Star, Part 4

[ MMMMMMm/g, bond, movies, pedo, w/s ]

by Pedros


Published: 16-Jun-2011

Word Count:

Author's Profile

Story Summary
This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

The bus was crowded and Julie watched the scenery flashing past as they drove along the highway. Her heart was beating firmly in her chest and she felt nervous and excited at the same time. Her mum had been overjoyed when she had picked her up from the studio last Saturday and seen the size of the cheque she had earned in her first day of filming. The money had certainly made a difference to their lives and their relationship already. She had a nice lot of new clothes, as did her mum, and her mother looked after her better, probably only because she realised that her little girl could make their fortunes if she was looked after properly. Her mother didn't hit her once during the week and didn't pick on her at all. She also stayed home and didn't go out on the streets at night...the first week that that had happened for as long as Julie could remember.

Her mum hadn't talked much about what went on at the studio. She asked about the cream Don had given her and checked that Julie used it several times a day, which the young girl did, rubbing the soothing ointment around her sore pubes and bruised nipples and feeling them lose their tenderness almost immediately. The cream also seemed to soften her skin and kept her moist 'down there', something Julie rather enjoyed - it was as though she was always aroused and she could feel herself all slippery when she walked or even just moved her legs, she could feel her sexuality like she had never had before. Maybe, now she had had sex, it was just that she was more aware of what was between her legs and was more conscious of the feelings this part of her anatomy could arouse within her. Her mum never asked her the specifics of what she had done, what the films were about or who she had had sex with; but she did ask whether Julie had been hurt and whether she had liked it or not. It was the first time Julie had felt that her mother was concerned about her. When she had answered that she wasn't really sure; that there were things she really liked and some she wasn't too certain about, her mother had just smiled and patted her knee and said she should always just remember the pay at the end of it. That is what she did when she was on the streets; and Julie would find she would enjoy anything if the money was enough. So her mother wasn't really concerned about her - just the money. But she realised that that was okay by her.

As the week went on, Julie found herself getting quite excited when she thought about the coming Saturday. She had no idea what films Don had planned; but she knew she was going to be with more men and was going to be looked at, touched and penetrated by them and this knowledge made her whole body tingle. She might also get to do it with Peter again like last Saturday. She sort of hoped that might happen. Although, as Saturday got closer and closer, she found her thoughts drifting to the larger penises of the older men, how big they were and how they filled her and made her a little bit scared. And she also wondered what sort of new things she might learn. Her young mind was filled with a myriad of thoughts that, at times, became overwhelming. A couple of times she had tried to talk to her mum about them, but her mother was enjoying their newfound wealth too much to want to sit down and talk. She had 'too much to do', so Julie decided just to let the days pass without any worry and she would just do what was required when the time came.

And now Saturday was here and her new working day already begun. Her mother had taken her around to the studio at eight-thirty and Don had met her at the door. He told her mother they were going into the country for the day and he would bring Julie home to her house when they got back. He told her mum not to worry as they might be late. Julie's mum had a date so she didn't mind what time they returned. She just told Julie to 'be a good girl' and reminded her that Don was 'the boss' and she was to do what she was told; and then she left. Don had taken Julie around to the back of the studio where she was surprised to see a bus, loaded up with Don's film-gear and some food hampers in the back; and a group of men and Peter.

Julie was excited at seeing Peter again and he gave her a broad grin, his eyes running over her in her short skirt and western-style shirt and boots. He was in similar casual gear and Julie thought how handsome he looked. She felt a flutter in her lower belly as she thought of doing it again with the young boy sometime today. At least she hoped she would. Then her attention went to the other men as Don introduced them. None of the men she had been with last Saturday were there and she looked shyly at her new co-stars.

