Everytime I saw her, she was looking at me with that familiar look. She kept to herself along with her daughter, who I think was around nine, and she would only come out to shop for food or get her mail.
I knew enough about her from the other tenants. She had gotten away from an abusive husband some years back, and hadn't dated at all since.
I knew the look she was giving me too well. It looked to anyone else like a do not disturb sign, but I saw deeper.
She wanted to be owned again. Yeah, I seen it a dozen times. Maybe she did want freedom back then, but now she hated being on her own.
And there was something else she didn't want to admit. She was slightly turned on by being somebody's property.
So there I was, looking at her down the hall while she got her mail. Plain looking, sad hollow eyes, and pleading silently for the feeling that she thought she hated but now missed. She would never look for it, otherwise she'd have it already. No, the do-gooders at the health services had done a good job programming her. She'll stay alone for the rest of her life if she keeps on the way she does.
I saw all of this in her eyes when she looked over at me. I smiled knowingly. I knew. She knew I knew too. She caught her breath and held it for a moment before fleeing back to her apartment.
Only this time, I didn't hear her lock the door.
I walked strait for it and let myself in. There she stood, clutching her crumpled mail nervously to her chest from the middle of the room. I locked the door behind me.
"Go ahead and scream." I said. "But I'm going to have you anyway."
There was the fear in her eyes. She was in over her head, and I was twice her size. I walked strait for her and pulled her hands down to her sides, then I ripped open her blouse to expose her white and frail looking bra on her white and frail looking chest.
She squeaked out a quiet "No" and then I grabbed her throat and forced her back into her bedroom. She was barely able to keep on her feet as she tried to back pedal away from me. Then she was suddenly falling back onto her unmade bed and trying to squirm away across the rumpled covers.
I ripped the rest of her dress away and then her exposed frail white panties to reveal a thinly sparsed bush between thin white legs. The bra tore off easily and she performed the terror that always turned me on. I grabbed her wrists and put them into one hand while feeling her up and down with the other, while forcing the wrists up over her head.
Right then, she looked fully revulsed. She had forgotten how ugly it was. I had forgotten how much fun it could be.
Despite what her face was saying, she was fully wet in her neglected cunt and I rammed in easily. She grunted and panted, she moaned and struggled, she even whimpered, but she didn't scream. I tore into her like a battering ram and relentlessly battered her cunt with every inch of my raging hard on.
I raped the shit out of her, just like she deserved. I raped her hard and came quickly. Then I rolled her over and raped her again from behind. Oh, it was good to take what I wanted.
When I was done, I rolled off of her and lay listening to her sobbing. I liked that sound like other whimps liked windchimes. I felt good. It was just what I needed.
Her sobs quieted after a while and she just lay there beside me facing away.
"Go make me some coffee." I told her.
She got up slowly and wouldn't look at me until she reached the door. There was a calm sadness in her eyes when they finally saw mine. "I'll call the police." She said.
"Go ahead." I replied knowingly. "You'll never see me again."
"Good." She spat back in a play of defiance. I smiled at that. She needed to say that to cover up liking me in her.
I got up when I smelled the coffee and walked in her small kitchen to pour myself a cup before the coffee machine had finished dripping into the pot. The hot plate sizzled with the uncaught drips and she backed up away from me while I poured myself a cup.
I left with the cup still in my hand.
The police never came.
Later, I heard her daughter come home from school and I listened from outside their door. The mother didn't say a word about my visit.
The next morning, when the kid left for the school bus, I heard the door shut and not lock again. If I had any doubts before, They were gone.
I called in sick and made for the bitches apartment to let myself in. There she was, standing over the sink washing up the breakfast plates. She froze when I came in and didn't look at me. I walked right up behind her and put my hands on her waist.
As I slowly lifted her gown, I asked, "What's your name?"
Her voice caught, "L... Lois." and she closed her eyes tightly.
I reached around and untied the front and saw that she was naked under her house gown. She was weak and bony looking but her tits didn't sag too much. She trembled at my touch.
"I like you, Lois." I said with an evil tone to my voice. "I'm gonna' keep liking you for the rest of your life." There. I said it. That was what Lois needed to hear. I was not going to leave her alone. So what if she lost her freedom? She would never be alone again.
