Star, Part 1

[ MMMMMMm/g, bond, movies, pedo, w/s ]

by Pedros


Published: 10-Jun-2011

Word Count:

Author's Profile

Story Summary
This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

The little girl sitting nervously on the couch looked up expectantly as the far door opened and a man came into the studio. He walked over towards her and sat on a stool in front of her, looked at her and smiled.

"Hi," he said. "You must be Julie. My name is Don."

Julie nodded her head and smiled shyly. "Yes. I'm Julie," she said softly.

"Don't be nervous, sweetie. I'm the photographer and my job is to make you into a star." He looked quizzically at her. "Your mum said you wanted to be a star. Isn't that right?"

The little girl swallowed nervously and nodded again, her heartbeat quickening. The man sensed her anxiety and inwardly smirked. If he could capture that anxiousness in his photographs, he knew the price he would get for his work would skyrocket. He knew many of his buyers wanted to see the little girls and boys he used in his photos genuinely and visibly nervous or even frightened by the things they were asked to do and would pay big money for the prints or videos.

"Your mum also told you you were to do everything I asked you to do, didn't she?"

Julie shifted on the couch, her hands folded tightly in her lap. "Yes, sir," she responded softly when she saw the man was waiting for an answer. "You make damn sure you do what he tells you to do with no argument, Julie," were her mum's exact words when she had left her at the studio just a few minutes ago. "This is our big chance to make a lot of money so don't you blow it," she had said, her manner threatening. "Just realise that your fortune is between your legs and its worth even more at your age than it is at mine." Julie hadn't really understood what her mum had meant by that last remark but, before she could ask, her mum had opened the door for her to go up to the studio then turned and walked away saying the photographer would bring her home when he was finished. Julie had then had to nervously make her way to the studio by herself.

"Call me Don, sweetheart," the photographer said, leaning towards her and smiling broadly. "There's no need to be formal here. You are a very pretty girl and I can sense you are going to be a wonderful model and earn lots of money for your mum and yourself." His eyes appraised the youngster as he remembered his meeting with the girl's mother and how willing she was to have her daughter appear in one of his 'features'. Her daughter would earn more money in the couple of hours 'posing' for him than she earned in a month as a waitress in the downtown bar. She had been a little reluctant initially when he had divulged the true nature of his 'photo shoots', but only until he came to the money she would get. Then she had been quite eager for him to use her daughter. 'She's going to get screwed sooner or later, so why not cash in on it while we can,' she had rationalised to him - and to herself. He smiled at the memory of her greed. It was this greed he relied on in the parents he preyed upon to get to use their children -and it always succeeded in getting him what he wanted.

"Did your mum tell you anything about what would happen here today?" he asked the girl.

She shook her head slowly, her eyes looking up at him. "Not really. She said it might be some rude things and she said that I was to do good and we'd get lots of money. And she told me you were the boss and I had to do everything you said, even if I was scared," she finished off softly, her eyes dropping nervously.

"That's right, sweetheart. It is going to be 'rude' things and I am the boss, but I'm sure you'll find the day very interesting and you'll get to do things most other girls don't get to do for many years to come. I'm sure you'll end up loving it. How old are you?"

"I'm ten," the little girl replied. "Nearly ten and a half."

"Terrific," Don said and stood up. "You are a very pretty ten and a half year old. Most men like looking at ten year old girls, especially the pretty ones like you." He walked over to his desk and picked up his camera. "Let's take a few photos of you to get warmed up," he told her, switching on a set of lights that shone hotly onto the couch. He moved around in front of Julie, looking at her through the lens. She heard the 'click' as he took a couple of photos from different angles and she smiled shyly, not knowing what to do. She was wearing a tee-shirt and new skirt her mother had bought especially for this session along with a new pair of sandals and even new panties - the fact her mother had bought her new things made Julie aware that this was a very important day for her mother and she was expected to do whatever was required to make certain it was money well spent. She knew her mother saw this as their one chance at getting out of the poverty cycle they were caught up in.

"You are even prettier through my camera, Julie. That's it. Great smile." The little girl watched as the man weaved in front of her and enjoyed the compliments he was making. "Lean back, sweetheart, and put your arms out behind you so I can see your little titties against your tee-shirt."

She leaned back to do as he said when his words sank in and she jerked back upright, looking at him in confusion.

The man saw her reaction and lowered his camera. He knelt in front of her, his eyes looking into her's. "What's the matter, Julie? Don't you know what titties are?"

The little girl blushed but couldn't pull her eyes away from his. "Uh...yes..." she stammered. "I know what...but....I don't..." Her voice trailed away.

Before she could react, Don reached forward and put his finger on the pointed bump on her chest, right on her nylon covered nipple. "This is a titty," he said. "And this is another one," and he touched her other nipple. Julie didn't know what to do and she did nothing, butterflies beginning inside her tummy. Mummy had made it very clear that this man was the boss and she was to do whatever he asked, even if it meant doing rude things. Remembering this didn't stop the butterflies, but it did stop her from pulling away as his fingers touched her. "I'm going to take pictures of your titties, pictures of your pussy and pictures of your arsehole," the man went on. "Then we're going to bring in some other models and do a whole lot of other things. That's what you are here for, isn't it? To be my star?"

Julie could only look at him. Somewhere in the back of her mind she knew that this was what the 'photographic session' was going to be but hadn't really let it sink home. She had realised that the magazines she had found in her mother's room only last week were the type of magazines these 'photo shoots' were all about; and her mother had probably deliberately left them where she knew Julie would find them so she would know what to expect! With a shock, it suddenly dawned on Julie that Don and her mother had carefully planned the lead up to today and this realisation stunned her. The magazines suddenly took on a whole different meaning, beyond the thrills she had felt looking through them. She knew what men looked like from seeing her mother's boyfriends at different times in their small apartment. Several times she had walked into the bathroom to pee and a man was having a shower or shaving in the nude, but she had been too embarrassed to have a good look at the thing hanging between their legs. Once she had gone into her mother's room after waking up from a bad dream and had found a man on top of her mother. She had been half asleep and only vaguely remembered seeing the hard, shiny thing sticking out from the man as he had rolled off her mother onto his back before he had hurriedly covered himself when he saw her. After looking at the magazines, she now knew what that was and what he and her mum had been doing that morning. She had also seen all the other things men and women did together in the magazines and it had made her tingle 'down there'. There were also a couple of magazines with children in them, doing things with men and women and each other that the adults were doing in the other magazines, but she hadn't really had a good look at them because she had heard her mother come home. When she went to have another look at the photos later, they had gone. Now, she wished she had had longer to study them. It might have helped her overcome the helplessness she was now experiencing. Don's voice brought her out of her thoughts.

"You are going to go through with this aren't you? I'm sure your mum wouldn't be very pleased if you didn't get the money..." He paused and looked at the little girl, his tone letting her know she had better cooperate.

Julie trembled. She had to go through with this or her mum would be wild, especially after already spending money on her. She swallowed nervously and her voice was shaky. "I will do what you want," she said, her gaze lowered.

