Star, Part 8

[ MMMMMMm/g, bond, movies, pedo, w/s ]

by Pedros


Published: 24-Jun-2011

Word Count:

Author's Profile

Story Summary
This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Her first couple of weeks of living with Don and Pete in the mansion was like a dream for Julie. The luxurious surroundings with everything supplied that she wanted, clothing, gadgets, discs, make-up...anything at all...was beyond her wildest expectations. She really was determined to do everything Don wanted of her as far as his movies went. She was even more determined to be a star and to remain one for as many years as she could.

The tattoos she and Pete had received took several days to heal and settle in to their true colours. Julie looked at it in her hand-mirror every time she could as she thought it was the sexiest thing she had had done to her so far. Pete was just as wrapt in his, the way the snake's head enlarged when he became erect like a cobra rearing for a strike. And his ejaculations were the snake's spitting venom! Every night Don got both of them to lie naked on the bed, their legs back over their heads and he gently rubbed cream over the tattoos that ran around their anuses and finished at or on their genitals. His gentle stroking aroused them both and Julie found she was really turned on by seeing Pete or Don with erections. She loved the hardness of their penises, the way they thrust upwards from their hairless pubes and looked so powerful. She loved the shape of their glans, the slit in its tip that seemed to forever leak lubricant so it was ever ready to penetrate any orifice. She loved their testes, sometimes dangling low between their thighs, sometimes held tight into their bodies in their crinkled sac. Pete was almost as big as Don in both penis and testicle size in spite of their age difference. Julie never tired of looking at each of them naked.

And they enjoyed looking at and touching her body, stroking her nipples or fingering her pubes at any opportunity. The first week was a time of becoming totally familiar and comfortable with each other. Don ensured Julie lost any trace of modesty or shyness, watching her tend to all her needs, even toileting and getting Pete to do the same. She was also made to watch them, to accept all bodily functions and all body parts to be a source of pleasure and sexual excitement.

After their tattoos had lost their tenderness, Don began instructing Julie in the finer techniques of pleasuring men. He used Peter as his model to demonstrate how to fellate in a variety of ways, showing her how to use her tongue to tease around the sensitive coronal rim and to spread the boy's slit, to wipe across the glans and to swirl around it to cause increased sensitivity. He taught her how to use her lips to push back the foreskin, to slide firmly up and down the shaft and to create a suctioning that would draw a man's semen even faster. He got her to use her teeth to lightly grip behind the rim of the glans and move backwards and forwards over this ridge again and again, to increase its sensitivity. He showed her how to nip the loose skin covering the penis, to bite it gently, especially before the man was fully aroused, to take the foreskin and tug it gently out from the end of the penis. He also showed her how and where to use her fingers and hands while sucking a man off, the sensitive areas to stroke, to touch or to penetrate. He taught her how to handle Pete's testes, varying between feather touches to firm squeezing and all ranges between. With both Don demonstrating, then Julie copying, Peter was in his glory, both of them causing him to climax many times each day, his penis relishing the constant attention it received.

Julie was quick to learn and so enjoyed the burst of semen into her mouth that she practiced on both Peter and Don whenever she could. Don insisted they only have sex that way for the first week and, by the time she had gained her expertise to the man's satisfaction, she was so horny she was almost crying for them to fuck her. But Don told her she was to keep herself for her next filming weekend, which was at the end of her second week. Even though she slept in the same bed as Don and Pete most nights, and they were all nude, she was only allowed to fellate them. They would stroke her and fondle her, but neither of them made love to her -although they would often fuck each other while she watched. Masturbation didn't help that much and she got to the stage where she was willing the weekend to come and she could get some much-needed release. By the time it did come, Julie was almost permanently slick between her legs and aroused at even talk about sex.


Saturday finally came and Julie found herself dressed in a school uniform and back at Don's city studios. Pete didn't come with them, which disappointed her, but she knew there were going to be other men who would pleasure her. Her heart skipped a few beats when Don led her into the first studio and she saw there were at least half a dozen very powerful looking men standing around talking. There were several negroes and they were all young men except one, a grey-haired older man in a dark suit. Don greeted the men and introduced Julie to them. They all looked her over as they said hello and she could see them appraising her as their sex partner. Then, to her surprise, another young girl, younger than her, came into view as the men moved aside.

"Julie, this is Sam. She's Jonah's daughter," Don said, indicating one of the young men, a sandy haired, well-built man who was now watching them as he talked to one of the negros. "Sam's going to be in one of the films with you today."

