Creaming The Creamer

[ rape, M+/F, F/g, inc, nc ]

by Pagan


Published: 9-Jun-2012

Word Count:

Author's Profile

Story Summary
This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

I thought my life was all plain sailing, I'd got it all under control, things were mine for the taking. Speaking of me, I suppose I better introduce myself, Mrs. Emma Dart.

In my younger days I was the school snob, you know, the "look but don't touch" bitch. I was beautiful and I knew it. A fun battle between my year younger sister and I was to see who could get a boy hot and then drop him. We both new we had what it took to dress hot and to use our bodies to snare a wealthy husband, so we made a pact that no nerd was getting in our pants. We made sure they didn't and we did snare well.

I married Terry Dart, at eighteen, he was thirty. Yes, older, but he was in a good business, had money, and was a good lover. That was some years ago, he's not too hot now, I suppose it's from being in a bigger business, it's taken the fun out a bit. Pity, I still enjoy sex. When we married he showed me what I had saved myself for and I get hot and horny still. "I have been doing it myself quite a bit lately," I said to myself, "you don't need to look elsewhere, don't need to rock the boat with what I had planned for my future." Still, we live in a nice big house in a good neighborhood, apart from some teenage boys who are always trying to see me in as little as possible. That's what happens when you dress as provocatively as I do. You know, short skirts, low top, sheer stockings and high heels, people say I have the Kelly Brook look. Yes, I would say I'm still a looker, so I can't even sunbathe without 6 to 8 beady eyes peeping through the hedge.

So one day I decided to excite my life and ask Terry if we could move. My sister married, at the same age as me, a real estate man, because the silly girl was pregnant, but I must say she has a lovely daughter, another beauty in the family, and we three were very close. Who better to find me a new home, something as big, but a little more private? I always wanted one with a long drive and well hidden, again it would suit what my sister and I had planned.

So I contacted her at one of her offices and told her what I wanted. She had just the place, the old Jacobs house. It had been empty for two months, too big for the folks around here.

I wanted to see it, so I drove to the office. Jan was too busy this morning, but gave me the keys and said if she could, she would get over later. I was excited, and driving up the drive I saw it, yes it was just me, not that big, only 40 years old but built in the old southern grand style, elegant with beams. I couldn't wait to get inside.

I put the key in and turned. First thing that hit me was a strange smell, I thought it's only been two months but something smelt foul. Still I looked round, some furniture had been left behind, big chairs and a table, the floor was scattered with ropes and timbers-nothing that couldn't be cleaned up or thrown out. I went upstairs, the smell got worse.

In the first two bedrooms they had left old beds with ornate posts, but the decor was all so fine. The ceiling beams were great, oh yes I was going to have this house! It was so quiet and far from the road, I went into the master bedroom.

Oh god, the smell as I opened the door. I saw a big bed and then the floor, it was covered in cans and bottles and there was a big mirror at the end of the bed. I could see me, the door, and behind the door two figures. My brain went into overdrive, I didn't scream but retraced my steps then ran for the stairs as fast as my high heels and tight, short skirt would let me.

Coming up the stairs were two tramps. I looked behind and the other two were out of the bedroom and coming towards me, I was trapped.

I thought I must take the first step. "What the hell are you doing in this house? It's private property." They just walked up to me, "It ain't been private to us for the last few months, lady, so shut the fuck up with your orders and tell us what you're doing here? Ain't seen nobody, so why you here to fuck up our hideout?"

I had to stay in charge, "I'm here to look at it, in fact, to buy it, so you had better get out and we will say no more about it."

Another spoke, "She still giving orders, thinks she owns the place already, may be we should show her around as there ain't no one else." I just looked at them. "So come on, lady." I went to pull away as he grabbed my arm. "Oh, want a fight do we? Eddie go get some rope, it's time for a little respect."

I panicked and pulled away, telling them to get off and leave me alone or they would be in serious trouble. I hit one with my bag, but he grabbed it and threw it on the floor as he threw me against the wall. Soon Eddie was back and my arms were tied behind me. "That's better. Now we will show you around our humble home, and to make sure you follow, get some more rope, Eddie, and we will make a lead for this bitch."

I had a length around my neck and, still protesting, was suddenly pulled into the first bedroom.

It was pointless speaking as he went on with the game he was having with me. "This is guest room one, nice big bed so your guests can fuck all night." And then the same in the next room, then into the bathroom, "See the big bath? This is where you can lay and play with yourself for hours in here, or do you get fucked so much you don't have to finger it?"

I heard one say, "I'd like to finger it." That was the first time my strength went and I was scared.

"This is the loo, would you like to use it? You can, as long as we all watch." I said nothing, but I did want to go, they carried on.

"And this is the main bedroom where you can do the business, where you can fuck and fuck like a rabbit with who or whatever you please. Do you fuck like a rabbit? I bet with a body like that you have them queuing up. Is that your life, on your back with those lovely legs open? As for us, me and Eddie have been inside for four years, should have been eight but we left, so to speak, as for Paul and Tim, they've been on the road for so long this was home to them, and now you want it for your own fuck palace. Shame on you! What you got to say about that? "

I went to pieces and begged them to let me go. I mumbled on and said I was sorry and promised not to say they were here and would not buy the house.

He smiled at me, "Sorry are you? How sorry? Sorry enough to stay and visit a while? It's been four years since we talked to a nice looking lady, and lord knows how long for Paul and Tim." He pulled the rope tighter and I shuffled closer to his foul breath, "You are one good looking piece of ass. Be a shame for you just to rush off."

Tim pulled the big chair into the middle of the bedroom and I was pushed down onto it. I looked at them thinking, 'I must play along with his silly game.'

"What do you want to talk about, I can stay for another fifteen minutes, you can untie me, it's all right," I was trying to stay calm.

Doug said, "We like you the way you are, as for talking, as I said it's been a long time since we talked to a pretty lady, and we have forgotten all the nice things they do, so why not tell us what you do in bed and what you like best, what turns you on, have you ever been raped, do you play with yourself, do you like women, what makes you horny, maybe a little spanking or up the ass fucking and your favorite positions for getting it and giving it, you do give head, don't you? As you say, you only have fifteen minutes to tell us."

Thinking as fast as I could and knowing this had to work I had to talk a bit dirty and get them off on it, then I could get the hell out, so I started.

"So many questions, where shall I start, no I've never been raped, my husband is the only one and he is very gentle and eerrrr, we do a lot of kissing and caressing, he fondles me and I fondle him, sometimes," God what was I saying?

"Eerrrrrr, giving him oral, everybody has played with themselves," I laughed nervously. "There is no shame in that. What was next? Oh, no I've never done it with a woman, so I don't now about that. My husband has smacked me gently a few times, but has never touched me in my eeeerrr, you know eerr bottom. My favorite position? He loves to take me doggie style and I like him to do that and he likes me to sit on him sometimes, while he plays with my breasts. That's about it, I hope that's what you wanted to hear." I went to get up.

The ones ether side of me pushed me back down, "She ain't going nowhere is she, Doug?"

