Trick Her Treat

[ cons, M/g8, oral, pedo ]

Published: 18-May-2012

Word Count: 11248

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Since I've always had sexual fantasies about children, Halloween is of course my favorite holiday. I had the candy all ready, the porch light on, a clown-face mask to make the kids giggle, and my camera.

I didn't know the neighbors or the neighborhood, since I'd only flown here from a distant city a few days before, to house-sit for a friend in a suburban home he'd bought in foreclosure as an investment.

Even though a parent accompanied each group of kids who showed up, no one had any qualms about a jolly guy in a grinning clown mask taking photos of the children. Of course they had no idea that I'd later use some of them for masturbation, morphing their innocent little faces onto shockingly obscene photos of other children, using their childish innocence to enhance the erotic appeal.

In about the third group of kids I did a double-take, because one of them looked vaguely familiar. She was maybe 7 or 8 years old, wearing a cute little Minnie Mouse costume with a red polkadot dress, red Mary Jane shoes and a black felt had with round mouse ears, her brown hair braided into pigtails with a pink ribbon in each.

Where had I seen her before? I wondered, as I knelt on one knee for a better camera angle and told the kids to smile. I'd never even visited this town before. My dick suddenly jerked in my pants when the child grinned, exposing widely spaced baby teeth with one missing on the left side. She looked exactly like the "Little Sally" I'd downloaded from a kiddie porn site recently. Couldn't actually BE her, of course, but the kid looked virtually identical. I took several photos of this group of kids.

Later that night I compared photos. The resemblance was astonishing, and made my photos incredibly arousing since I'd never seen the little girl wearing clothes. In the photos I'd downloaded she was always nearly or completely nude. I pulled up a photo of the kid lying naked in bed with her Daddy balls deep inside her, and put one of my photos next to it -- the child grinning at me in her Minnie Mouse costume surrounded by her little friends. I looked back and forth as I masturbated, then gazed into her grinning little face in the mouse-ears hat as I let go and pumped greasy squirts of child sex desire into a paper towel.

I was haunted by the resemblance of this child to a kiddie porn star. The next morning I had an idea. I punched up Photoshop and designed a fairly credible-looking business card identifying me as an AP reporter. A local copy shop printed a stack of them for me and I drove to the only elementary school nearby. I visited the principal, explained that I was researching a story on potential hazards of playground equipment, and easily got permission to photograph the kids playing during recess. I can be pretty convincing when I dress properly.

With my long, professional lens I got some very interesting shots that would be useful for my furtive purposes later. Before long I saw "Little Sally" talking to a group of friends beside the monkey bars. I approached them with a big smile, explained my "mission" and asked if they'd mind posing for me on the swingset. They all agreed, and my dick tingled in my pants as I heard the enticingly high-pitched deep-south drawl of my little porn star say "all right," which came out as, "Awl ra-a-a-at."

The kids climbed into the swings and began swinging and giggling as I backed up to make it less apparent where I was focusing my lens -- alternately on the children's grinning faces and on the crotch of their little panties when I could catch a glimpse. Luckily for me, "Little Sally" was wearing a short denim dress and showing an occasional little flash of yellow panty fabric as she swung.

I got several good shots of her face, which I found even more arousing than the panty-crotch shots because she was a homely child, and slightly ugly little kids have always been a turn-on for me. I find them much more arousing than the pretentiously pretty kids so often seen on child model web sites.

She had a spray of freckles across the bridge of her nose, crooked, widely spaced baby teeth with one missing in front, and slightly asymmetrical ears. I was about to stop when the friend next to her said something that made her throw back her head and laugh, involuntarily spreading her little matchstick-thin legs under the billowing denim skirt. My fingers shook as I focused and shot, my eyes bulging at what I saw -- an unmistakeable brown birthmark on the child's inner right thigh, beside her yellow panties.

The birthmark was identical to the one I'd seen in porn pictures of the little kid having sex with her Daddy. It was her! It had to be HER!

My dick jerked once and spontaneously ejaculated in my pants, the only time that had happened without touching since the car-seat kissing and groping sessions of my high-school years. The warm semen soaked through my jockey shorts and dripped down the hairs of my leg. My mind reeled at the outrageously improbable notion that I'd flown into a far-away city I'd never visited before, and a little kiddie porn star I'd been using for masturbation just happened to show up on the porch on Halloween.

My face flushed from embarrassment and the intensity of my unexpected orgasm, I thanked the kids for posing, and knelt on one knee beside them to record their names and addresses in my notebook. The little sex toy's real name was Cindy Foster, which in her languid southern drawl came out as "Faaaaaw-shter."

As warm semen dripped down my left thigh I interviewed the kids, casually asking them what grade they were in, if they liked their teacher, what their parents did for a living, how they got home from school each day. It turned out that little Cindy was in second grade, and usually walked home from school because her single-parent dad worked until 10:30 pm. She quickly accepted my offer of a ride, and I told her I'd pick her up at 3 pm, when she got out of school.

Even though I'd just emptied my balls into my pants, my dick was hard again by the time I pulled away to drive back to the house, my mind seething with pedosexual lust. I'd never in my life touched a child, only fantasized about it, but suddenly I had a date to escort a little pre-teen porn star home from school -- presumably to an empty house where we'd be all alone together.

After cleaning up and changing clothes, I punched up the X-rated photos of "Little Sally," as she was known to her pedophile fans. My mouth went dry as I flipped through the collection and my dick drooled pre-cum at the obscene images of the small child fondling her Daddy's stiff penis, sucking it into her little mouth, tugging it into her little vagina with tiny fingers tipped with chipped pink nail polish. And the breathtaking closeup shots of Daddy balls-deep inside the child, his scrotum pressed tightly against the pale flesh of her little crotch as he ejaculated inside her.

I picked her up at 3 pm and tried to keep my voice sounding normal, remembering the disgustingly filthy images as I made small talk while driving. It developed that she heated a microwave dinner each evening and waited alone for her father to get home at about 11 pm. It didn't take much to persuade her to let me stick around for a few more photos in her house. "Awl ra-a-a-at," she nodded, her little pigtails bouncing.

The house was in a rundown part of town, shabby but no more so than others in the neighborhood which all needed paint. The yard was mostly dirt with a few patches of scraggly weeds, a tree with a tire swing beside the house, and a faded pink child's bicycle lying beside the driveway. My nostrils flared at the sight of the child's knobby knees poking the air as she climbed the rickety wooden steps to the front door. Inside she locked the door with a satisfying "click" that emphasized I was alone in the house with a sexually experienced little 8-year-old.

The place stank of cigarette smoke and stale beer, and I immediately recognized things I'd seen in some of the pictures -- the worn beige sofa where the child had posed naked, the garish throw rug on the floor where she laid as her Daddy licked her little pussy. My dick throbbed in my pants as I sipped the soda she gave me and watched her suck hers with a straw, remembering the pictures I'd seen of her Daddy's sperm bubbling out of her mouth as he came. I suggested that we take the pictures in her bedroom, and I recognized it, too. It sported the same pink bedspread, the same ratty plush toys. The only thing new was a mylar helium balloon tied to the bedpost. "Happy Birthday 8 Years Old!" it said in pink letters.

