Published: 27-May-2012
Word Count:
After our swim, I tugged little 8-year-old Lisa back into the boat, and we showered and dressed. I cooked dinner for us, we watched the sun go down. She was bored, and asked me if I had any games. Sorry, I said. No games on board.
"Well, then," she pouted, kicking her little feet impatiently, "Can we look at the pit'churs you took?"
"Okay," I said, vaguely nervous about how she'd react. Some of them -- oh my god. I briefly wondered if the child had any clear idea about pedophilia, if she had any idea how men used photos of her, and why. Or if she just assumed the sweaty acts she performed at home when Mommy was away were just innocent games all Daddies play with their little girls.
"Okay, Lisa, but only if you get washed up for bed and put on your jammies first. I promised your parents you'd get some sleep, because they won't be home until very late, okay?"
"N'kay!" the kid chirped, bouncing up to get her backpack. She pulled out a set of pink cotton pajamas with Barbie logos. The pants had little feet in them.
I fired up the computer and plugged in the camera as she brushed her teeth and changed in the head. She padded over to stand beside me as I sat facing the computer and punched up the first shot.
Standing beside me as I sat, the top of her head was just about level with my chin. She curled her skinny arm around my shoulders. "I don't like that shirt," she pouted, pointing a stumpy finger at the screen.
I wrapped my arm around her waist and hugged. "I think you look cute in it." She shook her head, swinging her little pigtails. "It's stoopid," she announced. "Gap Kids is icky. An' I'm not a kid any more, I turned eight years old last week."
We watched in silence as I scrolled the photos. We soon progressed from the prim shots to the more provocative ones. A photo of her coyly tugging down her little bikini panties made her giggle. The response in my shorts was different as I gazed at the prim, babyfat lips that concealed the juicy little hole she'd so eagerly encouraged me to use earlier in the day.
My hand dropped to affectionately squeeze her little bottom and I whispered, "Why don't you sit here in my lap, so you can see better?" The little girl happily clambered into my lap, her short legs dangling astride my left thigh. I curled my arm around her skinny body, feeling as though it could wrap around twice.
My hand caressed her soft tummy and I nervously twirled her little pigtail with a finger to distract her as the X-rated photos began to appear.
The screen showed a shot of her peeling open her pussy lips with tiny fingers, then a closeup showing the arousal gleaming at the mouth of her little pink hole. I sucked in my breath involuntarily. She giggled softly. "Do you think my twinkie is pretty, Mister? Do you like lookin' at it?" she whispered. "Yes, Lisa, you have a very... cute little twinkie, honey."
She cranked around her head to whisper in my ear, "Are you gonna... ya know... play with yourself when you look at my pit'churs later? Daddy says lotsa guys do that."
I curled my arm around to cup her little tummy in my palm. "Does that bother you?" I asked.
"Well, it's kinda icky. But it's... it's kinda sexy, too..." she said. I squeezed her little tummy. After a moment she added, "I wouldn't mind if you do it. I think you're nice. And cute."
She turned to whisper again in my ear, "Could I... watch you do it? My Daddy won't let me watch him."
What the hell. It wasn't nearly as depraved as the things we'd done earlier, my dick was already stiffening again in my shorts, and the child's innocent curiosity was... compelling.
I lifted the frail little kid in my arms, dropped my shorts to my ankles and sat back down. She gazed down at the thick erection bouncing in my lap beside her dangling leg. "Thass so cool," she whispered as she eagerly watched my right hand curl around the stiff penis and begin to stroke.
"How come it feels good when you do that?" she asked with innocent curiosity as the first bead of pre-cum drooled out and I stroked the warm liquid down the length of my shaft.
"Well, Lisa... ah... it... it feels like... like it's up inside your little tummy, honey," I murmured, giving her plump belly an affectionate squeeze. "Inside your... your little twinkie."
The kid giggled and clapped her hand over mine where it cupped her belly. "Well... what's it feel like in there?" she continued, poking at her tummy with her finger.
I sighed, shook my head and grinned down at the curious little kid. "It feels better than anything in the whole world, honey. When it's inside you, it feels better than... well, better than eating chocolate, or candy, or anything."
"Yeah, but... but what's it FEEL like in there?" she responded, poking her tummy, relentlessly pursuing the question, like any 8-year-old, never satisfied with adults' evasive answers to awkward questions.
