Published: 18-Dec-2012
Word Count:
"12, 13... 15!" Kim shouted out quietly in glee. Her 11 year old body was starting to show more and more signs of its transition to womanhood and it couldn't make her any happier! Kim pushed a few droplets of water away from her eyes and looked up in the shower stall. The water was still running, masking the sound of her movement.
Her toes gripped the shower floor, giving her the leverage she needed to slide her body up to the wall. With the warmth of the water engulfing her, Kim slid the tip of her index finger down between her legs. She passed just over the small strands of hair that were starting to show and continued until she felt the little bulge of her clit.
With the other hand, she reached down and spread her lips slightly, allowing her finger to continue until it was up to her knuckle inside her tight pussy. She slowly rubbed up and down, sliding the finger in and then out, making sure to pay extra attention to that special little bundle of nerve endings that drove her to the brink of orgasm every time she neared it.
She closed her eyes and tilted her head back slightly, letting the water run down her face while the folds of her pussy engulfed her little finger.
Her moment of ecstasy was cut short, however, by a loud banging on the door. The words were incomprehensible, but she knew her brother, Tommy was on the other side.
Kim reached up to the faucet to turn the water off, while raising herself from the floor of the shower. Her tan skin reflected every bit of light in the water running down. The droplets started at her head, following the length of long brown hair down to her chest. There, the droplets detoured slightly, as her small but developing buds formed a slight valley for them to run down.
It was a straight shot from her little cleavage, down her flat tummy, over her little mound and then between the two folds of skin below. Kim rather enjoyed the sensation of being wet, and sighed a bit when she wrapped a towel around her head, then patted herself down.
She draped another towel around her torso and tucked the ends in between her little, barely visible breasts. The coldness of the hallway air rushed in to the room, as the steam billowed out when Kim opened the door.
Sure enough, there was Tommy, anxiously awaiting the use of the bathroom before he got dressed for school. It had been almost a month since the two siblings engaged in a night of forbidden sexual pleasure and the two were almost back to looking at one another again.
"About time!" Tommy whimpered as he raced in to the bathroom, slamming the door behind him.
Kim continued down the hall to her bedroom. The moment she stepped inside, she removed the towels from her body and let her skin breathe in the air. Her dark, tan little nipples stood erect and her skin formed goose bumps at the shock of the cool air in the room.
She walked over to her dresser and opened the drawers to pick out her underwear. They were mostly plain colored panties and some t-shirts. Although she had eyed them in the store, her parents were still in denial about their developing preteen daughter and training bras were still out of the question.
Kim pulled out a set of matching white panties and t-shirt and then moved on to her closet for the rest of her wardrobe. While putting her shirt on, she heard her mother call up to her, "Kim, honey. Your lunch is on the table, I have to go to work."
Kim shouted back, "Ok, love you mommy!"
"Love you too" and she heard the front door close from down the stairs. With her mother leaving for work and her dad away on a business trip, Kim and Tommy were left alone to head out to school.
After getting the rest of her clothes on and grabbing her book bag, Kim started off down the hall to the stairs. On the way she heard some rustling coming from Tommy's room and noticed his door was slightly ajar.
She peaked in the crack in the door and saw her brother laying down on his bed with a bath towel crumpled up on the floor and his tan skin showing clearly in the morning light. She saw his hand make a quick, jerking action near his groin and caught a glimpse of her brother's little cock springing back and forth between his hand.
She was rather fascinated, but at the same time, disgusted. She did let out a little grin when she saw a stream of creamy white cum spit out the tip of his cock. She rubbed her legs together a bit, remembering the night she shared with him and her friend, then started down the stairs.
Sure enough, right on the table, Kim saw her lunch in a plain brown paper bag with a little heart drawn on the side. She grabbed it off the table, shoved it in the top of her pack and walked out the front door.
She and Tommy had walked to school for years now, at first, together and then apart. Her friend Sarah lived a few doors down and the two girls preferred to walk side by side to school together and not deal with her annoying little brother!
"Hey Kim, wait up!" she heard Sarah's voice calling from behind her.
Sarah ran up behind her, her blond hair still wet from an earlier shower. "I know a place we gotta go today before school! You're going to love this!"
Kim looked perplexed but went along with her friend's lead, "Where's that?"
"Just trust me!" Sarah smiled.
Instead of the regular route, the tow girls veered down a side street and cut through a stip-mall parking lot.
"Let's ditch today and wait here a bit, the place I know of opens later. I brought some babysitting money, so we can go shopping!" The two girls laughed and darted down the side of the mall.
For several hours, they ducked in and out of the stores, trying to avoid eyesight of any adults nearby. As they passed a lingere shop, the two girls started through the window. "Bet you can't fit into one of those!" Sarah challenged Kim, half joking.
Kim looked up to see her friend pointing at a black thong with laces lining the top and pink hearts scattered over the front.
"I bet I could... but we can't buy those!" Kim argued.
"Leave it to me!" Sarah reassured her little friend and opened the door to the shop.
Kim was too afraid to follow, instead waiting outside, watching through the window. She saw Sarah duck in and out of the aisles while the clerks were all busy stocking shelves in the back of the store. Only a couple customers lingered in the aisles, and Sarah made sure to keep clear of them.
After her friend vanished behind a clothing rack, Kim kept looking for several minutes. Finally, she saw Sarah sneaking to the front door and slipping out just as quietly as she went in.
"Piece of cake!" Sarah exclaimed, motioning to the front of her pants.
Kim looked down and saw a bunch of fabric tucked inside Sarah's jeans.
"Now we head to the bathroom and you try them on." Sarah said while dragging her little friend behind her.
The bathrooms were large but rather clean in this area of the mall, so the two girls had no trouble finding and open stall and closing the door behind them.
"Now, try them on!" Sarah whispered, while pulling the balled up panties out form her jeans.
Kim grabbed them and started to lift a leg.
"No! They gotta be under your pants! Put them on instead of your own underwear." Sarah commented.
Kim looked at the panties and then at her own body. "They'll cut me right in half!" she shouted quietly.
"A bet's a bet!" Sarah reasoned.
"Fine! Watch this!"
Kim unbuttoned her jeans and pulled them down along with her panties. Her shirt dropped just far enough for Sarah to barely see the small, thin cushion of hair she had gotten to know intimately a few weeks before.
Kim slipped her clothing past her shoes and proceeded to pull the thong up her legs.
"Let me see!" Sarah whispered again.
Kim lifted her shirt slightly, exposing her flat, tan tummy and the waistline fo the new panties. "Oww! They scratch!" She complained while picking the thread of fabric from her crack.
"Turn, let me see!" Sarah went on again, staring at her friend's little body squeezing into the adult panties.
Kim turned, exposing her butt cheeks to Sarah. Sarah giggled, "Very nice!"
The thong outlined her features perfectly, even making them seem a bit more mature. As Kim turned back around, she cold see a few darker strands of peach fuzz around her friend's thighs stretching up to the panties and started at them for a moment.
Sarah's phone rang for a moment and she looked at it. "Just an alarm, for the time" Kim relaxed and reached down to pull her pants back up over her legs, hiding her little underwear secret from the world for now.
"Let's go, it should be open." Sarah said while dragging her friend once again.