"Hello," the youngster said, smiling shyly at Julie. She was a pretty, curly-haired little girl around seven years of age, Julie guessed.

"Hi, Sam," she replied. The little girl looked nervous and Julie wondered if this was her first time. She smiled at her kindly. She remembered how nervous she had felt on her first day. The little girl's smile widened and she moved hesitatingly over to Julie. Julie suddenly felt like an experienced professional and she took the little girl's hand and squeezed it reassuringly. "You're very pretty," she said.

Sam blushed and looked down at her feet. "My daddy says I am, too," she said. "He's gonna make a film with me 'cos I'm pretty," she added looking up at Julie.

"That'll be exciting," Julie said, wondering if the youngster knew what sort of film it would be. Still, it wasn't really her concern, so, giving Sam's hand a final squeeze, she told her she had to find Don and get ready to make her own film and that she would see her in a little while, then left the girl looking rather frail and lonely amongst the men. As she went into the office, she saw Sam talking and smiling with her dad and she felt a bit less concerned.

"Aaaah, Julie. This is Ray," Don said as she entered the office, indicating a man sitting on a seat by the desk looking at a script sheet. It was the grey-haired man she had seen in the loungeroom and he smiled at her. He was wearing a doctor's gown and had a stethoscope around his neck.

"Are you a doctor?" Julie asked him and he laughed.

"Only an actor," he said standing up and shaking her hand. "It looks like we're to make a movie together," he added pointing to the script sheet. "Right, Don?"

"That's right, Ray. This is your co-star. Everything's set up in Studio 2. I'll explain it to you, Jules, as we go over. Might as well get started. We've got a lot to get through today." He led the way out of the room and Julie hurried after him as he headed down the hallway towards Studio 2, the studio in which she'd made her first film with a man.

"You're a school girl going for a medical exam in this film, Julie. Ray is the doctor who'll examine you. Again, just act like you think a young girl would. Let Ray lead the story-line." He pushed open the door to Studio 2 and they went in. "This is Carol, Julie. She's acting the part of the nurse." Don introduced her to the tall, beautiful young woman dressed in a short nurse's uniform who was standing in what looked to be a doctor's examination room. The only thing missing was the smell of disinfectant and ether.

"Well, hello, Julie," Carol said, a friendly smile on her full lips. She had long, shiny blonde hair that was pinned up under her cap; and the most wonderful set of breasts Julie had ever seen showing in the deep V of her uniform. Julie stared at the fullness showing almost to the nipples, a hint of the woman's aureoles just peeking out at the edge of her uniform which was open almost to her waist. Her waist was tiny, her hips flaring out curvaceously and a beautiful set of legs seeming even longer because of the shortness of her skirt. Julie could almost see the woman's panties, the skirt was so short. It would hide nothing when she bent over. Julie could have felt really intimidated by Carol's sexuality and stunning beauty, but for the warmth in her smile and the friendly wink she gave Julie as they met.

"Wow!" Julie said. "You are really beautiful, Carol," she burst out.

"Thank you, sweetheart. So are you." Julie looked at her with a disbelieving look on her face. "I mean it," Carol said. "I was just like you when I started making movies, wasn't I, Don?"

"Sure were, honey," the film-maker responded as he checked the cameras he had already set up in the room.

Julie should have realised that the majority of the grown-up actors, if not all of them, were ex-child stars of Don's, quite used to having sex with children and adults throughout their lives. Maybe these were the people living in that other wing of the mansion, she thought. She was about to ask, when Ray entered the room and the two adults began discussing their roles. Julie stood back and waited, her eyes wandering over the props and the people she was soon going to be having sex with.

"Okay, people. I'm ready to start filming. We'll start with Carol bringing you through the door, Julie, and then take it from there. We don't need much story line. We all know what we are here for. Let's do it." Don ushered Julie and Carol out the door and closed it, leaving the two females in the corridor.

"You done many films with Don, honey?" Carol asked, adjusting the hem of her uniform. Julie caight a glimpse of a white lace V beneath the short skirt.

"About six or seven," Julie answered, suddenly realising she had lost count. She must be getting used to this, she thought. She was itchy between her legs as soon as Don had brought her into the studio and looked forward to having her needs dealt with during the day.

