Published: 4-Feb-2013
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I only saw the van outside our cottage after I'd walked up from the road. It was parked where everyone else does, behind the fir trees, beside the notice that Mom had put up:
If a car is already here, please return later or phone.
Clients must not to be disturbed during a fitting.
Thank you.
Anne Sinclair, Dressmaker.
So with the van there, I expected to have the kitchen to myself, but I opened the door and Mom greeted me:
"You're back late from school! What kept you, Rosie love? This is Ted who used to be a school teacher in Africa!
"He's a repair man now and come to fix our TV"
I looked at the pleasant-faced wiry man:
"Hi Ted! I'm Rose! Maybe you can help me with my holiday homework later?" as I gave him an'I-know-I'm-fresh' look.
"Glad to meet you, Rose, I'm sure! What's your homework?", and he grinned back at me.
"Why did the Germans lose World War One? I'll have to get books out of the village library and spend hours reading!"
"You need to know about why the Schlieffen Plan failed, Rose. It's all on the web."
"Thanks Ted! Maybe you can tell me about it when you've finished?"
I dumped my school bag beside the table with Mom's sewing machine on it, and I saw Mom had put the one good light near the TV to help Ted with his repairs. Then I went off to the bathroom.
I'd just got my kilt back down again when the shouting started, and I went back quick to the kitchen.
"What do you mean, you haven't got any money?"
The bright light by the TV had been switched off and Ted was storming away in the dimly lit kitchen:
"The total is a hundred and fifty three dollars and thirty two cents. You're worse than any bare-bottomed native in the African jungle! D'you think I'm going to give you a new television tube and my time to come all the way from the town out here into the boondocks and make it work right, without being paid?!" and he was hopping mad.
"Now you don't need to be like that Ted! Money isn't the only thing in life. A man like you needs other things too, and young Rosie here has promised me she will give you a lovely time that you will never forget. She's still a virgin, and you'll be her very first man."
This is what Mom and I had planned: I wanted to make the repair of the TV a present to Mom for Christmas. She works so hard all the year with making dresses and stuff, and I do almost nothing to help with the money.
"Rose is a nice enough girl - but she hasn't got much of a figure, has she?!" and it's true that I'm tall for twelve, and thin with it (which is why I am good at basketball!)
A friend at school told me she had let a washing-machine repair man have sex with her, instead of her mom paying money for his work. It had seemed such a good idea to say: "Rosie will make it up to you" to the TV repair man when it came time to pay. But it didn't look now as if it was going to work. Maybe my friend was more attractive to men than me?!
"She's got a nice bottom Ted! Turn round Rosie and show yourself to him."
I turned round, trying hard to smile over my shoulder at Ted, and Mom lifted the back of my school kilt. I'd left my panties off, like we'd planned. My hips were narrow but my bottom stood out, firm and round, and I bent my back a bit to make it stick out even more, smooth and inviting, and turned it slowly side to side.
Ted's eyes became glued straight away to my smooth round cheeks in the dim light with not much more than the blaze of the wood fire in the hearth for him to see me by, and Mom walked quick as a cat to the bedroom door and opened it for Ted to see inside:
"You'll be completely private in there. There's bolts on the door and thick curtains on the window so no one will ever know what you and she do in there together."
"You've done me wrong, both of you. I planned to go home with money in my pocket tonight. Where's the switch you use to punish her?"
Mom gets the stick from corner:
"Here! This is the switch and it makes her cry loud enough!"
"That's not a man's switch: it could easy break. Have you got others?"
"Yes, I've a couple more here" and Mom gives them to him.
"I'm not going to take Rose's cherry and spoil her chances for marrying, but I want you to make her squeaky-clean. So start by cleaning inside her bottom with warm water.
"Have you got a vaginal douche with a thick tube on it to slide up into her, and wash her out properly?" and Mom nods.
"After you've cleaned her insides, I want you to wash all round her hips with soap and water, so she smells sweet and lovely.
"I like her kilt and blouse so leave those on. But have her take everything else off.
"And I don't want her trying to change her mind half way through, so put a clean sheet on the bed, lay her face-down on that, and tie her wrists and ankles to the bedposts.
"And leave a gag for me to tie in her mouth in case she's a baby about screaming when I punish her with the switch on her bare bottom.
"I don't like being paid this way, but if it's all you are offering, I'll have your young Rosie in there with me for an hour or so, and punish her properly.
"I'll sit and watch the TV that I have just repaired, until she is tied down to the bed and you say she is ready for me. And I'd like to have a bottle of beer to drink while I'm waiting. Thank you!
"Are you both happy with this? I can take the new bits out of the TV again, and just go away, if you want?!"
"No! Don't do that Ted!" I said quickly, "I want the TV repair to be my Christmas present to Mom", and I went off quickly to the bathroom before he could change his mind, to get ready like he'd said, and Mom followed me.
But as soon as the bathroom door closed behind us:
"Mom, I'm beginning to get scared. I'm going to be tied down to the bed and the door locked so I am completely helpless and alone with a man who is really mad at us both.
"He's used to caning children in the African jungle, and he will be beating me as hard as he likes with wood switches on my bare bottom.
