Published: 7-Jan-2012
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WARNING: This story (will) contain graphic sexual scenes between a mother and her underage daughter. It's all fictional, of course, but if you don't like to read about that kinda stuff then I suggest that you simply don't.
This wasn't the first time mom sat me on her lap for a lengthy lecture. But it was definitely the first time that this happened while we were both naked; which basically explains while I kept getting distracted. It's kinda difficult listening to mom berate me for sneaking into her room and playing with her pussy, while my naked ass is in direct contact with said pussy and her boobs are pressing against my back.
I tried my best to stay focused and pay attention to what mom was saying, but each time her rock-hard nipples rubbed against my back, my mind drifted away... back to earlier when I had mom kneeling on her hands and knees before me and I was pumping a foot-long dildo into her snatch...
Mmmm... Just thinking about it made me wet again. Mom sure had no problem with me playing with her pussy then.
"... so you understand why you need to punished, Rory."
Abruptly shaken from my thoughts, I quickly tried to recall what mom just said to me.
"Oh, yes, momma," I hurriedly replied as I remembered, "I understand."
Tilting my head slightly, I gave mom my most endearing, wide-eyed look.
"I'm sorry, mommy - I know I've been naughty."
With some effort, I managed to make a single tear run down my cheek.
"What kinda punishment are you gonna give me?" I questioned in my saddest tone of voice.
Uh-oh! There's that familiar gleam in mom's eyes again. I don't think the innocent/adorable shtick worked on her this time.
"I'm afraid you're in for a lengthy spanking, Lorelai Leigh Gilmore," she told me, a tiny smile curling the edges of her lips.
"Really? A spanking?" I heard myself ask.
"But... you never spanked me before."
"Yeah, I know, honey," Mom replied while stroking my bare behind. "But you certainly deserve one now... and I believe that a thorough butt-warming will do you some good."
With those words, mom laid me across her lap and shifted my unresisting body around until my bare bottom was positioned perfectly for the upcoming spanking.
To be honest, the thought of being spanked made me more curious than scared. I'd always wondered what it would be like to be spanked by mom, and I was instantly reminded of my best friend Lane telling me about the numerous bare-bottomed spankings she received from her mother.
Lane's mother is really strict and a firm believer in using corporal punishment to keep naughty, disobedient children in-line.
"That's how *I* was raised, and how I was raised *well*," Mrs. Kim snaps whenever somebody gets up the nerve to ask her about her child-raising methods. "Now, are you here to buy something or not."
That usually tends to end any kind of discussion about child-raising with Mrs. Kim.
Well, say what you will about her parenting philosophy, and how outdated it is, but there's little doubt that Lane Kim is one of the best behaved, nicest girls in all of Stars Hallow (and that's saying something for a village that seems stuck in the fifties). In fact, she's even got me beat in the best behaved category. So I guess Mrs. Kim must be doing something right.
Of course, the question remains why a nice, well-behaved girl like Lane still gets spanked on a regular basis.
I mean, this girl has got, like, only one vice, which is her utter devotion to all kinds of modern music (and in my opinion that's really stretching the word vice). Naturally, Mama Kim considers pop, rock, punk, metal, and just about every other kind of music invented in the last decennia to be the Devil's music. But that still doesn't explain why Lane's bottom gets tanned almost every other week.
And I'm pretty sure that's what she's averaging these days - Lane tells me everything, including detailed accounts of her spankings. Hmmm... and maybe there in lies the answer to my question... Lane tends to be *very* explicit whenever she tells me about a spanking she received, even though a simple "Hey, Rory! Guess what... I got spanked again yesterday" would suffice. And she always gets this excited blush on her cheeks when she relates her latest butt-warming. I've also noticed that she keeps asking me if mom ever spanks me.
All things considered, I'm getting more and more the feeling that Lanie has quite the little obsession with spanking. And I'm betting that *that's* the reason she gets spanked so often. Every time she's in the mood for a spanking, she simply thinks of something that would tick off her mother (which isn't that hard to do), and --
"Ouch!" I yelled, more from surprise than actual pain, as mom's hand crashed down on my bare behind.
Mom's hand smacked down again and again on my upraised ass, rhythmically striking a beat on my bare buttocks. Even though each of her spanks stung and made my ass-cheeks tingle, she was clearly holding back since they didn't really hurt a lot.
To acknowledge that I was actually getting spanked, and to ensure that mom didn't suddenly decide to beat my ass a lot harder, I let out another yelp and squirmed around on her lap.
"Owww! It's hurtssss!" I whined pitifully while wiggling my little butt.
Hmm. Judging from mom's giggling I don't think my act had her entirely convinced.
Suddenly the spanking stopped. Instead of rising again, mom's hand remained on my warm buttocks and started tenderly stroking my glowing globes.
I squirmed back and forth on her lap again, this time in pleasure, and arched my back to give her better access to my hindquarters. Mmmm...
This doesn't feel like mom's trying to punish me.
Three more spanks struck my behind followed by more gentle rubbing, and this time she also tickled my slit with the tips of her fingers.
"Mmmm... Ohhhhh!"
More spanking followed by more rubbing... Once again, mom's fingers skipped across my slit and I quickly spread my legs wider to give her better access to that part of my anatomy as well.
"Oh-ohhhh!" I moaned as her hand went from spanking me to sliding between my wide-spread legs and stroking my soft pussy mound.
Oh, God! That feels good... Wait-a-minute! I think I get what's going on here: Mom isn't angry about me feeling her up and making her come, she's mostly a bit upset about freaking her out by jumping naked on her bed while she was pleasuring herself... and the whole "punishment" thing must be her little way of getting back at me.
"Like that, baby?" she whispered into my ear while her fingers rubbed my moist labia-lips.
"Ohhhhh!! Yes, mommy!" I eagerly called out.
"Mmmm... and how do you like *this*?" she questioned, her voice heavy with arousal.
"Yowww!!" My eyes bugged out as two stinging spanks suddenly hit my puffy pussy-mound.
Okay, so maybe she's more than a bit upset...
Four more spanks struck my tender slit, making me gasp for air and buck wildly on her lap.
These two landed directly on my sensitive clit triggering a very sudden and intense orgasm.
"MOMMY!!" I screeched, bucking and thrashing on mom's lap while her hand calmly continued its steady barrage on my defenseless pussy.
Unable to take much more of this, I was about to beg for mercy when the pussy-spanking suddenly stopped, ending as abruptly as it had started.
