A Photographer's Delight

[ Mg, ped, voy, reluc ]

by Obmuj


Published: 19-May-2011

Word Count:

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show Story Summary
This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Nancy Anne Postle peddled her new mountain bike down the bike path alongside the river. The path was paved and wide enough for bikes to pass safely. Every quarter mile the path had a pull over where one could relax, wade in the water along the shore line of the river, where the water wasn't to deep. Some visiting the park would fish for dinner.

The sylphlike 12 year old girl's hair tied in a ponytail, flowed out behind her. Looking at the young girl's lovely hazel colored hair with light brown intricate curls flowed trailed out behind her and which she had tied close to her head. Still a child, although her face appeared to make her seem older, Nancy had a natural smile that caught everyone's attention she met or knew.

Many of them observing the girl were undoubtedly drawn to her unnatural beauty. Some attempted in what they considered their best acts of personal behavior, even if obscene to draw her immediate attention to have her stop to speak with them.

Some words and actions by ill mannered youths or wicked older men Nancy understood and ignored. Mostly she was innocent to the point that she didn't comprehend comments made in poor taste. Mostly the lovely girl simply walked by and smiled at those she didn't wish to be near or speak with.

Her youthful body was developing into what would assuredly become truly lovely. So much so that if she followed in her mother's beauty and body contour, there was no doubt Nancy would be a future Miss Something or a state beauty queen.

This morning as she dressed after her bath, Nancy studied her pointed and less than AA-Cup breasts. Actually she thought I'm not even an AAA-cup. Nancy noted there wasn't the first sign of hair beginning to crown her mons pubis. Not only was there no hairs and she laughed at the fact not even fuzz crowned the fatty area above her sex.

In a moment of additional humor, she wrote a note on her bathroom vanity mirror with her eyeliner, "Be sure to glue some hair on you know what this evening. Important." Then Nancy considered removing the message from the mirror in the event her mother should see her personal note of humor to her self. "Heck, mom will find the humor in my "problem" as only a couple weeks ago I asked her when I would get hair on my sex."

Now as she coasted to a stop at one of her favorite spots to walk down and watch the flowing water. Nancy noted the man seated on the ground and leaning against where she always parked her bike. Nancy loved this spot and enjoyed the sounds of the water rushing against and over the river rocks. One thing that the young girl enjoyed see was how the park department and local residents had planted lovely flowers in the surrounding grass area.

Locking her bike in the rack, Nancy walked with an assured step to where the man was seated. As she approached him, she couldn't help but notice the man was attractive and likely the most handsome male she had ever looked upon.

The man smiled, and in her normal courteous demeanor, returned the visual greeting. "Hi, I see you found my favorite spot along the river," Nancy said with her bubbling enthusiasm before she stopped about three feet from where the man relaxed and she noticed he looked up and down her body, from her feet and up to her hair and back.

Nancy was aware of the personal space factor and attempted to keep at least three feet between her self and whoever she was near, if the conditions allowed such distance between herself and others.

"Darn and I believed all along this was my personal space in Heaven right here on Earth," the man replied with a broad smile across his face.

"Sorry, but it's mine. Tell you what though," Nancy said with a wide grin on her perky face, "it is so lovely, I guess I can share it with you. Deal?"

"I'll try not to steal it all, and will share it with such a lissome young lady. Has anyone told you that you're truly a lovely young woman?" and added, "Sit with me; I haven't had such a nice companion for a considerable time."

Having been warned repeatedly about speaking with strangers and dangers of being with someone she didn't know, Nancy decided this man was nice. Anyone who found her fav-spot in the world beautiful couldn't be bad.

The man was wearing dark sunglasses with large "DG" emblems on each stem. See the gold DG emblem on the sunglasses the man was wearing she thought, "Wow, those are Dolce Gabbana shades and very expensive," she said to her self. Nancy knew what the DG stood for because her father had a similar pair. Plus her mother purchased this designer's clothing and other items. Looking at the man's shorts, slacks and shoes noted they were also designer label items.

The large frames on the man's sunglasses and the way the kind of wrapped around the side of his face to protect his eyes from the sunlight prevented Nancy from seeing the man's eyes. Had Nancy been able to see the man's eyes, she would have seen they were fastened on viewing the legs beneath the short skirt the sylph like preteen was wearing. The skirt Nancy was attired in had a loose fit with a ruffle design around the hem. This permitted the man to view under her skirt and enjoy the pale green panties that were partially visible to his eyes.