Another viscous runnel of pre-cum drooled down my tingling dick as I leaned to whisper in the child's tiny ear. "It feels all warm and creamy inside you, honey... soft, and slippery, nice and deep inside you, with your little twinkie giving it nice, warm hugs that make it shiver and get goose bumps..."
She clapped her little hand over her crooked teeth and giggled at this as my hand crept beneath the waistband of the child's pink footie PJs. "How does it feel to you, when it's in there," I whispered, my hand creeping down into her little panties.
"I... I d- dunno, kinda warm an' stretchy in there, like it's... it's kinda stretchin' me open d- down there..." she stammered as my finger nestled into the soft little cleft. "An' it... it kinda makes my t- tummy feel all tingly an' stuff..." she whispered as she craned her neck to watch me stroking my dick.
She sighed and her stumpy legs parted as I began to stroke the miniature little pussy, my fingertip tingling at the sensation of her warm goo that showed the child was just as aroused as I was.
An extreme closeup view of her wide open vulva and glistening vagina appeared. We both groaned, me staring at the obscene photo, she watching my rigid dick drooling as I stroked it and her swollen little love button.
The little girl slumped back against me, her tiny fingers kneading my wrist as I masturbated us both. "C- can we... do it again?" she whispered. "I... I wanna... do it again, Mister..."
"D- do... what?" I gasped, teasing her as I stared into the child's gooey little vagina on the screen.
"You KNOW," she whimpered, squirming in frustration. "P- put it up in there, like... like we did before."
"Oh..." I whispered. "In here?" slipping my finger into her vagina and wiggling it gently.
"Y-y-yeahhhhhhh," the little girl hissed, her body stiffening as she clutched my wrist.
"Okay," I whispered. But only if you go to the bathroom first, so we don't make a mess like last time. You know how to use the head?"
"Uh-huh," she said, bobbing her little head. She hopped off my lap and scampered to the head. While she was gone I set the camera lens to wide-angle, placed it on a shelf above the computer facing me. I sat in the chair and fired a test shot using the wireless remote. A picture of me in the chair popped onto the screen. Perfect.
I heard the head flush. A moment later the little girl emerged, padding across the floor to me in her pink, footed PJs, grinning shyly.
I took her little face in my hands and kissed her, then stood facing the camera and drew her next to me. I wanted a shot that showed a sense of scale, to emphasize how small my little sex toy was. And I got it. The top of her red head didn't even reach the level of my navel.
Her little chin was just about at the level of my balls. I pointed at the camera, and told her to look into the lens. She clapped her little hand over her mouth and giggled. "More pit'churs!" she squealed, giggling. Snap. The photo appeared on screen -- me, naked, seen from the chest down, my hand on the head of a giggling little 8-year-old in pink pajamas, my rigid dick dangling beside her freckled face.
She squealed when she saw it. "Eeeeewww.... thass so nasty!"
"Yeah," I said. "You're a very naughty girl, aren't you Lisa?" She giggled. "Look in the camera, and be a naughty girl for me..."
The skilled little model composed her face, looked into the camera and I got half a dozen shots of intensely erotic, "naughty-girl" facial expressions.
"Do one like this," she chirped, reaching up to wrap her little fingers around my dick, her other hand cupping my balls. The photo appeared on screen.
"No, no, do it again," she said. "I wasn't ready."
The next shot showed her eyes closed, mouth wide open, pink tongue glistening an inch from my dick.
The next showed us in profile, my hands fondling her pigtails, her lips stretched around my dick head, her wet little tongue stroking the underside.
The next showed only the back of the child's head clasped in my hands. I found myself wishing I was shooting video instead of stills. The camera didn't capture my heavy groan and the obscene slurping sounds the child made as she eagerly sucked my dick.
I reluctantly slurped my wet dick out of the child's mouth and got a shot showing a long filament of pre-cum stretching from the glistening mushroom head of it to her lower lip.
The kid wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and looked up at me, smirking. "Can we take pit'churs of us doin' it?" she whispered. I nodded. She giggled.
I turned to seat the little girl in the chair. "First I want to do something," I said. I knelt and pulled her little PJ bottoms down to her knees. My abdomen fluttered at what I saw.