Draped across mom's lap, still busy recovering from that incredible orgasm, my ears perked when I heard mom grab something from the nightstand. My thoughts instantly went to the enormous dildo that belongs to mom, which I'd placed on the nightstand after drilling her cunt with it.
Breathlessly, I waited for what's to come... and gasped when I felt a cool liquid being poured all over my sore ass and throbbing pussy. The soothing sensation of the cold lotion coming in contact with my hot skin was followed by the comforting feeling of mom's soft hand meticulously massaging the lotion into my buttocks.
This comforting feeling quickly turned to arousal when her fingers slipped into my crack and played with my asshole for a bit before sliding down to my aching cunt. I moaned with delight when I felt her stroking my dripping slot.
Mom then showcased her superior masturbation skills by working my pussy like a pro. Her nimble fingers were all over my slit - tickling the sensitive skin, stroking my swollen lips, tweaking my rock-hard clit... Within a couple of minutes, she had me panting with lust and attempting to hump her fingers - I was totally in her thrall.
It didn't take long before I was begging her to let me cum again. Mom, of course, took that opportunity to tease me a little.
"Awww, does lil' Rory need to cum?" she playfully asked while tickling my hypersensitive clit.
"YES!!! Pleeeeeaaaaase, mommy!" I pitifully whined for the fifth time.
"Do you promise to be a good girl and do whatever mommy tells you to if I let you cum?"
"YES!! Yes, mommy! I promise!"
"Hmmm, I'm still not sure if you *really* mean it..." mom said.
Frustrated, I turned my head and glared at her. Mom responded by batting her eyelashes at me accompanied by an infuriating, innocent smile.
I sighed.
"Okay, out with it, mom... what do you want?"
A slight shudder went through me when I noticed mom's "innocent" smile turning distinctly wicked, and I was filled with a mixture of dread and arousal.
"I think we should have a little test," she cheerfully announced.
Seating me on the bed, she practically ran to her closet. I could hardly believe my eyes when she came back proudly brandishing her digital camera (the latest toy she'd bought herself).
Next thing I know, mom was putting me through a series of pornographic poses while her camera immortalized me.
For example, she had my lie back on the bed with my legs straight up forming a wide "V". After taking some snapshots of me in that very revealing pose (including close-ups of my pussy and ass), she ordered me to pull my legs back and use my fingers to hold my pussy open. She then took numerous pictures of me displaying my cunt, followed by another series of me fingering myself.
After that, mom placed me on my belly with my face in the pillow and my legs drawn up beneath me, sticking my butt up in the air. She then had me reach back and spread my ass-cheeks while she took more photos...
Although I pretended otherwise, I was actually loving this photo shoot as much as mom did. My only regret was that she didn't allow me to get myself off.
For the grand finale, mom took me downstairs into the living room and had me do a handstand in front of the couch, taking lots a pictures from all angles. Walking around me, she grabbed my ankles and spread my legs wide until my body was forming a giant "Y" and took some more pictures.
Telling me to hold that pose, mom ran into the kitchen and returned with a single cherry, which she carefully placed on top of my pussy. While she hovered above my pussy with her camera, snapping off pictures, the small piece of fruit slowly slid into my wide-open pussyhole until only the tip of the small stem peeked out.
Mom used her mouth to suck the cherry from my pussy and then came up with some more interesting poses, which included me lying spread-eagled on the dinner table -first on my back, and later on my belly with a candle sticking out of my ass; leaning across the back of the couch like I was about to get my ass whipped (mom gave my behind a couple of good whacks to give my buns the convincing red color they needed for this photograph); sitting on the big leather chair with my legs hanging over the armrests and holding my pussy open while smiling for the camera. By now I'd gotten so aroused that mom had to wipe off the seat of the chair afterwards.
Snickering while she cleaned the chair, mom promised she'd take me back upstairs and make me cum really hard after just one more "special" pose. Horny as hell, I readily agreed without asking what that pose entailed...
A little later, I found myself crawling around in the backyard on all fours with a dog collar around my neck (don't ask me what we were doing with a dog collar without owning -or ever having owned- a dog) with mom instructing me what to do - calling me "mommy's little bitch" and taking more pictures.
All in all, I discovered that mom's a lot more depraved than I gave her credit for... Guess I didn't really have to worry about not being able to seduce her, after all.
True to her word, she took me back to her room after that - though she also made me crawl back into the house, and then up the stairs, while the camera snapped off one picture after the other. Once in her bedroom, mom managed to come up with one final, humiliating pose... Still completely naked aside from the collar, I was ordered to assume the "begging" pose... which basically meant I was kneeling in front of her holding my arms out with my palms facing down (like a dog begging for a treat).
As an added bonus, mom had me bark like a dog while taking my picture (not that this would show up on the photo, but simply because it amused her).
I suppose I should've been more upset about the humiliating things she made me do... But if anything, mom's unusual dominating behaviour and the lewd poses she put me through, made me so incredibly aroused I could hardly see straight.
"That's a good girl!" Mom smirked delightfully while petting my head.
"You just earned yourself a nice reward."
I trembled with arousal as mom pulled me back across her lap and returned her expert fingers to my needy pussy.
"Ohhhhh! Ohhh-OH!! Yessssss, mommy!" I happily moaned while mom's fingers worked their magic.
She stroked, tickled, and teased my over-stimulated slot for a good 10 minutes before finally sliding two fingers inside my sopping wet slit.
The moment I felt her fingers enter my pussy, I started humping my ass back at her, trying to get my hungry cunt filled.
"Oh, yeah! You sure love having my fingers up your tight, teenaged twat, don't ya, sweetie?" Mom casually remarked.
"Uhhh!! Yes, mommy!" I readily agreed. Willing to say and do anything mom wanted as long as she kept diddling my slot.
"God! Just lookit that soaked little snatch... You're such a little slut, Rory," she snickered.
"Mmmm? Well, like mother like daughter, I guess," I retorted, feeling much too horny to be insulted by mom's dirty talk.
Giggling to herself, mom patted my ass with her free hand. "Touché."
Still stroking my behind, her fingers thrust deeper into my tight pussy-hole until they encountered a slight barrier.
"Still a virgin," Mom stated relieved while her fingers carefully probed my maidenhead. "That's my girl!"
Despite the sexual haze hanging around my mind like a thick fog, I could still find the humour in mom's obvious relief at finding out for sure that her little girl was still a virgin. If it's up to me, I wouldn't remain a virgin much longer.
"Fuck me, mommy!" I panted excitedly while lustfully wiggling my ass at her.