Today Nancy had dressed to match the spiritual being she considered herself to be. Today Nancy believed she was a dryad and a spiritual wood nymph. One thing Nancy enjoyed was pretending she lived during the times told of in Greek mythology. "Yes, I'm a fairy that lived in the shady green forests, and I rested on thick green moss," she told her self.

The skirt she was wearing she'd purchased in a high line fashion department store. When she saw the skirt on display in the store it reminded her of the skimpy clothing fairies wore in her books. When reading or looking at the artistic renderings in her books on fairies that she collected, Nancy would study those that dealt with her favorite "pretend friends."

From the time she was old enough to look at books, Nancy's mother indulged her with such books, believing it was a way for her daughter to increase her knowledge of the world. Nancy's bedroom was decorated with prints of fairy type creatures and several dolls of the mythology based creates were scatted on her bed.

Unknown to Nancy her skirt was bunched up to the extent the man could view under the garment covering her lower body and the narrow front of the panties she was wearing was visible to his gaze. This provided him a vision of her young charms and the fact one side of her panty had slipped over and was splitting her hairless slit and allowing him to see something no male had ever before gazed upon.

Only a couple of males had ever enjoyed scrutinizing her body before to such an extent, and unknown to the trusting preteen, the type of stranger she had been warned to stay away from, was becoming turned-on with the young girlish favors hidden inside the narrow band of light green material exposing half of her pubic area.

On his part, the man had to question if the girl was aware he could see the pale green garment wasn't complete covering her sex. Had she known her panty was available for the man to view half of her pussy, Nancy would have been tremendously embarrassed. Her right labium was displayed and a small part of her sex was also displayed to show its pink like interior.

Although she liked wearing the latest trend in clothing, Nancy understood that at times she had trouble when her skirts or dresses being so short they revealed tremendous amounts of her overly long preteen shapely legs.

There were times when her skirts or dresses provided anyone who took the time to look, a vast expanse of skin covering her round hips. Like other girls her age, Nancy enjoyed the apparent lack of modesty when it came to hiding her body from the eyes of some boy, including those older males who winked at her in a subtle manner.

Boys she knew and some she didn't spoke to her and her girlfriends at the mall and would express their comments that her legs were superb. One older male spoke to her one day as she sat having a burger, fries and a soft drink at Mickey D's and wanted her to open her legs wider. Recalling the time, she remembered she was to have met up with her friend Diane Johnson. Diane never showed up so she decided to eat lunch while she waited for a while to see if her friend showed up.

While eating, she got the feeling someone was starring at her. The preteen looked and noticed the man at the table directly across from her was looking under her table. Knowing she was wearing one of her short skirts, Nancy saw him smile and say, "Marvelous legs you have, Pretty One. Would you open then a little more?' and at the moment Nancy understood she was holding her legs spread wide apart.

Nancy remember thinking, "Gee whiz, the man is able to view my panties because I've got my legs spread apart as they danced around under the table. Instead of being embarrassed and either leaving the restaurant or moving to another table, she smiled at the man and did even more than he asked.

After looking around and seeing no one could observe her, Nancy took advantage of the fact and parted her delicate young legs evidently wider than the man expected. Reaching her fingers down to her panty, she first scratched at the crotch and then eased her finger tips in the material of her thong and pulled it over to the opposite side. She watched the man apparently choke on the bite of sandwich he had just bitten off.

Nancy had held the crotch of her panty to one side for at least five minutes and allowed the man to see all of her young charms. Only when she saw others approaching her out of the corner of her eye did she remove her fingers and close her legs tight together. When she got up from the table, she opened her legs as wide as possible and allowed her crotch to be displayed and knew that she had left her panties pulled to one side. So let him have one last look she recalled thinking at the time.

From that moment on, Nancy became aware of having advantage over the opposite sex, but never displayed her sex to anyone as she had the man in the restaurant. When she left Mickey D's the man attempted to follow her and she went back inside the restaurant until she saw him drive away.

There was a hidden knowledge she didn't understand about the opposite sex looking at her young body, but she had the intelligence young girls learn to attract the opposite sex. Including the newly found pleasure young girls have teasing boys and adult males if and when she can without being caught in the act.

One boy, Tad Garrison, was a couple years old than she, and told her many times, "Hey Nancy, if you ever want to make out, let me know. Boy I love you legs. I just saw your yellow panties. And from the back, could see your wearing a thong. Great hips girl!" Turning and looking at Tad, she smiled and told him, "You are a nasty boy Tad, but I like you."

