The Runaway Cat-Girl, Part 1

[ furry, Mg, cons, fingering ]


Published: 12-Jan-2012

Word Count: 4377

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Author's Note:

Rufus Marcellinus is what would be called an Eurasian Lynx in our world. His fur is red-tinged, with spots covering most of his body. He has black tufts on his ears, and his muzzle has long white fur all around his mouth. The United Brettovian Empire has many intelligent species (including human), all peacefully co-existing, for the most part. Most of them are bipedal, roughly human-sized, with dexterous human-like paws, and ages roughly corresponding to human ages. I chose to have Rufus's penis be more human-shaped and -sized, as I would prefer that he didn't cause pain when having sex, due to the barbs in a normal cat penis. Rosalia starts out around 11 years old in human years.


"You ain't seen a slave girl around here, have ya?" demanded the scrawny human. "The little cunt ran away again, and I'll whip 'er good if I find 'er!"

The portly Lynx merchant Rufus Marcellinus turned to face the man, his nose wrinkling in distaste. "I most certainly have not," Rufus sniffed. "I don't concern myself with the workings of your household. Now, if you'll excuse me, I believe our business is concluded. I have a long journey ahead if I hope to get these goods home before dark."

The human growled and turned away, kicking a stack of bags in frustration. Rufus began directing the workers to load the rest of the goods into his carts, not wanting to give the human another thought. Already regretting having to do business with the man, Rufus sent a brief prayer to the gods that the slave girl would manage to escape from the distasteful human. Finishing the loading, Rufus started the long train of goods into motion, choosing to ride with the fourth cart back so that he could observe both ends of the train.

Making good time, Rufus and his men kept a close eye out for bandits, but the journey was uneventful. Arriving at the city just after dark, the merchant directed the workers to bring the wagons into his walled compound and bed the dray lizards down for the night, and then he sent his workers home, saying, "We can unload most of this in the morning, go have dinner with your families." He briefly envied them as they grinned and dashed home to their waiting wives and children, then he began unloading some of the more valuable items to lock in his strongroom.

He had taken all but one bolt of fine cloth inside, when he felt something move in a sack under the bolt. Immediately drawing his short sword, he poked the sack, and said, "All right then! What are you doing in there?" He roughly pulled the sack over the back of the cart, wincing as it landed on the ground a bit harder than he had intended.

The top of the sack fell open, and a young gray female kitten looked out at him, clad only in a rough shift. "P-Please sir, I-I'm sorry!" she whimpered, staring up at him fearfully.

"I suppose you'll be that slave girl that man was blathering on about, am I right?" he asked kindly. A look of sheer terror flashed across the child's face, her whiskers drawing back to her muzzle.

"N-NO!" she screamed, "P-PLEASE DON'T MAKE ME GO BACK!" She tried to run, but tangled her feet in the cloth of the bag and fell hard to the ground, shivering uncontrollably. Rufus reached out a gentle paw to help her up, but when she saw the paw approaching, she squeezed her eyes shut and began moaning. Suddenly, Rufus heard a faint hissing sound and smelled an acrid smell that told him the child had wet herself in fear.

"Relax, child, I'm not here to hurt you, OR to take you back to that scum!" he gently said. "Slavery isn't common here in the town of Baxlight. Besides, the only way I would make that journey again is to purchase more goods, and I don't plan to do any more business with that disagreeable man."

The cat child slowly opened her eyes, peering at him through her snuffles. "D-Do you promise?" she whispered.

"Aye, child," said Rufus. "Now then, let's get you cleaned up, shall we? You probably haven't eaten all day either, am I right?" As the kitten shyly shook her head, she accepted his outstretched paw and clambered to her feet. Slightly regretting the fact that he had given the house servants the day off due to his journey, he took her into the bath chamber, and began heating some water for a warm bath.

He chuckled to himself as he thought of some human acquaintances who had believed that old stereotype about cats hating water, he never could figure out how that had started. "Come, child," he said. "The water is ready for you."

The kit quickly shed her soiled shift, standing before him without any modesty. "What do I do?" she asked curiously. "I've never been allowed to have a bath before!" Rufus felt his heart (and other parts south) jump a bit at the sight of the nude young molly, and firmly directed his concentration to the task at hand.