Then I pushed her down over the sink and drove into her roughly. Lois had to put her hands on the cupboard to keep from being pushed into the dirty dish water. I pushed harder and her elbows went in anyway.
I tried to be rough. I wanted it to be like rape. But Lois came in no time flat. The bitch came before I did! I'd have to do something about that.
I pulled back on the gown and it pulled back her arms from in front of her, causing Lois to fall forward and mash her tits in the dirty wet dishes. She yelped before stopping herself. There was that noise of fear!
I leaned over her and whispered into her ear while I fucked her hard, "Your mine. I own you." This made her cum again and I got pissed off. I pulled her off from the sink and grabbed a handful of hair to force her to her knees. Then I held her head to my cock and made her take most of it into her mouth.
There were tears streaming down her face as she sucked me between gasps and sobs. That was better. When I came, I pushed her head back into the cupboard door below the sink and forced myself into the back of her mouth. I came with repeated thrusts to her face and I was pretty sure it had hurt her some.
When I was done, I let her go and Lois fell to the floor, gagging and coughing.
I went for a glass of water and tenderly handed it to her. She took it with a nod and tried to sip slowly. She was falling into the old routine quickly. And you have to be kind once and a while or they will forget what they see in you. This was that time. If I pushed it too far, then she would call the cops.
I helped Lois into the living room and sat with her on the couch. She continued sipping the water.
"I know how it's been for you, Lois." I said. I tried to strike a balance between tough and caring. "You've been alone all this time, trying to raise a kid on your own, with nobody there to help you." Lois nodded but kept her eyes closed. "I could see it. So now I'm here. I'm going to take care of you both. You don't have to take on the world by yourself anymore." Lois sat and sipped. "Nobody wants you. But I do." Make her feel worthless. Well, she already feels that way. I'm just letting her know I know too. I could see that she's still waiting for me to say something, and I knew what it was.
"I own you now." I said with strength and power.
Lois exhaled and her shoulders slumped with resignation. Then, with her eyes still closed, she nodded.
I put an arm around her, and held her like she belonged to me on paper. "Good." I said. "Now, how's about making me something to eat." She nodded again and got up, not looking at me yet, but she would soon.
She didn't bother to ask my name.
I sat in her apartment and watched TV, stopping to fuck her now and then. She knew the drill, she never initiated it and fought back only enough to turn me on. Who ever her ex-husband was, he trained her well.
When school was out, Lois's daughter came home to find me sitting on the couch waiting for her. She had some dark circles under her eyes like her mother, probably hereditary. She stopped dead when she saw me and then looked over to the kitchen where her mother was cooking. Lois was softly humming to herself.
"Hi." she said. "I've seen you down the hall." Then, biting her lip, she asked, "Are you staying for dinner?"
I smiled a very kind and gently smile at her. "If you'll let me." I said. I could see wheels turning in her eyes and a slight smile. This kid was starving for attention. I patted my lap and she came over slowly, not sure if it would be okay to sit on a strangers lap in her own home. "It's okay" I said. "Your gonna' see a lot of me from now on."
Then she smiled outright and crawled up on my lap. I put a gentle hand on her back and asked, "So, what's your name?"
"Merredith." She said coyly.
"That's a very pretty name for a very pretty girl." Merredith blushed. Yes, Merredith was screaming for some attention. "So, Merredith. Is it okay if I stay for dinner?"
She looked down and grinned ear to ear, flustered by so much sudden attention to herself. "Yessss." she said and wiggled a little. Merredith didn't feel weak and bony like her mother when she wiggled, and her slightly homely face was cute in it's own way. I looked up to see Lois watching from the kitchen with her mouth open.
I knew what Lois was thinking right then. How nice it was to finally have a man in the house for Merredith too.
Merredith started to talk about everything in her life all the way to dinner time. I listened and let her become close feeling with me. This one was going to take me some time, and it was too soon for Lois to accept yet.
Then Merredith was sent her to her room to do her homework and I took Lois to her room to do her work for me.
I stayed the night.
Over the months, Lois was boring to fuck unless I made her upset first and we got into a routine of mental anguish followed by rough sex. The longer we did that, the worse I could get things to go on her.
Lois knew that I liked it that way and that kept the edge on things for her. The danger got her off as well.