To her surprise Tad moved so he was standing behind her and he reached out and lightly patted her buttock under her skirt. When his finger moved between her butt cheeks and his fingers moved under her body until they found the center of her panties and pressing his fingers against her sex.

For a moment Nancy stood and enjoyed the first feel of a boy's fingers on her body. Seeing a couple of girls walking around the coroner and toward where she and Tad were standing by the lockers she moved from his touching her. Thank God I had my locker door open or someone would have seen me being felt up, she had told her self that day.

After that she had permitted Tad to reach beneath her skirt and wiggle his fingers all over the crotch of her panty. On one of those occasions she had done so in the garage of her home, and with no one besides her was home. She permitted him to touch her private area for several minutes.

When Tad slid his fingers inside her panty she felt him trying to shove it up inside her and she became scarred and thought they were having sex. She had turned eleven a couple of days before when that experience occurred and Nancy became fearful that she would become pregnant and told him he could only touch her on the outside of her panties.

For more time than she knew the boy had played with her panties and once again slipped his finger under the material. For a moment she permitted him to play with her thing, and even push his finger up into her body.

Perhaps a minute of this foreplay took place and when a strange feeling moved through her young sex, Nancy moved so his finger came out of her sex. Somehow she found out that a girl doesn't get pregnant by a boy sticking his finger in a girl and she became receptive to Tad touching her.

After that she permitted Tad to play with her as she wasn't scarred he would push his finger in her and she would become pregnant. Sometimes Tad pushed his finger in her and it hurt and she would make him take it out. When he promised not to hurt her she allowed him to finger her sex again. This became something she liked and kept promising Tad she would let him put his thing in her, but by the time she decided to let him, he and his parents had moved.

Now as she and the man relaxed in the park along the river, the man's eyes moved to view the small puffy area of her breasts that pressed out under her shirt. The shirt buttoned up the front, and was actually a belly blouse. The man noted the tan shirt fit smugly and showed she had small breasts buds that must have just started to grow on her chest and didn't shove out further than an inch. She is a very tall girl he noticed and could definitely be a model. I wonder what her mother looks like... most likely one beautiful woman, if her daughter is so ideal.

The man pointed to a spot near where he wished the cute lass to sit; then asked, "How about you sit down there? And would you be so nice as to face me so I may look at your fetching and adorable face? With the river and the patches of flowers between you and the water I will be able to capture some wonderful photographs of you."

Reaching in the small bag by his side took out a camera and asked, "You don't mind if I take a couple of photos of you, do you... what is your name? You're lovely and as the camera is digital, so you will be able to view what I've taken immediately."

"Sure, I guess that would be okay - my name is Nancy," she remarked without fear in allowing a stranger to take her photo. After all she reasoned, we're in public and people are passing by all the time while we sit here.

Taking close-up of Nancy's face and requesting she turn her face in various directions. In one shot Andréa caught only a small fraction of her face in the photo. The portrait type shot caught her hair as the focal point in the prism and the camera's lens reflected the image and beauty of the girl's hazelnut colored hair. The photo and the lighting from the sun and with the flash set for fill, it highlighted Nancy's ponytail.

Andréa could see the natural beauty of the girl and believed he had an award winning photo. How do I go about using this photo without her parents' permission? No doubt they'll be very upset if they discover their daughter allowed an unknown man to photograph the preteen.

"Perfect. I can't believe how the sun and shadows show the loveliness and highlights of your hair and illuminated by the sun's rays. Nancy, look at how shimmering and shinning your hair is across your head. Notice the beautiful way your tresses reflect their lovely coloring," he stated while showing Nancy the image on the camera's LCD screen, before adding, "I can't wait to see this photo printed."

"Gee, that is a terrific photo of me... you must make me a copy. Please, I can meet you the day after tomorrow to get the picture. Will you do that for me? You make me look beautiful," Nancy said in an earnest voice and not one that could be considered bragging about her attractiveness.

"Yes, I would love to make a copy for you. Let me take a few more," Andréa remarked and was again taking shots of the lovely girl. This time he asked she pose with her right leg pulled back and to rest her head on her arms that rested on her knee. Without her being aware of what he asked, Nancy was positioned so her panties were visible to his camera lens.

Shooting her in various angles, and moving her legs in different positions, the preteen girl was exposing her inner thighs and between her legs, covered by her panties. Asking her, "Nancy, how about you stand up and rest your arm against the tree? No, move your arm down the tree another couple inches... perfect."

