Seeing Rikki Again

[ Mg, inc, pedo, preteen ]


Published: 9-Jun-2012

Word Count: 3109

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Story Summary
This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

I hadn't seen much of my sister the last few years. My job had moved me to another town and this Christmas was my first chance to visit her.

I was a little nervous about it. Many years ago I had fooled around with her very young daughter, Rikki. It wasn't even my idea! It was actually Rikki's. We were playing, her, me, and her cousin, Petra. They tied me up and then Petra got the idea to remove her panties and sit on my face. They had no idea that I was the type who would like that from them. They left the room, not thinking another thought about it. It was just child's play.

But then, Rikki came back alone, and pretty much wanted to continue the game. We played many oral games. It was the only time I had ever acted out a fantasy. It was my fondest memory.

I was a fool!

These last few years, I kept expecting a knock on my door, or a summons, or maybe an angry phone call. But I guess Rikki never said anything to anyone.

She would be there today.

Rikki was nine now. I saw her after I came in and hugged everybody. She stood there in the kitchen doorway and watched me.

She was dressed much older then the kids clothes she used to wear when I lived close by. A nice print dress with white tights and shiny white dress shoes, her dark hair long and strait, parted in the middle. She had gotten much taller but hadn't seemed to fill out any. Her legs were long and thin and her feet the same.

My heart raced, not from any attraction but from fear. Oh don't get me wrong, I found her to be stunning. But I was expecting her to blurt out any moment, "Uncle Phil molested me!"

But she didn't. I tried to act casual and said, "Hello, Rikki. Long time no see."

She gave me that same wide eyed, unsure look that I remembered well and said simply, "Hi."

I couldn't read her feelings though. I couldn't tell if she was afraid of me, or if she even remembered what we'd done.

Rikki turned and left the room and I caught up with the family on things that had happened while I was gone, then I told them about everything that had happened to me. But the back of my mind kept wondering what Rikki was thinking.

As the day wore on, my sister went with the other female family members to start a feast for us all. I sat with Joe, my brother in law and talked about what few items we had in common. Did I have any hot girlfriends? What teams did I root for? Can I believe what the government is doing now? Did I do any yard work where I lived?

No girl friends that were interesting. I wasn't watching much sports. Politics wasn't my strong suit. No, I was in an apartment building.

Not much in common. Joe excused himself and left to answer the door. More guests were arriving. Mostly friends of my sister and her husband. I was introduced to each of them and made idle conversation with a few.

The problem is I'm boring. I have a few interests, but some of them aren't the kind of things you talk about openly.

I walked into the kitchen to get a beer and saw Rikki working with her mom and a couple of her mothers friends. The adults were talking about things I knew nothing about and when I looked at Rikki, she turned and avoided my eyes. I left the kitchen trying not to worry. It was going to be a long night.

I found someone who seemed to feel as out of place as I did there and we talked about computers and data processing. Another cubical peon like me. He came as a guest of one of my sisters friends and he didn't know hardly anybody either. That passed the time until dinner was about ready.

The table had extra leafs and it ended up looking like something out of a movie with everybody reaching for plates and talking at once. A few folks were kind enough to direct a few words my way to keep me from feeling left out. Rikki was across the table and at the other end. Every time I looked that direction, she was avoiding my eyes. But now and then, I could feel her eyes on me, though when I looked, she quickly turned away.

I knew that she remembered by then. I started to imagine her learning about reporting abuse in school. She was old enough to know that I had done something with her that an adult shouldn't do with a child. She was old enough to understand what we had done.

I was getting really nervous about being there. I could picture her feeling, every time she looked at me, bringing more of it back and soon she would tell someone. Her father was going to kill me and bury me in the back yard.

I was really beginning to regret what I had done with her years before. I was so in trouble. I should have said no to her. I should have never come now. I was trapped here. I should have gotten a hotel instead of agreeing to stay in the guest room.

I ended up being pretty quiet after my thoughts started running away from me. My sister asked me if I was feeling okay. I feigned it off as jet lag and she seemed satisfied. Rikki was looking at me then. She didn't turn away. I tried to smile a reassuring grin, but I could tell that some of my shame was leaking out to her. Rikki didn't smile back. I turned away this time.

I didn't look her way for the rest of the meal.

Afterwards, I volunteered to help with the dishes and I did them with my sister, Kay. It was nice being friends again. We jostled like when we were kids and it was the best part of the evening. Rikki had gone upstairs to her room.

I innocently asked how Rikki was doing in school.

"Oh, she's had some difficulties lately." was the answer. Great! Classic symptoms of abuse. "She seems to have problems with some of her teachers. I don't know why. She's a smart girl. She knows something about almost every subject you can think of."