Mom giggled again and increased the finger-fucking pace. "I'm working on it, Rory."
"No, I mean: *really* fuck me, mom," I clarified. "Jam that big-ass dildo into my cunt and make me a woman!"
I could hear mom sucking in her breath. "Uhh, I don't think that's such a good idea, sweetheart."
"Fuck me!" I repeated, more adamantly, while wriggling my behind again, "*Please* mommy! I really wanna be fucked by you!"
"Nuh-uh! I don't want you to lose your virginity like this, Rory," mom said decisively. "Besides, my dildo is much too big for a tight virgin pussy like yours."
I was about to plead some more when I suddenly came up with the perfect solution.
"Then stick it up my ass instead!" I eagerly suggested. "That's no longer virgin territory."
"You mean you let a boy..." mom started, sounding appalled at the very idea of a boy sticking his thing up her precious daughter's ass.
"No!" I quickly cut in. "This was more of a... do-it-self project."
Mom giggled.
"Oh, good!" she exclaimed, relieve evident in her voice. "But sticking that huge dildo up your ass doesn't exactly sound like a viable option either, sweetie."
I let out a sigh. "Less than an hour ago, I had half of my large novelty pen inside my butt, so I think I can handle your dildo, mom."
"Holy buttfuck, Batman!" Mom called out surprised, making me giggle.
"Christ, Rory! Are you telling me that you actually fucked your ass with that huge pen I gave you?"
"Yup! And now that's cleared up... how about you stick that big dildo inside my already primed asshole and fuck me hard until I cry "uncle"," I suggested, doing my best to sound as naughty and adult as I possibly could.
Mom snickered and then went quiet... obviously considering the best course of action.
"Hmm, are you sure, Rory?"
"Yes! Now will you stop worrying, and start fucking me, mom!" I called out frustrated.
SMACK!!! "Ouch!"
"Watch that tone, young lady," mom said with her mockingly-stern voice, so I don't think she was too upset. "Or you're in for another lengthy spanking."
Mmmm, tempting! But right now I was more in the mood for a nice, hard fucking.
"Yes, ma'am!" I answered demurely. She stroked my bare bottom in response, and even though I was still lying face down across her lap, I could sense her smile.
"That's better," she said satisfied while pulling her fingers from my pussy.
I was about to protest the prematurely ended finger-fucking when I felt her hands pry apart my ass-cheeks, exposing my tiny asshole to her eyes. I was immediately filled with anticipation. Does this mean that mom is actually gonna fuck my ass, I thought excitedly.
I shuddered with delight when I felt her fingers tickle my asshole.
"Like that, sweetie?" she questioned, her voice a throaty whisper.
"Uh-huh!" I grunted while lifting my butt a little more.
"Oh, yeah! Looks like you like it a lot," Mom muttered, kinda sounding like she was talking to herself.
I gasped when an entire finger was suddenly shoved into my butthole. Once her finger was all the way in, mom started moving it in and out, finger-fucking my ass in a casual manner.
"How about this? You like that as well, Rory?"
"Mmmm... Oh, yessssss," I moaned.
SMACK!!! "Slut!" she snickered, smacking my ass.
"Ouch!! Bitch!" I shot back.
"Uh-uh! That's no way to talk to you mother, Rory," mom teasingly said while halting the finger-fucking. "Now apologize, or I'm not gonna fuck your ass."
Desperately needing to be fucked right now, I turned my head and did my best to give mom my most apologetic look. "I'm sorry, mommy," I said repentantly.
Giggling again, mom shot me a sly wink and then picked up the large rubber dildo from the nightstand. I watched with growing arousal as she took a small bottle of hand lotion from the drawer and started liberally coating the dildo's thick length with the oily substance.
When the dildo was properly lubricated, mom twirled it around a few times like a baton. While playing around with the rubber rod, she returned her attention to me: studying and caressing my naked body.
After playing with my tits, her hand slid down my chest, across my belly, and then reaching my aroused pussy. I was so incredibly wet that mom was able to stuff three fingers into my tight slot without much difficulty.
Once her fingers were buried inside my narrow sheath, she began moving them in and out - fucking me with those three digits. With every movement her fingers made, her hand grazed my swollen clit, making me squirm on her lap mewling with pleasure. She quickly got a steady finger-fucking rhythm going that had me grunting and groaning along with the sopping sounds her fingers made while thrusting into my soaked slit.
I was so enthralled by mom's fingers working their magic on my pussy that it took a while before I noticed another set of fingers making its way into my asshole. Before I knew it, mom had two lotion covered fingers buried deep inside my butt. I groaned when she twirled them around.
"Just making sure your ass will be ready for my big cock, sweetie," mom cooed into my ear while working both sets of fingers deeper into my twin holes, her efforts accompanied by my very loud grunts and groans.
When she seemed satisfied that my asshole was loosened and lubricated enough, she yanked her fingers out and patted my butt.
"Ready, Rory?"
"Yes, mommy!" I squeaked, wiggling my butt at her.
She playfully swatted it again. In the last couple of hours, mom seems to have developed a passion for manhandling my behind.
Retrieving the lubricated dildo from wherever she put it, she waved the thick rubber sex-toy in front of my eyes.
"Then let's see how much of this we can fit inside your tight little ass, sweetie," she declared, her voice practically brimming with excitement as she positioned the tip of the dildo at my back-entrance.
I held my breath when I felt the stub nose of the dildo press against my sphincter, moaning loudly as it prodded my little hole repeatedly before slowly sinking inside. Mom jimmied the rubber prick around a bit, then pushed in again, making me gasp and groan as the fat phallus gradually explored more and more of my anal passage.
My earlier anal adventure with the large novelty pen combined with mom's fingers lubing up my ass had done a decent job in loosening me up, so that even her huge dildo was able to enter my asshole relatively easy. Mom got more than half a foot of thick, fake cock inside me without much effort.
"Mmm, very impressive, Rory," she told me after she'd shoved another couple of inches of the thick rod inside my rectum. "That's one fuckable ass you've got there..."
I only half-listened to what she said, since I was more focused on her fingers diddling my slit and that big-ass dildo drilling my butt.
Apparently satisfied with the amount of dildo she'd stuffed into my behind, mom pulled some of its length out and began slowly screwing me with the large rubber pole.
"Ungh... Oohh!"
"Just relax, sweetie," she cooed while pushing the fake prick further in.
"There ya go..."
"Unghh! Uhh... Oohhhh!"
