's eyes sparkled with surprise and pleasure as she savored the lush rich flavor of Rose's pie -washed down with the Saint-Emilion.
"Did you find Rose easily after you'd moved in, Liz? Seems like she's a great cook".
"I think she worked here for the people before us, so that made it easy. She was able to tell Mummy how everything works and which are the best shops, so she helped us a lot".
"Good! That kilt and white blouse you have on, is it part of your school uniform, Liz?"
"Yes. It's just laziness to keep putting them on while I'm home -but they *are* nice and warm for this weather".
"How are you liking your school? Doing all right there?"
"Yes, all right. The other girls are nice; awful food though! My grades are quite good, but I keep getting into trouble with all the silly rules the teachers have".
"What about sports? Do you get to play games often?"
"Oh, yes! We play field hockey and I'm good at track".
"Your long legs must help you there, Lizzie love. And I guess your shapely bottom must be mostly muscle!"
Liz giggled, and it was nice to see her blush . . .
By the end of our meal, I knew quite a lot about Liz's school, how she spent her time there, and how delightfully her mind was maturing. Then:
"Uncle Penty, let's just put these dishes in the sink. We are supposed to be putting up the decorations on the tree, so it's all ready for when they get back from the party tomorrow . . . Oh, I am sorry! You're probably too tired to do it today, after that awful drive you've had, aren't you?"
"No, that would be fun, Lizzie love. I'm feeling great now, after that good steak pie and we can take the rest of the bottle with us".
I helped clear away, and we were soon ready to go. Her lithe young body moved ahead of me, striding along like the young athlete she was, as we made our way back to the front of the house. In the hallway, I said:
"Let me take my suitcase up, and change into something more comfortable. Can you show me the way, Lizzie?"
"Yes, but can you carry the case? It looks heavy, and you're much stronger than me - do you mind, Uncle Penty?"
"No trouble - I still go to the gym and work out each week!"
"You're in a visitors' room on the second floor - follow me".
We arrived and I saw it was a good-sized bedroom:
"Show me your room, Lizzie, while we are up here".
"Sure! It's up on the next floor . . "
We walked up one: her room was large and the window looked out on the back of the house, over a courtyard - I could see it faintly in the twilight.
"That's lovely! Much bigger than your room in the last house; got your own bathroom, too! The window faces East: Does the sun wake you in the mornings?"
"Yes, it will in the spring, when things get a bit brighter!"
"You have a night-light; keep it switched on, Lizzie?"
"Yes, I don't like the dark when there's a noise in the night!"
"Pajamas neatly laid out on the bed all ready for tonight, too. Always do that?"
"Just habit from school, Uncle Penty!", giggle!
"It's a lovely place you've got, Liz! Well, I'll go and unpack, and change into something better for tree decorating."
We went back down to my floor, and Liz went on down. I changed my suit for a lumberjack shirt and corduroys - the house was warm enough I could do without a sweater - and went back down to find the living room.
It was a palatial room, and the tree was already in place: it suited the high ceiling and was really tall. There were boxes of decorations beside it and lights, all ready and waiting for us.
"Lizzie, I see your windows have folding shutters on the inside; let's go round closing them, to keep the house warm and secure", and we went round all the rooms on the ground floor barring the shutters closed. Then, back where we had started:
"That's a great tree for decorating! Let's sit a minute by the fire. Can you put a bit more wood on, so it burns up more? . . That's good! Now come and sit on my knee . . . so I can give you a proper cuddle, Lizzie love!"
My hand slipped up under Liz's short kilt and lose panties to fondle the smooth warm silkiness of her well-rounded bottom, just as I have always done and we cuddled together for a long time, then:
"Lizzie love?", I murmured at last, "Tell me about the trouble you have had, obeying the rules at school".
"Oh! They're just silly school rules! Being at meals exactly on time, instead of being late so often; saying'Yes, Ma'am' and'No, Sir' to the teachers, instead of just'Yes' and'No'; and walking all the time, instead of running when you feel like it -that's the most difficult rule to remember!"
"Elizabeth, my dear sweet naughty niece, I am so sorry to hear all this! From the very way you say it, I can tell you have no intention of even trying to be guided by your elders and betters! You leave me no alternative but to impress on you that I strongly disapprove of your attitude.