"Honey, I'd like you to meet the guys," Don had said. "Tony, Dave, Jerry, Rick, Carlos, Julio and you already know Peter. Guys, this is Julie." Julie had smiled nervously at each of the men as Don said their names. She felt quite small standing there in front of them all. Their eyes appraised her and she noticed Carlos and Julio put hands in their pockets to rearrange themselves as they looked at her. Tony was a tall, dark-haired man with a tanned, outdoors look and friendly blue eyes. Dave was blonde and about eighteen or so and looked to be the youngest apart from Peter. He was a muscular young man and wore a singlet and shorts that showed off his body. He had a small, brightly coloured dragon tattooed on each arm and Julie was surprised to see a tattoo on his thigh going up under the leg of his shorts and more tattoos peeking out from the top of his singlet. Jerry was as tall and athletic looking as the man standing beside him, Rick, although he was light-haired while Rick was dark. They both had similar builds, both muscular but slender and lithe rather than Dave's more obvious pumped up muscular look. Carlos and Julio were either negro or Puerto Rican...Julie found it hard to distinguish them. Maybe they were a mix, she decided. They were both big men, taller than any of the others and their shoulders were broad tapering to slim waists and hips, yet they moved around with an easy grace like dancers or gymnasts. She felt butterflies in her tummy as she looked at each man and realised that she would be having sex with them in front of the camera during the next few hours.

The men seemed not to be aware of her nervousness...or just ignored it...greeting and smiling at her and getting on with packing the bus, but she noticed their eyes running over her each time she glanced their way. They were no doubt weighing her up as a sex partner.

"Hi. Julie. Nervous?"

She started as Peter spoke. He was standing beside her. She smiled at him and nodded, suddenly feeling awkward and shy.

"You don't need to be," Peter leaned forward and said softly. "You were fantastic last week and Don told me you were the best he's had yet. He's got big plans for you." He smiled reassuringly.

"But...they're all" she began to him.

"Big?" Peter suggested for her. "They are, don't worry. Don only has guys with big ones in his films."

Julie blushed and grinned. She slapped his arm playfully, his words breaking her concern. "I didn't mean it that way," she protested. "But I guess you're right. They can't be any bigger than Ahmed, though," she added. "Can they?"

Peter laughed. "You'll soon find out. Come on. Let's get on board," and he clambered in to the bus, Julie following.

And now here they all were, on their way to a property owned by one of Don's financial backers where the day's filming was going to be done. The men were all friendly and all took a turn at sitting beside and talking to her and to each other. The mood was light and breezy, although every now and then, something would be said or suggested that kept a subtle air of sexuality simmering in the background. The men touched her when they talked to her or moved around in the bus, their hands on her shoulders, head or thigh as they came near. When they sat next to her, they patted her bare thigh or rubbed her arm as they spoke to her, most of them letting their fingers slip up under her skirt on the inside of her thighs, but only Carlos actually touched her panties. She had jumped but said nothing and he just looked at her and smiled before he got up and left. Several times she turned to reply to someone only to find herself eye-level with someone else's groin as they brushed past her to move through the bus. They seemed to always turn themselves towards her as they brushed past, too. But within a short time of travelling, she was feeling more relaxed. She had spoken with all of the men and they all seemed to treat her like a little sister, trying to put her at ease. She was still nervous because they were all so big and she felt crowded by them around her, and she knew that they were all here for one thing. They were all going to use her in some way or another and, if she wanted her pay cheque, she would do whatever they desired.

Finally they reached the property. It was an isolated farm set in the beautiful surrounds of lush hills and a small river meandering through the valley between. The riverbed was sandy and the water clear. The whole area was covered in soft, green grass that appeared like a lawn. The area around the old farmhouse (which was more like a cabin) was cleared, with only a couple of large trees at the rear and an old barn off to the side. The land sloped gently towards the river. It was private and idyllic and Julie thought how beautiful it all was. It looked like a set out of an old Western movie.

The men all got out and began unloading the equipment from the bus. Julie wandered around the yard looking at the unfamiliar countryside. She rarely went into the country and it was exciting. Peter wandered over to her.

"Pretty, hey," he commented. "We've done a few films out here. I love it. It also feels good to get your gear off and do it out in the open."

Julie suddenly blushed. She hadn't thought about that. She'd never been naked outdoors and she'd certainly never done 'it' outside - Goodness! She'd only just started doing 'it' last week so she knew she had a whole lot of things to experience yet. She shivered in excitement at the thought. It could be a lot of fun. She was suddenly very conscious of herself 'down there'; and found she was looking forward to having the men do things to her.

"Hey, Julie?" She turned at Rick's call. "We're ready to get started, honey. Don wants you to come into the house so we can get organised."

