Star, Part 5

[ MMMMMMm/g, bond, movies, pedo, w/s ]

by Pedros


Published: 17-Jun-2011

Word Count:

Author's Profile

Story Summary
This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Julie's Second Day Of Filming - Movie Number Two

Julie followed Don as he went outside onto the verandah where the men were all gathered. Don kept walking towards the barn and several men and Pete followed. Julie fell into step with Pete. He had put on a pair of ragged bib-and-brace overalls after their shower and she knew he was naked beneath the loose garment. She was wearing just the flimsy wrap Don had given to her when she was drying herself off in the shower recess. He had told her not to put on her panties. The filmy material barely covered her and was almost transparent. She'd received more than a few whistles of appreciation from the men when they had seen her, which made her feel good. Wrapped around so it just covered her nipples it only just covered her bare pubes, and as she moved, it kept flickering open at the join to give glimpses of her nudity beneath. Don had explained to her that, as the only female here, she had to keep the men aroused and interested so they would perform satisfactorally and by wearing sexy outfits this would help. Julie found she also felt rather sexy wearing it and was not self-conscious, in spite of its briefness. The men were all going to be looking at and doing things to her so if she could help Don by doing this, so be it. (He had also told her that some of the men only did things with boys and were going to use Pete instead of her and for her not to mind if those men didn't get stiff with which she'd told him that that was okay. That she'd already guessed that from some of the talk. Don seemed to be pleased about that.)

Pete was walking beside Carlos and Rick was with Don and they were still in the clothes they had worn here, although Rick had removed his singlet and wore only a faded pair of jeans while Carlos wore shorts and tee-shirt. She felt small beside the two adult men. They entered the barn and Julie looked around. There was a huge pile of straw and several stalls where horses would normally be kept. The smell was one that the girl found quite pleasant, like the smell of the annual agricultural show in the city, or a circus.

"Right. Pete. You are the stable boy and you're cleaning out the stall. Carlos, you and Rick come in and start harassing him, getting him to strip, then fucking and sucking with you guys. Julie?" Don turned towards her as she stared around the old structure, noticing the beams of sunlight making shafts through the dusty air, giving the barn an enchanted look. There were spotlights in several areas of the building, highlighting particular spots in the gloomy interior. She was listening to Don and looked at him as he spoke to her. "You're asleep in the hay and wake up when Pete yells out. You come over to help your brother and the men include you in their screwing. Everyone clear?" he asked. They all nodded. "Okay. Pete you go into the stall."

The boy moved into the stall that was lit by the spotlights. Julie thought he looked cute in the baggy coveralls, his body glistening with sweat from the heat of the lights, his hair still damp from his shower.

"Julie, we'll start with a shot of you in the hay, then pan to Pete working. Lie down on the pile there...that's it. We'll arrange that that..." Don muttered to himself as he arranged the young girl, moving her legs and rucking up the soft material she was wearing. "There. Now we can see your little pussy." He squatted beneath her and looked through his camera. "Hmmm. I can start with a close-up of your cunt, then pan back and around to get you in shot with Pete in the stall. Yeah...that's it...." He stood up. "Right people. Action!" and the second film of the day was underway.

Don knelt at Julie's feet and focused in on her bare pubes, her labia visible between her spread legs, her vagina glistening wetly under the spotlight aimed at her from the rafter. The wrap was bunched around her waist and the little girl felt herself aroused by the knowledge that Don was looking at her so closely in his camera. Even with her eyes closed, she sensed his moving back and away to bring Pete into shot as he swept the stall. The light above her faded and she knew she was no longer in camera and she sat up quietly to watch Pete performing. He looked so alone under the glare of the spotlight lighting the stall in the gloomy barn. The door had been closed to allow Don to set the mood with his lights.

"Well what have we here?" Rick said, coming into the stall and looking at Pete. The boy started and cringed when he saw the man.

Carlos came up beside his companion. "Hey, its a little playmate for us, Rick. What's your name, boy?"

"P..P...Pete..." Pete answered, looking frightened. He held the broom in front of him and looked at the two men. They lounged against the stall entrance. Julie could see very clearly from behind Don, the bright lights making everything stand out against the dark timber walls.

"Well, P...P...P...Pete," Carlos mimicked, laughing. "I'm Carlos. Me and Rick like to play with little boys. You want to play with us?" He sauntered into the light. "We know some good games to play with little boys, don't we, Rick?"

"Sure do," Rick said, following Carlos into the stall.

