Stirred Passions

[ Mg, MM, inc, anal, oral, rp, pedo ]


Published: 12-Apr-2012

Word Count: 5895

Author's Profile

Story Summary
Remember: I don't practice, participate in sex with children, rape, drugs or murder. I don't encourage anyone to do any of the things my imaginative characters do either. These are just stories that have taboo themes in them and NOT wishful thinking. I just want to tell stories and hope no one takes my tales as anything but strokable fun.

It was mid June, his birthday had gone and he was now twenty six years old. There was one thing that didn't change though, he was still a virgin and had not had a girlfriend yet. His friend's had all teased him, calling him gay, a fag. He wasn't, he was just too soft and too shy to attract a girl.

Steve Knight didn't want to be a virgin, he wanted to stick his cock into a girl just like all his mates usually did. Even juicy Emily Wells had tried to give him 'some' and he had managed to screw that up too. The sexy fuck-pot going away in a huff and not talking to him any more. He was desperate.

It was just coming up to the mid-term holidays and his sister came to see him, she wanted to know if he would keep his niece for her while she went off on holiday for two weeks. He had never really been able to refuse her and said yes, even though he really wanted to be alone with his porno films and computer.

She dropped off the five year old to his home with her clothes and kissed him on the cheek as the little girl cried and screamed the detached house down.

He tried everything to calm her down, ice-cream, chocolate and even tried to play a game with her. Eventually giving up and locking himself in his bedroom with his computer until she stopped.

He came down and found her sitting quietly watching TV, the children's channel he found for her on his cable television network seemed to finally do the trick. She sat there sucking her thumb, eyeing him as he came in and sat down.

"Are you my uncle!" she asked suddenly in very clear English.

"Yes!" he answered.

"I want some ice-cream!" she demanded, her pretty face bullish.

"OK!" he said and got up to get it.

He came back with the bowl and placed it in front of her on the chair. She grabbed it from him and ate it slowly as she stared at the silly program on the telly. Steve got up finally and cooked something for them to eat, his sister said she liked fried chicken so he did that. The girl ate it and demanded more. He put more chicken and mashed potatoes on her plate and watched as she scoffed the lot down. Then she was back front of the TV again, watching some other silly program.

By evening he wanted to strangle her, she kept making demands and he almost lost his temper with her and that stupid thumb she just kept sucking all the time. He stayed in his room for most of the day, stroking his cock to the video clip he had downloaded from the internet of a girl being sodomised by a black guy with the biggest cock he had ever seen. The man thrust and stuffed the thick thing into her bottom, sending her into long moans and gasps as she was buggered on the huge bed. Steve was so hot that he stroked his cock to bursting, cumming all over his belly. He lay there gasping when he heard the demanding little demon screaming for him again. That was when he got the idea. He scooped up all of the semen and took it downstairs to the girl in his hand.

"Here, I have some special cream for very good little girls." he claimed to the excited child, "Only good girls get to eat this because it comes from a very special place!" he smiled.

She was very excited.

"Does it taste good?" she asked.

"Not really, but it is very special and that sometimes means that it tastes funny!" he told her.

She she reach up, cupping her hand as he scooped the goo into it, smiling as she sniffed at it and screwed up her nose.

"It smells like bleach!" she said.

"That's because it's so clean. But it is a secret and you can't tell anyone you've had it, it's only for big girls." he whispered conspiratorially.

She grinned and licked it all up, working on her tongue as she tried to get the taste.

"It tastes funny, but it's OK!" she grinned, pleased that she was eating something that only big girls ate.

"Well if you behave yourself I will give you some more later, OK?" he smiled, thrilled that he had actually got her to eat his sperm.

"OK!" she smiled.

He put sleeping powders into her hot chocolate, the same one that he normally used to get him to sleep through the night. She was unconscious by the time he lifted her up to bed, stripping off her clothes and fondling her plump little body as he stroked his cock. He was very excited, he had every intention of getting his cock up inside her bottom that very night as he had seen in that video, knowing that he had to be very gentle so as not to hurt her.

