Star, Part 6

[ MMMMMMm/g, bond, movies, pedo, w/s ]

by Pedros


Published: 20-Jun-2011

Word Count:

Author's Profile

Story Summary
This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

After lunch and an hour's siesta (when everyone just lazed around on the many scattered beanbags and cushions in the living room, or out on the porch - Julie was priveleged in having the bed to rest on - by herself!), Don told Julie to go into the spare room and put on the costume laid out on the table in there for her next movie. When she was ready, she was to go to the area beyond the barn. Shooting was to commence in half an hour.

The nine-year-old did as she was told and found her costume where Don had said it would be. She picked it up and turned it every which way until she realised what it was. She was obviously going to be an indian in the next movie. Her 'costume' consisted of a tiny lap-lap, a cord with two flaps of material sewn to it that went around her waist so that the flaps covered her front and back, with just a thin strip of material running between her legs that would barely cover her anus, let alone her pussy. The rest of her costume was a headband with two feathers in it, and several strands of rather large glass beads. It was certainly not going to cover very much at all, she realised. But, she thought, that was the whole idea with these sex movies she was starring in. She had already realised that the actors were dressed in as provocative and as little costumes as possible...just enough to heighten the eroticism and titillate the viewer (and the participants as well, she reckoned). She certainly didn't mind and, in fact, was really enjoying the way she was being dressed and used to excite the men she was acting with and those who would watch her on video.

She took off the wrap she had been wearing since her swim before lunch. It was all she was wearing and she looked at her naked body in the full length mirror. She didn't look any different, she thought, in spite of all the things she had done or had done to her over the past two weekends. Gee, she thought, is it only two weekends since I started? It seemed like ages ago. She was already feeling like a professional...a Star...and she had only made five films. Still, she said to herself, that's five more than most people, especially girls around my age! She had had more men's things inside her already than many women had before they got married! And she liked the feel of them, no matter that the big ones hurt her a bit. She felt that familiar tingle between her legs at the thought of the men's penises she had already seen and touched and those that were still to come. That she could already be ready again so soon after this morning's movie surprised her. It must be the cream Don gave her to use that keeps her sexually active. She felt only a very faint throbbing in her groin from the large penises she had had earlier but certainly no pain. She suddenly wondered whether she had changed down there since being fucked.

There was a low stool beside the table and she pulled it out in front of the mirror. Then she sat on it, facing her reflection and with her legs spread wide. She looked at herself. She maneuvred the stool until the light coming through the window was directed into her lap. She was less than two feet from the mirror. She could now see herself very clearly. Looking at her reflection in the mirror, she pulled herself open. Apart from a slight redness, she looked as she always did - there were no swollen or bruised looking areas and her vulva looked as fresh as it had three weeks ago, before she had ever had sex with a boy or man.

She reached over to the table and took the jar of cream Don had given her, unscrewing the cap and taking a dollop of the gel-like contents onto her fingertip. She then proceeded to massage the cream into her sex, sliding her fingers around her clitoris and the folds of her labia before pushing two into her, coated with the soothing gel. The jelly was non-sticky but was very slippery as it mixed with her own lubricant and the remains of the semen that hadn't leaked out from deep inside her. She watched her fingers working on herself and felt the tingling sensations starting as soon as the gel touched her skin. It was like an itching, but not an irritating one; more one that caused her to stay ready for sexual stimulation and release. Her clitoris was already stiff (it seemed to Julie that it had been stiff almost permanently the past two weeks!) and she could see her labia had swollen to frame her vaginal entrance. Sensuously, Julie stroked her fingers in underneath herself, lifting slightly to allow access to her anus and the smooth skin between her buttocks. She ran her finger around her sphincter, the tip of her finger poking inside the tight orifice. She gave a sigh of pleasure and her head tilted back as she felt herself tingling right through her back passage. She hoped she was going to have a man up inside there this afternoon. Surprisingly, she found she enjoyed her bottom being fucked as much as her pussy; and she especially liked it when the men played with her there, or licked her. She shivered just thinking about it.

"How's it going, Julie?"

The young girl jumped in surprise as Don put his head in the room. He came in.

"You little tart!" he grinned. "Is that as far as you've got?"

Julie stood up and turned guiltily towards the table, reaching out for her costume. Don took her arm and stopped her, his other arm going around her bare back. "I'm only joking, honey. We've got a while before the guys will all be ready. Mmmmm. You look great without your clothes. Let me have a bit of time with you before you put your costume on." He ran his hand down her front, fiddling with her nipples before running down into her groin. "Your pussy is so hot," he said, stroking her puffy flesh. "You're using that stuff I gave you?" Julie nodded and felt the tingling inside her getting stronger with Don's touch. He slipped a thick finger into her, just letting it rest inside her vagina. "That's the girl. You are one sexy young thing. I knew it from the moment I looked at you, Julie. You're exactly as I thought you'd be...maybe even more so!" The young girl smiled at him in pleasure at his praise. He sat on the stool and brought her onto his knee, his finger still in her.