He directed her to get in the sunken tub, and she stood patiently as he ladled some warm water over her, removing what seemed like years of dust and grime. "There, now, that's not so bad, is it, child?" he said, rinsing off more dirt from the kitten. She shook her head, and watched as he retrieved some mild soap which he began to vigorously massage into her fur.

She occasionally winced as his paws brushed some sensitive half-healed bruise or wound, so he tried to use a much lighter touch. "Does that feel better, child?" he asked, then said, "What is your name anyway, m'dear? I can't just keep calling you child, now can I?"

She offered him a shy smile through the suds, and said, "The man always called me Rags, or sometimes Bitch." Rufus ground to a stop and suddenly pulled the young kitten to his chest, not minding that the soap and water on her were soaking his tunic.

Hugging her tightly, he said, "Oh child, those aren't proper names for a little girl, didn't your mother ever call you anything different?"

The girl shook her head, and stoically said, "I never had a mother. My dam died when she had me."

Tutting gently, Rufus gave her another hug, then resumed washing her. "Hrrm," he said, "What kind of name would suit my little flower?" The child giggled at that, and Rufus had an idea. "I think Rosalia would suit you, how does that sound, child?"

The kitten stared at him a moment, and he was beginning to wonder if he'd offended her, when she threw her arms around his neck and cried, "OOHH! I-It's a wonderful name! T-Thank you!"

Bemused, Rufus enjoyed her hug for a few moments, then said, "Well, then, child, Rosalia it is, or even Rose for short! Let's finish cleaning you up, and we'll get some food in that hollow spot you call a belly!"

He continued working the soap gently through her fur, but as he began to soap her chest, his fingers ran across a couple of stiff nubs, causing her to gasp. Thinking he'd injured the kitten in some way, Rufus immediately stopped, then continued soaping the young girl after she smiled up at him. Working his way down her front, he felt his hands begin to shake slightly from desire when he realized he was massaging her tiny slit.

Glancing at the child, he saw that her eyes were half closed and she was purring, so he shrugged and continued cleaning her intimate spot. "After all," he mused to himself, "That is the point where little Rose soiled her fur, it does need to be cleaned."

As he softly stroked the young kit's sex, Rufus felt his member begin to stiffen, and he realized with a start that his fingers had ceased cleaning, and were committing indecent acts on the young girl's furry vulva. "I'm sorry, Rosalia, I shouldn't have touched you there without permission!" he said, as he hurriedly began soaping her legs and tail.

"OOHH!" cried the kit, "T-That felt good! No one's ever done that before!" Rufus looked at her incredulously.

"You've never touched yourself there?" he asked.

Rosalia shook her head, and said, "No... A lot of times my owner would push me down and stick his thing in me, but it never felt like that! most of the time it would just hurt!"

Rufus felt a surge of anger towards the callous human that had taken joy away from the little kitten, and he drew the sopping wet child into his arms once again. "Oh, my dear child, sex is a wonderful thing, and that vile man turned it into pain for you!"

As his member throbbed, a haze of love/lust flowed over his senses, clouding his judgment. Rufus looked at the young girl and huskily asked, "Dear little Rose, would you like me to touch you there some more?" The kitten quickly nodded, and he slowly began stroking her little slit, running his fingerpad up to the top and brushing her tiny button. She let out a loud gasp, and then leaned into his soaking wet shoulder.

Encouraged by her total trust in him, Rufus ran a paw up to her lightly furred chest, seeking out the sensitive little nubs that had caused her to react earlier. He continued gently stroking her tiny sex, and she moved her legs apart to allow him easier access. Brushing a fingerpad across one of her hardening nipples, he extended his tongue to start grooming her ears.

The little molly began panting, and her hips started bucking into the motions of his paw. Her tail was lashing, and she began vocalizing a low but intense guttural purr/growl as he gently inserted a finger into her damp opening. "Oh! OHH!" she cried, "P-Please, i-it feels s-so good!"

Rufus softly nipped the nape of her neck, growling a bit deep in his throat as he did. He began thrusting his single finger in and out of her wet vagina, rubbing her clit as his finger caused obscene sloshing sounds to waft up. Suddenly, the young kit tensed up as she yowled loudly, causing a tiny flood of juices to coat his paw and drip down the fur of her thigh. Rufus felt Rosalia's knees begin to sag, and he carefully supported the little molly until her eyes flew open and looked at him.