He knew that he had to make her very slippery in order to get his cock into her, so he went to the bathroom and retrieved the tub of Vaseline, opening it and scooping out some of the grease on his fingers. Her had her on her back, lifting her legs up and exposing her plump little pussy and the tiny wrinkled hole underneath. He could barely contain his excitement as he rubbed the grease into her anus, gently easing his finger into the tight hole and getting some inside her. It was so sick and perverted, his finger sliding in and out of the child's tight little anus, his cock throbbing stiffly in readiness of entering a girl's hole at last.

He struggled to hold himself in check, continuing to finger-fuck the child's anus until he managed to get his finger all the way up inside her. Then he tried to ease a second finger into her, finally able to get two fingers up her tight, tight little bum after what seemed like ages. She moaned in protest and squirmed, almost waking up. He stopped, holding his two fingers deep in her bum-hole, her legs held up over her head by his other hand and his cock close to her face. He suddenly had an idea, manoeuvring his body around so that his slender cock was pressing against her mouth. He pressed his fingers into her again and the girl opened her mouth to moan. He took that opportunity to press his cock-head into her mouth and was rewarded with the most unbelievable feeling he ever experienced as she began suckling on it. He moaned aloud as her mouth clasped the sensitive head and her tongue pressed against the underside.

After a while he went back to fingering her bum-hole, getting his fingers nice and deep in her bum.

But before he had a chance to try the tight hole, he gasped and came hard in the girl's mouth, feeling pure unadulterated pleasure as she sucked harder, swallowing all of his squirting sperm. He stayed there for a long time until his cock was too sensitive and pulled out of her mouth. He let her legs drop back to the bed and remained there until he had caught his breath, satisfied for the moment.

After he had dressed her in her nightie, he went back to his bed and fell asleep.

In the morning he visited her room again, finding her still asleep. Her mouth was open and her thumb inches from her face as though she had been sucking it again. He couldn't resist leaning over her and pressing his stiffening cock into her open mouth, feeling some delight as she sucked the head as she had the previous night. He groaned as her mouth clamped down hard on him and she nursed on his sensitive head. He trembled as her tongue rubbed and rubbed the underside, he helped by gently working his hips as he had before, soon feeling his excitement raising again and his sperm flooding the child's mouth. She gave a satisfied grunt and drank it all down and continued to suckle him. He finally pulled out as the sensitive head could take no more.

Watching as the girl pushed the thumb back into her mouth and began suckling it. He staggered out of the room and went down to make breakfast after showering and changing.

She seemed very subdued all morning and gave him little trouble until lunchtime, she wanted some of the cream he had given her the day before. He couldn't believe his luck and took a very large spoon into the kitchen, pulled out his cock and 'wanked' until he came thinking about her gasping down his sperm that very morning. He squeezed the throbbing shaft and let his sperm dribble out into the large spoon, filling it up. The he fixed his clothes and took the spoon to his niece, who dipped her finger into the mess and sucked it off her finger.

"Mmm!" she smiled as she then opened her not-so-little mouth and devoured the contents of the spoon with another satisfied moan. "Thank you Uncle Steve!" she smiled.

Steve was getting another erection just watching that. He took the spoon from her and went back into the kitchen, stroking his cock again and depositing another load onto the spoon for his niece again. He took it back into the room and handed it to her, smiling as he explained that she was such a good girl that she deserved another dose of 'Cum'.

She giggled and sucked the contents up, sending her uncle into a delirium.

He was very nice to her all day long and soon sent her to bed with another cup of drugged hot chocolate.