"I've had incredible response to your movies last week, honey. Especially the last one. You remember it?" Julie nodded. How could she forget that last film with Ahmed, Joet and little Mosse...the chains...pegs and clips? The very thought of that was now rather exciting. "We will make a huge amount from that one and the one of you losing your virginity with Pete. They're going to make you and your mum rich, baby."

Julie looked at him in delight. "You mean I'm really going to be a star?" she asked excitedly.

"You already are a star, sweetheart. I'll just make you a bigger one from now on." He stroked between her legs. "There were a couple of things I wanted to talk to you about before we start filming this next film, though. There is a big demand for 'rough' films, the one you did last weekend with Joet. Many of my clients want those films and pay huge money for them. The rougher the better. You understand?"

Julie looked at him and nodded, her heart starting to beat harder as she began feeling a little nervous.

Don must have sensed this because he caressed her back and covered her sex comfortingly with his hand, drawing her in to him. He smiled at her reassuringly. "Well this last film today is going to be similar," he began. "You are going to be 'caught' by some cowboys and they'll all rape you. They'll be tying you up and making it look as though they're beating and hurting you. They will act as though they are serious, Julie and I just wanted to make sure you understand that I'll be in control. Nothing will be done to you that will really hurt you. Okay? Trust me?"

Julie looked at him nervously, then gave a rather tentative nod.

"Good. And the other thing I wanted to talk with you about concerns you, Petey and me." Julie's nervous gaze met his, wondering what was coming. "I've thought about this all week," Don continued. "I want you to move in with me and Pete. I want to make a deal with your mum so you can live with me." He looked at her expectantly.

Julie stared at him in surprise, her thoughts in turmoil. Her go live with Don and Pete? With Pete?! Leave her mother and move into Don's mansion? The thought was so attractive, to get away from her mum and the neighbourhood they lived in. But what about her mum? She wouldn't agree...unless it was a lot of money! Then she'd be pleased to be by herself again.

"Well? What do you think?"

"I...uh...I'd love it. mum...? It'd be a lot of money..." Julie stammered.

"That's no problem, baby. Its what you think that's important. Would you like to come live with us?"

The young girl nodded. This was so unexpected! She thought of Pete. Her pussy twitched. If she lived with them, he and Don could have sex with her whenever they wanted, she realised. She didn't mind that. She knew Don had sex with Pete - she knew they shared a bed. A sudden thought hit her and she stood up. Maybe they only wanted her to look after them, she thought. A servant! She turned towards Don with her hands on her hips.

"Do you want me as a servant?" she asked the man, her tone indicating her displeasure at the idea.

"You look so beautiful standing like that with no clothes on!" Don laughed warmly. "Of course not, silly girl! I have enough servants working for me. I want you to live with Pete and me so I can enjoy you more. And, hopefully, you'll share our bed and our lives. You certainly won't go without sex. Pete asked me if I'd ask you," he added.

Julie scrutinised him and saw that he was quite serious. She suddenly gave a whoop of happiness and threw herself at Don.

The man held her to him, lifting her off her feet and cuddling her naked body against him. He kissed the top of her head, his hands lifting her under her buttocks. "I take it that's a yes?" he laughed, standing up and spinning them both around. "Great! Fantastic!" He hugged her tightly and she wrapped her legs around his waist. He leaned down and kissed her nipple. "Pete will be stoked!" he said breathing heavily. "Okay, now, you sexy little thing. Now that that is settled, we'd better get this film made." She disentangled her legs and he set her on the floor. "As much as I'd like to play with your pussy myself, there's half a dozen men waiting to get at you so we'd best get moving." He slapped her playfully on her buttock and she could see the delight in his face. "There'll be plenty of time for Pete and me to enjoy your sweet body from now on." His expression turned serious. "Now you know I won't ever let anything happen to you that will hurt you, don't you?"

Julie smiled at him. "I do," she replied. "Thank you, Don. Its going to be great!"

"You bet! Now get yourself ready and I'll see you behind the barn." The film-maker turned and left the room, waving over his shoulder as he disappeared.

Julie turned back towards the mirror, her eyes running over her nakedness. She was pleased at her appearance. Pleased that she appealed to both Don and Pete. She shivered with excitement at the thought of living permanently with the two of them and having them have sex whenever they felt like it. And with love, not for money. She picked up her costume and began to dress. Her heart was pounding and her body felt ready for anything.


The little girl huddled inside the teepee listening to the gunshots and screams and cries from outside. She half hid beneath a bearskin rug against the side of the teepee fartherest from the entrance flap. There was so much noise and shouting.

Then everything went quiet. She huddled down even more, trying to make herself invisible.