"I knew you would, sweetheart. Come on then, lean back and let me see your little titty bumps," Don said, trying to keep the satisfaction out of his voice. The kid was going to be okay. He wondered what her reaction was going to be when he brought out the surprise. He felt himself stir in anticipation of the session ahead. He took a couple of photos as Julie leaned self-consciously back on the couch. He could see her nipples making obvious bumps against her tee-shirt.

"Mmmmm. Looks good," he told her. "Your titties are going to be beauties when you get older." The little girl blushed and he saw a look of pleasure at his compliment flicker in her eyes. "Are your nipples stiff or do they always stick out like that? Take your tee-shirt off so I can see them."

Julie blushed even deeper. This was it! The start of the rude things. Her heart began to pound. There was no way out of it. Slowly she took hold of the hem of her shirt and began to lift it up. She heard Don taking photos as she raised it over her head, knowing he was seeing her titties.

"Hold it," he told her as she was pulling it from her head and she stopped, her arms raised, her upper body bare. "Don't move. What gorgeous nipples, Julie," Don breathed. She couldn't see but she heard his camera click and then he was touching her pink bud. She gasped as he took her left nipple in his fingers and gently stroked it. She trembled but managed to not pull away as the man squeezed her hardening nub and, in spite of her trepidation, she felt a tingle go all the way down into her thingy, causing her to draw in her breath. "Feels good, does it?" Don said, letting her go. "Take your shirt right off and lean back again."

Julie did as he asked and watched as he took a couple of close-ups of her nipples, his camera only inches away from her flesh. She was beginning to enjoy this. The man obviously liked her body and seemed to think her titties were beautiful. She could smell his male smell as he leaned in close to her and she found she liked his smell. She squeezed her legs together as another tingle rippled through her.

Don noticed the girl's movement and smiled to himself. She was going to be a hot one, he thought. "Okay," he said, standing up. "Let's get this show on the road. We've got a lot to get through." He turned to a video camera set up on a tripod just to the left and behind him that he had set in operation before Julie had arrived. It was recording the early part of the session because many of his clients got turned on by watching the little boys and girls gradually being stripped and seduced out of their innocence by him. He looked through the viewfinder and made certain it was focussed on where the action was going to now take place. He made a slight adjustment then, satisfied it would record everything clearly, he turned back to the little girl. "I want you to take off your panties now, Julie. Leave your skirt on, and just take off your knickers." He looked down on her. He could see her anxiety very clearly now and he knew this would excite the buyers of his pictures. He brought the camera up. "Come on," he said, his voice a touch stern. "Get your panties off. Its time to show me your little cunt."

The little girl looked up at him in trepidation. She sensed his impatience and knew he would be angry if she didn't do as he asked. Feeling very awkward and embarrassed, she lifted up off the couch and pulled her panties down.

"Hold it there," Don said and knelt down to take a photo of her with her pants halfway down her young thighs, her short skirt hiding her sex but not the fact she was bare beneath it. "Okay, baby. Slowly lower them...great. Now lift one leg up and pull them right down...lovely." He took a series of photos as the youngster did as he instructed and he caught glimpses of her slit as the skirt rose with her movements. He had a couple of lights at floor level shining upwards and he had no doubts his camera would be seeing better than him at this point. "Now lie back and lift your other leg and pull your panties right off."

Julie did as he asked, the skirt falling back onto her belly as she raised her leg and she was suddenly exposed to the man and his camera. She heard him breath heavily and knew he was looking between her legs. Instead of making her uncomfortable, the idea of him seeing her 'down there' was rather exciting and she resisted the desire to cover herself with her hands. Instead, she dropped her panties to the floor and lowered her leg but left the skirt where it was. She laid back on the couch, her feet on the floor, and was still, waiting for her next instructions. Her heart was hammering in her chest and she could feel a real tightness in her puckered nipples.

"Mmmmmm. What a sweet looking cunt you've got, Julie. Let's get a couple of shots..." The camera whirred and clicked several times and Don moved in closer for each one until he was only inches from her little treasure. "Open your legs a little, sweetie. Give me a peek inside you."

Julie opened her legs as the man got closer and closer to her. He was breathing deeply and she could feel his breath on her skin and the tingling down there intensified.

Don felt himself becoming hard in his pants. No matter how many times he did this, he was always turned on by this moment; the moment when the little girl or boy he was filming was being changed, by his instruction, from a virginal innocent into a sexual toy for the pleasure of himself, the other participants and the men and women who would watch his work. He never tired of that first sight of a young girl's virgin slit opening to his camera, or seeing a young boy's penis stiffening as his sexual awareness awakened. He gazed at Julie's hairless pubic area. She, like all of the other little girls he had used in his photos and films, looked so clean, her genitals pink and puffy, her labia neatly tucked within the smooth slit. There was none of the purplish, raw look or wrinkled protruding labia so often seen in older girls and women and that he found unattractive. And no hair anywhere on her body. Her clitoris was quite large and protruded from the top of her slit, the sensitive tip poking out from its sheath like a tiny glans. He took a close-up shot of it as the little girl trembled under his gaze.

"You're beautiful, Julie," he said, looking up at her and smiling. She looked like a frightened fawn, her eyes wide and staring at him poised just above her pubes. "I want you to spread your legs real wide now. Leave your skirt like it is and press your hands on your titties. Push them up. That's the girl." He moved back a little and took photos showing her spread-legged and fondling herself from between her legs. "Now raise your knees... Good." Several more clicks and whirs from the camera as he moved in closer again.

Julie was in turmoil. She knew Don was taking photos of her thingy and she felt awfully exposed and helpless with him between her widespread legs and her thingy opened right up. But her nipples were stiff and tingly as she touched them and the tingles were shooting down into her belly and between her legs and it felt really nice. And Don obviously liked her doing this and liked to look at her down there.

"Spread your legs wider, sweetie. Mmmm, yes. That's it. Now I want you to pull yourself open for me. Bring your hands down here, that's the girl. Now put them each side of your cunt...yes, like that. Feel good?" He smiled as Julie did as he asked and she glanced up at him, indicating it did feel nice but the anxious look was still in her eyes. "Okay, now press outwards. That's great. That opens your little pussy just right. God, its beautiful." Don took a series of shots of the sweet pink centre of the youngster's sex then moved back from between her legs and took a couple more full-length ones. "You ever touch yourself down there, Julie?" he asked her.

Julie blushed and looked away. She nodded her head. "Yes, sometimes," she said, her voice unsteady.

"Good. I want you to do that for me. Rub your finger up and down your pussy. Don't be shy. There's no point getting embarrassed now, is there? I'm going to see every inch of you this afternoon and so are some other people."

The little girl froze, then quickly pulled down her skirt and sat up, her legs together. She looked around. "What? Where..?" She looked up at the photographer. "What do you mean? I can't see anyone else."

Don laughed. "I've got a couple of surprises in store for you, sweetie. After I get a few more photos. Your mum really didn't fill you in at all. Look, Julie. I make porno videos and photos. You know what they are?" The little girl looked at him in puzzlement and shook her head. "They are photos and films of people doing things with each other. Sex things. You know, like playing with each other's things and sucking and fucking each other. Men putting their cocks into girl's holes or jacking off over them or pissing on them. Anything that involves men and women and boys and girls being rude."