Behind the mall, the two girls crawled under a fence and faced a building with yellow paint peeling from the walls.
"Down here." Sarah whispered while holding a rusted metal door open, leading to the basement of the building.
Kim walked down the steps her friend uncovered with some caution. Sarah followed close behind.
A soft light in the top of the ceiling lit the immediate area. There were stacks of clothing, magazines and other assorted odds and ends spread out in crates.
"What is this place? Kim asked.
"My Dad fixed the plumbing here and I heard him talking about it with is friends. They all laughed like they knew this place and started telling stories. I figured we'd wanna see this for ourselves!" Sarah replied, making her way to what looked to be an old stairwell with a door at the top.
The two girls slowly climbed the stairs and gently pushed the door open. They were briefly blinded by flashing lights and then their vision returned as they looked down a long hall to a larger room with loud music and flashing lights moving back and forth.
The girls went down the hall and noticed small booths to the sides with curtains in front of each.
"Let's hide in one of those" Sarah motioned.
The two girls ducked in to one of the booths and saw a small bench painted black with black walls and purple strobe lights dancing on the ceiling.
"Under the bench" Sarah whispered, and the tow girls ducked under the small bench in the booth.
The driving bass in the room near them made the walls vibrate as the girls tried to figure out where they were and what was going on. Within a few minutes the girls heard voices and saw the figure of a man walking past the booth. There was a smaller figure of a woman right next to him.
"Two hundred for two of us." the woman casually said.
"But it's my buddy's last day as a bachelor, can you cut us a deal?" the man said in a rather nervous tone.
"We do the two of you for $100 each, that's $200, up front."
The man sighed and reached in to his pocket, puling out a wade of bills he handed to the woman.
"We'll meet you two upstairs in room 4b" the woman winked at the man and walked off.
The man straightened his short and walked to the next room.
"Hear that?" Sarah whispered. "Let's go up there and see what this is all about?"
"Are you sure?" Kim asked, reluctantly
"It'll be fun, like in those books where they solve the murders!" Sarah said gleefully.
The two girls peeked their heads out from the curtain and walked down the hall a few feet. Off to their right they saw a small flight of steps with a light at the top.
"I guess it's there?" Kim pointed.
The girls turned to walk up the stairs with Sarah in the lead. The rooms on either side of the hall at the top were numbered with a letter after them - 1A, 1B, and so on, until the girls saw 4B on a door.
"Let's go!" Sarah explained and peeked through a slightly open door.
In the room was a large bed, vanity with a full sized mirror and some soft, dim lighting.
"Under the bed!" Sarah motioned and the girls vanished from sight. Despite being hidden from view, the girls could see most of the room through the mirror against the wall, the top of the bed was especially clear.
There were voice out the door again and the girls stopped moving.
"Here we go ladies." The door opened slightly and Kim could see a very attractive, thin, dark skinned woman enter the room. Surprisingly, Kim noticed the woman was wearing the exact same type of panties she currently had on... and nothing else!
The woman had an enormous chest, larger than any Kim had ever noticed on a girl in her school. The woman's dark skin, darkened to an almost pitch black around the two large, round, erect nipples on the tip of each breast. As the woman entered the room, her breasts continued to jiggle long after she had stopped moving.
"Alright hun, bring your friend in here and we'll show you a good time." The dark skinned woman called out to the door.
Kim watched the door and saw the same man as before enter the room. He was rather tall, thin and wore a rather goofy looking pair of glasses.
Behind the man walked another woman who looked to be in her early 20's, slightly younger than the darker woman. She too was wearing the same type of panties with nothing on top. The moan had extremely perky breasts that were perfectly shaped. Kim was actually rather jealous as she compared her little buds to the shapely examples of womanhood. Her light skinned breasts hung down only slightly before perking up to reach a point at her nipples, where they formed perfect circles before joiningback with her body. "C'mon party animal, you're money's good for the next hour you know." The woman said to the door, while dragging another man in behind her.
The man was a bit shorter than the first and slightly heavier. He had short brown hair, shaved along the sides and seemed to have issues with his balance at the moment.
The man collapsed in the bed above the two girls and Kim had to change angles slightly to see him in the mirror. She could see the light skinned woman reaching up on the bed and slowly unzipping his pants.
The man reached around to touch the woman and slid his hands down her panties. With one motion, the woman's panties dropped to the floor besides Kim and she could see in the mirror, the shapely behind of the woman. It was almost as firm as her breasts were!
As the woman crawled on to the bed, Kim saw her legs part, exposing, for a brief second her more mature pussy slit up to the top of her tight asshole. The woman continued crawling to the man, stopping besides him, allowing Kim to continue enjoying the view of her womanly parts.
Kim reached down to readjust her panties for a moment and saw her friend gazing out the other side of the bed.
Kim turned her head to see the dark skinned woman on her knees, unzipping the taller man's trousers.
"Mm you like that baby?" the woman asked, while fondling a large lump in the man's pants.
The woman continued to unbutton the man's pants and slid them to his knees. The two girls almost blushed when they saw a large lump in the man's boxers, perfectly outlining the shape of his cock. It was more massive than any the girls had seen, although their sample set consisted of Kim' 12 year old brother!
The woman reached in and dropped the man's boxers, exposing his large, manly member to the air with a firm bounce. His shaft was massive! The woman wrapped both her hands around it and had room still, to place the bulging knob in her mouth.
Kim looked down at some movement and saw Sarah's hand reaching down the front of her jeans. She could tell form the movement, that her fingers must be exploring the little girl lips between her legs as she watched this extraordinary example of human sexuality unfold before them. Kim couldn't help but feel a little tickle between her legs as well!
Hearing creaking and movement above, Kim turned to the mirror to see the commotion. She looked up to see a view of the woman above her, straddling the man with her legs on either side of his waist. Her ass was spread wide, exposing Kim to the full view of the man's cock sliding its full length into the woman's tight slit. The woman's juices reflected the light of the room above on the man's large, mature cock as he pulled the length out and reinserted it inch by inch. The woman pushed her hips down slightly with every slide, squeezing her ass crack closed as she pushed forward and then relaxing it as she pulled back, exposing Kim, again, to the perfect view of her womanhood being completely penetrated by this unforgiving cock.
Kim felt Sarah brush along side her to also take a peek in the mirror. Just as she did so, Kim saw the other couple come into sight, the man's massive cock throbbing and bouncing along the way.
The man laid down in the bed next to the other and Kim watched as the dark skinned woman shook her small thong off from her leg.
The woman had a thick, dark line of curly pubes running up the center of her pussy from her legs. Either side was neatly shaven and perfectly smooth. As the woman climbed on the bed again, she joined her partner who was moaning in ecstasy.
Just as the other woman had, the second one also spread her legs, giving the two children below the bed a rather nice show. Instead of facing the man though, the woman faced the foot of the bed as she flipped a leg over the man's enormous cock.
The woman kneeled on her knees, straddling the man's erect member, while her friend was still busy thrusting up and down on the other man's dripping wet cock.
The dark skinned woman reached down between her legs, following the perfect line of curly hair until she reached between her legs. Even Kim was shocked to see the bright, moist pink slit open up in between the woman's dark legs. The contrast was startling to the girls!