Since Halloween had been the previous day, I asked the girl if she had a costume, knowing exactly what was in her closet. I suggested that she wear it for the photos as I pulled the camera from my bag. "Awl ra-a-a-at," she said, abruptly jerking off her t-shirt and dropping her denim skirt to the floor. She kicked off her scuffed, overside athletic shoes and went to the closet clad only in yellow cotton panties with a bunny print. She pawed at the closet hangers and my mouth went dry as I stared at her enticing miniature bottom and bony spine. She wriggled into the pink Minnie Mouse dress, buttoned it up the front, then sat on the bed to tug on the white knee socks and shiny red Mary Jane shoes. The mouse-ears hat and two jaunty pink ribbons tied to her little pigtails completed the outfit, and she looked like a pedophile poster child.

After a few shots of her sitting on the bed I asked her to stand for a few. The little kid was a natural model, turning this way and that, canting her little hips with a hand planted jauntily at her waist, beaming that stupid, gap-toothed grin at me that made my dick ache with lust. I handed her a threadbare brown teddybear to hug as a prop, my erection throbbing at the thrilling sight of the little kiddie porn star in a mouse hat hugging her childish toy.

My heart pounding in my chest with both lust and fear, I became more bold. "Hmmm, that dress is a bit wrinkled in front, honey, and it won't look good in the photos," I said, putting down the camera. "Let me fix it for you."

I knelt behind the child, reached around and began smoothing the fabric over her bony, flat chest. It was an effort to keep my breathing normal as I felt the tiny nipples beneath the flimsy cotton, since I'd never before touched a child like this. The little kid just looked down and watched with a blank expression as I fondled her narrow chest, then moved lower to smooth down the thin cotton fabric below her pink belt, pressing it into the softness of her willowy little thighs.

"This is a really cute little Minnie Mouse costume, Cindy. When we get the wrinkles out it's going to look great in the photos," I babbled to distract her as I fondled her immature body with trembling hands. The forbidden thrill of touching a child's body was exponentially magnified by the memory of hundreds of photos of her having sexual intercourse with her Daddy.

My judgment fogged by lust, I must have lingered a bit too long. As I stroked her babyfat little tummy, the kid turned her head to gaze at me with a knowing smirk. "You like me, doncha, Mister?" she smirked, and my hand froze in place. But she didn't move away. "Are you one of those guys who likes little kids, Mister?" she grinned.

My mouth went dry and my pulse thundered in my ears. "Ah... w- what? What do you mean, Cindy?" I stammered in a panic. She rested her tiny hand on mine, where it cupped her little tummy. "I bet you are," she smirked. "I can tell, 'cuz of the way you're feelin' me like that."

Jeezuz. Well, what the hell. She didn't seem bothered by it, and I was pretty much completely anonymous to her anyway. "Uh... yeah, Cindy, I... I do like little girls," I stammered, as my shaking hand resumed its slow caressing of her tummy. "Do you mind if I touch you like this? If so, I'll stop, okay?"

"Naw, it's okay, you can touch me if you wanna," she said, casually. My dick throbbed in my pants as I resumed, now openly fondling the child's flat chest and round little tummy, as she looked down to watch my large hands feel her small body.

"Cindy? Did... did you know your Daddy puts pictures of you on the Internet, honey?" I breathed in the child's ear as I fondled her.

"Uh-huh," the kid nodded, her little pigtails swinging.

I could feel the pre-cum seeping from my throbbing erection into the fabric of my briefs. "D- do you know why men like to look at those pictures, honey?" I whispered.

"Yeah, Daddy says there are lotsa guys who are sad, 'cuz they don't have a little girl like me to play wif, so they like to look at pitchers of him playin' wif me," the child said, laconically.

My dick jerked in my pants. "That's right, sweetie, and I'm like that, too," I whispered, reaching to fumble with the oversize buttons of her Minnie Mouse dress, to undo the top two. "I'm very sad, because I don't have a little girl to play with. Will you let me play with you?" I breathed, slipping my hand beneath the dress top.

The kid shrugged her bony little shoulders and flashed her gap-toothed, stupid grin. "N'kay, Mister, you can play wif me," she grinned.

My breathing shallowed and I shuddered with long repressed kiddie sex lust as I felt the warm flesh of the child's tiny nipple in my palm. The little girl just stood there, motionless, letting me fondle her. I interpreted this as a tacit invitation so I reached beneath her dress hem with my other hand. I drew it slowly up her impossibly slim thigh, not much bigger around than my forearm, to cup the crotch of her little panties in my palm, feeling for the soft, prepubescent mound I'd desired all my life.

"Cindy, honey, w- will you let me touch you down here, inside your little panties, baby?" I practically panted in the child's ear, cupping her panty-clad little mound in my palm.

"Awl ra-a-a-a-at," the kid drawled. She shifted slightly to spread her little legs for me and looked down to watch my hand moving beneath her polka-dotted costume dress. My hand slid up to cup the child's tummy, then down to slip beneath the waistband of her panties. She giggled quietly when she felt my finger dip between her soft, babyfat little sex lips, then just stood there silently letting me fondle her. Her silent acquiescence was intensely arousing, even more so to realize that the little kid had never asked my name.

I nudged aside the felt mouse-ears hat with my nose and it tumbled to the floor. I bent to bury my nose in the kid's hair, inhaling the childish scent of bubble-gum shampoo. Delirious with lust, I panted "Little mouse... such a cute little mouse..." under my breath as I felt the child's flat nipple and teased my fingertip into her puckered little sex hole, which made her giggle again. She turned her head to look at me, her mouth curled into a gap-toothed grin. "Mister? Are you gettin' excited now, 'cuz you're touching me like that? she whispered, biting her lip and smirking.

I groaned, spun the child around and plastered my mouth to hers, desperately sucking her little tongue and whimpering my lust into her mouth. I fondling her braided pigtails with trembling fingers, my engorged tongue licking and sucking hers, savoring the childish taste of sweet soda pop in the little kid's mouth. I was in pedophile nirvana, dick throbbing and dripping in my pants as I fondled and kissed the compliant little 8-year-old.

A bead of sweat trickled from my temple and I finally broke the long, deep kiss, panting, a strand of saliva stretching from my lower lip to the little girl's. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and grinned up at me proudly, obviously pleased that feeling her little body made me so aroused. She reached up to undo the remaining two buttons of the dress front, but I stopped her. "No, honey, leave it on, okay?" I whispered hoarsely. "You look so... so cute in your little dress. It's... better for me that way..."

"N'kay," the kid shrugged, reaching down to grasp my belt buckle in her tiny fingers. "You wanna do it now, Mister?" she said, blinking up at me as she unfastened the buckle. My mouth dry from panting, I just nodded and watched in utter disbelief as the little 8-year-old's experienced fingers unfastened the button, unzipped my fly, dropped my pants and gently lifted the throbbing erection out of my jockey shorts to bounce before her freckled face, with a gleaming bead of pre-cum glistening at the tip. She opened her mouth, poked out her wet little tongue as far as it would go and leaned forward.