"Wh..wh...what do you want?" Pete stammered. moving back as the men came nearer. He looked even younger than his eleven years and much smaller than the men, thought Julie, admiring his acting.

"We just want to have some fun, Pete," Rick said. "You look hot doing that work. Why don't you take your clothes off?"

"Yeah, Petey. Let's see you do that in the raw," Carlos agreed, pulling up a crate and sitting on it, his eyes on Pete.

"" Pete looked at the men as though really scared.

"No buts, kid. Get undressed!" Rick ordered, standing with his leg up on a box.

Pete looked uncertain as he slowly unclipped one shoulder strap on the coveralls, letting it drop. The bib dropped on that side exposing the boy's nipple and immature chest. Both men whistled approval as Pete unclipped the other side, looking at them nervously as he held the bib up when the strap over his shoulder dropped, allowing the back of the coveralls to gape, exposing the rounded tops of his buttocks and the top of the cleavage between them. It was obvious the coveralls would fall to the floor when he let go of the bib and he stood there as though shy and uncertain.

"Drop 'em, Petey," Carlos said, his voice low. He rubbed his groin and gazed at the youngster standing before him.

Pete was still for a moment, his eyes going from one man to the other. Then he let go of the bib and the coveralls dropped in a heap around his feet, leaving him standing there naked. He clasped his hands in front of him as though trying to hide his genitals from the men's sight, his head bowed as though acutely embarrassed.

"Take your hands away, boy," Carlos ordered.

Pete slowly let his hands drop to his sides and the men wolf-whistled when they saw the boy's penis curving out from his bare pubes. His testes hung low and full, too big to be hidden by the youngster's penis, as large as it was. He looked absolutely beautiful standing there naked under the spotlight. Julie drew in her breath as she gazed upon him. Her eyes were drawn to his penis and testes, seeing again how large he was for a young boy, almost as big as the men she had seen so far. She loved how it looked when it was soft, hanging in front of him like a smooth, firm sausage. She had never really seen penises like that - they had usually always been stiff or semi-stiff when she was involved with them - and she wanted to touch it like that. She could see the end of his penis was covered by the tube of skin that covered his shaft, hiding the bright pink glans that was so blatant when his penis was erect. The foreskin gave his flaccid organ a tiny nose at its tip. His scrotal sac looked almost transparent in the bright light, his testicles appearing as though they were showing through the thin membrane.

"Very nice," Rick commented and Carlos grunted his agreement. "Get on with your work, boy. Let's see you swing."

Pete stepped out of his fallen garment and took up the broom. Completely naked, he began sweeping the stall floor again, his young body gleaming beneath the lights as he did as he was instructed. Quite naturally, he kept his body in such a way as to display himself to the men, and to Don's camera. Julie realised that Pete was fully in control of everything he did, whilst maintaining an air of uncertainty and shyness for the sake of the story.

The two men watched the boy, their eyes seeking out every secret inch of his body as he moved in front of them. After a few minutes, Carlos spoke. "Put the broom down, Petey, and come here."

The boy slowly did as he was told, walking shyly towards the two men, his body facing Julie and the camera. His genitals were the centre of her attention as they swung between his smooth thighs. She could see that his penis had begun to fill, the shiny tip of his glans glistening as it peeked from the stretching foreskin. He was so smooth and beautiful, she thought. She watched enthralled as Pete came up to the two men and stood before them.

Carlos reached out and took hold of the boy's penis. "You know what this is for, besides pissing?" he asked the youngster, squeezing his glans and making him squirm. Pete nodded shyly. "Its for fucking, right?" the man said. Pete nodded again. The man squeezed him harder and Pete gasped. "Wrong!" Carlos said. He turned the boy around and poked him between his buttocks. "This is for fucking!" he said and laughed, his finger prodding at Pete's anus. Rick laughed along with Carlos, moving to stand beside the nude boy. He pulled the cheeks of Pete's buttocks apart so Don could film Carlos with his finger inside the lad. Pete was acting scared and as though the finger was strange and uncomfortable inside his anus, raising up on tiptoes and struggling to escape the men's grasp, his naked body writhing under the glare of the lights.

Rick slapped him on the buttock. "Cut your squirming, boy. It'll do you no good," he growled menacingly. "We're gonna fuck this tight little arse of your's whether you let us or not. So you might as well stop your struggling and enjoy it. Right, Carlos?"

"Right on, man. What you reckon, Petey? You gonna stop the fighting?" He let go of the boy's penis and put his hand over his smooth belly, pulling him back towards him until he either had to sit on the man's leg or fall over. He sat awkwardly on the man's knee. Julie could see that his penis had stiffened more with Carlos's handling and it now stuck out from Pete's groin in a curving arc. The pink glans was fully uncovered.