"Oh!" she cried, "T-That felt wonderful! T-Thank you!" She flung her arms tightly around his neck as tears of joy rolled down her face. Rufus felt his ardor cool a bit, although he knew he'd have to stroke himself furiously later. He gently washed away the results of the kitten's orgasm, and then brought up the ladle to rinse all of the soap from her body. Grabbing a length of soft toweling, he had her step out of the tub, and he began to pat and rub her fur, until it was barely damp.

"Now that you're clean, child, how about we dig up some food for you, what do you say to that, m'girl?" He smiled as he saw a look of joy light up her face, and he took her to the larder. "My servants are at their homes today, but I'm sure I can find something in here for us to feast upon," Rufus said.

Finding a large haunch of smoked meat and a wedge of cheese, he set them on the rough table in the kitchen, and put some on an earthenware plate that he placed in front of the kitten. "Is all that for m-me?" she asked, her eyes growing as big as saucers.

"Of course, child, eat as much as you want," said Rufus. "I can certainly spare however much food it would take to feed a tiny thing like you!" Setting a mug of water down in front of her, he said, "Maybe we can get some fresh cream in the morning, would you like that?"

The little girl looked at him blankly, and said, "I... I don't know, I've never had it."

Rufus pulled her to him in another hug, and exclaimed, "You poor child, drinking some fresh cream is one of the great pleasures of life!" Suddenly conscious that the small body he was hugging was completely nude, he said, "Hrrm, we'll need to find you some new clothes. I think tonight you could just sleep in one of my old tunics if you'd like."

Rufus was quite hungry himself after the journey, and he ate a good portion of the meat and cheese, slaking his thirst with some wine from his cellar. Looking over at the girl, he saw that she had emptied her plate and was nodding sleepily as she slowly sipped her mug of water. "Oh dear, child, you look asleep on your feet!" He scooped the kitten into his arms, and felt her begin to absently knead his shoulder as he carried her into his spare bedroom.

Laying her on the bed, he went to find a tunic for her to wear, but when he returned, he saw that she was curled into a ball in the middle of the furs on the bed, fast asleep. Deciding against waking her, Rufus left the tunic on a chair, and pulled a fur up to cover her. Making his way to his own bedchamber, he recalled the feel of her tight slit surrounding his digit, and he quickly stroked himself to a satisfying orgasm before falling asleep.


"AAAAGGGHHH!" The scream echoed throughout the house, jolting Rufus out of a deep slumber. As he sprang from his bed in confusion, a small gray bundle of fur with a bristling tail dashed into his bedchamber and hid behind his nightgown. "HELP! INTRUDER! THIEF!" screamed a voice that his befuddled brain soon recognized as that of his housekeeper. The plump tabby burst into the room, saying, "Where are you, you little guttersnipe? I'll teach you to steal from Master Rufus!" Spying Rufus standing there watching her, the woman stopped and said, "Err, forgive me, Master Rufus! There's a thief in the house..."

Her words trickled to a halt as Rufus grinned at her and gently pulled the kitten from behind his gown. "It's all right, Delphina, I picked up a stowaway last night, and decided to give her a bath and some food."

Peering at the large housekeeper, Rosalia said, "I-I didn't steal anything, ma'am!"

Grunting as she dropped to her knees, Delphina said, "Oh! Of course you didn't, my dear child, I just jumped to conclusions. Here, come let me give you a hug as forgiveness." Holding out her arms to the little girl who shyly went into them, the housekeeper began gently stroking the child's back. "Mercy, Master Rufus, you may have given her a bath and some food, although she could use quite a bit more of the latter. She's nothing but skin and bones! However, one thing you didn't give her anything of was some clothing."

Abashed, Rufus rubbed the back of his neck. "Ahh, you see, Delphina, after the bath, I... err, felt it was best to get some food in her before she passed out, and once she ate I was going to put her in an old tunic, but she fell asleep. Maybe you could take the child down to the market to get a few things, hrrm? Also, I mentioned that she might have some cream for breakfast, and d'you know, the dear child told me she'd never had any!"

Tutting softly at that, the tabby slowly clambered to her feet, and said, "I'd be happy to take the darling to the market, but first I'll see that she gets some of that cream you promised her." The large cat stooped down and gave the kitten another hug, then asked, "What's your name, child? Let's see if we can find something to pad your ribs, shall we?" Giggling, the child followed the plump housekeeper out of the room.