Mom's fingers started pumping my pussy faster and faster with the dildo following suit. She was really giving it to me, stuffing both my holes simultaneously at a rapid pace that had me panting with lust while I lewdly shook my ass in sync to the double fucking I was receiving - a sight I'm sure mom appreciated.
I'm not certain how long this all lasted. It could've been an entire hour that I laid across her lap while she pounded my holes with her fingers and a big rubber cock, or it could've a couple of minutes - I completely lost all sense of time as mom steadily fucked me into a delirium.
However, for some reason she didn't allow me any relief, no matter how much I begged and promised to do *anything* in return. Each time I got close to cumming, mom would halt the double-fucking until I'd "cooled off"... Once that happened that big dildo would be shoved back into my behind while her fingers returned to my snatch... and then she frigged and fucked me again to the brink of another orgasm before quitting.
"MO-O-OM!!!" I cried in anguish as an impending climax was once again denied to me. "You promised that you would make me cum - really hard - if I'd pose for you!"
"And I will, sweetheart," mom snickered while stroking my snatch (but not hard enough to make me cum). "You just need to be a little more patient."
"I wanna cum NOW!" I loudly demanded. I knew that I sounded like a 6 year-old demanding a treat or toy, but I really didn't care - I badly needed release, and gosh darn it! I was gonna bug mom until I got it!
I heard mom chuckle.
Oh, I'm *so* gonna get her for this when I get the chance!
"Just a bit more patience, sweetie... I'm gonna make your first orgasm with mommy *really* special."
Instead of resuming the finger/butt fuck like I expected, she yanked the dildo from my rectum and, despite my objections, lifted me from her lap and sat me back down on the bed.
Feeling frustrated by her actions, I brought my hands down to my pussy to finish the job myself but mom quickly swatted my hands away.
"Nuh-uh, young lady! There'll be no playing with yourself unless I say so."
"But mo-o-oooommmm!" I whined in protest. "I *really* need some release!"
Standing up, mom turned to me with an impish smile on her face.
"Relax, Rory... I promised you an amazing orgasm, and that's what you're gonna get!"
Giving me a wink, she went to her closet and searched around in it. She quickly found what she was looking for... apparently a pair of panties? At least that's what they looked like in the dimly lit room from a distance: a pair of leather panties.
Then she turned around and my mouth fell open when I saw the dildo that had been up my ass a couple of minutes ago, protruding erect from mom's groin like an actual cock.
She'd put on some kind of strap-on harness! This kinda makes me wonder what other "special equipment" mom owns...
With a wicked smile on her lips, mom strutted back to the bed... My eyes automatically focused on the big purple prick that bopped up, down and sideways while she walked.
Standing before me, she rested her hands on her hips, striking an impressive pose. Our eyes met as I finally managed to tear my eyes away from her crotch, and I blushed when I noticed that she was staring at the dog collar that I was still wearing. I moved to take it off but mom stopped me.
"No! Keep it on." A small smirk appeared on her lips. "It's very suitable for the position you're gonna be in for the next half hour."
I shot her a confused look, which made mom's smirk grow bigger.
"Get on all fours and raise your cute ass in the air, Rory," she told me with a smug little smile, "'Cause I'm gonna give you the fucking of a lifetime!"
My cheeks turned a bright pink as mom threw my own words back at me. At the same time, just thinking about the naughty sex-play mom seemed to have planned for us made my clit tingle and my cunt heat up.
Feeling a sudden need to hurry, I turned around and positioned myself on my hands and knees. My arms and legs trembled slightly while I impatiently waited for what's to come next... (hopefully me)
SMACK!! "Ouch!"
"Stick that ass up in the air, Rory," mom ordered me after swatting my ass.
Licking my suddenly dry lips, I bended my arms slightly and leaned down until my head was resting on mom's pillow; I then arched my back to make my bare butt stick out even more.
"Good girl!" mom purred while lightly stroking my bottom. I shivered with excitement when I heard her climb on the bed behind me.
There was a long moment of silence with our heavy breathing the only sounds in the room. During this time I could almost *feel* mom's gaze move across my naked body. Knowing mom was checking me out made my pussy grow even wetter (though that seemed hardly possible at this point).
Then I felt something... a feather light touch on both of my butt-cheeks.
Mom was stroking my behind again.
The soft stroking gradually turned rougher and was followed by the kneading and squeezing of my buttocks' pliant flesh. I let out tiny grunts of pleasure and pain at the rough treatment that my tender ass was receiving.
I gasped loudly when both her hands suddenly grabbed an ass-cheek and pulled the spheres of flesh apart, revealing my tiny pink asshole to mom's eyes.
"...hard to believe that *that* tight little hole is able to receive this big cock," I heard her mutter.
Then the round tip of the dildo was pressing against my anus again, demanding entry and getting it... Slowly, the thick rubber rod made its way back inside my anal tube, stretching the elastic muscle further and further until the dildo's head popped inside.
"Unghh!! Oohhhh!"
Holding my eyes tightly closed, I tried to relax as much as I could as more of the large strap-on was forced inside my rectum. When the dildo finally bottomed out, tears leaked out from beneath my eyelids while my senses were bombarded with a heady combination of pleasure and pain.
Suddenly, her hands were all over me: petting, kneading, stroking and tickling my naked form. Despite have a foot-long cock stuck up my sore ass, mom's "hands-on" approach made me squirm with delight.
Placing her hands on my hips, she slowly pulled the fake phallus out until only the tip of it remained lodged in my anus.
She started rubbing her breasts against my back as her lips slid over the nape of my neck and fastened to the underside of my ears. Her hands slid around me and cupped my dangling breasts, squeezing them, while she ground her hips around in slow circles, twisting the rubber cock around in my rectum.
"Oohh! Mmmm! Mommy! Ohhhhh! Ungh!! Oohh!"
I managed to spread my legs a bit wider and happily humped back as she drove the big dildo down into me. Mom released one of my titties and slid her hand across my belly down to the sticky "V" between my legs. Three fingers slid into my drenched cunt while her thumb found my clitty and started rubbing.
I heard her grunting and whispering as she fucked me in both holes. At first I couldn't make out the words, then I did...
"Fucking you," she was gasping. "Fucking you! Fucking you!"
Her voice sounded strained, like she was grinding her teeth. She started pumping the thick strap-on faster into my ass, finger-fucking my slit swifter, and rubbing my tender clit harder. I felt my insides quivering like jelly, and groaned in pleasure. What *really* got me going, though, were her words, and the raw emotion behind them - the knowledge that she's getting off like never before from butt-fucking *me*!
