Tatum's Audition, Part 3

[ Mg, MMg, Mf, Mb, MMb, group, 1st, fg ]


Published: 29-Jul-2011

Word Count:

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This is another installment in a pure work of fiction and fantasy. If sex involving minors offends you, STOP READING AND LEAVE THIS SITE!

Tatum had spent the day with Edward and Danny in her "audition" for a record contract. They had used and abused the little girl's three holes until she would not be able to walk properly for a couple of days. As she emerged from Edward's private shower, she looked up at the man who had taken her virginity.

"What next, Mr. Edward?" the petite blonde asked.

"Tatum," he began, "Danny and I were just discussing that. You need a couple of days to rest before the next party. Tomorrow, you will be picked up by the limo driver at 9 and taken to a studio. There, you can start work on your first recording."

Tatum jumped excitedly. "Really? Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!" she giggled and hugged both men. "I guess I should get dressed now, huh?" she asked, realizing she was still completely nude.

Edward laughed at the 11 year old girl. "Sure, it's almost time for you to go. I think we can start with the song you sang for me on the first day. It will take a while to get it right, so don't be disappointed if you have to do it over and over..

"And Tatum, one other thing," he stopped her as she was pulling her yellow panties into place.

"Yes sir?" she wondered who else she would have to have sex with.

"My secretary will make the arrangements for you to have some publicity photos taken. We'll probably do that the first of next week. This weekend, we have a party you should attend."

This is it, she thought. Another man I have to satisfy. Oh well, I can do this. "Sure. How do I need to dress?" she answered.

"I'll need to talk to your mama. This party will be a bar-b-que with a western theme. We will introduce you to some of the other record executives we work with. I understand you have a younger brother, too. Is that right?"

"Yes sir, his name is Tony. He's 9."

"And do he and your mama support your ambitions?"

She thought for a moment. She knew what that meant and although they hadn't discussed it, she hoped they would.

"Yes sir! They both want me to do good!" she answered. She was still dressed in only her yellow panties, having stopped to talk with her new boss.

"Good! We'll make arrangements to bring him here, too. You will be given the details. The party will be at a ranch, so there will be a chance to ride horses and even swim. Would you like that?"

"Yes sir!" she gushed. "Me and Tony both like to ride horses! We just haven't been able to do it in a long time." Maybe this would be a legitimate party after all, she thought.

"Fine! It's settled then. If you don't have one, buy a bikini. We'll see you at the studio tomorrow.," he finished as he held her dress so she could slip into it.

He tied the ribbons on the shoulders, then gave her a passionate kiss. "I think you will be a hit at the party, and I have no doubt you will be a hit with your music, too." He patted her firm bottom as he gave her the encouragement.

"I agree," Danny told her. "I'm anxious to hear you in the studio tomorrow. We will be there for a while, so dress comfortably."

As she left the office, she saw her mama in the waiting area. Edward followed her out and introduced himself and Danny. The arrangements were made, and Edward had no doubt mama would cooperate. Donna Sue was an older version of Tatum, although with considerably more miles on her. She probably wasn't much past thirty, if that. While Tatum was in the studio the next day, she would be driven home to pick up Tony. If he looked anything like his sister, Edward thought, he would be a hit as well at the party.

They spent the entire day in the studio. Tatum was tired, but happy at the end of the day. She had been able to concentrate on her singing, and managed to finish the initial tracks for two songs. The instrumentalists would lay down their tracks and the engineers would mix everything together. Friday, she would go back for another session. Edward and Danny gave her some tips on keeping her voice healthy, and she left for the day. The driver had made it back from picking up little brother and was waiting when she exited the studio.

The siblings talked animatedly about the upcoming party. They stopped long enough to eat, then went to the hotel. Tony was visibly impressed with the furnishings. When he saw there were only two beds, he asked who he would sleep with.