The woman reached down and pulled the huge member of her sex partner up towards the rear opening of the bright pink slit between her legs.
"Oh bitch, do me like that!" the man grunted from beneath her.
The woman slid his cock between her legs for a while and then plunged it inside her soft, pink hole.
Both men were now groaning while the woman moaned as they rocked their hips back and forth on top of the two men. The other couple were still going at it, giving the girls a show as the woman continued to contract her ass and then relax it with each thrust, sliding the man's cock in and out. While her friend was able to take part of that monster cock inside of her, she wrapped a hand around the base and almost used it to keep her balance as she rode him.
Sarah reached forward to pull the comforter down slightly in front of the bed to hide the two girls from the mirror while the 4 adults on top of them caused every spring to pop and joint on the frame to creak.
Kim turned to face the mattress above and Sarah followed along. For Kim, it was a quick flip, but Sarah struggled a bit as she was slightly taller and more developed around her hips.
Kim looked over at Sarah who still had a hand down the front of her pants. She then leaned over, gave her friend a little kiss on the cheek and said, "Me too."
Kim unbuttoned a button on the top of her jeans and reached down her pants.
She briefly forget about her secret thong and paused for a second while she worked her way around the thin fabric. Normally she would slide her hand down the front, but with the thong, Kim realized it was easier and faster to simply move the strap to the side, giving her fingers access to the treasures below.
The sounds of sex above them masked the little girl's panting and rubbing. Kim slid her fingers past the little pubes she had been counting that mooring and reached in between the folds in her slit.
She was soaking wet and just slipped a finger right up in her tight little hole without even needing to pause! She and Sarah were now matching their thrusts and undulations with one another. Their knees would raise on occasion and the mattress above them would bang them back down with each pounding the woman above were giving the men.
After a minute, the 4 separate acts were all in perfect unison with each other. The tow woman matched their rhythms above, while the children below matched their little thrusts with them.
Kim rolled her eyes in the back of her head, thinking about the sex above them and her fingers below. Sarah was experiencing as much pleasure as well, twitching her arms slightly with each push of her finger against her little button clit.
"Oh God baby! I want it in your face!" the first man exclaimed.
The second one chimed in, "Me too! Finish us off!
There was movement above so the girls moved the blankets slightly to the side, gazing out the mirror once again.
The woman above dismounted each of the cocks and laid down on their backs. Their male counterparts changed positions and got to either side of the woman, each holding and quickly stroking his own cock.
Once in position, the women took over for the men, stroking each of the cocks until Kim saw the smaller of the men tense up and close his eyes. The light skinned woman holding his cock smiled and kept stroking his shaft until a fountain of white cum raced from the head, covering her face, hair, and pooling near her perfect round breasts.
"Oh shit, here I c..." the other man couldn't finish his sentence before a massive load of hot white juice flew through the air, against the woman and down across the other side of the bed.
"Oh fuck me..." he moaned, twitching in the woman's hand.
The men took a seat on either side of the bed and then stood up.
"You still got 20 minutes left hun" the darker woman said.
"Thanks for the quickie. You can keep the change." the shorter man responded while zipping his jeans.
As the men continued to dress, Kim and Sarah removed their fingers from their panties. They were each anxiously waiting for the adults to leave so they could run back down the stairs and out the door, as though they had never been here.
Sarah heard the door open and then close a moment later. She looked at her friend and nodded.
Both girls crawled out from under the bed near the foot in front of the mirror. They looked back and saw wrinkled blankets and bunched up pillows.
Sarah went towards the side of the bed near the door, opposite the side the taller man was kneeling on. She looked at the blankets and saw a gooey line of white cum still oozing down the side of the blanket.
"I dare you to taste it!" she nudged Kim
"Eww! Only if you do too!"
Sarah nodded and both girls put a finger in the cold, sticky substance. Kim motioned to three and the girls placed their fingers in their mouths.
There was an immediate gag reflex, but once that passed, the tow girls smiled at each other with their fingers still in their mouths.
Kim looked down over her friend and noticed a small, dark colored wet spot between her legs. "What happened?" she asked, while pointing and taking her finger out of her mouth.
Sara also removed her finger and looked. "Same thing on you" she grinned, pointed at the crotch of Kim's jeans.
Both girls laughed and playfully hit each other. In their excitement, neither of them noticed the door open behind them.
"What the fu....?!" trying to catch her tongue, the lighter skinned, petite woman whom the girls had been watching in awe stopped her mouth and was just staring at them.
"This ain't no playground! You need to leave NOW!" the woman scolded the two of them.
"Kate, did you find my clip yet?" the darker skinned woman entered the room behind her friend while looked at her phone and nearly stumbled over her.
"The hell are you do..." the woman was cut off by her friend who pointed at the two girls.
"Sunnova... the black woman looked slightly perturbed at the girl's presence, more so than the other.
Kate motioned the girls to the door, but her friend stopped her.
"They gotta go, now Jeanelle!" she said.
"No! They can't go yet. Marcell's down there. He'll kill us if he sees kids up here!" Jeanelle closed the door behind them.
"You two have to stay put here. Got it, right here! Til we come back and we'll get you." Jeanelle tugged on her friend and the two women hurried out the door.
Sarah and Kim looked at each other and decided to take a seat on the bed. Each girl tried to avoid ruining their clothes on the gobs of cold, slimy cum dripping down the side of the bed, so they perched themselves towards the middle and sat Indian style.
"That guy's penis was huge! You think?" Kim whispered to Sarah.
Sarah nodded, "Even that woman, Jeanelle couldn't fit him in her! I think I'd rather have his friend!" Sarah laughed "He's still bigger than your brother was."
Kim leaned back on the mattress, placing her hand behind for support. "It's still warm."
Sarah saw her friend patting the mattress under her palm. "They were getting quite a workout!" she laughed. "Kinda made me wanna join them..."
Kim saw Sarah eying the damp spot on her pants. "Looks like you thought the same." Sarah said with a slight flash of a mischievous smile. It was the same type of smile Kim saw on Sarah's face the night the two girls seduced her brother, Tommy.
"I saw you playing with yourself under the bed, you know." Kim said, innocently.
"I know, I caught you from the corner of my eye." Sarah smiled. "Wanna continue our fun?"
Sarah reached down and started to unfasten her jeans.
"But, they're goina come back soon, ya think?" Kim whispered as though she was trying to hide her voice from the thumping of the music from downstairs.
"We can be quick." Sarah was already starting to slide herself out of her jeans, bunching them up on the floor.
Kim eyed her little friend's panties and saw an obvious wet mark on her crotch. Sarah turned to Kim, crossing her legs indian style giving Kim a better view of her damp panties. Kim could slightly see through the wet area, making out Sarahs light, but developing pubes leaving their imprint on her panties.
"Can I see your new wardrobe?" Sarah asked, looking at Kim's waist.
Kim undid the top of her jeans as well, pulling the waist line down enough for her friend to see the thread of her thong along her side of her thigh.
"Can I try them on for a bit?" Sarah asked.
Kim was actually quite eager to get out of them ,not being very fond of the flawing sensation they created between her butt cheeks. "If you insist" she grinned.
Kim slid her pants off in the same fashion as Sarah but pulled her thong off along with them.