Doug got up, "You a good cock-sucker are you, get your old man off, swallow some, do you? Don't sound to me that you do a lot of anything. How about you show me what kind of cock-sucker you are? Tim and Eddie are just about head-high either side, what say you do some head bobbin' on them? Show the lady some dicks, boys, I can't wait to see that pretty loud mouth full of cock!" My head was held from behind as I begged them not to.

They took their cocks out and aimed them at my mouth, "Come on baby, start sucking-and not just the top neither. Get them all the way down that pretty throat."

I started again to protest but all I got was a mouth full of stinking cock, pushing so hard then pulled out. My head turned and the other forced its way in. They kept their hands on my head, pushing and pulling as they wanted. I could hardly breathe and I felt sick with the stench. One of them told me to keep my mouth wide open-no teeth marks or I wouldn't have any teeth to mark with.

It was then I felt hands going into the top of my blouse and a voice said, "You have a play up there I'm going up this little skirt to see what's between them legs." I tried to speak, but my mouth was always full of cock.

Other hands were exploring me, hands were down my blouse, my breasts were being squeezed and my nipples pulled hard outwards. Doug's harsh voice told me to spread my legs, I managed to pull my mouth away and pleaded for him to stop, but before he could answer my head was pulled hard and my mouth was filled again.

"Open your fucking legs or I'll tie them open, any way you like. I'm going to have me a good play with some of your juicy cunt."

Eddie laughed, "Go on, finger her good, get up her cunt, get her hot and wet, when I've filled this hole I want them all, and her wet cunt will do next." He gave my head a hard pull forward as he said that and his cock made me choke. All they did was laugh as the tears ran down my face. Doug had my legs open I felt his hand going up my leg onto the skin above my stockings then, oh god, he touched my pants.

A finger slid under my panty line, he was soon playing with my defenseless fanny, running his fingers over me and in me and making me watch as he sniffed and sucked his finger, telling me I tasted real good, so good that he was going down on me for a suck of the real thing. There I sat with my hands tied behind me, trying to suck two cocks while someone was playing with my tits and another was kneeling on the floor with his face and tongue buried between my legs.

The two who were fucking my face came very heavy and made me swallow it, telling me they didn't want to spoil my pretty face by splattering it. Doug stood up and said, "Let's use the beams and have us a swing fuck!" I didn't know what he meant, and I begged them not to hurt me. Eddie said, "Look lady, just think, next time someone asks about your sex life you can tell them about your gang rape and how good you can suck cock, the way you love to be spanked and how you take it up the ass. Pity we haven't got another woman for you to suck, but screwing you is all I want, so shut the fuck up while we tie some rope on each arm and leg haul you up on them beams and give you a fucking good seeing to."

I fought, I screamed but to no good. I was soon hanging three feet off the floor with rope on each of my limbs. I was naked apart from my stockings, and Paul said, "What shall we do first, her cunt and ass are fuck height as is her mouth, but that ass sure looks tempting to my hand."

Eddie said, "You slap her ass while I fuck her mouth, that should be a treat both ends."

I was spanked and mouth fucked and then they all took turns to lick and suck me, saying they better taste me before they filled my cunt and fucked me raw.

They fucked my mouth several times dragging my head back so they could get their cocks as far down my throat as possible and they enjoyed their balls slapping my eyes as they continuously abused my tits and my fanny.

They fucked and wanked me, sometimes three pairs of hands on me making me wet and then tickling my cunt and thighs then between my cunt and ass. They found that was one place that was a real turn on for me making me writhe in a forced orgasm. Then they all buggered me, their cocks are so much bigger than Terry's and they reveled in letting me know they knew, asking me if having real cocks up my cunt and ass was good for me. It was so painful to start with, but the more they did it the easier it got and it became as I could take them all the way in.

They kept telling me I was enjoying it and couldn't get enough big cock, that they where soon going to have me on the bed with every hole filled at once, and if I didn't do it good, I would get plenty of this, and I got a spanking that made me think I would never sit down again.

They used their hands, then ropes, and swung me backwards and forwards singing, "See-saw somebody's whore," so they could give me maximum pain, it was during this that we heard a car drive up, it was my sister Jan and her daughter Debbie.

Doug yelled, "Keep her quiet, let's see what we got here," he crept to the window, "Wow! Another hot ass cock-sucker with a youngin' and she is gorgeous too, I love shorty tops and short pleated skirts on young girls."

I wanted to warn them, but my pants had been stuck in my mouth and a filthy hand was holding them in and in this position I was helpless. I just had to hang there and wait as they hid. I hoped they would go again, but they must have seen my car. I heard the door open and Jan call out my name. Debbie was running up the stairs calling out, "Auntie Emma where are you?" She was looking into each bedroom calling out when suddenly her voice stopped and I realized one of them had gotten her.

Jan was the next up the stairs and she was telling us to stop hiding, as she rushed into the bedroom the sight of me hanging from the beams totally naked stopped her dead. Two men were on her trying to grab her but she moved very fast swung round and took a gun from her bag. "Cut her down, you bastards or..."

Doug stopped her, "Or you'll what? Eddie what you got there?" A loud sob could be heard, it was the unmistakable sound of Debbie. Doug slapped the gun from Jan's hand, bent down and picked it up, "Guns can hurt people, so you better be careful. Tim, Paul, look after our new guest, I will go see what Eddie's got."

Jan suddenly shook back to life, "Keep your hands off of her! Don't touch her, don't!" She was cut off in mid-sentence by a blow to the stomach and she doubled in pain making it easy for her arms to be tied behind her and the mauling to begin. Tim had his arm round her neck and was feeling her tits over her clothes. Paul had her skirt up and was pushing his hand down into her pants and between her legs when Eddie and Doug came in with Debbie.

Eddie laughed, "She still got clothes on? You two are slipping."

Paul retorted, "So has that little dream boat."

Doug stopped the banter, "This one has still got clothes for a reason." He looked at me and Jan, "We are going to tie this poppet to the bedpost and leave her there while you two fuck us good, or we are going to tie you up and you can watch us give college girl here a sex education she will never forget. You choose. You have till she's all tied up to think."

They spread eagled Debbie then tied her stood up between the top bed post's, then gagged her to stop her crying, they let me down and laid me on the floor, looking first at me then at Jan, Doug said, "Times up, you got an answer?"

Jan looked at me and said, "We will do what ever you want but don't touch my girl."

Doug grinned, "You got a deal, and this is it, we untie you, you strip nice and slow, then both of you will suck us, fuck us, worship our cocks, we will fuck you how we like and in as many holes as we like and you will put on a show between you and I mean a show. You will finger and suck each others cunts and you will kiss and tongue each others mouths and you will do it good because if you ain't wet and cumin, littlin' up there will be, start stripping."

While Eddie and Doug watched Jan slowly take her clothes off, Tim and Paul came over to me and picked me up, took off the ropes that hung from my wrists and legs, told the others we would be back in a while and marched me into another bedroom, I took a last look at poor Debbie tied like a crucified angel she could not believe what was happening to us.

In the guest bedroom Paul laid on the bed and made me suck his cock hard then I straddled across him with his cock hard up me, his hands fondling my tit's he grinned up at me, "Go on baby your loving this fucking I can feel your cunt dragging my cock in, this is just what you've be waiting for, a bloody good fuck."