The camera was capturing shots of her preteen crotch, and Andréa knew the girl had no idea of what he was shooting. Instead, after viewing the head shot, he knew the girl loved how she appeared so pretty in the photos.

This permitted Nancy to move and pose however the man wished. Nancy was unaware her thong had slipped over and one side of her labia was in view. Had she known it is certain Nancy wouldn't have been so willing to move into the poses she was asked to do? For the next fifteen minutes, Nancy was enraptured with the idea of being a model.

Knowing young girls loved thinking they'd be discovered and be the next world's top-model, this girl was assuredly worthy of that distinction, Andréa thought. Plus she'd loved hearing him expressing how terrific she appeared as he moved her from one pose to another, and she was certainly lovely.

Andréa decided to go for broke and asked, "Nancy, I know of a place just a short distance from here that would be ideal for some terrific outdoor shots. Would you like to pedal your bike with me and allow me to do a few more photos of you?"

"I'm not supposed to go someplace with a strange man, but hey, this is fun and you're a nice man. You're a terrific photographer, but you know that anyway; right?" and took her bike from where she had placed it while being photographed. "I'm ready, wish I had other clothes with me."

He wasn't surprised when he heard the girl relate her mother was the state beauty queen and was second in some national contest. Hearing the girl's comment about her mother, he could understand why this girl was truly lovely and so composed for such a young girl. Andréa asked, "How old are you Nancy?" while pedaling his bike alongside the girl.

"12... my birthday was three weeks ago yesterday. Next year I will be a teenager. Man I can't wait to be a teen and especially sixteen so I can get my driver's license," Nancy replied.

When he dropped in behind Nancy as a bike was approaching from the opposite direction, he noticed that her skirt would flip up and reveal the back of her buttocks. The small strip of material from her thong panty allowed her buttocks to show as they were parted by the bike seat. Taking his camera in his hand, he told Nancy, "Turn around and smile at me, but don't wreck your bike."

With the motor drive running, Andréa was certain he had some terrific shots of her young butt exposed while her skirt flowed out and up as she peddled in front of him.

Within a short time of peddling, they were moving away from most bikers as the majority of people turned around and headed back down the path. In a few more miles Andréa remarked, "At the next turn off take a left and be careful as there are loose stones that can bounce you pretty good. Once I hit a rock and bent my wheel. I had to carry my bike back to my car, okay Miss Nancy?" and they turned off the bike path and headed up a small dirt path.

"Yeah, I know. I've been up this path before, but I'm on my mountain bike so it doesn't bother me like it might you," she replied.

"You've got that right. Guess I need to get myself a bike like yours."

Then Nancy asked, "Do you know the spot where the rocks makes a small circle about half way up that hill we can see ahead?"

"Sure do and that is where I thought we could do some photos. The scenery from that spot shows the river for several miles, and also the hills in the distance makes a lovely backdrop," and Andréa thought how lucky he was the girl knew where he wanted to take her. Plus he thought, "With luck she will be nude in fifteen minutes and I can see all of her youthful charms."

After pushing their bikes up the sloping hill from the dirt path, they were soon in the center of the small natural amphitheater. Leaning their bikes against some rocks they decided to take a break and enjoy a drink of the water they had on the bikes.

Taking two plastic vials from the side pocket of his oversized fanny pack, he reached behind the bike and opened an insolated bag he carried cold bottles of water in which were flavored drinks. Pulling the tab on aluminum can, he carefully poured some powder into the drink, and also emptied an ounce or more of vodka in the drink and handed it to the inspecting girl.

Nancy didn't notice Andréa slip the liquid or small amount of powder in the can of energy drink he offered her. Andréa slipped only half of a milligram of the date rape drug Rohypnol in the drink he handed Nancy, and hoped it and the vodka would bring the girl to a position where he could do with her as he wished.

Thinking Nancy is young and the amount should be sufficient of the drug to render her unknowingly acceptable to sex. Andrea knew Rohypnol was the more popular of the date rape benzodiazepine drugs. Having slipped the drug in other young girls' drinks to get then in the mood to be photographed nude and then to engage in sex with them, Andréa knew Nancy shouldn't be any different mount, except she was young - very young for sex he thought.

In the past the girls were eighteen or older, although Chelsea something or the other was only sixteen. Smiling inwardly he remembered she had been a regular little whore who informed him he must pay fifty dollars for her charms.

Thinking how she had told him, "Normally I get a hundred for doing guys your age." To even up the score, he gave her an extra pill and discovered later she OD and was found parked in her car at an interstate road side park.

