Published: 27-Mar-2013
Word Count:
Debbie was excited. It was her birthday, and today she was 11. She knew she was going to get lots of presents and they were going to have a family party later on to which a couple of her friends had been invited. Recently she had been a bridesmaid at her auntie's wedding, and her mum, Linda, had said she could wear her bridesmaid's dress again for the party. She was so looking forward to this, as she liked wearing smart clothes and looking good.
Later in the afternoon her mum said that Debbie could go up and have a quick shower and then change into her dress as the guests would be arriving soon. Apart from her two friends, Kelly and Megan, there was going to be her aunt and uncle, and her grandparents on her mother's side. It wasn't going to be a big affair, but she was looking forward to it all the same.
Debbie went up to her room. She had already laid the dress out on the bed together with a clean pair of knickers. In no time at all she had taken off her clothes - jeans, t-shirt and undies - and rushed out of her room to the bathroom. She was so excited that she didn't see her dad, Martin, and bumped right into him.
"Ooops, sorry dad," apologized Debbie.
"Hey, Debs, what's the hurry?" he asked.
"Got to have a shower, then I can put on my dress."
"Ok, but go careful."
"Dad," she said, "can you do the shower for me? I either get it too hot or too cold."
"Ok, Poppet," replied Dad.
Debbie liked it when dad called her Debs or Poppet. He'd done this since she was small. It seemed to signify that he was in a good mood and that she was his special girl. She also knew that if she wanted something, he was unlikely to say no
It wasn't until Martin had got in the bathroom with his daughter that it occurred to him that she was completely naked. He'd seen her like that lots of times. It wasn't unusual for Linda, Martin or Debbie to be around upstairs getting changed or having a bath or shower and see each other partially or fully undressed.
But somehow this time it seemed different to him. He looked at his daughter and took notice of her budding breasts and the dark hairs which were starting to grow lower down. He realized she was starting to become a woman, become ... sexy! He'd never thought about Debbie in that way before. It was as if he was mesmerized by her beauty.
"Dad, the shower," Debbie said a little impatiently. Martin snapped out of his dream and got on with adjusting the shower so that it would be comfortable for her. How long had he been looking at her? Five seconds, ten seconds, more? He had no idea.
"There, that should be ok - just try it and see."
Debbie put her hand in the stream of water coming from the shower head. "That seems ok, thanks." She then stepped in the bath and under the running water.
"Is that ok?" asked Martin.
"Yes, that's fine, thanks," responded Debbie, and said, "Ok, you can go now."
Debbie had an annoying little habit sometimes of doing this. When she had got what she wanted from somebody, she merely dismissed them, much like a pompous boss with a junior clerk. It was probably just part of growing up, and she wasn't really being rude, just indicating that she wanted to be on her own.
Martin went back into his own bedroom and sat on the bed. In his mind he could still see her naked, and how much he had enjoyed looking at her. He shouldn't be doing this to his own daughter. Much as he liked looking at young girls, he had never put her into the category of one he wanted to look at. Admittedly he had seen lots of young girls her sort of age on the internet wearing all sorts of clothes and outfits, and even without any clothes. But that was a different world - they were just girls, not his daughter.
He hadn't thought about it before, but those girls he looked at were other people's daughters, and he got a lot of pleasure looking at them. Also he had never thought what he would think if other people looked at Debbie in the same way. Sitting there with all this going round in his head, he didn't notice that he was actually getting aroused. The idea sort of sprung into his head that maybe he would like other people to see Debbie. No, he thought, I shouldn't be thinking like this, but somehow the idea appealed. And the image of her standing in front of him, unashamed and naked, had burned itself on his memory.
Once again, he didn't know how long he had been sitting there. Maybe five minutes had passed when he heard the door to the bathroom open. He wanted to rush out onto the landing in the hope of seeing Debbie naked again, but resisted. The impulse was there though. He then looked at the clock. Ten to five. He had said he would pick Linda's parents up at five o'clock, and it was at least a twenty minute drive, depending upon the traffic. Having diverted his thoughts from Debbie, he went downstairs, but made a detour to the bathroom as he was bursting to go to the loo.