I began to worry again. It was no longer if Rikki was going to tell, but when. I should never ever have come back. I should have found a job out of the country!

Then my sister said something that put the nail in the coffin. "You know." she said as she stopped the dishes and turned to me. "Rikki cried for days when you left. She wasn't hungry and that's when her school work started to suffer."

I was studying a cup and not seeing it. For some reason, I felt like I couldn't bare to hold my secret any longer. "I think that's my fault." I said, not looking at her. "I love Rikki, you see. I think that she's a fantastic girl, but...." Then I didn't know how to say it.

Sis grabbed my arm and I jerked. She said, "Oh Phil. I know about it."

That surprised me. "You do?"

"Oh yes, silly." She was smiling. How could she be smiling? "I know you've always been different. I remember you getting teased at school and sulking around the house." I didn't remember much of that. "You were always smarter than everybody else. They were jealous of it too."

I shook my head. "No. That's not what I mean."

"Shhh. I know what you mean. That's why you haven't been able to get a good girl friend. I know how lonely it can be, but really, there's nothing wrong with it. You played with her like she was an adult and she needed that. She's just as different as you are."

I felt like I had fallen into some kind of time/space warp, where everything is backwards and Spock wore a beard. "This is too weird." I said.

"Hey, Phil. It's okay to have children as friends, at least when they're as smart as Rikki is. Nobody thinks you're a pervert. We all know it's intellectual. That's why Joe and I want you to stay close with her." It dawned on me that she had no idea. "You were stimulating her." I almost choked just the same. "You were making her strive to be better. We think you can still do that. Rikki has so much potential."

"Kay. I don't think you under...."

We both stopped when we realized that Rikki had been standing there listening. She had changed out of her dress and into some jeans and a sweat shirt. I was uncomfortably aware of her bare feet.

"Mom?" Rikki started. "Can uncle Phil come downstairs with me and play ping pong?"

My sister pushed me towards her as if to say, 'Go and be with her.' My adrenaline was still in my blood and I sighed relief that I had just dodged a bullet. The desire to confess had gone and in it's place was the feeling like I had almost ruined everybody's life, mine included.

I followed Rikki down to the carpeted basement, turned into a family room. Her hips were as skinny as her shoulders and still had a nice shape to her butt.

Why was I even considering looking at my own niece like that? Wasn't I feeling enough anxiety as is? Wasn't my hole deep enough yet?

Then we stood across that ping pong table but we didn't play. She said, "You haven't said anything to me all day." It was like an accusation.

"I was afraid to." I replied. "I thought you were upset with me."

"Because of what we did?" She didn't miss a beat. She was sharp. For some reason, this made me relax. I always dealt best with direct talk. I was never any good at office politics.

"Yes. I thought that maybe you changed your mind and thought that I had taken advantage of you. I was.... Hell, Rikki, I was afraid you were going to tell some one about it."

She smiled then. A beautiful smile with her eyes seeing right through me. "It was my idea, remember? I know what I'm doing." There was a lull in the conversation, then she said, "I get it. You were thinking that all the 'Tell if a stranger touches you' stuff in school got to me. Give me some credit." Then her head cocked to the side. "Is that why you left?"

I had to stare at her. I wished any of the girls I had dated were this smart! "No. I left because I needed a job. I wanted to stay, but, you know. Money."

"I heard that you don't have a girlfriend."

I smiled then. I saw where she was going now. "No, Rikki. I couldn't find anyone like you if I had a million years to look."

Then she gave me a look like I was stupid. "There're little girls all over the place you could groom."

Inside, I knew that I was caught. I pretended not to understand, but she saw right through that. I give. "No Rikki. None like you." I put down the paddle and said, "So what do we do now?"

She put down her paddle and walked around to me. My heart started to race. She looked up at me, her eyes not sure and wide again. Then Rikki reached up and grabbed at my neck, lifting herself up with a leg around the back of mine, then kissed me right on the lips.

She felt light. She was tall and skinny and I put my hands on her sides and held her up to me without even flexing. My heart was pounding and so was hers.

As smart as she may be, this was new to her too. I wanted her suddenly and my lust shouted down the fact that I was in her parents house and they were just over head. We listened for noises upstairs. They were starting a poker game. We knew that we could be left alone for hours, though there was the slight chance that some one would come down and ask how things were going.

I looked at the guest bedroom door, which was also downstairs. No. Bad idea, Phil.

Instead we sat on the couch and talked. Despite my lust for this miracle treat, I found myself becoming fascinated with her personality. My guess is she had something genetic that only we got from the family. We talked about things I never knew she was interested in. We seemed to talk for hours.