Pete grinned at her. "Well. There's six horny guys waiting in there for their star," he said. "You should have heard them talking about you when you weren't near back in the city." He looked at her cheekily. "Getting wet in the pussy?"

"You're disgraceful!" Julie laughed, smacking his arm. "Are you stiff yet?" she retorted.

Pete made a playful grab under her skirt and Julie squealed. Rick's call for them to get moving as he went into the house, stopped the situation from going any further and they both ran towards the doorway.

The men were all lounging in the large open room that was the old homestead. Julie looked around her as she and Pete entered. There were no walls inside, just a big, open area divided into various sections by the furniture placed in each part. The wall opposite her from the doorway was a plate window running the full length of the house, allowing a spectacular view over the gardens sloping down towards the river with the hills in the background. She stared out at the view. It was like a picture postcard. Then her eyes were drawn to a group of lights set up around a large bed near the window, just beyond the lounge area. The bed was covered in an off-white quilt that draped floorlength over each side. There were no pillows and it was obviously a set for one of the films. Julie felt a thrill run through her and her heart began beating a little harder. This was it. This was what they had all come to this beautiful place for. This was her career. She felt the room quieten and her attention went to the others in the room. They were all looking at her and smiling. Her eyes went to Don. He was looking at her expectantly and she realised he had spoken to her.

"Uh...I'm sorry, Don. Did you say something?" she said embarrassedly.

"I just asked if that met with your satisfaction," he replied. The little girl looked confused. "I was explaining the procedure for the day. Weren't you listening?" He gave a sigh, realising she had only just arrived. "We've got three films to get through today so we'll need to keep on track. The first one will be with you, Pete and Dave." Julie looked at the man as he turned and winked at her. Pete nudged her and grinned. "Then Pete, Carlos and Julio will do a mainly gay film with you in it as well. Then we get to the main film which I'll explain later. Okay?" The young girl nodded, getting slightly nervous now the time had arrived. "We'll do the first film in here," Don continued. "You guys can watch if you want," he said to the other men, then took Dave, Pete and Julie aside.

"Right now. Here's the plot. Julie, you come onto the bed where Dave is sleeping. You pull back the covers and have a good look at him. He wakes up and you start fiddling around together and then he fucks you. Pete catches you and decides to join in. Simple as that," he said and smiled. "Well...almost," he added. Julie looked at him quizzically and he gave her a squeeze. "You'll find out, sweetheart. Just do as good as last week and you'll get another bonus. I expect great things from my little star." He walked over towards the bed.

"Okay, kiddos. Lets get this show on the road," Dave said, following Don.

Pete squeezed her hand. "I think you'll like it with Dave," he said. "Wait 'til you see his body. I hope you'll like what I'll do, too. I've really been looking forward to this ever since we did it last Saturday."

Julie looked at him coyly and blushed at the memory of his love-making. She had often thought about it and him during the week and to know he had thought of her made her feel special. "I'm looking forward to doing it with you again," she told him. "It was nice."

"Looks like they're ready for you. Better go over," he said, patting her buttocks.

Julie went over to the bed. Dave was lying under a sheet and the other men were all standing behind Don watching what was going to happen. The thought of all of them watching her made her a little more nervous, but also increased her excitement. As long as she did good, she thought.

"Right," Don said. "Everyone quiet. Dave, you stay 'asleep' until I touch your foot. Julie, you come into scene and sit on the bed and look at Dave. Slowly pull the sheet off him then start looking at him. You're a little girl curious about men. This is your chance to have a look and to feel one. Just do what you feel like, okay?" The little girl nodded. This movie seemed as though it would be fairly easy. "Action!" Don said and she waited a moment before walking into view and sitting on the edge of the bed. Don moved around, his camera ensuring all aspects of the scene would be caught.