"Good," Carol said. "I prefer working with kids who know what's what." She smiled at Julie. "We'll have a bit of fun, you and me. You ever done things with a woman?" Julie shook her head, surprised. She had never thought about it. "Aaahhh! You're in for a treat then," the woman said, just as they heard Don call them in. Carol opened the door.

"And who is this?"

"This is Julie Starr, doctor. She's in for a full examination."

"Good. Why don't you help her undress, nurse? Then call me when she's ready."

"Very good, doctor. Come over here, Julie."

Julie walked over to the examination table as 'Doctor' Ray walked behind the camera as though he was leaving the room and stood leaning against the wall to watch. The two adults had immediately gone into role and Julie acted like a rather nervous little girl. In fact, she didn't know what was going to happen throughout the film so she was really a little nervous.

"Sit up on the table, honey. That's it." The table was like an ordinary examination table in any doctor's room, but it had some gadgets either side like handles sticking out and up that Julie had never seen before. The top of the table was slightly raised so she would be only half-lying down when she was lying flat on it. There was a tray attached on one side and a range of rather unusual looking instruments lying on the metal surface. Julie wondered what they were for - whether they were just props or whether they were going to be used. She sat up on the table as instructed, her now familiar sexual nervousness beginning.

Carol began unlacing Julie's shoes. The girl went to undo the other but the woman stopped her. "Uh uh! Let nurse do that for you. You just sit there. You mustn't do anything until asked." She removed Julie's shoe then slid her sock from her foot, her hands caressing her leg as they pulled the sock down. Then she did the same with Julie's other shoe and sock, this time holding Julie's bare foot in her hands when she'd finished. "Do you want me to take off your blouse or your panties next, honey?" the nurse asked her, her hands sliding up Julie's leg to her knee, just below the hemline of the skirt on her school uniform.

Julie felt the familiar tingling starting between her legs as the woman ran her thumbs in circles on the insides of her knees. Goosebumps rose up her thighs. She just looked nervously at the beautiful woman.

"I think we might take off your...hmmmm...your blouse," she announced, her hands leaving Julie's knees. Julie had hoped she would take off her panties, but realised the procedure had to be drawn out for the film. Carol unbuttoned the front of Julie's blouse, her breasts almost falling out of her nurse's uniform as she moved around. Julie found herself staring down the woman's cleavage and admiring the full roundness of the barely covered breasts. Her own blouse was eased back and drawn away from her shoulders and her undeveloped chest with its pointy nipples exposed to the woman's gaze. Julie blushed self-consciously as the woman looked at her. She was now quite intimidated by the fullness of Carol's figure and so aware of her own immaturity.

"You are so beautiful," Carol surprised her by saying. The woman reached out a hand and gently ran her fingers over Julie's chest and around her nipple, which was already stiff. She then trailed it over to the girl's other nipple, gently squeezing the tiny bud between her thumb and finger. Julie looked at her in surprise and Carol smiled. "I do think you are beautiful," she said softly. "I love young girl's softness and virgin breasts and nipples. But you want them like mine, hey?" She looked down at herself then back to Julie. "Would you like to see mine?" she asked. "You can open my blouse if you want. I won't mind. In fact," she confided, "I rather like my breasts being perved on and fondled." She remained leant over and Julie reached out to unbutton her blouse while the women continued to tease around her nipples.

Her hand brushed the full mounds as she began undoing the buttons and Julie could feel that Carol's breasts were quite firm, yet soft to touch. She could see that she was wearing no bra and her breasts were jutting out without support and Julie's fingers trembled as they exposed the wonderful orbs to her eyes. She peeled Carol's blouse back and was able to gaze fully at the woman's beautiful breasts. They were as round and as perfect as the uniform had shown them to be, large brown aureoles slightly oval in shape and covering the crown of each breast topped with pink nipples that stuck out stiffly from their base. Her skin was a honey colour, no bikini or bra marks visible, although the underside of her breasts were slightly paler.

"What do you think, honey?" Carol said, cupping her breasts in each hand. She raised one and bent her head and licked her nipple. Julie gaped and the woman laughed. "Its one of the nice things about having large tits, honey, apart from the fact most men love 'em," she laughed,"Is that you can suck yourself if you're horny and alone. Some guys can suck their own dicks. Some women can suck their own tits." She took her nipple into her own mouth to demonstrate.

"Wow," Julie said, gaping at the incredible feat. "I hope mine grow to be as nice as your's." She looked down at herself. "They've got a long way to go," she said disconsolately.

