Pedophile Grooming Club, Part 4

[ Mg, inc, g-solo, toys, exhib ]


Published: 2-Aug-2012

Word Count: 3947

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All events and characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real events or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

For adults 21 and over only. If you are not yet 21, please stop reading here.

My stories may contain fictional depictions of consensual explicit sex between adult males, adult females, and underage females, ranging anywhere from 13-14 years old, down to about 6 years old. If this offends you, or if such works are illegal in your location, please stop reading now and delete this file from your computer. I do not advocate such relationships in real life, and these stories are works of fantasy only. No children were harmed in writing these stories.

Copyright © 2012 by otakuman. All rights reserved.

"Daddy, I love having pizza night with you!" chirped Jennifer, as she snuggled closer to her father on the couch. She'd changed into a short nightgown, although she wasn't quite brave enough to take her panties off. Since the evening had been hot and muggy, she was glad to see her father was just wearing his boxer shorts and T-shirt like she'd hoped. "It made me kind of sad when Sissy said she wished her father had stayed around, I don't want you to ever leave me, OK?"

"Sweetheart, you know I'd never leave you," her father said. "When your mother died, I promised you then that I'd always be there for you!"

"I know, Daddy, and I love you!" She leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek, then settled back with her plate of pizza. "Can I pick the movie tonight?" she asked. She cheered when he passed her the remote, and she flipped channels until she found the one she had read about in the channel guide earlier. "OOO, this one looks fun!" she said, and gave the remote back to her daddy.

"Hmm, I don't know, princess, it says it's going to have some naughty stuff in it!" he said, as he looked at the ratings.

"PLEASE, DADDY?" Jennifer begged. "I don't think it's gonna have any scary bits, just... just naked people and stuff, and I know all about that from the class at school. Anyway, it looks funny, and it's like those other ones that you like to watch."

She made a puppy-dog face at her father, until he said, "We-ell, OK. If any of it makes you uncomfortable, we'll pick something else, all right?"

"YAAAY! You're the best!" She hugged him and started in on her pizza, as the raunchy teen movie started.

After one of the many scenes where the girls took off their clothes, Jennifer turned to her father and asked, "Do you think their boobs are pretty?" She raised her nightgown to her neck, and stared at her own flat chest. "Will mine look like that someday? There's a couple of girls at school who already have some boobies, and the boys all hang around them!"

Her father coughed, and said, "Ahh... yes, I thought those girls in the movie have pretty... umm, boobs, and I'm sure yours will grow to be... umm.. nice as well!" He looked hard at her bare chest, then cleared his throat and told her, "Umm... you should put your gown down now, you really shouldn't run around half-naked!"

Jennifer could tell he was embarrassed, but she could also see a lump in his boxers, so she knew she should make her move soon. "It's too hot," she complained, as she pulled off her nightshirt entirely. "Anyway, you're my daddy, so it's OK. You used to give me my baths, and you even changed my diapers when I was a baby!" He stared at her for a moment, but didn't say anything, so she turned back to the movie and leaned in against his side.

As the movie progressed, she shifted around a bit, until she said, "Your arm is in the way, put it around me like it was before, OK?" Not giving him a chance to respond, she reached behind and pulled his arm up to flop over her shoulders, his fingers just brushing the place where her breasts would be, if she had any. "That's better, now I can watch the movie easier." He didn't say anything, but gave her a hug, and she felt a twinge in her belly as his fingers brushed right across her little nipple for a brief moment. She grinned to herself, and went back to the movie.

When the next sexy scene came up, she peeked over at her daddy's crotch, and could see that his boner was making quite a bump in his boxers. "When I was little, you used to let me sit in your lap, I miss that!" she said, as she hopped up and sat her panty-clad bottom right on his boner. "What's that lump?" she asked innocently, wiggling around as she memorized the feel of it under her bottom. She could feel her heart pounding, as a naughty thought crossed her mind.

"Ahh... It's my... my penis," her father said, flushing red. "I'm sorry about that, maybe you shouldn't sit on my lap tonight."

"Oh... Well, how come it's all bumpy?" she asked. Hardly daring to breathe, she reached back with her hand, and grasped his penis firmly through his boxers. She felt it throb between her fingers, and she squeezed it a bit, causing him to groan softly, then she shifted it so it wasn't such a lump under her bottom.

"Mmm... Well, I... I guess it's lumpy because I... I saw those sexy girls," her father stammered.

"Does that mean you want to... to have sex with them?" Jennifer asked. "We learned about that in class, the man puts his... penis, in the girl's... umm... vagina, and then they both feel really good, and then the girl can have a baby. I wish I... I was sexy! I'm not though, I'm just a dumb little kid!"

"Jennifer... my little angel..." her father began, then cleared his throat. "Don't... don't tell anyone I said this, but... I think you are a little sexy, and when you are as old as those girls, everyone will think so!"