Daddy must have chosen these panties for her. They were blatant pedo-bait panties -- the full coverage white cotton type, designed for kids about 6, with a frilly pink lace. On the front was a pink crayon, writing the words "KId StuFf" in a childish script.
Just above the fleshy mound of her little vulva, where her clitoris would be, was a tiny symbol, an exclamation point in parentheses {!} embroidered in pink. Farther down, at the softly indented crotch, just over the child's vagina, was a pink heart, with two little baby hands demurely crossed over it. "mY LitTle SecRet" it said, in the same childish, crayon script.
The kid's sharp eyes didn't miss much. She giggled when she saw my obvious interest in her provocative kiddie panties. "You like my panties, don'cha, Mister" she grinned. "Daddy got 'em for me, but he won't let me wear 'em for the pit'churs. He says they're too naughty. But thass why I like 'em."
I impulsively bent forward to kiss the soft crotch, pressing my engorged lips into the "mY LitTle SecRet" crayon script. Lisa bit her lip and craned her head to watch as I tugged the tiny panties down her matchstick skinny legs, slowly, to savor the moment after a lifetime of fantasizing about watching my large hands slipping little cartoon kiddie panties down the legs of a small, willing child.
She daintily stepped out of the footie PJs and obscene little undies. "C- can I t- taste your sweet little twinkie, Lisa?" I croaked as my engorged tongue strained for my first taste of a little girl's sexual arousal.
"Oh... oh, yeah," the child hissed, her eyes narrowing. "L- licky tummy... I love when Daddy does licky tummy..."
The little girl hunched forward and closed her eyes in anticipation of a pleasure she obviously knew well. "Oooooo, licky tummy, licky tummy," she panted as I peeled open her little pussy lips.
She jerked, sucked in her breath and moaned as I flattened my tongue into her wet little cleft "s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH..."
The child's little fingers curled into my hair. She ground her tiny hips, grunting urgently as I licked and sucked at her damp crotch.
The child's gooey little honey pot tasted of sperm, sea water and urine, mixed in with her own warm, slick arousal. With her slender thighs gripping my head I could feel more than hear her fast panting and moaning. I gripped her by the waist and lowered her to the cabin sole, draping her short legs over my shoulders.
I couldn't see the monitor at this point, of course, but I later considered these some of the most erotic photos I shot that day -- that little 8-year-old face contorted in pleasure, drooling and moaning; her tiny feet kicking at my back in pleasure as she hunched her little crotch into my mouth.
Suddenly her voice changed. Her tummy trembled and she dropped from high-pitched squeals and moans to deep, ragged grunts, obviously on the brink of orgasm.
I tore my face away from the child's slimy crotch. "Aaaawww, NOOOOOOOOOO!" the kid screeched, blindly grabbing at my head, pounding her tiny feet on my back.
I was glad we were anchored so far offshore. The little girl's screech of frustration was so ear-splitting that I heard a cormorant squawk on deck as it fled the mast spreaders where it had been roosting. Good, I thought. Less deck shit to clean up.
This was one of the most erotic shots of all -- the half-clothed little girl desperately hunching her drooling little hole up at me as she whined and begged me to finish her.
"N- n- not FINISHED!" the little girl whined, tummy heaving, her face a contorted mask of frustrated sexual desire. "K- keep DOIN' it! PlEEEEEEEZE..."
She jerked her hand to her crotch but I intercepted it, holding her tiny hand tightly. I knew if that little finger made contact with her swollen clit she'd explode in orgasm, and I didn't want that. Yet. I wanted to take my time, tweak the little girl's sexual desire to maximum tension, partly for my own depraved gratification, partly for her pleasure.
I gathered up the trembling child, pressed her into the chair and knelt to kiss her deeply, my tongue tingling at the childish taste of the sweet drink she'd had with dinner as the frustrated little girl whined and moaned into my mouth, now trying to grind her drooling little twat on the seat cushion.
I kissed her long and deeply, until she gradually stopped shaking and I knew the moment of release had passed. I leaned back to look at her -- little eyes dim with lust, saliva gleaming in her slack little mouth. A glob of pre-cum oozed out of my rigid dick. Oh, god, this was going to be good.