"Oh, fuck!" Mom panted, now clearly audible. "Oh, Fuck! Oohh! FUCKING HELL!!! I can't believe I'm really doing this! I'm actually fucking my teenaged daughter's sweet ass!!"
I didn't respond to mom's loud x-rated soliloquy - at least not with actual words.
"Ungh! Ungh! Oohh! Unghh! Ohhhh!! OH! OH! Unghh!"
With mom's fingers pumping into my pussy and that big, fat prick pounding my ass, my mind sort of short-circuited - the overwhelming, mind-shattering sensation of pure lust left little room for anything else except the desire to simply remain like this for ever, enjoying the amazing feeling of getting thoroughly fucked in both my holes by my loving mother.
But mom's never been a person of quiet enjoyment... As usual she was feeling pretty talkative.
"What a
"Ooh! Oohh!! Ooh! Unggh!!!" I grunted nonsensical.
"Yeah! That's right! You love mommy's cock, don't ya, Rory!"
"Ohhhh... Oh! Mmmmm!"
"Ouch! Ungh! Oohh!!"
"Tell me how much you love it," she suddenly demanded while slapping my ass again.
" it, momma," I managed to get out.
"You love mommy's big cock fucking your ass?"
"Then say it!"
"Owww!! Ooh! I love it! I-I love your... Ungh! ... b-big cock f-fucking... my t-tight little ass, momma! Ungh! Oohh GOD!! I love it so ... OH!! ... fucking much!"
"Horny little bitch!" she suddenly growled in my ear while pinching both my nipples hard.
Mom's words and actions shocked and surprised me, but also made the sexual heat flare up higher inside me as her right hand returned to its previous place between my thighs and continued working on my cunt and clitoris.
I could hardly believe my ears when she started to hum a merry tune while fingering me and fucking my ass -even coming up with words to accompany her little musical number...
"Rory and me, sitting in a tree... K-I-S-S-I-N-G." "Rory and me, we were always very close... now we're together on my bed not wearing any clothes."
"Rory and me, I'm busy fondling her tit... meanwhile playing with her slit & clit."
"Rory and me, on my bed we rut... I'm fucking the slut in her tight little butt!"
"Now don't you suddenly act all shy on me, Lorelai Leigh Gilmore," mom admonished me, "'Cause you *are* a hot little slut," SMACK!! "Aren't you?"
SMACK!!! "Aren't you?" SMACK!! "Aren't you?"
"Ooww! Oh! Yesss," I panted excitedly. "I'm a... Oohh... a hot... Ungh... little slut, momma! Ohhhh-oohh-oh!! Yesssss! Fuck me! Fuck me hard, momma!!"
"That's right," mom said matter-of-factly while fucking and spanking my ass some more. "Only hot little sluts beg their mommies to fuck them... Luckily, this mommy had a big hard cock ready for her slutty little daughter! Otherwise you'd probably be spreading your legs for some boy right now."
"Oww! OOh! Ungh ! Ungh! OH!!! Ungh!!"
"But a hard cock isn't all you need, is it, Rory?" Mom asked me, almost tenderly, "I'll bet that a little tramp like you also needs regular bare-bottomed spankings as a reminder to stay in-line."
"OOwww!! Ungh! Oohh! Yes, mommy, you're right! I really do need to have my naughty behind buggered and beaten on a regular basis! Ungh! Ungh! OH!! Would you please help me with that?"
"Sure, honey..."
SMACK! SMACK!! SMACK!!! "Ouch!! Oohh!"
"That's what I'm here for."
SMACK! "Oww!" SMACK!! "Ouch!" SMACK!!! "Owwhh!"
Her hand started to smack down harder and harder on my already sore bottom, and my poor behind felt like it was on fire, but somehow this only added to the pleasure roaring through my body. The pressure inside me grew and grew until I thought I would scream if I didn't come soon, so I started humping my ass back onto mom's strap-on even harder.
"Yeah, that's it!! Ride my cock, slut!"
"Ride it like a bitch in heat!"
"Ouch!! Ungh! Ohhh! Oww! Ohhh! Unggh!"
Just when I felt like I was about to explode from pent-up arousal, mom said something that pierced through the thick haze of lust surrounding my mind.
"Now come for me, sweetheart!!" she shouted excitedly while spanking and drilling my ass like a woman possessed. "Momma wants to see her little girl cum!"
I came, and came, and came again, snapping off a series of orgasms that blasted my mind to dazzling fragments. I became a whining, grunting, trembling mass of heaving limpid flesh, unable to form a coherent thought or speak, unable to control my body as it rode the pounding dildo through blistering explosions of pleasure and bliss.
Opening my eyes, I blinked a couple of times against the bright sunlight shining through the window before looking around.
One of the first things I noticed is that I'm not in my own room - the second: that I'm buck-naked.
And the third thing I noticed was that I'm lying in the arms of my equally naked mother.
My cheeks coloured slightly as I started to remember what happened between mom and me...
We had SEX - and lots of it!
Lots of wonderful, toe curling, sweaty, incestuous S-E-X.
A dreamy smile appeared on my lips as I remembered - in detail - the kinda depraved sex-acts mom and me had performed together, especially the part where she fucked me up the ass.
I suppose I should've felt a glimmer of guilt, or at least some shame, from what we'd done - but guess what? I didn't.
I felt glad that we'd taken this big step in our relationship, and if I could do it all over again, I'd do it exactly the same... Well, except maybe get that strap-on harness out of her closet a bit earlier, so I could give mom as good a fucking as she gave me.
Turning my head, I gazed longingly at my - still fast asleep - mother and once again admired how very beautiful she is. Planting a soft kiss on her lips, I snuggled deeper into her warm embrace with a contented smile on my face.
Feeling wonderfully safe and protected, I soon drifted back to sleep.
A loud noise woke me up a couple of hours later. Sitting up, I wiped the sleep from my eyes and stared in confusion at the sight of mom hopping around on one leg half-dressed with her other leg stuck inside her jeans.
Startled, she turned to face me with this kinda "deer caught in headlights" look in her eyes.
"Uh... hi, Rory," she muttered while finally succeeding in getting her leg unstuck and pulling her pants up.
"What's going on? Where are you going?" I asked worried.
As I sat up a bit straighter, the blanket slowly slid down - uncovering my naked torso. I noticed mom staring at my topless tits for a long moment before glancing away guiltily.