Smiling, Rufus attired himself for the day and went to retrieve the tunic he had picked out for Rosalia, then joined them in the kitchen. Setting the tunic on the table next to the little girl, he watched as she stuck her tongue out to catch the last few drops of cream from her mug. "How did you find the taste, m'dear?" he asked, as she tried to lick a droplet of cream quivering on the end of one of her whiskers.

"OH! It was wonderful!" the child burbled. "Thank you so very much!"

Grinning, Rufus asked her, "Would you like some more? I'm sure there's plenty to go around." When the child gasped, he said, "Delphina, didn't you tell the poor thing she could have as much as she wanted?"

The housekeeper came waddling in from the larder, a pitcher of cream in her hands. Pouring another brimming mug for Rosalia, the plump woman said, "Of course I did! Child, I told you to ask for more if you wanted it. Here you go, Rose, drink up!"

Stunned, the little girl looked at them both. "Do... do you really mean it? OH THANK YOU!" She hurriedly grabbed the mug and began swallowing the sweet cream inside.

Chuckling at the child, Rufus said, "Delphina, I brought down that old tunic for her to wear to the market. We could find something to use as a belt, and the result should be a passable dress for her. Here's a few gold pieces, get her a decent wardrobe, please."

Smiling as she tucked the gold on her body somewhere out of sight, the housekeeper said, "Of course, Master Rufus. I believe I have something that will work nicely for a belt. Here's your breakfast, now eat it afore it gets cold." She plopped a large platter down in front of him and said, "Don't worry, young Rose has already eaten a goodly amount herself, so dig in. Some days you get your head so wrapped up in business you forget to eat."

Laughing as the woman chided him, Rufus teasingly said, "Yes ma'am! Right away ma'am!" Shaking her head dolefully at his cheekiness, Delphina poured him a mug of cream, and turned away to help the giggling Rosalia into her tunic.


Rufus looked up as Delphina cleared her throat. "We're back, Master Rufus. I'm sorry to disturb you while you're messing with your figures, but the dear child wanted to show you her new clothes, she's never had anything beautiful to call her own before!" Rufus set down his stylus, and turned towards the doorway.

"That's all right, Delphina, I can't wait to see them," he said as he stretched, then smiled as Rosalia shyly peeked at him from behind the housekeeper's ample rump. "Did you have fun at the market, dear?" he asked. "My eyes are getting sore from looking at all these numbers, I could certainly stand to look at something much prettier!" Rosalia giggled at that, and came out from behind Delphina.

The kitten was wearing a soft, flowing tunic that left one shoulder bare, the tunic was belted at the waist and fell to her knees. It was white, trimmed in a soft blue that complemented the young kitten's gray fur perfectly. "Oh my! You look beautiful!" said Rufus, "Is that the same dusty little kitten that was hiding in one of my sacks yesterday?"

Rosalia giggled again at that, and did a twirl for him, the hem of the tunic rising up and briefly showing her nethers. Rufus felt his member twitch at the sight, and as he chuckled, he asked, "Is that the only thing you purchased? Surely that tunic, lovely as it is, didn't take ALL of the gold."

Delphina laughed at that and said, "Of course not, Master Rufus, but the child couldn't very well wear all of them at once, could she?" Rufus laughed at that, and waited as Delphina and Rosalia brought in several tied bundles.

"Let's show him the next one, child," grinned Delphina, then gasped as Rosalia quickly pulled the tunic over her head and stood nude in front of them. "Oh dear! Rose, you really shouldn't take your clothes off in front of Master Rufus like that!"

The girl looked at her curiously, and said, "Why not? He's already seen me naked, and I don't mind. He's nice! My owner would sometimes make me go naked all day."

Delphina looked at Rufus, who smiled at her, then she shrugged. "Well, if it doesn't bother you or Master Rufus, I don't see any harm! Just try to be a bit more modest if Master Rufus has company, child." Rosalia giggled again, and selected a bundle of clothing.

Rufus felt his groin throb as the nude young molly shrugged the new outfit over her head, until it was pulled into its proper place. This one was a creamy yellow in color, trimmed in a deep green. The kitten gave another twirl, and Rufus said, "I like this one as well, you and Delphina did a wonderful job in picking things that go with your fur." The child grinned at that, and then pulled the tunic over her head as she picked another one to model.