Suddenly the teepee filled with light as the flap was thrown wide and a dark shadow passed over her trembling form.

"Well what have we got here? A fuckin' little injun kid." The voice was harsh and crude. The girl hunched into a ball, trying desperately to hide beneath the rug. Strong hands suddenly wrapped around her and she was lifted up, struggling and kicking and hauled out of the teepee and into the sunlight.

She blinked in the brightness and tried to look around her. She could smell the sweaty, horsey smell of the man who held her, his arm around her waist and holding her leg, causing her to dangle helplessly. Even though it was only a film, she really did feel confused and scared. Don had told her nothing more than he had when he was in the room with her earlier.

When she had arrived at the designated area near the barn, the men had all whistled appreciatively. She wore just the tiny lap-lap, the flaps of which dangled in front and behind her but did little to cover her. The beads hung around her neck but seemed to only highlight and draw attention to her puffy little nipples. She had the headband and its two feathers on her head, holding her long hair back from her face. She could feel the cool breeze wafting up between her legs, caressing her almost bare sex and making her feel more than naked. The strip of material running between her legs did nothing more than join the front and back of the waist band. It cut through the slit of her cunny and made her flesh puff out either side, which, in itself, she found quite exciting. She was pleased with the effect, and the way it obviously affected the men - her co-stars. She enjoyed wearing these provocative outfits. She only wished the men's gear was a bit more revealing as well. She might be able to talk to Don about that when she moved in with him and Pete. (Her stomach again turned in excitement at that thought - as long as her mum agreed).

The men wore various outfits to represent they were cowboys. Most of them were bare-chested, wearing only a hat, neckerchief and jeans, and she glanced at their bared flesh. They were all muscly and she liked the look of their smoothness. A couple wore shirts. They all wore gun-holsters and riding boots. Pete was there as well, dressed as a young boy of the old west in just a pair of ragged jeans with no shirt, belt, hat or shoes. She thought he looked cute with his hair tousled and his slender body shiny with sweat. She had smiled at him and got a wink back. She then looked around the 'set'.

There were horses tethered around a teepee set in the middle of an area surrounded on three sides by thick screening shrubs. Don had told her he had a camera set up in the teepee and she was to go in there and act the part of a frightened indian girl. Then he had told everyone to get ready and she had done as she was told. She had heard horses neighing and gunshots and screams and had become really frightened wondering what was happening where she couldn't see.

Now, looking around from her awkward position in the man's hands, when her eyes had adjusted to the light, she saw bodies sprawled around the area and the group of cowboys coming towards her and her captor. It took her several moments to realise that the bodies were just store dummies and that all of the men who had travelled up with her on the bus were taking part in this movie as cowboys. It seemed as though she was to be the sole survivor.

"Whatcha got there, Slim?" one of the men asked.

"Hey. Looks like its an indian kid!" another exclaimed.

"Its an injun gal," Slim declared. "I thought we can have a bit of fun with her."

"Sounds good to me," another man said rubbing his crotch. Julie could see it was Carlos talking but decided not to think of them as men she knew but rather as strangers - anonymous men who were going to rape her. This helped her to act the frightened youngster she was supposed to be. The man holding her stood her on her feet and she kicked out at him.

"Hey! Whoa!" he cried, grabbing one of her legs. Another man grabbed each of her arms and she was firmly held between them. The man holding her leg lifted it high and looked between her thighs. "Little bugger's nearly naked up there," he told the others.

One of the cowboys knelt to look up under the flap. "Phee-ew," he whistled. "She sure is. Sweet looking cunt." The others all looked between her legs as the one kneeling lifted the flap. They all whistled and cat-called like the rough mob they were supposed to be.

"Hey!" a cowboy said. "What say we get young John-boy to break her in for us? He ain't ever had a girl as far's I know. Could be a lot of fun."

The men laughed, agreeing that it would be fun.

"I might even decide to fuck him instead of her," one of them commented. "I've got to like doin' it to him."

"It'll make a change havin' a girl, though," another said. "'Specially one this little. Be even tighter'n John-boy's bum."

"Hey, John-boy! Get your ass over here!" the man holding Julie's leg called. The other men began touching her and she squirmed and tried to escape their stroking, seeking fingers. She was only vaguely aware of Don moving around behind the men, getting shots of them molesting her.

"Yeah, Slim?" Julie heard Pete's voice and saw he'd come into the group.

"We want you to warm up this little injun gal for us. Reckon you can fuck her?" Slim said, smiling lewdly at the boy. Pete looked like a poor orphan in his ragged pants and nothing else, Julie thought, glad to see he was going to take part in this film as well. He looked at her as though he was really embarassed.

"" he stammered, his eyes downcast as a couple of the men laughed and made comment on his virginity.