Meanwhile Debbie enjoyed her shower, letting the warm water wash all over her. She liked it when the shower spray fell on her chest, it made her new little titties tingle and tickle a bit. It was a nice feeling. Also she would hold the shower head in her hand and direct it up to the top of her legs. Once again she enjoyed the feeling.
In her room she dried her hair with the hair dryer. She was eager to put her dress on, but didn't want to get it wet at all, so she made sure she dried her hair thoroughly. Her hair wasn't long, but being dark it was fairly thick, so it could take quite a while. She looked in the mirror while she dried her hair, running her hands through the hair, helping it to dry. When satisfied with that and before she turned it off, she ran the hairdryer over her body. This helped to dry any bits which may still be wet, but also she enjoyed the feeling of the air blowing on her titties and also at the top of her legs.
When completely dry she looked at herself in the long mirror. She often did this to see if her titties had grown, or if she any more pubic hairs growing. She knew all about sex, or rather as much as an 11 year old need know these days. They had learnt some stuff at school and she would talk with the other girls, and a couple of boys. But also her mum and dad had talked to her. They were quite open about things and reassured her that the changes to her body, and the feelings she would start getting, were quite normal. If she had anything she wanted to ask, she could do so without feeling embarrassed.
She looked at herself in the mirror, first her chest, then down below, and she recalled that her dad seemed to do much the same when he was in the bathroom with her. She knew men liked to look at women, much as the boys at school tried to see up girls' skirts. Why, hadn't she even let a couple of boys see her knickers one day?
Her dress. The party. She needed to get dressed. First she sprayed herself with some body mist to make herself smell nice, then put her knickers on. They were plain white bikini style with a little pink bow on the waistband at the from. They weren't full like the ones she normal wore at school and when she had them on the waistband was round her hips rather than her waist. They fitted snugly around her, and she felt comfortable wearing them.
Now was the time to put on the dress. It was a sort of mid-blue colour, neither light nor dark, made of a satin type of material with an inner lining. She undid the zip, which was at the back, and put it over her head. Being fairly loose it fell onto her shoulders easily and looking backwards in the mirror managed to do the zip up without too much trouble.
She looked in the mirror and she knew she looked nice. The dress had a smooth bodice on the front, and she could see little bumps where her titties were pressing against the material. She wondered if she ought to put a t-shirt on underneath but, as she rather liked the feel of the material against her nipples, decided not to. The dress filled out from the waist so that it was loose giving plenty of room to move. Debbie didn't really like tight dresses where you could only walk with small steps, although she did have a couple which she had worn occasionally. The hem of the dress came to just below her knees.
She didn't bother to put tights on. She had worn them when she was a bridesmaid, but they got a bit uncomfortable after a while, and it was a hot day anyway. She completed the outfit with a pair of flat shoes.
She was now ready for the party. Just as she was going downstairs she heard the door bell and it was her two friends.
"Gosh, don't you look nice," said Megan.
"Is that the dress you wore for your aunt's wedding?", asked Kelly.
"Yes, isn't it super." Debbie did a twirl, and liked the way the hem rose up. She felt good.
Kelly and Megan gave Debbie the cards and presents they had bought her. Debbie opened them. Kelly had given her a bag she had admired when they went to the shopping centre last weekend. Megan had bought her some new earphones for her i-pod. Debbie was delighted.
Just then the bell rang again. This was Debbie's Aunt Jane and Uncle Mike.
"My, doesn't the birthday girl look good in that dress again," said Jane, "I'm pleased that you are able to wear it again. It's such a waste if a bridesmaid dress is only worn once. Doesn't she look great, Mike."
"She looks fabulous," agreed Mike, not sure if his wife was taking the mickey or not.
Debbie loved the attention she was getting, and did another twirl.
Mum came into the lounge where they all were, and said, "When dad gets back with grandma and granddad we can start with the food. Help yourselves to a drink, anyway."
There was an array of drinks on the side, both soft and alcoholic.