Julie realised he was talking about the things she had seen in the magazines her mum had had. That's what they were. 'Porno'. She nodded her head and suddenly felt a little more grown-up. She did know what he was talking about. "Yes," she said. "I saw some of them at home. It made me tingle when I was looking at the pictures." She giggled at her boldness.

Don smiled. "Well you are going to be in some magazines and a couple of those movies after this afternoon. You are going to be the star." He paused to let that sink in. The little girl looked up at him expectantly, her face showing a variety of emotions, not the least one curiosity. "That's why I'm taking these photos," he went on. "They are going to be in a little girl magazine and men will buy it just to look at you. They'll look at your titties and your cunt and arsehole and imagine they are playing with you and putting their cocks in you. Then they'll want movies of you and want to see boys and men doing to you what they can only imagine."

Julie found herself getting excited by Don's words in spite of her nervousnous. She was going to be a star! Men wanted to see her! And she and her mum would get lots of money and she'd be famous, like those Hollywood actresses! Her imagination ran riot. Then she suddenly realised the full implications of what Don was saying. Her tummy knotted in apprehension and she looked at the man. "Am I going to have sex?" she asked him softly, her voice hesitant.

Don laughed loudly. "Are you going to have sex?" he repeated. "Honey you are going to have sex until its coming out of your ears." He laughed again. "How else can you be the star?"

"But I've never...I don't...." the little girl stammered, her heart thumping anew. She saw those 'porno' pictures again in a new light, those thick men's things going into her instead of the women in the magazines. Her stomach churned as she imagined one of them between her legs.

"Hey, sweetheart," Don soothed, seeing the agitation in her wide blue eyes. "You are going to be terrific. You already are. You have a body and pussy men are going to go crazy over."

"But...but won't it hurt? I don't know what to do. I..."

"Shhh. There's nothing to worry about. I'll look after you, don't worry. Every girl, and lots of boys, too, get fucked and they all love it so it certainly can't hurt now, can it? If it did, no one would have sex would they?" Julie thought for a moment, then nodded slowly. "The film I make of the first time you get fucked will be a huge hit just because its your first time. Men like to see that, honey," Don continued. "Even I am looking forward to filming your little pussy taking cock for the first time - and I've seen little girls getting it more times than you've had hot dinners." He laughed again. "You are going to be great so don't worry. As your mum told you, just do what I say. Now. Back to business. You may as well take off your skirt now, but leave your shoes and socks on."

Julie hesitated, her thoughts still in turmoil. "But where is the man who'll...." she began, then she stopped when she realised what she was asking.

"Who'll fuck you?" Don finished for her. He was putting a new roll of film in his camera. "They're waiting in other parts of the studio, honey. We'll be making a couple of different movies and they're waiting on their sets. But they're watching you on television," he added, nodding at the camera beside him. "They'll all be as hard as hell now, I bet," and he turned to wink into the camera.

Julie blushed as his words sank in. "Watching...they? You mean there's more than one?" Her tummy tightened.

"Don't worry about it, Julie. You are here to pose for me and to do what I say. You have no choice so you may as well relax and enjoy it." Don's voice told her he had finished being friendly and now just wanted to get his work done. "I can get tough if I have to, but I'd rather we stayed friends. Okay?" She nodded meekly. "Good. Just do what I say, put on a good show and you'll be a star. Resist, and its still going to happen but you won't get any more work or money from me. Its as simple as that. Now. Get that skirt off and lie up on the couch."

Frightened now more by Don's change in attitude than by the thought of what was going to happen to her, Julie unfastened her skirt and dropped it to the floor. She was now naked except for her knee-length socks and black shoes. She sat back on the couch, the smooth satin cover cool against her bare skin.

"Okay. Lie back. That's it. Now. Raise your knees and spread your legs back like before. Good." His camera clicked. Julie watched him photographing her, the camera aimed straight up between her legs. "Now pull yourself open again and start fingering yourself." More photos were taken as her fingers began to stroke the slickened flesh between her legs. Don saw her labia and clitoris starting to engorge as she became aroused by her ministrations and he focused in on them. Her clitoris in particular attracted him. It was as large as a grown woman's and he had no doubt it was going to bring this little girl a great deal of pleasure. Its size meant it would always be stimulated whenever she was touched in her cunt. He felt himself stiffening again as he watched her. "That's great, Julie," he told her. He reached out and put his hand on her. "Now I want you to play with your clit. This button here," he said, taking hold of the firm little shaft. Julie gasped as his touch sent a tingle up through her thingy and right through her like an electric shock. He took a photo of his fingers holding her. "I'm going to play with your cunt while you do that, and I'm sure you'll like it." He let go of her clitoris and his finger moved to the soft, moist flesh between her labia. He began stroking up and down the entrance into her, aware of the sticky slickness as her lubricants began to flow. Julie caught her breath as he stroked her, her own fingers fondling her clit, squeezing and tugging on the sensitive organ, the clicking of the camera fading away as her excitement mounted.

Don saw the little girl's body tensing, her belly tightening, her nipples stiff and muscles standing out in her neck and thighs and he realised she was going to orgasm. He smiled. This was going to be perfect. She was a highly sexed little girl once started and he was in for a mighty exciting afternoon. As were the boys and men he had waiting to use her. He continued taking photos as he pressed his finger harder against her, letting it slide into the tight moistness of her vagina. Julie moaned and her body arched up as he poked deeper into her. There was a resistance, but only for a moment as he buried his finger right inside. Julie squealed and then her body bucked and squirmed, her breathing loud gasps and he knew she was climaxing. Her vagina gripped him, rhythmically squeezing his finger as she spasmed. He knew this was all being captured on video and watched by the actors in the other rooms and he knew it was going to be a real winner.

Finally Julie's body relaxed and she settled back onto the couch, her hands resting in her groin, her chest heaving, her eyes closed. Don kept his finger inside her and let her slowly come back. Julie's eyes opened and she looked at him, her eyelids droopy with post-orgasmic heaviness. She licked her lips. "Mmmmm," she moaned softly. "That felt awesome."

"That was one hell of an orgasm, young lady. Was it your first?"

Julie looked at him dreamily. "I've had feelings like that when I've touched myself. But not as fantastic as that was." Her voice was husky and she cleared her throat. "Is all sex like that?" she asked.

Don slowly drew his finger from her vagina, making her squirm and giggle, and he touched her clitoris. "This will make your sex like that all the time, honey. This little bud here will make you a star."

"I like you touching it," the youngster said, her legs opening even wider.

"Its lovely to hold, but we've got a lot more to do yet." He let go of her and stood up, his erection clearly visible as it tented his pants. The girl's eyes dropped to it and widened. He looked down at himself. "Sorry, sweetie. You don't get to see mine yet. Maybe later. I have to keep this up so I know whether the movies are working or not. I lose my stiffy, the film's no good. But don't worry. There's a few other stiff cocks waiting for you, believe me."

Julie blushed, becoming flustered at his words and at the fact that she was curious to see Don's thingy. She was aware enough now to know that it had gone hard like the man's had been who had been on top of her mother that morning. And she wanted to look at it properly.