"Stand up please . . Now put yourself over my knees for a spanking, Elizabeth, to see if I can help you to remember to act more like a lady!
"Lift your kilt at the front before you lie on my lap - we don't want it to look all crumpled afterwards, do we?"
"Uncle Penty, do you have to? We're supposed to be decorating the tree!"
"The tree can wait, my dear niece: this is much more important. Now, we haven't got all day! Up with your kilt, Elizabeth, and over my lap".
Hamming it up with a big sigh, Lizzie lifted the front of her short kilt and laid herself across my knees. I might have thought she was reluctant to be spanked, if I hadn't caught a fleeting smile as her head was going down towards the floor!
"Both hands touching the floor please, and keep them there. I can see you have quite the wrong attitude towards the good people who are doing their best to teach you to act like a lady, Elizabeth!"
And on and on, lecturing her as I lifted the back of Lizzie's kilt and tucked it up into her belt: My arm quickly went up and my palm came down hard - SMACK! - to flattened the soft round cheeks under her white cotton panties . . . and Liz let out a startled "OH!!"
"I'll rub your naughty bottom between spanks, Elizabeth; that will make sure you don't have any bruise marks tomorrow."
Between me rubbing Lizzie's bottom and smacking it, while I lectured without pause, I could tell through my trouser leg that Lizzie was becoming more and more hot and moist.
She was soon weeping buckets which streamed down onto the floor and she gave a noisy gasp with each SMACK! and wriggled her bottom so her pussy rubbed hard against my rough trousers and I pressed my hands more and more firmly down as I rubbed her hot cheeks between each SMACK! and moved my knees to rub my corduroys against her clitty.
When I felt that Lizzie had had enough, I let her up. Holding her sore bottom she turned and said:
"Uncle Penty, that *hurt* but it was tingly too", smiling through her tears and gave a giggle.
"Lizzie my love, go and wash those tears off your face, then come back and we'll start on decorating the tree?"
"Uncle Penty, I do love you!"
And dear Lizzie held me very tight for a moment, then ran off to the bathroom in the hallway, holding her painful bottom as she went, while I turned to see what we had been given as decorations for the tree.
There were strings of lights, and decorations of every conceivable shape and material. As my naughty niece returned:
"Lizzie, let's start by going round the bottom branches of the tree with the lights and decorations, and work our way upwards!
"I'll push this extension cord into that outlet . . Can you plug a string of lights to the other end? . . And we'll put it around the tree on the lowest branches, fairly low to the ground . . .
"Looks good!
"Now lets hang decorations under that string of lights".
"Oh! Uncle Penty! These are the elves you gave me for Christmas years ago!"
"Still got them, Lizzie love? They do look mischievous, don't they? I'll get going with the glass globes . . ."
We had soon done the lowest branches, and went on with the next ones up:
"Let's plug this string into the end of the first one, and hang it on the branches around the tree, a bit further up from the ground
"That's great, Lizzie love! That's looking great! It's good hanging the lights while the lamps are lit, isn't it? We can see what the effect is going to be, while we're doing it!
"I'll follow you and put decorations round the tree under those lights . ."
I followed Liz as we slowly worked our way round and round the tree with strings of lights and decorations. It was a delight to watch her graceful movements, stooping and then having to stretch upwards higher and higher, which accentuated her bottom and budding breasts, while she chattered away and we got further and further up the tree from the ground.
At last, Lizzie was on tip-toes and could reach no higher.
"That's as far as I can go, Uncle Penty! I guess we have to use that step ladder next!?"
"We'd have to keep moving the steps, Lizzie love . . . I have another idea: Let's plug in these next three strings of lights, one on the end of the other, and lay them along on the floor . .
"Now, you take the one at the very end and get up on the table here . . I sit at the edge, so you can clamber up and sit on my shoulders.
"Best lift your kilt at the front so it doesn't get crumpled - again (grin!) . . . Up on my shoulders . . . That's it! Now hold on tight with your legs - like when you're horse riding - and I'll hold you too . . ."