"There'll be nothing to stop him hurting me really bad. Mom, I'm not sure I'll be safe?!"
My knees knocked together in panic, thinking of the thrashing this angry man was about to give me, with the switches cutting deep into the flesh of my tender young bottom and blood everywhere.
My bottom lip was quivering like a jelly - I just couldn't stop it!
"You got to decide for yourself, Rose love. If you don't want to risk it, he will leave us with the TV not working, and it will probably never work ever again!
"But you're right: Once he has bolted the bedroom door with you and him in there together, he can beat you as hard as he likes. I won't be able to stop him, whatever he does to you!
"There's one thing, though: Do you remember he said he wasn't going to spoil your chances for marrying? Well, apart from anything else, that means he's not going to cause you any permanent harm, Rosie love."
"Well . . . I guess you're right, Mom. And I suppose the pain will wear off before I go to back to school again.
"I'll do it Mom!"
I tried to hide my shaky voice: I didn't want to show Mom that I was really scared about the angry beating my bare bottom was going to be given with those thin wood switches.
"Good girl! Thank you Rosie love! It's a lovely present you are giving us both, and just in time to completely change the kind of Christmas we are going to have," and Mom gave me a big hug and a kiss.
"Now I have to squirt warm water up into your bottom, Rosie love, and I'm going to use my douche to do it . . . There, it's full of water now, and the next thing is to slide the thick tube up into your bottom.
"I'll make you slippery inside with this hand cream," and Mom put some on her finger and tasted it.
"Mmmmm. Tastes good!" which seemed an odd thing to say.
"Now I'll make the inside of your bottom slippery with the hand cream and that will let the thick tube of the douche slide up into you real easy, Rose love, so bend over the bath for me"
Mom used the cream on her finger and moved it around while she pressed against my rosebud until it slowly began to slide up into my bottom.
Then she pulled her finger out and put hand cream on the tube of the douche, and wiggled that around against my rosebud until the tube slid slowly up into my bottom, just like her finger had done.
She told me to be ready for the first squirt of water and I felt it nice and warm as it slowly went up inside my bottom.
"Hold the water in you, Rosie love, and I'll fill the bulb again."
It was hard to hold the water in me after she had pulled out the tube, but I managed. The next squirt of warm water made my bottom really full and I told Mon that was all I could take.
"Right, then. Walk slowly over to the toilet while I hold the bulb in place . . Now bend your legs until you are nearly down on the seat . . . And I pull it out . . . and the water comes rushing out of your bottom.
"When you think all the water is out, dab your bottom and let me see the paper"
We did this five or six times until the paper was clean when I dabbed myself, then a few more times more after that.
After that Mom took a face cloth and washed my bottom all over and underneath with perfumed soap, then she rinsed me off and dried me carefully.
We went through into the bedroom and Mom put a clean sheet over the bed then told me to take off my shoes and socks and bra so I had nothing on me except my blouse and kilt.
I climbed up onto the bed and layed myself face down, and Mom used some men's neck ties to fasten my wrists and ankles to the bedposts.
I was getting more and more nervous and trembly all the time as I was lying there, unable to move and completely helpless while Mom called to Ted.
She had left a cloth the size of a table napkin beside me and said to Ted: "There's the gag, if you really have to use one. Thank you for doing this, Rosie love", and she kissed me on the cheek.
As she was going out the door, Ted brought in his toolbox and plunked it down in a corner: "Just so I know where that is!", and said:
"Keep the TV playing loud please Ma'am: I don't want you worried with hearing every time the stick smacks into your young daughter's tender little bottom!"
I was really frightened now, sweating and shaking like a leaf!
After Mom had left the room I heard Ted use the two bolts to fasten the thick door, and Mom had the TV on loud enough that we could hear it.
Ted went over and checked the curtains were really closed, then he came back to where I was, tied down to the big bed and said:
"Lift your middle up - I'm going to push a pillow under you. And again! There, your bottom is nicely up in the air now ready for me to thrash."
I was terrified, now that the time had really come when he was going to use his strong right arm with the wood switch to beat my bare bottom as hard as he felt like, as punishment for not paying him.
He stood at the top of the bed so I could see him as took off his jacket and rolled up the sleeves on his muscular arms.
"Now young Rose! Time for the switch!"
And I said with my voice all shaky:
"Not too hard please Ted?"
"A hundred and fifty dollars hard, young Rose.
"Unless you want me to untie your hands and wrists from the bedposts and take the new parts back out of your television set, and leave now?"
"No! Don't do that! Please! I'd rather you beat me with the switch!"
Then Ted lifted the back of the kilt from my bottom and ran his hands over my smooth round cheeks, which stood up firm and proud.
"You'd rather I beat you Rose? Good! Because I'm feeling now so I really will enjoy beating your lovely round bottom, young Rose, so I make you squerm and wriggle enough with pain to make up for not paying me.
"You have a firm round bottom that just asks to be beaten, you know Rose!
"I'm going to start light and get harder and harder. You will be able to take a more severe beating that way."
The first stroke of the switch wasn't even as hard as when Mom uses it on me.