"Pheeew!" whistled Rick. "The boy's gettin' a boner, Carlos. Looks like he likes to fool around. Do you, boy?"

"Aww...please, mister...I don't...what do you...?" Pete stammered, trying still to escape the hands of the men as they stroked him.

"We're just gonna have some fun with you, boy. You ever seen a man's dick?" Rick asked, unbuttoning his jeans.

Pete squirmed on Carlos's lap, the dark man's hands frisking his penis into full erection and holding him tight against him. He looked at the man standing before him. "," he stuttered, shaking his head.

"Well you're gonna see a couple of beauties. What do you think of this." He dropped his jeans to his knees exposing his awesome manhood to Pete. Julie stared at it. It was the biggest one she had seen so far, even bigger than Ahmed's last week. It was probably as long, but it was as thick as Dave's which made the shaft of hard man-flesh seem even bigger. It thrust out thick-veined and angry looking from a dark bush of hair at the base of Rick's flat, taut belly. His testes were tight, a smooth bulge beneath his penis that accented the thick column of flesh above. Julie could see the flared head glistening with leakage and felt herself tingle between her legs as she gazed at it. She doubted she was going to manage to get that monster inside her...but thought it was certainly going to be exciting trying. She was wet between her legs from watching Peter and she felt a tickle down the inside of her thigh. She unconsciously wiped it on the hem of her wraparound, her hand remaining pressed between her thighs.

"You're gonna suck that thing," Carlos said, pushing Pete to his knees on the floor in front of him. The boy raised his head and looked up at the man standing above him. Rick reached down and took a handful of Pete's hair and pulled the boy up until he was almost standing, his face level with the tip of his penis. He pulled Pete towards him, rubbing the slick end of his erection over the boy's face and mouth then forcing it between his lips. Julie saw Pete open wide to take the swollen head into his mouth and she could almost taste the salty tang of his pre-cum in her own mouth. Her mouth was dry and her breathing quickened as she watched Pete begin fellating the man.

Carlos stood up and dropped his shorts, lifting his bare feet out of them whilst pulling his tee-shirt off. Julie was amost over-come with awe when she saw the big man's nude body. He was a rich, coppery colour all over, muscles rippling beneath his satiny skin at every movement. His chest and shoulders were broad, his nipples almost black on his bulging pectoral muscles. His belly was like a wash-board, hard and rippled with muscle, his navel a neat protrusion from which a line of crinkly black hair descended downwards to a neat, triangular bush of pubic hair at his groin. His penis was like a small trunk, almost purplish in colour and arcing out from the base of his belly, the glans exposed and pink at its end, swollen and glistening with its collar of black foreskin ringing the coronal rim. The dark penal skin had a sheen like silk along its length and large veins wriggled each side, one running up over the top surface towards the crown. Beneath, hanging in a pouch that had the same silken sheen and looked to be as soft as that same material, swung two enormous testicles, the size and shape of large hen eggs. On the side of each teste, Julie could see what looked to be a tangle of tubing that ran into the man's scrotum and up into his groin. Carlos's scrotum was completely devoid of hair, as bare as Pete's. She was fascinated by it as it swung between the man's smooth thick thighs.

Carlos knelt behind Pete, leaning forward and spreading the boy's buttocks. Then he pressed his face into the cleavage and Julie saw Pete jerk as he did so. She angled around to look over Don's shoulder as the film maker zoomed in. She saw Carlos move back slightly, then watched as he licked around Pete's anus, his tongue smearing spittle all around the anal area before prodding and poking at the pink inner flesh of the boy's wrinkled sphincter. The man brought his finger up and used it to further tease the tight opening, slowly pressing inwards until it finally entered the boy. Pete gave a muffled cry and tried to pull back from the penis now filling his mouth, but Rick kept him held firmly to him. Carlos began sliding his finger in and out of Pete's anus and Julie watched, remembering how it had felt when Pete had done it to her just a short time earlier. She knew what he was experiencing and realised she would change places with him, now. She had ended up enjoying the sensations that had been caused by the man and boy both using her together. Now it was Pete's turn.

