Teacher's Fun

[ M/f, M/g, pedo, oral, anal, mc ]

by Pagan


Published: 17-Jun-2012

Word Count:

Author's Profile

Story Summary
This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

In the Beginning there was the power.

There was only one reason Don Dekker had chosen to become a teacher. It certainly wasn't the money, which was pathetic, and it certainly wasn't a prestige job by any stretch of the imagination. His education might very well have taken him much further into a much more lucrative career, but wouldn't have given him access to what he wanted the most. What he thought about night and day. What he needed more than anything in his sorry life. Little girls.

Little girls of nine, ten, or eleven. Cute little honeys in short school skirts, knee socks, pink panties and pumps. Sweet little dollies in pigtails and braids with their pretty little legs and adorable little asses. Oh how he loved them, how he dreamed of them. Oh how he loved peeking up their cute little skirties, how he wanted to feel their little panties, how he wanted to tickle and kiss their sweet, hairless little cunts.

To say that Don was obsessed with little girls would be putting it mildly. He lived for nothing else but the chance to peek a little pair of panties, to sneak a feel under a girl's school skirt, to actually see a delicious little pussy and to kiss it and lick it.

He had gotten in trouble at his previous school for feeling little girl's panties on the stairwell. He had gotten away with it for some time, and in the process had squeezed many a cute little ass and had managed to cop feels of some really nice little pussies. Then one day, throwing caution to the winds, he had tried to get a certain nine-year-old girl's panties down for a little fun with her.

The School Board, not wanting to make a fuss over the matter, simply fired him, but did not make his offense public. Had they only known about his other offenses, things would have been different. Like the time he took nine year old Tracey Brooks to the school basement and, with the threat of reporting a book she had stolen, got the child to strip naked and let him lick her all over. Or the time he had similarly coerced eight year old Hildie Bremer to take off her panties and give him a blowjob after school.

It was the greatest sight imaginable, a cute eight-year-old face, tears rolling down those pink innocent cheeks as his cock came out only to disappear back inside that sweet mouth.

Oh and we mustn't forget to mention ten-year-old Ingeborg Tessel, who was always failing tests, well he made sure of that. And each time she had to lift up her skirt and pull down her panties for him so he could play with her sweet pussy if she wanted to pass.

He had come close to being caught on that one. Really close. It was the fifth or sixth time pretty little Ingeborg had failed a test and stayed after school. He had gotten her panties all the way off and had her up on a desk at the back of the room. Her school skirt was up around her waist, her legs spread widely apart, and he was sucking her cute little pussy when the door opened. Lucky for him it was the old, near-sighted janitor, who had peeked in for a few seconds, saw nothing, closed the door and left.

It was frightening and heart-poundingly close, but not frightening enough to keep him from sucking on the child's delicious little pussy for another ten minutes.

This was all, of course, before he got the power.

After being let go by the school, Don happened one day to be in a Gypsy teashop reading a magazine. On one of the pages was an ad for children's underwear with a picture of a cute little blonde girl of about nine in pink panties. Don's tongue almost hung out as he stared at the picture thinking how he would love to feel those little panties, how he would live to pull them down and see how nice everything was, how he would love to lick the little girl's ass and cunt. So engrossed was he in the picture that he failed to notice an old man in Gypsy costume watching him.

When he finally looked up and saw the old man, he quickly turned the page and the old man smiled. When he again looked down at the magazine his eyes nearly popped out, for there, on the very next page, was the same little girl bent over and holding up the back of her skirt to show her panty-covered little ass. It was unbelievable.

Don looked at the cover of the magazine and it was Good Housekeeping. It had to be his imagination. He turned to the inside once again and gasped. There was a picture of a little brunette who couldn't be more than eight. The little girl was on her back with a school skirt up around her waist. Her legs were widely spread and she was pulling her panties over to the side to show her hairless little cunt.

Don heard laughter and looked up to see the old man approaching his table. He quickly closed the magazine.

The old man pulled out a chair and sat smiling at Don's table.

"That is quite a magazine. Is it not, my friend?" he said.

"I...I don't know what you mean..." Don stammered.

"All those pictures of little girls" the old man smiled "They are quite nice, are they not?"

"What pictures..." Don said defensively "I didn't see any pictures."

"You didn't?" the old man chuckled "I put them there just for you."

"Just for me? Don stammered, "I don't know what you're talking about. You're crazy."

"Perhaps. But I think the little brunette has quite a charming little cunt. Don't you?" he smiled impishly "I think a little cunt like that would be wonderful to kiss and to lick. Do you not agree?"

"I don't have to listen to this" Don said peevishly. "Who the hell are you? Just go away and leave me alone."