"This doesn't give me any pleasure, Rose!" Ted said, then:
"I don't know what you think I'm going to use to buy food!"
"Punishing you doesn't pay my rent!"
The cuts of the switch were beginning to get harder already, and he talked on and on like this between the strokes of the switch on my poor bottom, but he used his hand to rub my sore cheeks after each blow with the cane, saying:
"I'll rub your cheeks to disperse the bruises. We don't want your bottom looking black and bruised after this, Rose! People at school might not believe when you say they were made by your Mom, and we don't want that, do we?"
I was gasping after each stroke of the switch and tears were soon pouring down my face, but I was trying not to make a lot of noise in case he tied the gag tight in my mouth.
I squermed and wriggled my bottom all over the place after each stroke, and that seemed to take away the pain a bit, and he was taking longer and longer to massage the cheeks of my aching bottom between his strokes with the switch, and that felt nice.
As the cuts of the switch got harder a cry of pain began to escape me with each one as he thwacked it down on my poor bottom while I was held firmly in place with my wrists and ankles tied to the bedposts so there was no way for me to escape the punishment, wriggle and squerm as hard as I liked . . .
Ted must have given me about thirty of those painful strokes with switch, when he said:
"I am waiting to hear you say you are sorry that you are not able to pay me what you owe for repairing your television Rosie, but I've heard nothing at all from you so far!"
"Oh! Ted, I'm sorry! I am sorry!! It was real mean of us and I'm very very sorry we have no money to give you Ted!!!"
"I am glad to hear you say that, Rose. That's enough with the switch then -enough while you're face-down on the bed anyhow, Rose."
I just lay there stunned and sore and it was a bit before I could stop crying from the pain and the humiliation of being tied down and helpless while a complete stranger was beating my bare bottom.
I was still sobbing in my misery when I saw Ted take his shirt off before he lay down below me on the bed and I wondered what he was going to do to punish me next.
"Shush Rosie! I'm going to sooth your painful weals" and I felt his warm wet tongue gently licking the cheeks of my bottom!
He used his tongue very softly at first and I could feel him soothing the bruises that he had made with the switch.
No one had ever licked my bottom before, and it felt strangely lovely, through the stinging pain of his beating!
Then Ted began to lick harder and his wet tongue was slipping down between my cheeks and in and out. It was making me tingle and I was getting really wet down there too.
Then he pressed his face hard down between the sore cheeks of my firm round bottom and his tongue started to push right up into my rosebud just a tiny bit at first but more and more each time that he lifted his face then pushed it down hard into me again.
It felt gorgeous and I was soaking wet down there, and I knew then why Mom had put some hand cream in her mouth and said: "Mmmmm! It tastes good!" . . . She had guessed what Ted was going to do to me!
And Ted had just told me:'That's enough with the switch then', so I had already paid for the hundred and fifty dollar repair with the caning he'd just given me!
That's more than I could earn with boring baby-sitting every night for a month, which no one round here wants me to do anyhow.
Ted seemed to go on for ages pushing his tongue up there between the cheeks of my bottom and I couldn't keep myself from moaning with pleasure: I liked it so much and I lifted my bottom up in the air a bit more so his tongue would go further into me and Ted slipped a hand under my clittie and began to rub me there. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh! It was Lovvvvvvvely!
Then Ted started shoving with his jaws like a dog rootling into a burrow for a rabbit: Thump . . . thump . . . thump . . . His teeth were nibbling at my sore cheeks and hurting me, but he was giving me a wild exciting feel too, right inside me.
Then something strange started to happen to me and I was jerking like I once saw an epileptic girl at school but it was lovely and I didn't know or care what was happening to me as Ted pushed his tongue into me harder and harder while he nibbled and pushed his face up into my bottom and rubbed on my clittie until suddenly I just didn't know anything any more.
I must have gone unconscious, because next thing I was waking up and I was feeling relaxed and drowsy but I could hear and see again.
"Ted, I need a pee. There's a potty under the bed and I need to use it."
"I'll let you up, Rose, so you can have your pee," and he started to undo the men's neck ties that bound me to the bedposts.
But the first one he undid, he tied round my neck, and the second one he tied to that. By the third one, I was like an animal on a tether. As Ted untied the last one, I asked:
"What are you doing Ted? You've got me tied like a dog on a lead!"
"More like a slave girl in an African market!" he laughed. "Up you get now and have your pee!"
I managed to slide off the bed without my sore bottom touching it, and squatted over the potty from under the bed, and I had a long one.
While I peed I asked:
"Ted what was the Schlieffen Plan that the Germans had, and what went wrong with it?"
"The plan of Alfred von Schlieffen was for the German army to copy the way that Hannibal conquered a huge Roman army in 216 BC, so the Germans would capturer the whole of France in just forty days. Trouble was that by 1914 von Schlieffen had retired and his successor altered the plan.
"Now you tell me something about your school work Rosie: What are you doing in math?"
"We've been doing algebra so far this year Ted and it's boring. Our teacher goes too slow. I'm not sure she understands it too well herself!"
"Right! Now stop trying to change the subject Rose. We are here to punish you!" and grinned at me.