Carlos moved and Julie's attention was drawn to him as he knelt back from Pete. She stared when she saw that his penis had stiffened and now stood horizontally from his groin. It was so long and thick, it looked as though its weight kept it from sticking upwards. Julie was flabbergasted! She suddenly realised she had no real idea of how big men's penises could be. She had thought the men last Saturday, Ken, Ahmed and Joet, were big; and that Pete was nearly as big as them. Then she'd seen Rick's; and now Carlos and she realised that men came in all shapes and sizes and colours! Carlos's penis was as long as her forearm and as thick as her wrist. It looked smooth and hard, yet had a softness about its appearance created by the satiny look of the skin that covered it. It didn't look veined and angry like Rick's, nor was it quite as large. The glans was streamlined, coming off the end of the shaft like the head of a missile, its pink colour contrasting starkly to the dark of the shaft. It bobbed in front of the black man as he took hold of Pete's hips and slid his arm around underneath the boy's belly and lifted him into a kneeling position, raising his buttocks up level with his erection. Then he slowly brought the squirming, grunting boy back towards him, his penis coming against the pale pink wetness of his anus. Pete struggled more when he felt the huge organ pressing against him, Carlos pushing inwards and his penis bending as its blunt head tried to penetrate the tight sphincter. Rick kept Pete's mouth held on his erection in spite of the boy's muffled cries and struggling; and then Pete jerked back in pain as the huge organ behind him finally spread his anal muscle and dug into his bowel. As he jerked back he clenched his mouth and Rick pulled back with a curse as his teeth grazed the man's tender flesh.

"What the fuck??!" he cried out as Pete gave a loud cry and tore himself away from his tormentors, standing facing them both, his back to the stable wall, as if uncertain as to what to do next.

"Cut!! That was fantastic!" called Don - and Julie gave a start, his call breaking into her fascination at what was happening before her; and bringing back the realisation that it was a film that they were making...that it was all an act.


"Everybody clear on their roles?"

Julie nodded, along with the three others. Don had just run through the next part of the film, giving his instructions as to how he wanted it to proceed. Julie found herself tingling between her legs as she heard what was in store for her. Looking at the two men and boy standing beside her, her heart skipped a beat and her stomach tightened. They were all still naked and still aroused, the three penises thrusting up looking at her, she thought, when she looked at them, all wanting either her or Pete; and all of them were going to be spurting semen in the next few minutes. That thought almost made her come. She was fascinated by the way men came, the spurting itself was highly exciting to her, watching or feeling the organ jerking and ejaculating was as stimulating to her as being physically aroused. And in this movie, Rick's huge penis was going to be coming inside her. She looked at it again, still uncertain as to whether it was going to fit inside her.

"No problem," Rick said, looking at her. She wondered whether he was answering Don, or whether he could read her thoughts, and she blushed. The man put his arm around her. "Don't worry, honey. You'll love it. All the kids do." Then he went back to his place in the stall as Pete and Carlos had done.

Julie went back to her pile of straw and lay back down on it, her flimsy wrap rucked up around her waist to expose her nudity beneath as though she had been sleeping restlessly. She watched Don focussing in on her again. She looked over to the stall and saw Carlos, Rick and Pete had all taken the positions they had been in when Don had called 'Cut!'. She noticed they all still had their erections and thought that that was why these men and Pete were used. It seemed as though they got erections 'on cue' and were able to sustain them for a long time. Her own excitement seemed to be kept up within her by her thoughts and what she saw and felt. Maybe it was just the same for them, she thought. Maybe it was easy for a man to keep stiff? Maybe it was as Don had said - that she could keep them aroused by her flimsy dressing, wearing no panties, being 'innocently provocative' was his description. And Pete would have that same effect on the men who liked boys, she thought. He certainly has it on me! she added, feeling that now familiar, yet always exciting, little burst of tingling running deep within her.

"Okay, everyone. Action!"

Don's call brought her out of her thinking. She closed her eyes and pretended to be asleep. She knew Don had started filming her. She heard Pete cry out and opened her eyes as though startled from sleep. She looked around then jumped up, her wrap coming undone and dropping to the straw leaving her naked. She looked towards the stall and yelled out for help when she saw what was happening to her 'brother'. She knew the camera was going to stay on her and she had to act as though she was going to get help for Pete. She bent down to pick up the wrap and tried to cover her nakedness as she turned to run for help.

Suddenly she was grabbed from behind and her wrap jerked out of her hands. She found herself lifted off the ground by Rick and he carried her by an arm and her leg into the stall and into the light. Her body was fully exposed to the camera, her legs spread open by the way Rick carried her and his hands touched her intimately as she struggled in his grasp.

"Lookee what I've got here!" he said, bringing her into the light and holding her in front of Carlos and Pete.