"N- no, baby, n- no," I rasped, holding her bony shoulders back. "N- not yet, honey..." I knew I'd squirt instantly if she sucked my dick into that warm little mouth, but I was in a state of exquisite pedophile bliss and I wanted it to last as long as possible. I quickly stripped off my shirt, shoes and pants. One of my most compelling fantasies was the image of a naked, sexually aroused man with a stiff penis molesting a fully clothed little girl in play clothes.

I stepped back and reached again for the camera, to stave off premature ejaculation. The little kid caught on right away, began striking coy, suggestive poses, grinning when she made my dick twitch. "Do ya think I'm sexy, Mister?" she smirked as she awkwardly jerked up her little Minnie Mouse dress and thrust her babyfat tummy at me to display her tiny panties. I nodded, put down the camera and reached down to stroke my stiff dick. "Look, Mister!" the kid grinned, tugging her dress top wide open to display her tiny nipples.

The kid stepped in front of me to clasp my thigh with her skinny arms, rocking merrily from side to side, the top of her head not much higher than my waistline. "Hey, Mister? Do ya wanna look at my pussy?" she whispered, looking up at me with wide eyes. I nodded and the little girl bounded into the bed, shoved a plush toy aside and lay down with her legs spread. "Look, Mister," she grinned as she flipped up her dress and jerked aside the crotch of her little panties. "Do ya like ma pussy?"

"Oh, yeah," I gasped, masturbating myself as I stared at the child's pale, puffy little sex mound. She giggled delightedly, then coyly clapped her little legs together and put on a sulky face. "You ain't gonna take off my panties are ya, Mister?" she pouted, her lower lip poked out. "Thass nasty. Yer not 'sposed to look at a little girl's pussy."

My heart fluttered in my chest. God, this kid was an expert little teaser, no doubt taught the finer points by her pedophile daddy. I crossed to the bed, lifted the billowy red dress and slowly drew the little panties down her skinny legs as the child pouted up at me and sucked her thumb. I noticed a small damp spot in the crotch as I tugged the tiny panties over her little red shoes. The child's nasty show as obviously arousing her as well as me.

"Now, spread your little legs for me, honey," I rasped, standing beside the bed and stroking my wet dick. "Show me your little pussy." The kid just pressed her knobby knees together and shook her head, still pouting and sucking her thumb. I bent down to grasp the little Mary Jane shoes and slowly spread the child's legs widely apart, leaking pre-cum at the sight of her tiny vulva, smooth and pudgy with babyfat. "G- god, yeah..." I whispered under my breath, stroking my dick faster.

Unable to maintain her sulky act, the child popped her thumb out of her mouth and shrieked with giggles at my uncontrollable lust. She reached down to peel open the soft lips and expose her wet little hole, glistening with arousal inside. "Look at it, Mister," she smirked, arching her tiny bottom off the mattress to display her slick vagina for me. "I bet you wanna fuuuk it, doncha, Mister?" she grinned up at me, her little mouth puckering to emphasize the word "fuuuuuuuk."

The obscene words coming from a freckle-faced little 8-year-old offering herself to me in a childish Minnie Mouse costume nearly made me squirt. I fell forward and plastered my face into the child's crotch, greedily licking and sucking at the little hole. The surprised kid squealed and squirmed, giggling hysterically and pushing at my head with both hands, then slowly relaxed and draped her slim legs over my shoulders.

Intoxicated by my first taste of littlegirl sex goo, I twisted my face left and right, panting into the child's crotch as I smeared the slimy liquid all over my cheeks and chin. I'd fallen across one of her little plush toys, and began hunching my throbbing penis into its soft fur as I tickled her tiny clitoris and teased her wet little hole with my tongue.

"Y- ye... aw yeah..." the child was gasping, grabbing at my ears and hunching her crotch rhythmically into my mouth. She raised herself up on her elbows to watch me lick her, panting, then fell heavily back into the pillows, twisting her head back and forth and gasping, "Aw, yeah... oh dass so good... so good..." She began trembling, then hunching more urgently and grunting quietly like a little piglet in heat. I drew the child's tiny clitoris between my lips and sucked on it as I plunged one finger into her drooling little vagina to the last knuckle. The eyes rolled white in her head, her tiny bottom jerked a foot off the bed and she cascaded into orgasm, shaking and hunching frantically, her little cunt sucking and nibbling greedily at my finger until the contractions slowed and stopped.

The little girl finally collapsed back onto the mattress, her limp body trembling, her satisfied little hole rhythmically pouting open and shut like a hungry fish's mouth. I sat up to stroke the child's trembling tummy, my nostrils flaring at the tangy smell of slimy child sex smeared all over my cheeks and chin.

Slowly the kid forced open her bleary eyes halfway, gazed up at me with a weak, gap-toothed grin. I rose to my knees to look down at the child's limp body, panting and stroking my wet dick at the sight of her stumpy legs spread beneath the wrinked Minnie Mouse dress, savoring the nasty thrill of masturbating myself openly before an 8-year-old child.

"You're such a pretty little girl, Cindy," I panted, stroking my stiff dick and staring at the drooling pink hole in her delicate crotch. "And licking your little pussy got me very, very excited. I'd really like to put this up inside you. Will you let me do that, honey?"

The kid burst into gales of giggles, her little red shoes pounding the mattress with glee, delighted by my obviously desperate arousal. "Awl ra-a-a-at, Mister," she grinned up at me, lying back on the mattress and spreading her stumpy legs. "Tou wanna stick it in here, Mister?" she teased, thrusting her miniature sex at me and obscenely grinding her tiny bottom. "That's real nasty, Mister. "Grownups ain't 'sposed to fuuuuk little kids...

I groaned heavily and bent to lower my dripping dick between the child's spindly thighs. In a flash the kid lunged from beneath me, dashed across the room and flew down the hall, giggling madly, her costume dress billowing, her little Mary Jane shoes clacking across the floor.

Cursing beneath my breath I dashed after the giggling little minx, my rigid dick slapping my thighs painfully as I ran. I caught her in the living room, where she dodged and feignted behind a sofa, giggling, until I reached across, snatched her up and swung her over the sofa into my arms; easy to do, since the kid couldn't weigh more than 45 pounds.

"Nasty little mouse," I panted, fondling the child's soft, tiny bottom as she giggled and squirmed in my arms, her little shoes playfully kicking against my kneecaps. I reached beneath the flimsy cotton dress and worked my middle finger up inside her slick vagina. It glided easily into the kid's well used and well lubricated little hole to the last knuckle.

"You're such a nasty little girl, Cindy... letting me play with you like this," I panted in the child's ear as I gently crooked and stirred my finger in her hot little hole. The kid just giggled and squirmed in my arms. "You know it's bad, don't you? You know you're not supposed to let me feel you up inside your little pussy hole, don't you, nasty little fuck bunny?" The kid smirked and nodded eagerly, her pigtails bouncing. I pulled her closer and hunched my throbbing penis into the silky flesh of her tiny thigh, my mind seething with pedosexual lust at the sheer depravity of the act as I finger fucked the little 8-year-old in my arms.