"Here, dry yourself with this." and he handed me a paper tissue
"Now, Rose, you are mine for another forty minutes still! I'll tie your hands in front of you with the gag . . . and I'll make sure your kilt is hitched up into your belt so everyone in the African market can see the stripes on your bottom.
"Now walk in front of me so all the African men can see the punishment I've given you on your lovely smooth bottom. And I'll give you another stripe from time to time while you walk down this nice long room in front of me," and he flicked my bottom lightly with the switch.
I didn't like that at all. It was demeaning and I turned to object, but he flicked the switch across the fronts of my thighs and I turned my back to him again quickly, to'walk through the African market.'
I remembered the movie "Sinbad the Sailor" and men in African clothes seemed to be standing watching me now, with their tongues pushed out as though they wanted to go up into my bottom the way Ted had done.
"Turn and go the other way, Rosie. I like seeing the stripes across your cheeks as they move up and down when you walk!" and Ted flicked my bottom again as I walked slowly down the long bedroom.
The flick with the switch made me squerm all over the place and he laughed like he enjoyed seeing me do that, so I wriggled my bottom some more for him, and for the African men who were all watching me in the slave market.
I always was a bit of a show-off!
"Now Rosie, still half an hour to go: Back on the bed again for more punishment! But I want all your clothes off for this next bit Rosie love"
I hadn't any shyness in front of Ted by this time and I took off my kilt and blouse, which was all the clothes I had on. Ted tugged playfully at the noose round my neck from across the bed while he laughed, but I was feeling more sure of myself by now and leaned away from him:
"Give a girl a chance, will you? Always rushing to spank me, Ted!
"You won't get a good price for this slave girl if you damage her you know!"
He laughed some more at that:
"You can be sure I have no intention of parting with this slave girl, Rosie love!"
I climbed back up on the bed again and lay face-down, completely naked, and carefully arranged myself with the pillows under my tummy and my bare bottom up in the air, the way it had been before:
"Haven't I paid you enough yet for the repair, Ted?" and I felt completely unprotected and awfully exposed to whatever he chose to do to me, in spite of our joking around.
"Not nearly enough! And you're going to pay in a different way now, Rosie. I don't think I need to tie you down again, do I? But I want your legs spread wide apart like you had them before. I am going to sooth the stripes on your soft white bottom another way Rosie."
I did as he said and put my legs wide apart as I lay over the pillows.
Then Ted sat beside me on the bed with a tube of Vaseline he'd got from his toolbox, and he let me see as he put some of it on one of his fingers, which he slid down between my cheeks and pushed against my rosebud and he slithered his slippery finger all around my lips down there and began to push it gently up into my bottom.
"You really have a very nice firm bottom, Rosie. I'm not going to punish you any more, I was just joking. I'm going to sooth your sore cheeks so they don't burn so much. It may surprise you but research has shown that the best way to soothe your cheeks after a beating with the switch is to massage the inside of your bottom like I am doing now which will relax the tensions in your muscles . . ." and he went on talking to me quietly about things like "and you can imagine the kind of research that went into getting those results!" while he gently worked his slippery finger further and further up inside my bottom.
It felt lovely!
Ted didn't push hard at all and it took forever before his finger was right up inside my bottom. Then he began to move his finger slowly out and back in again, out and back in again until it was sliding in and out, slippery and easy and giving me the most wonderful feelings down there.
"What's your favorite color, Rosie love?
"I like red, Ted. A dark red like you can get in wallflowers. Oh! That's lovely!"
"And what candy do you like best, Rosie love?"
"I'm not really fond of sweet things, Ted. I like cheese more. Can you slide your finger in any further?"
"Any particular preference in cheese, Rosie love? There's lots of kinds!"
"I like the orange colored cheese that Mom gets from the supermarket. I don't know if it's got a name?
"Do keep massaging me in there Ted! It's working and my bottom is far less sore now!"
"Have you tried eating cheese with fruit, Rosie love? Strawberries or slices of a ripe apple or pear all go well with cheese!"
"No, I must try that. This feels really lovely Ted!"
And next thing he took his finger right out of my bottom and reached over for the tube of Vaseline on the bed-side table next to my head and he smeared lots of it onto his thumb.
Well, his thumb was much bigger and he had to start all over again slowly pressing on the lips of my rosebud, and Ted was asking me about what movie actors I liked best, and singers and music and things, so I forgot all about what he was doing with his thumb going slowly up inside my bottom because he was so gentle with it.
Then I realized his huge slippery thumb was all the way into my bottom and he was bending its joints and giving me lovely feelings as his thumb slithered slowly up and down inside my bottom.
"Tell me Rosie, who thought up the idea of saying you had no money and you would make it up to me? Was it you or your Mom? I am just curious to know."
"It was me Ted. Mom keeps telling me to spend all the time I can with my school books so I will keep on doing well in the tests instead of going out and earning some money so I wanted to give my Mom a Christmas present by saving her a big expense and I asked her to tell you to take me into the bedroom to pay for the television repair. But I never dreamed it would be so much fun with you Ted. This feels lovely!"