After I moved in with them is when I crossed a line with Lois. I had been sweet to her daughter and we were getting to be best pals. Merredith would sit on my lap and tell me all about her day while I watched a game on TV. I made out like the kindest man she had ever known. So it was a shock to both of them when I forced Lois down onto the floor and fucked her right in from of Merredith.
Lois tried to send her to her room but I stopped the kid short. "No. Merredith, you stay right there." Then to Lois's terrified face under me, "She's gonna' have to see this sooner or later. You send her away, I'll go and never come back." Then back to Merredith, "Your momma likes this. Don't get scared by the tears, She loves it. Don't you momma?"
Lois nodded and then I started to fuck her good and hard, holding her wrists down to her sides. The bitch actually came hard with me too.
When I let go of her arms, she wiped her tears and tried to smile at Merredith. Then I kissed her hard and she kissed back, not sure if she should touch me or not.
I pulled my still hard cock out and it glistened in the light. Merredith was mesmerized by the size of it and I grinned when I caught her staring.
I said to Lois, "You tell her about sex. She's old enough. You don't want her to be traumatized by this, do you?" I walked to the bathroom. "Tell her how much you like it." and I shut the door.
I heard every word Lois told her and smiled. She was concerned about Merredith thinking I was hurting her and she went over board on how much fun it was. It didn't occur to Lois that her daughter might be tempted to try it herself after such praise for fucking. All Lois was thinking about was not scaring her daughter with the violent fucking that she got.
I waited until Lois was asleep before creeping into Merredith's room that night. I was laying on the bed next to her when she woke up suddenly.
"Hi." she said, a little nervous at finding me there.
"I came to see if you're okay." I said. "We didn't scare you, did we?"
"No." she replied, warming to me like always. "Mom told me all about it. I was kinda' scared at first 'cause I thought you were hurting her."
"Yeah." I smiled for her. "You know, she likes it rough like that. I'm glad your old enough to understand. I promise I won't be rough with you."
Merredith looked unsure suddenly. "What?" she asked quietly.
"I thought your mother told you. Your old enough now, you know." I was the voice of knowledge. "Haven't you had sex yet?"
"Well.... No." she sounded real shy.
"Really? I'm surprised. Aren't the other girls in your school doing it?"
"Umm... I think so. Some of them say they are... And I saw Lizzy kissing a boy in his car not too long ago." She volunteered.
I shook my head. "It's a good thing I'm here now. Somebody's gotta' teach you about it, you know. Your father ain't around to do it, so it's gonna' hafta' be me."
I got up to lift her covers. "Move over." I told her. Merredith scooted over with a wide eyed look as I pulled off my shorts and slid in next to her. "You know what a cock is?" I then asked.
Her breathing became hard as she nodded silently. "Good." I said. "I want you to put your hands on it right now." Merredith looked towards the door. "Don't be scared. It's all right. Put your hands around it and stroke up and down until it's hard." She grabbed me, but yanked me softly like it was a lever.
"No." I scolded. "Rub your hand up and down the shaft, like when you masturbate. Like that." The child was embarrassed by my saying that she jacked off, which proved to me that she did.
I got hard in her clumsy hands, but I said, "We're gonna' have to work on it. You need to get much better before we can do it." Merredith looked hurt. She felt like she had let me down and I smiled to let her know it was okay.
"Tell you what." I went on. "You should stroke yourself until you cum and I'll tell you if your doing it right."
"What's cum?" she asked, feeling embarrassed at not knowing.
I sighed and said, "It's what happens when it starts to feel good, and you feel good all over your body. Like it hurts a little, but it doesn't."
"Go ahead and start. I'll watch." Merredith looked at me, not sure what to do. "Where do you stroke yourself when you jack off?"
"Ummm...." She had no idea what to call it.
I put my hand over hers and moved it to her bare cunt. "Show me." She worked her finger slightly between her lips to touch her clit. "Good." I said. "That's your clit. That's what you should be stroking." I leaned down close to her face and said. "Go ahead. Do it."
Merredith Started to rub her little clit and she kept taking sideways glances at me now and then. Then her eyes closed and I heard her start to breathe a little harder.
She did it quietly. A little sheen of sweat grew on her face and I laid there watching her innocent face until she was ready to have a gentle cum, then I put an arm under her and rolled her front to mine just as a slight ripple cascaded through her with her pressed to me firmly.