Don put his camera down and walked over to his bench and picked up another video camera. "Okay, sweetie. We are going to make your first video," he said as he walked back to her. "You just do as I tell you. Right?"

Julie nodded, butterflies starting all over again, her dreamy post-orgasmic state rapidly dissipating. This was it. She sat up nervously, not knowing what to expect and was suddenly very conscious of her nudity and the swollen feel of her aroused genitals between her legs as she brought her thighs together.

Don noticed her anxiety and sat down beside her. "Julie, you have a fortune here between your legs," he said, his hand going into the little girl's lap and touching her. "And it is really valuable to me right up until you start getting hairs. The people who buy my films only like girls too young to have pussy hair. Some of them like to see them getting fucked by men and boys, but most of them like more explicit things and that is what I do. I make movies for very special clients. I'm going to have you doing things you can't imagine; and they'll make you very rich. But only for a couple of years, until you start developing. After that, you either retire with your fortune," he smiled at her, "Or you go into making adult movies with other directors. If you don't think you can let men and boys do whatever they want to you, or don't want to be my star performer, you had better back out now." He paused and looked at her, his finger pressing into her moist slit. "When my clients see those photos of you and see this pretty cunt, they'll want much more. But its up to you."

"I do want to be a star," Julie blurted out anxiously. "I'm just a bit scared I won't know what to do. What sort of things will men do to me?" she asked.

"They'll do all sorts of things, honey. Some of the things you might not like doing, but, if you are a star actress, it doesn't matter. A star just does what is required of her. I'm not going to tell you what the men will do. You either want to be my star and we get started, or you don't and we finish up now."

Julie felt a twinge of fear. It sounded like Don was going to finish her career before it had begun. "I do want to be in the movies. Really I do!" she said hurriedly. "I'll do what you want."

"Good girl. I knew you would but I have to be sure. I'd lose a lot of money if we got started and you then pulled out. I really think you'll end up liking what gets done to you, honey. Looking at your cunt I can see you get excited easily and that's really important. If you get excited like you did when I played with you and like you are now as I touch you, you'll like the other men and boys touching you just as much and things will be fine." He puled his hand away from her lap and picked up his camera. "We're going to start off easy for you. Just you and a boy. I guarantee you'll like making a movie with Pete. Are you ready?" He stood up.

Julie nodded. She was already beginning to feel excited, even though her nervousness was still with her. Again, it was that nice tingling feeling between her legs that Don had created that gave her the desire to go on. She wanted that feeling to be repeated over and over again and she hoped that would happen if she made the movies. She waited expectantly on the couch, her hands pressed to her groin.

"Send Pete in now, Frank," Don said, looking into the camera that had been recording everything.

Julie turned at the sound of the door at the end of the studio opening and saw a young boy come in. He came confidently towards them and was looking straight at her with a smile on his face. He looked to be about eleven or twelve, just starting to show signs of puberty in his manner and muscle structure, although he was slender and his face was boyish. He had a nice smile, deep blue eyes and fine blond hair cut short. There was an ear-ring in his right ear that glittered in the light. He was barefoot, wearing a pair of torn-off shorts and a singlet. His skin was tanned and smooth and Julie thought he looked quite a spunk. This may not be so bad after all, she thought, her eyes fixed on him. As he approached she saw his eyes looking at her titties and down into her lap. He knew what he was there for, she thought, the butterflies re-surfacing and she swallowed nervously.

"Julie, this is Pete. Pete, Julie. Pete is a star of many of my movies, Julie, and, if you do well with him, I think you will be in many many more in the future with him."

"Hi, Julie," the boy said, standing in front of her.

"Hi," she responded, raising her eyes to meet his.

"Now you've met, let's get on with it, shall we?" Don said, grinning. "Pete's been watching you on video since you arrived, honey, and I'm sure he's eager to sample the real thing. Especially after this last bit. Right, kiddo?"

Pete laughed and rubbed the front of his shorts. "Right," he agreed, his eyes roaming over her.

Don raised the camera. "Okay, Julie. I'll be telling you what to do and you can talk to me and look at me. I want it to look as though I'm your father and I'm teaching you and your brother to have sex while I film you. Not far from the real thing, is it?" he smiled. "Right-oh, Julie. We'll start by you being 'asleep' on the couch. Lie down on your back. Put one foot on the floor and the other on the couch. That way I can get to see that beautiful pussy." He turned to Pete. "You're going to love Julie's cunt, Pete. Tight and hot and even better in reality than on the screen." Pete looked at Julie's sex as the young girl self-consciously positioned herself as instructed, a blush colouring her cheeks as she heard them talking so explicitly about her. Don touched the little girl's thigh, pulling her leg a little wider then let his hand slide up to her groin and spread her labia. "That's better," he said looking at the way the slim folds stayed slightly apart when he released them. "We will be able to see your pussy lips when we come in. You just stay as though you are asleep on the couch, Julie. Pete and I will come in like we're coming home and find you. I'll take it from there. You just need to do what I say. Okay?"

The little girl looked at the boy, then up at the man. Her heart was thumping but she managed a nervous smile and nodded.

"You are supposed to be a virgin so it won't matter if you look nervous or unsure, or don't do things right. But you must do what I say. No ifs. No buts. Understood?" She nodded again. "Lets get started," Don said. "Make out your asleep, Julie. Come on, Pete. We'll come in through the main door." He put his arm around the boy's shoulders and they moved across the studio and out the door.

Don had 'found' Pete when he was only seven years old. He was from a very poor family and Don had spotted him in a dank alleyway, filthy dirty and dressed in rags, scrounging for rubbish. He had seen the boy's beauty in spite of the poverty and set out to get him. It had been very easy, a few visits to his mother's shack, an offer of a lot of money and the boy was his. Don had then introduced the youngster immediately into his business, having the boy fucked on camera by himself and another man the first night he had him. The following night he had the boy introduced to sex with a woman by including him in a film with the same man and a woman. From there he had Pete having sex with other boys, girls and even animals. The boy had been a natural, enjoying the attention he got from the adults, the loving, the fondling and stroking and the sexual games they played with him. He enjoyed being fucked. He had welcomed men's penises into his anus, loved the feel of being stretched wide by the hard hot flesh, the feel of it pistoning inside his body and the thrusts and shudders as the man spurted into him. He basked in the praise and love the men who used his body gave to him when they finished. He had used the knowledge he gained from being fucked by the men to understand how women must feel as they were fucked and this helped him perform better when he was with women or little girls. Don had been amazed at Pete's love of sex and his insatiable appetite for it. The kid had a nice sized cock, even as a seven year old and it seemed to be perpetually ready for action. He had also been able to ejaculate from nine years old, although he had had climaxes right from the beginning, and this made him a real treasure for his films. Pete could climax, not lose his erection and climax again several times a day. It never ceased to surprise Don and this ability seemed to be improving the more Pete had sex. Pete lived and slept with Don and the two of them had what both considered the perfect relationship.

Movie Number 1

"Okay, Pete," Don said to the lad. "In we go. You're going to really enjoy this little one." He began filming and pushed the door open. Pete walked into the room and Don followed closely behind, his camera showing the naked girl on the couch over the boy's shoulder.