"You leave my sister alone!" Pete cried out, running up and trying to hit Rick, but Carlos stood up and grabbed him pulling him into him.

"Whoa there, young spunky! So this is your sister? You kids always run around without your clothes on?" he chuckled, his hand flat on Pete's belly pressing the boy against him. "Looks like you do. She's a pretty one, ain't she?" he said to Rick, looking at the girl struggling in his arms.

"Spunky little bitch!" Rick said, the hand holding her leg suddenly slipping up between her thighs. "She's nice and wet in the cunt already!" he exclaimed. "Horny little bugger like her brother!"

Julie felt her pussy tingling as the man probed her. She was really wet! She could feel her own slickness.

"You better let her go!" Pete yelled, struggling to get away from Carlos.

"Or what?" the big dark man asked him. "You gonna beat me up?" and he laughed. "We're just gonna have some fun, bro. Seems a shame to waste these hard-ons!"

"Yeah!" agreed Rick. "You ever fucked your sister, boy?"

Pete went quiet, looking down at his feet, as though embarrassed. Carlos took him under the chin and lifted his face back up.

"Rick's talkin' to you, boy. You ever fucked your sister?"

Pete shook his head. "No," he said softly.

"I'd like to see you do it," Rick said. "You can get your sis ready for my big dick. What do you reckon?"

"Sounds a great idea!" agreed Carlos, his hand dropping to Pete's penis. He took hold of the hard shaft. "I reckon your sister would like to have this in her little pussy, don't you?" Pete squirmed under the man's touch. "Wouldn't you like to fuck her? Look at her pussy, boy. Pull it open so the kid can see, Rick. I bet you'd like to put this dick inside that!"

Julie felt awkward, hung up by the way she was, her head dangling and her body splayed out by the weight of her dangling limbs. Rick held her with his hand coming in between her legs from behind and he spread her sex open with his fingers, her weight forcing her silken flesh to puff out between them. It felt very sexy and she wriggled under his touch. "I know I'm gonna," he said and Julie saw his huge erection bobbing beneath her. Again, she wondered what it was going to feel like, being filled by that thick shaft.

"I bet young Petey here has never had a fuck. That right, buddy?" Carlos said, pulling the boy's foreskin back from his glans. "You never had this up a girl's pussy yet, hey?" Pete struggled, his body squirming erotically against the big man's powerful erection, the whole scene being captured by Don's camera as he moved around them. The two children struggled as Don wanted them to, the two men making sure the camera saw all of the action.

Rick kicked a bale of straw into the centre of the stall, still holding Julie under his arm. He grabbed a horse blanket from the wall and threw it over the bale, then dropped Julie onto it on her back, kneeling as he lowered her and holding her so she couldn't escape. The rug was prickly against her skin, but she was breathing heavily, knowing that she was about to be fucked, She kept her legs wide apart whilst still managing to appear as though she was struggling to escape.

"Okay, boy. Let's see you put it to your sister!" the man leered at Pete and Carlos stood up, dragging Pete reluctantly to a position between her legs. She could see the boy was excited and she looked at the penis that she enjoyed most out of them all - mainly because it had been her first. She was still surprised at how big Peter was, even though he hadn't any pubic hair. The men were bigger, of course, but not when it came to comparison to age or development. She thought Carlos might be proportionally bigger, but he was the only one so far. Rick's penis was sticking out over her body, his testes dangling just above her face as he leaned over her to hold her thighs open. She could smell his maleness and she found it intoxicating, the smell of his arousal, his sweat and the touch of cologne underlying it all. She felt his hands at the top of her thighs, his thumbs at the edge to her sex and pulling her open.

"Boy, Petey. Look at your sister! She's got a sweet looking little pussy, hasn't she?" she heard Carlos say. She couldn't see what was happening because of Rick's body obstructing her view. But she could imagine.

"Let me go!" Pete cried out defiantly. "Ooow!!"

Julie felt the boy between her legs and he fell half over Rick and her, his arms taking his weight. She was pulled wider open by Rick. Carlos had obviously pushed Pete forward and Julie anticipated the feel of his smooth erection coming into her and let herself relax inside. But the men weren't ready just yet.

"Jesus, Carlos. This kid's got a sweet looking cunt," Rick said, his fingers probing her. "Why don't you try her? You might like it."

"You know I like boys," Carlos replied. "I'm gonna fuck this one." He smacked Pete on the buttock and the boy cursed.

"What if you went in her while Petey's in her? That'd be a real turn-on. Might give the little sister a bit of a thrill, too. I reckon it could fit two cocks in it!"