"Honey, don't put yourself down," Carol said. "Be thankful you're like you are. The guys in there," she indicated out beyond the door,"and all the adults involved in this business love them just the way they are, including me! Once your tits grow, you only get bit parts!" She looked pointedly at Don behind the camera, who just smiled. Carol turned her attention back to Julie and whispered. "Just had to get that said!" and winked, making Julie giggle. "Come on, baby," Carol said softly so that only she could hear. "Play with my boobs for Don or he'll get shitty with me."

Julie reached out and touched Carol's breasts, her hands sliding over their firm softness towards the nipples. These were rougher and quite hard against her palms and Julie saw goosebumps spring up over the woman's skin as she grazed them. Carol watched Julie's hands fondling her and the girl could see Don moving around to capture all of the action. The woman began stroking Julie's nipples and chest, her hands making circular motions around her sensitive nubs, each time getting lower down her body.

"Time to get this skirt off, I think," and 'nurse' Carol undid the button at the waist band and gently eased the skirt from under Julie's buttocks and from her legs. She folded it then draped it over a chair, her full breasts jiggling with her movements and drawing Julie's eyes. She saw the girl watching and did up the bottom buttons on her blouse, leaving it gaping enough for her breasts to be visible as she moved and displaying a deep cleavage when she was still. "Sorry, Julie, but I don't think the doctor would be happy if I leave that undone," she said turning back to Julie and smiling at her. "I think he likes it like this. Gives him more of a sense of peeping. You can lie up on the table now, honey."

Julie lay down on her back on the table, her arms along her sides. She was wearing only her 'school' panties - a pair of white cotton hipsters. Carol stroked over her belly, pressing her fingers into her soft flesh and making out she was examining the girl, her hands moving down over the panties and finally resting over Julie's pubic mound. Julie could see Carol's breasts trembling with the woman's breathing and saw that her nipples were sticking out real hard. She realised it was her body that was turning this grown woman on; and that had never occurred to Julie before -that she could excite women as well as men. With men, it was so noticeable, but the signs in a woman were much more subtle. Lying down, her head now almost level with Carol's hips, she could smell a musky smell of sexual excitement similar to her own that she knew came from the woman's sex.

"The doctor's going to want you naked, Julie. He has to examine you inside here," Carol said, her fingers sliding into the V of Julie's groin. Her voice was shaky and she licked her lips as she looked at the young girl. Her fingers went to the waist band of Julie's panties and glanced up at her. "It won't hurt, honey. You're not shy are you?" she asked as Julie's hands moved to cover herself (as she thought an 'innocent' young girl would react). She nodded, letting an expression of nervousness settle on her face. She caught a movement from Don and saw he was focusing in on her, a smile on his face and he nodded and winked at her as their eyes met. She was doing right for the movie. Inside, though, she was getting as excited as Carol obviously was. She was curious to know what was to happen between them. "Just relax. I'll be here with you and I'll make sure you feel good," Carol was saying as she began easing Julie's panties down.

Julie felt the soft cotton sliding smoothly over her skin and the coolness of the air on her slowly exposed flesh. She tingled as her pubic mound was uncovered and her panties caught in the moist valley at the top of her thighs. She raised up slightly to let her panties slip from under her, then felt them caressing down her legs as Carol got them free and pulled them right off, leaving Julie naked. The 'nurse's' hand slid up her leg and covered her pubes.

"My, honey. Your little pussy's all hot and sweaty," she said, pressing her hand down onto Julie, making tingles course up the girl's nude body. She stared up at Carol, wanting the woman to ease the tension her sexual frustration had brought to its peak...but that obviously wasn't in the script! Carol took her hand away, much to Julie's disappointment and looked down at the girl's bare sex. "What's this?" she asked, obviously referring to the snake tattoo. "Very sexy! I think 'Doctor' will like this!" Julie wondered whether Carol meant the tattoo or her pussy. Before she could respond, the 'nurse' moved the two gadgets on either side of the table inwards to the side of the table. Julie watched her and realised there were two padded curved bits on the top of each metal arm and somehow, now they were in position, she knew what they were for. Carol took Julie's left leg and raised it. "Okay, honey. This leg goes up in here. Wriggle down the table a bit so your calf fits over this arm. That's it! Good. Now your other leg. That's just right." Julie found herself on her back on the table with her legs spread out and up, her calves cradled in the curved arms, her pussy and backside raised and opened by the way she was positioned. She felt very very naked and vulnerable.