I groaned and leaked a droplet of pre-cum that dripped down her thigh as I diddled her little pussy and masturbated myself against her frail body. The knowledge that the little kid was accustomed to having sexual intercourse with an adult, and was going to let me use her in the same way, made me shiver with greedy anticipation.

"Do you know what I want, Cindy?" I panted in the kid's ear as I stroked my dick on her leg and carried her down the hall toward her bedroom. "Do you know what I want to do with you, sweetie?"

"Uh-huh," the kid nodded. "You gonna have sex in me," she stated casually, as though it was no more remarkable than eating a peanut-butter sandwich.

I kicked shut the bedroom door behind me and spotted the pink Happy Birthday balloon again. "So you had a birthday recently, huh Cindy?" and the kid nodded. "Yeah, it wuz las' week." My abdomen quivered at the sudden knowledge that I was fondling a child who'd been a 7-year-old just last week. I groaned, tilted her head back and crushed my mouth into hers, sucking her little tongue and whimpering my frantic lust into her wet mouth.

By the time I broke the long, deep kiss I was panting like I'd run a 10k race. The little girl giggled with pride at my obvious excitement as I laid her on the pink bedspread. She spread her skinny legs and tugged the hem of her dress up to her belly button to expose her delicate crotch, then lay back and flung her thin arms out behind her head in a position of complete submission and lay there, grinning toothlessly up at me, just waiting to be fucked.

I leaned down to fondle the child's pigtails and lick her cheek. My throbbing dick drooled pre-cum onto the little polkadot dress as I worked my finger into the kid's slick vagina. "Such a sweet little pussy you have, Cindy," I panted heavily as I swirled my finger inside the child. "You gonna let me f- fuck it, little baby girl?" I gasped in her ear. The kid giggled softly at this and nodded, her pigtails bouncing.

I sucked my finger out of the kid, climbed between her stumpy legs and pushed until the shiny head of my dick popped into the wet little hole. The child stiffened and grunted loudly, so I stopped, an inch in.

"Naw, keep DOIN' it," the kid grunted. "It's okay when ya get it in there." I pushed again, and the rigid thing just popped all the way inside, gliding into the slimy cavity until my balls rested flat against the child's crotch. The little girl grabbed my forearms and grunted sharply, then her tensed fingers relaxed and she just lay there beneath me, impaled and inert.

"G- ghod... oh ghod..." I panted, looking down to see my dick buried to the root inside a freckled little 8-year-old. I held absolutely still for a long moment, savoring the sweet, liquid warmth of her. I sucked it out to the tip and slowly penetrated her again, to the root, groaning at the warmth and slickness of her tight little pussy.

Again I paused at full penetration, my dick head pressed against the child's hard little cervix, my balls flattened against the delicate flesh of her crotch, my mind reeling at the impossible notion of such a small child accomodating a fully engorged adult penis. I gripped her narrow hips and rooted the thing from side to side inside her, gritting my teeth and groaning aloud at the exquisite sensation of grinding my meaty penis inside a child's small body, my dick bathed in the creamy warmth of her littlegirl juice. For the first time in my life I was glad to have only an average size dick. If it were any bigger, I wouldn't have been able to savor the delicious thrill of complete penetration, the kid's warm little pussy sucking wetly at the full length of my shaft.

When her little vagina had grown accustomed to the bulk of my penis inside her, the child relaxed beneath me. She just lay there staring up at the hairs of my chest, her little pigtails bouncing as I plunged her down into the mattress, the stiff fabric of her cheap costume dress rustling with each long, deep thrust. I shifted to support myself on one hand, and reached down with the other to caress her litttle pigtails. "G- good girl... good little girl," I muttered in a hoarse whisper as I fucked the child. "F- feels so good... Feels so GOOD inside your little pussy, Cindy..." which made her bite her lip and giggle up at the nasty man sexually molesting her.

The kid's small body was so light that it scooted forward on the mattress slightly with each fuck thrust. Frustrated, I rose up on my knees, lifted the child off the bed by her slim waist and rutted inside her, as though using her little body to masturbate myself. Gripping her waist made it easier to skewer the little kid more deeply. Holding the child this way while fucking her was much more satisfying. Her limp, stumpy legs swung in the air, and the dress hem fell away for a clear view of the pale flesh surrounding her deeply plugged little hole.

A motion caught my eye and I turned my head to see our reflection in a full-length mirror opposite the bed. The sight nearly made me ejaculate instantly. The child was so small she looked like a rag doll in my hands, her skinny arms dropped limply to the mattress, her little pigtails swinging, dappled sunlight glinting off her shiny little shoes as they swung in the air beside my hairy thighs. Delirious with lust, I panted heavily and babbled my depraved ecstasy as I gripped the kid's skinny waist and skewered her limp body. "Little k- kiddie f- fuck toy!" I hissed mindlessly through gritted teeth, my wrinkled balls slapping wetly against the child's pale crotch, "T- take it, little baby, feel that big dick inside your little baby pussy!" The kid screwed up her crooked mouth, bit her lip and smirked up at my sweating face.

The early November light was fading now and the room slowly darkened. Frustrated, I sucked the child off my throbbing dick and laid her back down on the mattress. The kid looked up with a quizzical expression. "Are you all finished awready, Mister?"

"No, babygirl, I'm just going to turn on the light," I panted. "See, I've never done this with a little girl before, and I want to see you while I'm doing it... I want to see... everything," I rasped in a husky voice as I snapped on the overhead light, then crossed to the opposite wall to draw the curtains tightly over the windows. My wet dick bounced and tingled in the cool air of the room, in protest at being withdrawn from the creamy warmth of the little girl's juicy sex hole.

When I turned back toward the bed my dick jerked and drooled a droplet of pre-cum onto the floor. Although she was obviously an experienced and well-used little sex slut, the child looked so small and fragile lying on the bed, her pale, skinny legs spread beneath the Minnie Mouse dress bunched up around her waist. The kid was staring absently up at the ceiling and idly picking her nose, humming tunelessly and kicking her tiny shoes against the mattress in time to the song.

My breath caught in my throat at the sight. I reached down to stroke my wet dick as I stared down at the little 8-year-old, my abdomen fluttering at the deliciously filthy thought that I was soon going to ejaculate deep inside her prepubescent little body.

Still masturbating myself, I knelt beside the bed and reached beneath the polka-dot dress with my free hand to stroke the child's tender, babyfat tummy. She jerked her grimy finger out of her nose and turned her head to watch my hand stroking my stiff dick. "Why you doin' that, Mister? Doncha wanna do it in me?"

"Hmmmmm? Do what in you, Cindy?" I teased, fondling her smooth belly.

"Ya know, don't you wanna... ya know... stick it in ma pussy, and get all finished in there?" she said in a matter-of-fact tone. My dick throbbed at the contrast between the obscene question and the innocently freckled little face asking it.