I thought, you filthy bastard, you lying there with me sat on your cock, all my life I had avoided things like him and here he was enjoying me being forced to fuck him. If that was not bad enough Tim laid back against the wall while I had to suck his cock, lick his balls and play along the thick shaft as it sunk in and out of my mouth.

I could here voice's from the other room, "Come on baby suck it down, you don't want anything this big in that cute ass of that little girl of yours." "Come on you bitch you can fuck me harder than that, get that ass moving, wiggle it around my cock, you got great tit's come on baby stick them in my mouth, gimme a milkin, come on mamma feed me some nipple."

They were all making filthy remarks and mine were no better telling me I was their cock-sucker, to worship that cock, lick it all over and don't forget to clean my balls with your tongue while I was to wank myself as I took a big thick cock up my cunt and ass. My cunt should only have thick cocks up it not small dicks like my husband, I needed something that filled my hands when I wanked, not got lost in them, and I had to grin and bare all this for my nieces sake.

Then the time I had dreaded came, a voice said, "Get her in here, we want to see some loving, sucking, licking sisters."

They shouted back, "As soon as her mouth's empty of cock and full of cream, we will bring hot ass in, need a rest and we are looking forward to the show, can't wait to see what else she can do with this mouth and tongue, come on sweetheart suck me off, want me to give you a hand, just keep your mouth open wide." And he held my head back by my hair and wanked himself into my mouth, he made me swallow it before I was taken back into the main bedroom.

I saw Jan, naked with red hand marks on her bottom and dried semen on her tit's and leg's, she had wet semen all over her face, she was laying on the bed ,just under Debbie who was still tied to the top of the bed, her arms and legs stretched wide.

Eddie and Doug were getting off the bed as I was pushed in, "Get on the bed, you hot ass cunt, your sister needs her face washed with that lovely tongue of yours. We seemed to miss her mouth, then you can start your show and don't forget it better be good or that little sweetheart is coming down. She has just seen how much mum likes cock in her mouth and cunt, and she knows how much spanking and ass fucking she can take so show her how much mum and Aunty fancy each other and can get each other off."

With fear screaming through my body I looked at Jan but as if she knew she smiled and nodded and I moved on to the bed, we both knelt and I started to lick her face trying not to miss any of their foul mess, I licked as much and as fast as possible to get the filth off Jan's face.

I finished licking and knew that we had to do something I knew nothing about, I just hoped Jan did, a voice said, "Go on then let's see some kissing and tongues."

I moved to Jan and we started to kiss and put our tongues out to touch, Jan did know more and I was surprised she pushed her tongue in my mouth and explored it better than Terry ever did and we kissed passionately until someone said, "Get on with it, let's see some nipple sucking and cunt chewing, remember the littlin is watching." Jan moved down to my nipples, as she did she pushed me back on the bed and started licking and caressing my tit's with her mouth as her finger's ran over my fanny and stroked my clit.

I looked up and I was under Debbie's wide legs and I could see up her skirt and I was shocked to see she had a wet patch on her panties, but soon it was my turn to feel different. It was Jan's touch, for the first time that day I was enjoying what was happening to me and soon Jan knew it as her fingers slide in very easy to my wet fanny.

Jan moved down the bed, she knew she had to show me what to do, slowly she lowered herself between my legs and began to kiss and lick me up and down my slit and between my ass and cunt lips, I felt more and more turned on, the catcalls from our tormenters were just background noise to me as my body began to arch and push down on my sister's face. I would have cum there and then had Tim and Paul not got hold of Jan and turned her round putting us in a sixty-nine position and to the laughter of the men I was soon licking my sister as hard as she was licking me, till we came in a violent orgasm.

We laid exhausted on the bed, but I was brought back to reality when I saw Doug standing at the top of the bed fondling Debbie's leg and holding some documents that made my heart sink.

"Look what I found, I thought that bag you hit me with was heavy, it had a false bottom and this was in it, you cunning minx, your creaming off money from your old man and his firm and so is sister dear, this is some numbered account you have. You can't con a con, I bet your saving up to run off into a new life. Waiting for youngin to get twenty are we then? Looking at this you should have a cool two million between you, hope no-one finds out, far be it for me to tell."

"What say we see if youngin enjoyed that little show," as Doug said that his hand slide further up Debbie's leg, Jan moved to stop him but she was soon held by the others, his hand ran behind, down, over her ass and slide between her legs. "Oh, are we one wet kitten, she did enjoy the show. Must be bad to be the only one left out of the fun," Doug pulled his hand away and sniffed it, "She smells as hot as mum and Aunty. What say Aunty is as nice to her niece as she was to her sister, come over here Aunty, baby here needs a kiss and maybe more."

I looked at him in horror and said "no way," but all Doug did was flip through the pages of my documents, "Come on creamer, it's just a little fun, just between us, I wondered how your sex education could involve sucking out women. Here's another chance to show us what you've learnt you know you got no choice." Yes, he was right, I knew I had no choice.

I knelt on the bed and went to kiss Debbie on the gag, Doug got hold of me, "Not there cunt, get between her legs, suck her pants then suck what's in them."

My protest was meet with a slap and I was pushed down, I looked at Jan as they held her tight, she had tears running down her face and she looked away, I pushed my head up Debbie's skirt and placed a kiss on her pants over her slit, then started to suck and pull at her pants with my teeth. I didn't know what else to do till a knife came by my face and cut through Debbie's pants and I was gazing at her blond little fanny, I planted a kiss on it and I got a hard smack on my ass as a voice said, "Start licking."

I stuck my tongue in her and started to do the same as Jan had done to me. There was movement all around me and soon somebody was moving me and I felt my pussy lips being opened, a cock pushing into my cunt, and he was fucking me from behind. A voice said, "Suck her cunt while I fuck you, how about a little doggie, it is your favorite position isn't it?"

I could see out the corner of my eye Jan sitting on someone's cock and sucking another and as for Debbie her breathing sounded different, and I could feel her pushing her hips into my mouth and young, groaning noises were filling my ears. The fucking I was getting was pushing me harder into her. Tim shouted, "Good, you cunt lapping bitch, go on lick that honey-pot, give her a tongue fucking, oh god I'm going to come big-time."

When suddenly my mouth was filled with hot juice, much more than Jan had and my cunt was suddenly filled with cream, it was only then I found I could move back from under her skirt and look up. There was Doug standing on the bed, he'd taken her gag off and was filling her mouth with his tongue while his left hand was under her top playing with her small firm tits. To my left there was Jan still being raped by Eddie and Paul, one in her cunt and one up her ass but she was looking with hate at Doug. I didn't have time to think as I was pulled over to clean Tim's cock with my mouth.

Doug said it was time to get Debbie down to join the party, Jan pleaded with him not to, but he told her they hadn't fucked her yet, so if she wanted her daughter to stay whole keep out of it, he may change his mind. Then we soon found out what was on his mind.

He untied Debbie, then made me strip her clothes off down to her bobby socks then they laid her on the bed, it was Doug's idea to have Debbie return the complement to Aunty and I had to sit on her face with my legs spread wide and she was to suck and lick my cunt and make me cum. Jan was made to do the same, suck and lick out her own daughter's young cunt as Debbie was forced to lay there with her legs open. And if that was not bad enough I had to suck Paul's cock as he stood above Debbie. Doug got behind Jan and told her it was such a terrific sight watching her tongue a neat pussy he was going to fuck her while she sucked and licked Debbie out. With that he buggered her hard up her ass.