Her first cum against a man. I held her to me as it subsided and then smiled point blank into her damp face. "Good. You did good." Then I kissed her open mouth softly and flicked my tongue across her wet lips.
She was all mine. Putty in my arms. Her grade school innocence and afterglow would confuse her and make her have a crush on me from then on.
I started to slide out of her bed saying, "Tommorrow night, I'll teach you how to make me cum."
Merredith was still breathless. "Goodnight, lover." I said.
"Goodnight." she echoed back as I shut the door.
I went back to Lois. She was still awake. I took a fuck from her.
Over the next few weeks, I was fucking Lois all day and masturbating Merredith every night. I taught the kid to jack me off while I stroked her as well and she would look up to me from time to time to see if she was doing it right. I could see confused love in her meek little eyes. Then I would go to her mothers room where sometimes she would be crying and I'd get turned on and make her fuck me.
But one night it became time to take Merredith's cherry and I told her so.
"I think your ready." I said. "I want you to suck me off like I showed you and then spread your legs for me, okay?"
Merredith nodded and made me good and wet with her grade school spit. Then I descended on her and got my cock in place for her deflowering.
I held her arms to her side like she had seen me do to her mother weeks before, and put my mouth over hers to muffle the scream I knew she'd make. Merredith kissed back not knowing why I was over her mouth like I was and I pushed in quickly.
She whimpered into my mouth but I wasn't able to penetrate her tight little cunt yet. I bore down on her whole body hard and thrusted as fast as I could. I ripped into her suddenly and she arched her back up against me trying to escape the massive intrusion I forced into her young body.
She was clenched up to tightly to scream and tears started to stream down the sides of her face. I held myself in her and waited for it to pass. Then I started to slowly move in and out of her, just keeping her to the limit of helplessly making noises but not enough to make her scream out.
She weakened fairly quickly and became limp under my forceful body. She tried to let me fuck her like she knew she should but she wasn't enjoying any of this at all. In fact, she could barely handle me in her and it showed.
That got me off big time and I came in her virgin cunt with gobs of my thick and nasty seed. I have had my cock in some nasty things, and now it was in her.
I shook myself out from my massive cum and looked down at my conquest. Merredith lay below me, her flat chest jerking a little from whatever crying she was trying to hold back, covered in hers and my sweat, her deflowered cunt red and still open. Her opened hole was dripping me out and it looked too big to be hers.
I looked at her face and saw the first traces of that look her mother has. Sure, why not? Parents pass on their traits to their kids, right?
I got up and threw on my boxer shorts and winked at her. "You did it. You did good. You and I our gonna' have the best relationship ever. Your gonna' love it, and your friends are gonna' be jealous too."
Merredith tried to smile for me. I snapped my fingers like I had just thought of something. "Come to think of it, your mom's gonna' be real jealous too. Your better at this then she is." Play them apart and against each other, that'll help things get better for me.
The soiled kid lay there and nodded, but she still looked overwhelmed by the experience. I winked again like I had a secret connection with her and she tried to smile, hoping I wouldn't notice that she didn't get the connection like she was supposed to. Perfect.
I went strait for Lois and she was crying pretty good when I got on top of her. I stuck my cock into her still wet from her daughters cherry popping and fucked Merredith's blood off into her.
She never said a word.
Over the next week, I would make an excuse to get Merredith alone with me when I wasn't pleased with Lois's performance. She would cry and I would give her another chance afterwards and pretend that it was a little better.
When I was with the kid, I would tell her that her mother expects her to enjoy our special relationship. It would break her heart to think her own daughter was sexually retarded. That word was a great motivator for Merredith. She would work hard on pretending that she was liking my fucking her. And I could set the bar higher on how slutty I could get her to act.
I slowly took over her ownership from Lois. I gradually started to praise and punish her since I was the head of the household. I called her to dinner. When Merredith wanted something, she asked me because it didn't matter what her mother said anymore.
I started telling her what was okay for school and I didn't care if she wore skimpy clothes like some of the cool girls at school. And I told her she should start wearing lipstick too.
And when I was taking Lois, I would repeat to her how I owned them both completely. Once over the breakfast table with Lois belly down and facing Merredith. That time, I kept telling her how lousy she was fucking me and tried to encourage her to do better. The sight of Merredith staring at her with conflicting emotions made Lois uneasy and unable to concentrate on being a good fuck, which I pretended to be disappointed in but was really enjoying.