"Thank you, Daddy!" Jennifer beamed at her father, and wiggled around on his lap for a second. "Umm... Could I... could I see your... your penis?" She blushed as she heard the words leave her mouth, and continued, "I've never seen a real one, in class they just used cartoons."

"Jennifer!" her father hissed. "I... I could get in a lot of trouble if I let you look. If anyone found out, they'd think I'd done bad stuff to you!"

"Please, Daddy? I promise I'll never tell anyone. In class they talked about bad people who wanted to touch us down there, but you're not one of them, and I'm the one who wants to... to see it!"

"Are... Are you really sure, sweetheart?" he asked. Jennifer nodded in excitement, and her father slowly stood up, then dropped his boxers right in front of her. She felt twinges start shooting from her belly down to her coochie as she stared at his swollen penis. Quickly, before her father could stop her, she reached out and took the long organ in one hand, and felt the dangling balls with her other hand. She marveled as the soft skin moved freely on the warm shaft, and she pulled it all the way over the mushroom-shaped head, before sliding it back down to the base of his penis a couple of times. "Jennifer... what... what are... OOOH!" exclaimed her father, as several jets of sticky liquid shot out of the tip, splashing against her chest. Shocked, she let go, as her father muttered, "Oh boy, this isn't good."

"Don't worry, Daddy, it's OK. That's the stuff that makes the babies, right?" She rubbed some of it between her fingers, and grinned. "I guess I made you feel good, huh? That must mean you really DO think I'm a little sexy!"

"I'm so sorry, angel, I didn't mean for that to happen. I didn't know you were going to grab it, and it's... it's been a long time since anyone touched me there!" Her father grabbed her discarded nightgown, and used that to wipe the sticky mess up from her chest. "Please don't tell anyone!"

"It's fine, Daddy. Of course I won't tell anyone! Sometimes... Sometimes I rub myself, and it feels really good, and I get all gooey down there." She grinned up at him, and said, "Thank you for showing it to me, and... and not getting mad when I touched it!"


"No WAY!" Emily exclaimed as the three girls walked to school. "He really showed you his... his thing?"

"Umm hmm," nodded Jennifer. "And that's not all. I grabbed hold of it, and then his stuff shot out all over me!"

Sissy felt her coochie getting damp as Jennifer described her encounter with her father during the previous night, and asked, "Did he get mad?"

"Nah, he was worried that I'd tell someone for a while, until I made him realize I WANTED to see it, and I wouldn't ever tell."

"That's good," said Sissy. "It's so weird how people are always thinking that us kids don't know anything about stuff like that, and it's the adults that make us do anything. That's just stupid. If someone tried to make me do something like that and I didn't want to, I'd yell as loud as I could."

"Yeah, that's right," Jennifer said. "Although... I... I think if Mr. Jenkins had ever tried to touch me, I... I would have let him, even before!" She blushed profusely at her confession, and whispered, "I want him to touch me, SO BAD! I'm... I'm going to give him another show, then ask about the algebra tutoring. When I'm at his house, maybe he won't be scared of getting in trouble, and he'll rub my... my coochie!"

"I wonder if he'd freak out if we all showed up one day to watch," Sissy said. "I love Scott, even though he did kind of hurt me last night, but I wanna see somebody else doing this naughty stuff with one of us, too! I bet Mr. Jenkins wouldn't know WHAT to do with two more giggling girls in addition to you."

"I'd... I'd like you there sometime," Emily murmured in a low voice, her face flushing a deep shade of red. "It makes me feel so... so WICKED when other people watch me do naughty things."


Emily could see Mr. Jenkins staring at her legs every so often, and she opened them a bit wider whenever she saw him looking. She hadn't even worn panties to school this time, and she could almost feel his heavy gaze directly on her bare mound. She watched as he gulped and looked away. She could feel herself getting wet as his gaze returned to her little slit, and she wondered how much more he could take. She dropped her hand down to casually scratch her thigh, and angled her pencil so that the eraser rubbed against her clitty for a few moments.

She considered actually rubbing herself to an orgasm, right there in the middle of class, but she knew the other students might notice something, and the thought of getting caught almost paralyzed her with fear. At the same time, the idea seemed very tempting, and a quiver of excitement shot through her belly. Emily briefly let the eraser rub on her clitty again, and the pleasurable feeling almost caused her to gasp. The sudden clanging of the school bell made her jump, and Mr. Jenkins quickly said, "Class dismissed. Emily, please stay after class, I need to speak with you about your homework."

"Oooo!" Jeers of good-natured derision rose from the other students, obviously thinking that the smart kid had messed up for once. Ignoring the mocking chorus, she grinned to herself, and went up to Mr. Jenkins' desk, as her classmates filed out of the classroom.