"Hey, son," he said softly. "Have a look at your sister. She's gone to sleep and forgot to put her pj's on."

Pete looked at the nude girl then turned towards the camera. "Gosh, dad. She looks all tuckered out. What shall we do?"

"You ever seen her naked before, Pete? You ever seen any girl naked before?"

"No, dad. Except when she was real little. I've seen some books at school with naked women in them, though."

"Your sister's a little different to full grown women. Would you like to have a look at her, son?"

"Guess I would, dad. But what if she wakes up?"

"Don't worry about that. She'll do what I tell her or I'll tan her bare arse. I reckon its time you learned about being a man just like my dad taught me with your Aunt Jean. And I reckon its time your sister learned how to pleasure us guys."

The boy looked surprised. "Grandpa let you look at Aunt Jean? Wow! She's a real looker!"

"She was only five then, boy. And my dad got us to do more than look. He made us do sex things."

"Wow! You want me to do sex things with Sarah?"

"Would you like to?"

"I'm stiff already!" Pete grinned into the camera and looked down. Don panned down the boy's front to film him fondling an obvious erection in his shorts.

"She's all yours, son. What about just having a look at her before you wake her up. Look at her little tits. Her nipples will get bigger when her tits grow, but they are still big enough to suck on. They look stiff, don't they?" He videotaped Julie as he was talking, lingering on the shallow bumps on her chest with their candy-pink tips.

Pete knelt beside the couch and gazed at his naked 'sister', his eyes roving from her chest to the bare mound between her legs. Julie was aware of him there and had been listening to their talk, her heart beating rapidly in nervous anticipation of what was to come. She felt him move and knew he was going lower, towards her groin. She wanted to open her eyes to see what was going on but thought Don would get angry if he noticed so she stayed 'asleep'.

"Boy, dad. Look at Sarah's pussy. You can see all of it 'cause she's got no hair." Pete was staring between Julie's thighs and Don filmed him looking at her sex. The boy leaned forward until he was only an inch or so above her and he looked up at the camera. "Can I touch it, dad?" he asked innocently.

"Sure, buddy. Its all yours."

Pete reached out his finger and touched the top of Julie's slit, right at the base of her clitoris. The little girl gave an involuntary twitch as a bolt of sensation tingled through her and goosebumps rose on her skin. She was still sensitive down there and Pete's touch was re-kindling the excitement she had felt earlier. "She looks like she's got a little dick, dad," he said and he slid his finger down her clitoris causing her to tighten up. She had to force herself to remain still.

"That's her clit, son. Its the most sensitive part of a girl, like the end of your cock. Learn how to play and touch that properly and you'll please every girl you fuck. Sarah's is very big compared to most which means she'll really enjoy having sex."

While Don was talking and filming, Pete was running his finger up and down Julie's slit, between the soft folds of her labia, gradually letting it push further into her. Julie could feel herself becoming wet and her breathing quickened. She wanted to squeeze her legs together.

"Lick her clit, son. Girls like that," Don said.

Pete looked up in surprise. "Lick it?"

"Its great, son. There is nothing like the taste of pussy and nothing like sucking on a girl's clit. Go on and try it. See if I'm not right."

Pete turned slowly back towards his 'sister' as though uncertain about what he was going to do. He licked his lips and tentatively lowered his face towards Julie's clitoris, Don moving around to capture the scene. Julie could feel his breath on her and her muscles tensed. Pete stuck out his tongue and gave a slow lick along the length of her clitoris and Julie clamped her lips together to stop herself from crying out. She had never felt anything like that, the smooth slippery feel of his tongue on her. She was disappointed it had been so fleeting.

Pete was looking at the camera, a look of concentration on his face as he considered the taste of his 'sister'. He gradually smiled and said to his 'father', "She tastes great, dad. Just like you said." He turned back to lower his face onto her again, his fingers gently resuming the stroking up and down in the valley of her now well-lubricated sex.

"Suck on it, Pete," Don said. "Take it between your lips and suck it as though you want to suck milk out of it."

Pete needed no encouragement to do this. It was one of his specialties, with both men and women. He took Julie's distended flesh between his lips and pressed his mouth around it. It felt like a tiny penis in his mouth and he began sucking on it, running the tip of his tongue softly around its bulbous head as he did to the cocks he fellated. Julie couldn't prevent the cry this time as Pete worked on her tender flesh and her hands grabbed his head. Pete acted surprised and jerked back, looking up at the camera.

"She's awake, dad," he said as though worried he would be in trouble.

Don moved back to allow him to film along the couch to include all of his 'children' in the scene. "Its okay, son." The camera moved around the couch until it was looking down on Julie's face. She showed disappointment at the sudden stop to Pete's activities, as well as the nervousness that was real, caused by being uncertain as to what to do next.

"What's the idea of lying out here naked, young lady?" Don asked her sternly. "You trying to tease your brother and me, hey?" The little girl looked at him blankly, not knowing how to respond. "You trying to get us horny letting us see your cunt and tits?" She shook her head looking confused. "Well I don't believe you," Don responded. "Look at your brother. You've made him horny, lying there with your legs open, inviting him to look at your cunt." He stepped back to include Pete in the shot. The boy was standing by Julie's hip, his shorts jutting out in front and he was rubbing himself slowly. Julie looked at her 'brother' then back up at her 'father'. She knew she had to start acting her role if she wanted to be a star.

"I was hot, daddy," she said, looking guilty and contrite, her hand going down between her legs and covering herself. She got a surprise to feel how wet she was there. "I didn't mean to fall asleep."

"That's no excuse, you shameless thing. You wanted us to look at your cunt, didn't you." Don responded sternly.

"No, daddy. Honest. My panties were all sweaty. That's why I took them off. I was going to get new ones but I fell asleep."

"I don't believe you. You've been playing with yourself. Look how wet your cunt is."

"But daddy..." Julie began, starting to enjoy the role of innocent victim.

"Quiet! You've got your brother all turned on by your shamelessness. You'll have to fix him up."

The little girl looked up at the camera, a puzzled look on her face. "How will I do that?" she asked.

"Sit up," her 'father' said and Julie sat up, swinging her feet to the floor. "Keep your legs wide apart, young lady. You wanted to show us your cunt so keep your legs open so we can see it."

"But daddy..."

"You do exactly as I say, missy, or I'll tan your backside. Open them."

The little girl reluctantly opened her legs and Don came around and knelt in front of her, the camera seeking her still swollen vulva. He noticed that Julie's clitoris was still distended and realised she was aroused by what was going on.

"Look at what you've done to your brother," he said to her. He turned to Pete. "Show her what she's done, son."

Pete pulled himself out from the leg of his shorts and suddenly Julie was face to face with his penis. Her eyes widened and her mouth went dry. She stared at it. She was now looking close-up at the thing she had caught a glimpse of in her mother's bedroom - the thing that she had seen in those magazines - the thing that she knew all men and boys had. But how different it was to what she had thought. Seeing it throbbing and moving with the boy's heartbeat and knowing it was something she was going to touch and be touched by made it an awesome sight. Pete's penis was about six inches long and had a swollen head with a flared rim that looked like the head of a mushroom on a stalk. The shaft was smooth and thick with a pronounced ridge running up its underside. Julie could see a slit in the end of Pete's organ and it seemed to be wet around this hole. Pete held himself at the base and pointed himself at her.