"You can sleep with Tatum," Donna Sue told him. She shooed them off to their bedroom in the suite, and retired for the night, with her vibrator. She fantasized about the two men she had met earlier and wondered if she still had what it took to attract them.

As she worked herself to climax, she thought she heard giggling coming from the other room. Oh well, she thought, her and her cousin had been playing around when they were that age, and she had no doubt Tatum was no longer a virgin. As she fell asleep, she was thinking how much she would have loved to have seen her little girl lose her virginity.

Tony didn't waste much time in undressing. "Hey sis, do you need to practice some more?" he asked with the enthusiasm only a 9 year old can have.

"No, but we can still play, and I can show you some stuff too if you wanna learn some new stuff."

"Cool!" he shouted as he jumped nude onto the bed. He watched as his sister stripped out of her clothing and joined him. His little 3" cock was already hard in anticipation of what might happen. His eyes wondered as Tatum straddled her brother.

"What are you doin' sis?" he asked as she lowered herself onto his erection.

"Havin' fun. See how you like this." With that, she proceeded to show little Tony just what she had learned over the past few days. Although he didn't produce any sperm, he knew when that special moment hit. This was more fun than the suckin' she had been doin', he thought. Wait til she sees what Uncle Brandon had taught him! Well, he would have to have a man to do that, but she would prolly like it anyway.

Friday came and went with Donna Sue and Tony enjoying the sights and doing more shopping. Tatum worked on her recording. That evening, they discussed the party the next day.

"We're gonna get to ride horses, go swimmin' and eat lots of bar-b-que!" she told her family.

"And we'll prolly be doin' a lot more than that," her mama interjected. Both kids looked up. "I know you haven't told me everything, Tatum, and that's OK. I told you when we started out that you would prolly have to do stuff. That's why you practiced on little Tony there.

"There's gonna be lots of people, and I'm sure most of them will be men, if not all. Tony? I know how your uncle Brandon is. Did he teach you about suckin' on a man?"

Tony looked down, then back up. "Yes, Mama. He said I wasn't s'posed to say anythin' though. Am I in trouble?"

She hugged the little boy to her small chest (she was only a 34B herself). "No, but here's the deal. You may have to do that tomorrow. Did he put his thing in your bottom?"

Another nod and she knew. Her brother had always been bi, and she was pretty sure he had been playing with Tony. Now she knew.

"Since you've already had him in your butt, expect to do that if you're asked."

"It's not so bad, Tony. I've had it in mine already too. Not Uncle Brandon, but I've had one in me. Just relax, it'll be just fine!" Tatum encouraged her brother.

The Party

Donna Sue had purchased a new bikini for herself with a sundress to wear as a cover-up. She had packed some jeans and boots with a button-down shirt in the event she went riding. Tony was wearing a pair of jeans with boots and a western styled shirt and carried his new speedo-style trunks for swimming.

Tatum had her hair in a single ponytail. The girl had chosen to wear some extremely short denim shorts with a bandana print shirt tied below her budding breasts. On her feet were her favorite pair of cowboy boots. She really didn't expect to wear it for long, but had her new purple bikini in a bag. Her mama had cut the liner from the bottoms, telling her the men would like it that much more. Mama had been right so far.

The limo driver had turned down a long drive that ended in front of the biggest house any of this family had ever seen! There had to be three or four families living there, Donna Sue thought. She was already trying to imagine when her little girl would make it big and she could live in a place like this.

They were met at the door by a pretty teen girl dressed similarly to Tatum. She had long brunette hair in a pony tail and a big smile. Her exposed skin revealed she spent much of her time in the sun. She appeared to be around 14 or 15.

"Hi! I'm Naomi, Edward's daughter. Welcome to our home. You must be Donna Sue, Tatum and Tony. Everyone is out back by the pool." She turned to lead them through the massive house and they couldn't help but wonder if she had any idea what her daddy had been doing to the new "star" over the last few days.