He stroked and fondled her plump naked body, squeezing her doughy buttocks and deciding that he would bugger her this time after giving her her night time drink. As he fingered her bottom with his two greased fingers, he slipped his cock into her mouth and gently fucked her face until her suckling lips and rubbing tongue brought him off, causing him to shoot his thick sperm onto her tongue. She sucked it all down before he withdrew and climbed between her plump legs. He held the sleeping girl's ankles over her head, fully exposing her slippery, open anus to his throbbing tool, then he pressed it into her, sinking the fat head slowly up her bum. She whimpered softly in her sleep as he sank into her, he felt the tight hole clamp around his cock-head. Then he pulled it back out, wanting to feel that again.

He repeated this action several times before burying it further up the child's bum with a satisfied groan. The little girl moaned in discomfort and he stopped, holding his cock halfway up inside her anus, before working it out and in again in the gentle fucking motion that he had longed for. He gasped and lay down on her, leaning his weight on his arms with her legs up against his shoulders. He could feel her breath on his face as he fucked her, she kept giving those wonderful little whispers of pain that turned him on more than anything he could imagine.

Every time he felt his orgasm coming he stopped and waited, not wanting this wonderful feeling to end. Then he stuffed her bum again, fucking deeper and deeper as the night wore slowly on, not in any hurry to finish until he had his entire cock lodged deep into the very tight little bottom of his five year old niece. The girl kept whimpering and moaning under him as his cock slowly worked its way deeper and deeper into her sucking, gripping bowels. Then finally he felt her hips against his, her buttocks pressing against his balls as he entire shaft was encased in her sweetly gripping anus at long last. The little girl lay moaning and whimpering under him, his cock felt wonderful buried all the way up inside her tightly squeezing rear.

"Ahhhhh!" he gasped and began to steadily sodomised her wit long, slow strokes of his cock as he had seen those huge black men do in those video clips he always downloaded.

The feeling on his cock was fantastic, better than he could possibly believe possible. He gasped and then pressed his mouth down on his niece's, kissing her and slipping his tongue into her open, gasping mouth. She sucked it, delighting him from both ends now and he continued to 'french' her as he buggered her on the spare bed.

Soon he gasped, stroking faster until he blasted his sperm deep into her gripping bowels.

He woke up still in her, the child swooned against him with her sweaty back to his stomach. She was still asleep and his cock was deep in her anus, throbbing inside her.

He had cum at least four times in her during the night, now his hips moved gently as he sought another perverted orgasm in his five year old niece's arse.

He held her hip, her head resting on his other arm, as he slowly fucked her tight bottom. It felt so good, so tight and sweet as he buggered hert. He quickly came again inside her and slowly dragged his cock all the way out of her bottom. He rolled out of bed and left her in alone as he went into the shower and cleaned himself. Then he returned to find her gone, panicking until he heard the toilet flushing down the hall.

She came down the hall, sleepily rubbing her eyes and then smiling up at him as she finally saw him standing there watching her. She was still naked.

"G'morning Uncle Steve!" she yawned.

"How did you sleep?" he asked her, really wanting to know what she may have remembered.

"OK!" she yawned again and walked into her room. He went in and watched her dress and follow him downstairs for breakfast, the girl didn't seem to know anything had happened. He smiled with relief and fried up some eggs.

During the day he filled up the large spoon with his sperm, feeding it to her and watching her lap the whitish goo up hungrily. She seemed to be getting used to it now, looking forward to eating the stuff now. By nightfall she was in a deep, drugged sleep again, his sperm sliding down her throat as he shifted his body around and eased his rigid cock slowly up into her greased bottom. He lay over her, her legs on his shoulders as he sank slowly up into her tight, slippery bum. She moaned under him as he fucked her, slipping slowly deeper and deeper until he had lodged his entire length up her sweetly gripping backside.

Then he began the long, slow strokes he so enjoyed, fucking his five year old niece's tight little arse until he squirted his cum deep in her wonderful anus.

He again found himself buried to the hilt in the sweet little girl's gripping bottom when he woke up the next morning, he held her against him and steadily fucked her tight rear, loving the sweet little grunts and gasps she was making as he buggered her.