"Now, Now, my friend. Don't be angry. I think it will be to your benefit to listen to me" the old man said "I am Josef and I did indeed put those pictures in the magazine for you to see. You do not believe me now, but you will."

"I've never heard anything so ridiculous" Don said, "You don't really expect me to believe..."

"Turn to page 86" the old man cut him off.

Don opened the page and his mouth hung open. There was a picture of little Ingeborg Tessel holding up her school skirt in an all too familiar schoolroom. Her panties were down around her thighs and he himself was tickling her naked little pussy.

"Wha...What...What..." Don gasped as he stared in disbelief at the picture "What is this...this is crazy...Where did you get this...I...I don't believe...who the hell are you...I...I never...never..."

"Oh come now, my friend" Josef smiled "Are you saying that you never pulled down that little girl's panties to play? Now who's being ridiculous?"

"You're with the police. Is that it?" Don began to sweat. "I'm going to call my lawyer."

"Oh, please. I am not with the police" Josef said "In fact I don't much like the police."

"Then this is blackmail" Don piped, terrified. "You managed to take this picture and you want to blackmail me."

"My friend. I never saw you before today" Josef said impatiently "I got the picture by searching your mind. I can do that, you know. I can do that and many other things. Now quiet down and listen to me. I promise you will be happy that you did."

Don sat back in his chair resignedly. This old man had the goods on him and he knew it. He was just a crazy old loon but he would have to indulge him. He didn't know how the old man had gotten the picture but it could be trouble.

"As I said. My name is Josef" the old man continued, "I am older than you can imagine. Let us just say hundreds of years old. You can believe me or not. That is not the issue."

Don stared, now fascinated.

"I enjoy life and living as I always have" Josef continued "Many years ago, I struck a bargain. With who is of no importance to you. That bargain permits me to age only five years for every hundred and to enjoy good health throughout."

"Five years for every hundred" Don almost snickered "Let's see. That would make you about...about..."

"Never mind" Josef glared "I can see you are doubtful. I promise that before the hour is out, you will not be. May I continue?"

"Sure, be my guest" Don smirked "I'm all ears."

"There is, however, a service I must perform each hundred years, on this date, to ensure my next hundred" Josef said "That service involves you. Or someone much like you. You see, I must give you the power."

"The power?" Don smiled "And exactly what power might this be? The power to turn aluminum foil into gold? The power to fly? The power to outrun snails?"

"You joke, my friend, but you should not" Josef glared "I have waited all day for the right person to come along. Someone with desires that cannot be easily filled. Like yours for those little girls. You do like the little ones, do you not?"

"You have no way of knowing such a thing," Don said defensively.

"Oh. But I see it clearly in your mind" Josef said, "I saw it the moment you came into my tea shop. That is why I put those pictures into a normal, everyday magazine. You have to admit that Good Housekeeping is not the place to find pictures of that sort, is it now?"

"Well no, it isn't" Don said "But you could have planted them there just to trap me. Just waiting for me to come in."

"And how was I to know you would be coming in?" Josef said, "I've never seen or heard of you. Oh, no. I saw it in your mind then saw it on your face when you looked in the magazine. That's how I knew you would be the one."

"So. This power" Don leaned forward "Suppose I believe you. What's this power and what do I have to pay for it?"

"The power will enable you to have all the little girls you ever wanted. Even bigger girls if you choose. They will all be yours to do with as you please anytime and anywhere for as long as you want."

"Of course they will" Don smirked "And how's that supposed to happen? I just walk out of here and take any girl I want?"

"Yes. That is pretty much it" Josef leaned back "All you will have to do is issue Commands with your mind. And your voice as well, though that will hardly be necessary. Voice commands will be easier for you at first until you have tuned your mind correctly. But that shouldn't take more than a few weeks."

"And they'll all do what I tell them," Don smiled, "no matter what it is."

"Quite", Josef said, "No matter what it is. Just think of the fun you're going to have. And you're a schoolteacher. What opportunity, my friend."

"And if I believe you, what is this going to cost me?" Don chuckled "Do I have to sell my soul to the devil?"

"Oh my," Josef chuckled "No. Nothing of that sort. In fact it will not cost you anything at all. Once I give you the power, I get another hundred years. That is all I want. See? We will both be happy. But you must first drink a very special cup of tea I have brewed. But do not worry. It is neither poisoned, as you are thinking, nor will it taste offensive. Quite good, as a matter of fact."