"You reckon we'd fit? She looks pretty tight to me."

"Naaah! She's big enough. I've seen more pussy's than you have. Trust me."

Julie listened to the two men talking, their fingers pulling and poking at her as they inspected her. It was as though she and Pete weren't there. Of course, that's what the film was about - their rape by these two men. But she hadn't heard Don say anything about Carlos having a go with her -especially while Pete was inside her! She had no comprehension of what that might feel like. But it sounded tough! And scarily exciting!

"Could be fun," Carlos said. "Come on, boy. Stick it in your sister."

Julie felt Pete at her vaginal opening, his slick glans slipping easily into her moistness. She drew in her breath as the wonderful feel of his shaft slid into her, sending tingling sensations deep into her belly. Then he was pressed against her bare buttocks and she could feel his hairless, hard pubic mound against her own soft flesh, his solid penis filling her passage. Her arms automatically went around his bare back.

"Pull it backwards and forwards, Petey. Fuck your little sister," Rick said, his hand going to Julie's breast and fondling her nipple. The young girl felt her body responding, tightening as Peter began to move himself within her. The delicious feel of him sliding up and down inside her built her excitement rapidly and she began gasping for breath and giving soft cries each time the boy pushed inwards. "She's loving it! See if you can get in as well, Carlos."

Julie was only vaguely aware of Pete's movements slowing and of Rick's words. She was unaware of Don as he moved into position to catch all of the action on the film. She was so close to reaching orgasm that her whole concentration was on her body's sensations, especially the feelings between her legs. A sudden sharp pain made her cry out and open her eyes. Her vision was blurred under the bright lights, but she was aware of Rick standing astride her and leaning towards her lower body, his long penis almost touching her breasts, his testes swaying above her mouth. The pain struck again between her legs and she lifted her head and looked down at herself. Pete was half leaning on her, his weight on his arms and to the side of Rick's body. Beyond him, she could see Carlos, his eyes looking down between Pete's legs and a look of concentration on his face. She felt a deeper pain and suddenly realised that the man was trying to put his huge organ into her alongside Pete's.

"No!" she cried out in both pain and alarm as she felt herself being stretched apart, so widely that she felt as though she was going to tear. "Its hurting," she gasped and began struggling. Rick pressed himself down onto her and she had his testes pressed against her mouth, muffling her cries. Tears sprang to her eyes as she was stretched until she thought she could take no more.

"Jeeze! She's tight!" Carlos exclaimed as he forced the swollen head of his shaft into the slight gap he had made with his fingers between Pete's penis and Julie's vagina. He felt himself sliding ever so slowly under the boy's embedded shaft, the feel of the boy more exciting to him than the tightness of the girl. Pete's testicles were resting on the top of Carlos's shaft as the man burrowed in between his legs. Slowly, forcefully, he pressed his glans into the young girl's vagina, feeling her grunting and trying to squirm away from him; but unable to move with the three of them all over her. She suddenly gave a loud cry as Carlos pressed even harder and his thick shaft forced into her. He could only get the first inch or so before she became so tight he could go no further. His penis had a narrow head, his organ widening towards the base, enabling him to get the first part in. The man stood straighter, his penis curving upwards beneath Pete until it was nestled between the boy's buttocks, the youngster's balls pressed upwards by his rod. He put his arms around Pete, his hands stroking across the boy's flat belly and up over his hips. "Fuck her, buddy," he said into Peter's ear. "Fuck your little sister and bring me off too."

Pete began moving himself again inside Julie, his penis squeezed tightly by the man's spongy glans and Julie's distended vagina. The feel of his balls dragging along Carlos's shaft and the man's hardness pressing against the valley of his buttocks added to his building climax. His movements slowly increased and he could hear Carlos starting to moan in his ear. Julie was also now crying with the sounds he knew were of arousal instead of pain and he dug himself deeper into her. It took him only a few more thrusts before his body spasmed and he began pumping his seed into the young girl.

Carlos felt Peter coming and the boy's climax triggered his own. He let the first tingling ejaculation spurt into Julie, flooding her cavity with his thick cream, then, for Don's camera, he pulled himself out and squirted his next bursts over the boy's smooth buttocks.