When the state police searched her personal items the news report indicated they found the young girl had three Ecstasy pills in her purse. There were also evidence of marijuana and a crack pipe in her vehicle. The autopsy showed she had overdosed on the illegal date rape drugs. Andrea had always felt the extra three pills he had slipped in her purse were worth the expense.

He loved placing the date rape drug in the drinks of older women, be it a cocktail or whatever drink the women were having. Finding that giving this drug to unsuspecting older females he overcome any resistance they presented when he attempted to take them to bed after at times a wicked set of photos.

Without a doubt on many occasions the drugs facilitate rape on his behalf. One drawback he found when using the drug was how the woman might not be consciences enough to make the sex good. Never the less, he recalled one woman who refused his offer for any nude poses, although she loved to meet him for dinner or cocktails, and pose for teasing photographs, but stopped short of undressing, even down to her bra or panties.

The woman was a stunning forty-six year old divorcee who loved to tell him each time he attempted to bed her or see her nude when doing her photos, "You must believe me, but when I met Bernie my ex, I was a virgin on my wedding night. After divorcing the shit seven years ago I have not been with another man, and won't be until I'm married once again."

Looking at the woman, and seeing how attractive and trim she was, he found it hard to believe she hadn't been bedded in seven years. When he was at her home doing some photos of her, and she had dressed in her workout clothes, he was even more in want to bed her.

Sophia Coen was "stacked as the proverbial outhouse" with her long legs which were perfect symmetrical in shape. They taped in perfect dimension from her waist line to her ankles, and her feet were the small and meaty type instead of the long bony shape he found revolting to view and from a personal desire, he could never bring himself to caress a woman's foot if it was structured with long bony features.

One Sunday afternoon they were swimming in the pool at his home and she was wearing a one piece bathing suit that was a French cut with the sides cut high on the sides and small across her mid-section, with only a small piece of material over her sex. It was for certain that she didn't trim her bush completely and the hair on the sides of her sex showed, as did part of the patch crowing her mons.

When she asked him to fix her a Bloody Mary cocktail, he was finally able to slip a Rohypnol pill in her drink and stir the drink until he was certain it had blended with the cocktail. For the next half hour he joked with Sophia and watched the pill taking effect.

When he moved to where she was standing in the pool sipping her Bloody Mary, he hugged her and she didn't make any effort to stop his personal contact with her body. Even when feeling her breasts and between her legs, Sophia did nothing to hinder his feeling her body and simply leaned against him.

Ten minutes later they were on his bed and he was riding the luscious body of the divorcee and hearing her cry out the satisfaction she was receiving from only the second man to enter her body. He took her twice and they curled up and went to sleep. After he had slept about an hour, he got up and taking his camera took several photos of her nude body. Sophia slept for another three hours before she woke up.

He wanted to laugh when she woke and looking around at him seated nude in the chair across from his bed, the lovely woman sat up in bed and pulling the sheet up over her breasts, shuddered and asked in a quiet like voice, "Did I... did we... oh... I let you, did...?" and she made a mournful cry of alarm, "Ugggggggnoooo!"

For several minutes he sat in the chair as she rested against the headboard of his bed and asked to hear every detail of what they had done. He laughed when she told of feeling his male juices between her legs. One question he thought odd was her asking him, "How many loads of your semen did you put in me?"

He told her that she had welcomed him in her body twice and the second time she was ready before he, but in moments her hand brought him to a stiffness that he was surprised to obtain. Then he listened to why the woman was so upset about his semen being sprayed up inside her body.

Sophia cried out in complete grief, "My God Andréa I'm not on any kind of birth control... what if...?" and then she begin to cry.

He remembered walking to the bed and he was erect and when she noted his cock was hard, she asked in what was truly a fearful voice, "You put that in me... oh Andréa, not to be vain, but I can't remember any of what we've done, but did I make you happy? Forgive me for asking, but will you make love to me again... God I hope I don't get pregnant?"

She remained until the next morning and they indulged in every form of sex known to man and woman. Her mouth brought his semen into her mouth and she told that this was the first time she had ever performed oral sex. He loved bringing her off with his mouth, and she sobbed out her release over and over. Even her anus was his for the taking and she cried during the time he rode her hips. Again she claimed that her anus had been virginal when he entered her back hole. Yet Sophia had wanted him between her buttocks for the second time the next morning before she left his house.