Dave was 'asleep', the sheet around his waist and covering his lower body. He was lying with his back towards her and Julie looked at his muscular, tanned back. Their was a colourful tattoo of a dragon, its head going up towards Dave's shoulder, its wings covering his shoulderblades and upper back. The dragon's long, lizard-like body curved down the man's spine, disappearing under the sheet. Julie was fascinated by it and she slowly pulled the sheet down, exposing more of the dragon as well as Dave's body. He was naked (as she thought he would be) and his rounded, firm buttocks looked taut and muscular. The dragon's tail curled around his right buttock, the end of it curving up into the small of his back before running down into the crevice between both buttocks. Where it ended up fascinated Julie and she leaned forward to look between Dave's buttocks. She had to pull them slightly apart, which she did as though she was rather nervous but Dave made no move to 'wake up' and she followed the tattoo to its end. It stopped right at the man's anus and she found herself looking at the deeply indented hollow. She knew tattoos were done with needles and she wondered what it had felt like to have the dragon's tail done. She ran her finger down the dragon, following its twisted body from its head on Dave's shoulder right down his back and over his buttocks to the tip of its tail. His body was satiny smooth and Julie could feel a light sweat covering him. Her finger rested at the edge of his anus and she wondered whether she was game enough to touch him in its centre.

She didn't get a chance to, as Dave slowly rolled onto his back and she had to take her hands from his buttocks and shift to the edge of the bed. As he turned, he pushed the sheet right off his body with his feet and Julie couldn't help a gasp of surprise as the front of the man's nude body came into her sight. The tattoos she had seen on his thighs were snakes that went up each thigh and curved around over his belly, intertwining as they went downwards over his pubes. The thing that really amazed her was that the snakes covered Dave's thick penis, one running along one side, its head covering the glans; and the other running up the other side, its head below the underside of the glans, its tongue forked either side of the slit in Dave's tip and touching the other snake's head. The snakes were as colourful as the dragon on the man's back and she could see the finer details of scales over their lengths. She couldn't help but wonder how they must have felt being done...and what the Tattooist must have thought as he did them! Had Dave been stiff while they were being applied? Or would the pain have kept him soft? Maybe tattoos didn't hurt as much as she'd always thought. Maybe she could get one! Her thoughts tumbled around as she gazed in fascination at Dave's colourful body. It was so erotic!

Dave's body was completely devoid of hair and the tattoos stood in strong contrast to his smooth, tanned skin. The man's penis was lying loosely between his legs, his testicles just visible either side of the thick organ. Julie could see Dave's well-formed muscles beneath his smoothness and she felt her lower belly fluttering as she gazed over him. Her finger touched the end of the tattooed snake's tail and slowly traced along its form. She saw tiny goose-bumps rise on Dave's skin as her finger trailed over the tight skin of his belly, around his navel, then downwards towards his manhood. She felt the faint prickle of bristles under her fingertip as she ran it over his pubic bone and saw his penis starting to move as she neared it, slowly engorging, swelling and lengthening between his thighs. Her finger travelled over the thickening organ, the loose skin crinkling up beneath her finger as she moved up towards his glans. Her other hand slid over his thigh and took hold of him, feeling his spongy flesh hardening as she raised it, her eyes watching the snakes filling out as he erected. As his glans swelled, it flattened and flared and the snake head covering it took on the appearance of a cobra's hood. Dave's glans was almost flat and his penis was very curved as it hardened, jutting upwards from his bare pubes just like a striking snake. Her eyes travelled down its length to the testes beneath. They were quite large and she could see that each was covered in a pattern of dark blue dots similar to the body tattoos of the Pacific natives she had seen in books. The man's scrotum was smooth and firm, his testes held close to his body, not like the other men she had seen with them dangling loosely beneath them. She let her hand slide down Dave's now solid penis and onto his balls, feeling them move slightly in their firm sac as she pressed her hand on them. Suddenly her hand was gripped and she realised Dave had 'woken up'.

"You like what you see, kid?" he asked her, his voice rather surly. She didn't know how she was supposed to react so she took the role of an innocent young girl caught doing something wrong.

"I...I'm sorry," she said, looking scared. "I was only..."

"Only what? Only trying to get me hard?" Dave cut in. She tried to pull her hand away but he jerked her towards him. "Don't try to leave off now, you little tease. Look at my dick! You're gonna have to do something about that."

"But...what do...?" she acted confused, her hand placed back on the man's erection.

"You can start by getting your gear off," he said, his manner threatening. "Stand up there and undress."


