Megan Learns To Model, Part 1

[ nosex, teen, 1st ]

Published: 14-Jul-2011

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

I had recently come into some very good money, and decided to splurge on something to help me with my lifelong perversions. I have always enjoyed younger girls, and now, I am able to "ply my trade" so to speak, a little easier.

You see, I saw an article in a magazine about a motor home that had been converted for use as a digital editing studio for the big movie makers out in southern Cali. I decided to try some of my own brand of "movie making," using me as the only male star, for now.

I drove my newly purchased RV to a different city and started at the mall. This new bad-boy was equipped with enough cameras and digital editing equipment to make some producers jealous. It also had a large bed in the back, full shower and a small kitchen. A visit to a print shop for some bogus business cards, and I was ready to go hunting.

It was fairly easy to find my first contestant. Approaching the food court, I could see her sitting off to the side. Watching for a few minutes, there didn't appear to be anyone else around. She looked to be about 12-13, shoulder length brunette hair, small breasts concealed in a t-shirt with some popular logo. She had braces and wore small glasses which was enough to make me want to fantasize during a jack off session! As I neared her table, she looked up and nervously smiled when she saw me. I said hello and asked if I could talk for a moment. She nodded and I took the chair across from her.

"Hi, I'm Rob."

"I'm Megan," she said softly.

"Hi, Megan. I'm a photographer and I'm looking for some new talent." I handed her one of my cards and held up the digital camera that I had carried in with me. "Have you ever considered modeling?"

She laughed nervously before she replied: "Me? Why would I think about it. I'm not pretty enough to be a model. And to be honest, I shouldn't be talking to you anyway. I don't know you. You could be some kinda creep or perv or something."

If she only knew! I gave a little chuckle before I told her she was right to be cautious, but I really was a photographer and wanted to take some pics of everyday girls. If she was interested and my clients picked up her photos, she could make some serious coin.

I had her attention now. A little more small talk revealed her dad had been laid up because of a work-related injury. She had no idea where her mom was. Her dad had only let her come to the mall because it was close to their house and she could still watch her sister for a little while (little sis was at the movies with friends who paid for her and she would meet later). He was very considerate and knew she needed some time out of the house. Her sister? 11. Perfect!

As we were talking, I took the camera from the case and snapped a few shots, allowing her to see the results on the digital screen. She finally conceded and said she would let me take some practice shots. We walked around the mall and I snapped pics with her looking at clothes and different exhibits that were set up. I wanted her to be at ease, and she was quickly warming to me.

"Megan?" I began. As she turned to me, I snapped one more. "Would you be interested in modeling some clothes? You're doing great with the camera. If we use some different clothes, I think you will have a better chance at being picked up. You can use your own, or I have some in my mobile studio. Or," I quickly interjected, "we can pick out some things here and you can model them."

"You have a mobile studio?" she asked.

"Yes, it's in the parking lot. I have some clothes there if you want to take a look. I think most of them would fit you."

She looked doubtful at first, but finally consented. We walked out to my RV. Her eyes widened when she saw it. It was pretty impressive, and I was very proud of it. I had waited a long time for this.

"This is huge!" she exclaimed.

I unlocked it with a remote, and opened the door, stepping back so she could climb the short steps inside. Her jeans weren't tight by any means, but I did enjoy the look of them stretched across her bottom while she went in ahead of me. A locked door behind me and we were inside.

Megan looked around at all the equipment. In the front, it looked mostly business, with only a love seat and the 2 desks and chairs for them. I told her to wait and I would see what I might have in her size.

She sat on the love seat and waited patiently as I walked into the bedroom/studio. I pulled a few things from the closet, and switched on the hidden cameras I had requested be installed. Then I returned to my model.

"Ok, Megan, I laid some things out for you on the bed. Go take a look and let me know what you think. There's several to choose from. When you're changed, just give me a yell and I'll come in. Oh, and don't worry about shoes. For now, we'll just do shots pretty much from thigh-level up."

She nervously stood and walked down the short hallway. I heard the door closed and I'm sure she thought she would have privacy. I turned on my computer monitor as soon as I heard the click.

I had purposely laid out two skirts and tops, two bikinis, a schoolgirl outfit and two modest pj sets. She looked at each outfit carefully, then decided on one of the skirts with a matching top. Nothing too revealing, but it was a start and it would show off her legs very nicely. Those legs came into view along with a pair of green bikini panties. A very sexy little bottom, I noticed as my cock started to grow.

Megan pulled off her top. A simple white bra covering those small, perfect breasts. Once the new top was in place, she turned to open the door. I turned off the monitor and greeted her as she walked back to the living area.

"Wow, Megan! You look great. I just got that outfit from a customer, and I had no idea it could look so sexy!" Of course, I exaggerated, but it was worth it. She was visibly embarrassed, and twirled around slowly while I snapped pics. She had kept her ankle socks on, and it had a stunning effect.