"Whatsa matter, boy? You ain't never fucked a girl afore? Mebbe you just like getting fucked yourself too much, hey?"

"Now's you chance, John-boy. We'll hold the bitch for you and you can screw her. And that's an order! We all reckon we'd like to watch you have your first fuck," Slim said, taking Pete by the ear and bringing him around to face Julie. "Drop your pants." he told the boy then looked at the men. "Lay the kid down and lets have a good look at her."

Julie was forced back on the ground, the grass soft and cool on her bare skin. Her hands and feet were held and she was spread-eagled as the men not holding her knelt beside her. The beads had fallen to the side of her neck and her chest was bare. She saw the men looking at her then they reached out and began touching her nipples, which were already stiff. She felt hands moving over her belly and up her thighs. She yelped when she felt fingers prodding against her pubes and began squirming around, trying to pull free of her tormentors. They held her tighter and the fingers between her thighs began probing into her sex and pulling her sparse covering aside.

"Look at this sweet bare-ass little pussy!" she heard as fingers stretched her apart. She felt the lap-lap being tugged then get pulled away from her body, leaving her naked but for the beads. It felt as though there were hands all over her as the men fondled, stroked and probed her. She threshed her head from side to side making out to appear as if she was trying to escape, when, in fact, she was burning with desire and loving every touch of the large fingers in and on her. She saw a couple of the men had undone their jeans or had removed them and she eyed the huge penises they displayed. She knew they were going to be in her in a very short while and she tingled in anticipation. Her eyes glanced at the men still standing and she gasped when she saw one man's (she thought it was Julio's) erection. It was the largest she had seen so far and jutted out from his nude, hairless body like a curved, thick trunk. It was almost black along its length but the swollen glans glistened a bright pink, contrasting sharply with the rest of the organ. She couldn't help but wonder what that one was going to feel like inside her...she could almost feel the fullness already. It twitched as she stared at it and she glanced beyond it to the man's face. It was Julio and he was watching her looking at him. He winked and smiled knowingly as, in spite of her arousal, Julie felt herself blush. Then a sudden widening of her legs brought her attention back to what was happening to her. She looked down her bared body and saw Peter standing naked and sheepish between her pulled-open legs, his hands cupping himself.

"What's the matter, John-boy? Not shy are you? Shee-it, boy, we all seen your pecker afore! Let's see you stick it to the little gal's pussy!"

One of the men reached out and pulled 'John-boy's' hands away and Julie was once more looking at her favourite penis. Pete's erection certainly no longer seemed as big to her as it had that first time compared now to the grown up and super-sized ones on the men she had seen; but she still liked it the best. She liked its smoothness and its pale colour. Most of the grownup ones were either veiny and angry looking or were quite dark in colour or had disproportionate knobs, whereas Pete's always looked so clean and neat. And Pete wasn't small...he still filled her up when he went into her. Her eyes watched as the men manhandled the boy into position between her legs. Fingers still groped her and pulled her apart and her breathing was coming in quick pants as her excitement built. Through lust-hazed eyes she saw Slim take hold of Pete's erection and tug on it a few times, rubbing the foreskin backwards and forwards over it and spreading the pre-cum that was glistening at its tip. Then he leaned forward and took the young boy's penis into his mouth, sucking and licking it, covering it with his spittle. The men watching made obscenities and lewd comments and suggestions as Slim sucked, some of them holding themselves towards the boy asking him to suck on them.

All of the men had removed their clothes and everywhere Julie looked, there was a nude man sporting a large erection pointed in her direction. She felt a smooth heat against the side of her head and turned to see what or who it was touching her. The knob of a penis was suddenly at her mouth, her vision filled by the dark groin of either Carlos or Julio, she couldn't see which of the negroid men it was. Her mouth was filled with the slick sponginess of his glans, the salty taste of semen on her tongue. She could barely breathe and had to swallow several times before she adjusted to the swollen flesh inside her. She automatically worked her mouth on it before remembering that she was supposed to be resisting. She began to thresh her head, trying to dislodge the huge organ, but she felt the man grab the hair on the back of her head tightly and hold her still, starting to thrust himself inside her, almost making her gag.

Her body was a mass of sensation and felt as though hands were everywhere. Her nipples were being pulled and pinched, her breasts and belly stroked and her sex spread wide, her clitoris getting the same treatment as her nipples. She strained to look beyond the penis inside her mouth to see what was going on with Pete, just in time to see Slim directing the boy's saliva-coated erection into her cunny.

A wave of pleasure swept up over the young girl as she felt Pete sliding easily into her, his penis spreading her vagina as it slipped deeper and deeper. Then his bare pubes were pressed against her own, adding a delicious pressure to her clitoris. She vaguely heard the men whooping and making dirty comments, but the feel of her young lover inside her and the thick organ in her mouth was the centre of her attention.

"Fuck her, boy! Move your dick around!"