He finally squirted his cum deep in her bowels and lay there stroking her naked body, then he slid slowly out of her and got up. He bent and kissed her mouth, slipping his tongue inside and feeling her suckle on it. Then he left the room and had a shower before coming out and visiting her once more. She was still laying in the bed, her eyes closed and her pretty mouth open. He couldn't resist sliding his rigid cock into it, gasping with delight at the suckling mouth and slowly fucking it until he grunted, filling her mouth with his seed again. He felt her sucking and swallowing, then he withdrew, bending to kiss her lips again before going downstairs to make breakfast.

She was subdued all day now, not making any fuss about anything at all. He fed her the large spoon of sperm and she gazed up into his eyes as she slumred it all down, somehow making him feel a bit guilty. She remained quiet for the rest of the day and sat in his lap as they watched 'CSI', sipping her hot chocolate.

She was asleep by the end of 'Law & Order: Criminal Intent', and he lifted her up, taking her to her bed. He stripped her naked, greased her anus thoroughly before wasting little time sliding into her tight young anus for the long night of slow infant sodomy.

He had her in different positions, cumming in her each time before changing to a new one. He ended up 'spooned' against her, his stomach against her back and her fat little buttocks against him. His cock was balls deep in her arse-hole now with much ease, even though she remained very tight. He loved the feel of her young body against him, the tight grip of her anus around his cock. He knew he would do this to her forever if he got the chance.

He woke and felt her anus contract around him. He gasped and clutched at her hip, slowly pulling back and then sliding back into her, hearing her gasp and then moan at the slow stroke of his cock. He fucked her now, slow and steady, finding his rhythm and stuffing her with his cock. Soon he gasped and filled her bum with his seed, the lay there stroking her smooth young body as his cock throbbed and jumped inside her tightly grasping anus. He buggered her again, hearing her soft whimpers as he stroked his cock in her arse-hole, cumming a second time inside her tight little bottom before slowly dragging his cock out of her, kissing her pretty little mouth and then getting out of her bed to shower.

He swore he heard the toilet flush while he washed himself, coming out to find her still in her bed, her eyes closed in sleep. He couldn't help sliding his stiffened cock into her open mouth again, gently fucking it, enjoying the suckling and the rubbing of her tongue until he came on her sweet little mouth and felt her swallowing all of his runny sperm.

He gasped as her mouth kept suckling on him, dragging slowly out of her sweet lips and bending to kiss her before going into his room to change. He was making breakfast when she came and sat at the table, her face looked tired and drawn.

"Hey, G'morning gorgeous!" he smiled.

She brightened up and smiled back at him.

"G'morning Uncle Steve!" she grinned now.

"How is my little Angel?" he asked, feeling his cock jump at the sexy 'O' of her mouth and wanting to fill it with cock.

"OK!" she smiled up at him.

He bent down and kissed her mouth without thinking, finding it soft and open. He was unable to stop himself slipping his tongue into it, earning a soft moan from her. He stood up, realising what he had done and smiled nervously at her. She just looked up at him with those big innocent eyes.

They ate breakfast and sat in the living room. Steve thought about going back to work after the next week had past. His niece would be back home and he would be alone again.

She sat quietly in his lap, his hardened cock pressing up through his trousers against her plump little bottom that had given him so much pleasure. He wanted her now, fighting the feeling.

"Would you like some 'Cum'?" he asked her as he stroked her bare thighs.

"Yes please Uncle Steve!" she said, turning to smile back at him. He lifted her off into the seat and went into the kitchen for the spoon, stroking his cock until he gasped and came, squeezing his cock so that it didn't shoot all over the place and dribbled it onto the large spoon. But when he raised his head he found himself staring into the child's pretty face, her eyes wide with wonder.

"What...?" he started to say, but she took the spoon from him and sucked up the contents even as she stared in fascination at his willing cock.

"Mmm! Yumm!" she grinned as he struggled to put his 'thing' away.