Debbie said, "Mum, am I allowed to have alcohol - after all it is my birthday."
"Ok," said mum, "but make it a weak one. Can you help her Jane, and make sure it's not too strong?"
Jane took control of serving the drinks and made sure the three girls didn't have too much. They all decided to have white wine, but with lemonade in it. Debbie thought that her aunt had put quite a bit of wine, and not much lemonade, in hers, particularly as when she gave it to Debbie, she gave her a big wink. When she tasted it, it did appear to be quite strong. She had had wine, and whisky and gin, before, so this was not the first time she had been allowed to drink.
Eventually Martin arrived with Grandma and Granddad. They also complemented Debbie on how good she looked and said things like, "Isn't she growing," and "You really are a young lady now". Debbie thought it a bit yuk, as this is the type of think old people say, but was too polite to tell them! Especially as they had bought her a couple of presents!
Martin also thought his daughter looked lovely. Sexy, although in a very girlish way. He still couldn't get that thought of her naked body out of his mind, and he wasn't sure he should be thinking that she was sexy. After all, yesterday she was 10, a little girl. Today she is 11, and he was seeing her as a completely different person.
Soon they had birthday tea, complete with a cake. As usual at these events Martin took photographs of the proceedings. Afterwards there was general chatting and the girls put some music on and danced a bit. Aunt Jane and Uncle Mike got up and danced a bit, and Martin even joined the three girls for a bit. It was just jigging to the music really.
After a while, Jane got some more drinks for everyone, and the girls also had some more wine and lemonade. The girls carried on dancing, but the adults just sat around talking. Martin couldn't keep his eyes off Debbie, or for that matter Kelly and Megan, who were both 11 as well. Kelly and Megan had skirts on, shorter than Debbie's dress, but full like Debbie. He liked the way they swished as the girls moved from side to side and the hems flicked up sometimes. During one of the dances, Debbie twirled and Martin watched as her dress flared out, showing her legs off, well above the knee. The other two girls copied Debbie, and their skirts rose up a bit. Then Megan twirled really fast and her skirt flared out so far that from Martin's seated position he got a glimpse of her knickers. Only a flash for a moment, but he could see the light blue fabric. He also noticed Mike watching. Then she twirled again, but this time did about three turns. Each time her skirt went really high and it was obvious that she was wearing a thong. All three girls were giggling and being all girly.
He didn't realize that girls of 11 wore thongs generally. He'd seen girls wearing thongs on the internet, some even younger than 11, but that was set up for the picture.
When Megan stopped, she was a bit dizzy, and then Kelly started. By this time, Martin had picked his camera up thinking that he may try to get a picture, but he didn't want to appear obvious, or have the other people there think he was a pervert, although in his heart he knew he was! Kelly twizzled round quite fast, but her skirt didn't quite rise up far enough to show her knickers. She must have turned about ten times before she stopped, and she was really dizzy. She lurched about for a couple of seconds, then fell onto the floor. As luck would have it she was facing Martin and she landed on the floor with her legs apart. She was wearing yellow knickers, and it was about five seconds before she composed herself and covered herself up. She had noticed that Martin was looking at her and she smiled a knowing smile at him as she got up.
Having seen both her friends' knickers, Martin wanted to see Debbie's. She was also twirling, but although her dress flew up quite a way, as it was longer than their skirts, she didn't show her knickers, and then the girls sat down themselves and the show was over. Martin was disappointed that he couldn't get a glimpse up Debbie's dress, but a plan was hatching in his mind.
At nine o'clock Kelly's mum came to take her and Megan home, and grandma and granddad were tired and wanted to go home. Mum said she would take them, and make sure that everything was all right at their house. Jane and Mike had already left as they were going away on holiday early the next morning.
The house suddenly looked empty, with just Debbie and her dad there.
"Well, Poppet," dad said "did you enjoy your birthday?"
"Oh, gosh yes," replied Debbie.
"You know, you really look lovely in that dress. You've look a real princess in it. Give us a twirl like you were earlier."
Debbie twirled round a couple of times, and Martin hoped her dress would flare out more than earlier, but it didn't.