When Carlos pulled out of her, Julie was aware of his powerful spurt into her and she could feel Peter's penis throbbing and the flush of his semen deep within her. The man's sudden withdrawal triggered her orgasm and she bucked beneath her young lover as Rick squeezed her breasts and pressed his maleness down over her face. His testes squashed over her nose and mouth and she opened her lips to breathe, her tongue pushing up against his soft skin to make a passage for air to get to her. One of the slippery balls slid into her open mouth and she had to turn her head to stop from choking. All the while her body was shuddering in orgasm, uncontrollable and intense. She was dimly aware of Pete pulling out of her, his fingers teasing her clitoris and he squirted his final spurts onto her belly so Don could film him coming.

As her climax ebbed, Julie became aware of the men on her, feeling Rick's hard shaft pressing onto her chest, Peter pulling back from her vulva and hands stroking her legs, thighs and breasts. She could see nothing but the crevice between Rick's buttocks, his anal pucker directly above her eyes, the smooth, firm roundness of his buttocks gleaming under the bright lights like two half moons. She noticed the fine down covering his skin caught the light and gave his body a bright sheen. Then the man stood up and moved from over her and she looked down her body at the man and boy between her spread legs. Pete's sperm streaked her belly like thick snail trails and she saw his penis had softened and was lying on her pubic mound, a droplet of his greyish semen oozing from the tube of his foreskin. Again she was fascinated as how his organ seemed to withdraw into its skin as it softened, the red glans completely hidden giving his penis a smooth, rather delicate look, in spite of its size.

She looked past him and saw Carlos move from behind Pete. His penis had also lost its hardness and curved out like a thick black trunk from his lower belly. A thread of sperm glistened as it dangled from its tip. When he moved away, Peter turned and followed Carlos as he went back to the box and Julie saw the man's discharge in shiny streaks all over Pete's back and buttocks. As her eyes followed her young lover, she was aware of Rick moving down towards her legs and she looked at him as he came up between them.

"My turn," he said, looking at her open, reddened sex. "Your brother and Carlos have made you ready for this," and he held his huge erection out to her. Then he bent it downwards, directing it towards her vagina.

Julie caught her breath as she felt him touch her. Her body tingled at his touch and she looked at the swollen knob rubbing over her skin. She still couldn't believe that the man's penis would fit in her, it was so much bigger than any other she had seen. But she was also highly excited and anticipating the man driving into her young body.

Rick took hold of Julie's legs behind her knees and raised them up to his hips, lifting her buttocks off the straw bale. Then he used his hips to manipulate his penis into her bare sex, maneuvering it so that the glans began to force its way into her opening, still gaping from its earlier invasion. Julie was slick with Pete's and Carlos's juices and her own lubricant still flowed, allowing Rick to slide into her tightness.

Julie caught her breath, her teeth clenched as she felt herself being stretched again, as much as when Pete and Carlos were in her together. There was no pain this time, though. Just a feeling of being filled with something large and solid, a feeling of being opened deeper and deeper inside her that caused very different sensations in her belly. She could even feel her belly swelling up as Rick pressed in further and further. Then there was a pain deep inside her...a pain she had felt before and recognised. The penis was at the entrance to her womb and trying to force its way inside. She looked down and saw there were still several inches of Rick's penis outside her body and she began to feel scared. It all wouldn't fit! If he tried, it was going to hurt! Bad!! She felt herself stiffening, waiting for the man to suddenly inflict extreme pain on her. But to her surprise (and relief), he began withdrawing, the fullness of him inside her sending exquisite sensations to her very core. She could feel the rim of his glans as it rippled its way along her vagina, stopping just before she felt it was going to be squeezed out of her. Then it began slipping back into her depths again until it pressed against her cervix and retreated slowly once again.

Julie looked up at Rick, seeing the concentration on his face as he began to fuck her. He was being careful not to hurt her, she realised; and keeping himself visible to Don's camera as he slowly pumped himself towards orgasm. Once the fear of being hurt was removed, Julie let herself go with the man's movements and felt her excitement building. Rick began moving faster and pressing harder into her and Julie felt twinges of pain that only seemed to spur her orgasm on.

Then suddenly Rick stabbed inwards, his body going rigid and his penis felt like a rod of hot iron as it forced her cervix open. Julie gave a shrill shriek before being overwhelmed by the feel of her insides being flushed by several forceful spurts of the man's semen. The feel of his hardness jerking deep inside her, deeper than any man had gone so far, caused Julie to freeze. She felt that she would be torn open if she moved. All she could do was hold herself still which, she suddenly found out, allowed her to feel every twitch and spurt of the penis buried inside her. It was like nothing she had ever felt excitement beyond any she had so far experienced; and it triggered an orgasm so deep within her it was as though her whole insides were rippling and waving right through her body. Wave after wave of pleasure washed over her and she wanted Rick deeper inside her. She thrust her hips upwards, even though she felt as though she was being split wide open, her body trying to devour the instrument causing it so much pleasure.