"Um... I just need to go... somewhere," she stammered; avoiding my eyes while she stepped into her shoes. "I-I'll be back... later."
Uh-oh! I recognize that look on mom's face... she's having a major post-coital panic attack.
"Wait!" I called out, seeing mom sneak towards the door. "We need to talk first."
"Later, honey," she called across her shoulder while opening the bedroom door and stepping into the hallway. "I really need to go now... Bye!"
For a long moment, I stared at the empty doorway -trying to figure out what just happened - then I jumped up and ran after her.
Mom was about to leave the house when she saw me running down the stairs completely naked. I guess you could say she looked pretty shocked.
"Rory?! What--I don't know if you noticed, but you're not wearing any clothes," she pointed out.
"Nothing you haven't seen before, mom," I replied, surprising myself by being truly unfazed by my nudity. "What's more important is that you don't leave until we've talked about last night."
She looked away from me away again.
"I... that... there's nothing to talk about," she finally said, sounding unusually serious.
"Judging from your behaviour, I think there's plenty to talk about," I disagreed.
Noticing mom inching towards the door, I covertly moved closer. Despite attempting to hide it, mom spotted my movement and backed away a bit.
"Listen, sweetie... What happened last night... I don't know... I'm not sure..." She sighed. Taking a deep breath, she went on, "It was a mistake, plain and simple, and it shouldn't have happened. *I* shouldn't have let it happen..."
Despite my lack of clothing, I hadn't felt the least bit chilly. But while I listened to mom talk, I felt a bone-chilling coldness seep into my body, making it harder to breath for some reason.
"... the best thing we can do right now, is forget this ever happened and try to move on, okay?"
For a long moment I just stood there, not saying anything... Then, all of a sudden, a hot flash of anger drove away the coldness that kept me motionless.
"NO!!! NOT OKAY!!" I heard myself shout. "I don't consider last night a mistake! And I know *you* wanted it as much as *I* did."
I think for once in her life mom was actually speechless. She stared at me, her mouth opening and closing like a fish on dry land, before backing away to the front door again.
I quickly blocked her path, striking an adamant pose with my arms folded beneath my chest (though this pose might've been even more impressive if I hadn't been completely naked).
Mom looked me up and down. "Uh... I really think we need to reschedule this discussion for a later date."
Turning on her heels, she suddenly sprinted towards the back door. "See ya!"
I don't believe it! Of all the immature--
Quickly running after her, I caught up when she nearly fell while descending the back porch into the garden. Surprising mom (and myself as well), I took a flying leap and landed directly on her back.
"Ow!" she grunted, nearly tipping over. "Have you totally lost it?! Lemme go!" She started running around in circles, trying to shake me off.
"You're not going ANYWHERE!!" I cried out while clinging to her back. "Or if you are, then it's gonna be with *me* stuck to your back!"
That got her attention.
Mom abruptly stopped, sighed deeply, and slowly walked back into the house (with me hanging from her neck like a really weird cape). Good thing our neighbours didn't catch our little show!
Back in the living room, she carefully sat down on the couch. Only when her ass touched the seat, did I let go - and I right away crawled on her lap to keep her from taking off again.
But that wasn't her intention. Instead, she actually had a serious adult conversation with me, listing the many reasons why it was wrong for us to have sex together.
Having considered all those reasons myself, I quickly argued them away. But nevertheless, mom seemed to have made up her mind. This left me with only one final resort: I started to cry.
That worked like a charm.
"Don't cry! I'm sorry, sweetie!" Mom pleaded. "Look... I just want us to be okay - like we used to be."
"It's never gonna be like it used to be," I sniffled. "But maybe things could turn out even better for us!"
"Really?" She sounded a bit skeptical. "How's that gonna happen?"
"By stop fighting what we both want," I said. "I know it's gonna take some getting used to... but we both love each other more than anyone else in the world -emotionally and physically - and I know we can make it work."
Looking in mom's eyes, I could see that I was starting to convince her - and I knew that on some level she *wanted* to be convinced. She wanted me to tell her that it was okay for us to fuck.
Well, there's one sure way to let her know how much I want this. Like they say: actions speak louder than words...
Taking her left hand, I placed it on my left boob and rubbed it around and across my swiftly stiffening nipple. When she didn't pull away, I also took her right hand, placed it on my pussy, and moved her fingers up and down my slit.
I noticed the familiar gleam of arousal return to mom's eyes.
"Oohh! That feels so nice, mommy," I moaned - maybe a little exaggerated.
A tiny smile appeared on mom's lips. "You're a very naughty girl, Rory Gilmore."
"Uh-huh... you can punish me for that later."
She smirked.
"Are you sure about this, sweetie?"
"Yes, mom," I smiled, "One hundred percent."
Smiling back, mom kissed me softly on the lips.
I breathed a sigh of relief. Finally feeling able to relax a bit since chasing mom down the stairs, I released her hands and snuggled deeper into her warm lap.
Mom went on playing with my pussy and tits without any further assistance or encouragement from me, gradually bringing me to an amazing climax.
Luckily, it didn't take mom long to get over her "Oh My God! I fucked my teenaged daughter" guilt trip. And once the guilt was gone, she was more than happy to embrace our new "lifestyle". A recap of our next annual movie night showed that pretty well.
As usual we were both wearing our nightclothes and stretched out on the couch. Or, actually, mom's the only one who's truly sitting on the couch - *I* was sitting on her lap.
I was practically glowing with contentment as we watched the rented movies on our big screen TV - nice and relaxed, occasionally fishing a handful of popcorn from the big bucket beside us, and commenting on the movie.
Again, I felt glad that once we started having sex together, we didn't stop doing these other valued mother/daughter activities together.
Luckily, some things remained the same...
Well, *almost* the same. Instead of the usual 4 movie selection of drama, horror, romantic and classic, we'd added a fifth selection: erotica/porn, which we were watching right now.
And on our pre-sex movie nights, I hadn't been watching TV naked from the waist down with an eight inch vibrator buzzing in my butt. Neither did I have mom's hand between my widely-splayed legs, playing with my freshly-shaved pussy, like on this particular evening.
Sliding a finger between my moist labia-lips, she seesawed it back and forth for a minute or two before slipping the entire digit inside my steaming pussy-hole.
With her free hand, Mom pointed at the TV-screen that showed a couple of big-breasted blonde twins in their late teens getting it on. The more dominant of the two blondes had her sister bend across the back of a couch, and delivered a stern spanking before stuffing her snatch with a big strap-on dildo.