Josef stood and walked to a back room where Don supposed the kitchen to be. While he was gone, Don laughed to himself. He would humor the crazy old loon, drink the stupid tea and get the hell out of there. A part of his mind did fantasize, however, about how incredible it would be if it were all true. Just imagine. All those cute little girls. All his. Damn. That would be incredible.

Josef returned with a cup of tea and placed it in front of Don.

"Drink up, my friend," he said "And everything you desire shall be yours."

"O.K.," Don smiled, picking up the cup, "down the hatch."

Don drank. The tea was delicious and he drained the cup.

"There." he said, putting the cup down "I don't feel any different."

"But you are different, my friend" Josef smiled "You now have the power."

"O.K. that's just great" Don smirked "Well. It's been swell meeting you, but I have to be going."

"Go quickly, my friend" Josef said pointing out the shop window "I believe you are about to get a parking ticket."

"Oh shit," Don said turning to see a meter maid ticketing his car, "God damn it."

Don jumped up and ran out the door to his car.

"Hey lady. What are you doing?" he said, rushing up to the meter maid who was already placing the ticket on his windshield "Come on. I just put a quarter in that thing. Don't give me a ticket."

The meter maid turned towards him with a slightly blank look on her face, pulled the ticket from the windshield and tore it up.

Don couldn't believe it. These meter bitches never took back a ticket - especially when it had already been written. What was going on?

As the meter maid turned to walk away, Don's mind reeled. He had to try.

"Stop" he said to her, not wanting to take any chances.

The meter maid stopped and stared at him blankly.

"Give me your pen," he said. Safe enough.

The meter maid handed him her pen.

"That's a nice pen," he said "Mind if I keep it?"

The meter maid shook her head "No".

Don couldn't believe this. Could the old man have been serious? Did he actually have some kind of power?

"Give me five dollars" Don said.

The meter maid fished in her pocket book, brought out a five and handed it to him.

Don, still in disbelief, tried a clincher.

"I want you to go in that alley there" he said nervously "I want you to pull down your panties and piss on your ticket book and bring it back to me.

As Don watched in amazement, the meter maid turned and walked into the alley.

She returned in a few minutes holding the dripping ticket book, offering it to Don.

"No. You keep it" Don said, "You're just a stupid, ticket giving cunt, aren't you?"

The meter maid nodded "Yes".

"Say it" Don said.

"I'm just a stupid, ticket giving cunt" she replied.

This was incredible. Don had always wanted to get back at one of these bitches.

"Now, you stupid bitch" he smirked "I want you to buy a jar of pickles. Then I want you to go home, get undressed and stick a pickle up your juicy cunt. I want you to fuck yourself with it and then eat it. Do you understand? If you do, then say it to me."

"I'm going to buy a jar of pickles" she said "Then I'm going to go home, get undressed and stick a pickle up my juicy cunt. Then I'm going to fuck myself with it and eat it."

"O.K." Don said "Now get your fat ass moving and do it."

The meter maid turned and walked away. Don watched her turn into a grocery store and waited until she came out holding a small brown bag.

"Damn. It's true" he thought, "It's really true. I don't believe it. He really gave me the power. Holy Shit. I don't believe it."

Wanting to thank the old man, Don turned to go back to the teashop but to his amazement, it was no longer there. Where it had been was the alley he had sent the meter maid into. He had been too engrossed to notice. He looked up and down the street to be sure, but there was no teashop.

One can only imagine the thoughts that raced through Don's mind. He had the power. He actually had the power. Things would be different from now on. Very different. He rushed to his car, anxious to try it out - more anxious than he had ever been to do anything before.

He drove up and down the streets looking for an opportunity, his cock stiff with anticipation, until he saw her.

The girl was about fourteen. Pleated school skirt, knee socks, the works. He would have preferred one around eight or nine, but didn't have the patience to keep looking. This one would do nicely. She was on the plumpish side, not fat but full-bodied in a very nice way and she had a pretty face. He opened the passenger side window and pulled up next to her as she walked.

"Excuse me, young lady," he said when he came alongside her.

The girl looked at him.

"Come here. I want to talk to you."

A blank expression came over the girl's face as she approached.

Still in disbelief, despite what had happened with the meter maid, Don tried to be careful.

"What's your name, honey?" he asked.

"Betty-Jean" she answered.

"Well Betty-Jean" he said "I want you to sing 'Mary Had A Little Lamb' for me."

When the girl began to sing. Don's blood rushed with excitement. He had the power. He really had it. He could do anything with this young girl he wanted.

"Come in the car, Betty-Jean" he said, almost stammering "I want to feel you up."

The girl opened the car door and got in, her school skirt riding up her thighs as she sat on the seat.

'Oh, Betty-Jean", he said, "You sure are a nice plumpie one, aren't you?"