"Hello everyone!" Edward greeted them. He was pleased to see how they were dressed, and knew a couple of his associates in particular would find little Tony to be extremely tempting. Introductions were made all around and drinks were served. Tatum and Tony visited with Naomi until they were called for lunch.

Tatum noticed none of the men seemed particularly interested in her sexually, and she was beginning to feel relaxed. Maybe what she had done with Edward and Danny would be all she would have to do. That thought didn't last long, however.

While dessert was being served,. Naomi suggested the siblings change into their swim wear. She led them into the cabana next to the pool. Tony expected her to wait outside, but instead, the pretty girl walked over to him and began to unbutton the boy's shirt.

"Let me help get you out of this, Tony. I'm glad Daddy invited you today, too. I was beginning to think he had forgotten to bring someone for me to play with. You don't mind do you?"

Tony was turning red, but allowing the pretty teen to undress him. Tatum laughed at his discomfort, but started to strip out of her clothes as well.

"What do you mean, 'someone for you to play with,' Naomi?" she asked the girl.

"Oh come on! Every time a new girl wants a record deal, Daddy screws her in his office, then invites them out here. Usually it's just the girl and her mom, and the girl really doesn't have any talent.

"You're different," she told the shocked girl as she unzipped Tony's jeans. "I've seen your video. You have a great voice. I agree with Daddy and Uncle Danny. You're gonna do great."

"You've, you've seen my video?" she stuttered.

"Don't be shocked. Daddy showed me the first night, then showed me the ones he made with Uncle Danny. And by the way, he's not really my uncle. I just call him that. He was there when Daddy took my cherry. He took me second. I've done all the men here today. I just sometimes want to do someone with a smaller cock, ya know?"

With that, she pulled Tony's jeans and shorts completely down, exposing his now hard cock. Naomi dropped to her knees and took the entire shaft into her mouth.

Tatum watched, her eyes wide. She had never watched anyone else do this before, and especially to he brother! Tony was a sight to behold. His jeans and briefs were bunched around the top of his boots, and he was holding Naomi's head as she bobbed on his little cock. She was even sucking his ball sack! Even Tatum hadn't done that before! It wasn't long before he was groaning and humping to meet the teen's mouth. She surprised him when she reached behind him to push a finger into his bottom. That made the funny feeling come over him and he giggled as the tingles swept through his body.

"There, that should keep you from being hard as soon as you walk out. Thanks for letting me suck you, Tony. Maybe later you can do stuff to me if you want."

He just nodded his head, still amazed the pretty teen had just sucked him in front of his sister. Tatum broke him out of his trance when she slapped him on the shoulder playfully and told him to "get with the program."

"Did your daddy really take your cherry, Naomi?" Tatum asked. She had completely undressed now and was adjusting her new bikini. The top barely covered her breast mounds, but then again she didn't have much to cover. Naomi answered her as she helped adjust the bottoms. She was pulling the suit higher and adjusting the ties so her pussy mound was covered in the front (although you could see the outline clearly) and most of her bottom was exposed in the back.

"Yep. My mom left before Daddy made his company as big as it is today. I haven't seen her since I was 3. We started playing around one day, and before long I was sleeping in his bed every night. He taught me lots, and Uncle Danny and the other guys have taught me more. And I guess I should ask, Tatum. Have you ever done more than 1 guy?"

Tatum explained their experiences so far and Naomi continued. "Today, you're prolly gonna have more than that. Don't worry, though. It's no big deal. You'll stretch. And Tony, I hope you don't mind doin' stuff with a guy. Some of the men only like boys. They spend lots of money on Daddy's clients, so they will expect you to play, too." The boy nodded. He was now wearing his new speedo trunks.

"All set? Then let's introduce you to everyone" Naomi told the pair as she ushered them out to their next adventure.

The men applauded when the trio returned to the pool area. Donna Sue had already made a friend and disappeared into the house. Her kids didn't even notice she was gone. One of the men introduced himself to Tony as Ben and invited the boy to join him at the other end of the pool area.