"Do you really think so, Rob? It's not that special." she told me, still spinning around. I put the camera down and walked over to her. Lifting her chin with one hand, I used my other to unbutton the top 2 buttons of her shirt.

"I think it's amazing. What would make it better, is if it was a little shorter. Can you roll the waist down a little and shorten it? You have great legs and a great smile. Your skin is smooth and perfect. We'll only do what you're comfortable with, but remember, smooth skin sells."

She thought about it for a couple of seconds, chewing on her bottom lip. She turned away from me and fiddled with her skirt. I could see more of her bare thighs as she rolled it over twice. It was now only a couple of inches below her hips. When she turned around, her shirt was unbuttoned except for one, which was over her bra.

"How's this? Enough skin for this outfit?" Her big brown eyes were soft and sexy. Her voice was soft and an almost whisper.

I picked up the camera and started snapping pics. "Perfect, Megan. Absolutely perfect!" I had her pose in a few different positions, including some more seductive ones which showed her green panties and the tops of her creamy breasts.

"I can't believe you've never modeled before, Megan. You are such a natural in front of the camera."

She giggled, and blushed, and continued moving around. She evidently had watched a lot of movies with models, and moved the way she thought she was supposed to do. I was fine with it, and was catching a lot of great shots. After a few more minutes, I had her take a break.

"How about something to drink, and you can change outfits." She nodded and brushed the hair from her eyes. As she sat, her legs spread slightly and I caught another view of her green panties. I don't think she realized it, and probably wasn't even used to wearing skirts. I handed her a soft drink and sat in my desk chair.

After a couple of minutes, she jumped up and went back to the bedroom. The door clicked shut, and I turned on the monitors once more. I had purposely turned the air condition down to have an effect on her nipples. And it worked. As she peeled off her shirt, her nipples were very pronounced under her simple bra.

She chose the other skirt and top. Before leaving the room, she examined herself in the mirror and made sure the skirt was short enough. The top was a pullover, but she rolled the bottom up and under so her stomach was showing. Once more, I turned off the monitor as she walked back to me.

"Awesome! Megan, you are one beautiful girl. I'm so glad I noticed you today. You are exactly what my newest customer is looking for."

Another blush and she ducked her head. "They must not be looking for anything special. Do you really think I'm that pretty." She looked up at me, her head still lowered.

"I do, and you have a simplicity that makes you even sexier." I started snapping shots as we talked. I had her stand in front of a "green screen" so I could use a different backdrop later. A few more shots, and she was moving the way I wanted. Kneeling on the floor, I could capture some of the "upskirt" shots many customers (including me) loved to see.

As I was thinking about asking her to show more, her cell phone rang.

"Hello? Ok, I'll be there in about 20. I'm at the other end of the mall. Don't worry about it. I've just been killing time." She gave me a grin as she sat back on the couch, still holding the phone.

More pics showing those green panties and her smile. As she disconnected, I sat the camera down.

"I guess you have to go now?"

"Yeah, that was my little sis. She's out of the movie and we have to go home soon. I guess I should go change." A disappointed look on her face melted my heart.

"I hope you've enjoyed today, Megan. You were great. I'll get these on my computer and sent to the customer. If he wants more, how can I contact you?"

Her face brightened. "I had a GREAT time, Rob. Thanks for coming up and talking to me. I'll give you my cell and you can call me. Do you really think he'll like me?" The words all ran together as she stood and gave me another view.

"I think he'll love you, Megan. Do you think you can meet me again in the next couple of days?"

"Well, Daddy usually will let us go if we promise to stay together. It gives him quiet so he can rest."

"Will your sis have something to do, or will she need to hang out with you?" I asked her.

Shrugging her shoulders, she replied: "If she knew what I was doing, she might want to do it too. Maybe I can convince her to go to the movies again."

"Tell you what," I began as I reached into my wallet. "I'm so sure my customers will want your pics, I'm willing to give you an advance. Here's $200 bucks. Give some to her and tell her if she can keep a secret you'll let her know the details later. Will that work?"

"$200! Really!" she squealed as she took the money. "I'm sure she can keep a secret. She might want to make some money, too," she repeated.

"I'll take a look at her after our next session. Remember, this is an advance. I'll probably be calling you tomorrow and set something up for the following day, OK?"

"OK, Mr. Rob. I'll get changed." With that, she ran back down the hall. Of course, I turned on the monitor and recorded her changing. Adjusting my cock as I stood, I met her when she returned, then walked her to the mall entrance. She turned and gave me a hug before running in to meet little sis. This would work out just fine.

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Great stoy so far please continue it soon.!!!!!!


I like, I like! Now I will have to read your other stuff. Damn the luck! :)


can't wait

cummy cunnies

You are not half as naughty as you should be.

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