"Yes" the girl replied.

"Yes what, Betty-Jean?" he said.

"Yes, I'm a nice plumpie one" the girl answered.

"Now, Betty-Jean" the words almost sang from his mouth, "I want you to lift up your skirtie and show me your panties."

The girl reached down, grasped the hem of her school skirt and brought it all the way up, exposing her pink, lace trimmed panties to Don's lustful eyes.

"Oh my, look at those panties" Don said, staring at the snug little panty-vee at the apex of the young girl's thighs "Why. I bet there's a very sweet young pussy in these panties. Isn't there, Betty-Jean?"

"Yes" the girl answered as if in a trance.

"Well why don't you spread your leggies really wide, like a good girl, and show me how nice the panties fit over your pretty young pussy."

The girl raised her knees and spread them widely apart to display the tightly pulled crotch-band of her panties to Don.

"Oh my, doesn't that look nice?" he said "Now, Betty-Jean. I'm going to feel your panties all over and I want you to sing 'Happy Birthday' for me while I do it."

Don placed his hand over the girl's tightly pulled panty crotch and felt it excitedly as the girl began to sing.

It was unbelievable. He could feel the girl's pouting young cunny through the pink nylon of her panties and her singing for him made it even more exciting. He traced the clearly discernible line of her young pussy slit with the tip of his finger and tickled it up and down.

Oh. Betty-Jean" he said, "Look what I'm doing. I'm tickling your nice pussy-wussy. Aren't I?"

"Yes", the girl said.

"Yes what, you little whore?"

"Yes, you're tickling my nice pussy-wussy" the girl obediently replied.

"How old are you, Betty-Jean?" he asked.

"Fourteen", the girl replied.

"Do you know what I'm going to do now, Betty-Jean?" he said "I'm going to put my hand down in your panties and play with you really good. Now tell me what I'm going to do."

"You're going to put your hand down in my panties and play with me really good" the girl replied blankly.

"Now, Betty-Jean. I want you to keep your leggies wide apart for me so I can have some fun with hot pussy. O.K.?"

"O.K." the young girl replied obediently.

This is too much," Don thought as he slipped his trembling hand under the elastic waistband of the girls panties and down between her widely spread thighs to feel her bare young cunt "I can't believe this is actually happening. It must be a dream. Well. If it's a dream I'm going to enjoy it and I hope I never wake up."

Don ran his finger up between the young girl's cunny lips and tickled her nicely moist and youthful little pussy hole.

"Oooohhh. That's quite a nice little cunt you have there, Betty-Jean," he said as he played in the young girl's panties "And Oh. What a big pair of titties you have for such a young girl. Why don't you take out your titties and show me how big and juicy they are. Go on. Open up your blouse and let's see what a hot pair you have."

The young girl obediently unbuttoned her blouse and opened it to expose her tittie-filled bra.

"Go on, Betty-Jean" Don leered almost salivating "Pull up your tittie holder and let's see those nice honeys."

To Don's delight, up went the girl's bra and out came her titties, each capped with a big, pointy, pink nipple.

"Oh My. That's quite a pair of tits you've got there, Betty-Jean" Don leered "I think I'm going to suck on those nice big nippies and see how good they taste.

With his hand down in the young girl's panties, Don leaned over and gave each of her pink nipples a kiss and a suck, making them pop up nicely for him.

This was all too much for Don to deal with and his cock was so stiff and excited that he was about to cum in his pants. Something had to be done about that immediately.

Taking his pussy tickling hand out of the girl's panties, he unzipped his pants and produced his fully erect penis.

"Look at that, Betty-Jean" he said "That's my stiff cock and I want you to put your face down there and take it in your mouth and suck it. Go on."

Obediently, the young girl bent over Don's lap and began to suck his cock.

"Oh Yeah. That's it, Betty-Jean. Suck my cock" he croaked with incredible excitement, grasping her by her hair to guide her mouth up and down "Suck it good now, you plump, tight-pussy little bitch. Suck it."

The young girl obediently sucked up and down on Don's cock as he reached over her to squeeze her wonderfully plump, panty covered young ass. Don knew that the excitement was too great for him to hold for too long and, telling the girl to start swallowing, he began to orgasm and pump his hot cum into her mouth. As he came, the young girl swallowed with clearly audible gulps and when his orgasm finally subsided he had her lick his cock nice and clean.

"Why, you're quite a little cocksucker, aren't you, Betty-Jean?" he smiled.

"Yes" the fourteen year old, answered.

"And I really like those big titties and that nice little pussy. They're lots of fun to play with."