I easily lifted the child out of the chair. She couldn't have weighed more than 40 pounds. I sat in the chair with the little girl facing me.
The child pouted up at me, her lower lip poked out. She'd lost all modeling pretense now; she was just a skinny little girl in a pink Barbie pajama top, sulking because she'd been denied what she wanted. "You're mean," she pouted, her little hands crossed over her bare crotch. "You did'unt let me get finished."
"We'll get all finished, honey," I whispered, taking her hand and wrapping her little fingers around my rigid dick. "Don't you want to feel this nice and deep inside your little twinkie, all big and hard, and squirting inside your tummy again?"
The child's eyes narrowed as she stared down, squeezing and fondling the heavy dick in her hands. "...y- yeah..." she murmured quietly.
I pulled her gently to me, fondling her tiny butt as she played with my dick. "Don't you want to feel me fuck you with it?" I whispered in her little ear.
The little girl trembled and squeezed my dick. "Thass a bad word," she whispered, biting her lip shyly. "Daddy don't let me say it. He calls it it... h- happy tummy..."
"But... that's what you want, don't you?" I whispered, moving my hand slowly up the child's soft inner thigh. "Don't you want me to fuck you, up inside your little happy tummy?"
The child shuddered again and sucked in her breath. "Y- yeth," she lisped, nodding, little pigtails bouncing, both little hands now fondling my dick.
"Say it, honey..." I whispered, teasing one finger half an inch from her drooling little hole. "Tell me what you want me to do..."
The naughty words gushed out of her as though she'd wanted to say them forever, but they were too forbidden. "Fu- fu- awwwww, FUCK me..." she gasped, trembling hard. "Please?"
"It's fun to say the nasty words, isn't it" I whispered, teasing my fingertip in little circles around the child's sex. "Y- yeth," the child gasped, squeezing hard on my dick. "W- wanna... fuck it... wanna... fuck wif it..."
Less desperate now after my devastating orgasm, I began to enjoy teasing the little girl. "Fuck with... with what, Lisa? You want to fuck on my big dick, honey?" I murmured, stroking her wet little fingers up and down the engorged shaft.
The kid ducked her head and blushed deeply at the naughty word, avoiding my gaze and nodding shyly. "No, say it, Lisa," I cooed. "Tell me what you want, honey. Use the naughty words. I won't tell."
The blushing child raised her head to stare at the thick penis in her hands. "B- big... d- dick," she whispered quietly at the engorged shaft. "Want you to... to put the big d- dick in me again, and..."
"And FUCK you with it?" I urged, stroking her tiny fingers along the wet shaft.
"Y- yeah, but..." her voice trailed off.
"But what, honey? You want to do something else? Would something else make you feel better?" I said, dipping my hand beneath her pink PJ top to fondle her tiny nipples.
She just ducked her head, shaking it violently and blushing at the floor.
"Come on, pretty little Lisa, tell me... Tell me what makes you feel the absolutely best, honey..."
The kid jerked her hands from my dick, clasped them behind her and shook her head again. "No, it's... I'm too umbarrassed, it's... it's nasty..." she whispered at the floor.
I reached to lift her little chin with my fingers. "No, you have to tell me, Lisa, or... or I won't fuck you any more, honey. Come on..." I smiled into her pouty face.
Her lower lip quivered, a tear welled in one eye, and she twisted her head sideways to avoid my gaze. "No, p- please? D- don't make me say it, I'm... I'm too umbarrassed, Mister," she whimpered, her lower lip trembling.
Her pitiful shyness touched both my heart and my throbbing dick. "It's okay, sweetie," I whispered, encircling the pajama-clad little tyke with my arms and drawing her close to me. "You can just whisper it in my ear, okay? I won't even look at you. Just whisper it. I won't tell. It'll be our little secret, okay?"
The child slowly lifted her head, brought her soft lips to my ear. "W- well, it's... it's the... the... stuff..." she sniffled in a barely audible whisper. "It's... like... ya know, at the end, when... when the... when I can feel the... stinky stuff goin' in me, it... it makes me feel all gooey inside, an'... an' it makes me g- get all finished real good, 'cuz it's so... so nasty..."
The child's softly whimpered confession fired every pedophile synapse in my brain. I tugged her freckled face to mine, plunged my tongue into her pouting mouth and curled it around hers, sucking and licking it as I fondled her tiny, grapefruit size bottom.