I thought that after that things would change, maybe they would have had enough of us, but it didn't change. Eddie and Tim where next to want me, first they wanted something I hadn't done, I had to wank them hard using my tits up and down with both their cocks.

On the other side of the room Doug and Paul just lay on the floor while Jan was on her knees sucking them. Then I had to sit on Eddies cock and bend forward so Tim could fuck my ass and they made Debbie stand in front of me with her legs open so they could watch me lick her cunt. I couldn't understand how she could cum twice in my mouth before the two men had finished screwing me. Doug even said she was one horny assed fucker, but she was only a kid.

It was about five when Doug said we could go, he took great pains to tell us what would happen if anyone new about them, he had made a note of things in my documents that would make a mess of all my plans if he made a phone call. Also, put today down to experience, a good fucking never did anyone any harm, we may have learnt something.

We didn't bother to argue we just got dressed, I grabbed my bag and got the hell out of there before they could start at us again. I told Jan I would be in contact and to lay low for a while. I'd see her in a few weeks, after Terry got back from Scotland. That would give me time to get a bit more for the fund.

I was a little taken back when Debbie arrived mid-week with her overnight bag and said as Uncle Terry was away she had come for a sleep over, to keep me company. But there was something about her that was different, the way she looked at me. Still with what we had been through I supposed it was nothing.

She was in the lounge and I had just finished washing the tea things, she used to help but today she just sat in the big chair and waited for me, I came back and asked her what she wanted to do this evening. She told me to sit down as she had some questions, I sat and she looked hard at me.

With a strange voice of authority she said, "It's about last week and what that man called Doug said about creaming off money from Uncle Terry and that my mum is involved. But the trouble is I love my dad and he is good to me and buys me all I want, and I like Uncle Terry, so why are you being bad to him? I think I should do him a favor and tell him."

I stammered the words, "No, errrrr, no don't do that, it wouldn't be doing him a favor and it just upset him and me. You wouldn't want to do that, would you, after all we are pals aren't we?"

She took a deep breath, "Well if we are pals then you remember what you did to me in that house, well I liked it and I want you to do it some more. We can do it here and in your big bed and we can do it all night."

I was speechless I said, "No, no, you're my niece. I was forced last time so they wouldn't rape you, I didn't do it because I wanted to, no, no, I won't."

She had a knowing smile, "I thought you might make that excuse, so I wrote down all Doug said and it's in a letter to Uncle Terry at his work address, and if I have to go home I will send it. It's up to you, do I stay? Pal."

I couldn't believe my ears, this beautiful young girl who I had known since birth was blackmailing me so I would lick her cunt out. I tried to reason with her again, "Debbie this is silly, we can't do this, it's illegal, it's incest what if we got caught? I'm your Aunty it's not right."

Still with that smile on her face, "It's your funeral, I wouldn't say anything about a little play time, but Uncle Terry is going to be very mad. And when my dad finds out, watch out, mum. And what if, if they found out about last week, I wonder what they would think was the reason for not reporting it. It was some fucking you and mum got in the cunt, ass and mouth, I was almost jealous. Still, I'm off."

She went to pick up her bag and I groaned, "Debbie, no please no, lets talk."

She sat back down again looked at me and said, "Now shut the fuck up. By the way, do you like they way I talk, like those men. It's such a turn on, now get down on your knees, pal and crawl over here, take off my pants and play with my cunt and ass-hole. And look what I have in my bag, one hot video and some long sex toys I found in mums drawer. You can use the sex toys, sorry they're not as big as Doug's cock, but they should still make you wet like you where when Doug was fucking you. And didn't you look great with cocks stuck in your mouth. I just loved the way your head moved on it and your tongue slide underneath. Your one hell of a cock-suck, but I bet Uncle Terry doesn't know that. So don't look at me with them pleading eyes, just get on your knees, use your mouth and tongue on me."

I sank to my knees and with a look of triumph she slid down the chair just at the same time I reached it. I looked at her. "Come on Aunty, you enjoyed sucking my cunt before, so I'm going to let you tongue fuck it again, just get on with it, I'm hot."

I reached up and pulled her pant's down over her knees and down off her ankles, she immediately opened her legs and slid to the edge of the chair as I lowered my head between her legs, she moaned as I started to lick and push my tongue in her.

I had my hands on her legs as she told me to lick her between her cunt and asshole. As I did that she pushed my hands down and wrapped her legs around my neck and pulled me on into her. I thought I heard something, but she wouldn't let me go. She kept her legs around me, forcing me to lick her until she came in my mouth, spurting her juice into me, "Swallow it Aunty Emma just like you swallowed those men's cum every time they used those lovely big cocks to fuck your mouth."

I sat on the floor choking on her juice and my own tears, thinking what next? She didn't leave me thinking for long as she laid back and told me to come over to her and sit beside her. As I did she looked at me and said, "When Doug was playing with my tits I liked it, and as you are going to do what ever I say, I want you to play with them and suck my nipples real good. Come on make them hard."

She took her top off then pulled my head down to her firm young breasts and dejectedly, I licked and sucked them as she pushed them into my mouth. This went on for so long that my mouth was beginning to hurt. She moved my head from breast to breast groaning all the time, suddenly she pulled my head back and up, "That was nice, we will do that again later, now what I also liked was when Doug snogged me, why don't we snog? I like using your mouth, it's so soft, I want to taste your tongue, come on Aunty Emma let me kiss you."

She turned my head and pushed it back on the chair moved round and forced her tongue into my mouth, I heard something again. But she just kept forcing her tongue in my open mouth until she pulled away, looked at me and said, "Very nice I can understand why those men enjoyed snogging you and playing with you, but there is something different. Oh, I know, silly me, you have clothes on, they wouldn't let you, they liked you naked, so I think you better strip some off, get up and take your clothes off."

I pleaded with her to stop but she told me we were having so much fun that she wanted more of the games and wanted to see more of me. I was trapped and she just sat and waited for me to start taking my clothes off. I did, slowly, reluctantly I took off my top. I had no bra on, the bitch complemented me on my wonderful breasts, then I slid my shorts down, I stood in front of my own niece in just my panties, a broken pathetic woman and then she ordered me to get them off and I did.

To add to my humiliation she made me parade around the room showing of my body for her amusement, then handed me the video, made me put it on and sit beside her as it played.

It was pure lesbian filth, five small films all with women playing with each other, with themselves, tying each other up and using sex toys. Debbie kept touching me saying, "Oh, we must do that" and "Shall I do that to your pussy tonight?" I just sat in silence, wanting it all to end but it didn't. As soon as the film had finished she told me it had made her horny and I had better get back on my knees and get back to work on her cunt. There she was still partly dressed and me naked, on the floor licking her cunt again. "I think I will lay on the floor, Aunty Emma, then you can rub your nipples along my slit and lick me. It will keep that beautiful bum up in the air, I liked it when the men fucked your bum. Did you like it when they fucked your ass? They did fuck you a lot, and as for them spanking you, I loved the way your bottom wiggled and jumped. As we are pals I'm sure you are going to let me do that to you."