"Give it to her! Whooey!"

The men shouted encouragement as Pete began moving himself in and out of Julie, assisted by the men's hands and being fondled and prodded by them as much as Julie. The men pressed him forward until he was lying over her, his face near her's and she could feel the length of his bare skin upon her. He had his face turned towards her and she saw him watching her, a smile on his face, as she sucked on the huge organ. Then he brought his face closer and Julie felt the glans pull out of her mouth and go into Peter's. The boy sucked and swirled his mouth around the dark meat, then it pulled out and was forcing its way back into her's again. She could taste Peter now mixed in with the taste of semen. The boy brought his face onto her's, his mouth near her mouth and began running his open lips up and down the thick shaft, his lips touching her lips each time he came down, as though giving her a kiss.

"Go for it, boy!" someone shouted. "Give the little whore a good workout!"

Peter suddenly stiffened and Julie's concentration went back to her vagina, expecting to feel him throbbing within her in climax. But all he did was get harder, filling her even more. She looked at his face and saw he was grimacing. She felt a heavier pressure on her lower belly.

"Fuck!" Pete grunted softly, his whole body tensing and Julie realised that he was being penetrated while he was fucking her. It must be by someone who's big, she thought, seeing the twinges of pain reflected on her young lover's face. Gradually his features relaxed then Julie felt her body being rocked by the thrusts of the man doing Peter, his movements making both of them jerk rhythmically on the grass. Each time he forced inwards, she could see Pete's eyes screw up slightly with pain, but he kept his mouth rubbing up and down the shaft of the man in her mouth.

Suddenly her throat filled with thick cream and she gagged. She tried to pull back but the man holding her head forced her harder onto him, his large cock-head going into her throat. He began raping her mouth and throat and Julie was helpless against his assault. She sucked in air noisily through her nose as the swollen glans inside her pulsed and spat its load into her. She desperately tried to swallow the creamy paste but there was too much and she felt it forcing past her stretched lips and wetting her face. Her eyes stung with tears caused by the fullness within her mouth and the gagging but she could do nothing but endure. She could hear herself spluttering and gasping noisily but had no control. Dimly she could hear the men cheering and feel the pain from their pinches and squeezes, but her discomfort from Julio's forceful climax over-rode these other sensations. Then the huge knob was gone and through tear-filled eyes she saw it only inches from her spurting its essence onto her and Pete's faces, the gooey jissom splattering both of them. The gluggy taste of it filled her mouth like a coating over her tongue, teeth and gums and she tried to clear it away by swallowing and working her tongue. It wasn't unpleasant, but it was certainly more pungent than Pete's and much thicker. The stinging of the tears in her eyes was almost unbearable and she couldn't get her hands free to deal with it herself.

"Can you...ungh...wipe my...ungh...eyes?" she finally whispered desperately to Pete when she could speak again, looking up at her friend as he continued working himself inside her, his thrusts (or those made by the man fucking him) making her grunt. She was feeling quite vulnerable and, rather belatedly, realised that the men truly did mean to rape her - that there seemed to be almost no acting in the rough way they were using her -they all seemed to be concentrating on their own pleasure and not trying to make her feel good. Fortunately, Pete heard her plea and surreptitiously cleared her eyes for her without anyone noticing or without losing his rhthym.

"I'm gonna come in you in a sec," he told her softly, nuzzling his face into her neck, Julio's semen smearing over both of them as they touched. "You feel so good!"

Pete's words brightened Julie's mood immensely and she brought her concentration back to between her legs where he pistoned in and out of her. She could feel the extra weight of the man on top of him, but the feel of his hard penis inside her was just right. It slid backwards and forwards over her clitoris as it slipped easily in and out of her vagina and Julie felt her own excitement starting to re-kindle after Julio's roughness. She could feel hands between her and Pete's bodies stroking over her belly and pubic mound and, from the other side, more hands teasing her nipples. She could feel that they were touching Pete as much as her and that, somehow, seemed to make it even more exciting.

Then she felt Pete stiffening and heard him grunt into her neck. His teeth nipped her skin as he began moaning and breathing heavily. She felt his penis tightening, then felt the jerking as he climaxed, his penis seeming to have a life of its own as it spasmed deep inside her. He didn't thrust and move as normal because the weight of the man on top of him kept him pressed onto her; and Julie was able to feel just his penis moving within her.

Julie savoured every moment of Pete's climax - so different to those she had previously experienced. Her young lover gasped in her ear, his head twisting about as he shot his first bursts of seed into her. His body was rocked by the man moving himself in and out of his anus. Then, as she knew would happen, Pete pulled his penis out of her and squirted his remaining seed onto her belly and mons so Don could show the viewers he was coming. Even though it lessened her sensations, the feel of his wet essence spraying on her skin, and knowing they were being filmed in the throes of climax, made up for the loss in internal sensation. Julie felt a sudden sharp pressure, then Pete began being thrust every which way on top of her, his slippery penis swiping all over her lower body.