Sarah stood up on the floor, taking a moment to eye Kim's tightly folded pussy and her thick layer of peach fuzz. When Kim moved to the edge of the bed, Sarah was still admiring the tightness of her slit as the movement spread her folds open slightly.
Sarah snapped out of it for a moment and took the thong from Kim's hand. She could feel the juices of her friend's pussy soaking the strap. Now it was Kim's turn to sit and watch her friend, admiring the thick but light bond curls of hair she was developing along her two folds of skin, stretching slightly up to her small mound in front.
Sarah slid the thong up her pegs until the string in back settled in between her cheeks.
"What do ya think?" Sarah asked.
"Umm... turn around." Kim said, more as a suggestion.
Sarah laughed, "Well, if you insist."
Sarah turned to giver her friend a better view. Kim watched her friend's firm little waist and flat stomach support the tight strap squeezing against them.
The thong was a much better fit on Sarah, as her small, developing hips helped support the sides better than Kim's otherwise straight body.
Sarah stopped with her back turned towards her friend. "Watch this" she smiled.
Sarah leaned forward to touch her toes and spread her legs apart lightly. Kim was in shock but also enjoyed the view plus the tickling she felt inside her abdomen. She followed the thong line down her friend's crack and saw where her cheeks almost engulfed the thin piece of fabric.
Can't see much, "She laughed."
"Oh yeah?" Sarah reached up, placing her hands on either side of her cheeks and spread them for Kim's view.
Now Kim was really starting to enjoy this! Her friend's butt tightened a bit and grew a shade darker towards the bottom, but the thong covered her small, tight asshole and continued down between her legs.
Kim reached over and touched a few small strands of her blond fur that stuck out from under the thong as it neared Sarah's slit.
"Mmm that's nice." Sarah said under her breath. "You can go farther in you know."
Sarah reached down and pulled one side of her thong over, showing Kim the back side of her small, tight slit.
Kim traced her friend's soft pubes until she was able to insert the top of her finger into her tight little slit. Sarah's juices gave Kim easy access to the entire length, until her finger toughed the edge of her small, swollen clit.
Sarah shuddered. "I love when you do that!"
With one hand occupied between her friend's legs, Kim reached down with her other hand and started to trace the small crack of her pussy between her own legs. The two hands mirrored one another; when she woul trace Sarah's lips lightly, she would trace her own. When she would play with the small strands of hair that showed themselves, she would pay a little extra attention to her sparse pubes as well. When she slid her finger up to her knuckle in her friend's tight pussy, she would do the same to her own.
The two girsl were so involved in feeling eachother, neither of them heard the voices outside the door.
"Are you sure?" one of them asked.
"I must've left my keys in here. Maybe they fell out of my pocket." the other replied.
The door opened quickly and the same two men the children had witnessed Kate and Jeanelle pleasuring on the bed before casually walked in to the room.
"She pulled them off right over there." the taller of them men pointed to the corner he was standing in earlier.
Both men had already taken several steps into the room without noticing the two little bare-bottomed girls pleasuring themselves near the bed.
The smaller of the men started to look over. Well, I didn't see anything. She had me pinned pretty well to the...."
The two girls stopped only after the men had entered. Sarah perked up and stood rigid in fear, letting her panties and cheeks snap back to their original positions.
Kim pulled her finger out from Sarah's slit and placed her hand on her lap. Her other hand, though, was still buried between her legs. The shock of the interruption and fear that washed over her simply made her forget about her fingers at the moment.
"Ho... holy shit! W...w...w...what type of fucked up place is this?" the shorter man exclaimed in a stuttering voice.
The taller man turned his head a second later, still obsessing over his missing keys. "Jesus Larry! The fuck are kids doing here?!"
The children turned a ghost white and went silent.
"Fuck! We gotta go tell someone." Larry, the shorter man, started to take a step towards the door. "Kyle. What the fuck man! We have to GO!"
"Like hell we do! What the fuck are they going to think if we tell them these kids are up here? Getting arrested wasn't supposed to be part of this party!" Kyle responded.
"Besides. You think Linda's going to marry you if she knew what we were even doing here?"
Larry stopped in his tracks, with one foot in the doorway. He quickly glanced outside and then shut the door. "Get your fucking keys and lets just get the hell out of here."
Kyle nodded and slowly walked to the far side of the room where his pants had been tossed... keeping one eye on the two girls.
"Really. We... we were just playing." Sarah whimpered in a low, high pitched voice.
Kim turned to look at Kyle as he walked to the far end of the room. She was terrified and her hands were shaking... but the vision in the mirror kept flashing before her. The mirror really didn't do him justice in her mind!
Kim looked over Kyle, from head to toe. His hair was a dark brown, graying along the sides and slicked back. He had a long, rigid face with folds running up and down his cheeks. The rest of his body was as tall and thin as his face. There was a certain distinguished element about him that she had never seen in an adult before.
"C'mon. Hurry up!" Larry whispered eagerly from the other side of the room.
Kim snapped her head to look at him and saw a man of much smaller stature, but much wider and very solid looking. He had very close cut reddish hair and thin goatee. his neck was nearly as wide as his head and the ripples of his neck muscles formed outlines as they dove down into his tight, tucked in t-shirt. The muscles over the rest of his torso pulsated and rippled as he paced nervously at the door.
Kyle reached down to grab a set of small keys off the floor when he looked up and saw Kim's bare bottom pressed against the mattress. The shock of seeing the girls in the room was slowly leaving and fir the first time, he found his eyes traversing her petite little body. He seemed especially fond of the small dimple on her back above the shallow crease formed by her little cheeks.
The girls now being at the same eye level as he was, caused his gaze to skip over to Sarah's long, thin legs. There were small goose bumps on them as she stood there, wringing her hands in front of her stomach. Kyle seemed especially fond of the little "V" shape fold her panties created just between her legs. At the same time, his eyes expanded a bit when he saw a darker colored, wet spot sneaking up from between her legs.
"What... um. What are you two doing here anyway?" he asked, while standing back up.
Kim turned slightly to face him, her cheeks started to turn red from blushing. "Nothing, really."
Larry hear her answer and cocked his head a bit at the young girl. "You two weren't downstairs at my party." he started to reason. "So... where... were you?"
This time is was Sarah blushing when she turned her body slightly to face him, her head staring desperately at the carpeted floor. "Nowhere." was the best reply she could think of.
Kyle turned a pale color, the same as the girls and then opened his mouth. "Did you... did you two see anything. Have you been in this room the whole time?"
Despite being a bright red, Kim's face turned two more shades of purple! "Sorta." she whimpered. "Fuck Larry! I bet they were under the bed before! I thought I felt something banging my back! Bet they were here the whole time."
Detecting fear in the man's voice, Sarah raised her head in a panic, "It's not like that! We... we... we were just curious. Honest. We didn't mind. We liked to watch!"
The two men looked at each other. It's not every day that a petite little, barely developed blond girl, barely a teenager admits to actually liking sex in front of an adult! It was definitely the first time either man ever heard of such a thing.
Kim nodding in agreement with her friend. "We really liked watching. Honest. We weren't grossed out or anything."
"You saw us?" Kyle asked.
"In the mirror" Kim pointed.
Kyle looked in the mirror and saw the clear line of sight from the mattress to the small space below.