I slid my hands up and under Lizzie's panties to grasp her bottom on each side and my two hands slid up along her thighs and round her silky smooth cheeks to hold her firmly pressed against the back of my neck. I could feel her soft little pussy pushing against me there, warm and moist . . .
"All set, Lizzie love?"
"Giddapp, Bronco!", giggle!
I carefully stood up with Liz clamped firmly in the saddle of my neck! I bounced up and down gently, to make sure she was securely in place - and to let her get comfortable with the feel of being held this way.
"OK, Lizzie love? Do you feel happy for me to walk around with you like this?"
"Uncle Penty! Yes! (giggle) Very happy! (giggle) You make a good bronco!"
And Lizzie giggled more as she wriggled her hips, rubbing her pussy against my neck . .
"Right! Off we go, Lizzie love!", as I walked slowly towards the tree.
"Now, my sweet niece, can you carefully run your hands down along that strings of lights . . . until you reach the place where you can carry on with hanging them on the branches?"
"Ohhhh!! I nearly dropped them . . That's it! I've got the place! Can you move to your right, slooooowly round the tree? . . and I'll put them in place".
And we went on round the tree, with Liz bending this way and that, squirming around on my shoulders to reach the branches of the tree . . My fingers were flexing against her silky smooth cheeks all the time to hold her as she wriggled around and bent her body this way and that . . and I could feel her little cunnie getting more and more hot and moist against the back of my neck all the time.
"Are you all right, Lizzie love? It's a lot of bending and stretching for you! Are you feeling safe? Do you need to get down to rest for a bit?"
"I'm all right thank you Uncle Penty! (giggle) I feel sometimes as if I might slip off your shoulders though! Maybe you could hold me a bit more firmly with your hands?!" - giggle!
I flexed my fingers even more into Liz's silky smooth cheeks to press her hot little pussy even harder against my neck and turned my head from side to side to rub back and fore against it.
"Better, Lizzie love?"
"Yes! That's wonderful Uncle Penty!! (giggle) Keep pressing like that!!"
And I knew Lizzie was loving every minute of it . . .
"There!! All the lights are in place, Uncle Penty. Can you stand back so we can see they are all in the right place?!"
"Well done, Lizzie my love", and I moved back as she asked.
"I think they look great! What do you say?!"
And the lights really did look wonderful!!
"Now! What I'd like to do, Lizzie love, is to hold a box of the decorations in one hand for you to choose from and fasten on the tree, while I hold you with just one hand! Will you feel safe enough up there like that, do you think, Lizzie love?"
"Let's try it Uncle Penty! If I feel wobbly, I can always drop an ornament and grab your head! But not if you hold me very firmly with one hand!" - giggle!
I walked over to the table and took one of the boxes of decorations in my left hand while I kept pressing Liz's hot little pussy against my neck with my other hand on her bottom. As I walked back to the tree again, I bounced Lizzie up and down:
"Feel secure up there, do you, Lizzie love?"
"Yup! Hope you can breathe OK with my legs griping you like this!?"
I could feel Liz's bare feet were curled around behind my back so her legs held her firmly in place: She didn't really need my hand behind her at all . . .
"I'm fine, thank you! It's you that's doing all the work here, Lizzie love. Right! Let's get going on the decorations again... says the slave driver!"
"Telling me! Never known anyone like it! And he beats me if I don't do what he says, too!" - giggle!
When that box of ornaments was finished I walked over to the table and got another box . . . and then another.
To reach up so she could get the last of the decorations into place, Liz rose in her'saddle', ramming her hot pussy, slathering now with her juices, against the back of my head.
My hand kept a firm hold of Lizzie's silky smooth bottom and I kept moving my head from side to side as though I was looking around, and I felt Lizzie getting even more excited with this rubbing against her hot pussy . . .
When Liz had fixed the last decoration in place:
"Just go round the tree, just once, so we can be sure it looks all right, Uncle Penty!"
"Right! A slow canter . . ."
As I slowly walked round the tree, I bounced Liz up and down on my shoulders at every step, while I kept her pressed hard against my neck. She was giving little excited gasps at each step, and I could sense the arousal that was surging up within her.