Then I sent Merredith to school with that fresh in her head and told Lois about my quitting that shitty job that I had and how much more my time was worth.
"Yeah. You heard me!" I said forcefully. "If you don't get your shit together then maybe you should pay me for my time. Your welfare check sure ain't gonna' cover it."
I looked at her very seriously. "You wouldn't make much if I whored you out either."
Lois sat up strait. That was something she'd never though about before. Being sold to be fucked by strange dirty men. Lois felt like a whore already too and didn't like the idea of it becoming a reality. I could see the wheels turning in her head.
She may not like it, but she couldn't stop seeing it in her head. I could see it in my head too. "Don't worry, babe. I'll take care of you." I said with gravity, so she'd know I meant it. If things got rough, she'd need someone to hold on to, and things were going to get rougher.
See? She wanted it. She didn't contest it and it became inevitable. Just like that. I can spot 'em a mile away.
I made Lois learn every hooker trick I knew of and some that I just made up. But despite what I said to her, I didn't coach her at all on how to look like she's enjoying it. I know some people who like that forced sex slave kind of thing, and this bitch looked chewed up and spat out already.
I fucked her like she was a useless piece of meat and told her that that was how some guys are going to do her. I made her lick my asshole and balls then swallow my load without dripping any of it. I made her feel like I wasn't happy with her performance.
Then I tied her wrists to the headboard of her bed and left her there naked for a while. Merredith was going to be back from school soon and I was waiting to get Lois ready. When she was twenty minutes away, I went back to lois and sat next to her on the bed and said, "You need to be convincing. You can grunt and whine and make all the painful noises you want, but you have to be damn sure everybody thinks you want it and bad."
Lois nodded and I saw that lovely look of fear and compliance in her sunken eyes. If I played her right, I bet I could sell her outright on the black market and she'd go right along with it. I'd keep her kid though.
I lit the dusty, unused candle by the bed and watched it burn. She watched me look at it and her breathing grew deeper.
"That's good." I said, smiling. "Watch it burn. You're making me think your excited now. Think about what would happen if I touched it to your body. A quick prick of pain and then a good healthy fuck." Lois was practically panting as I picked it up. Wax was beginning to pool up on top.
I held it over her carefully and made her open her legs for me. I pushed my cock into her and she arched her neck up, never taking her eyes off of the candle. "You want this, don't you?" Eyes quickly on me and then back to the flame. "You've felt this before, haven't you?" A big breath from her. "Yes you have. I want to pour this wax on your tit. Tell me you want it. Convince me!" I started fucking her. The candle jiggled. "Say it!"
"I... I...." she fumbled.
"Tell me!"
"I... want you to pour wax on my tit." she said then closed her eyes and waited.
"Good girl. See? That wasn't so hard." I said. I started to fuck into her deeply and she was getting off. That's when I tipped the candle over her nipple and drained it from only a few inches above. Lois grunted and squirmed. I had to put a strong hand on her to keep me from popping out.
I set the candle down. I felt her nipple. The wax was still hot but hardening. I leaned over her and while fucking, said, "I own you. I own you both." Lois looked at me, cringing. "Now I want you to convince Merredith. She's going to be back soon and she's gonna' sit here and watch you. If you can make her think that you're loving this, then you'll be ready." She was really disturbed by having her daughter watch her get waxed and fucked. I added, "If you can't convince her, then I'm leaving you. And I'm taking Merredith with me, because... why?"
"No." Lois said.
"Because why?" a asked forcefully.
"Because you own her." Lois gave in and let out a little sob. Just one, and held the rest in.
"Good. Lois." I said gentler. "I don't want to leave you. Don't let me down. Don't make me leave you."
"I'll... I'll try." She said like a good little piece of property.
I started to fuck her harder until I heard the front door. "Now, she's coming. Make me proud." I whispered.
"Daddy?" Merredith called. I like that she called me that, for now.
"In here, sweetheart!" I called back.
Merredith opened the door but stopped as she saw me on her mother with a candle in my hand. "Come in, sit next to us. It's okay."
I gave Lois the look. Make me proud. She said, "It's all right, honey. Do what he says." Merredith walked slowly to the side of the bed, wide eyed and sat carefully. She looked down and saw my cock deep in her mothers useless cunt and back up to the wax on her small tit.