Tatum was stopped by Edward, who introduced her to some of his companions. Naomi went over to Danny and sat on his lap. Tatum noticed the couple immediately started kissing and those large hands she remembered so well had untied Naomi's top and was fondling her breast. The teen was grinding her hips into the man's crotch. Her attention was returned to the men who were untying her bikini. Why did she bother to even wear it, she wondered as the thin material dropped to the ground.

She was pushed gently to the ground and knew what was expected. There were four men around her and that meant four cocks to be enjoyed and serviced. As she released the first one, she noticed the other men stripping out of their clothing.

The pretty blonde took the first cock into her mouth and started to suck. It was larger than the other two men she had experienced, and as a result, was only able to get about three/fourths of it into her mouth.

She felt someone behind her and spread her legs. She had already been in this position enough to know what to expect. Sure enough, a cock slid into her cunny, which was already wet. She didn't have enough experience to realize how her body works to prepare her for sexual activity, but she did know whoever was fucking her was doing a good job!

The other men around her were trying to get her attention. She pulled their cocks and they understood. They all took seats on the ground, and Tatum moved from one cock to the next, giving each one attention while she was steadily being pounding from behind. She swallowed her first load as the man in her pussy held still and she felt the familiar warmth of hot cum flooding her cunny.

One of the men on the ground in front of her moved to replace the cock that had just left. That allowed the little girl to turn her attention to the last man. Her jaws were sore, but she continued to suck, taking the entire length of his shaft into her throat. She felt the man behind her pump in and out of her cunny a few times before spreading her ass cheeks. A deep breath and she relaxed as the head of his cock "POPPED" past the tight anal ring and his cum-slicked cock slid into her.

The initial pain over, she returned to her job sucking the man in front of her. She felt her own orgasm building from the stimulation she was receiving from the fucking and sexual atmosphere. Soon, she was bucking against the man's cock in her ass as the cock in her mouth erupted. Swallowing greedily, she took it all in without missing a drop.

The man in her tight ass grunted and held still as he unloaded into her bowels. Panting, he slid his cock out with a plop and lay on the ground next to her. No words were said as the men caught their breath. Tatum, being younger, recovered much more quickly and started to suck the first man again. She was stopped and flipped over onto her back.

When she looked up, Naomi was standing there, nude in front of her. "My turn Tatum," she told the youngster as she knelt down and began to lap at the cum flowing from Tatum's pussy and ass.

This was another new experience for the girl, as she had never done anything with another girl. She loved the feeling and felt those good feelings return. Her fingers moved to tweak and pull at her nipples, but were pushed to the side by men who replaced fingers with mouths. That drove her over the edge and she humped her face against Naomi as she came hard.

Naomi wasn't to be left out. Danny was now behind her and pushing inside the teen. As Tatum recovered, she reached for a cock she noticed hanging next to her. The cock belonged to one of the men sucking on her nipples. When she looked over at the second man, she saw Tony on all fours sucking that cock. There was a man behind her little brother sliding his man-meat in and out of little Tony's bum. A second man was under Tony sucking on his erect cock.

Mama walked out of the house with her lover and watched in awe as her two kids were being fucked and licked. What she saw the kids hadn't noticed was the video cameras. Everything was being recorded!

That thought bothered her for about two seconds as she remembered the check she had just put in her purse. Her lover was the man Edward had suggested she use as an agent for Tatum. The first advance royalty check was secure in her possession. She hadn't been sexually satisfied herself in a long time. Her little girl was turning out to be a bigger asset than she ever imagined.

Now, where could she find a free cock? She was feelin' horny again watching everyone havin' fun. She turned to the man beside her. He was still soft. A quick kiss and she walked, nude, to the group by the pool. Surely someone could satisfy her there.

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Great XXXXXciting story!
Slave Parker


Didnt liked the gay part the other things were amazing


Loved the whole story including the gay parts. They just added a little extra to the story. Great writing. I love all your stories. Keep up the great work.

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