I broke the passionate kiss to hug the child and whisper in her ear. "You... you can FEEL it, honey, when I... when I squirt my sper... uh, my stinky stuff in you? And that's what gets you excited?" I huffed.
The little kid dropped her head into my neck and nodded, shyly. "Like... like today, when you... ya know... there was so MUCH of it, an' I could feel it goin' in there, an' it jus' kept goin' in me, an' goin' in me, an'... an' it got me all finished, so good..."
I tugged her face up to mine. "You... you want to feel the stinky stuff squirt inside you again, little Lisa?" I breathed, brushing her pouty lips with mine. "You want to feel my big dick squirting all my nasty sperm up inside you, honey?" I whispered, reaching to curl her tiny fingers around my throbbing penis.
The little girl sucked in her breath as she felt the warm heat of my engorged dick in her hand. "Uh-huh," she whispered, her shy voice now tinged with urgency.
I pulled her away, turned her so she was facing away from me, toward the camera, lifting and settling her onto my lap, her little legs straddling my hairy thighs. I pressed my rigid dick flat against her little tummy, placed her tiny hand on it and snapped a photo.
"Look, honey," I whispered as the obscene photo appeared on the monitor. "Look how deep it's going to go up inside you. Almost up to your little belly button."
The child's eyes widened as she gazed at the photo, then narrowed to tiny slits as she looked down at the rigid penis in her hand. "...y- yeah..." she whispered. "I l- like when it's way up in there..."
The little girl began rolling my dick from side to side, stroking between her slick vulva lips, looking down and panting. I unbuttoned two buttons of her pink pajama top, held it open to expose her tiny, flat nipples and took another photo.
"H- h- hurry UUUUP..." the little girl panted, masturbating herself with my dick. "S- stick it up... up IN there..."
I lifted her tiny butt, poised my shiny dick head at her crotch, shot another photo, then whispered, "You do it, honey... put it in for me..."
"Yeah, ye, ye, yeah..." the little kid panted. She grabbed my dick, worked herself around to the right insertion angle, grunted loudly and plunged, impaling herself on my dick in one motion, the child's generously lubricated vagina sucking me in to the balls.
The child grimaced and squealed, apparently both in pleasure and in pain as I captured a shot of her shocked face, her plump little tummy that had swallowed my dick whole, my large hands around her tiny waist, fingers nearly meeting in the middle.
"T- too MUCH," the kid whined, rubbing her tummy with her hand. "Too MUCH up in there... it k- kinda hurts..."
I couldn't move. I stared at the monitor, saw myself buried to the root in the little 8-year-old's tummy, felt her little kiddie hole sucking wetly on my dick, and my eyes glazed over. I knew if I moved a millimeter I'd lose control and blast off, probably squirting the little kid a foot into the air.
I squeezed my eyes shut, so the obscene photo wouldn't put me over the edge. I sat there trembling and gritting my teeth, leaking globs of pre-cum into the child's vagina, clenching my balls to hold back, waiting for the crisis moment to pass.
"Phwhoooossshhh..." I exhaled, realizing that I'd been holding my breath for at least 30 seconds. As my fogged brain cleared I looked down to see the little girl also looking down and stroking her lower tummy, where the root of my dick disappeared into her.
"It goes too deep in there, this way," she pouted. "It kinda stretches me out inside."
I reached up, slipped my hand inside her PJ top and began gently stroking the child's nipple. She sighed. "It'll get better," I whispered. "It hurts because you're too little. You're only 8 years old and I'm all grown up. That's why it's so nasty. Grownups aren't supposed to fuck little girls."
The child's eyes closed and the edges of her little lips curled into a weak, naughty smile at the forbidden word. "F- f- fuck..." she murmured. "F- fuck, dass so nasty..." "N- nasty... f- fuck..."
I began gently rocking forward and back, grinding my rigid dick inside the little girl's vagina. The kid collapsed against my chest with a deep, ragged groan, her arms dropping limply by her sides.
"See? Fucking feels good, doesn't it, honey, even if you're a little girl?" I whispered, tweaking the child's stiffening nipple beneath her Barbie PJ top and grinding myself gently in her warm little sex hole.