I knew it was not a minute too soon to get her off my shoulders so I went and sat on the edge of the table again . . and Lizzie's face was flushed with excitement.
"There's one last decoration to go up, Lizzie love! That angel needs to be wired to the very top of the tree!"
"Uncle Penty! The tree's too high! I can never get it right up there!"
"I think you can just do it, Lizzie love - if I hold you a bit differently. Get off my shoulders . . . take the angel in one hand - and you see the two wires? You just have to twist them round the twig that points upwards right at the top of the tree.
"Now, you turn your back to this edge of the table here . . and stand with your legs well apart . . I'll sit beside you on the table . . and my hand will make like a bicycle saddle for you".
I slid the heel of my palm firmly up between Liz's legs until it was pressing against her crotch, and my fingers were cupped around her pussy where her panties were now soaking wet . . .
My other hand took a firm grasp of the ankle nearest me, as she stood on the table.
"Now, as you stand on the table, I want you to bend your legs, then straighten them quickly, so you do a standing jump up in the air . . I'll straighten my arm at the same time, so you'll be sitting right up there, as far as I can reach.
"You'll be fine, with your strong legs, I know! Start by jumping as high as you can. Think you can do it, Lizzie love?"
"Sounds OK! Grip my ankle well, won't you Uncle Penty?!"
"Yup! You say'One, Two, Three', then jump - so I'm ready to lift you up Lizzie love!"
"OK! Here goes! Ready?? One - Two - Three - UP!"
Liz gave a magnificent standing-jump with my arm heaving her up at the same time . . . and there she was! Supported by my hand under her pussy, right up there as far as I could reach. . . much higher than she had been before.
"Well done, Lizzie love! Now, I'll walk over . . . . and you can bend forward slowly . . . and fasten the angel right at the top of the tree." . . . . . . .
With every step, Lizzie was giving excited little gasps Of delight; when we reached the tree, she bent slooooowly forward, throwing her weight right onto her little cunnie, and shouted:
"Done it! Hooray!!"
By this time, Lizzie was so excited by having her whole weight supported on her cunnie as it sat in the palm of my hand, that her juices were running freely down my arm.
After she'd said "Hooray!!", I began turning my hand side to side at the top of my wrist, slowly back and fore, swiveling it around under her cunnie while I held her ankle steady . . so her clitty was being slowly mushed around as my hand moved under it.
"We can walk round the room like this, Lizzie love. Hold the top of the door to steady yourself . . . and look around the whole room, just the way the angel sees it from the top of the tree!"
"Ohhh! Penty! I can't stand it!! What's happening to me?! Ohhhh!! It's wonderful!! Do stop!! Stop!! More!! More!! More ! ! Oh! ! ! ! What's happening?!"
My darling sweet niece, Lizzie love, bent and bucked and jerked and squirmed and wriggled her body around, while I steadied her with my grip on her ankle, and I kept swiveling my hand round from side to side to mush her soft warm cunnie as it supported her whole weight, sitting on my slowly-moving hand.
She said nothing more that was coherent - just grunts, sighs, gasps, groans, and shouts of: "Mooooore! Mooooooore!! Moooooooore!!!" until my lovely Lizzie went tense and rigid, shaking and shouting with primitive grunts and groans, then folded and collapsed down into my waiting arms.
I carried my lovely niece to the armchair by the fire and held her on my lap as I sank back cuddling her, and I was sure now from her shouts of "What's happening to me?" that my sweet Lizzie truly had never before in her life experienced the thrill of an erotic climax!
And what better present could I possibly give my dear Lizzie this Christmas than the first time she had ever felt that ecstasy as it gripped her whole body and soul while it held her in its thrall?!
And Lizzie slept the sleep of a seraph, while I sat gazing at the most wonderfully decorated tree that I'd ever seen. . a reminder of my dear young niece's ecstatic joy as she reached to place the angel on top of the tree . . . while my hand under her kilt was gently stroking Lizzie's silky smooth bottom.
Lizzie soon awoke from her sleep on my lap in front of the fire:
"Lizzie, I haven't given you your present yet!", as I reached behind the chair and brought up a parcel that looked the size of a small bicycle wheel, but it was much too light for that.