"You're a brave girl Rosie. You had no idea how hard I might have beaten you! And you're very nice to your Mom too!" and Ted leaned forward and kissed me long and slow on my lips.
"You're beginning to make me very fond of you, you know Rosie love?!"
Tears suddenly came to my eyes for no reason, and Ted's thumb up in my bottom felt so good.
"What does your Dad do, Rosie love? Is he away from home a lot?"
"I don't know who my father is Ted. I'm sure Mom knows but she won't tell me anything about him. But this couldn't be lovelier, what you are doing to me now Ted!"
Once Ted had managed to slide his big thumb right up into my tight round bottom, he left it there all quiet without moving for a time, then he began to move it slowly until it was sliding easily, smooth and slippery in and out of my bottom.
I was loving it and cooing with delight while he massaged the inside of my bottom like this.'Punishments'? I would like to have this kind of punishment every day!
"Right! I'm going to give you a real massage inside your bottom now Rosie. This is what I have been preparing you for and making you ready so you will really enjoy what I am going to do now."
Ted slid his thumb out of my bottom and stood up. Then he took off the rest of his clothes, and I saw his huge thick thing sticking out stiff in front of him.
"You've seen one of these before I'm sure Rosie and you will just love it as I slide it slowly up into your bottom, now that you all ready for me", and all the time he was talking he was covering his monster of a stiff thing with Vaseline from the tube he had put on the bed-side table, but I was frightened just looking at his enormous thick thing sticking up in the air so close to me.
"That's huge Ted! It can't possibly even start to go into me down there! It'll just split me in two up the middle and the doctors would have to try and sew me together again!"
"Trust me Rosie love! It will feel heavenly as it slides all the way up into your lovely young bottom.
"There's an old saying:'Long and thin goes too far in: It's short and thick that does the trick!' And that's just what mine is, Rosie love: Short and thick!"
"I'm scared Ted! You will stop straight away if I shout, won't you Ted?!"
"Of course I will Rosie love, but I know you're going to love the feeling as it slides slowly up into your sweet little bottom, just like my thumb did . . . You'll see, Rosie love!"
Then Ted climbed onto the bed and layed his warm muscular body on top of me with the round end of his stiff thing pressing up between the cheeks of my bottom, against my rosebud.
He moved himself up a bit towards my head and his thing pressed
harder against me . . . then I felt my rosebud open and his stiff slippery thing began to slide a little way up into my bottom.
It felt marvelous and I pushed myself back so it slowly went in a bit further.
"Oh! Ted that's nice!"
Then Ted pulled it out a bit . . . and back in again, and a bit further this time.
"Slowly, Rosie, very slowly! It has to stretch you as it goes in to make you wide enough to enter. So, very slow and gradual, Rosie love! And you love the feel of my big slippery thing as it slowly stretches your insides and slides up into your bottom!"
We went on slowly like this with me helping him all the time and telling him how nice it felt until Ted's rough hairy tummy was pressing hard against the sore cheeks of my bottom and his huge stiff thing was all the way up inside me as far as he could go.
"Mmmmmm! Ted that's gorgeous you being right up inside me. You are lovely Ted."
I felt pain, from him pressing his hairy body with all his weight down onto the sore welts where he had used the switch on my bottom. But this pain was mixed with delirious pleasure from the feeling of having my insides stretched so much, gently but firmly by Ted's huge stiff penis, as he had ever so slowly slid its whole slippery length right up into my bottom.
"Ted, that gives me a gorgeous feeling that goes right through me all the way from head to toe, Ted. It's just lovely!"
"You're a dear sweet young girl, Rosie love! I am so glad you asked to pay me in this way," and he kissed my face again.
"You bottom grips me wonderfully tight and I want you to stay completely still for a minute, Rosie love, or I will lose everything."
I wasn't sure what he meant, but I kept still and waited until he moved first.
After a bit:
"Let's change positions, Rosie love," and Ted lifted himself up off my back.
"I'll lie on my back, flat on the bed, and you kneel facing my feet with your knees each side of me and your rosebud right over my stiff massage tool.
"Now you lower yourself slowly so my rampant penis slowly slides all the way up into your bottom, my sweet young Rosie . . . . . .
"What I love to see is you moving up and down until the whole of my rigid penis has slowly disappeared right up into your lovely bottom and you have got all of me up there inside of you, Rosie love.
"It's a sight I will never forget and I will remember you doing this with your beautiful young bottom as long as I live, Rosie love!
"That's absolutely wonderful, Rosie love! How does it feel to you?"
"It's just lovely Ted as I feel your huge stiff thing stretching my insides and it is sliding slowly up into me Ted!"
I used the muscles in my legs to raise my bottom a bit and his stiff penis came back out most of the way, then I bent the angle of my bottom a bit so Ted's huge stiff thing pressed forward hard against the inside of my tummy, while I slowly lowered myself again and his huge stiff penis gave me the most wonderful feelings as it went slowly up into me, pressing hard against the back of my clittie, it felt, as it went up into my bottom again and again until it was all the way up inside me and I was pressing right down with my bottom sitting on Ted's hairy tummy.