Don allowed the young girl to put her bra back down and lower her skirt. Turning to look out the back window of the car to see if anyone had been watching, he spotted three young boys of about twelve flipping baseball cards and had a really fun idea.

"Now here's what I want you to do, Betty-Jean" he said "I want you to go up to those little boys over there and ask them if they would like to see your pussy-wussy.

I want you to tell them that if they go in the alley with you, you'll lift up skirtie and pull down your panties and let them see pussy and tickle it all they want. Do you understand?"

"Yes", the young girl answered.

"Now, when you're in the alley with the boys and your panties are down, I want you to do anything they tell you to" Don said "I think that after they tickle pussy, you should get nakey for them so they can feel you up really good. And then you can tell them you're going to suck their little cocks for them. O.K.?"

"O.K." the young girl answered.

"Go on now" Don leered "Be a good little fatty-girl and do what you're told."

The young girl left the car and Don watched as she went up to the little boys and spoke to them. He saw the boys' eyes go wide and follow the girl into the alley. Don laughed to himself, still dumbfounded and amazed at the power he now had and his mind raced with the incredible possibilities that now lay before him.

Don wanted to check that his power did work when he gave an order. He got out the car and moved towards the alley as he did he thought to himself.

There was now nothing he could not have. No desire he could not satisfy. No perversion he could not engage in. No command of his that would not be obeyed. And little girls. Oh yes. Little girls. There would be lots of them and he would make them do things for him, to him. Nice things. Fun things. Although it had just been sucked, his cock stirred in his pants just thinking about it.

He stood watching the four young kids, by now the girl was naked, the boys had gotten over the shock and where busy playing with her cute ass, fingers rubbed her pussy and one little boy's face was anchored on her nipple.

She spoke to them and there was a flurry of activity as three sets of jeans hit the floor, the girl knelt on one pair, her mouth latched on to the middle cock as her hands took hold of the other two, this was too much for Don.

He had to experiment once more before going home.

This time Don set his mind on a nice little one. Maybe a cute little seven or eight year old, if he would be lucky enough to spot one. As he drove up and down the streets he passed up several other opportunities. An eighteen year old in short-shorts with a really nice ass, a few fifteen or sixteen year olds and a mother with her daughter of about thirteen or fourteen. He was sorry he had passed that one up as he imagined getting them in the car, making them both undress and having them entertain him with a hot little girlie show on the back seat. A little mother-daughter pussy licking - that would have been fun to watch and he consoled himself with the thought, all this and more, later.

His mind was set. He hadn't played with a real little girlie since he had been fired from the school. It took about twenty minutes of driving around and there she was.

She was really a little cutie - about eight years old with blonde braids, wearing a short pleated school skirt, cute jumper and his favorite, knee socks and patent leather pumps. She was bouncing a ball in front of an apartment building when he pulled the car up next to her.

"Little girl. Little girl." he called to her out the window and saw the child look up and stop bouncing the ball "Come over here, honey, I want to talk to you."

The little blonde approached with the same blank expression on her face that the others had shown.

"Oooohhh. You're a cute little pussy, aren't you?" he said, "I bet you have the nicest little cunt. Come in the car, sweetie. I want to feel your little panties and have some fun with you."

The dazed child opened the car door and got in.

"Now tell me, little girlie. What's your name?"

"Trina", she answered.

"And how old are you, Trina?"


"Oh, that's nice" he said, "I like seven. Seven is my lucky number, well it is today. Now, Trina, I would like to peek up your skirtie and see your undie-pants. Now, be a good little girl and lift up your skirtie and show me what's doing under there."

The pretty child reached down, took the hem of her pleated little skirt in her fingers and up it went to expose her white cotton panties.

"Oh my, what cute little panties you have, little girl" he leered, staring lustfully at the child's undies "Tell me, honey. Do you have a nice little cunt in your panties?"

"Yes" the little girl answered.

"Yes, what, honey-pie?"

"Yes. I have a nice little cunt in my panties."

"Oh. I bet you do" Don smiled "Why don't you pull down your panties like a good little girl and show me your cunt? I would just love to see it."

Don grinned as the little girl lowered her panties for him and licked his lips when he saw her nicely plump and hairless little cunny.

"Oh my, and what have we here? That certainly is a pretty little cunt you have there, honey," he leered "Now take your panties off and spread your legs nice and wide for me so I can have a little fun with it."

Don smiled, reveling in his new power as he excitedly watched the little girl take off her panties and obediently open her thighs for his viewing pleasure.

"That's it, honey. Spread those leggies nice and wide for me. Let's really see that little cunt" he leered, reaching down to fondle the child's thigh and run his hand up the inside to tickle his finger in the tight slit of her seven year old vagina.