"Hey, how about have a few photos of you in that dress?" he asked, hopefully.
Without any hesitation Debbie said, "Ok."
So Martin got his camera ready. "Right where do you want to stand? How about in the hall?"
Martin and Debbie went into the hall. "Ok, stand by the wall. Now relax and look at me."
Martin took a couple of photos, then said, "Right, just put your foot on the stairs and turn away from me."
"Like this?" queried Debbie, as she put her foot on the second stair.
"That's nice," said Martin. He was now wondering whether the plan which was forming in his mind earlier would happen.
"Poppet," he said, tentatively.
"Yes, daddy."
"You're 11 now, and becoming a big girl. You know I've taken a lot of photos of you in the past."
"Yes," she said, not quite sure what he was getting at.
"Well, how about being a little bit daring?"
"What do you mean?"
"Well, let's say in a little bit of a sexy way." He was trying be delicate about the matter without frightening Debbie and getting an outright "No".
"Do you think I'm sexy then?" asked Debbie.
Martin was unprepared for this question. His mind raced. "In that dress I think you look sexy. Want to try a couple of poses?"
Debbie thought this sounded rather fun. "Ok, what do you want me to do."
"Ok, Poppet, put your right leg on the stair like just now. No, can you reach the third stair?"
She put her foot up on the third stair. "Is that ok?"
"Fine." Click.
"Right, now slide your dress up your thigh a bit, so we can see your leg."
"Like this?" Debbie was showing about nine inches of leg above her knee. Click.
"Now slide your dress up a bit more, almost to the top." Click.
Debbie was now showing about 15 inches of leg but her dress was hanging straight down from there. Now Martin felt he was getting to the point where he would find out whether his plan would really work.
"Right, Debs, are you all right? You don't mind showing your leg off like that?"
"No, it's rather fun. What do you want me to do now?"
"Yes it is fun, isn't it? Why don't you pull your dress back behind you, so we can see all your leg?"
This was going to be the moment of truth. Would she? If she did she would undoubtedly show her knickers.
"Like this?" she queried, as she pulled it back.
"A bit more." She pulled her dress back further. "Perfect. You look so nice like that, so sexy." Martin could now see Debbie's white knickers, just the side and a bit of the right cheek.
As Debbie looked round at me to face the camera she moved her head to look behind her at her dress. "Hey, you can see my knickers!"
"Do you mind, Poppet?" And he clicked the camera before she could do or say anything else.
"You took a photo of my knickers. That's what you meant by daring, wasn't it?"
"Well, yes it was Poppet. But if I'd said that from the start you may have said no. You don't mind me taking photos of you showing your knickers, do you?"
"I suppose not. After all it is rather sexy."
"Ok but we don't tell mum - she wouldn't approve, would she?"
"No way would she. No, I won't tell her, but can I see the photos?"
"Of course you can see them. Look, here's the one I took just now."
Debbie moved away from the stairs and looked at the photo on the back of the camera. It was not very big, but big enough to be able to see all of her leg and some of her knickers. He also flicked through the other photos he had taken.
"Hey, that's cool," she said. "Are you going to load them onto the computer?"
"Yes, later. They will be bigger then and get a good look at them. Want to carry on?"
"Yes, ok."
"Great," said Martin. "Go over to that chair and put one foot up on it facing me."
One of the dining room chairs was in the hall and Debbie did as she was instructed. She just had her foot up and she had not moved her dress at all. Click.
"Pull your dress up so that you are showing a lot of leg, but not your knickers. That's right, lovely." Click.
"Tell you what, rather than me tell you how to pose, maybe you could just pose as you feel like. Wanna do that?"
"Ok, I'll try." Debbie moved her dress up her thigh more and knew that now her knickers were showing.
"That's nice," said dad. Click.
She then grabbed hold of her dress and pulled it right up to her waist. Martin nearly came in his pants. He could see her crotch, all her knickers, including the little pink bow, and some of Debbie's tummy as well. Click. Click.
"Stay like that Poppet, I want to get a bit closer. You don't mind if I take a close up of your knickers, do you?"