Nothing was said about it after that and they spent the rest of the day watching TV and playing games on his computer in his bedroom.

It was there he had the idea.

"Would you like some 'Cum'?" he asked he.

She stared up at him for a moment and the smiled, nodding her head.

"We're going to do it a little differently this time, OK?" he told her, and watched her nodding, staring at his bulging crotch.

He stepped close to her in the chair she was sitting in and freed his cock to the girl's fascinated eyes. He stepped close and watched as she opened her mouth, surprised at that but pressing it between her pretty lips and gasping as he felt her sucking immediately on it. He held her head in his hands and gently fucked her lovely, warm mouth, feeling a thrill at being able to do this to her while she was wide awake.

"Ahh! That's right Honey, suck Uncle Steve's meat. There's a good girl!" he gasped, pleasure coursing through his cock as her mouth slid on and off him, her lips suckling hard as she worked to get her 'drink'.

He gasped, way too soon and flooded her small mouth with his seed. "Mmmmm!" she, moaned as she sucked and sucked it all out, swallowing it down as she continued to milk him.

He finally stepped away and smiled down at her pretty face.

"Wow! That was great!!" he almost shouted.

The girl grinned up at him, licking her pretty lips and making his cock twitch. He couldn't wait for night.

He sank all the way into her in just one slow stroke, loving the sound of her whimper of discomfort as she slept. Her legs were on his shoulders as he lay down over her and fucked into her steadily, the pleasure of her tight hole delightful on his throbbing cock. Steve loved buggering his five year old niece's bottom, it was like nothing he had ever felt before in his life.

Just the thought of doing nasty things to the little girl was so perverted, really turning him on.

Too soon he gasped, cumming hard up her bum as he drove in the the hilt, spewing deep in her infant bowels until he was done. He changed position, fucking her longer, deeper, thinking about what it would be like to actually fuck her bottom while she was wide awake.

His cock jumped, bucked and squirmed into the child as the sun shone in their faces. Her anus was holding him so tightly, seemingly tighter than during the night when he had fucked her butt before. It felt sweeter somehow and he lay inside her, enjoying the slight quiver in her bottom, the sudden fierce gripping as his cock throbbed in her tight little bottom. He gasped and held her hip, checking to see if she still slept before starting to slowly bugger her again for the third time that morning. She moaned and made little gasps as he fucked her arse-hole, feeling delicious as he hugged her small, plumb body against him; her fat buttocks doughy as he pressed into them.

"Ugh!" she gasped as he pressed harder, deeper, driving his cock faster and father into her lovely hole. He cried out and came hard up inside of her again, clutching her tightly as his seed squirmed again and again into her warm, wetly sucking bowels.

"Ahhhhh!" he gasped and the slowly relaxed, the whimpered gasps of the child sounding really good in his ears. He stroked and fondled her smooth, fleshy young body, fingering her plump little virgin pussy and feeling her shudder.

Finally he slowly dragged his entire cock out of her clinging bottom, listening to her groan as it slid out and gasp as it popped out of her wet little anus.

"Ahh!" he gasped and leaned over her to kiss her pretty little mouth.

He drove his tongue inside, feeling delight as she sucked it and giving her some of his spit for her to swallow.

As he showered he thought he heard the toilet flush again down the hall, but when he went to her room afterwards he found her still laying in bed, naked and on her side as he had left her. He saw her sucking her thumb and got hard, pulling the digit out of her mouth and replacing it with his hardened cock. He gasped softly as she sucked him, fucking her mouth gently until he seeded her and filled her mouth with his sperm. She swallowed it down. Still suckling him until he pulled it out of her mouth and left the room after giving her a long and very wet kiss.

It was Wednesday and her mother was due back in two days. Steve had been using the child for his own sick pleasure for the past eight days and he was already panicking at not having her around to fuck any more.