"Shhh, shh" don't worry. We're not going to hurt you or tell on you, ok?" he tried to reassure the two girls, seeing how nervous they were.
Larry also lowered his guard a bit and calmed his voice down an octave or two, "He''s right. It's not like we're going to hurt you. Just that kids shouldn't be in here seeing what you two saw."
Kim and Sarah glanced at each other. "It's not like it's new to us." Sarah chimed in. "We've done more than just watch ya know!"
Kim lowered her head slightly, almost acting ashamed of the memory she had of the night the three children spent together.
Kyle reached in his pocket to place his keys, sinking his hand down to his wrist and moving his fingers slightly around the front. "You mean... you've done this before?"
The two kids nodded in unison. Kim added, "But not quite like this."
The two men approached each other near the small desk and mirror in the front of the room.
Kyle started to talk and Kim tried to listen, but only made out a few words, "Another chance... no one knows... fantasy." were the only words she could distinguish.
Larry's reply was a bit clearer, "if they want" and "not rape" were all she could make out clearly though.
Kyle turned to the girls and gulped. The girls could see the lump in his throat rise as he started to speak, "We could... show you. I mean, show you how. Like how adults do it." he had to clear his throat for a moment when Larry took over.
"If you want. We can show you how to have sex. I mean, you can play with us, ask stuff and do whatever you wanted to us." Larry had to pause, not fully believing the words that were passing from his mouth.
Kyle worked up some more nerve and continued, "We'll be gentle. And... and... and you can say no if you want!"
Larry continued for his friend, "We're nice guys really. I mean, better us than some random gang-banger off the street."
It was the men's turn to hang their heads sheepishly, neither of them quite believing they had just propositioned two very under-aged girls!
Kim looked at Sarah and her face brightened slightly. She didn't say anything or move her head much, but she nodded with a slight movement of her eyes.
She saw Sarah do the same and raise her hand, pointing slightly at Kim. You tell them." she whispered barely loud enough for Kim to hear.
Kim looked at the men and stood up on the floor. She walked slowly over the Kyle, who had looked up slightly to admire the little girl. She could tell his eyes were exploring her tan, bare waist and more than likely admiring her smooth, slightly furry pussy as her legs brushed her little strands of hair forward when she walked.
Kim gently help Kyle's hand and looked up at him with her deep, brown eyes. "I want you to show me."
Larry's eyes were also looking over Kim's little body as his friend walked with her over to the foot of the bed. He looked up at Sarah who was staring back at him. She gestured slightly towards him with her hand and took a step to the bed.
"Can I see you naked?" Sarah asked. "Both of you I mean."
Kyle and Larry paused then nodded. The men quickly slid out of their clothing, acting as though they had no buttons or sippers holding them back.
The girls were admiring both of the men's bodies. While Kyle had the longer features in his, Larry had the more muscular ones.
As the two men stripped, Sarah took a seat next to Kim on the edge of the bed and placed a hand on her friend's thigh. Kim returned the gesture.
When the men got down to their boxers, the girls noticed the outlines underneath. Larry had a very thick, lump forming below his belt line, that poked slightly at the front of his underwear. Kyle, on the other hand, had a lump the swayed back and forth across the front, pressing on either of his legs as he moved.
The men paused and looked at the girls. "You know, it's not fair." Kyle smiled a bit while removing a sock. "You have more clothes on than we do."
The two girls smiled and nodded at one another. They both stood up and Sarah reached down to Kim's tummy, pulling her short slightly up. Kim's flat belly and tan skin was exposed briefly until Sarah pulled her short up farther while Kim raised her hands over her head.
The tow men looked in amazement as Kim's, dark tan, perky little puffy nipples stood erect, staring at them. They admired the little mounds that supported them and their eyes started to explore her entire body.
When her short was entirely off, Kim reached down and pulled Sarah's up for her.
The men switched their gaze to the slightly taller and more developed girl, noticing her string-like thong against her milky white skin. Unlike Sarah did, Kim pulled her friend's short up in one quick motion. The white lace from her little training bra nearly blended in with her pale skin.
Sarah helped her friend out by reaching back and unhooking her bra. The men, again, stared in awe at the perky little white mounds that bounced out of the bra and the small stiff nipples that stared back up at them. They were just barely larger than Kim's to give them an outline along the sides and a definite valley between. Whereas Kim's, though just large enough to stand up from her chest, hadn't yet developed the outline of Sarah's.
Sarah reached down with her hands and slid her thong down, exposing her small tuft of curly, light colored pubes to the men.
Te girls could see budges starting to rise from the men's boxers and pointed. "Your turn." Kim smiled.
The men quickly obliged, sliding their boxers entirely off their legs; their well-developed manhood, bouncing and waking up with the fresh air on them.
Kyle's massive penis cause Kim's jaw to drop. Not even as hard as she had seen it in the mirror, it was easily the size of her head as it hung there, half way erect.
Larry was not shy in that department either as Sarah noticed how thick around his shaft was, not something she could have seen in the mirror.
Can I... touch it?" Sarah asked.
Larry was at a loss for words and just nodded.
Sarah approached him, placing her finger tips around his thick member. Her hand couldn't even wrap around it without squeezing!
"Oh God" Larry moaned.
Sarah didn't have to ask if it hurt or not, as she felt his shaft start to swell beneath her palm. Now it was standing fully erect and Sarah couldn't squeezer her hand around it anymore. She placed her other hand on the other side and clasp her finger tips along the top.
Larry's cock came up to Sarah's stomach, making it slightly awkward for the girl to get a good hold.
"Let me sit on the bed and you can explore all you like. Ok?" Larry moaned while the little girl's fingers gently rubbed the one area of his shaft. The couple proceeded to walk to the bed.
After seeing the two girl's naked little bodies and his friend receive the start of what was sure to be the best hand job of his lie, Kyle's cock stood up on end. Unlike Larry's thick, broad shaft, that stood directly out, Kyle's lifted up farther and curved slightly to his stomach.
there was more hair than she was used to seeing at this point, but Kim, lowered her head towards Kyle's towering erection and admired it from up close. She lowered her hands between the man's legs and felt his sack hanging loosely between. She massaged his slightly and Kyle let out a moan similar to his friend.
"Can I taste it like Jeanelle did?" Kim asked the man.
Kyle just nodded.
Kim lowered her head and placed her lips lightly against the tip of his long cock. There was a thin flaky layer crusting his shaft and Kim tasted a sweet, but pungent sensation on her tongue. She realized this must have been Jeanelle's sex juices dried up on the man's bulging head and the thought of that caused her to take more of Kyle's cock in her mouth.
She had to open her mouth much wider than she did for her brother and move her teeth out of the way. Despite her efforts, the tip of her teeth lightly scraped the underside of Kyle's shaft, but instead of a scream in agony, Kim felt him shudder slightly.
She managed to get the head of his cock to the back of her throat but still had several inches of his shaft sticking out of her little mouth. She kept one hand around his sack and slid the other up along the base of his shaft, to the tips of her lips and back down. he felt his skin tug a bit as she stroked him and Kyle looked down at her. "Spit on it a little. Use that for lube." he managed to get the words out between gasps for air.