"Do it, kid! Or I'll do it for you!" he threatened, raising a hand as though to strike her and Julie scrambled off the bed, her wrist still held by Dave's other hand. She began unbuttoning her shirt, the man's eyes watching her intently. She was very conscious of Don positioning himself to catch the best views of her stripping; and of the men behind him all watching her. But she was mostly conscious of the stiff snake that stood up from her soon-to-be-partner's groin. As soon as she had seen it, seen his penis and his testes - as soon as she had seen his nude body - her sex had begun tingling and she knew she was becoming moist and already aroused down there. She had wanted the man's thing in her hand, in her mouth, in her pussy as soon as she had seen it. She realised that her body ached to be fondled, poked and prodded and gazed upon by men; and she wanted to be the object of their lust. She hadn't realised how much last weekend had really changed her life and way of thinking.

She opened her shirt, slipping it off her shoulders, exposing her flat chest to the man's eyes. Her nipples were swollen and Dave licked his lips as he looked at them, then reached out and took hold of one, rubbing it between his fingers.

"Nice little titties," he said. "Let's see the rest of you."

Julie unbuttoned her skirt and it dropped to the floor, leaving her standing in only a thin pair of sexy new panties her mum had bought her and her boots. Dave's eyes were glued to her groin and she could feel her panties were sticking to her, had ridden into her crack on the trip up here. She knew all of the men could see her cunny outlined in them. And she knew that that was the part of her anatomy they were most interested in. Slowly, teasingly, she hooked her fingers in the thin sides of the panties and began lowering them. The room went quiet as she pulled them lower and lower, feeling them catching at her groin before coming free and exposing her bare pussy to the waiting eyes. She let them drop to the floor, stepping out of them, then standing still, her legs slightly apart as Don zoomed in on her and Dave stared at her sex. She could feel her labia had swollen, as had her clitoris; and she knew from looking at herself in the mirror during the week when she had rubbed the cream into herself, that they would be peeking out from her slit in what she thought was a most alluring way. In fact she had practised different stances in front of the mirror whilst she was aroused to find which was the most sexy looking - as far as she could tell. From the collective indrawing of breath from the men watching, she had obviously chosen the correct one this time.

"Not a bad looking cunny, sweetheart. You ever had a cock in there?" Dave asked her crudely, letting go of her wrist and putting his hand between her legs. "Mmmmm. Nice and wet already," he said, his fingers probing her, opening her for Don's camera. "Get up here on the bed."

Julie did as she was told and Dave made her sit astride his chest, her legs splayed wide open. Her knees were just below his armpits, her thighs flat against his chest and he looked at her wide-spread pubes shining wetly in the light coming in through the window. Her hands balanced herself, resting on the firm muscles of his chest. She looked down and saw that each of his nipples was surrounded by an elongated oval tattoo; then realised they were done to look like a woman's sex, the nipple sticking out stiffly from the top of the design like a large clitoris, the aureole giving a deeper colour to the inner area. She found that very erotic and she touched his nipple, feeling the hard nub and it was like touching herself - except it was dry and she was wet. Tingles rippled through her lower belly as Dave stroked her clitoris in time with her touch on his nipple and it really was like touching herself. How many other girls and women had done the same thing with him? she wondered. Maybe she'd get a penis tattooed on her breast and see if it had the same effect on men!

Dave's fingers were probing into her opening, rubbing her stickiness all over her and teasing her into full arousal. Julie began panting as her need to have him inside her grew and she responded to his pressure by sliding herself down his body until she felt his hard penis pressing against her. Don had the camera aimed right between her legs as she eased up to let Dave's tattooed organ come beneath her. He took hold of himself and Julie watched as the snake head came towards her opening - came towards its hole. She was so aroused and slick that the man eased straight into her, her vagina encompassing his thickness like a hot, wet glove. She could feel him forcing her body open inside as he pushed upwards and it was like being filled with a hard, burning shaft of solid metal. She gasped as he forced himself to the entrance to her womb. She was glad he was not very long, as his thickness would hurt if he was able to force his way into that tight cavity. As it was, her wide-spread sex was pressed against his bare pubes. She looked at where they joined and saw the two entwined snakes disappearing into her. It even felt like she was filled with two snakes!