"Aaah, Julie. All ready for me, hey?"

The older man came into the set, his eyes unable to stop from glancing between her legs as he came forward. She saw him lick his lips. He smiled at her as he stopped near her head, looking down at her. Julie could smell his aftershave. Her eyes were level with his groin and she could see a bulge in the front of his doctor's smock and knew he was erect underneath it - and more than likely naked. She wondered what he was going to look like. Her heart began to beat hard at that thought and she swallowed and looked up at him, reminding herself she was supposed to be a nervous young virgin.

"Is this your first examination, Julie?" the doctor asked. She nodded. "Well you just relax. I'm going to give you a full exam and I'll touch you in your private places, but it'll be okay. I have to do it. Okay?" She nodded again, keeping her look of nervousness on her face in spite of the thrill of anticipation she felt inside her. "I'm also going to have to look inside you down here," he said, touching her between her legs and making her jump, which made him smile. "I guess you'll just have to accept this, Julie. You'll have many examinations like this during your life." He smiled at her. "But I'm rather chuffed to be doing your very first!" His hand left her groin, brushing up over her young nude pubic mound and belly before coming to rest on her chest. He pressed the gentle swelling of her pre-pubescent breast mounds then squeezed her softly to make her nipple jut upwards. He touched it with his other hand, taking her nipple between his finger and thumb and rolling it while squeezing the already hard little bud.

"Nice and responsive," he said. "There's nothing wrong with these little nips." He did the same to her other breast. "You're going to have nice full breasts, Julie, from the feel of them now. How old are you? Nine?" She nodded, her nipples tingling deliciously under his touch. "I thought so. Look at these, nurse. You reckon they'll get as big as your's?"

"We've already talked about that, doctor. I think Julie will have wonderful breasts."

"What do you think, Julie. You want breasts like Nurse Carol? Look at these beauties," and he put his hand inside the nurse's blouse and exposed her full breast to Julie. "These are the most magnificent tits I've ever seen, Julie. You ever seen any as big or as beautiful?" He looked at Julie and smiled. "I bet you'll be as big as this when you are older." He eased Carol's blouse off her shoulders, exposing both breasts. "You may as well take your blouse off, Carol. I'm sure Julie won't mind if you let us both see your boobs. Right, Julie?"

Carol needed no further encouragement and removed her blouse. Julie thought again how beautiful her large breasts were - especially the way they stuck out so prominently on her chest, not saggy like her mum's or auntie's, the only other women's breasts she had seen. The doctor gave both of them a squeeze, then turned back to Julie, his hands covering her just-beginning mounds.

"You'll have breasts like that one day," the doctor said, squeezing her flesh up into two peaks. He ran his thumb over her pink nipples, which were stiff and extremely sensitive with excitement. "And your nipples are nearly as big already. Did you feel how stiff they are, nurse? Just like your's get when I touch them." He grinned lecherously, his hands resuming their caressing of Julie's chest. Then he slid them down her body, pressing into the soft flesh of her belly as though testing her internal organs like a real doctor. "Hmmmmm," he said thoughtfully, his fingers going lower.

"Is something wrong, doctor?" the nurse asked.

"Mmmmmm," the doctor said again, his fingers now feeling at the base of Julie's belly, pressing in under her bare pubic mound. Julie began to feel unexpectedly nervous. Was there something wrong with her? Was he a real doctor and did he find something not right inside her? The woman also began to show an interest in what he was doing, her hands ceasing to stroke her own nipples. The doctor looked up at Julie.

"Well. Julie," he said. "Something feels rather strange inside you. I'm afraid I'm going to have to investigate. It shouldn't be too uncomfortable for you, but it will probably make you a little embarrassed. Just remember I am a doctor!" and he gave another smile that was certainly not that of a doctor's but that of a lecherous old man! Julie could tell from his voice that Max was getting aroused by her naked young body and the thought of what he was about to do. Julie, herself, felt rising excitement, spread so open on the examination table, her pussy fully exposed with her legs raised up into the stirrups. She watched the doctor move between her spread legs, his eyes exploring her. She saw him lick his lips.

"Hmmmm," he said thoughtfully as he looked at her sex. "What do you think of this, nurse?"

Carol moved to the lower end of the table and looked between Julie's legs. Julie could feel herself starting to lubricate, could feel her juices already starting to flow - and she hadn't even been really touched down there yet! Just the fact that the man and woman were looking at her opened by her position was stimulating her.