"You said you wanted to speak with me, Mr. Jenkins? I thought I answered all the math problems on my homework." Emily gazed at him innocently, and watched out of the corner of her eye as the last student left the classroom.

Mr. Jenkins had been watching the students leave as well, and he turned to her and whispered, "Emily! You have to stop doing this! I could get in a lot of trouble if someone thought I had anything to do with your behavior!"

"It's OK, Mr. Jenkins. Nobody will ever find out, I PROMISE!" Emily gave him a solemn look through her glasses, and said, "Even if a judge asked me, I'd say you didn't ever do anything!" She edged closer to the desk, and murmured, "I saw you looking, did you like it?"

Her teacher stared at her for a moment, then groaned and put his head in his hands. "Y-Yes," he said, the sound barely audible. "I'm terribly ashamed to admit it, but I did enjoy looking! It's driving me crazy, seeing your little show and not being able to touch you! So please, for my sake, could you not do it any more?"

"But you can, Mr. Jenkins; touch me, that is!" Emily said in a low voice. "Please, I want you to, really!" She moved even closer, and lifted her skirt enough so that her moist slit was visible to him, making sure that the desk hid her actions from anyone who might come in the classroom.

"No! I can't!" he whispered, but his hand made a jerky motion towards her crotch. She smiled, and slowly he reached out. "Are... Are you sure?" he asked, as his hand trembled.

She nodded, and watched his hand move ever so closer, until she felt the warm contact of his fingers against her bare skin. She shivered, and felt little twinges shooting from her stomach down to her crotch as his hand gently stroked her mound and clitty. When he ran a finger through her dripping slit, she shuddered, and let out a gasp. "Oh! Mr. Jenkins, I love you!" she whispered.

Emily heard some footsteps in the hallway, and quickly dropped the hem of her skirt as he yanked his hand away. They both glanced towards the door, and when the footsteps receded, Mr. Jenkins murmured, "Oh, dear sweet Emily, thank you for that moment, I'll treasure it forever, but it's much too risky to do this at school! I... I think it's best for both of us if we go back to just being teacher and student."

"Earlier in the year, I remember you said you were available for tutoring at your home." Emily smiled brightly at him, and said, "Last night, I told my parents that I wanted to start learning algebra, and I'd need you to tutor me. They said I could, if you were still able to do it."

He stared hard at her, his jaw clenching and unclenching for a moment. "Is... Is that what you really want?" he asked. At her nod, he sighed, and said, "Y-Yes, then I'm available for... for tutoring, on Mondays and Wednesdays."

"Really!? OH, thank you!" Emily glanced quickly towards the door, then leaned over and planted a small kiss on his cheek. As he reached up in amazement to rub the spot, she dashed towards her desk to pick up her schoolbooks. "I'll see you Monday, then. I can't WAIT for my first... umm, lesson!" she said, as she headed outside.


"He's going to tutor me on Mondays and Wednesdays," Emily said as she told the others of her encounter with Mr. Jenkins. "When he... he touched my coochie, I thought I was going to DIE! It was so exciting, standing there in the classroom where anybody could see if they came in the door. When we heard the footsteps, I... I almost had an orgasm right then!"

"Wow, just hearing you tell about it makes me feel tingly!" said Sissy. She heard the front door open, and said, "Whoops, we'd better change the subject, Mom is home early today. She said she wanted to talk to the three of us, I bet it's about those vi... vibrations... umm... toys... she said she'd get for us."

"Sissy, are you home?" her mother called from the hall. "I was wanting... Oh, hello girls," she said, as she entered Sissy's room. "Good, all three of you are here, I wanted to talk to you all. Scott said he'd be over at a friend's house, so we can talk freely, just between us girls!"

"OK, Mom," Sissy said, as the other two murmured, "Hi Ms. Clarkson."

"I don't want to make any of you uncomfortable," Valerie Clarkson said. "Jennifer, I know it's tough not having a mother to talk to, and Emily, I love your parents dearly, but they are sometimes a bit... uptight. I don't know if they know how to handle questions about touching yourself, or... or sex. I want all of you to feel free to come to me any time you have any questions, all right?"

The three girls chorused assent, and followed the woman into her bedroom, as Sissy said, "I told them about the viber... umm, the toys."

"Well, I guess we'll take care of those first," her mother said. "Like Sissy told you, I got each of you a vibrator, and here they are!" She reached into her dresser and pulled out three small vibrators, still in their packaging. "Pink for Sissy of course, and green for Emily. That leaves the purple for you, Jennifer. I hope I remembered your favorite colors."

"You did, Ms. Clarkson, thank you!" With that, Jennifer gave the woman a big hug, shortly joined by Emily and Sissy, who voiced their thanks as well.

"You're welcome, girls, now remember, don't ever tell anyone that I gave you these, OK? I could get in trouble, because people would think I was doing it to take advantage of you, instead of just making sure you don't share mine or something."