"Look at that you naughty girl," Don said, his camera capturing the little girl's first look at the boy's penis. "You've made Pete's cock stiff. You're going to have to help him make it go down now. Stand up."

Julie stood up, her eyes still glued to the boy's thing. It was only an inch from her own thing and Pete was aiming it straight at her.

"Undress your brother, Sarah," Don instructed. "Take his singlet off." Julie did as she was told, taking hold of the hem of Pete's singlet, conscious as she did so that her hands were almost touching his organ. Pete was almost a foot taller than her and she had to stretch upwards to lift his singlet to pull it over his head. As she did so, her body had to move closer to his and she jumped when she felt Pete's thing press against her belly. It was hot and hard and she jerked back in surprise, her skin wet where he had touched.

"Take it easy!" Pete growled as her jerk back pulled his singlet off.

"I'm sorry," Julie stammered awkwardly, her eyes looking down at herself then at his penis. "I didn't mean to... It was..." The feel of his thing touching her had unnerved her. It had felt like nothing she had ever felt before - hot, hard and smooth yet with a spongy softness. And her skin shone with the wet stuff that had come from it.

"You take a little more care, missy," her 'father' warned her. "Now kneel down and take his pants off."

The little girl knelt, her eyes coming in line with the boy's erection. He let go of it and it sprang almost verticle. Her eyes travelled slowly up its length, her breath catching in her throat. Up close, she realised his thing was really quite beautiful. She could see that its skin was almost transparent and she could see lots of tiny veins and blood vessels beneath it. There were some larger, puffy veins that wriggled up the length of the shaft, dark blue against the pink of his rigid flesh. The broad, swollen tube running up the underside of the organ led to what appeared to be a split in the mushroom shaped head. From her angle now, Julie thought the head of Pete's thing looked a bit like a helmet. The skin where it joined the shaft looked smooth and tight and seemed to be gathered at that point. She could see a clear drop of liquid glistening at the very tip.

"Come on, girl," her 'father' growled. "Stop gawking at your brother's dick and take his shorts off. "You'll get plenty of time to look at it, don't you worry."

Julie reached up and hooked her fingers in Pete's shorts. He stood there unmoving, watching her. She began pulling his pants down then realised she was going to have to pull them over his thing. She hesitated for a moment, uncertain how to proceed for fear of upsetting Pete or Don. Neither of them said or did anything so she continued pulling the shorts down, Pete's thing being forced down by the material until it was completely covered. Julie looked up as she lowered his pants, feeling the resistance caused by his distended member trapped beneath them. She had to lean forward as she took the shorts lower and suddenly they were low enough to release Pete's penis and it sprang upwards, hitting her under the chin and sliding wetly up the side of her face. She gasped and jerked back, letting the shorts drop around Pete's ankles.

Pete and Don both laughed and the little girl blushed when she realised they were both expecting that to happen. Pete stepped out of his shorts and stood there naked in front of her. Julie passed her hand over the sticky smear that had streaked up her face and looked at him and her heart pounded even harder than ever. Her face flushed and her stomach was churning as she was suddenly confronted with the nude boy. He is beautiful, was her first thought, her emotions in turmoil. She was both scared and entranced by the sight of the boy before her. She could only stare at him in fascination, noticing the dangling sack hanging beneath his upright organ for the first time. The sack held what appeared to be two large eggs and, from the way the skin was stretched down and the way it swayed between the boy's smooth thighs, the eggs were quite heavy. Pete's body was completely hairless, just a fine down on his shins and forearms and a sparse sprinkle of wispy blonde hairs on his pubes giving a hint of his maturing. His belly was flat and firm, his navel deeply indented, his chest showing developing muscles yet still with a boyish slimness. His nipples were prominent, dark brown and jutting outwards from his chest. He was tanned all over and his skin looked like satin with a soft sheen under the strong lights. Julie felt herself trembling as she gazed at him, aware of a strengthening tingle between her legs. Her eyes settled back onto his sex and she realised she wanted to touch it, wanted to have it touch her. She wanted to do anything she could to please this beautiful boy and make him like her.

Don broke into her thoughts. "Okay, Petey. Lie on the couch and your sister is going to take care of that stiff piece of meat of yours."

Pete moved around her to lie down on the couch and Julie's eyes followed him, taking in his smooth tanned back and firm rounded buttocks as he passed her. When he raised his leg to step up onto the couch exposing the pale flesh in the valley between his buttocks, she caught a glimpse of his darker bottom hole and the back of his dangling sack and she realised that, from now on, no part of him or her was going to be secret or private. Her bottom was going to be looked at and filmed, just like her titties and thingy were, and Pete and Don - and the other actors she now knew were waiting somewhere else in the studio - were going to see every bit of her just like she was seeing every bit of Pete. And she was going to see other men and maybe other boys besides Pete! See their things and all their private parts! She felt almost dizzy with the over-whelming feelings these thoughts brought. She was suddenly filled with nervous anticipation.

"Get up on the couch with your brother, Sarah," Don said, moving around to get the best views of what he now planned to occur. "Sit in between Pete's legs."

Julie rose slightly unsteadily to her feet and turned towards the couch. Pete was lying on his back, his arms beside him and his legs slightly apart. His thing stuck up above his belly and his sack hung down between his legs. She crawled across him, conscious of the dampness between her legs as she spread them to sit crosslegged between Pete's. Don had moved above Pete's head and was filming down the young boy's body, Julie's spread sex filling his viewfinder. Again, he was struck by the size of her engorged clitoris as it stood out prominently above the top of her slit. He knew all of the men waiting in the other studios and watching what was going on here would be eager to get a feel of it - and he knew a couple of them would be working out how to make best use of it.

"Well get to it girl," her 'father' ordered. "You made Pete all horny. You fix him up."

She looked up at him timidly. "I don't know what to do, daddy," she said truthfully.

Don snorted. "Play with his balls to start with."

So that's what they're called, Julie thought, looking at the large sack nestling between Pete's legs. She had no idea what Don meant by 'play' with them, but she reached out and took hold of the sack. As she picked it up, she was amazed at the softness of the skin and the slipperiness of the 'balls' inside. She cradled it in her hand, the balls sliding around on her palm, and looked at this marvelous part. The skin of the sack was just a thin membrane covered in tiny blood vessels and she could feel two thick tubes inside coming from Pete's groin and attached to the two eggs. The eggs themselves were firm but rubbery and she liked the feel as she squueezed them.

"Oww! Not so hard!" Pete cried as she squeezed and she dropped them in shock.

"Be gentle with them, Sarah," Don said. "They are very sensitive. You can be a bit harder with Pete's cock if you want. Take hold of it."

Chastened, Julie looked up at Pete to say sorry, then tentatively took hold of his hard penis, lifting it until it was pointing upright. Her groin tingled at the feel of this thing, so hot and hard between her fingers and too thick for her fingers to go right around. She could feel it pulsing, just like a heart beating but more faintly. Pete groaned softly as her fingers took hold of him and he raised his buttocks to push himself up towards her.