"Very pretty," nurse said. "Do you know I have one of them as well, doctor?"

The doctor looked at her in surprise. "No. I didn't!"

Julie began to grin. How silly, she thought. The doctor must know that Carol had a pussy! All doctors would know that!

"Yes," Carol was saying. "I had mine done around the same age as Julie. It must have been by the same artist. Would you like to see it?" Julie suddenly realised they were looking at and discussing her tattoo - not her pussy. She jumped as Max's finger touched her anus.

"Is your's in the same place as this?" the doctor asked, his finger tracing up between Julie's legs and around her sex, following the tattooed snake to the top of her pubes. Carol nodded and the doctor seemed to lose interest in her, much to Julie's annoyance. His finger felt nice and she thought he was going to start fingering inside her. Her cunny was aching with unfulfilled desire. She could only just watch the two adults, however, from her awkward position on the table.

The 'nurse' stepped out of her short skirt and stood before them both clad only in a pair of white, elastic top stockings that reached almost to the top of each curvaceous leg; and a g-string, also white and contrasting sharply with her golden tan. Julie could see the top edge of a colourful tattoo just above the small triangle of material covering Carol's mound. With a graceful dip, Carol pulled her panties off, leaving herself naked but for her stockings. She was quite unselfconscious as she exposed her almost bald pussy to them both and Julie stared at it in awe. It was the first adult pussy she had seen. She was so close she could see that Carol had shaved herself, could see the tiny dots of her hair just under the skin around a tiny strip of short dark hair that ran in a thin line down from the base of her belly almost to her rather large clitoris. Julie could see the woman's inner lips protruding through the deep slash that was her vaginal entrance; and she could smell the deep, musky odour eminating from between her firm thighs. But it was the tattoo that both Max and Julie stared at.

Completely surrounding Carol's sex was tattooed a face, rather demonic in appearance. Her tuft of pubic hair gave the face a strip of hair down the centre of its bald head, her clitoris was its nose, two eyes tattooed on her mons veneris; and her sex was the demon's mouth, looking as though it was elongated in a pouting meouw. The face was reddish, outlined in blue and continued in between her legs and there were two proportionate arms with clawed hands tattooed down the inside of each thigh, obviously coming from beneath Carol's vagina. Two horns came out of the head, or maybe they were pointed ears (Julie couldn't tell which) and curved up onto the woman's lower belly, just over the crease of her pubic mound. The whole effect was extremely erotic and fascinating to both Julie and the 'doctor'.

Max stared at it. "Wow!" he said. "You certainly do have a tattoo! Sticking your cock in there would be like being sucked off by the devil himself!"

"Oh, doctor!" the 'nurse' gasped. "Such language in front of this little girl!" She smiled at Julie, obviously enjoying herself.

"Oh boy!" Max went on. "Lucky me! I've got two naked young women to examine! Tell you what...Julie, hop off the table, that's a love. Now Carol, you get up on it like Julie was and I'll demonstrate an examination on you so Julie can see what we do." He was obviously excited and made no pretence of being otherwise. He helped Julie dismount as he talked and then assisted Carol onto the table, his hands touching both of them in a non-doctorish way as he helped. Finally Carol was splayed out on the examination table, her sex gaping with her legs raised up in the stirrups. It looked as though the demon between her legs was yawning.

"Look at Nurse Carol's pussy, Julie. Its beautiful. See these folds here," and he took hold of the woman's slick looking labia and pulled them outwards, exposing the red, wet interior of Carol's vagina. "These are her labia. They're much bigger than your's appeared. Have you ever looked at a woman's pussy?" Julie shook her head, fascinated by the beauty of the lovely 'nurse's' sex. Her smell was now quite strong and Julie could see the slimy coating of the woman's lubrication making her inner flesh look oily. She knew that that was from where the exciting odour was coming; and she could also smell her own excitemint, more delicate and less tangy, wafting up from between her legs. She pressed her hand into her bare pubic area and felt her heat.