"Oh! Ted that feels soooooooooooooo good and your huge stiff thing is further up into my bottom than ever before!!"
"Stop moving Rosie love! That feels wonderful for me too, but you must not move for a minute while I cool off a bit or it will all be over before you are ready Rosie love. Men get excited quicker than girls, you know Rosie" and Ted's hands clasped my bottom firmly to make sure I stayed still.
"It's wonderful to feel every inch of you up there inside my bottom Ted, stretching my insides and completely filling me: I love it!"
After a bit:
"Now shift around Rosie love and get your legs untangled so you can stretch them out beside my legs, then lie back on my tummy, Rosie love."
"Oh! It feels lovely with you inside me while I am moving around Ted! It pushes you further than ever up into my bottom, Ted."
"You feel so good Rosie love, lying back on top of me. Give me your hand . . . now push your fingers down into your tummy about there . . . and you can feel my stiff thing right up inside your tummy . . . and you can push it from side to side . . . while I'm stroking your clittie at the same time."
"That's wonderful Ted! Oooh! Your stiff thing really does move inside my tummy when I push it! Can you feel me doing that Ted?"
"I can feel your fingers pushing on my shaft, Rosie love. That's really lovely!"
"Doesn't move much Ted, but it feels just wonderful inside me!"
I was in seventh heaven as Ted completely filled my bottom with his stiff penis and me pushing it from side to side in my tummy while Ted tickled my clittie and got me more and more excited.
I was beginning to tremble and jerk around again, just like before, and I felt Ted starting to move his stiff penis in and out of my bottom.
Soon I wasn't sure what was happening to me, then Ted's thing started throbbing up there inside me and it felt like when Mom was squirting warm water from her douche up there in my bottom but it was Ted's huge stiff thing squirting instead and I got more and more excited then my mind seemed to just go blank and I don't know what happened next.
When I came back to this world again, Ted was lying beside me on the bed.
"Did all of this hurt you, Rosie love? Or did you like some of what we did together?
"You really hurt me with that switch Ted, but it was nice in a funny sort of way. I've never had a father and you made me feel as though you really cared about me, by the way you punished me for being naughty. That was nice of you Ted.
"The bit I liked best was when your huge warm stiff slippery thing was first sliding slowly up into my bottom: it gave me a gorgeous feeling that went right through me!
"Then I felt like I was in heaven when you got right up all the way inside me and just stayed there for a long time with me lying on my tummy and all your weight pressing down on top of me. You completely filled me and it felt gorgeous.
"Then when you had me turn my back and sit down on your monster cock and said you wanted to see your huge stiff thing disappearing up into my bottom.
"It really was fun when I wriggled my bottom around so your'stiff massage tool' pressed on different places inside my bottom as I lifted myself and slid back along your slippery stiff thing down onto you again! That gave me wild sensations!
"Then when I lay back on your hairy chest I could feel your big stiff cock right up there inside me by pressing my fingers into my tummy. It felt weird and lovely. So I just loved most of what we did together Ted!
"Ted, did you do these things a lot with the schoolgirls when you were a teacher in Africa Ted?"
"Only with one, Rosie love.
"After I'd been out in Africa a couple of years, running the school for a mining company, a woman who worked in the offices of the mine there died in a car accident and left a daughter of eleven called Yasmine.
"She had nowhere to turn so I took her in'to help my houseboy' after school with the housework in my bungalow.
"Yasmine actually stayed with him in the kitchen to do her homework after school and to eat.
"He had her help wash up the dinner dishes, then he came with Yasmine when he checked with me in my study to ask if there was anything else I wanted before he went home. Yasmine would stay and liked to cuddle up to me, whatever I was doing in my study.
"But it wasn't long before I had to punish young Yasmine for something she'd done wrong: left her shoes around on the floor of my study again, or some other trivial thing that I used as an excuse.
"I took Yasmine over my knee, lifted her cotton dress and pulled down her panties, then spanked her on the bare bottom, which was a most beautiful shape, with the typical Arab color of pale coffee!
"I don't believe anyone had ever spanked Yasmine on her bare bottom before in all her eleven years, and at first she lay over my knees as if she was stunned.
"But then she began to squerm and her hoarse grunts told me the same thing as her sparkling eyes and the patch of wetness where her little cunnie rested on the leg of my trousers:
"The spanking was making dear young Yasmine highly excited!
"I cuddled her in my arms afterwards, with a hand gently fondling her sore bottom to sooth her. After she fell sound asleep, I placed her quietly in her bed for the night.
"I found other reasons and ways to punish Yasmine after that, usually on a Friday night so any bruises had disappeared by school on Monday.
"I think it was the whole ceremony of the punishment, as much as the pain itself, that Yasmine enjoyed so much."
"Ted what ways of punishments did Yasmine find most exciting Ted?"
"At first, Yasmine liked me to tie her face down, flat on the bed with her hands and feet fastened to the bedposts, just like you were today Rosie love, and I used a school switch on her beautiful bare young bottom.
"But sometimes she suggested that I beat her while she was standing naked with her wrists tied to a bar above her head so she could dance around while I caned her bottom and put on a real show of agony while I made out I was'beating her unmercifully like a slave girl who had misbehaved'.