I turned back to the adult property. "Would you like some more?" I asked.
Lois mustered a smile and nodded quickly. Good girl. This time, she watched me drip the wax over her other nipple, slower this time. Lois breathed hard and moved her hips for me. Her mouth opened and I would have sworn she was actually getting off on it. She'd better be, or I would have to beat her ass for faking it in the future.
I held the candle almost upside down to get the most wax streaming over her body as I could, and I dripped it up over her shoulders and scrawny arms, then back to her tits and belly.
Then I held the candle out for Merredith. "Here, babe. You try." She was still wide eyed and took the candle carefully. "I think she wants it on her cunt, don't you?" I said that last part to Lois.
Lois looked at me and almost broke. The look in my eyes was enough to sway her. "Yes, please. Do my... do my cunt, baby." Lois said.
I leaned back and pulled out. I held one leg with my hands and the other out with my feet and legs. I made her spread wide so that her own little girl could burn her. One more look at me then Merredith hovered the candle over her mothers cunt and tipped it. A few drops hit the bed before she adjusted and moved it to the spread inner thighs from where she'd sprung almost a decade before.
It was fun to watch and Lois did her best to look pleased despite the obvious pain on her face. Merredith seemed confused by the conflicting expressions. I reassured her. "She likes the pain. I told you before. Her face looks like that because it's supposed to, that doesn't mean she doesn't enjoy it." I took the candle from her and held it over my own arm, then spilled it. "See? I like it too sometimes. It doesn't hurt all that much." Merredith was amazed that I did that to myself. "Now you go and do some homework or something. I'll come in and talk to you later. Scoot!"
I watched Merredith walk out with that cute little baby butt of hers. She was a way better fuck than this dried up whore on the bed. I looked at her with disgust. "That was the best you could do?" I said. Lois became fearful and forgot about the look of lust I just gave her daughter. "Don't make a sound." I threatened.
Then I pushed the candle out on her clit and held it there. Lois writhed and was about to scream when I put the pillow over her head. Then I got on top and fucked her struggling body while holding the pillow over her face. I came hard into her. I checked to see if she was still breathing when I got up and went to the phone.
I called a few friends of mine and got a good price on a first time gang rape. The deal was, one guy would pick her up and make it look like a date. The rest would wait at a hotel for her. I got them to kick the price up for filming it and the deal was set.
Then I went to check on Merredith.
She was sitting on her bed with a school book open, and was staring off into space. When she saw me, she got back into reading it. I sat next to her. "Pretty cool, huh?" I said.
The kid looked at me then. "I never knew she was like that." she said. "I mean, mom never did that kind of stuff before."
"Sure she has. You remember your own father? Didn't he slap her around?" I smiled.
"I was too young. I don't remember... I think." I could see images coming back to her. She knew I was right.
"Yeah, you do. Your momma was always like that, and she misses it. You two are different from everybody else in that way. Someday you're gonna' be the same." I put a loving arm around her. "I'll help ya' through it." Then I leaned in and kissed her good. I wanted to fuck her right then, with her mothers juices all over my cock, but I had work to do.
I left the kid and went back to the new whore. I untied her and helped her into the shower, and helped her clean herself up and get the wax off. She was in some pain from her clit, but she'd forget all about it in the morning.
I made her put her hair in pig tails and found the shortest skirt I could find along with a tight top with no bra and her highest heels. Lois wanted a coat but I said no. No purse either.
I made her suck my cock until there was a knock at the door. I let my buddy in and he sized up my broad.
"Nice." he said and held out an arm. Lois looked at me and then Merredith came out to see what was happening. She stood in shock as some strange guy took her mother's arm and left with her. My buddy saw the kid and winked at me. He'd be asking about buying them as a set as soon as he could, knowing him. That would cost him a lot more than just the mother.
Then they were gone and Merredith opened the door to watch them leave in anger. "How could you let her go with him?!" she demanded. "Why didn't you stop them?"
"It's what she wanted. Besides, she doesn't love him, she's just doing it for the money." I said calmly. Merredith's mouth dropped open. I had just told her her mother was a whore. "Hey!" I said stronger. "She's doing it because she thinks you're letting her down. Why do you think she invited you in to see her get fucked and waxed? You need to grow up and be what you're supposed to be, kid. Now get your tight ass over here and fuck me like you're supposed to!"