"Aaaannnhhh!" she heard Slim cry out and she realised the man was coming inside Pete. Her own climax seemed to be a way off and so she let herself just enjoy the warmth flowing through her from the man's and boy's orgasms. She felt a tickling wetness between her thighs and knew the man was spurting his seed onto Pete's buttocks and testes so Don could film his ejaculation and it was dripping onto her and trickling down her thighs.

The man and boy rested only for a moment after their climaxes had subsided. Then they got roughly from on top of her and Julie felt herself being lifted by the men holding her arms and legs. She remembered to struggle as they half-carried, half-dragged her across the grassy clearing towards the trees.

"Let's tie the little squaw up. Make it easier to get at her," she heard one of the men say gruffly as she was held to the ground again. She felt rope being tied around her ankles and her wrists and she cried out and tried to pull away. She knew from Don's earlier talk that things were going to get a little rough. To her surprise, she found herself looking forward to it - as long as it wasn't too rough. The men tugged her to her feet by the ropes at her wrist. She looked around at them. They were all now naked, no longer 'cowboys (although several still had bandanas tied around their necks) but quite obviously men in rut, their penises erect, long and thick and all looking huge to the little girl. Pete and Slim were helping tie her, their penises still semi-erect, as was Julio's. To have such a large group of nude adult men touching her, stepping over her, squatting beside her with their genitalia fully aroused and exposed so blatantly for her to view and all of them aroused because of her, Julie found really exciting.

She felt her arms being tugged and she was dragged upright, her arms pulled out and above her head. She cried out as though frightened and saw the men had thrown the ropes over a branch above her and were hauling her up off the ground. She clenched the rope in her hands to take some of the tightness from where they tied around her wrists and was soon dangling helplessly from the branch, her feet off the ground. There was an uncomfortable pressure on her arms and wrists, but it wasn't too painful. She did, however, feel extremely vulnerable strung up like this, unable to protect herself in any way. She looked at the men as they jeered and cheered, urging those on who were tying her up. Then she felt her legs being pulled apart and watched helplessly as two of the men tied her legs out as far as they would stretch, attaching the ropes to two thin trees beside the one she hung from. She was now suspended spread-eagled and open to them. The men stood in front of her, admiring their handiwork.

"Now we can have some fun," one of them said, laughing. He came up to her and looking into her eyes, put his finger into her sex and pushed upwards, making Julie arch and cry out as it delved deeply inside her, touching her cervix. This seemed to be the signal for the others to begin and they crowded around her, pinching her nipples, poking fingers into her vagina and anus, squeezing her legs and buttocks and pulling on her labia and clitoris. It seemed as though there were hands everywhere on her body, each one giving her a different sensation but all increasing her sexual arousal.

"Guess what we can do with these?" a man (Carlos, julie realised before once more telling herself not to recognise them - to treat them all as strangers) said, undoing the strings of beads from around her neck. She was now completely nude. He handed one string of the large round glass beads to another man and they both leered at her. "I reckon these'd look better up her arse and cunt, don't you?" The men all stopped fondling her and grinned their approval. They all squatted beneath her, some behind her, some in front. Julie watched them warily, wondering what was going to happen. Then she felt fingers at her anus, pressing inwards and realised someone was pushing a bead into her. She saw Carlos move towards her sex and then he was pulling her open and pressing the end bead on the string into her vagina. As soon as it had disappeared inside her, he pressed the next bead in. So did the man behind her. Each time a bead was embedded, the other men cheered and counted, all having a turn at pushing in a bead.

At first Julie felt very little apart from the tingles as the men's fingers touched her intimately. She could feel the large beads as they went in and feel them inside her as a slight pressure. But as more and more of them were pushed in both orifices, she began to feel them as a 'fullness' inside her passageways causing pressure inside her belly.




As the number of beads forced into her grew, Julie felt more and more pressure building inside her lower belly and her bladder and found she had to clench her muscles to prevent them from popping out of her. She wondered how many beads were on each string. She didn't think she could fit many more in. But the men obviously did.

"Eleven...Twelve! How you feelin' girlie? They gonna come poppin' out yet?"

Julie badly needed to pee! The pressure seemed to be concentrating on her bladder and was becoming unbearable.

"Thirteen! Whooeey! The little bitch is pissin'!"