"Uncle Penty! How nice of you!", and she ripped the paper off to reveal a classical stiff-ruff tutu.
"Uncle Penty! I haven't worn a ballet tutu for years! How did you know I had ever learned ballet?"
"You let it out last time I saw you, Liz! Why don't you go and put it on, and your ballet shoes too? I want to show you a way to dance that is probably quite new to you."
"All right, Uncle Penty. It looks such a lovely tutu. But I'll be terribly stiff, I know!" and she ran off upstairs to her bedroom.
I took off my shoes so my feet would slide around on the parquet floor in my socks. By the time Liz came back I had put on a CD I'd brought with me, and a Tchaikovsky piano concerto was playing. The tutu I had bought had come attached to a cotton vest that covered Lizzie's top half:
"Liz! You look just lovely in your tutu! Come here so I can show you how we are going to dance the Nutcracker - It's the next music on this CD".
"Oh but Uncle Penty, it's more than a year since I made any ballet move!"
"Doesn't matter, Lizzie my dear. All you have to do is take a position. Come over here and I'll show you, Lizzie love".
She came across and curtsied gracefully with mischief in her eyes and looking absolutely adorable.
"Do you remember how to make an Arabesque, Liz? - Both feet flat on the floor then raise your arms gracefully above your head, hands about two feet apart, palms to the side, and face looking to the front.
"Now bend your body forward at the hips and raise your right leg so it is straight out behind you, in line with your body.
"Bend a bit more until your chest is resting on my hand here, Liz, to steady you.
"Now the overture of Nutcracker is beginning . . .
"Do you feel steady with my hand under you like this, Lizzie?"
"Yes, I think so Uncle Penty, thank you. But go gently - at first anyhow" (giggle).
"The way of dancing I'm going to show you is called'Portay', Liz. It's the French word for'Carried', because *you* don't make any moves, Lizzie - I lift you up and carry you every step of the way.
"I first saw this when I was a student at Cambridge, and never have I seen a ballerina look so happy while she danced. She just needed to look graceful while her partner did all the work!"
"Here's the Overture beginning. I take your weight in the usual way in ballet, with my other hand under you, and I lift you firmly . . ."
I slid my cupped hand between Liz's legs so it was under her little cunnie, separated from my fingers only by the thin cotton of the tight panties that she had changed into. I said:
"Now I begin to lift you up and down gently, Lizzie, in time to the music.
"You can enhance your movement by pushing up on the toe which is on the floor. Try it: up . . . up . . . up . . .
"Be sure to keep your right leg straight and in line with your body, Lizzie.
"You have the position beautifully, Liz!
"Let's just get used to standing in one place and floating up and down in time to the music while the Overture is playing.
"Up - down - up - down - up - down - up ....."
I was lifting and lowering Lizzie in the slow and stately tempo of the overture so she got used to the support for her whole weight being concentrated mostly on her soft little cunnie.
"Now here comes the Nutcracker March, and I begin to move you along the floor in small steps, in time with the music Lizzie.
"You see: we'll soon be in front of the big wall mirror . . . and now you can see yourself, as you float up and down most beautifully in time to the March Lizzie: up - down - up -down - up - down".
"It's so easy, Uncle Penty! And it feels nice too (giggle). Can you lift me up and down a bit harder Uncle Penty please?"
"The fast music is coming soon, Lizzie love. Try and concentrate for now on looking beautiful and being in perfect control. Here comes the Dance of the Sugar-Plum Fairy. It's quite quiet music, you'll see . . . ."
"Next is the Russian Dance: now we move more lively in time with the music: up down up down up down . . ."
I began lifting Liz more briskly, in time to the faster music, all the time watching carefully to see how hard she wanted to be lifted by my hand under her quim.
Her excitement increased and my pressure on her soft little cunnie got stronger and stronger until I was almost thumping her little pussy with my cupped hands to lift her whole body up again and again in time with the fast music.
I felt her excitement mounting as the thrill of erotic arousal began to course through her frame.
The Russian Dance was over far too quickly but I couldn't have continued for much longer anyway at that quick ecstatic pace, and neither could Liz: She was already trembling in a state of jittery excitement.