"Oh, yeah, little baby, I want that very, very much," I breathed, dropping my turgid dick to fumble with the oversize buttons of her costume dress. "But first let's get this dress off, so I can see my pretty little girl all naked, okay?" I rasped in a gravelly voice as I tugged the little dress up and off. I dropped it on the floor beside the bed, my eyes narrowing at the messy, damp stains my dick had drooled into the fabric as I'd masturbated myself on the little kid's dress.

The naked child grinned and lay back on the bed, now clad only in pink pigtail ribbons, knee socks and little red strap shoes. I swallowed hard and reached to stroke her flat, bony chest, my palm easily covering both tiny nipples. "Cindy, honey, can we do it a different way this time?" I rasped. "Will you get up on your hands and knees for me, sweetie?"

The kid clapped her hand over her mouth and burst into giggles. "Aw, you wanna do it dawggy style in me?" she giggled. "Awl-raaaat," she grinned, clambering awkwardly up onto her hands and knees. I quickly knelt on the bed behind her, then realized it just wasn't going to work this way. The child was so small that my dick bobbed in the air a foot above her delicate little bottom. I turned her around, tugged her to the edge of the mattress, then climbed off the bed to stand behind her.

"There, that's better," I whispered, my dripping penis bobbing an inch away from the child's drooling little hole. I nudged the shiny head against her, relishing the warmth pulsing from the soft, slippery lips. "Here it comes, little baby," I growled in a raspy voice. "Oh, g- ghod I love to watch my big dick slide up inside your juicy little pussy hole, Cindy girl." The child giggled softly at my desperate arousal as I gripped her tiny, grapefruit-size butt cheeks and pulled myself slowly inside her small body, groaning loudly at the exquisite sensation as my wet dick penetrated her warm, slick little vagina.

"Oh g- god that's nasty... so f- fucking nasty!" I gasped involuntarily as my stiff erection bottomed out inside the child and I watched my wrinkled balls press flat against her soft cheeks. I gripped her narrow waist and pistoned slowly in and out, staring down at the depraved sight of my engorged penis sinking into the small child, shaking with lust each time my hairy belly pressed tight against her tiny bottom, watching the pink flesh of her little vagina cling to my wet shaft on each outstroke.

My mind reeled with pedophile lust as I looked down at the little girl's chaste white knee socks and tiny red shoes, her braided pigtails swinging with each slow thrust as I fucked her. The only sounds in the room were my desperately ragged panting, the rhythmic squeaking of mattress springs and the child's quiet grunts as I plowed her wet little cunt, "ungh... ungh... ungh... ungh..."

I tore my eyes away from the kid's bouncing little pigtails and looked up to see a framed photo on the wall. It was a picture of little Cindy with two friends, all looking at the camera with crooked, gap-toothed grins, all missing at least one baby tooth, all wearing Brownie Scout uniforms. The photo emphasized the thrilling depravity of the disgusting thing I was doing, having deep, wet sexual intercourse with an immature little 8-year-old in a silly, cartoon costume dress. My vision dimmed as I gazed at up at the happy little Girl Scouts, and my aching prostate trembled on the brink of orgasm. I gripped the milky flesh of the child's tiny bottom, lunged in to full penetration and just held it there, motionless, trying to stave off orgasm, gritting my teeth and leaking pre-cum into the little kid.

"nnGUUUUUUH!" the kid grunted loudly, in response to my desperate lunge inside her. "Don' do it so hard," she whined, her high-pitched, childish squeal bringing me once again to the brink of orgasm. I apologized through gritted teeth, sweating and trembling, squeezing her tiny butt cheeks with white knuckles. When the moment of crisis finally passed, I slowly sucked my quivering penis out of the child, watching with glazed eyes as the widely distended little hole spat the thing out, followed by a glistening runnel of pre-cum that I'd drooled inside her.

Shaking and gasping, I sat heavily on the bed, my wet dick twitching in my lap, glistening with pre-cum and littlegirl sex goo. I pulled the naked child into my lap, cuddling her and stroking her little pigtails. "I'm sorry I hurt you, little baby, are you okay?" I whispered. The kid nodded and said, "Yeah, iss okay, jus' don' do it real hard like that, n'kay?"

I kissed the top of her head and reached between her little matchstick legs to cup her wet sex in my palm. "I'm sorry, honey, I just got too excited," I whispered, gently fondling her tiny, babyfat sex lips. "See, I've never had my dick inside a little girl like you, Cindy, and you made me more excited than I've ever been, honey."

The kid brightened at this, and beamed her gap-toothed, stupid grin up at me. "Rilly? Ma pussy gets you more excited than anybody?" I just cleared my throat and nodded. Fucking a child had been a lifelong fantasy. Although I'd had more than my share of intensely pleasurable sexual experiences with women, they just couldn't compare to the devastatingly erotic thrill of watching my dick penetrate the immature sexual organ of a pre-adolescent second-grader.

Biting her lip, the kid reached down to grasp my semi-erect penis, lifted it into her little hand and squeezed. She grinned proudly as she saw it jerk and begin to thicken in her hand. "Eeeeew, it's awl STICKY!" the kid giggled as the thing throbbed and expanded in her hand.

"Yeah, honey, it's all sticky from the nasty sex juice inside your hot little pussy hole," I said, my nostrils flaring at the sight of the child's tiny fingers playing with my dick.

"Eeeew, an' it's LEAKIN' agin!" the kid smirked as a droplet of pre-cum dribbled down the stiff shaft. "Yer still real excited, ain't ya?"

Still fondling her wet mound, I reached around the naked child to feel her flat chest and tiny nipples. "Yes, Cindy, I'm really excited," I murmured as I fondled her and watched her play with my dick. "I'm excited because you're so cute... and... and because what we're doing is so nasty, because you're just a little girl."

The kid giggled, wrapped both little hands around the stiff shaft and began skillfully masturbating it with long, gentle strokes. She leaned close to whisper in my ear, "You wanna fuuuk me some more, Mister?" her deep southern accent drawing out the word fuuuuuuk. "You kin fuuuk me 'till you squirt yer stuff in there, I don't mind," she whispered.

I gasped at the child's words, and the sight of her delicate little fingers masturbating me. Her tiny fingernails were still grimy with playground dirt, which made it just that much more arousing. "Oh, yeah, baby, I wanna do it up inside your little hole, honey," I panted, fondling the naked child with trembling hands.

The kid grinned and dropped my dick, wiped her slimy hands on the bedspread, then scooted to the middle of the bed, laid down and spread her little legs, grinning.

"No, honey, let's do it another way, okay?" I said, stretching out on my back and reaching down to masturbate my now fully erect penis. "Why don't you fuck me this time? Just climb on top and ride me."

"Awl-raaaat," the naked child chirped, scrambling over to swing her willowy leg over me. She sat astride my thighs, gripping my stiff dick in both little hands, pressing the sensitive underside into her soft tummmy. "You wanna stick it in there, Mister, or you want me to do it?" she asked, biting her lip with a coy expression as she stroked the throbbing thing.

"You do it, baby, p- put my dick in your little hole, honey," I panted with a dry mouth as I watched the child fondle the thick penis in her little hands.