As she was saying all this I could still hear a strange noise, but she had her legs clamped so hard to my head I couldn't be sure, and the things she was saying were frightening me.

I swallowed her next orgasm and looked into her face looking for a sign of pity, but all I got was, "Your mouth sore from all that sucking, take me upstairs to that big bed so I can play with you, that video has given me some great ideas."

She stood over me as I got up then she held my hand as I walked to the door, "Oh Aunty, no, no, don't take me upstairs, don't make me your sex slave," she was mocking me pretending to be shy. But as we went upstairs she had her bag in one hand and spanked my bottom with the other. I turned to speak, but she looked at me, "I'm going to make it wiggle more than that, lets go to the bedroom now," and another slap sent me in the room.

She made me lay on the bed with my hands above my head and my legs wide open, she climbed between them with her bag and started to play with me. "You have a lovely cunt, it's very sweet, even after the amount of times you let those men fuck it last week. You seemed to like it best when they had you bent over and were fucking you from behind. I bet you had a wetter cunt then, than it is now. But with this little toy I think we can do better, after all I watched what mum and those men did to turn you on."

She bent her head down and licked me. As she did that she tickled me between my ass and cunt lips. I felt things I didn't want to, had everything I'd seen and done got to me?

I was suddenly aware that she was pushing something into me and it vibrated and moved as it went in my cunt. There was something else going into my ass, it too was vibrating. I moaned and moved. She said, "Lay still and enjoy them, imagine they are Doug and Eddies cocks fucking you again, like last week. And to make it complete I may stick my cunt in your mouth again soon."

Oh, God, it felt so good, and I was soon grinding my hips onto her fingers as she wanked me and pushed these things into me. Suddenly she stopped and left me. I begged her no, but she said she would carry on if I let her tie me up, so as she could give me a great orgasm like the ones in the video.

With out thinking I said yes, and soon my legs were spread out and tied to the bottom of the bed and my arms tied up to the top of the headboard, then she pushed the vibrator back up and switched it on. As I bucked and moved she took her skirt off and climbed on the bed and sat on my face. I was again sucking and tongue fucking her cunt as she leaned back and pulled at my nipples till I had yet another amount of her juice in my mouth, and to my disgrace I came as well.

I waited for her to untie me and take the vibrator out, but all she did was untie my legs then tie them together. She turned me over, still with the buzzing things up me, and whispered in my ear, "Enjoying yourself are we? Let's see how you go with this." A hard slap hit me, again and again as I cried for here to stop. She took no notice, she went to my dresser got my hair brush and used that on me. As she did she squeezed her hand between my bound thighs and pushed the vibrator hard in. She knew I was getting wet and just laid into me harder, slap, slap, slap with my hairbrush, the slapping and buzzing forced me to another shocking orgasm and I lay there exhausted.

She was soon on me and before I knew it my hands were tied behind me, I was turned over, she switched off the vibrator but left it up me. Laying beside me she played with my nipples, she told me she was going to leave it up me, as she knew from last week I could always do with a hard stiff cock up one or more of my holes. I begged her to stop, but she looked at the clock and said, "Oh Aunty. It's only ten, there is all night yet."

I drifted in to a half-sleep only to be woken by her hand going between my legs and turning the vibrator on again. I groaned no, but she told me she wanted to snog some more and her tit's needed playing with. I asked her to untie me so I could play with her, but she told me all I needed was my mouth, if I could suck a cock so well a nipple should be no problem. For the next half hour I kissed and tongued her mouth and sucked and played with her nipples, all the while the vibrator kept me wet, till I came again.

I pleaded with her to take it out, as my cunt was getting so sore. She pulled me off the bed, forced me to sit hard down on the buzzing tormentor, pushing it in as far as it could go. Then she put her cunt in my face and said, "You want it out, get me off and I'll take it out. But Aunty, you surprise me, you want me to take it out. The way you had cocks fucking you last week, I didn't think you could get enough cock. But still have it your way, I'll put one foot on the bed so you can get right between my legs and put your tongue up me and I want it up me much further than before. Get on with it and do me good."

I went at her so hard sucking and licking, getting my tongue so far in her, hoping to get her off quickly so she would take the vibrator out, before I had another orgasm. But as I did she would just walk away from me, cool down and then make me start at her again, it must have taken me an hour to finally make her blow into my mouth, and yes, I orgasmed too.

Thank God she untied my legs and took it out, leaving me laying on the floor. I got back on the bed and spent the rest of the night still bound, servicing her on demand, kissing, licking or sucking, always with the threat of the vibrator until she got ready to leave.

She untied me and told me, it's a pity she can't stay till Uncle Terry gets back next week. But if it's true that her mum and me were creaming off money to get a better life when she was twenty years old, then I had to keep her quiet. And that's a awful lot of tonguing her cunt, but who knows, I may get to enjoy it. I had better, as she was too beautiful to let any nerd get in her pants, so until money comes along my tongue would have to do the job, she tweaked my nipple and walked out with a "Bye, Aunty Emma."

I staggered round the house, my mind reeling from what had happened in the last week. I went for a bath and lay there with so many thoughts, finally realizing that my money making scheme had to succeed or I wouldn't make it till she was twenty. So for the next two days I used my computer to cream off money for my savings. I was so wrapped up in it that I forgot about the post until lunch time, and only remembered when I looked out at a very hot sunny day. There was a letter with no address just my name, in the envelope was a computer floppy disk, with the instructions, put in and press enter.

I went to my computer, put it in and opened it, it had three pictures of me, one of me licking Debbie out, one of me parading around naked in front of her and one of me pulling her upstairs, the note continued, you had better be sunbathing in your red bikini at three on Thursday afternoon, on your patio, if you don't want these pictures to be seen by your sister or anyone else, I sank to the chair and cried, oh God, why me?

I looked at them again. They told the wrong story, but my sister would believe Debbie, I just found out what a cunning bitch she is and the fuss last week at the house would be brought out in the open and worst of all, prison, if our scam was found out. And it would be me, as I did all the creaming of money via my computer work. Jan and Debbie could look innocent. If not prison, divorce and no money. If no divorce, staying with a man soon to be to old for the life I had planned. What day was it, God, Thursday! Is Terry due back? No that's Tuesday, he's back to the office on Friday. I looked at my watch, 1.45, just over one hour. Who or why, I was sick with panic.

Play along and see what it's all about. After my mind cleared I started to think clearly, let's see who has done this, I went upstairs and put on my very sexy red bikini and went to the patio, I laid back on the sun-lounger and planned how I would get the evidence back. Every one has their price and I thought I may lose some to gain some, I must be strong.

As I was planning all this I heard footsteps on the lawn and looked up straight at those five horrid teenagers from across the avenue, "Look clear off you lot, get off of my property, I'm expecting someone so clear off, go on you perverts, get out of my sight."

They eldest one said, "Don't call us perverts, it's not us that licks out a young niece's cunt and then takes them upstairs to do other things to them." I felt my world sink around me and I looked at them in a daze. "That's right, I took some digi-snap shots of you having your way with your niece, ten in all and you look to be having a great time with her. Is that what you go for, as your old man is a bit on the ancient side? Like girls young and fresh, do we? It figures, how long do you go to prison for incest?"