"Go ahead," she said.
He focused just on her knicker area. Click.
"You're enjoying this, aren't you?" he asked.
"Yeah, it's good."
"You don't mind daddy taking photos of you showing your knickers?" Martin asked, really wanting reassurance from his daughter that she really was ok about it, even though she seemed to be.
"No, not at all, it's cool," she replied. Martin was reassured.
"How about sitting on the chair next. A couple of photos of you just sitting normally. That's right." Click. Click
"Now put one foot up on the seat so I can see up your dress. That's right. Just move your dress back a bit. Perfect." Click. He moved position slightly to get a better view of her knickers. Click.
"Now you can do some of your own posing. Ok?" said dad.
Debbie put both feet up on the seat of the chair, with her legs together. Martin could just see the white triangle where her knickers went under her. "Nice." Click.
Sitting like that reminded her of the time a few weeks ago when she had shown Jack and Adam her knickers. The three of them were in one of the reading rooms at the school and as they chatted, the boys dared Debbie to show them her knickers. She took them up on it, and made sure that she couldn't be seen through the window, and sat down on one of the chairs. Her grey school skirt was decent and lay just above her knees. Then she put both feet up on the seat, as she had just done for her dad. She knew the boys would be able to see her knickers. She felt quite naughty doing this, but that seemed to help in what she could only feel was enjoyment. She let the boys have a good look then moved her feet to the edges of the seat and her knees apart. She knew the boys would like this. She didn't know how long she stayed like this, but it seemed ages, and the boys didn't complain when she put her feet down. They had seen what they had wanted.
Debbie came back to the present and sat in a similar way moving her feet to the edges of the chair and her knees apart. It was different doing it for her dad and having photos taken, but she still had that feeling of enjoyment, because there was a naughtiness about it. Click. Click.
Dad looked at his watch. "Debs, we're going to have to stop now. Mum could come back any moment, and it would be a bit difficult to explain what we were doing."
"Aw, dad," whined Debbie,"I was enjoying it."
"I know, Poppet, so was I, but we've got to be careful. Tell you what, just a couple more. Stand over by the wall and lift your dress up."
Debbie stood where she had had the first couple of photos taken, but this time lifted her dress up to her waist.
"Oh, gosh, Debs, you are so sexy. Thanks for doing this for daddy." Click. Click. "Right, turn round now and face the wall, but keep your dress up. I want to take a photo of your bum."
"Ok." And Debbie turned round keeping her dress round her waist. Martin though what a lovely bum she had.
"Right, that's got to be all for now. You'd better go up and get ready for bed, and while you're doing that I shall transfer the photos to the computer and delete them from the camera so that when I show mum the photos of the party she doesn't see them."
"All right, daddy. When can I see the photos?"
"If mummy's not home when you're ready for bed and I've transferred the photos you can see them tonight, otherwise you will have to wait until there's just the two of us here. You don't want mummy interrupting us, do you?"
So Debbie went up to get changed for bed, and Martin went into the study/office and transferred the photos and deleted them from the camera.
Unfortunately, Linda arrived back home before there was time for Debbie to see the pictures. Debbie had her supper and went up to bed after kissing her mum goodnight. Martin went up to kiss her goodnight a few minutes later.
He whispered to Debbie, just so that Linda wouldn't be able to overhear if she came upstairs, "Thanks for letting me take those photos. I've had a quick look, and they look great. Maybe you'll be able to see them tomorrow."
"You know, daddy, I really didn't mind you taking them at all. I liked posing, maybe I could be a model. Can we do it again sometime. I could pose in some of my other clothes. Maybe I could wear one of my really short skirts. You'd have no problem seeing my knickers then!"
"You really are a naughty girl, Poppet, and I'm so glad that you are. It's naughty girls and their daddies that get the most fun," Martin whispered.
"So can we do it again?" asked Debbie.
"Of course, why not? Goodnight Poppet, glad you had a good birthday." He kissed her on the forehead as he always did. Debbie smiled, feeling happier than she had ever felt before.
End of Part One
Daddys Hard
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