The kid planted both feet astride me, raised herself up and aimed my rigid dick, squirming to work the shiny head into her drooling little hole. She bit her lip and grimaced as she forced her small body down, and I groaned heavily as the sweet, slick warmth of the child's soft vagina flesh slowly engulfed my grateful penis.

The child bared her teeth in a grimace, grinding her crooked little teeth and grunting loudly as she forced herself down the last inch of the stiff shaft until her soft bottom came to rest, pressed tightly against my scrotum. Deeply impaled on my dick, the child squirmed a bit to get more comfortable, and her tensed face finally began to relax. I drew my knees up behind her and she slumped back against my thighs, panting like a little puppy.

Stunned, I just lay still to let the little girl's body adjust, my completely engulfed dick quivering and leaking pre-cum into the child's tightly clasping vagina. When she'd adjusted to the bulky thing that impaled her, the kid licked her lips and grunted more than spoke, "N'kay, I got it in there," she grunted. "You kin fuck it now."

I just stared with bulging eyes at the place where the girl's pale tummy rested on my pubic bone, marveling that such a small child could take a man's dick so deep. I reached forward to grasp the naked child's narrow waist and gently began to rock her in a slow forward-and-back motion. The soles of her little red shoes were planted on either side of my hips and she soon got the rhythm I wanted -- forward and back, slowly, her little bottom still planted firmly on my pubic bone.

As the kid took over the slow fucking movement I dropped my arms to my sides and just watched her protruding little babyfat tummy as it thrusted and withdrew. The sensation of her tiny cunt sucking wetly at my dick made my eyes roll white in my head. "Oh, ghod, yeah, f- FUCK it!" I hissed, squeezing my eyes closed in ecstasy as the little kid slowly pleasured me, rocking forward and back, still deeply impaled to the root. "Suck it, baby... s- suck my dick with your little baby pussy..."

With an effort I forced open my eyes to gaze at the small, naked child as she worked me, her pale little tummy slowly poking forward and back as she ground her body on my pubic bone and her little sex hole sucked wetly on my quivering penis.

"Does it... ungh... feel good in there, M- Mister... ungh..." the kid grunted as she fucked me.

"Ghod yeah... oh, ghod, y- yeah!" I gasped, fondling the child's deliciously skinny legs astride me. My trembling hands slid down her slim calves, over the white knee socks to fondle the enticingly tiny Mary Jane shoes.

"Nasty little girl... nasty little f- fuck toy," I babbled, fondling her little kiddie shoes, gazing at the tiny nipples on her narrow, flat chest. My pulse thundered in my ears as my excitement crested toward orgasm and I began uncontrollably hunching my dick into the child's sucking little sex hole as she rode me, my clenched butt bouncing on the mattress, and the little kid grunting quietly with each thrust.

"Mister, are you gonna do it in me pretty soon?" the kid whined, still gripping my knees and thrusting her little tummy forward and back. "I gotta go bafroom."

My overstimulated prostate twitched at the sound of the child's whiny, high-pitched voice and I nearly lost it right then. "Y- yeah, baby... yeah, baby... soon... just... just keep f- fucking it, honey," I gasped. "Oh god, oh... s- suck my dick with your hot little pussy... little baby pussy... f- feels so... fucking... GOOOOD..."I babbled, sweating and hunching my quivering dick inside the child.

"Naw, I gotta go NOW," the kid whined, "Gotta go bafroom!" She began to rise, sucking my dick nearly out of her body, and my eyeballs bulged at the sensation of cool air tingling my wet shaft just as my prostate clenched in orgasm.

"OGOD, NOOOO!" I howled, grabbing blindly for the child's skinny waist, jerking her back down onto me, hunching my butt off the mattress and impaling her on my quivering penis.

"GACK!" the kid squealed, but I was over the edge and out of control. Gritting my teeth and sweating, I roared and grunted, hunching myself uncontrollably into the child's little body again and again until I plastered my balls tightly against her and let myself go. The kid's bladder let go at the same time, and the warm urine splashed all over my belly as I held the kid tightly down and ejaculated deep inside her, shaking and whimpering with relief as the sperm gushed and spurted into her sucking little hole.

The child's urine intensified my orgasm, the warm liquid splashing over my hairy belly as my ejaculating penis jerked and heaved and squirted deep inside the little girl. I roared my pleasure like a wounded elk, sweating and shaking, my clenched butt trembling six inches off the mattress until the slimy jism bubbled out of the kid's overstuffed little hole and dripped down into my pubic hair.

I fell back onto the mattress heavily, my chest heaving from the most intense orgasm of my life. I peeled my tensed fingers from the child's waist and felt a tinge of shame when I saw the red marks they'd left during my desperate ejaculation inside her. Still deeply impaled on my spent dick, the kid just sat there, perched on my pubic bone and pouting, as my nostrils stung at the disgusting odors of urine and sperm and kiddie sex suffusing the room.

"Are ya all finished wif me, Mister?" the kid pouted. The sound of her childishly high-pitched, whiny voice made my abdomen clench, and my spent penis oozed another little after-spurt of sperm into her slimy little cunt. I nodded, and the kid grimaced as she sucked herself off my softening dick, which slapped down onto my abdomen with a wet plop, glistening with sperm and pussy goo. The child awkwardly climbed over my spent body, her little shoes scraping my nipples painfully, her gaping sex hole ruddy and reeking of slimy semen.


For a long while I just lay there in a puddle of cooling piss, gasping, every hair follicle tingling with the force of my devastating orgasm, unable to move. Finally I dragged myself heavily off the bed, gathered the fouled sheets and carried them down the hall to the kitchen, where I'd earlier seen a washing machine.

Returning, I found the naked child in the living room, prone on the floor, watching a cartoon show on TV, her skinny legs bent at the knees, kicking her little shoes in the air. My spent dick tingled at the sight of sperm oozing from the kid's tiny pussy lips to form a greasy puddle on the floor beneath her.

I scooped up the little kid and carried her to the bathroom, where we showered off the urine, sweat and semen from our frantic rutting, then suggested that we go out for pizza. The kid grinned as though her little face would break and dashed off to her bedroom to dress. She emerged a few minutes later in a pink sweater, denim skirt and the same oversize, scuffed athletic shoes she'd worn to school.

The little girl gave me directions as I drove slowly through the shabby neighborhood, kicking her little shoes against the seat and idly picking her nose. The short denim skirt she wore emphasized her pale, creamy thighs and knobby little knees. I rested my right hand on her soft thigh, which gave my dick a satisfying tingle in my pants.

"Cindy? uh... the things we did this afternoon, have you done that before with other people?" I asked as I drove.

"Nuh-uh," the kid shook her head, her finger still digging in one nostril.

"Really? Nobody? Not even your Daddy?"

The little girl looked down and kicked her shoes against the car seat. "Weal... weal, yeah, but ah'm not 'sposed to tell nobody about that," she mumbled. After some gentle prodding it all came out. The child actually seemed to enjoy telling me. It turned out that Daddy had been playing with her since she was five, penetrating her since she turned seven.