Max had turned and picked up a funny looking tube-shaped metal thing. It had a screw thing at one end and was shaped like a rounded funnel at the other. "This is a speculum," he explained to Julie when he saw her interest. "We use it to examine inside women. I'm going to use it to look inside you, Julie, but first, I'll demonstrate on nurse here." He put the rounded end into the centre of Carol's sex and gently pushed it inwards. The sight of the shiny metal tube slipping easily into the woman's privates was so exciting to Julie and she pressed her hand in harder against herself, tingles rippling up through her body. Carol gave a moan as the tube went in deeper and deeper, spreading her open wider and wider as its tapered end penetrated. Then the curved outer rim was pressed against the flesh inside the woman's labia and Julie watched fascinated as Max began to turn the screw handle and the tube began to expand. She was able to look into Carol's vagina! The woman's moans became louder and more excited as the 'doctor' opened her with the speculum, threads of mucous like spiderwebs stretching from side to side of her vaginal walls. The tube opened out like an expanding flower, steel petals running down the inside of the vagina and stretching it apart.

"There! Look, Julie," Max said, his voice shaky with excitement, his breathing ragged. "You can see right inside." He got a small torch out of his pocket and shone it into Carol. Julie looked inside and saw her brighyt, shiny-pink inner flesh. There were several bumps and a tight opening near the silver ends of the speculum. "That is the entrance to Carol's womb," Max explained, using the pointed beam of light to indicate what he was talking about. "And that's her cervix. If a man is long enough, he can make a girl feel good by pressing against that."

Julie suddenly realised she had experienced that several times with a couple of the men, when they had driven deep inside her and she had felt as though she was being split open. Her sex tingled at that thought. She was rubbing herself, her clitoris stiff and her vulva now quite wet. Her eyes travelled over the woman's nude body. She looked gorgeous laid out like this on the examination table. Her breasts were still full mounds, even though she was on her back; and her nipples stuck up prominently. Her stomack was rising and falling with her breathing. The tattooed face was now looking at them with its mouth gaping widely and Julie couldn't help a smile when she looked at it. Her eyes follwed the tattooed arms down Carol's thighs to the lace edges of her white stockings. She looked so sexy that Julie felt her lust rising.

Carol gave a squeal and Julie saw that Max was holding her clitoris, the 'demon's' nose and was gently rolling it between his thumb and forefinger. The woman began to writhe and twist, her squeals rising in pitch and Julie realised she was climaxing. She could see her vagina contracting rhythmically and trying to close, being prevented by the still opened speculum. Max turned to Julie. "Rub your finger inside her, baby. Make Carol really come."

Julie did as she was asked and rubbed her finger up the slippery exposed flesh between two prongs of the metal shaft. Carol began gasping, her moans starting to rise and then she cried out as her full orgasm hit. But it was not fully satisfying, her vagina unable to fulfill its need to crush whatever was within it and the woman tossed her head from side to side in frustration. Max and Julie continued teasing her until she slowed her movements, finally lying still on the table, her body beaded with sweat, her hair in damp stringlets on her forehead and shoulders. Her eyes were half-closed and her mouth open.

"She needs something more," Max said. "You lie up on her, Julie. Step up here...that's lie on your back on top of nurse...that's right. Now, lift your legs up alongside her's...Aaaahhh." The 'doctor' kept up his patter as he assisted Julie up on the table and to lie back on the hot nude body of the woman beneath her. She felt those wonderful breasts cradling her head and the woman's bare pubic mound pressed up into her buttocks. Her legs were raised up along Carol's, her feet resting beside her's in the stirrups. Julie was aware of Don moving between their outspread legs and she realised what an erotic picture he would be seeing - her young, immature pussy with its snake tattoo resting openly above the gaping, speculum spread demon's face beneath it. Carol's arms came around Julie and stroked down her body, coming to rest between her spread thighs and pulling her labia apart, her fingers caressing Julie's hard bud and her moist, hot centre.

"That's good, Carol. That'll make Julie more lubricated for her examination," Max said and Julie raised her head from Carol's firm breasts and saw him approaching her with another speculum. She had a moment of nerves as he touched the cold tip to her vaginal opening, but a sudden wave of pleasure as the hard metal slid firmly into her, spreading her, and the woman's fingers tantalising her clitoris and any hint of nerves evaporated. It was an incredible sensation as the speculum slid deeper into her, so unlike a penis...harder, colder, solid and unstoppable. She felt it pressing against her cervix and in her mind saw it deep inside her, knowing that 'doctor' was seeing inside her what she had seen inside Carol.

"I'm going to widen it now, Julie," Max said and Carol began teasing her clitoris while her other hand found Julie's nipples as she felt herself being forced wider and wider. Julie gasped in pleasure and her young body spasmed as her vagina seemed to be stretched way beyond its limits. The woman's fingers brought her so close to a climax, she ached for release. Pain coursed through her groin as the speculum reached its maximum width and Julie knew she was totally exposed to the 'doctor's gaze and the camera's probing.