When my sister did come down to check on us, Rikki was laying on her back with her head on my lap, talking about this theory she had on life. Sis's face was almost beaming at us and she excused herself quickly. Uncle Phil was bringing out her daughter again.

As the door closed, we knew we'd be left alone for at least another hour. Without a word, we smiled and got up to go into the guest bedroom. Then she dropped onto the bed and looked at me with excitement and a hint of fear. Her sweat shirt rode up to show a flat belly with a perfect belly button.

I slid on the bed and made like I was going to kiss her, then made a detour for her belly and started kissing it gently. I felt her hands go lightly onto my head and her breathing become deeper. My hands went under her sweat shirt and slid up slowly across her sides and felt every little rib on her chest until I reached her little shoulders.

My hands then slid back down over the top of her chest and I felt both of her nipples standing up, tiny and hard.

I remembered her scent! Years later, and it all came flooding back to me. The puffy little virgin lips, lightly scented with a sweet musk that made me cum into my pants back then. I had cum many times that day, but never on her. It was all oral back then.

Now, I was wanting to explore her orally again. Find out how much has changed inside her tight little jeans.

Rikki didn't protest when my fingers undid her snap and zipper. She did lift her bottom for my to slide them off though. Her panties were white, cotton, bikini bottoms with a tiny ruffle and they smelled like a cherry perfume.

I looked up at Rikki. Her eyes were wide and on me. I said, "That smells like cherry lip gloss." Rikki giggled. I pulled the scented panties down a little and found that she had indeed put cherry lip gloss on her lips. They were shiny and wet looking.

I gave a short, soft laugh back and kissed her lips gently. Rikki said, "Yesssss" like escaping air. I kissed again with more lips. Then her hand started to grab at my hair. My kisses on her became open mouthed and I took my time before introducing my salivating tongue.

I had worked her panties down to her knees and she lifted a leg to free one foot from them. Then she spread herself wide and I was invited in.

I tasted and ate and loved her with every part of my hungry mouth. I even nibbled on her developing clitoris, which got a nice hip raising reaction out of her. She was the sweetest thing I had ever tasted. Miles better then the young child I had once had in a lesser but similar way.

I made love to Rikki with only my mouth. I was about to cum my pants when we heard her mother call from upstairs.

Frantically, she yanked her pants up and I wiped my mouth with my sleeve. We gotten out of the guest room and sat down on the couch just as my sister came down the stairs. It was hard not to pant and act normal.

Kay was smiling a knowing smile. She said to Rikki, "Sweety Pie, it's past your bedtime. Go up and get ready. I want to talk to your uncle for a minute.

Rikki said, "Okay" and walked upstairs like nothing had happened, but I saw just before she disappeared her expression that said, 'Whew! That was close.'

My sister was still looking at me. I took Rikki's lead and said, "I'm sorry. It's my fault. We were so busy talking that I forgot that she's a kid."

I turned to look at sis and saw her eyes alive with joy. "I knew you could do it. You're just what she needs in her life." Then she kissed my cheek. I flushed, afraid that she would smell cherry lip gloss on me. She saw me blush and said, "Don't be so shy. Whatever you were doing together, keep it up, okay? Help her come out of her shell."

"Okay, if you're sure." I said. I was uncomfortable again. It suddenly dawned on me that I had never felt so comfortable with another person as I just did with Rikki for the last few hours. Every adult I ever knew made me a little tense. Even my sister.

Kay got up. "Phil. Rikki's got a couple of weeks off from school next month. I want her to come and stay with you then. Would that be okay with you?"

I swallowed hard. I would have my nine year old niece living with me alone for a few weeks? Unsupervised? Oh, shit!

I tried to sound as calm as I could. "That would be okay with me."

My sister started up the stairs as Rikki came barreling back down them again. She said back to her retreating mother, "I just want to say goodnight to Phil." To which her mother agreed.

Kay didn't shut the door, but nobody could see us where we were sitting and Rikki was straddling my lap. She was in a thin cotton night gown and no panties under them.

She kissed me fully with tongue and then whispered, "I'm coming back down later." Then she was off and gone, leaving me stunned.

And to think, I almost blew the whole thing!

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Wow! Brilliantly told. It'd stand on its own but I imagine you have a sequel (or two) in mind.
Your scene-setting is superb and, if not for the site on which you posted it, it could easily have become a darker theme; 'How a pedophile gets sent to jail,' for example. Love it!


I remember reading this somewhere else here on ASSTR and always wondered if there was a Part One to this.... or if this is it?

Anybody know?

Good story as it is though.

Cameltoe 6-9

More please More. That was delightful. Two weeks alone with her and with parents approval. Wow that's so good.


kudos, well written, a rarity.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.