"F- fil... fils g- good in there..." the child groaned, stroking her plump tummy and rotating her tiny hips to match my slow grinding motion.
I stopped moving inside her and let the little girl pleasure herself, slowly rocking back and forth, grinding herself on the thick meat inside her, her eyes squeezed shut as she concentrated on the sensation of my blunt penis stimulating the tender flesh of her vagina.
I was thrilled beyond belief, dying to see this child's explosive orgasm. I knew the randy little kid would now be far more aroused, after being given permission to say the naughty, forbidden words -- and after being forced to confess the shameful secret of her excitement at the sensation of a male penis ejaculating in her. Luckily I was no longer a hair trigger. My own orgasm earlier had made me a bit less desperate.
"Good girl, Lisa, that's so good. Suck it, honey. Suck my big dick with your sweet little twinkie," I muttered under my breath, fondling the child's stiff nipples as she eagerly squirmed in my lap, her tiny bottom firmly planted on my pubic bone. "Your wet little twinkie is going to make me squirt lots, and lots of stinky stuff up inside you, sweetie. You want to feel that nasty stuff going inside you?"
The child shivered, her pink-tinged fingernails digging into my forearms. "Y- yeah... yeah..." she panted, grinding herself on me more urgently, her coppery red hair now plastered to her forehead with sweat. "D- DO it in me... do the... the s- stinky stuff in me..."
"No, little one, you have to tell me... tell me what you want. You want Daddy's hot, nasty sperm to fill up your little twinkie?"
She bit her lip hard, her face burning with shame and naughty excitement. "N'kay, y- yeah, nasty, n- nasty sperm in me, pleeze, do the n- nasty sperm in me!" she practically spat, wriggling frantically in my lap.
"Okay, baby, but you have to sit very, very still, so you can feel it, okay?" I murmured, wrapping my arms all the way around the squirming child to hold her completely still, impaled on my rigid dick. "You won't be able to feel it if you're wiggling like that."
The child's face screwed up into a grimace of frustration, her tiny body quivering with urgent need, but she couldn't move anything but her arms. She clawed desperately at my forearms, but couldn't budge them. A sudden look of shocked surprise crossed her face as her tiny nostrils quivered at a whiff of the perspiration now dripping beneath my arms. She craned her head down to press her face into my armpit, panting heavily into mass of damp hair.
"Oh... oh yeah, Daddy..." she whispered as her tensed body went limp in my arms. Her tiny hand slapped into my armpit, and her eyes closed as she dragged her wet palm across her freckled nose, sniffing and panting more urgently.
"You like that, little Lisa?" I said.
"Y- yeah, D- Daddy smells like that when he's just about to... to DO it in me," she gasped deliriously, smearing my acrid sweat into her quivering nostrils. "Smell nasty, Daddy get so excited in me..."
I shuddered and groaned aloud at the high-pitched, childish voice confessing her lust for the smell of a sexually aroused man's sweat, and the feeling of his semen ejaculating in her. My aching prostate twitched, on the brink of eruption.
Panting heavily, I grabbed the child's tiny hand, pressed it into her soft tummy. "F- feel it in you, Lisa? You feel Daddy's big dick so deep inside your little tummy?" I gasped, pressing her little hand hard, rolling my bloated penis inside her.
"N- n- n- n-ghaaaaaaa!" the kid groaned, collapsing back against my chest, her lips curling into a grimace of ecstatic pleasure as the felt the meaty thing rolling and twitching inside her.
"Daddy's big dick is just about to squirt very deep inside you, little baby," I babbled, "fill your little pussy all up with stinky sperm..."
"Oyeah... oyeah... oyeah..." the kid hissed, lashing her little pigtails from side to side in anticipation as her tensed fingers curled into her tummy, squeezing and rolling. "Big dick... big d- DICK in me, gonna... gonna do the... the STINKY stuff in me, oyeah..."
"H- hold s- still oghod, h- hold still little baby, f- feel it... h- here comes Daddy.... here comes Daddy's n- nasty SPERM!" I grunted through clenched teeth as I let go and the torrent erupted inside the little girl.
Her eyes and mouth popped open in a silent scream as the child felt my hot spunk coursing into her clutching little cunt, gushing and squirting uncontrollably as I hissed and grunted my sweet relief in her ears.