"Whoa! Look at 'em go... They're clearly enjoying their work."
We watched fascinated as DomiBlonde (as mom had nicknamed her) enthusiastically rode her sister (SubBlonde) to several loud orgasms. Then, with her sister lying limp and exhausted across the back of the couch, DomiBlonde pulled the fake cock out of SubBlonde's dripping pussy, spread her buttocks, and then shoved the dildo's entire length into the submissive blonde's asshole with a single, hard thrust.
SubBlonde seemed used to that kind of rough treatment 'cause she hardly made a sound, except for a low grunting noise, as her twin sister buggered her mercilessly from behind.
"We've got to try that sometime," mom commented, clearly impressed by DomiBlonde's take-charge attitude.
"Yeah, but a bit gentler than that!" I said, watching with growing arousal at the lewd lustful coupling I was witnessing. Spreading my legs a little wider, I started humping my pussy against mom's hand while keeping my eyes fixed on the screen.
Mom giggled. "Ohhhhh! Looks like someone here badly needs an orgasm."
"Is that it?" she playfully questioned while tweaking my clit. "Does lil' Rory need to cum?"
"Yes, mommy!" I baby-talked back, "Rory needs to cum! Please make me cum, mommy! Make me cum HARD!!"
"Sure thing, sweetheart," she cooed in my ear, before lightly nibbling on my sensitive earlobe.
With her left hand taking care of my cunt, mom's right hand sneaked beneath my butt, cupping and fondling each ass-cheek, before grabbing a hold of the eight-inch vibrator and fucking me with it.
"Ungh! Ungh! Oh! Oohh! Ungh! Oohhhh!!" I grunted and groaned in rapid succession in response to the double-fucking I was receiving.
On TV, I saw how after butt-fucking her submissive sister to six subsequent orgasms, the repeated friction against her clit finally made DomiBlonde cum herself. The dominant blonde grabbed a hold of her sister's big bouncing breasts and repeatedly squeezed the firm-fleshed mammaries while she came.
After taking a moment to recover, DomiBlonde pulled the dildo from her sibling's red-rimmed anus and patted the moaning blonde on her behind.
"You're a great piece of ass, Sis."
I thought this would be the end of the video, but instead SubBlonde was helped to her feet by her sister, and then led to the side of the couch. DomiBlonde then gave her sister a push, so she fell backwards onto the couch cushions with her legs hanging across the right armrest.
SubBlonde didn't move or say anything... She just lay there with her legs in the air, watching with anticipation-filled eyes as her sister climbed on the couch and squatted above her face, before barking a single command:
Instantly obeying, SubBlonde started slowly swiping her tongue across her sister's swollen labia-lips. She meticulously licked every inch of her sibling's cunt, lapping up every drop of pussy-juice she could taste.
Once DomiBlonde's puffy pussy-pad was properly cleaned, she gently used two fingers from each hand to open her sister's slit, exposing the pink opening to the camera's eye.
There was a close-up of DomiBlonde's pussy, in which the camera was practically shoved inside the young woman's cunt before pulling back at the very last moment.
SubBlonde stuck her tongue inside her sister's pink pussy-hole and went to work.
The camera circled around the twins... followed with a shot of DomiBlonde's face, with her eyes closed and her head tilted towards the ceiling, a blissful smile on her face as her twin sister expertly tongue-fucked her twat.
Somehow aware that the camera's eye is on her, she suddenly opened her eyes and looked directly into the lens. Winking at us, she gazed down at her sister's pussy and dangling legs. A naughty idea seemed to take shape in her mind as her smile gradually turned wicked.
Grabbing her sister's ankles, she pulled them towards her and hooked them beneath her armpits. This position left SubBlonde's snatch wide-open. DomiBlonde then used her fingers to open her sister's cunt even further, and gazed down into the gaping pussy-hole...
The camera suddenly went from a shot of DomiBlonde's face staring down into her sister's snatch, to a perfect full-screen shot of SubBlonde's obscenely displayed cunt.
Wow! Her pussy-hole looked big enough to fit my entire hand in... And apparently DomiBlonde thought the exact same thing: the fingers of her right hand slowly slid inside the wide-open hole.
Mom stopped fucking me for a moment while we both stared at the screen, watching the entire hand disappear into SubBlonde's stretched snatch.
"WHOA!!" we both exclaimed.
When DomiBlonde began to fist-fuck her twin sister, mom quickly continued screwing my ass with the vibrator while diddling my soaked cunt.
"We should try *that* too, Rory," she whispered teasingly in my ear.
"Once you're a few years older."
"Ungh! Oohh! Ohhhh, a-actually w-we could t-try *that* Oohh! t-today, mom," I panted. "Just lie back -Oohh!-spread your l-legs wide -Ungh!- and I'll get out the hand-lotion."
Mom giggled. "Good one."
The breathtaking combination of mom's fingers working on my slit & clit, the vibrator fucking my ass, and the lesbian fuck-fest I was watching on TV, managed to make me cum in record time.
My body tensed as I felt my orgasm building up inside me, and I started humping her hand and vibrator more urgently.
"Ungh! Oohh! Ohhhh! OH!! MOOooo-oooooooom!!!!" I cried out as I came.
Mom held me in her arms and stroked my hair while I recovered from my intense orgasm. Twisting sideways on her lap, I gazed up with a dreamy smile on my face and pulled her in for a long, passionate kiss.
"Thanks, mommy!" I happily told her the moment her tongue vacated my mouth.
"You always make me come soooo hard."
Mom smiled and winked at me. "You're welcome, sweetie."
Sighing happily, I snuggled deeper into her arms and turned my head towards the TV. I couldn't believe they were still at it! The blonde twins were stretched out on the couch with their faces buried in each other's crotches, eating pussy. While watching the sisters' sixty-nine, I shot mom a shy, sideway glance and saw her staring at the screen as well while licking my pussy-juice from her fingers.
"Hey, mom," I casually remarked, "this sorta reminds me... I've been thinking a lot about... a certain woman lately... and wondering what it would be like go down on her."
Mom looked at me a bit disbelievingly and began to laugh.
"It then occurred to me that I've never really licked pussy before - on the lips I mean -" I managed to say with a straight face, "and I'm kinda worried that I'll suck at it... and not "suck" in a good way," I added as an afterthought.
She was now laughing really loud, and I had to poke her a couple times to get her attention.
"Could you please, please, PLEASE teach me to become a good little cunt-licker, mommy," I begged her with my best "innocent little girl's" voice while batting my eyelashes at her.