Merredith stood there for a moment, mouth open and in disbelief. It was a lot for a nine year old to take in, but I knew she could handle it. She did give in a little and came over to me hoping I couldn't see the insecurity in her eyes. I saw it, and loved seeing it.
Merredith straddled me and I made her take everything I could get inside of her. I had an urge to get a candle for her too, but I came before I could grab one. I took her to her bed later and fucked her all night. Every now and then she would rear up and express anger at what her mom did, then dive in and let me fuck into her but good. Youth has so much energy too.
I was going to call her in sick the next day and I wasn't expecting her mother back until that night. Or maybe the next. I was going to ride this opportunity right to the fence and I had some plans for her.
We both slept in and I told her sleepy little face when she got up that I called her in sick. She looked tired too, probably from the anal sex. I let her wear whatever she wanted after telling her how we were going to grown up places and that she should dress sexy.
I don't know what she thought I meant, but the short pants, spaghetti strap top with the bare midriff, and some make up with real red lips was exactly what I meant. She had some heeled sandals that gave her some inches and I suggested sunglasses for her tired eyes.
Then I watched her strut to my vehical and get in. She was really learning to be a slut girl and didn't even know it. She'd be real deep into it before she figures it out, and then what the hell, might as well stay, right?
There was a back alley bar with some people I knew who had no problems with girls like Merredith. I parked and told her to keep her glasses on and act cool, like an adult. She followed me in and stayed close as I took a table near the back door.
The bartender knew what was up. He came over with two glasses and set them down for us then stood waiting.
"Hey, Red." I said.
Red played along. "Sir, you are always welcome here. Can I get you and the lady something? Everything is on the house."
I looked at Merredith with a smile and said, "You can order anything you want. Anything."
She had almost bubbled at being called a lady and the thought of getting to drink alcohol in a bar made her grin like an idiot. Then she looked at me confused.
"What do I order?" she whispered to me.
"You wanna' try whiskey?" I asked, smiling back. She nodded and I ordered "Whiskey!" out loud like in a wild west bar. Merredith was feeling like a million bucks. She didn't notice Red turn the bar sign to closed.
Then the bottle came back and I poured one for each of us. Just a shot. I picked up mine and gulped it fast. I waited for Merredith to follow.
She picked it right up, fearlessly, and gulped the whole thing. Right after the loud swallow, she burst out coughing and choking. Red brought over a beer and she grabbed at it to take a gulp for the burning in her throat. It might have helped but we couldn't stop laughing at her and Merredith was embarrassed when she was finally able to look up at us with very red and puffy eyes.
She felt bad, like she had gotten us busted. Red was a smooth talker. He sat down and said he wouldn't tell anyone that she came here. Then he told her how grown up she looked and how she had almost fooled him. A few questions and he had her laughing while he poured her another shot of whiskey.
She was feeling the first shot and he became her coach for the next drink. He told her a few tricks and let her try again.
Merredith almost choked but was able to catch herself. She did better and we all said we were impressed. I gave Red the wink and he started the next pitch.
"Have you ever modeled before?" he asked her as her eyes went a touch glassy. "You know, pictures for magazines and stuff."
"Huh?" Merredith tried to clear her head some.
I took over. "There's a professional portrait studio next door. He's saying we should go and see if they might need a professional model. It pays pretty good, and your picture might be in a magazine."
"Really?" Merredith said, eyes still red. "Okay."
Red grabbed the bottle and led us through the back door to a shack behind the bar in an empty lot. Merredith wasn't really paying too much attention because she was trying to walk strait. Inside the shack was Red's apartment, with the bed still unmade. Red straitened out the covers and Merredith sat on it clumsily. There were a couple of spot lights on the ceiling and they went on, causing Merredith to squint.
I held another shot out for her. She didn't see it right away. Then Red had a camera out and was already taking pictures. He both suggested poses for the girl and she did her best not to fall over.
Pretty soon we were telling her how sexy she was and got her to lift her top up and flash us with her flat chest and little button nipples. I pushed the whiskey shot on her and she drank it with a slight choke then went back to posing.
I helped her out of her shorts and Red kept snapping away. She was pretty drunk by then and it didn't take much to get her completely undressed.
Then we got her to pose with her legs spread wide for the camera.