"Frig him," Don said. "Rub your hand up and down it."

Julie did as Don asked, pumping her hand up and down and feeling the thin outer skin moving up and down over the harder, lumpier flesh beneath. Pete caught his breath and began thrusting up and down in counter to her movements. She very quickly understood the rhythm he was creating and could see him tensing up. Instinct seemed to take over and she knew Pete was building up for something, that what she was doing was okay for him. She concentrated on her rubbing, looking at the rod of boy-flesh she was pleasuring and becoming more and more aroused herself. She noticed stuff leaking out from the tip of Pete's penis and dribbling down his shaft with her movements until it was helping her fingers slide over his skin.

"Kiss it," she heard Don say and, without hesitation, she leaned forward and kissed the top of Pete's thing. Pete gave a cry, thrust himself up at her while at the same time grabbing her hand and holding it around himself and, with his other hand, grabbing her head and holding it at the top of his penis. He held still, then Julie's mouth was sprayed with hot liquid and she felt his penis throbbing and pulsating in her hand. She had no idea what was happening but she could do nothing to stop it. She thought at first that Pete was weeing on her but the liquid was coming in powerful spurts instead of a steady stream, and it felt thicker. Some entered between her lips and she tasted a creamy fluid like the Clag paste she used at school. Pete was grunting and jerking beneath her, but he still had hold of her head and hand and was still dictating her movements.

"Great! Fucking great!" Don cried out as the boy climaxed, his camera catching every burst of semen that came out onto Julie. He almost came himself. The sight of his young star coming always excited him and had, at times, made him come himself, especially if it was when he and Pete were sharing their bed. The youngster seemed to have not only an insatiable appetite for anything sexual, but was blessed by being very well endowed equipment wise and extremely well supplied with semen from his large testes. To watch it now splattering the pretty face of his new young star was even more exciting.

Finally Pete finished and gradually relaxed back onto the couch, his breathing deep gasps and his young body quivering. Julie slowly raised her head as Pete relaxed his grip on her and felt blobs of his fluids dripping off her mouth and chin onto her chest and dribbling coldly downwards. She wiped her mouth and looked at the creamy paste on her fingers. It was like a greyish paste with lumps of white mixed in it combined with a slippery clear liquid. She looked at it sliding down her front leaving slick 'snail-trails' on her skin. One blob had slid down over her pubic mound and rested on the base of her clitoris. She swiped it off with her finger sending a powerful tingle through her as she touched her sensitive flesh.

"Here, Sarah," Don said, handing her a handkerchief while he continued filming. "Clean your brother up first, then yourself."

Julie looked at Pete's thing. It was still hard and the top was coated in his discharge and a thick thread of it oozed from the slit in its tip and pooled in his navel. Pete was lying there, hands by his sides just looking at himself and her. She reached out and took hold of his shaft again, bringing it upright and wiping the head and shaft with the hanky. Then, still holding it, she cleaned the fluid from off his belly.

"Did you like that?" Don asked. Julie looked at him and nodded, wondering whether that was the end of the movie until she saw that the man was still filming. This was still part of the 'acting'. "That's how men come. That gooey stuff is a man's sperm and your job is to make it come out of their dicks. That's the only way you can satisfy men and make their cocks go down. You did good for Pete. Now clean yourself up."

Julie wiped her chest and belly, then began to wipe her face on the now sticky hanky, some of Pete's sperm going into her mouth from her lips. She had no alternative but to swallow it and found the taste not unpleasant. Don noticed her licking it from her lips.

"You like the taste of cum do you, Sarah? Maybe you can go around naked all the time to get Pete and me horny so you can get lots more of it."

"I'm still horny, dad," Pete said, leaning up on his elbows. His penis was still as hard as it was at the beginning.

"I guess you're going to have to fuck your sister then, Pete. You want to stick that cock of your's up your sister's cunt? Or do you want to jack-off again."

"I'd rather fuck her," Pete said, looking at Julie.

The little girl's tummy lurched. This was it. She was going to get that thing stuck up between her legs. It looked to be too big. Her heart raced.

"I guess you might have to make Sarah ready, son. You get up and let her lie down. That's right. Sarah you lie down and keep those legs open. Suck on her tits a bit, Pete," Don said when they were positioned.

The boy knelt beside Julie and bent forward, his lips brushing over the slight swell of her breast towards her nipple. She drew in her breath as he pressed over the stiff little nub and began nibbling gently on the very tip of her nipple with his teeth. Pleasurable tingles rippled from her breasts deep into her groin and she moaned. He pressed his hand on her lower belly, his fingers curving over her bare pubic mound and pulling her sex upwards, his fingers digging into her tender flesh, either side of her clit. The little girl began to moan as her body was aroused so expertly by her young lover.

"Move down to her pussy, son," Don instructed and the boy slid his mouth down Julie's body, his tongue teasing her navel before descending over her bare pubes to her swollen genitals. She was hot and moist and he smelled her arousal as he took her clitoris between his lips and massaged the hardened flesh.

A wave of pleasure swept through her and Julie's hand moved up Pete's bare thighs as he knelt beside her and she took hold of his dangling balls. Mindful of hurting him earlier, she gently fondled the heavy sack, rolling the smooth eggs around on her palm. Through desire-hazed eyes she could see the boy's erection jutting out over her hand and looking even bigger than it had before. Its head looked raw and wet, glistening in the bright lights. She cried out as Pete moved his mouth downwards to cover her spread sex and his tongue began prodding her cleft, forcing itself inside her vagina. Her head tossed from side to side as the sensations became almost unbearable, her hand gently squeezing his balls and pulling down on his scrotum.

"I think she's ready to fuck now, son," Don said, conscious of the timing of the film. He knew Pete would go for hours if he let him and it was nearing the time for this feature to finish.

Pete took his mouth from between his 'sister's' legs and looked up at the camera, his mouth glistening with a mixture of his saliva and the little girl's lubricants. Her smell filled his senses, the musky essence from her sex strong enough so that even Don could smell her arousal. He looked at Julie's pussy and saw her labia were swollen and puffy and her inner flesh was bright coral pink from his ministrations. Whitish cream oozed from the slit of her vagina and her clitoris stuck out stiffly. He moved himself downwards, twisting until he was kneeling between Julie's spread thighs. Then, hands either side of her chest, he straightened his legs and lowered himself until his penis was touching her pubic mound. He looked into her eyes, seeing the apprehension in them as he slowly wriggled his erection down between her legs until the glans nudged at her entrance, making sure Don was able to get good views of his actions.