Don tickled up and down the child's widely spread little cunny, leaning over to lick the side of her blank face as he did so.

"Mmmmm. Ain't you just yummy," he grinned "Now how's about I have me a taste of that nice, plump little cunt?"

Don had the child lean back against the car door and had her spread her legs as wide open as she could. He was fairly drooling as he stared at the hairless little seven-year-old cunny that was so nicely made available for his enjoyment.

Lowering his face between the child's widely spread young thighs, Don kissed the delicious little cunt several times then ran his eager tongue up her tight young slit from bottom to top.

Although entranced, the child began to give cute little squeals as Don's tongue lapped up and down between her precious little cunny lips, reveling in the forbidden taste of incredibly sweet, seven year old, pussy.

"Mmmmm. Good" he murmured, placing a hand under each of the child's little ass cheeks and giving them a squeeze "Now, what say we give this cute little dumpling a really good sucking?"

Don placed his mouth over the child's plump little open slit and began to suck on it, his tongue continuing to flick up and down her little gash. The child squealed and wriggled her little ass in his hands as he sucked, lapped, and slurped her innocent young cunny and gave a special squeal when he slipped a finger up between her ass cheeks and began to tickle.

"Oh man, is that good?" he thought, as his mouth and tongue worked between the little girl's widely spread thighs "Nothing like some really young cunt in the afternoon.

Don's cock was now stiff and throbbing, so he sat up, unzipped his pants and took it out.

"Get over here, you little whore" he said to the innocent child "You're gonna suck my cock and suck it good."

Don positioned the little girl with her face above his stiff, twitching penis.

"Open up that cute little mouth, honey," he said, "I'm going to feed you a meat and cream sandwich."

Don slipped his stiff cock in the child's open mouth and, with a few commands, soon had her sucking up and down quite nicely, the sight and noise reminding him of Hildie Bremer

"That's it, you little cunt" he grinned, "Suck my cock. Show me what a tight-panty, cock-sucking little whore you really are."

The seven year old girl obediently sucked up and down on Don's stiff penis, his left hand guiding her bobbing head as his right hand slid behind her and started playing with her cute little ass.

"Yeah. That's it. That's a good little cocksucker" he chuckled, slipping a finger up her tight little ass hole and frigging it lightly "Now I'm going to squirt lots of hot cream in your mouth and I want you to swallow it like a good little cunt."

His orgasm now boiling up, Don pushed the child's face down on his cock and held it there as he came in her little mouth.

"Go on, you little cunt" he groaned with excitement "It's lunch time. Suck and swallow... Suck and swallow."

Don excitedly pumped a goodly amount of hot cum into the little girl's mouth as she swallowed it all down with clearly audible slurps and gulps.

"Ooohh. That was good" he smiled when his orgasm was finished and he raised the child's head from his lap to see hot cum dripping down her little chin "You are one cocksucking little whore. Aren't you?"

"Yes," answered the little seven year old.

"Yes what?"

"I'm a cocksucking little whore" the child answered obediently.

"Good. As long as you know what you are" Don smiled "Now here's what I want you to do. Whenever you see a man alone in a car I want you to ask him if he can take you somewhere quiet, somewhere where you can suck his cock. Do you understand?"

"Yes" answered the child and Don grinned knowing what a very busy little girl this seven year old was going to be when she followed that instruction.

"Good. Now lick all that cum off your chin and you can go back to playing."

Don let the little girl out of the car and drove off grinning.

The new school, St. Theresa's, was two states away and the School Board knew nothing of his previous record. And oh, the girls. They were the cutest ever. and their pleated little skirties the shortest, bouncing up their thighs as they played making them quite an eyeful for all interested parties and Don was a most interested party.

He had several classes during the day with girls ranging in age from eight to twelve and in each class there were at least four or five that were to die for. Absolute pedophiliac dreams that made it difficult for Don to keep his cock from stiffening at just the sight of them.

After some remote suggestion to the school officials, Don managed to secure himself a classroom that was a bit removed from the others. One in which he was certain no one would interfere with his actions. Not that it really mattered because if anyone did all he had to do was put them under his control also. He would be totally safe to do as he pleased with his cute, tight-pussied little students.

He had worked out a system. As far as their learning was concerned, all that would be necessary would be to order them to take in and remember everything they read in class. That would ensure their grades and would probably earn him "teacher of the year". He chuckled at this thought.

Don made sure that each of his classes had children in different age groups so that he could have the most fun. He would use the younger ones around 7 to 8 mostly to give his cock a good suck and the 9 to 11 year olds who, in his opinion, were ready for a good reaming, for his fucking pleasure.