The eyes rolled white in her head, she jammed her freckled nose beneath my arm and shrieked her orgasmic ecstasy into my sweaty armpit as her little body shook violently from the sensation of warm sperm hosing her spasming vagina and bubbling out of her overstuffed little hole.
I was far too immersed in kiddie-sex nirvana to think of photographing our spectacular mutual orgasm, dammit. But when I finally recovered, I groggily groped for the shutter release and got a satisfying shot of the unconscious little girl collapsed against my chest, still deeply impaled on my quivering dick, a dreamily satisfied look on her face as her slack mouth drooled on the pink PJ top, and my semen bubbled out of her slimed hole to puddle in my pubic hairs.
"Was that good, little Lisa?" I whispered, twirling her braided pigtails in my fingers as my tingling dick still quivered and leaked deeply inside her. "Is my sweet little girl all finished, now?"
There was no response except for the child's ragged panting. The kid had obviously passed out, her frail body overcome by the intensity her orgasm, her immature mind overwhelmed by what she would only later in life begin to realize as the staggering power of eroticism to elevate mere physical pleasure to sublime heights of ecstasy.
I savored the moment, gazing at the monitor showing the limp, unconscious body of a little 8-year-old impaled in my lap. I reached down to stroke the child's slender thighs, no bigger around than my forearms, dangling limply over my hairy thighs.
Feeling more relaxed and content than I had in months, maybe ever, I smiled and reached down to fondle the child's tiny feet, so soft and delicate, so much smaller than my hands, as my softening dick tingled gratefully inside her warmly clasping little "twinkie."
The little girl's vagina gently squeezed me, a shuddering aftershock of her orgasm. I gasped and leaked another droplet of semen inside her. I held as still as I could inside her and waited, and it came again -- a twitch, then a firm, prolonged... SQUEEEEEEEEZE...
I groaned out loud. The child was passed out cold, but her limp little body was still sucking my dick, her little vaginal muscles still contracting in the aftermath of her stunning orgasm.
I held completely still, in fascination. I'd never imagined so small a child could orgasm so intensely. The seconds ticked by, the only sound in the cabin my ragged breathing, and the gentle lapping of waves rocking the hull. I looked down to watch my large hands gently fondle the little 8-year-old's slender thighs -- SQUEEEEEEZE...
My spent dick quivered inside her, and I reached up to unbutton the sleeping child's pajama top all the way, spreading the pink top open to expose her flat little chest and tiny nipples.
Very gently, so as not to awaken her, I stroked the tiny nipplets, the soft curve of the child's little tummy, from her belly button down to her pubic bone. Twitch, twitch... squEEEEEeeeeEEEEEZE...
I realized that my touch stimulated her vaginal contractions. I pressed lightly on her little tummy -- SQUEEEEZE... My brain fogged with lust. It was as though I was using the little girl's body to masturbate myself.
My body was more drained than it had ever been in my life. But, after a lifetime of deeply repressed child-sex desires, my mind couldn't help responding. The outrageously depraved thought of fucking a contentedly sleeping child was jut too much. My limp, spent dick began to stir again inside her.
My finger crept down to nestle in the soft folds of her soft pussy lips, obscenely slimed by my copious sperm and her own lubrication, and my fingertip gently rolled the little pink nubbin nestled in my pubic hairs. The child shivered, and my touch provoked a triple response; three long, firm vaginal contractions --
...twitch... twitch... SQUEEEEEEEEEZE...
My spent dick bloated to half-mast, my eyes crossed, and I orgasmed again in the little girl, only driblets this time since I'd been sucked dry, but the sweet jerking and heaving of my quivering penis felt almost as delicious as my fire-hose eruption inside her. I slumped back into the chair, gasping and marveling at the astonishing power of sexual fantasy. I hadn't managed three orgasms in a day since my early 30s.
The child stirred in my arms, and I realized that I'd probably awakened her when I hungrily fondled her frail body during my last orgasm.
"Wh... whu...?" she sleepily murmured, rubbing her eyes with her fists as my sperm bubbled out of her plugged little hole and leaked down into the hairs of my balls.
"I feww asleep," the child mumbled sleepily, as my spent dick still throbbed and tingled deeply inside her. "Did'ja get all finished in me?"