All in all, there were seven outfits for the child, each one as lovely as the rest. "Well," demanded the giggling kitten, "Which one did you like the best?"

Rufus stroked his whiskers in thought a moment, and said, " Hrrm, it's hard to say, they all looked lovely on you! However, I think that first one was very nice, the blue really goes well with your fur."

The nude child came over and gave him a hug, saying, "I like that one too, thank you!" She pulled that tunic on again, and said, "Delphina, thank you for letting me try on the others, they were very lovely."

Delphina chuckled, and said, "Try them on? Don't you want to keep the other tunics as well?"

The child began to softly cry, and turning to Rufus, she asked, "But... but... You mean I get to keep all of them?"

Rufus nodded at the young girl, and said, "Of course, m'dear, you'll plainly need more than one outf--OOOFFF!" Unable to complete his sentence, he staggered back as the bawling kitten leapt into his arms, kissing his cheeks furiously.

"OOHH! T-THANK YOU! T-Thank you ever s-so much," she wailed. "I-I've never h-had more th-than one!" Rufus held her and stroked her back as her tail twitched under her dress, and he could feel her pressed against his rapidly stiffening penis.

Shifting her away from rubbing against his groin, he saw her look down curiously. Wanting to distract her, he said, "Delphina, the child looks famished after her trip to the market. Do you think you could check and see how Erasmus is doing with lunch? If it's not quite ready, maybe he might be persuaded to give up one of his sweets for the child."

Turning to Rosalia, he said, "Dear little Rose, you'll like Erasmus. He's very old, and he might sound scary and gruff when you first meet him, but he's really very kind. He's been the cook for my family since before I was a little kitten." Setting the child down, he patted her rump and told her, "Go to the kitchen with Delphina, dear." He smiled as she scampered off.

Rufus started to turn back to his work, then decided to go peep on the encounter in the kitchen. He pussyfooted down the hall towards the kitchen, where he heard a rough voice bark, "WHAT? I'm supposed to give up one of my precious sweets to this ragamuffin? HMMPH! And for you, Delphina, you know asking me about lunch won't make it get ready any quicker!"

Peering around the corner, Rufus saw the old bulldog wink at Delphina as he set a small box on the table. "These sweets are my one pleasure, y'know, and you expect me to give one up to whatever stray happens to come around, what!" he growled, "Well, fine! Take one, take them all! It's not like anyone cares about me!"

Delphina bustled over to him and kissed his cheek. "You old softie, thank you! We'll stay and help you with lunch, how's that sound?" The bulldog grumbled, his jowls flapping.

"Well, if you say you'll help, I guess it's OK. That will let me get off my paws quicker." Seeing that Rosalia was staring wide-eyed as she hid behind Delphina, he winked at her. "Go on child, you can take a sweet. I didn't mean to scare you. They say my bark's worse than my bite, y'know." He gently smiled at her as he opened the box and held it out.

Rosalia shyly took a sweet and popped it in her mouth, mumbling, "Fank uu very muhh!" around the mouthful as she hugged him.

Nonplussed, Erasmus gave the quick child a squeeze back, saying, "Err, well, you're welcome, dear... I say, good manners on this one, what?"

Stepping into the kitchen, Rufus let out a chuckle. "Good morning Erasmus, I see you're as rascally as ever, aren't you?" Pointing to the sweets, he asked, "May I?" When Erasmus nodded, Rufus popped one in his mouth, and after swallowing it, said, "I see you've met young Rosalia. She'll be staying with us for a while, and if it's not too much trouble, d'you think you could share those treats with her? I'll make sure you don't run out."

Erasmus grumbled a bit, saying, "Well, if you promise that I'll never run low, I guess I can give one to this little miss every now and then." He winked at Rosalia, and pressed another sweet into her paw as he turned to Delphina and said, "Now then, I believe you said something about helping me here in the kitchen!" Delphina gave a throaty laugh, and began working with the cooking foods.

End of Chapter 01

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


Beautiful a good beginning wonderful spelling; hoping to read more of your stories


Very nice and fun start to this story. I hope there are many, many more chapters to entertain us.


Sooooooo much <3


Y'know, I think I like this universe of yours. It may have its own bugs & faults but at least they don't have city-killing bombs.


Wonderful short story. Can we get more?

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