Arriving at school for his first day, Don's cock was already stiff as he entered the classroom and surveyed all the nice little goodies.

His power still new, and him unbelievably excited, he needed his cock taken care of immediately. He told the class to begin reading and, picking out a cute little eight year old girl, took her into the coat closet with him and felt her panties under her school skirt.

He had already had the caretaker put a thick mattress, some assorted stools and other comforts in to the closet so all he had to do was let the fun begin.

"Oh my, what nice little undies you have, my dear" he smiled as he fondled the child's panty covered little bottom and tickled between her legs "Why I can feel your little cunt right through your panties. Isn't that nice? Now let's just get these panties down and see what's doing in there, shall we?"

Don slipped the child's panties down around her thighs and stared at her hairless little eight-year-old cunt.

"Oh yes. A very nice little cunt indeed" he grinned "Now spread those little leggies so teacher can play."

Obediently, the little girl spread her legs apart and Don proceeded to inspect her little cunny and tickle his finger up and down in her tight little slit, he pushed in enough then pulled the finger out, putting it to his lips he licked at the tip, "Oh my. I can see that this cute little cunny is going to need lots of attention" he chuckled "But right now teacher needs a nice blow-job."

He told the little girl to get on her knees on a low stool, which she did, then took out his stiff cock and showed it to her.

"Oooohhh. Look what teacher has for you, little girl," he said to the pretty child "Something nice and juicy for you to suck on. Let's put it in your mouth so you can make suckie for me."

It was too easy. The little girl obediently opened her mouth and in went Don's stiff cock. With a few simple instructions, Don had the little girl sucking his cock up and down like a pro. It was great. So good that Don came in her little mouth and had her swallow for him. When he was finished, Don returned the little girl to the classroom and she went back to her reading as if nothing had happened.

Not believing his good fortune, and anticipating all the fun he was going to have with these children, Don surveyed the room, his eyes coming to rest on another little eight year old at a back table, she was outstanding and he thought, "Why not?"

He pulled over a chair and sat next to the little girl who was busily reading. He reached down and ran his hand over the little girl's smooth thigh and up under her skirt to touch her panties. As with the first little girl, she didn't seem to notice a thing. The power was working, he didn't have to speak.

"Now, let's see some pussy, little girl. Shall we?" he whispered, lifting the child's skirt, hooking his fingers in the elastic waistband of her white cotton panties and pulling them down to see her hairless little cunt.

"Oooohhh. What have we here, little girl?" he whispered, reaching his free hand down to tickle her cunny "It's a nice, plump little cunt. Oooohhh. I like your little cuntie. I really do."

The little girl looked down and watched him play with her naked cunny with slight curiosity and no resistance whatsoever.

"Oh. You have a nice little pussy-wussy, don't you, little girl?" he whispered, "Why I'd just love to get your little panties off and lick it."

His eyes traveled up the front of her, little bumps pushed the front of her jumper. "Oh my, little cutie, you are advanced."

Although it had just been sucked only minutes before, Don's cock stiffened at the sheer excitement that he could do anything with these little girls he wanted to with absolutely no consequences.

"Now come with me, little girl," he said, taking the child by her arm "Teacher wants to pull down your little panties and play."

The little girl obediently followed Don to the coat closet where he got on his knees, pulled down her panties and leaned forward to lick her little cunt. The child did give a slight squeal as he ran his tongue up between her plump little cunny lips, but that was all.

His hands curled round to her sweet ass then under her jumper and up the front until his fingers ran across the tips of her small nipple, he pushed at the fatty mound, he took his face out from between her legs, "Is teacher ringing your bell, you certainly are ringing mine."

His face went back between her legs.

"Oooohhh. What a nice little pussy you have, little girl" he murmured "Nice and plump and sweet and delicious. So nice to tickle and play with and Oh so yummy to lick."

Don licked the little girl's cunny for a minute, and then stood. He had the little girl get on her knees as he took out his cock.

"Now, how about a nice little blow-job for teacher, eh honey?" he said, "Come on, little girl. Open your mouth and show teacher what a good little cocksucker you are."

As with the first child, it took only a few instructions to have the little girl sucking his cock just the way he liked it and, although he lasted longer than before, he was soon cumming in her little mouth and getting her to swallow.

This was too good to be true, Don thought as he returned his little cocksucker to the back table, sat her down and gazed around the room, smiling. He was going to make this particular class into his own private cock-sucking club and pussy pool. He grinned as he thought of the possibilities for fun with these cute little girls and his twice-sucked cock began to stir again.