I asked her if she enjoyed having sex and she nodded, but the reason surprised me. "I like it cuz it makes me feel all growed up an' sexy," she said, blushing. "An' cuz grownups look rilly funny when they get all excited," she added, biting her lip and giggling. It seems her Daddy hadn't shared her body, but had shared a few webcam shows. Although I'd greedily collected all the photos I could find of the little slut, I'd never seen the videos.

"Yeah, Daddy makes 'em let me watch while they do it. They get so excited when they watch him feelin' me, or puttin' his dick in me," she giggled, "And they look real funny while they're doin' it."

The kid demonstrated by miming masturbation, pumping her fist at her waist, and rolling her eyeballs, and panting with her little tongue hanging out. "Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, oyeah, oyeah, oh, AAAH! AAAH! AAAAAAAH!" she mimed a masturbating pedophile's orgasm, then burst into a gale of giggles, pounding her little shoes on the seat with delight. My cheeks reddened at the memory of the kid's giggling at my desperate lust and probably equally ridiculous facial expressions earlier.

"Cindy? Uh... did you like what we did this afternoon?" I asked, my hand gently stroking the child's smooth thigh.

"Uh-huh," the kid nodded. "Yeah, some of it."

"Only some of it? Which parts?"

The kid blushed and bit her lip, smirking up at me. "Well... when you... ya know... licked me in ma pussy, and..." her voice trailed off.

Squeezing her little thigh, I urged her to continue, but she shook her head and blushed, pounding her little shoes harder against the seat.

"Come on, little babycakes, out with it!" I teased, reaching beneath her skirt to tickle the soft flesh of her inner thigh as she twisted and squealed in the seat. "And... and what?"

The little girl blushed furiously, hopped up on her knees, leaned over and cupped her hand around my ear. "And when you were doin' it in me, and you told me I wuz nasty..." she whispered, then quickly slumped back into her seat and shyly hid her face in her hands, giggling.

My dick twitched in my pants as I stopped at a stoplight and turned to look at the little kid. "So, you like to be a nasty little girl, huh, Cindy?" I grinned at her. She parted two fingers of the hands hiding her face to glance at me, then clapped them shut again and nodded, bursting back into nervous giggles.

My hand crept up between the child's thin legs unti her skirt was bunched at her waist, and I felt her surprisingly moist panty crotch. "Well, this is very nasty, isn't it, Cindy?" I murmured, slipping my finger beneath the damp fabric and nestling it in the slimy cleft between her soft sex lips. "You're letting me feel your pussy, and only very, very bad little girls do that," I said. The kid shrieked with giggles again, nodding and blushing. She jerked her skirt down over my hand, glanced out the side window quickly to see if anyone was looking, then bit her lip shyly and spread her little legs more widely to let me finger her beneath the denim skirt.

Just as I worked my finger up into the child's juicy little vagina we arrived at the restaurant. I sucked my slimy finger out of her as the car rolled to a stop, then brought my finger to my nose. "Mmmmmmm, your pussy juice smells nasty, Cindy, it makes me hungry for some more littlegirl pussy," I teased, as the little kid clapped both hands over her mouth and giggled at me.

Stepping out of the car, I reached down to nudge my now engorged penis down my left trouser leg to make it somewhat less apparent, then noticed a small stain where the pre-cum had leaked through. The little kid grasped my hand and skipped happily alongside me as we entered the restaurant, her braided pigtails bouncing.

Eating was an effort with a stiff dick in my pants and a little 8-year-old kiddie porn star sitting opposite me, her soft lips sucking sensually at her soda straw, her wet mouth smacking the messy pizza dough, strings of greasy cheese dangling from her crooked baby teeth. I somehow forced down half a pizza, erection throbbing in my confining trousers, silently willing the little kid to finish quickly so we could get back in time for more forbidden pleasures before her Daddy got home.

The place was in a strip mall, and the kid spied an icecream shop next to the restaurant on the way back to the car. She tugged at my hand and begged, but the sight of her crooked baby teeth with a gummy gap in the middle as she mouthed the word "puh-leeeeeeez?" only strengthened my resolve to return quickly to a place where I could get her little panties off again.

In the car, she frowned and pouted, arms crossed over her pink sweater, and continued her pitiful appeals for icecream. My dick throbbed in a warm puddle of pre-cum soaking my briefs as I look down at the small child. Her high-pitched, whiny voice made even my ears engorge; her childish, pouty expression made my nostrils flare with pedosexual lust; her skinny little legs...

Oh, god, I swept the little kid into my arms, plastered my mouth to hers and groaned my lust as I sucked her little tongue. I fondled her braided pigtails, I thrust my other trembling hand beneath the pink sweater to palm and feel the girl's tiny nipples, moaning at the childish taste of pizza and sticky soft drink in her little mouth as my aching dick quivered on the brink of orgasm.

With a supreme effort I broke the frantic kiss and peeled my hand away from the child's bony, flat chest, gasping and shuddering at her sulky expression, made even more alluring by the copious saliva gleaming on her pouting lower lip. "O- okay, little love muffin," I gasped, "Let's go get some icecream."

To a pedophile in my condition, watching a little girl eat icecream in a public place was absolute torture. Even worse, this particular little kid knew it, and teased me unmercifully. She'd look directly at me with half-closed, hooded eyes and slowly curl her soft little tongue into the confection, licking it gently with long, sensual strokes, then opening her wet mouth wide and sucking the stuff deeply in while moaning quietly and caressing my leg with her foot under the table.

By the time we emerged I was a wreck, gritting my teeth and sweating. The little girl beamed her crooked, stupid grin up at me in gratitude as she fastened her seatbelt and we drove away. I gently chastised her about teasing me so outrageously in a public place, but the kid just giggled and kicked her little feet delightedly against the seat. She then unbuckled her seat belt, bent over the center console and reached to unzip my pants.

I nearly wrecked the car when the child reached in to haul my engorged dick out and pop it into her wet mouth, suckling at it noisily. "Ogod, no, NO!" I gasped, tugging at the child's pigtails until my dick popped out of her mouth with a wet plop. "Wassa matter, Mister, doncha like that?" the kid said, fondling my stiff erection with her little hand.

"G- god, yeah, little baby, but not while I'm driving," I panted, scanning around for a place to stop. I pulled into a mall parking lot, drove to a relatively dark part of it and stopped. "Okay, little love muffin, suck it now," I whispered, stroking her pigtails. The kid grinned bent low and sucked it into her mouth, began slowly working it with her soft tongue.

I glanced both ways out the windows to make sure we were alone, then looked down to watch the little girl as she sucked my dick, fondling her braided pigtails. My abdomen quivered as I remembered the online photos I'd seen, and knew the kid wouldn't spit it out when I came; that she'd obviously been trained to keep sucking and sucking until her Daddy had completely finished ejaculating into her little mouth.

I cracked open the window slightly to feel the delicious contrast between the crisp autumn air and the sweet warmth of the child's wet mouth on my throbbing penis. "Cindy? L- look at me, honey," I stammered, my fingers twirling her little pigtails. The little kid spat out my wet dick and twisted her head to look up with a quizzical expression.