I think it's that innocent act that really got mom going. In just a couple of seconds, she turned from laughing to lusting. Before I knew it, I was lying on my back -completely naked- with an equally naked mom straddling my belly, gazing down at me with unbridled lust in her eyes.
"You *really* want mommy teaching you how to eat pussy, sweetie?" she questioned, her voice a sensual purr.
"Uh-huh!" I answered, a little breathless.
Smiling delightedly, mom turned around and kneeled on her hands & knees above me, so I was staring straight into her snatch. Smacking my lips in anticipation, I reached out with a single finger and gently rubbed it between her slightly-opened labia-lips.
"Mmmm... Okay, honey," mom began to instruct me, "the first thing you need to know about eatin' pussy is that it's pretty similar to French-kissing: in both cases you need to use lots a tongue..."
Things only got better after that. One certainty in the Gilmore household is that when Lorelai embraces something new, she doesn't hold back...
Not a day went by that we didn't have sex at least twice, and every night we slept together (usually *after* we'd done a sixty-nine). Surprisingly, most of the sex we had didn't take place in mom's bed.
Sure, we had a lot of sex there, but most of the time it didn't go much further than going down on each other, or fingering each other's pussies.
The hardcore fucking usually happened someplace a bit more exciting.
Mom's all-time favourite place to fuck me was the living room, especially after she came up with the new house-rule that I wasn't allowed to wear any underwear in the house after six p.m. And breaking that, or any other house-rule, meant a bare-bottomed spanking -another new rule mom thought of.
Besides for fucking me, these new house rules also came in handy with her new passion for photography. Mom loved taking dirty pictures of me for her collection. And whenever she caught me wearing underwear in the evening, not only would I get a bare-bottomed spanking, but I also wouldn't be allowed to wear any clothes below the waist for the remainder of the evening.
This, of course, provided her with plenty opportunities to take pictures of me with my bare butt & pussy on display. Soon her collection contained many precious snapshots of me doing normal everyday things half-naked. Like the picture mom recently took of me doing the dishes, naked from the waist below. Or the one where I'm doing my homework (I didn't even know she took my picture that time). It clearly shows me completely focused on my homework while sitting bare-assed at the dinner table.
Anyhow, mom made good use of the new rules. Every evening she would casually walk up to me, and then order me to hold up my skirt, or pull down my pants, so she could check if I'm obeying her "no underwear rule". At this point I'd stand up and reveal my lower body to mom's eyes. If I was wearing any panties then they soon would be gone, and I'd be lying across mom's lap getting my bottom tanned, after which she'd fuck me up the ass.
And if I was naked underneath then mom usually rewarded my obedience with a pussy-lickin' - also followed with a good, hard butt-fucking.
So basically, if I was in the mood for a spanking then I'd keep my underwear on, and when I preferred to have my cunt licked I'd take my undies off.
One of mom's favourite ways to butt-fuck me, is to bend me across the back of the sofa and then take me from behind. That way we could watch TV while she fucked me.
Another popular spot for mom to fuck me was on the big leather chair. We had come up with a little ritual for this: After stripping naked, mom would put on the strap-on dildo and sit down on the chair. Completely naked as well, I'd kneel between her widely-splayed legs and give mom a "blowjob".
Once the dildo was dripping with my saliva, I would stand up and straddle the dildo (usually with my back to mom). Leaning on the armrests with my feet planted firmly on the seat cushion, I'd slowly sit down with mom aiming the tip of the rubber prick at my anal entrance.
By now, I had been fucked up the ass so often that even mom's giant dildo went all the way up my ass without much difficulty.
With my ass filled to the brim with rubber cock, mom would kiss me, caress my naked body and, of course, play with my tits while talking dirty to me, like telling me how much she loves fucking my tight little ass and calling me "Mommy's little ass-slut."
This always got me so hot that I'd start bouncing up and down on the dildo without any additional help. And while I'm merrily riding her cock, mom would play with my slit, clit and tits, sometimes using a vibrator instead of her hand.
Most of the time, mom's the one doing the actual fucking and I'm usually the one getting it up the ass -we both prefer it that way. But a couple of times a week, I get to fuck mom. And just like her, there are certain places & positions I prefer.
I guess my all-time favourite way to fuck my mother, is having her lie on her back with her knees placed against her shoulders. This position not only gives me easy access to both her holes, enabling me to switch between her pussy & asshole during fucking, but I can also look in mom's beautiful blue eyes, kiss her, and play with her tits while I pound that foot-long rubber prick into the hole of my choosing.
My second favourite position is to take her from behind while she's kneeling on all fours on the rug beside my bed, or downstairs in the living room in front of the TV. I always get a twisted pleasure out of calling her my bitch, spanking her ass, and watching her big tits bounce around beneath her while I pound her pussy or bugger her behind.
I also love a little role-play. One of the scenarios I enjoy most is pretending I'm a boy and mom's my girlfriend, or sometimes I played myself and mom my boyfriend. In both cases, I'd sneak her up to my room, really quiet so my mom wouldn't know I had a boy (or a girl) in my room. Still wearing most of our clothes, we'd have a heavy make-out session on my bed, kissing and groping each other while unbuttoning shirts, skirts or pants.
Once we're both naked, it would be time for a bit of oral sex... If I'm pretending to be a boy than mom would go down on me, but if mom's the boy I'd go down on her. However, since most of the time mom's the one doing the fucking, I usually choose the boy part in these little scenarios so I got to fuck her for a change.
While my "girlfriend" "sucked my cock", I played with her pussy and tits.
Once my cock and her pussy were both juiced up and ready, we'd fuck. And I loved fucking mom - I especially loved that I could screw her in any hole I wanted: her pussy, ass or mouth. Mom had restricted herself to just my ass & mouth since she considered it "too soon" to take my virginity. For some weird reason she wanted to wait until I was a little older, and then make a special day out of my deflowering.
Personally, I just wanted her to fuck me - preferably in ALL my holes - but if she feels it's too soon then I guess I just have to accept that.
Besides, I loved getting my ass fucked, and mom loved fucking it.
Still, I'm really looking forward to that special day mom has planned. And after much nagging, she finally named a date: my fifteenth birthday. On that day she's gonna take me out on a *real* date (in New York NOT in Star's Hollow), and afterwards she'll -at long last-make me a woman.
"And fuck you in any possible way I can think of," mom added in her very own delicate manner.
Dear Diary: I can hardly wait!
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