My brain was reeling, I stammered, "How much are the ten photos on that disk going to cost me, I suppose you have a price." I thought they're only kids, they will be easy.

He looked at the others, "How much is it worth not to send them to the police or your sister? Does your old man surf the net, they would look great on there with your name and address under the pictures. I don't know, let's go inside and talk it over."

I walked into our lounge and went to sit down, "No you stand, we will sit and I will introduce us, as you never took the time to ask before. That's Bryn, John, Trev, Rob and I'm Barry. There, ain't that civilized, and we know you as Mrs. High and Mighty Dart. Now, what are you offering?"

I stood there for a few moments. "To get this over with, as a first and last offer, of 250 per photo, that's it."

Barry looked at the others, "A generous offer. We will need some time to think on it." I wanted them to go, but more than anything I still wanted the disk. I looked at them as they just sat there, looking at me. I thought, come on you thick dick-heads, that's more money than you can think possible. "Well?" I was looking at Barry, who was obviously their leader.

He looked back "While we think on this maybe you could do Trev a favor."

I stammered, "Yes, yes, what does he want?"

With the biggest grin, Barry said, "To see what's under that red bikini top and, of course, bottom."

All of them grinned at me as I fought for words, "No, this is obscene, I can't, I won't."

Trev looked at Barry, and Barry said, "Don't worry Trev, she knows she has to. She's just putting up a fight," he looked up at me as he lay back on the sofa. "Come on Mrs. Dart, slip those straps down and give us all a peek at them nice big boobs. And do it kind of nice and slow, let one out at a time, we want to have them out to play, or should I go play on my internet?"

The same felling of defeat came over me as when Debbie said, "Still, I'm off" and I had to stop her. This time I was looking at five boys waiting for me to show them my tits.

"Come on Mrs. Dart we only want a little strip show, you are a magnificent woman. And for a woman around thirty you are beautiful and so is your body. So you should be proud that Trev wants to look at you, come on." I felt tears well up in me and fought them back so these monsters wouldn't see.

I slipped down my bikini straps, first letting one breast out then the other, there were gasps around the room. Barry said, "You've got a fucking great pair of tits. We all said so when I was taking the photos but it's your fine round bottoms that was our biggest turn on. So let's see it next, but nice and slow and turn around while you do, Trev doesn't want to miss a bit of your ass or cunt."

Like a puppet I did as I was told, until my bikini bottoms were round my ankles. I was about to tell them that's enough, but Barry interrupted, "Now Bryn wants a favor, you see he has never touched a woman so come over here and let him have a feel of that hot pussy and don't bother speaking. I'll tell you when you can speak, just do us some little favors and we may lower the price a little. Now you can't say fairer than that can you, so come over here, now."

I bit my bottom lip and stepped out of my bikini, walked over to that boy and stood in front of him. "Tell her to open her legs, Barry, I want a proper feel," I didn't wait for Barry to speak. I parted my legs and closed my eyes as this little boy started to feel me and run his little hands all over my cunt. Other hands joined him and I could feel some fingers pushing in and I jumped twice. As I did, I heard Barry laugh, "You won't mind if John has a play with your tits, will you Mrs. Dart? He feels out of it with all the others playing with your pussy. Go on John, oh and take her top off, it looks untidy and spoils her beautiful body."

I felt the clip undo and the top fell to the floor and hands came round from behind me and played with my breast's, pulling at my nipples very hard and rolling them between his fingers. They seemed to get hard and I new that soon, just standing there, covered in boys hands that were playing with me, I would start to get wet. And there was nothing I could do to stop it.

"She's getting really wet, Barry, it's easy to slide in her," I heard one of them say.

Barry smiled and said, "I thought she'd juice up good, I've got a great idea which one of you has got the smallest hand." There was a brief silence, until Rob said, "It looks like me, my hands are very small."

I was starting to cry, unable to stop, I blubbered like a baby. "Please, I beg you all leave me alone, I'll make it 300, but you must stop and leave now, you can't do this to me, for God's sake stop it."

I was sobbing at them, Barry just said "Get her down on the floor so she's all ours to do with as we please. Let's get her legs open, let's see some juicy cunt. Trev you're the strongest, hold her arms over her head and sit on them and Rob you get down between her fucking gorgeous legs. I have an idea for a bit of real fun with this hot bitch."

I was hauled down and the last thing I heard Barry say was, "We will make the last disk of photo's look like a Sunday school picnic, hold her tight."

I struggled but I was held hard down, my arms were crossed above my head and knelt on to hold them firm. Then my legs were held at the thighs and pulled apart as Rob got down between me and Barry said to Rob, "Start finger fucking her again, get her as wet as you can. Yes that's it, your doing great. Now come on push another finger in, right. Straighten your hand and push that up. Feeling alright, Mrs. Dart? Go on, it will go, she's wet enough," I was fighting but was held firm, mouths were sucking my nipples and pinching my tits.

I was screaming and begging them to stop but it made no difference. As I pleaded for the tenth time I heard Barry say, "That's it, you should be able to get your whole hand up her, see it's going in, keep fucking her, that's it, it's up, now tickle inside her, find the little bony bit and play with it. That's it, I can see from her face you have found it."

Oh God, with all that had been done to me I'd never felt anything like it before, it was unbelievable, my body started to hump and move as this kid played with me inside and others sucked my nipples and kissed my mouth. Out of my delirious eyes I could see Barry laughing at me, "Don't worry lady, let yourself come, we little boys are all going to fuck you all night and the rest of the weekend, and we ain't as little as you think, so we will keep our prisoner."

"You will be tied up and fucked in every hole you've got, our folks think we are on a field trip, and your old man ain't home, so you are ours to do with as we please, and with that disk of you with your tongue up a young girl's cunt. You won't tell on us, so we can do what we like, when we like, to what hole we like, so get used to his hand or our cocks stuck in your cunt, in your mouth or up your ass. You really will be the stuck up, Mrs. Dart."

Barry told Rob to carry on and left. With what was happening to me I was too far gone to think straight. The next thing I knew my hands were being tied above my head and I was coming to an explosive orgasm. I heard Barry tell Rob to take his arm out, he said that the bitch has had enough fun, now it was their turn. They all stood up as Barry tugged me up by my bound wrists. I was so weak that I couldn't fight, and was shoved on the sofa, my hands pulled behind my head and the rope tied round my neck.

John said, "Are we going to fuck her now?"

Barry said, "No, we will let her cunt shrink a bit. She can't wait to get something in her mouth, like our cocks, can you Mrs. Dart?" I looked at him, then I looked at his hand. He had a pair of pliers and he was pointing them at my nipple, "Take your choice, I would enjoy both,"

I looked at this monster, "Please don't hurt me, please no more, I have offered you money, don't make me do this."

Still he grinned, "You shouldn't be such a prick tease, you like showing it off, then when we want some, you don't want to know. You can't put the goods on sale and then stop when you have a buyer, now open your fucking mouth and take this cock right down your throat and suck it empty."