Dave began lifting her up and down on his shaft, his muscles bulging as he worked her upon him. She felt his thickness sliding up and down inside her vagina and felt her excitement building. Dave was panting as well and seemed to be getting even harder inside her. The muscles on his stomach stood out and she could see his veins running all over him as his tension increased with his excitement.

"And what's going on here, then?"

The sound of the voice cut through Julie's awareness and Dave stopped moving. The girl turned her head and saw Peter standing behind them. He was nude and she saw his penis was erect, jutting up and outwards from his smooth groin. Her heart flipped as she gazed once more on his beautiful young body and the wonderful penis that had been the first to go inside her; the penis she had often dreamed of holding and making come during the past week.

Dave began moving himself lazily inside her. "You want to join us, buddy?" he asked the boy. "I'm sure the kid here won't mind. Will you, baby?"

Julie realised it was just a rhetorical question, because Pete immediately climbed up on the bed and knelt between Dave's legs without hesitation. The man slid his hands down her back and grasped her buttocks, pulling them apart and she knew that Peter was looking at her anus. She jumped when she felt his finger touch her there, then run up and down the ridge between it and where the man entered her. The boy put his hand against her back and pushed her forward so she was lying on top of Dave, her nude body pressed onto his. His sweat was cool against her heat. Don moved around the bed until he was filming her from behind, filming what was happening between her and Dave's legs. Then she felt the tickle of Pete's hair against her anus and buttocks and, with a start, realised Pete had his face between their legs, was pressing his face onto Dave's penis as it started to slide in and out of her again. She felt his fingers running around her stretched orifice, teasing her clitoris as well as the shaft inside her. Then she felt his tongue slide up from her cunny along the ridge to her anus and the boy began to lick her hole and press his tongue against her opening. She had a fleeting concern about whether she smelled down there; but it was only momentary. This new sensation was electric, tingles rippling through her body from the two parts being manipulated. She felt Pete's tongue becoming more insistant, forcing her sphincter open and slobbering his spit over her. She suddenly realised what he intended and her body tensed.

"Relax, sweetheart," Dave said lecherously. "We're gonna make you into a sandwich. You're the filling and Pete and me will be the bread!"

She gave a start and reflexively pulled away as Pete's finger suddenly poked into her anus; but Dave held her firmly anchored on his penis. Pete began rubbing his finger in and out of her, coating his saliva and her discharge around her sphincter. It made her feel like she wanted to go to the toilet and she clenched her anus.

"Mmmm, baby," Dave grunted, squeezing her against him. "That feels great! Come on, Pete. I'm gonna go off in a minute!"

Pete pulled his finger out of her and Julie felt the blunt, spongy heat of his glans come up against her. The boy held her hips and pressed inwards making Julie cry out as he began forcing her anus open, the tight muscle stretching to let his erection entry into her. The young girl cried out again as Pete kept the pressure bearing at her, his penis slowly sliding through the tight ring and into her bowels.

The pain was intense as her body seemed to be split apart by the two hard shafts that filled her. But, along with the pain, was an intense pleasure, her lower body seemed a mass of sensitive nerve endings that tingled at every movement the man and boy made. Pete's hands moved up under her chest and he took hold of her nipples, squeezing and tweaking the hard little nubs as he began moving himself in and out of her backside. Dave lay beneath her, not moving, his hands caressing over her and Pete's buttocks as the boy worked on her. She could feel his penis squeezing the thin skin between her bowel and vagina against the man's thickness in her other passage. Pete was rubbing himself up and down Dave's penis as much as he was fucking her arse; and it was this friction - and her clenching and unclenching each time he thrust inwards - that was bringing Dave off.

Julie could feel pressure building inside her. Her lower body was a convergence of exquisite sensations, all pain having been dispersed as her eroticism increased. She was still aware of the camera recording her double impalement and of the men all standing around breathless (and no doubt all fully aroused) watching her being fucked, but this just added to her excitement. Suddenly Dave thrust hard up against her and gasped. Julie knew he was coming and felt his penis swelling and seeming to ripple inside her, then felt a flush of heat as his seed burst into her. His pulsating and the pressure against her clitoris brought her to her own shuddering orgasm and her slender body quivered as her spasms rippled outwards from her tender bud. Pete felt both of them stiffening and he let himself go, his virile ejaculation even more explosive than the older man's. Julie felt the boy's seed like a cool wash deep within her body as he held himself hard against her buttocks, his hands grasping her chest. His breath rasped in her ears as he jerked several times above her - then he finally collapsed over her, his naked body smooth against her own.