"Other times she liked me to spank her bottom with my hand while she was bent over the back of a padded armchair with her hands and feet tied to its legs, "Like in an English girls' school" she would say.
"Those were some of the ways I remember most."
"Ted what did you do afterwards'to sooth her bottom' Ted?!
"Well I massaged her sore cheeks between each stroke of the switch of course Rosie love, just as I did with you, while I enjoyed fondling their exquisitely smooth softness.
"Then when I had finished caning her bottom I soothed her sore cheeks some more in the same way I did with you Rosie love, by sliding a slippery finger up inside her bottom and then my rampant yard.
"And we did that, just like you and me, in different positions."
"Ted, do tell me which position Yasmine liked best Ted!"
"A way that Yasmine grew to really like was this: She kneeled with her knees each side of me as I lay face-up flat on the bed, and she faced towards me. She was facing the opposite way round from how you were a little while ago!
"Yasmine would lower herself slowly down onto my stiff slippery massage tool, then she leaned back towards my feet while she kept my stiff erection sliding in and out of her bottom.
"This almost broke my rampant yard in two, of course, but I could see it gave her wonderful feelings as my stiff ramrod pressed against the inside of her tummy, at the front.
"She found that way excited her more quickly than anything else!
"But the way the Yasmine came to like best of all Rosie love, was to bend her body like she was sitting up in bed, but was actually lying on her side across the bed, so her lovely rosebud was facing towards me as I stood beside the bed.
"Then I slid my rampant yard sloooooowly up into her bottom, while she was fingering her clittie.
"As we both became more excited, my movements got faster and faster until I was slamming my stiff yard really hard into her bottom and she had to cling onto the bed frame to save herself from being pushed bodily right across to the other side.
"She told me she loved feel of the hard jolt of my stiff penis as it slammed up into her bottom.
"And she used to get so excited that she passed out as she came, just like you did, Rosie love."
"Ted didn't anyone hear the noise of Yamine shouting as you did these things to her Ted?"
"No Rosie love. The houseboy slept in a small house that was well separated from mine.
"So Yasmine could make all the noise she liked, and she really enjoyed shouting her head off sometimes, as though I was about to kill her. She would cry out things like:'Spare me master! Have mercy on your young handmaid! I will never offend you again! Please be gentle!' while she wriggled and squermed all over the place, as far as her bonds would allow.
"Other times she would be shouting:'Harder Ted! More! More!! More!!!'
"Shouting seemed to make her enjoy the sex we were having together even more."
"Ted, Yasmine was eleven when she first came to you, you said.
"How long did she stay with you? About a year, or was it longer?"
"Well I got a bad tropical fever and had to leave Africa and come home. But before I left, I found a good husband for Yasmine, which was easy as she was sixteen by that time and she had learned how to read and write and do arithmetic and cook, and she had a wonderful sense of fun too.
"And she was still a virgin in her cunnie of course.
"So you see I did these things with only one girl in all the years I was out there in Africa. Can you forgive me for what I did, Rosie love?"
"Dear Ted! You're so nice I can forgive you for anything!" and I gave him a really loving kiss.
"Ted I would love it if you'd let me call you'Uncle Ted', then I'd feel you really liked me and weren't just using me to remind you of Yasmine?!"
"Yes Rosie, I would like it very much if you call me Uncle Ted - As long as you let me call you'My dear niece, Rosie love'?
"But we must call each other these things only when we are alone together - Never in a place where anyone else can hear!
"They might start to ask why you called me'Uncle Ted', you see, when they know we are not really related, and we wouldn't want questions, would we?!"
"Thank you, my dear Uncle Ted!" and I kissed him long and lovingly on his lips and my tongue pushing against his, and he held me tight.
"Well Rosie love, but it is the custom for uncles in these parts to have certain rights that they can demand of a lovely young niece, Rosie: I am going to kiss your little titties, Rosie my sweet, as I fondle your lovely soft round bottom."
It was the first I'd heard about'uncles in these parts having certain rights that they could demand from their lovely young nieces' but Uncle Ted seemed to know all about it and he leaned over me as I lay back on the bed, and began to kiss the little mounds where my breasts are just starting.
Then Uncle Ted sucked hard on them and I felt his hand slide down between my legs and his thumb was wriggling up into my bottom as he started to make me all excited again.
I think Uncle Ted only wanted to show that as an Uncle he could demand certain pleasures from me, his niece, because he did not go on for long. He propped himself up on an elbow and started talking:
"You're a sharp girl you know Rosie, and you might like me to help you with your homework on a regular basis? I could come here on Saturdays about four o'clock and teach you for an hour or two each week?"
"Uncle Ted that would be wonderful. Could you really?! But how could I ever pay you for tutoring me?"
"You could pay me the same way as today Rosie. I would need to punish you with the switch on your bare bottom anyway, for all the mistakes you made in the schoolwork you do for me. So I would need to take you in here for an hour each time after we've finished with teaching."
"Uncle Ted, that would be wonderful" and I was beginning to see what he had in mind - every week!