Julie lost control and her urine sprayed out in spite of her clenching her muscles to keep the beads in. The men all whooped and hollered as she let go, putting their hands under her flow and spraying and splashing themselves and her with her fluids, someone using it to wash her lower body and legs from the drying semen left by Slim, Pete and Julio. As her flow eased, the release of pressure from her bladder seemed to trigger her inner muscles to release the beads forced up inside her and she felt them starting to move down and out. As each large bead popped out, the men gave a cheer, watching intently between her legs. Two of the men lifted her from behind, aiming her at the men in front. They laughed and cheered as two beads popped out like cannonballs from a cannon, hitting one of the men squatting between her legs. Julie could do nothing but endure as she was twisted and turned by the men holding her as far as the ropes would allow. She had no idea how many beads had popped out and how many were left inside her. She could feel their weight as they dangled between her legs. One of the men took hold of each strand and began jerking on the string. She felt every tug as he pulled the remaining beads from her bowel and vagina, giving little short tugs that sent tingles right through her. Then, finally, the last beads were extracted and the men let Julie hang again.

"I reckon she'll be ready for fuckin' now!" she heard, then felt the soft, hot bluntness of what she knew was a penis pressing against her loosened anus. Without any hesitation, the large organ forced itself straight up into her bowel and Julie couldn't help arching and crying out as its thickness opened her painfully. As her lower body arched upwards, one of the men between her legs grabbed her thighs and slipped his penis into her pussy. She was impaled between the two men who held each other against her letting her fully feel their large organs filling her. Her skin was hot and their nude bodies felt cool pressed against her's. She felt so tiny, their large male bodies dwarfing her. Then they both began moving, drawing their long, thick penises in and out of her over-stretched holes, their hardness slipping firmly in and out of the tight, malleable openings to her body. Gradually their speed and power built, keeping in time with each other's rhythm. Julie hung between them, her body out of her control completely as the two men brought themselves to orgasm. She felt them tightening - saw the muscles of the man in front of her pump up and his stomach firm - and she knew she would soon feel them break deep inside her. As they came, both of them pushed hard up into her, holding themselves perfectly still as the pressure built in their testes. Then, both at the same time, Julie felt the wash of their ejaculations deep within her. Her own body was aflame with desire but still she didn't come. She squealed in ecstatic frustration as she felt them pounding at her.

Then they were gone, their penises pulled out and discharging the last of their semen over her body, front and back, leaving her hanging from her bonds. Julie was only vaguely aware of Don moving around, his camera trained on the slowly ebbing orgasms of the men. She hung limply, her eyes half-closed, her body nearly exhausted.

"Hey, girlie! We're not finished yet!"

Julie opened her eyes and saw two more men standing rampant in front of her. Their penises were as big as the two she had just been assailed by. They fondled themselves suggestively, their large testes swinging beneath them.

"Untie the bitch and stake her out," the larger man said and the two men who had just finished with her complied. Julie was brought down, her arms aching from being above her head for so long and her groin sore from its stretching. The two men half-carried, half-dragged her back onto the grassy area where she saw four pegs had been placed in the centre. She was dumped unceremoniously on the ground and the ropes around her wrists and ankles secured on each of the pegs. She had to close her eyes against the glare of the sun high overhead. She was splayed on her back like a starfish, her legs and arms stretched to their limit so she could not move at all.

"Looks great, doesn't she?" The speaker was near her head and she squinted up at him just in time to see his huge penis coming towards her mouth. The man grabbed her hair so she couldn't turn away and brought the sticky head of his penis to her lips. Julie recognised the tattoos on the man's belly and penis as the thick organ slipped into her mouth and began pistoning in and out of her throat. She was ready and able to adjust this time and was able to accomodate the slick flesh without gagging. She could taste the man's sticky essence - now familiar and exciting. She began working her tongue over the smooth skin of his glans each time she was able to reach it.

A dull ache between her legs told her she was going to be penetrated again. She felt herself being forced open again, the thick penis of the other man slipping into her bruised vagina, going deeper and deeper until the man was lying on top of her, his crinkly pubic hair prickling her bare mons and belly. As Dave worked himself in her mouth, so the other man kept pace in her pussy. This time, however, Julie felt her own excitement building as the penis sawed backwards and forwards over her clitoris. The tingling became so intense that the young girl could do nothing but let herself go. Her slender body stiffened then shuddered and bucked within the constraints of the ropes, the inability to move freely intensifying her orgasm. She felt her mouth filling with creamy goo and realised Dave was ejaculating into her and she sucked intensely, swallowing his discharge and enabling herself to breathe more easily. By the time Dave pulled himself out of her mouth, though, she was almost suffocating and she gasped in relief as her mouth cleared. The man's penis spewed its last few spurts onto her face but Julie hardly noticed. She was also unaware of the other man climaxing until her breathing had steadied and her own orgasm had begun to ebb. Only then did she feel the pulsating of the hardness within her vagina, its withdrawal and the hot spray onto her nude belly.