It was the feel of Pete covering her that gradually brought Julie down, feeling her body pleasantly encased between the firm, muscly smoothness of the man on whom she was lying and covered by the slender softness of the boy on top of her. Their penises were still fully embedded, but the tight hardness had gone out of them and they were both returning to a more easily accomodated sponginess. The three of them lay breathing heavily, the man and boy both nuzzling the little girl between them, their hands gently caressing her as they slowly unwound. She was all squelchy inside as they moved slightly within her. Don indicated by touch that he was ready to end filming and this was the signal for Pete and Dave to finish off. It was a disappointment to Julie as they both withdrew from her, but she realised that Don wanted to end the film with their penises slipping out of her covered in her juices and dribbling sperm. They felt like two thick slugs as they flopped wetly between her legs.

"That's a wrap," Don said, breaking the silence that filled the cabin. His voice seemed to release everyone and the men watching all began talking and moving. Julie could hear snippets of "great little cunt" and "can't wait to get a piece of the kid," and the like. Hearing the men talk eagerly about her made her feel very important and Julie felt a warm glow inside her. Pete hugged her and rolled off her onto his back on the bed.

"Good one, Julie," he said, fondling his softened penis. She looked at it and then up into his eyes. He smiled at her, his hand rubbing her buttock. "I didn't hurt your arse too much?" he asked and she shook her head.

"It hurt to start but then it was good," she told him.

"I'm going to stick my cock up there in the last film," Dave said, his hands tracing up the crack between her buttocks. "Most guys like fucking up the arse as much as in the cunt. Your cunt was as tight as an arsehole, though, honey." He looked at Pete. "I love double-fucking with you, buddy. You really move your dick around." He rolled Julie off him and sat up. "Well, we can't stay here too long. We're on a pretty tight schedule. You better get cleaned up, Julie. You too, Pete. Over there at the shower recess." He urged the two children up.

Julie realised when she got off the bed that she still had her boots on. She sat on the edge of the bed and Pete tugged them off her, pulling her legs up and out as he did so and lecherously ogling between her legs each time he did so. She was a sticky, gooey mess down there and she could feel the man and boy's sperm oozing down inside her and out of her holes each time Pete moved her legs apart. They were both laughing and several of the men were watching and laughing with them. Julie suddenly felt very relaxed and grown-up. She felt very comfortable in her role as the Star amongst these men - the Star of pornographic sex movies. She realised she was looking forward to all of the men having her in the next few hours, some of them probably more than once. It seemed to her that the more degrading the movie was, the more her body responded and she wondered what other things Don had in store for her. She stood up as the last boot came off and the two youngsters walked unconcernedly naked across the cabin to clean themselves up.


"You were usual," Don said, his arm going around Julie and giving her a hug. "Did you like the double-fuck?"

Julie had had her shower, Dave and Pete joining her and 'cleaning' her (so they said) especially between her legs and her nipples. They had both stiffened again as soon as they had begun playing with her nude body and, when she had tried to touch them, they both turned away, both concerned they might come again if she played with them. It had been a lot of fun. Now she was refreshed and wearing just a light wrap-around and was sitting on the couch beside Don as he got his camera ready for the next film.

"Yes," she said in answer to his question. "It hurt a bit to start with but then it felt terrific."

"You used that cream like I told you?" the photographer asked. "I thought you must have," he continued when Julie nodded. "Your pussy looked really sexy and wet. That cream will keep you lubed up all the time. Use it around your backside as well and it'll help there. It might be an idea to put some on each time you fuck."

"I just did," the little girl said, proud of herself for being one step ahead of her boss. "It helps straight away. Makes me feel all tingly again." She shivered delightfully and Don laughed.

"You're a sexy little tart," he said fondly. "I've never had a girl as good as you so young, honey. The guys are just about coming in their pants they're so eager to get into you. Well," he said, standing up. "Let's get the next one underway."

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great story, how do i get an acting job

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