Kim followed hid advice, despite how strange it sounded to her. She let some saliva dribble out of her mouth and slid her hand over it. He was right! The extra lubricant allowed her hand to quickly slide up and down the length of his shaft. She could feel his hardness under her hand and tiny veins seemed to move out of the way as she slid her fingers up and down.
"Oh sweetie. That's it!" he moaned.
Sarah was equally busy, sitting between Larry's extended legs, while he laid back on the bed. His thick knob stated back at her when she looked down. He too, had much more hair than Tommy did and Sarah enjoyed bouncing her hands slightly on the thick brush as the base of his solid member.
With her hands still claps around the rock hard shaft, Sarah lowered her head to touch her tongue to the tip.
She tasted a slightly salty taste on the tip o her mouth and a clear string of slime hung down to the tip of his cock.
"Eww!" she seemd surprised.
"Don't worry honey, it's just pre-cum. Every guy does it." Larry reassured her as he put his head back down to enjoy the servicing Sarah started to provide.
Her cheeks budged out wide when she inserted his massive knob into her mouth. Sarah saw his sack tighten briefly when she initially made contact and Larry let out small moan.
Sarah was only able to get a couple inches in her mouth as the sheer width of it couldn't make it past her teeth. Still, she used her imagination and started to flick her tongue around the ridge of skin near the head and she made a slight twisting motion with her hands.
Several minutes went by as the girls serviced their respective cocks. Kim and Kyle moved to the bed so that he could get more comfortable sitting, near his friend.
Kim looked up at Kyle, removing his shaft from her mouth for a moment, but continuing with the full, long strokes of her hands. "Can I put it in me?" she asked with an innocent sound to her voice.
"I don't know if it will fit. I don't want to hurt you." Kyle responded hesitantly. After all, full penetration sex with an 11 year old was crossing a line that her knew he couldn't step back from.
Kim smiled. "But I wanna try!"
Kyle nodded, giving in to his senses. "You better get on top of me and see how far in you can take it. I might hurt you if I pushed."
Kim grinned and placed her knees on the bed. Kyle's feet easily reached the floor, and he used that to support himself while the little girl spread herself over his lap.
On her knees, with her thighs extended, Kim's little budding nipples teased Kyle, passing across his face a coupleof time.
"Can I taste them?" he asked, looking at the little girl's puffy mounds staring at him.
Kim nodded. "I've never had someone do that before."
Kyle didn't need any explanation as he stuck his tongue out and ran the tip across the nearest erect, puffy nipple he found. Kim's nipple grew harder and firmer as Kyle's tongue passed over it.
She giggled, "Heehehehee that tickles!"
Kyle placed his lips over her entire budding mound, circling his tongue offer her very stiff nipple. Kim's giggles turned into moans of passion when she felt the man's mouth sucking in her entire little mound of flesh.
"The other... too." she gasped.
Kyle nodded slightly and continued the same process on Kim's other tender little breast. For a moment, Kim lost herself in the pleasure and forgot she was still suspended over the massive hard on below.
She relaxed her legs a bit and felt the tip of Kyle's cock brush up slightly against the slight hairs around her slit. She stiffened her legs, holding herself right as Kyle raised his head from her small, childhood bosom. Kim founder herself staring directly at Kyle's nose!
She leaned her head in towards his shoulder and whispered in his ear, "Can you help me put it in?"
"For you, sweetie, anything." Kyle reached around the small girl's thighs and lifted his long shaft until it pressed against her tight, smooth pussy.
He slid the tip up some more until he felt it make contact with the girl's soft, warm interior. "Push as had as you want when you're ready."
Kim didn't even nod, she just slid her little body down against Kyle's torso until she felt the head of his massive cock trying to push its way into her small, tight canal.
It was still just the tip of his head that had made entrance into her little pussy but Kim could hardly believe how intense it felt! The pulling and stretching were beyond anything she felt with her brother inside of her.
She lowered herself farther on Kyle's towering shaft, engulfing the head entirely between her soft, wet lips. She felt a slight pop and Kyle let out a moan.
"Holy Jesus sweetie! You're so tight! Not too fast, I want to enjoy this!"
With the head of his cock, planted firmly inside of her, Kim pushed with her hips slightly and let another inch of her soft vagina slide down his shaft.
She had now managed to get a good 3 inches in but was afraid to go farther. Instead, Kim rocked back and forth, lifting and lowering herself slightly around the last two inches she managed to slide in.
Sarah looked over at Kim and Kyle being fully engaged in the act, looking down and admiring her friend's slippery juices dripping down the man's massive shaft.
Larry nodded, understanding the girl's next move. "Careful. I don't want to hurt you either!" he cautioned.
Sarah smiled in appreciation of the man's concern and proceeded to climb up the man's legs and spread herself over his waist. He legs parted and her soft tuft of fur became clearly visible to Larry.
"I love that little pussy you have." He complimented her, staring at her crotch. "I like women with a little hair... hard to find nowadays."
Sarah paused, "You mean some men like hair down there? I know girls who talk about shaving all the time."
"I like having something to look at on a girl, that's all." Larry smiled at her.
Sarah grinned, getting turned on by the compliment and the man's firm, hard body. His cock was sticking straight up at the slit on her legs, still glistening from Sarah's saliva.
Larry reached around the girl and placed his firm hands on either side of her waist. He was almost able to touch fingers around her back between the length of his hands and the thinness of Sarah's small waist.
His hands nestled comfortably above her hips and just above her round buttocks. Sarah enjoyed the sensation of the man's strong arms supporting her and lowered herself slightly to the top of his solid cock.
"Careful" Larry warned, seeming to take great care in looking out for the blond little angel and her soft body on top of his.
Sarah moaned slightly when she felt the thick knob touch against her tight opening. She reached down and held on to his shaft, while lowering the rest of her body.
It was a slow process. Sarah's tight little pussy could only take in so much of Larry's thick cock at a time. She felt her lips part as his massive knob pushed into her little hole. His hard member slid comfortably against her soft interior until she met more resistance another inch in.
She felt Larry's cock push back slightly and then bounce back, inside of her narrow vagina. The man was now fully penetrating the little girl with the massive head of his cock and the two of them let out a sudden gasp.
Sarah felt her abdomen expand as she continued to slide the thick shaft into her little wet pussy. What he lacked in size, he definitely made up for in mass!
It was a bit of a struggle, with many pauses in between, but Sarah managed to fully engulf the man's cock inside her very tight womanhood. She laughed and let out a slight moan at the same time.
Both men were completely engaged in full penetration intercourse with the young girls. The tightness of their small holes and the wetness of the juices dripping down the massive adult-sized cocks formed a suction that created a very noticeable slurping sound with each tiny thrust.
"Not too fast." Larry cautioned, "I don't want to shoot this off inside of you!"
Sarah didn't argue with the man, instead she slowed her thrusting a bit, gently sliding her slick canal up and down over his shaft.
Meanwhile, Kyle had shifted his hands to support Kim's firm little butt and help her not slide too far down. He also enjoyed the view in the mirror, watching his long rod penetrate the little girl's hot, tight pussy.
"Holy fucking shit! Kate, get your ass in here!" Jeanelle's voice caught the foursome off guard and they each experienced a moment of terror when the men realized they had made one simple mistake - no one locked the door!