That night, he slid up into the girl, picking her up from the bed and taking her downstairs to the living room where he sat watching TV and sodomising her, enjoying some further perversity as he used her in every room in the house, cumming in her several times before returning to bed and steadily sodomising her until he fell asleep.

He woke with her squeezing him with her buttocks, he gasped and the slid into her fully, loving the sound of her gasp as he lodged deep inside the girl. He fucked her slowly, steadily reaming her tight little bottom and cumming inside her twice before kissing her mouth and giving her some of his spit to swallow.

He showered, again hearing the sound of a flushing toilet somewhere, coming out to again seed her mouth.

But as he stood up again, he felt his cock hardening yet again with need.

He flung the towel to the floor and climbed onto the bed. He lay down behind her and fed his cock up between the cheeks of her buttocks, finding her anus open and loose. He sank slowly into her, hearing her gasp, and slid all the way in until he was balls deep in her gripping novels. The girl whimpered against him as he slowly buggered her again, her tight bum squeezing his pole as he slipped in and out of her.

"Ooh!" she moaned and he felt her anus squeeze him.

She felt so good, somehow better than at night. He loved how she gripped him, gasping and moaning as he fucked her.

She whimpered as he pressed into her and flooded her bowels with his sperm. He kept her there, kissing her cheek and stroking her silken hip and belly. His cock still remained hard in her and he kept her there, fucking her butt longer, harder until he gave her another runny load. Then he pulled out of her and kissed her for ages, drilling his spit down her throat.

He left her and washed off his cock, then went to change.

She stood in the hall waiting for him, taking his hand and going with him downstairs to do breakfast. As he sat at the table he remembered sodomising her there, her plump legs in the air on his chest as she lay on her back, her arse at the edge of the table taking his cock. He had 'done' her on the sink too.

Throughout the day he kept 'feeding' her his sperm, letting her suck her 'snack' from him as he sat watching TV. It was so sick and perverted.

Now he wanted her bum again, during the day while she was awake. He planned to kept inside her all morning until she woke.

He stroked slowly into her, a second hard 'Cum' ready to flood her anus. She whimpered and moaned, her bum tighter than the night. He slid all the way into her and clutched her tightly to him.

"Wake up Honey!" he said, "Wake up and feel Uncle Steve!"

"I'm awake Uncle Steve, I'm always awake when you put your thing up my bum-bum!" she said suddenly.

Steve froze, his cock throbbing up the child's bottom. Now he understood why she seemed so much tighter in the mornings. She had been away those times.

He hugged her tighter still and fucked her anus harder.

"Take it Honey, take Uncle Steve's cock!"

"OK!" she gasped innocently, making him laugh and plough harder into her lovely tight bottom.

He grasped her hips, crying out as he spewed into her grasping anus.

"Was she any trouble?" his sister asked, "I know how rude she can be!"

"No, we really go on very well. She's a big girl now!" he smiled as he hugged her to him, "Aren't you Honey?"

The little girl giggled and nodded.

"Yes Uncle Steve!" she grinned.

The last night had been spent deep in her bottom while she was fully aware, no more need for drugged hot chocolate. The girl letting him enjoy her tight anus again and again. He couldn't remember how many times he had cum in her, she had even sucked sperm from his cock as her mother drove up to the house.

She insisted on visiting him at least once a week, laying between his thighs as she suckled a thick load of sperm from his cock before he fed himself slowly up her well-greased arse-hole. She seemed to really like him inside her bum, love drinking his 'cream'.

She was eight when he managed to squeeze up her tight virgin pussy, taking her last 'cherry' and making her into a woman. She had cried a lot and even threatened to tell her mother. He begged her forgiveness and professed an oath that it would not hurt her like that again. She didn't let him do that for another month, only coaxed by his tongue and greasy finger.

After that she let him have any hole he wanted, preferring to have him up her bum mostly.

She was twelve with the police took him away, his sentence was twelve years for his long sexual association with her. He didn't even try to deny it, watching as his only sister, his father and mother glared at him with hatred from the gallery. He knew that he would never see them again.