Then she felt the gadget finally go down, her stretched pussy slowly returning to a more normal size. Then the now-warmed metal began withdrawing from within her, making her feel very empty and frustrated as it came out of her. She felt Carol moving beneath her and heard her gasps in her ear and knew the speculum was also being withdrawn from her pussy. She had only a moment to wonder what was going to happen next before Max spoke.

"I think you two ladies need a further examination," he said, smiling down at them from between their still raised legs. "But I have something I think you'll both like better than the long as you don't mind sharing." He laughed then shrugged off the doctor's coat he was wearing. He was naked beneath it. Julie's eyes dropped immediately to his groin and her body shivered in anticipation. Max was slighly paunchy, his breasts were a little saggy, his skin pale. But his penis made up for his lack of physical attractiveness. It was long, thick and hard. Its glans was larger than the shaft and was flared more than any Julie had seen. It was an angry red colour and glistened from pre-cum. The man's shaft was covered in wriggly, thick veins and curved up from a large pair of testes that hung between his rather thin thighs. Without any further comment, he stepped forward.

Julie felt Carol jerk beneath her and give a long, drawnout moan. She knew Max had shafted her and she felt herself rocked as he began fucking her. Then, suddenly, he was inside her! She gasped in surprise at the complete surprise of it and the way his shaft rammed straight into her depths. Her surprise, however, soon gave way to pleasure as the large organ began moving inside her.

Then, just as suddenly, it was gone and she felt Carol being pounded again. It was rather nice being cradled on the woman as she was screwed, Julie thought, feeling Carol's breasts quivering beneath her and her stomach rising and falling beneath her buttocks. Plus, Carol's fingers gripped Julie's nipples and clitoris quite hard each time Max drove himself into her.

Then Max was back inside her, his penis working at her and bringing her towards climax.

This continued several times, the man bringing her to the edge of climaxing then puilling out and doing the same to Carol. Both of them were gasping and moaning, both seeking release. And finally it came. Max stayed inside her through to her orgasm and Julie's young body bucked and squirmed on top of Carol. While she was at the height of her climax, Max thrust himself into Carol, bringing her off and her movements carrying Julie onwards in her own. Then Max came, pulling out of Carol and spraying them both with bursts of his seed, his penis jerking and throbbing as it unleashed its load. Julie could feel the cool cream trickling down her body, between her legs and over her still tingling pussy and it seemed like he was peeing on them, there was so much of his cum. She looked down through glazed eyes just to see, but it was only his climax.

Finally he finished and he rubbed his sperm over their swollen pubes.

"That wasn't too bad an examination now, was it?" he said smiling at her as he rubbed his softening knob over her sex. "Nurse, you should be ashamed of yourself, leading this young girl astray." He smirked, then burst out laughing and smacked her bare pubes. "I guess you can just say 'The devil made me do it!'"

It took a moment for Julie to get it, but when she did, she began giggling and she could feel Carol laughing beneath her. She relaxed on top of the warm, soft woman below and Carol hugged her tightly.

"Great one, once again, people!" Don said. "That's a wrap!" Julie had almost forgotten about him! "Okay, Jules. Take a half hour to freshen up and then we'll have to get on to the movie with Sam and her dad." He was all business and Julie felt a little bit hurt. He didn't seem to notice though as he packed up his equipment then left the studio, Max following behind, still naked, discussing some aspect of his own performance.

"Get used to it, honey," Carol said, her arms squeezing Julie tenderly. "This is our business and you can't get too personal."

From the tone of Carol's voice and the feelings Julie picked up from her, it was apparent that she had more than likely been a one-time favourite of Don's. One who had just grown older. Like she was going to.

"Just enjoy it while you can, honey. Its not all that bad," Carol said comfortingly in her ear. "Come on, I'll show you where the shower is and I'll wash your back."

Julie pressed her hands to Carol's and gave her a squeeze in friendship. Somehow, it was not such a bad thing to realise that she would one day be like the woman cradling her. Not such a bad thing at all! She slid off her human cushion and waited for her to lead the way to the bathroom. As they walked arm in arm from the studio, she wondered what her next role was going to be....

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


Wow... I wish to have this little girl at me for a weekend. Where can I find more

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