The two woman were standing at the door, jaws gaping at the sight of the little orgy they witnessed. Jeanelle stepped into the room and motioned for Kate to close the door.
"They're fucking kill all of us if they catch us in here! You know that, assholes?" she exploded just shy of a scream.
Kate entered the room behind her, closing... and locking the door as she did. "I can't fucking believe you pervs! I'm going to call the cops."
Jeanelle turned to her friend, and gave her a stern look. "We can't. They catch these fuck-heads in here burying their cocks in little girls, who do you think they're going to blame? We're the ones that brought them up here!"
Kate paused as she thought about her friend's point.
"Listen. We didn't..." Kyle started to explain, while still having Kim mounted on him.
"Shut up! Just shut the fuck up you fucking asshole!" Kate shouted back.
"Honest. We just got curious. I mean, they... they... it's not their fault!" Kim cried back, almost on the verge of tears.
"She's right" Sarah backed up her friend, "We saw you two earlier and just had to try!" Sarah had a way with making people see her point and using guilt wasn't below her!
"Shit" Kate turned almost as pale as the men, "She's right. It's our fault Jeanelle."
"But the fuck are you assholes doing fucking them?" Jeanelle looked at the men.
"They... wanted us to!" Larry tried to defend himself, while feeling his cock start to shrivel up and back its way out of Sarah's little pussy. "We were also shocked. We were going to leave. Kyle just needed his keys..."
"We can't tell anyone about this." Jeanelle whispered to Kate. "We'll all go to jail if anyone even suspects anything like this in this place!"
"You... you can watch too. Like we did." Kim tried to reason with the women, "We won't squeal on anyone, I promise."
Kate actually let out a bit of a smile towards the little girl, "We're not jealous, we're just... just..."
"But you just looked like you enjoyed them so much, we needed to try to." Kim managed to get a complete sentence out without pausing, despite her nerves.
At this point, the two girls were seated on top of the men, while the cocks they were mounted on were laying casually between their legs, no longer able to sustain the massive hard-ons the girls had been enjoying.
Kate turned to her friend again, "You have to admit, these two losers were a really good fuck. You kinda can't really blame them I guess."
Jeanelle nodded, "But still. They're fucking children!"
Sarah chimed in, "Actually, we've done this before. Me and Kim have. We just really wanted to try an adult!"
In the confusion of the moment, neither woman could deny the girl's reasoning.
"We didn't want to hurt them. We told them we could teach them and help them." Kyle braved opening his mouth again after the last outburst directed his way.
"Honey, with that member of yours, you're going to split that poor girl in half!" Jeanelle said in a much calmer tone.
The two women seemed to relax a bit as the chock wore off.
"And you too stallion" Kate added, "You're going to break her in half with that thing!" She looked at Larry.
"But really! They're so good to us! You can't yell at them for it!" Sarah tried to defend her sex partner.
"You girls get off the bed" Kate motioned each of them to the side.
The girls were too nervous to argue and slowly slid themselves off the men.
Kate and Jeanelle approached the two men. "If you wanted to learn" Jeanelle started to speak as she reached around to her back, "Then we better be the ones to show you." She reached placed her hands to the sides of her shirt and lifted the flimsy piece of fabric above her head.
The girls were once again staring at Jeanelle's large, dark skinned breasts. Her nipples alone were almost the size of Kim's tiny buds.
Kate followed her friend's lead and slid her small top over her head. Her perfectly round breasts bounced happily, free from the confines of the clothing.
"You take the tower this time, I want to try out that torpedo on him." Jeanelle pointed at Larry.
The two women walked over to the men and slid their panties to the ground. The girls marveled at their nicely developed features, comparing them to their own. The could clearly see the outline of hair the women had shaved off and they each noticed how large their mounds were before dipping to their flat, tight abdomens.
The men needed no words to direct the women. Their cocks were once again starting to rise at the prospect of being mounted into the well developed womanly pussies they started at from the bed.
Jeanelle was first, as she crawled on the bed, over Larry's erect member. "Now sweetie" she looked at Sarah, "You get behind me and watch."
Sarah quickly walked to the foot of the bed.
Jeanelle lowered herself on to Larry's meaty shaft. Sarah saw the woman's bright pink pussy open up for the man's entire cock. She was still amazed at the contrast between the woman's skin and her insides.
Jeanelle bent forward, offering Sarah a better view. "See how easy that was? Now watch."
Sarah stared at the experienced woman's control of her muscles and movements. Jeanelle slid her hips back and forth with each thrust, rubbing her ass against his thighs and them leaning forward. It was hardly the straight up and down motion she was familiar with!
"You need control hun. I can feel him much better this way."
Every time Jeanelle leaned forward, Sarah got a great view of Larry's swollen manhood piercing the woman's experienced pussy. She also enjoyed watching Jeanelle's shapely ass spread and contract with each push and noticed the woman's dark little star shaped asshole convulse as she squeezed the man inside of her.
On the other side of the bed, Kate was crawling up Kyles legs. She looked him in the face and pushed him down so that he was laying flat on the mattress. Kate turned to face Kyle's feet, looking at Kim.
"I'm going to need help with this one cutie." Kate positioned her bald womanly pussy over Kyle's throbbing cock.
"You lift him up, ok?" she asked, looking at Kim.
Kim stood between the man's legs and held on to the base of his shaft while Kate continued to get into position. She was able to place her hands, one on top of the other and still leave a huge length of Kyle's towering shaft free for Kate's ready pussy.
"Stay still and I'll just..." Kate slid her slit over Kyle's head, easily fitting the first 3 inches.
Kim's jaw dropped in amazement as she watched the woman's pussy swallow more of his cock than she was able to do after thrusting for several minutes. Kim got a clear view of Kate's soft, pink clit stretching slightly to allow room for the massive intruder piercing her sweet, wet hole.
Kate paused slightly and then continued the long slide down Kyle's shaft. Kim's hands started to get sticky when Kate's tightening pussy came closer and closer; her love juice was dripping down his shaft pooling around Kim's tiny fingers.
"Mmm oh God! Right there. Keep your hands right there." Kim looked over and saw her knuckles brushing gently against Kate's, now swollen, clit.
"Go ahead and touch it. Just pinch it in your fingers a bit cutie." Kate threw her head back as she lifted herself up slightly to thrust down a bit.
Following Kate's advice, Kim placed her index finger over the woman's swollen, pink clit and started to rub it.
"Holy Hell! Don't stop!" Kate screamed.
Kim was getting excited by the moment and placed her thumb against the other side, pinching Kate's button between her fingers. She felt Kate's muscles twitch and her clit slipped out from her grasp.
Kate let out a slight yell and moaned.
Kyle also started to moan so Kim looked back down. She realized she had been stroking the base of Kyle's cock with each thrust Kate made and hadn't even realized it!
The two women were pleasing themselves more on the men now, then they had earlier. Both Sarah and Kim were taking mental notes of the different techniques and positions the women used.
"Get behind me hun... and hold on!" Jeanelle instructed Sarah, while still rocking back and forth of Larry's solid member.
Sarah climbed behind Jeanelle, holding on to the woman's torso as though riding a bike. Her soft brown skin had a sweet perfume odor on it, that Sarah took in deep with each breath.