Julie felt Pete's thing against her down there and a flicker of fear went through her. There was no turning back now. She was going to be fucked. She looked up at the naked boy above her, her hands going up to grasp his waist. She could feel his muscles hard beneath his warm skin and her hands moved to the curve of his hips. He was arched from the groin upwards and she looked down between their bodies, seeing his hard organ disappearing below the swell of her pubic mound. She was conscious of Don lying down between Pete's spread legs, his camera aiming up between them and filming the boy's invasion of her. Then Pete began to press inwards with his buttocks and she felt the hot blunt thickness of him seeking entry into her. She was so slick down there from Pete's saliva and her own discharge that there was almost no resistance and the head of Pete's penis slipped easily into the mouth of her vagina, spreading wide her virginal opening. Julie gasped as she felt the intrusion, the boy's thickness causing a pleasurable twinge of pain as it stretched her for that first time. He continued to press steadily inwards and she felt him slowly opening her inside, the hard organ entering into her tight passageway and little twinges of pain combining with a deeper pleasure to give her feelings so unlike anything she had ever experienced before. Her breaths came in sharp gasps as Pete slowly moved inwards, finding a slight resistance to his progress that caused him stop. He began to exert more pressure and Julie squealed as he suddenly jerked forward, his pubic bone pressed against her's. He was fully embedded in her and the sharp pain Julie had felt gave way to a feeling of being stuffed and she held her breath, wondering what was to come. Pete kept himself motionless for several seconds, adjusting his weight on his extended arms, looking down on his young lover. Then he began to rotate his hips causing his penis to delve around deep inside Julie and rubbing the smooth flesh of his pubes over her clitoris. A strong wave of pleasure caused her to grip him tightly and her own hips began to move in automatic response. Pete began to move himself in and out, his shaft swelling even more as his excitement built and massaging her tight passageway. His testes swung and she could feel them banging in against her bottom as he thrust inwards, adding to her sensations of pleasure. Her whole lower body seemed to be engulfed in pure sensation and she was losing control of her senses.

The young boy increased his tempo and his pressure and Julie finally succumbed to the unceasing build-up of pleasure and gave a squeal and her body began to twist and writhe beneath him. This was the trigger for his own release and he buried himself in her as a gush of semen burst from his penis into her. Powerful spasms jerked his penis as he spurted and he pulled out from her so Don could film his essence spraying out onto her distended sex and belly, something he knew Don wanted to see. He then pushed himself back into the little girl's sex to finish his discharge, feeling her flesh clamping rhythmically around him from her own orgasm.

Slowly their climaxes eased and their bodies began to relax, Pete lowering himself until he was lying over the top of Julie, his hands on her chest, his fingers holding her nipples. Both children were glistening with sweat and Don panned the camera up from between Pete's legs, lingering on his softly hanging scrotum and the pale cleft between his spread buttocks, his darker, crinkled anus clearly visible. Then Don swept slowly up over the boy's rounded, tanned buttocks and up the smooth expanse of his back. He eased himself off the couch and moved around the children, his own breathing short and his erection straining in his pants. The kid was certainly proving to be a find, maybe even as great as Pete. She certainly seemed to enjoy her first fuck, he thought, and comes quite easily and quite obviously, something his clients liked.

He focussed on the young girl's face, flushed from her orgasm, her eyes half closed. Her hands were rubbing slowly up and down Pete's back and the boy had his face buried into her neck. Don could see Pete's fingers gripping the little nipple as he knelt down beside her and he zoomed in on it before moving back and up again. He gave Pete's backside a light smack. "Get up, son. Let's see if your sister's cured your stiffy," he said, getting back into his role.

Pete raised himself on his arms again and Julie looked down as he began to withdraw from inside her. His erection had subsided and his soft penis stretched as her vagina contracted reflexively around it. She shuddered in pleasure as she felt it being pulled out of her, her skin clinging to it. It looked thinner and she could see Pete's large testicles dangling beyond it, even looser than they had been earlier. Then the boy's cock pulled out completely with a squishy 'plop' and swung from his bare pubes. The head was glistening with wetness and a thread of his jissom hung out of its tip. She could also see traces of blood on it, mixed in with the drying juices coating the shaft. There was an emptiness between her legs.

Don focussed on Pete's soft cock, making sure the evidence of Julie's virginity was clear. "Looks like it worked, son," he said. "Your dick's all wrung out."

Pete looked at his 'father' and grinned, wriggling his hips so his organ jiggled. "It won't be for long, pa." He looked down at his 'sister'. "You know what, sis? I'm sure glad you went to sleep showing your cunt like you did. You can do it all the time from now on. Don't you reckon, dad?"

"She had better, son," Don replied, fading the scene out as he spoke. "She'd better."

He stood up, lowering the camera. "That was great, you two." He looked down at Julie as Pete stood up off the couch. "You looked as though you enjoyed that fuck."

Julie smiled shyly and nodded, her eyes swinging over to where Pete was wiping his penis with a towel.

"Pete's pretty good at wielding that cock of his, sweetie. You were lucky he was your first. We've got another film to do now so you'd better get yourself wiped off. You can have another session with Pete when we're done for the day, if you can take it," he smiled.

Pete threw the towel to her as she groggily sat up. He walked unashamedly naked over to her her, his penis curving out in front of him as he watched the little girl clean between her legs and on her stomach where he had spurted on her. "I'd like to fuck you again," he said. 'You've got a sweet little pussy."

She glanced up at him and smiled shyly. She was getting used to the language the man and boy used to her and, in fact, was enjoying their coarseness. "I'd like that too," she said softly, glancing again at his genitals.

"Come on," Don interrupted. "Stop distracting her you horny young bastard," he said good-naturedly to Pete. "I want you to put this on for your next film, sweetie," he said, handing Julie a piece of filmy cloth. "Take off your shoes and socks and put this on."

She held it up and saw it was a very thin lace shorty pyjama top. It looked extremely sexy and expensive to her and she put it beside her and began undoing her shoe. Pete knelt in front of her and began taking off her other shoe and she saw that he was looking at her between her legs while he did it. She opened her legs a little wider and she saw him grin. When he had removed her shoe and sock he suddenly leaned in between her thighs and ran his tongue up her slit and sat back laughing as she doubled over in surprise. She sat back up and grinned at the boy squatting cheekily before her, so confident in his sexuality. She could see Don frowning so quickly removed her other sock in case he became abrupt again and spoiled the way she was feeling right now. She picked up the top and slipped it over her head and stood up, Pete rising with her.

"Phew!!" he whistled appreciatively. "That looks sexy."

The lace was soft against her skin and the hem came to the top of her thighs, just hiding her pubes. The material was almost transparent, a hint of her nipples showing through the pale cream lacy fabric.

"It sure does," Don said, his eyes travelling over her. He was loading a new video into the camera. "Lets go make this next movie."

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


Good story about breaking a ten year old slut into kiddie porn. She should have sucked off the old man in the sex scene though, he had to be hard watching that boy fuck her tight little cunt. Could have had a quicker pace, I found myself skipping some pointless description. Worth a read.


somehow I would have liked her to put up a fight first, a little tanning of her behind and pussy with the end of 'daddy's' belt makes for such incredibly obedient little girls (sigh).

Furthermore great story, well written. Slow pace for me is excellent to build up tension.


I remember reading this story on another site some years ago. Wonderful story! I especially liked the description of the little girl's awakening. I enjoyed the story immensly, and am glad to see it posted on here. - Corn53


nice story love reading about kids with kids though the bit where she lost his cherrie was a bit weak she would havefelt more pain and that would have been nice to read about

Philip Spener

This is a well-written story with colorful descriptions and a good pace. I like the bg theme. Keep up the good work.


Great start to this story. I love how you brought the little girl into the story. I prefer little girls but you made me interested in little boys with this one!

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