"Huh? Doncha like it? Ain't I suckin' it good?" the kid said, with a pouty expression, her lower lip glistening with saliva and pre-cum.

My prostate quivered at the sight. "Oh, yeah, babycakes, you're sucking it just right," I panted, twirling her pigtails in my fingers. "I just wanted to look at you, honey, at your little face," I whispered. "I've never seen a little girl like you suck my dick before, and it's v- very exciting."

The kid beamed her gap-toothed, stupid grin up at me, curled her little fingers around the base of my shaft and sucked it back into her warm mouth, twisting her head slowly left and right as she suckled it with her little tongue. "A-a-a-a-ahhhhhhhhhh," I exhaled, slumping back into the seat at the ecstatic sensation.

"G-god, yes... yesssss, s- SUCK my big, nasty dick, little baby... such a n- NASTY little girl," I babbled, stroking the child's head with trembling hands.

"Mmmm-hMMMMMM," the child eagerly nodded on my dick, clearly excited by the "N" word. She suddenly popped my wet dick out of her mouth and looked up at me with hooded, half-closed eyes. "This is rilly nasty, ain't it, Mister?" she whispered quietly, biting her lip and blushing. "You wanna do it in ma mouf?"

"G- god, yeah, little love muffin, I wanna do it in you... in your nasty little mouth," I panted, my hand urging her head back down toward my straining penis. "S- suck it for me, honey..."

The kid smirked and turned her head to stare at the fleshy tube in her hand, as her other hand flew to her crotch and began rubbing it excitedly. My dick trembled and oozed a viscous runnel of pre-cum as I felt the child's warm breath panting on the wet, shiny head.

"Aaaaaouwwwwwmmmmmm..." the kid's slimy mouth engulfed me and I groaned heavily as her slick tongue slathered the bulbous dick head. She released her grip on the base of the shaft and dropped her hand to cup my balls, kneading the hairy scrotum with tiny fingers as she sucked.

Delirious with lust, I closed the window and reached to silence the car heater, my tumescent ears straining to hear the obscene little slurping noises the child made as she slobbered over the thick penis in her mouth. My trembling hand moved from her pigtails and down her back to draw her denim skirt up over her butt, and I looked down to see her little fingers working busily at her panty crotch. I pulled her sticky fingers away and drew the little panties slowly down to her knees. I caressed the silky flesh of her minature bottom, then slipped my middle finger into the child's slimy little hole, crooking and twisting it inside to help her masturbate.

"MMMMMmmmmmmmmm," the kid moaned, her little teeth scraping my stiff dick as the unexpected rush of pleasure rippled through her small body. I withdrew my finger and slipped it in again, to elicit another long, delicious moan that made me grit my teeth and shiver as the sweet vibrations pulsed through my aching penis.

"G- god, yeah, s- SUCK it, nasty little girl," I gasped, now uncontrollably hunching my dick into the child's mouth, twisting and plunging my finger into her messy little vagina. "Nasty Little k- kiddie f- FUCK toy!"

"G-gowmmmmm, gowm, gowm, gaaawmmm," the kid grunted and moaned on my straining meat, diddling her tiny clitoris as I plowed her little cunt hole with my finger. Slimy saliva and pre-cum bubbled from the child's lips as she frantically smacked and gobbled on the stiff thing in her mouth. My eyes crossed, my aching prostate quivering on the brink of orgasm.

The little girl suddenly spat out my wet dick, squeezed shut her eyes and howled, "Aawwww, n- n- NOOOOOOOOOO!" as her slight body stiffened and jerked in orgasmic ecstasy, her stumpy legs snapping together and trapping the hand I'd been using to finger fuck her between her tensed, trembling thighs.

Beyond all control now, I desperately grabbed for the child's head and frantically plugged my quivering dick back into her wet mouth, holding her little pigtails and fucking her freckled face as the thing erupted deep in her mouth.

Gripping the child's pigtails with white knuckles, I roared my agonizing pleasure, watching with glazed eyes as a viscous jet of milky sperm squirted from the little kid's nostrils, my clenched butt hunching and fucking as my grateful dick jerked and heaved and spurted the greasy load down the child's throat.

My shaking thighs finally gave way and I collapsed back into the car seat, gasping, my tensed fingers uncurling from the child's pigtails. The kid spat out my spent dick, crinkled her little nose and spat a stinking mess of sperm onto the floor before my seat. The runnels of semen trickling from her tiny, freckled nose made me shiver with pedosexual lust as I gazed at the prebubescent little 8-year-old who'd just sucked me to a devastating orgasm.

The kid jerked her little panties back in place and crawled back to her passenger seat, wiping my slime off her face with the back of her hand. "Did ah suuuuck it good?" she asked, her wide eyes fixed on me with all the solemnity of childhood innocence.

I pulled the little kid into my lap and kissed her, my tongue tingling at the disgusting taste of my own slimy jism in her little mouth. "Yeah, little fuck bunny, you sucked it better than anybody ever did," I whispered in her ear. The child squirmed happily in my lap and hugged my neck with her slim little arms, my nostrils flaring at the stench of her spermy breath.

I dropped off my little pedophile poster child at the curb, not daring to re-enter her house in case Daddy came home earlier than expected. My last memory of her was her crooked smirk as she waved bye-bye, standing on the sidewalk with her skinny legs turned in to a childishly enticing pigeon-toed stance.

Of course, I've masturbated to glorious orgasms looking at the photos I took ever since -- the first time less than two hours later. During the flight home I went to relieve myself in the restroom. When I hauled out my dick I shivered at the touch, because the thing was still slick with pre-cum and the child's saliva. I quickly finished, went back to the overhead bin to haul out my camera and returned to the restrom with it. I punched up a picture of the nasty little slut on the monitor, zoomed in to display her crooked, gap-toothed smirk and stroked my slimy penis until my eyes crossed and my pleasure erupted into the blue goo of the onboard toilet bowl as I visualized fondling tiny, raisinette nipples and ejaculating balls-deep inside a skinny little 8-year-old.


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absofuckinglutely THE HOTTEST story I have read in some time!! don't we all LONG for a Cindy? (I know that I do...!!) Thank you for a glorious orgasm ( I waited till the car ride home from the pizza joint!)

Pedo Phil

THANK YOU for sharing your thoughts about my story! Comments like these are what motivate me to write more.

Dave Miyagi

Thanks Phil you seemed to fit everything I enjoy in these stories;

-Finding a plausible connection/access to a little one.
-little girls dressing provocatively.
-Sexually wise that enjoys sex as fun play, not scared or apprehensive. A little girl having an orgasm
-Tiny little body compared to adult size partner.
-Able to perform fantastic sexual feats, wow an eight year old penetrated by an adult size cock. -Hot



Your stories are incredible. Please continue writing, I love getting off to these.


Thanks for writing this little gem. I really enjoyed how the little girl is discovered by our story's hero.

You have great skill in crafting the best scenes and the dialogue is so good. You got a gift and I hope we see more stories like this one!

The reviewing period for this story has ended.