I put on a mask and took off my pants, then I was beside her, doing the same tricks to get her ready to fuck just like at home. She wasn't thinking too clearly and I was fucking her good before she remembered the camera. I didn't give her much time to do anything about it. I fucked her hard like the little whore that she was.
Red ran out of film before I came. It didn't matter. We were going to make a mint on what we had.
I got Merredith dressed and she was pretty groggy for the ride home. Once there, she had to puke and I stripped her down during it and held her naked body over the toilet. She looked helpless and I got turned on.
I rammed her cunt with my hard cock and held her by her arms over the toilet as she kept dry heaving. Her body tightened up with every heave and squeezed my cock like a vice. I've fucked puking women before but never a child like this. I came hard again.
Then I let her pass out on her bed. She smelled like puke.
She was out for a few hours and I went in for another fuck during that time. A dirty, smelly, child slut fuck. She might not have enjoyed it had she been awake.
Later, when she did wake up with a headache, I made her take a long shower. Then I made her sit on my lap while I fingered her clit. I did everything I could to make her cum. She squirmed and some of it must have felt nice to her, but she couldn't cum. I acted disappointed in her. Merredith cried and said she was sorry.
"You better make Lois think you can cum." I didn't say momma to her because I owned her, not Lois. "Work on it, okay, baby?"
A nod. "I will."
Merredith took the next day off from school as well. She'd been getting a lot of fucking and didn't look in any shape to be out in public.
There were times when I wanted to go heavy on her like with her mother. It was hard not to because I was getting bored with her innocence. She needed to be more of a slut. But I needed her mother here to make it happen.
Later that day, I got a call for where to pick up Lois. I brought her overcoat since her clothes weren't in any shape to wear.
Merredith rode with me to get her. She had the sunglasses on again and tight jeans with her blouse tied above her belly button. Lois was sitting on a box half hidden in an alley near where the hookers all hang out.
She didn't get up when we stopped and honked and I swore as I got out to get her.
She looked like shit. They rode her hard, probably had more guys waiting than we agreed too. Fucking bitch! I told her Merredith was in the vehical and to put on a happy face for her. Walking back I could see her bare legs bruised and her shirt torn open. I couldn't wait to see the film.
Lois got in and Merredith asked with a little edge to her voice. "Did you have fun?"
Lois tried to smile and said, "Yes." She hurt bad but she did a good job of faking it. Then Merredith huffed and sat facing forward, not looking at Lois at all. Lois looked at her daughter and it dawned on her what I'd been doing to the child.
"Did... did you have fun, honey?" Lois asked her wayward daughter.
Merredith answered snoddy, "Yeah. More fun than you."
"I'm glad."
That was the last thing they said together until that night.
Lois was upset over my fucking Merredith and was trying to beg me to stop. "She's a little girl. Let her grow up some first."
"She's plenty grown up. You don't know shit!" I was raising my voice. I wanted to kick the shit out of her, then fuck her good, right in front of the kid.
Merredith could hear us, I knew she could. She peeked out of her room when I started to yell.
Lois looked frightened by Merredith's sudden presence. I called the kid over. "Your mother doesn't think you like getting laid."
"No I...."
I cut Lois off. "Let her answer." I turned to Merredith. "She'll think your lying. We have to show her."
"No." Lois started to say again.
I pointed my finger at her. She backed down. "You sit there and don't say a word, or so help me....!"
I pulled Merredith's pants down and got out my growing cock. "You show her, baby. You show her your a big girl now." Merredith went down on me like she was taught, and I was good and wet when she got up to face away from me with her butt aimed for my waiting cock.
I grabbed her hips and helped her slip in faster than she was ready for. Then while fucking her, I fingered her little clit and watched Lois sit there with her lips trembling. She watched her baby girl take it like a slut just like her mother.
Merredith watched her mothers face the whole time, tottering from anger to sorrow. I nodded to Lois. "See? I own you both." I started to finger Merredith as hard as I could. "And I own your little bitch here too. You wanna' leave? You can. But this little slut stays with me."
I could feel Merredith starting to cum. I whispered in her ear while forcing her closer to her first cum. "You are a little whore. You're my little whore. I own you."
Merredith came hard for her first big cum, being told she was a whore and getting fucked right in front of her helpless mother.
I can spot 'em a mile away!
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