Jeanelle suddenly lifted herself up and moved forward a couple inches. Larry's cock flopped out of Jeanelle's pussy and slapped against Sarah's little slit.
"Now you fuck him just like I did." The woman instructed again.
Sarah hesitantly reached down and guided the knob of Larry's cock to her tight little lips. Once there, she slid herself down until she felt that little "pop" of his head enter her vagina.
Jeanelle's juices still coated Larry's throbbing cock, making it much easier for the little girl to get the shaft inside of her this time. It was getting near the point where she thought she was going to be split in half that she felt her thighs push against Larry's.
"Nice one girl!" Jeanelle smiled, leaning forward, to kiss Larry's slightly hairy chest. She leaned forward enough to see Jeanelle's freshly fucked hole dripping with her own juices still. She saw the woman's lips still parted from Larry's thick cock, giving Sarah a clear view inside of Jeanelle's bright, pink, glistening vagina until it was too dark to see farther.
Sarah continued the same motions of Jeanelle, rocking back and forth, rubbing her tight little butt against Larry's groin while pushing her hips forward and back.
Jeanelle turned to face Sarah, parting her legs over Larry's face. "You like pussy hun? Like the smell? Eat my pussy!" she commanded the man and lowered her soaked pussy over Larry's ready face.
Sarah could see the man's lips and mouth move over the woman's sweet entrance. Jeanelle just grinned at Sarah and let out a huge moan when Larry's tongue hit the right spot.
Kim was mesmerized by the subtle bouncing of Kyle's sack as Kate rode the top few inches of his cock. The gooey cream rushing from Kate's pussy was coating them in a translucent film.
Kim couldn't help herself and had to taste! She lightly slid her tongue over the little seam that divided the two sides of his sack. She felt is skin tighten under her touch and Kyle let out a quick gasp.
"Oh fuck sweetie! Keep doing that!" he moaned between Kate's thrusts.
Kate looked down and smiled at the girl. "Exactly the kind of help I needed."
With the adult's approval, Kim continued to explore Kyle's testicles with her tongue, taking a few seconds to slurp up any juices that ran by her.
Soon, she found her way up to his shaft, continuing to chase Kate's sex juice up the length until she realized she was licking the entrance to the gaping hole Kyle was pounding. Kate's swollen clit stared back at her and she couldn't resist!
Kim pressed her lips against the woman's clit and started to fondle it with her tongue.
"Oh my God... yes! Yes! YES!" Kate's entire body shuddered and her toes curled back in her feet.
Oh God. You better take over cutie, I don't think I can anymore!" Kate moaned, drained from the monstrous orgasms the little girl created.
Kim was happy to hear the news and eagerly jumped on to the bed. She drew her body towards Kate until the two touched. Kate placed her hands on Kim's little waist and pulled the girl closer to her.
Kate lowered her head to the girl's face and gently placed her lips on Kim's. Kim leaned in a bit and returned the gesture. She felt Kate's tongue start to explore the space between her lips and she opened her mouth slightly, to allow her access.
Her mouth tasted like peppermint! Kim pulled Kate's tongue deeper in to her mouth and started to gently suck on it. She felt Kate's hands slide farther down her back until one was exploring the top of her little crack.
Kate continued down Kim's tiny firm ass until Kim felt her make contact with the back of her little slit. The woman pulled Kim even closer and slid her finger inside Kim's very wet slit from the rear. She applied some pressure until she was almost lifting the little girl up from her pussy!
Her eyes closed from the passionate kiss the two were exchanging, Kim didn't notice until she felt a soft, firm object touch the entrance to her pussy - Kyle had shifted to her and was anxious to plunge his long cock in to the little girl's smooth, tight pussy.
Kate's hands guided the towering member inside the girl's tight little hole. Kim loosened the hold on Kate's tongue to let out a gasp when she felt her vaginal walls expand to allow entrance to this massive piece of manhood that was penetrating her.
Kate slid back a bit and started to explore the rest of Kim's petite body with her tongue. Kim giggled a bit when she felt the woman's tongue touch the tip of her small, erect nipples. "It tickles!" she laughed.
It wasn't long before Kate pushed herself back farther and, like Jeanelle, had her bald womanly pussy placed square on top of Kyle's face. She didn't have to shout instructions, however, as Kyle quickly put his tongue to good use.
Kate lowered her head more, and started to touch the edges of Kim's little pussy lips with her fingers.
"Honey, the way you stretch out to take him like that is absolutely gorgeous!" the woman noted, before running her tongue over Kim's little button.
The pleasure of the woman's tongue made Kim forget how massive Kyle's cock was and she felt a large pull deep inside her tight canal. Kim let out a slight cry from the chock, even though the pain was momentary.
"Careful cutie, he's at the end, at your cervix. You may want to let him back..." Kate's warning was interrupted by Kyle's sudden muscle seizure. At least that's what it resembled to Kim!
Kim suddenly felt a rush of warmth race through her abdomen and fill her vagina until Kyle's massive load of hot, creamy cum was racing down the side of her legs.
"The fuck you doing?!" Kate cried to Kyle, lifting herself from his face.
Kyle was gasping for air but managed a few words between breaths, "Relax. I've been snipped for years now." He paused for air, "I felt her pussy tighten when I hit the end and couldn't help it!"
Kate looked a little relieved. "Least you're not going to get her pregnant you dope!" She was half-smiling at the man, while she tossed her legs to one side of him.
Kim lifted her self off Kyle's shrinking member and felt massive gobs of the man's cream gushing out of her freshly fucked pussy when she cleared the head.
Kim collapsed to the side of the man and smiled, "That... was awesome!"
She looked over and saw Sarah completely absorbed in Larry's thick shaft with Jeanelle hovering her dark pussy over the man's face.
"Alright babe, I think you better let him out!" the woman said.
Sarah lifted herself off Larry's pulsating member just seconds before a long, white river of hot cum spurted from his cock. Sarah's little budding breasts got sprayed with the man's hot cream as the spurting liquid raced her to cover her mouth and face as well. A couple squirts also found there way up to Jeanelle's swaying breasts, contrasting nicely with her dark skin.
The 4 adults and 2 children all collapsed in the bed, gasping for breath and enjoying the feeling of each other's juices covering their bodies.
Within a few minutes they started to recover and move again. Sarah stood up, wiping her face and chest off on the edge of the blanket. Kim also stood besides her friend and patted the insides of her thigh dry with the corner of the blanket.
After some time, the adults also stood and started to put their clothes back on. When everyone was fully dressed, the men tried to act casual and walked out the door fo the room.
When they got to the stairs, they motioned to the others to follow. The two woman pushed the girls out in front of them and raced them down the stairs. The thumping of music form the other room was still going and the girls could see the basement door they had snuck in earlier.
"Quick. You two go to that door before anyone comes down this hall!" Kate instructed.
"Remember sweeties, you two were never here tonight. You understand? Jeanelle leaned in to say in a stern, but rather delicate manner.
Kim and Sarah both nodded and scampered to the door. They were eager to leave the building and get back home. School was already out for the day, but they could still claim an alibi if their friends spotted them at the mall!
The adults parted down the hall, to the front room, while the two children disappeared down the stairs to the basement.
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