He pulled the rope around my neck down and aimed his cock into my mouth, I took it and to my surprise it was not small. I could hear the others as I sucked his cock, "Is she going to suck us all? Can I play with her tits? Can I have her mouth next?"

He soon emptied himself into my mouth and I was sucking the next, as hands pinched my nipples, stroked my thighs and playing with my bottom. This went on until I had sucked every one of them and my mouth was sore.

Barry said, "Lets take her upstairs and have some real fun with her. I'll drag her up you lot follow and see that lovely ass wiggle. But this time it will be as naked just as we had always wished, come on my little toy."

I remembered how Debbie had smacked my bottom just three days before, how could this be happening again, "You want to piss, your going to have to some time, and we are going to watch." I was taken to the bathroom and had to take a piss with all these kids laughing and joking at me and at what I was doing. Then I was taken to my bedroom and shoved towards the bed, Barry's voice ringing in my ear. "On the bed, face down," was the order.

I was tugged over and they all jumped on me, my hands were tied to ether side of the headboard, then my legs pulled apart and tied the same to the bottom. I was spread-eagle, face down wondering what was next, suddenly my head was pulled back and tape was wound round, gagging me tightly. "Don't need you squealing to loud, do we, could upset the neighbors. Alright boys, all those time an adult has spanked you, now you can get your own back, make her ass wiggle some more."

The way I was tied and my mouth sealed the only release from the pain I went through over that half hour was the tears I cried. They cheered and laughed every time they hit my body and made me jump and move. Then I heard the words I was waiting for, "Alright, that's red enough. Come on and tie her elbows and wrists together, you two tie her knees and ankles, leave her mouth gagged and lets go have a look round the house, see what other goodies she's got. Don't worry, Mrs. Dart, we won't forget where you are, we still have a lot of fucking left for you."

I lay there struggling for about half an hour when the door open and Bryn came in, "Are you all right, Mrs. Dart?" I shook my head, "Do you want me to untie you, does it hurt?" I nodded, "Turn round and I'll undo you." I slid round to the edge of the bed and he pulled me off, until I was knelt against the side of the bed, he got behind me.

I waited for him to undo the ropes, but he pushed, first his fingers and then his cock up into my ass, "I'll untie you sometime, but I thought it was the best way to get you in the position without your fighting. I just had to fuck your ass, I've dreamed of fucking this ass ever since I knew we were coming, now very soon I'm coming up it." John came in.

"This is where you are, fucking what I was going too, don't make it too sloppy up there if I've got to have seconds." John got on the bed and as I was laying half on it he could move himself to put his cock by my face and being tied I could not stop him. He pulled my gag off. "Come on Mrs. Dart, give it a nice suck, lets have that pretty stuck up little mouth, stuck round this, make it really hard ready for your ass, open up," and he shoved it into my mouth.

He started to fuck it, "Come on, get on with it, ass fucker and shoot it over her back," as Byrn moved harder up my ass I felt him burst, half in me half over my body, John got off the bed shoved Byrn aside and positioned himself behind me. He re-taped my mouth and my ass fucking continued. Unlike Bryn, John abused my tits as he fucked me hard. "What turns you on best when you have a big cock up your ass, your tits played with or your cunt. Glad I re-gagged you, you can't tell me, so I'll have fun with my fingers finding out for myself."

His fingers pulled my nipples and rubbed them, then they were down and pushing in my cunt. All the time he was ramming hard and fast up my ass. He shot his load and shouted as he did. Oh, God no, it brought the others upstairs.

Barry came in with that same evil grin, "What you doing in poor Mrs. Dart's ass, you bad boy. Ain't you havin a great time Mrs. Dart, always did like being the centre of attention didn't you, so I will not let you down. Me and the others are going to make a fuss over you all together, that should keep you busy, and just to make sure you are a good girl we brought something's along to keep your mind on the job." In his hand he had clips and pegs.

"Just right for your hot little places, keep your clit and nipples hard while we tie you up and in position for our next bit of fun, it's a pity we have to untie your elbows. Just look at the way your tits are forced to stick out. Still we have the time to put some clips on your nipples and watch them tits try and shake them off."

They stood me up beside the bed and held me as that bastard put two clips on me. Oh God, they hurt. They let me go and I fell on the bed trying to rub them off but they held firm and the more I tried to move them, the more they hurt, I gave up and sobbed into my gag. They were soon at me untying my legs, holding them apart and clipping my clit and cunt lips. I was in agony, they undid my elbows and held me tight while my wrist were crossed behind me and tied to a rope around my neck.

I didn't choke if I kept my arms up. They played and pulled with the clips asking me if I would be a good girl and do all I was told. If I said yes, then they would take them off. I nodded, and true to their word they took them and the gag off. I was told to keep quite. I'd gone past arguing, they were going to do as they wanted with me anyway.

He gave me my orders. I was to sit on Barry's cock, let Rob fuck my mouth, while Trev was going to bugger me, all at the same time. And the way these boys used me was as bad as the men had fucked me the week before.

They all enjoyed that and said it was getting late and I had another busy day tomorrow. They had worked out sleeping places and I was tied on the bed, my arms and hands to my side and they brought up a pole and tied my ankles to it, but wide apart. "Do we have to gag you or have you had enough exercise to sleep well?"

I looked with hate into Barry's eyes, only to be meet with a smile and a hard twist of one of my nipples as he bent down, kissed me hard, pushing my mouth open and forcing his tongue in. He then said, "Goodnight, try and get some sleep, you've been a great fuck, I look forward to fucking your gorgeous body again tomorrow, so sleep tight before the bogie men come and get you."

He left and I lay there in half darkness thinking has all this happened in ten days, before falling into an uncomfortable sleep.

I woke as the covers were being pulled down and a hand went over my mouth, it was John, "Shhhhh, unless you want the rest here. You got me so excited today, I can't sleep, so I've come to fuck you again. I'll gag you if you try and speak. You know I've not fucked your cunt yet, so I want it and you don't have any say at what I do to you, your tied nice and tight. So lay there and try and enjoy it. I know I will, you have a great body." In the position I was tied there was little point in saying anything and I just laid there as he fucked me and sucked and played with my tits.

I was raped twice more in the night by Bryn and Trevor. They just took me, I suppose the best thing about being tied the way I was they could only fuck my cunt, and they did.

Morning came and nothing happened to me until they were all in the bedroom. Then they told me they had planed their day's enjoyment and my torment. Barry was, of course, the one to speak, "Good morning, Mrs. Dart, I take it you slept well, nothing kept you up or nothing was kept up you for to long, just a few in and out exercises. Well there are going to be a few more today," he came over and sat on the bed. "First we will get you cleaned up, there seems to be some sticky stuff on you. So it's loo first and then a shower. As of course your hands will be tied behind your back, we will help you clean all those important little places."

I wanted to spit at him, scream at him, God how could I hate someone so much. But I remained silent, I knew he would gag me if I started anything.