"Do you have a computer here that's connected to the internet Rosie?"
"I don't have a computer at home at all Uncle Ted. But there are six at school and I've learned to use one for writing reports and a teacher did once visit the school and he showed us all how to search the web for information. That was fun!"
"I'll lend you an old computer that I have, Rosie love, so you can use it here all the time for homework. You can write your reports on it and search for information and I can show you how to get more than ten thousand books to read on the computer without ever going to a library."
"Won't it cost us a lot to use this computer Uncle Ted?"
"Not a penny Rosie love! A local telephone number that I've kept for back-up, will give your computer access to the internet."
"Uncle Ted this is like a key you are giving me to enter college! You are so nice! I will so look forward to you coming every week and me paying you for it afterward - every time." and I gave him such a big hug.
"We will have to see if your Mom will agree of course. But I think with your sharp mind you will be able to pass scholarship exams that will pay for your college and you could be ready to go there by the time you are sixteen, if your Mom will let me come and tutor you each week."
"Uncle Ted, that would be just wonderful! I'd work very hard, I really would!" and I hugged him as we lay there beside each other, naked on the bed.
"Tell me Rosie love, I've been wondering about those hooks over there in the ceiling: what are they used for?"
"That's where Mom pulls up a wooden rod with a curtain that gives her clients privacy while they undress for a fitting."
"Think it might be used to hold your wrists in place Rosie love, the way that young Yasmine liked? And what's those nice padded armchairs doing in the corner, Rosie love?!"
"Mom brings her boyfriends in here to be private and they have a comfy place to sit and talk. I stay by the phone in the kitchen to take any calls and do my homework or watch TV."
"We need to talk to your Mom now Rosie love. She's'Anne' isn't she?
"Yes. But her friends call her Annie. And she will be ever so glad at all the things that you are offering to do with me!"
I gave a naughty giggle and Uncle Ted grinned back at me.
"It's my turn now to need a piss, Rosie love, and I'll use the same potty" which he did.
"Now I'll clean you up a bit Rosie love, and we'll get our clothes back on."
Then he took Kleenex and gently rubbed between the cheeks of my bottom before he helped me put on my kilt and blouse, and got himself dressed again too.
Then Uncle Ted picked up his toolbox, unbolted the bedroom door, gave me a long kiss and opened it, and Mom stood up from watching TV.
"Rosie says I should call you'Annie' ma'am, if that's all right? Nice daughter you have, Annie, and sharp too.
"I would enjoy helping her with homework. I'm sure I could help her pass exams and probably get a scholarship to pay for her college by about the time she is sixteen, if you'd like that?
"I suggested coming about four o'clock every Saturday, and I would teach her for a couple of hours, then she can pay me for that in same way as she did for repairing the TV today, if you agree Annie?"
"Ted! That's sounds a wonderful offer! What does Rosie say about it?"
"I would love it Mom and Uncle Ted says he can let me use an old computer of his that would only use local phone calls to let me get information from the world wide internet and cost us nothing to use!"
"When would you like to start Ted? Rosie has the whole week off for Christmas of course but I'm sure you have customers lined up with work for you to do?"
"How about I call and we plan for me to bring the computer and set it up next week, after Christmas? She really needs to use it for this report she has on Germany you know!"
"Will you really be ready to pay Ted again by next week Rosie love?"
"Yes Mom! I'll be all ready to pay again by Monday! Thank you so much Uncle Ted! I'll really look forward to you coming again!" and I threw my arms round Uncle Ted's neck and kissed him with as much love as I knew how.
"That looks all settled then? Thank you again Ted and we'll see how it goes. I just hope that Rosie comes up to your expectations!"
"Oh, she knows I may have to spank her when I come, to make sure she is doing her very best. But she wants me to call her my niece, and Rosie knows an uncle doesn't have to ask when he thinks his niece needs the switch on her bare bottom!"
"Then I'll be sure there are always plenty of fresh switches ready for you to use Ted! Open the door for your Uncle Ted then, Rosie love, with that heavy tool box of his!"
I put my face up as he went out and Uncle Ted gave me a tender kiss on my moist lips and said: "See you again soon, my lovely niece Rosie love!"
As he drove away Mom said:
"You really made a killing there, didn't you Rosie love?"
"Mom, please don't talk like that about Uncle Ted! I just love him very much and I don't mind nearly so much now about not having a father.
"You'll see, I am going to work so hard and he is going to help me get to college without you having to pay for it at all.
"Oh, I am so happy with the way you arranged things this afternoon! Uncle Ted is a lovely man and everything he did with me was really wonderful, specially when he used the switch on my bare bottom.
I went over to Mom and gave her the longest, tightest hug:
"Mom, can things get any better for us? Just think of all the teaching that Uncle Ted will be giving me, and I will love paying him for it after every lesson! This is going to be such a wonderful Christmas for us both Mom and for all the Christmases in years ahead too!"
And All My Best Wishes For Christmas
And A Happy New Year,
To Everyone Who Has Read My Diary
Of This Most Wonderful Day In My Life!
From Rose Sinclair X X X X X X X X
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