So I chose the languid tempo of the next dance to say:
"Let's both rest for this slow Arabian dance, Liz: Gently bring your body up vertical as you lower your right foot to the floor.
"Turn now and be ready to dance in the other direction with your *left* leg in the air behind you, when I give the word.
"Are you enjoying your ballet lesson, Lizzie love?"
"Oh. yes!", still trembling with excitement, "It's just wonderful Uncle Penty! I never knew ballet could be so much fun (giggle), but (very impatiently) how soon can we go on?!"
"Good, now! Here we go: one - two - three - OFF"
I lifted my hand between her legs again and again in quick succession to raise Liz in time with the fast piccolo notes in the Chinese Dance while my fingers moved rapidly, deep in the softness of her cunnie, and the fingers of my other hand were buried into her sweet budding breasts.
Lizzie's excitement was growing by the minute with the pounding of my hand under her dripping-wet quim and she started to gasp and moan as she helped each "up" movement by springing on her toes.
The Chinese Dance gave into another quick dance and Liz began shouting hoarsely:
"Harder, Uncle Penty! Harder! Oh! Ooooooh! Aaaaaaaaah! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Ooooooooooooooooooh!"
While my fingers were strumming on her hot tumescent cunnie, Lizzie's whole frame suddenly stiffened and went completely rigid . . . . and I caught her up into my arms just as she was about to collapse down onto the floor.
A Waltz was beginning and I carried my sweet Liz to the sofa and laid her gently down.
I stroked Lizzie's hair gently until she began to move and recovered enough to be aware again of her surroundings. Then I lifted her to sit on my lap in front of the fire with her head on my shoulder while I stroked her long athletic legs.
"Uncle Penty, what happened to me?", came her sleepy voice.
"You danced most beautifully to the Nutcracker Suite in your new tutu, dear Lizzie, and you looked absolutely divine my lovely niece!
"You got more and more excited as you danced, until you just about passed out with the excitement of it all.
"It's been an exciting evening dear Lizzie with all the tree decorating and your ballet lesson and now I think I should take you up to bed for a good night's sleep. Just put your arm round my neck dear Liz and I'll carry you up".
As we reached her bedroom, I grabbed a towel and put it down on her bed-sheet. Lizzie was still quite groggy from her shattering climax and I supported her as she stood while I removed her vest with the tutu attached, then she flopped down onto the towel on her bed and I pulled the sheet up to her chin.
"Just stay there a moment, Lizzie my love, and I'll make you ready to sleep".
I ran water from the tap and went back with a warm sponge which I used gently, first on her face and neck, drying with the towel as I went, then rolled her over and slid off her panties to sponge her lovely high-water-mark bottom.
Looking down at my dear exhausted Lizzie lying naked on her bed I couldn't but feel wistfully that this was probably the last time I would see her lying unclothed with such tom-boy unconcern.
The very pleasures that I had just introduced my dear Lizzie to would bring in their train feelings of coy modesty . .
I rolled Lizzie over on her back and lifted a leg to carefully sponge away the juices that had flowed so freely this evening.
Pajama legs and jacket on next, then I pulled up the bed clothes and was making sure that Lizzie would be comfortable through the night, when her voice came drowsily:
"Uncle Penty, thank you so much for decorating the tree with me. And for the tutu as a present. And for teaching me that lovely way to do ballet dancing. It was heavenly!
"Good night Uncle Penty!", and Lizzie put both her arms round my neck and pulled me tight to her.
"See you in the morning, Uncle Penty!", as she turned her head on the pillow and was soon breathing deeply in a sound sleep.
I went down to check the fire was safe . . . found some of Lizzie's things in the bathroom by the front door, and left everything ship-shape downstairs. I quietly checked the bolts on the front and back doors which had ensured our privacy and turned off the lights, then carried the things upstairs to her room.
My naughtiest niece, Lizzie love, lay sleeping with a smile on her face. As I gently kissed her flushed face and hot lips, I murmured:
"I did enjoy decorating the tree with you, and teaching you a new way to dance dear Lizzie!
"Only three or four more Christmases and you will be enjoying the freedom of college life, my love!
"Happy, happy Christmas, Lizzie my sweetest angel!"
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