His prison sentence was rough, the constant beatings he endured by men who hated 'Pedos'. He was raped many times and became the 'bitch' of a very large, very evil 'lifer' who had killed his own brother for stealing money from him. The man had a very long, very thick cock and it hurt an awful lot when he first stared getting it, the man not caring if he was properly lubricated. Steve had been brought to him by the warden's orders.

Steve lay on his back, his legs up on his shoulders as the huge, muscular brute drove his thick cock deep into his aching bowels. "Oh God!" he gasped as the thing squeezed up into him, stretching it's way into him so deep that he thought it would stop his heart.

"Yeah! Yeah! Take that man-sized cock you child-fucking pussy!" the gruff monster over him laughed.

The cell door opened and a guard walked into his cell with the warden. The didn't even try to stop the thrusting man as he raped him.

"Well now, prisoner 202731, how nice to see that you are rehabilitating well!" he laughed, "My own daughter is the same age as your little niece and I want to see you suffer for what you did to that poor girl."

He sobbed, the thick, meaty cock stroking his bowels had not stopped once. The big man leaning over him and caught his mouth with his and tongued him savagely, his runny spit tasting foul with cigarette ash as he dribbled into his throat. He had learned not to eject it and swallowed the lot down.

"Ahh!" the brute chuckled, "That's a good bitch!"

He was raped as the warden watched, the brutal man's sperm flooding his bowels again and again, the man never seeming to tire. He sobbed and begged for forgiveness, but it fell on deaf ears. Finally he tired of him and climbed off, leaving him gaping, the sperm oozing out of his stretched, sore anus.

"Ahhhhh! That's a good fuck!" the horrible man laughed, "I want to keep him!"

"I will arrange to have him transferred to your cell!" the evil warden smiled and left him sobbing on the man's bed.

After that he had been to the infirmary many times for a ruptured anus, the medical having to sew him up each time. He was refused parole, declared a danger to society and flung back into the cell with his 'man'. After four months of rough sodomy by the savage psychopath, Steve settled into his new life. He serviced the man constantly, learning to suck the man's big cock and drink his cum. He even had to tongue the man's anus and tickle his balls first, before getting his 'meal'.

Steve got no visits from anyone and spent his days alone in his cell most days, he didn't dare go out into the general population.

He lay on his stomach on his side at night, the long, thick cock throbbing up his bum as the brute buggered him and told him to call him 'Honey'. When Steve had refused the first few times he had been beaten severely and hospitalized. Steve had been returned to the cell even after begging the warden to let him go to a new cell. The man refused and he was sent back to be tortured some more.

Steve Knights was forty one when he was finally freed from prison, placed in a council house and not allowed anywhere near any child or areas where children went. He was constantly hounded by his neighbours, pelted with bricks and bottles, even beaten up a few times. None of theses things really bothered him any more. He had been through worse in prison, he had the scars to prove it.

He had several visits from the police and social services every month, checking up on him. He had to answer a barrage of questions all the time, the same ones. He knew them off by heart and answered them by rote now.

Then one day he had a visit from a woman he had never seen before. She looked very familiar though and he let her into the house.

"Hello Uncle Steve!" she smiled as recognition finally reached his brain, "Thanks for fucking up my life!"

She took out a gun and shot him several times in the stomach.


R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


You began the story so well, but in the end, you plummeted to that end so horrendous, frightening, I do not know what happened to your creativity, you did not know how to finish the story and ended very badly since you introduced the decadent theme of prison. Terrible end man. Too bad.


Story was fine, ending was just another bunch of 'blame the pedosexual for everything in your life' bullcrap.

It's time for society (and the NON-victims in it) to stop blaming the pedosexuals for their ills. 99% of them come from the reaction of society and the intervention of the police, along with the brainwashing that children are given after they are 'abused'.


Wow the way it ended was realistic

The reviewing period for this story has ended.