"Y- yeah, little Lisa, I... ah... got ALL finished inside you, honey," I managed.
The little girl yawned and giggled, her abdominal muscles once again squeezing the thick meat inside her and milking another little rivulet of semen from my drained balls.
"I did, too," she announced, proudly. She took my large hand in her tiny one and placed it on her tummy. "It kinda hurt a liddle bit at first, but it was the bestest ever, ever," she whispered, stroking my hand with hers. "I feel all warm an' happy inside..."
The little girl turned to point a stubby finger at the computer monitor. "Eeew, you kept doin' it in me after I feww asleep! Thass NASTY!" she giggled.
"Yeah," I whispered, stroking the girl's little tummy. "And you're a very nasty little girl, too, Lisa. You like fucking, don't you?"
The child blushed and giggled. "Uh-huh," she nodded, her little pigtails bouncing. "I rilly like... um... fuckin'... wif you... You do it rilly, rilly good... Better'n my Daddy..."
She reached down to cup my balls in her little hand. "I wish you did'unt hafta go," she whispered. "I wish I could be your girlfriend. Then you could do it in me all the time."
"Oh, me, too, little punkin," I whispered, cupping her face in my hands and kissing her pouty lips. "But we have to go. It's almost 9 pm."
I lifted her limp body and sucked my softening dick out of her spermy little hole. I grabbed my camera and got one last shot of the little girl standing there pouting in her open PJ top, with a milky runnel of sperm leaking down her pale inner thigh.
We showered, changed and slowly motored back to the marina in the moonlight, taking my time, the little girl nestled up to my side in the cockpit in her pink, footie PJs, the top now demurely buttoned up.
The boat glided into the slip, I secured the lines and we sat chatting, sipping soda and beer. An hour later a car pulled into the parking lot. "Uh-oh, thass my parents," the girl said, looking disappointed.
She stood, leaned over, put her lips to my ear and whispered, "Are you gonna stay here for a while? I rilly, um... like you, Mister, an' we could play together summore."
"No, little Lisa, I'm sorry, I'd really love to, but I can't. I have to leave tomorrow, to get back to work," I lied, stroking her coppery red hair. I had to leave tomorrow to get the hell away before my sudden lack of self-control landed me in prison for the rest of my life, or I abducted the sweet little girl to spend the rest of our lives in a non-extradition country.
She pouted just for a moment, then leaned again to whisper in my ear, "I'll never forget you. I'm not even gonna wash. I'm gonna leave your stuff inside me, to remember."
I pulled her to me, nestled my hand between her thighs and cupped her warm crotch in my hand. "Sweet little Twinkie," I whispered, fondling the tiny mound that had satisfied a lifelong fantasy. "I'll never forget you, either."
The kid pecked me on the cheek, awkwardly clambered out of the cockpit onto the floating slip plankway, then turned and rushed back to lean over and whisper to me. "Hey, Mister, you ever seen pit'churs of me on the Internet?"
I lied. She grinned. "Look up Little Trisha, thass me!" she said, beaming her gap-toothed grin at me.
She waved bye-bye, then scampered down the dock to meet her parents. I quickly switched off all the lights and went below, not particularly wanting to greet her parents. I heard them tromp down the dock, overheard her father say, "Well, looks like he's gone to bed. I'll thank him tomorrow, when I deliver the beer."
Back home three months later, after countless orgasms masturbating to the sweet memories and obscene photos I'd shot that day, I noticed a new photo series on the web site that hosted "Little Trisha." My wry grin turned to avid interest when I saw my little sex toy proudly modeling the naughty panties her Daddy had previously forbidden her to wear for her photos.
Fond memories resurfaced as I gazed at the "Kid Stuff" logo in crayon script, the stylized {!} clitoris, the two little baby hands demurely crossed over a pink heart at the crotch, bearing the crayon legend, "mY LitTle SecRet."
My lips parted as I reached the last photo in the series -- little Lisa lying in a messy bed wearing the same "Gap Kids" shirt she hated, and the same "Kid Stuff" panties she wore on that remarkable day, her short legs widely spread -- pointing a stumpy finger at her belly button, licking her lips and winking at the camera. Clearly a secret message, for a special friend.
Can Only Dream
Hopelessly Addicted
Pedo Phil
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