He spotted a plump ass little nine year old and thought how nice it would be to get her skirtie up, sit her on his lap and hump her panties really good but decided to wait. He had another fun idea.

Don got a third little girl, took her to the coat closet and had her hold up her skirt while he got her panties down. He then went to fetch yet another little girl and brought her back. While one girl stood holding up her skirt with her panties down, he had the other kneel in front of her.

"Oooohhh. Look at the pretty pussy, little girl" he whispered to the eight year old "Isn't it nice? Do you like it? Why don't you kiss it like a good little girl?"

To his delight, the child leaned forward and kissed the other's naked pussy.

"That's a good girl. Now why don't you lick the nice plump little pussy and see how yummy it is", he said, turning to the standing child to whisper in her ear.

"And you, you little piece of whore. Spread your leggies for her so she can have a nice snackie-taste of your delicious cunt."

It was unbelievable. The little girl on her knees got right down to business and started lapping the other's cunt. In a few minutes, Don had the little girl sucking the other one's plump pussy quite actively. Incredible.

Getting more and more excited, Don had the standing girl turn around and bend over with her hands braced against the wall. He lifted the back of her school skirt and had the other girl nuzzle her little face up between the pretty ass cheeks and lick her out.

Don's cock had gotten so stiff watching all this that he wanted to put it in the eight year old's mouth and have her suck it for him, but he had a better idea about exactly where his stiff cock should be going. Oh yes, a much better idea.

He took the two little girls back to their desks and went to sit next to the plump ass little nine year old he had spotted earlier, slipping his hand up under her school skirt to feel her panties. He was nearly crazed with excitement, and a stiff cock knows no morality. He took out his raging hard-on and placed the little girl's hand around it.

"How about that, little girl" he whispered as he stroked her little hand up and down his twitching shaft "That's my big, hot cockie. Do you like it? How'd you like to take a ride on Mr. Cocky, Hmmmm?"

Don was well prepared he'd done this before. He took a tube of lotion from his pocket and coated his cock with it.

"Come on, little girl", he whispered to the child, "Teacher wants some of that nice, plump little ass of yours."

Putting an arm around the little girl's waist, Don hoisted her easily onto his lap, lifting up her school skirt as he did so, the other just carried on reading as if he wasn't there.

"Now let's just get these little panties down, shall we?" he said, slipping the child's pink, nylon panties down her thighs "Oh Yes, teacher wants the panties down so he can fuck your cute little ass."

Don rubbed the head of his raging; lotion covered cock up between the little girl's ass cheeks until he felt her little hole, and popped it in. The little girl gave a squeal as his stiff cock slid easily up her tight little asshole and she began to wiggle. Don was careful not to put his cock too far up the little girl. Just a couple of inches would be more than enough to have himself a good cum up there and not hurt her any.

Don raised and lowered the little girl up and down on his stiff cock knowing he was far too excited to hold for long.

"Get ready, little girl," he croaked with excitement "Teacher is going to pump some nice, hot cum up your little asshole. Oh Yes. Teacher is going to fill you full of hot juice."

Don reached between the little girl's legs with his free hand and excitedly held her by the cunt as his cock erupted, spurting jets of hot cum directly up her nice little asshole. The child gave a squeal and a wiggle as she took Don's hot load right up her plump little ass. When he was finished giving her a fuck and pulled her panties back up, she simply went back to reading as if nothing had happened.

Don's cock was now spent after two blowjobs and an ass fuck within such a short period of time so he devoted the rest of the time that day to gleefully inspecting each little cunt in the class.

"Why it's my own private little whorehouse" he thought, grinning, as he was pulling down the panties of yet another cute little nine year old to see what was doing in there "just a whole classroom full of nice little treats. A dream come true".

He went back to the front of the class, his eyes scanned them all and he knew there would be different class's and they would all have families, and the families would be mothers, aunts, cousins, there would be other counties, maybe he could start a young girls model agency, advertise for pretty young things, he chuckled as he thought, why go after them, the possibilities and adventures where endless.

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


Great story, oh to have those powers. Looking fwd to part two


Looking forward to Don's further adventures. He has the makings of gigolo.


This was an excellent story, I would love to have the same power but I can only live in my fantasy

Philip Spencer

The story starts out well, but it is so easy for Don to get what he wants that it isn't all that interesting. I anticipated some kind of ending wherein the old gypsy would finally ask for what was his due, and was disappointed when that didn't happen.


nice story bro but i think if hd fell in love with one of them and settles down it would be an amazing spin off.


Very interesting story and plot line. Would like to see that the little girls are able to enjoy what he is doing to them .Hope the future does not go into hurting the little girls.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.