"Whoooo!!! Lookit your sister go!" she vaguely heard Carlos calling out. Her awareness was centred firmly between her legs.

It took her several minutes to come back into reality and, when she did, she found the two men and Peter all stroking her body, which was covered in sperm and sweat. She still had a fullness between her legs and looked down to see Rick was still inside her, although his penis was no longer hard. She could feel him slowly sliding out of her as he slackened.

She smiled up drowsily at Pete and ran her hands down over her wet body, ending up with them touching her tender sex.

"Okay! Fantastic!! That's another one down!" Don was suddenly kneeling beside her and smiling at her. "You okay, honey?" he asked gently. "That was so exciting! Goddamn!! We'll make a fortune with you."

"She's pretty hot stuff, all right," Rick said, pulling himself slowly out of her with a sloppy 'plop' and wiping himself on a towel Don had given him. She felt him gently wiping her when he had finished himself. The stable smelt strongly of sex now, as well as its 'country' flavour.

"She sure is," Carlos added, tousling her hair. "Although I still prefer young Petey here," and he hugged the young boy who leaned back against the man affectionately.

"Are you okay?" Don asked her again, a touch of concern in his voice.

Julie sat up warily and looked down at herself, raising her knees up so she could see between her legs. She cautiously pulled herself open and upwards and looked at her glistening redness. She was quite tender and worried that having both Pete and Carlos inside her might have torn her skin. But she was okay, much to her relief. The three men were all inspecting her as she did, looking at her spread pussy and all concerned they might have caused damage to the youngster. Julie couldn't help but feel a thrill when she noticed them all looking at her pussy. She stroked around her labia provocatively, spreading what little remained of the ointment she had used earlier, feeling its effects immediately, soothing and easing the tenderness. Her clitoris was still quite hard and sensitive, sticking out from the top of her labia and she stroked it absently, gradually relieving its sensitivity.

"A bit sore and tired," she answered, looking around at Don. "But okay. That was nice," she said to her three co-stars. "Thank you for not hurting me," she added to Rick.

"Rick's had a lot of experience with young girls like you," Don said as he stood up. "He knows I don't like him hurting you and he knows just how far to go." He looked down at her. "You don't need to worry, Julie. All the men I use are very good at what they do. They won't ever go too far. You're too precious!"

Julie felt warm all over at Don's words. It was almost as though she was a real Hollywood Star! She was 'too precious'! Mum was going to be really pleased with her. She sat up as the others began to gather their things. Don tossed her her wrap and she pressed it between her legs. She was achieving what she wanted much quicker than she had ever thought possible. She and mum were going to be rich!!

"Okay. We'll break for a couple of hours for clean-up, lunch and a rest period," Don said to them all. "We've got the big one this afternoon so our little 'Stars' here need to get themselves revitalised." He then turned and walked out of the barn, Rick and Carlos with him.

"Boy!" Julie said, looking at Pete. "There's still another one?"

"We've got all the others to do it with yet," Pete said, his eyes twinkling. "Being a star is hard work, you know." He laughed. "But I like it all and I think you do too."

Julie smiled at him. "You know what? You're right. I am enjoying it. I reckon I can see why my mum likes working on the streets, having all those different men. You are all very different," she told him.

"Its taken you this long to realise that?" Pete asked her cheekily. "Wait until after this afternoon. There'll be even more differences to discover. Come on. Lets get cleaned up and go exploring by the river before lunch. Hey! Why don't we go and have a swim? We can clean up and explore at the same time!" He looked at her excitedly.

"Great!" Julie said and took Pete's hand. "Come on. I'll race you."


Don, standing on the verandah, watched the two naked children running down towards the river, their bodies glistening and beautiful in the sunlight. The other men stopped talking and watched as well. "They're beautiful kids, aren't they?" he heard someone comment.

"They sure are," he said softly. And I am sure lucky to have them as my stars, he thought, the sounds of their shrieking and splashing as they jumped into the cold water the sounds of children really happy with their lot. He turned into the cabin to check his supplies for the afternoon and to see how the food was coming on. He wondered how Julie's mother would react when he asked her whether her daughter could move into his mansion with him and Pete.

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The writing about the sex is a wee bit mechanical and I have never found violence anything other than a complete turn off, even simulated violence as in these stories. So I have to give this series a definite 'no'.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.