"Next it's downstairs for you to feed us, you will be tied in a way to make cooking interesting, especially naked and doing fried eggs. Then we will have the first fuck of the day. Well rested and well fed I'm sure we will give you a fine fucking. Now we have decided that you would not like to explain to your old man spanking marks or torture burns, so if you are good you won't have to. But you will have to entertain us in lots of ways to stop us doing nasty things to you. There will be lot's of blow-jobs, and twos and threes up. We are sure you will put on a little show for us with something that's in the veggie fridge. And some nice dancing, you know, shake you tit's about and wiggle your lovely ass for us. John especially would like your tits dangled in his face. Oh and by the way he wants to fuck off between them. You don't mind do you? So, shall we get started, lads? Get her tied as we said, God Mrs. Dart, my cock's getting hard just thinking about the number of times it's going to be in you today."

I was dragged off the bed and retied with my hands crossed behind me, taken to the bathroom and made to piss in front of them again. As soon as I had finished there was no shortage of hands with tissues to wipe between my legs and deliberately push through into my cunt. Barry laughed as he said, "Don't worry too much boys, lets take her to the shower. She will get a good cleaning inside and out in there." And the bastards did just that.

I had soap shoved everywhere, until I was dried off and taken downstairs. They tied my knees to the oven door and my elbows by my side then made me make them all fried eggs. Oh, how it spat hot fat on my defenseless tits. They tied my arms back behind me and put scraps on the floor and made me eat off the floor, knowing I was too hungry to refuse. Then it was my turn to start sucking their cocks again.

They all sat around the lounge and I had to shuffle around between them as they called me. I was sucking, kissing and licking their cocks as hard as I could. This went on for an hour and a half, till all of them had cum in my mouth.

Next Barry lay on the floor, told me to suck it again till it was hard then sit on it. I had no sooner sat on it when I had John's cock in my mouth. Barry hands couldn't resist my tits and nipples. The other three had me bend over a chair, two took my ass, the other my cunt, before they decided it was drinks time. They all got drinks from the fridge and then gathered round me.

John got hold of my head and Barry said, "If you want a drink open up and if you don't, I know where those pliers are, so just open up and enjoy." They all took turns humiliating me by pissing in my mouth, they left me choking on the floor as they sat back and carried on drinking.

The first thing I saw as looked up was Barry holding a cucumber and carrot and grinning at me. "It's show time, so come here and let's tie your hands so you can get yourself into a nice sweat and show us what you do to that little cunt and ass by yourself when the old man's away."

My legs were roped with a four inch gap so I could shuffle along and my hands were tied in front. He handed me the cucumber and carrot, they all sat around me. I still refused to speak and I was not going to give them the enjoyment of me begging for mercy. I knew I still had the rest of the day to get through. I laid back and to my own disgust inserted the cucumber in my cunt and pushed it in and out in front of a bunch of teenage perverts. They watched me for a while before someone shouted, "Use the carrot, it's to stick up your ass, go on fuck both holes."

It was difficult to do it with my hands tied, but I managed, much to their laughter. It was a weird feeling as their cat calls rang in my ear and I, even after all they had done to me, started to feel wet. They could see that on the cucumber, which only made them worse.

"Come on bitch, wank yourself harder, you love it. Get that fucking veggie wet, let's see you come on it, or we will hurt you," and I worked harder and it had the effect I didn't want. Soon I found myself breathing hard and I gave the odd gasp and that was the cue for them to take over holding me down on the floor. They where really pushing it in fast and making me cum, in a moaning orgasm I shook and creamed all over the cucumber. They enjoyed my final humiliation, I was to sit on the floor in front of them and lick my cum off it like a lollipop before I was taken upstairs.

I was pushed in the shower, pissed on, then washed, listening to them say, that what I had just done had made them ready to take me in the bedroom.

I asked John not to, but he said they were all ready for another good fucking, That's what they did. All afternoon they fucked me. At one time John and Bryn did my tits, saying they would have the dance later. I remember I got it three times up the ass and three times in the cunt, but six times I had to give them blow-jobs, I was tied in three different positions, so as they could do their worst.

I had my legs tied right up over my tits and round my neck leaving my ass and cunt at their mercy. Then my ass on the edge of the bed, my legs stretched to both bed legs. My arms were pulled back over my head, my cunt almost hung off the bed so they could fuck it hard and go into a press-up position on the bed above my head and push their cocks hard down into my mouth. They piled cushions on the bed then laid me face down on them, tied my arms and legs to the side of the bed and fucked either my ass or cunt doggie-style and they used my mouth as often as they liked.

At the end of that it was food time again, this time they wanted ice cream. They got loads of it out the fridge, tied my hands crossed behind me, and tied my ankles, then laid me on the dining room table and covered me in the ice cream so they could lick it off me.

They pulled me back so my head was hanging off the table, covered their cocks in the cream and fed me by making me suck it off. Then they all sat back to enjoy my dance, which was the most humiliating thing I did. They tied my knees with a small gap, left my hands free and I had to dance for them.

Some of them went to my bedroom and brought down different sorts of underwear and high heels and I was made to change several times as I danced, ending up in high heels suspenders and stockings, gyrating for them by wiggling my bottom in their face's so as they could pinch and bite me. Shaking and hanging my tits, playing with them myself, squeezing them and then pushing and wiggling my nipples into their mouths so they could suck on them. Caressing their cocks, by stroking them with my hands cupped, tickling their balls. All this to slow music, which only lead to them all fucking me hard in every hole again, before it was time to tie me up for the night. Mercifully I was left alone all night.

Yes, they all had me again in the morning, fucking every hole again and again before they left.

I was at last on my own and I knew the routine, lots of baths and teeth brushing, then cleaning and checking the house so Terry would not know what had happened. By the time he came home I was ready to play the loving wife. The only thing on my mind was that Barry had told me to get the money by Friday and when Terry went to work he would do the swap.

Friday came, Terry left at nine, ten minutes later Barry breezed through the back door and sat on the sofa, "Got the money, honey." His face had that same evil grin that made me hate every inch of him.

I looked at him, "Yes. Got the disk?" He waved it at me, I gave him the money.

"I'll just check it, got to give the lads their share." He counted it into little piles and gave me the disk. I immediately destroyed it and screamed at him to get out, he looked at me, "What's account 629? I seemed to have copied that from your computer, while the two lads were giving your ass a fucking on Saturday. Looks pretty good to me, Terry Dart and his firm seem to be on it quite a lot, do they know they are?"

I went white, he smiled at me, "I didn't think so." I sat there open mouthed. "Right, this is what we will do."

He grabbed my arm and pulled me on to the sofa beside him. "I'm a youth of tender years and I need to know a lot about sex and it's different fetishes. I've tuned into a lot of websites that I'm not suppose to, you know, rubber, rape, torture, sex toys and a great one on bondage. I think you get the picture, but what I need is a good looking mature woman. She will have to have big tits and a hell of a sexy body to practice on, preferably one whose husband goes away a lot.

"Now I'm going to think about this problem a while, and by the way Mrs. Dart, now that there's just you and me, I must say that's a very pretty dress your wearing, but I know you would look better without it, take it off. I want to have them big tits of yours out. Then, after I have you completely naked, instead of you sitting there open mouthed, you can put your hand in my shorts and get my long hard cock out, and suck my cum out of it. Then you can open your gorgeous legs. I'll get my hands between your thighs and do a little finger playing with your tasty cunt, and see if I can't get you hot and wet, ready to fuck, you know kind of CREAM THE CREAMER."

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