No sooner had the two men finished than another two took their places at her head and between her legs. Once again a thick, long shaft filled her mouth and vagina. The little girl was almost delirious with the continual pain/pleasure brought about by the men's constant movements and her inability to move. Hands still fondled her nipples and tweaked and pulled her tender flesh and she moaned and tried to cry out as her senses seemed to blur into a mass os sight, sound and sensation. She lost all sense of time and self, her awareness fully overtaken by the hard penises inside her. Through tear-blurred vision she could see she was surrounded by the men, all of them shouting and touching her. Fingers intruded into her anus from beneath her buttocks - others squeezed her sex and thighs or pressed over her belly and breasts. Then her mouth was once more filled with thick male essence, this time a more tart tasting gluey cream that seemed to lodge in thick globs in her throat causing her to gag and swallow convulsively. She was unaware of the other penis pulling out from her battered vagina and only dimly aware of streaks of hot slime being squirted over her chest and belly. Her ears seemed filled with the yells and cheers of the men around her as another man replaced the one between her legs, her vagina almost numb as another full hardness rammed into her.


Julie lay exhausted and bruised when the men finally stood back from her splayed body. She had lost count of how many times she had been used by them. Her body seemed not part of her anymore and her thoughts were distant and confused. She had reached several orgasms of her own in spite of the abuses her body was suffering and, deep down within her was a sense of satisfaction that she had played her part well in keeping the men interested in her for so long, and the surprising realisation that she was enjoying the abuse. She dimly heard the men talking about her, bringing her back to reality. She was aware that the sun had moved quite a distance from above her so she knew she had been staked out for quite a while as the men had used her.

"Shee-it! She's all covered in jissom! Lookee that!"

"You boys sure messed her up!"

"I reckon she needs a wash. Whadya say, boys?"

Suddenly she was splashed by hot liquid and realised the men were all urinating onto her, their forceful jets and sprays aimed at every part of her body. She gasped as the streams of water converged on her sore and bruised sex, the hot liquid both soothing and exciting as it washed over her clitoris, labia and her tender, opened core. Other men were directing their streams at her nipples and face, moving their penises so the sprays ran up and down her body. Some went in her mouth and she swallowed it to quench her parched and sticky mouth. Julie shivered in pleasure and, without even thinking about it, released her own bladder, her urine arcing up from between her legs in a steady fountain.

The men all whistled and cheered as they saw it, all of them directing their own weakening flows down her body to her pubes, shaking the last drops onto her as Julie's own flow slowly abated. Some of the men knelt either side of her, running their hands over her body and between her legs, wiping the slickened semen and urine all over her.

Finally they all leaned back, leaving her alone.

"Time we was movin' on," Slim said to the others. "Go clean up and lets get movin'."

At his words the men all whooped and hollered and ran towards the river leaving Julie tied and spreadeagled by herself, bruised, battered, covered in streaks of the semen/urine mixture rubbed over her and utterly exhausted.

There was a stillness in the clearing, the peacefullness disturbed only by the shouts and noise coming from the river as the men swam and played around. Julie didn't have the strength to raise her head, so just lay still, her eyes closed.

"Okay!!! That's it!! Fantastic!!!" Don's voice close to her made her open her eyes and she saw him rising up with his camera from between her thighs where he had obviously been filming closeups of her swollen pubes. He smiled at her as she felt her feet and wrists being untied. "You were terrific, baby!! That will be a real hit!" he enthused. Julie could only manage a weak smile, even though his words excited and pleased her. All she wanted now, though, was a hot bath, large dollops of that special gel for her tender parts, and a chance to talk more about Don's offer to go live with him and his young lover, Pete. She was slowly assisted to her feet by the lad, who was still naked. The men were all returning, smiling at her and laughing and joking amongst themselves - no longer crude and raping cowboys, but the friendly men she had travelled up with this morning. She couldn't help but look at their genitals, most now slack and dangling (although a couple were semi-erect and one - Carlos's, she realised - was erect), but they all still really large. All of them looked beautiful to her, as shagged out as she was, and all were quite different in shape and colouring. The men were all beautiful, she thought as her eyes wandered over their glistening, wet, naked bodies. And the fact that she had had every one of them and their penises in her at least once, made her feel very satisfied and sensual deep inside her. Several of the men asked her how she was or complimented her (mainly on her endurance!) and she nodded acknowledgement and appreciation as her throat was too sore to talk.

"You were terrific, Jules!" Pete told her excitedly. "I've never seen a girl so sexy and willing to do those things so easily. Wow! Are we going to have fun living together!"

He hugged her, his soft penis squashing into her bruised groin, then began walking with her back towards the house, talking animatedly as they went. Don watched them go and smiled to himself. He was the lucky one, he thought. To have two sexually willing and beautiful kids to not only star in his movies but to live with and enjoy - to have full control over - for a man with his interests, who could ask for more?!! He had no doubts Julie's mother's greed would let her willingly part with her daughter; and, once that was done...well...the possibilities were endless...and were just beginning.

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