"I know, Mom, people are stupid sometimes. We learned how to make ourselves feel good on our own, no adult made us do that stuff. We'll hide them really well, and if someone finds them, we'll just say an older girl at school got them." Sissy tried to pull her toy out of the hard plastic packaging, and then said, "I think we'll need some scissors, this stuff is TOUGH!" Her mother nodded and rummaged through a small cabinet by her bed, then produced some scissors and grinned.

"Aha! I thought I had some in here, let me see those," she said. As she cut the toys out of the stiff plastic, she said, "I told Sissy this earlier, but I want to repeat it. Be careful of sharing the toys, and always clean them up afterwards with soap and water. They are supposed to be waterproof, but I probably wouldn't use them underwater." She grinned as she used Sissy's toy to demonstrate the functions. "You turn them on by pressing the base, and they can cycle through some different settings with each press. As you can tell, they can be a little noisy, so make sure that no one is around to hear you."

"OK Mom. Can you show us how to use them the right way?" asked Sissy.

"I believe that would be crossing the line," said her mother. "Masturbation is something that's private, and an adult would get in a lot of trouble doing it in front of a child." She glanced at Sissy's pleading face, and finally said, "Oh, I guess it would be -- well, still not really all right, but not that bad -- to show you, over my clothes." Valerie brought the vibrator up to her chest, and said, "You can start with your nipples, the toy feels lovely on those, then you can trace it down your belly to your crotch." She went through the motions, and let the vibrator linger a bit on the crotch of her scrubs. "Oh... Oh my," she gasped, then said, "I... I think I'd better turn it off for the demonstration."

"Hah, you started to do it for real!" crowed Sissy. "See, I told you guys that adults like doing it just as much as we do!"

"Be that as it may, it's still not something I should do in front of you," said her mother. "Anyway, once you bring it down to your privates, you can just let it wander about," she said, showing them with the now quiet toy. "You might try putting it inside a bit, although your hymen is in there, and it can break if you push something in too far. It might hurt a bit, although I think it's easier to do with a toy or something, rather than waiting until your first time having sex." She looked at the young girls in front of her, and added, "Of course, I HOPE actual sex is a long way off for all of you."

Sissy could feel the uncomfortable silence growing, and quickly changed the subject. "When we used yours, it felt really good on my clitty," she said.

Do all of you know where your clitoris is?" her mother asked. When they nodded, she said, "Good, that makes it easier to explain. The clitoris is a bundle of nerve endings, and stimulation on it can make for a wonderful orgasm. Emily, didn't Sissy say that you had used yours in your anus?"

Emily blushed bright red, but nodded. "Y-Yes, Ms. Clarkson. I used some of that goop, and tried it in my... my bottom. I've put a... a marker in there before, and it felt really amazing!"

"That can feel very nice, dear," said Valerie, nodding. "Some women really enjoy anal masturbation and sex, while sadly, others treat it as dirty, and don't want anything to do with it. Technically speaking, it is dirtier than the vagina, and you should be extra careful about cleaning your toy, or using it in the back and then the front. Also, be sure to use lubrication, as it... ahh, it can tear easily if you're not careful."

"OK, Ms. Clarkson, I'll be careful." Sissy watched as the girl turned her vibrator on and traced it all around her panties, right in front of everyone.

Sissy giggled softly as her mother stared hard at Emily for a second, then glanced away and cleared her throat. "Well, then... I think that's about everything for this evening," she hurriedly said. The blushing Emily moaned and clenched her legs tight around the green toy, and Valerie began to blush as well. "Umm... I-I'd better go start dinner, you girls are welcome to stay!" She got up to leave, then turned back. "I almost forgot, I got a small tube of lubrication for each of you , and I--" she was interrupted by a loud gasp from Emily, and everyone turned to watch as the girl shuddered through her orgasm. "I... I also b-bought a box of c-condoms, I-I'm not telling you girls to go out and... and have sex, but I want you to each take a condom, just in case." With that, she almost ran from the room.

Emily collapsed on the bed, and turned her vibrator off. With a giggle, Sissy said, "Emily! I couldn't believe you did that right in front of my mom! She was really flustered!"

Emily turned redder and redder, then whispered, "I... I felt SOO naughty when I started doing it in front of her! Whoops! I made my panties all messy!" She stood up and pulled her skirt up, showing the wet spot on the front of her panties, then slid them down and off. She held her skirt up for a moment longer, exposing her moist slit to the other girls, then grabbed her panties and dropped her skirt. "Your mom is nice," she said as she headed towards the bathroom, "I wouldn't dream of talking to my parents about this stuff."

"My Mom is really cool," said Sissy. "I love her to death! I hope you guys can stay for dinner, I'm super hungry, and afterwards, we can all try out our new toys!"

End of Chapter 04

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