That was the only time he was ever with her. About seven moths later he saw her walking through the mall and she was pregnant. I wanted to speak with her and ask if it was mine, but thought she might want to make our relationship permanent, and that I didn't want, so I watched the lovely pregnant woman walk away and I never saw her after that time.

One thing Andréa had found over his years of bedding women was they loved his making love to their feet. He had long ago, when only a youth of nineteen and joking told a girlfriend that he loved her while she was seated on the floor of her bedroom with her back against her bed. With his head resting on her lap he was enraptured looking up at her breasts. Until that day she had never permitted him more than a quick crop of her boobs, which seemed hard as rocks, and anything else was surely off limits.

For whatever the reason he had turned his face toward her feet and as she was wearing shorts he could view her lovely legs that he had wanted to caress and get between many times. That day he first kissed her legs where the entered the legs of her shorts. As she giggled he moved his lips down onto her legs and kissed ever so slowly down her legs until he reached her feet. Nothing had been said, but every so often he had felt Darcy's legs and evidently her body tightens as he kissed all the way down her thighs, on her knees and then the calves of her legs.

When his lips reached her ankles, he kissed all over her puffy like feet and as his lips reached her toes, he not only kissed them, he licked between them. He recalled moving around until he was lying at her feet and slowly kissed the souls of her feet and once more her toes. While licking between her toes the second time, he moved his mouth over her toes and sucked them one after the other. Then he repeated the same thing on her other leg and lastly her feet and toes.

While sucking her toes on left foot, he listened as Darcy told him, "Oh Andréa, come up here." Looking up he saw she had unfastened her top and was unsnapping the clasp on the front of her bra. Seeing how firm and pointed her breasts were nearly caused him to come in his boxers. Before he moved up to her, she reached down and undid the button on the side of her shorts, then she pulled the zipper down.

Never would he have believed at the time that kissing and sucking some girl's feet could have led her to be so free in her actions, and as he sucked her toes for a moment once more, she spoke in her gentle voice, "You may remove my clothes as I know you love me Andréa. I've never done anything before, so be nice... please?"

Getting her virginity was not only a total surprise, but a bombshell of amazement that nearly caught him off guard. After dating her for the past three months and now getting even to first base, he hit a home run from what he knew was sucking her toes. Once thing was certain about Darcy, and that was her being a virgin. She bleed more than any virgin he ever got into and not one virgin since came close to bleeding as much as that lovely seventeen year old girl did. Her bed was a complete mess and both of their bodies showed the evidence of her lost innocence.

Darcy had an extremely thick hymen and he had difficulty breaching her tight vagina easily and completely. Eventually he entered her and before he tore her cherry apart, she sobbed out each time he shoved against the piece of skin that made her a virgin.

Finally Darcy told him, while crying rather profoundly, "My God you must just do me and get it over with or we must stop. Do it Andréa... do it... aughhh, you're killing me... yes, wait a minute... you're in me all the way now, aren't you my darling?"

Other than getting his nuts off in the woman's vaginal canal, Andréa at times wondered if it was worth using the drug. Knowing Nancy would like the alcoholic laced high energy drink, Andréa watched as she watched him open the can. He knew that once she had sipped the liquid that only a few moments would pass and she would become somewhat lackadaisical when posing, but he would work around the problem.

"Here you go Nancy; have one of these," Andréa said as he handed Nancy a cold can of energy drink that was loaded with caffeine. Andréa watched as she tilted the can and knew in minutes she would be under him and her virginity would be another one notched on the head of his seven inches and somewhat thick manhood.

Only then did the preteen note the man had a small cooler bag on the back of his bike as he asked, "Do you like the drink... I use them when I'm riding my bike or jogging for the energy it provides.

"Oh yeah, it's nice and cool, but the taste and is different than when I've had this once or twice before. I've got to get one of those bags. I saw them in the bike store last Saturday when shopping with my father. This stuff is really tasty from what I remember and I feel like it is giving me a buzz."

Smiling as he listened and watched the pretty girl, Andréa had to know, "You know what it is to get a buzz on... do you smoke pot? Be honest as I'll never tell on you Nancy."

"No, will not really - once I and two of my girlfriends went to a party being held by some guys a few years older than us and they were smoking pot. The guys all lived in our neighborhood so I knew them personally. Brad, who lived a couple doors from me and invited me to the party, offered me what he called a hit. I took a puff on it and thought I would die.

Everyone laughed at me for choking and coughing like crazy. That's the only time I've ever done drugs. But I remember feeling really strange and funny in a few minutes after taking one puff of a marijuana cigarette. They convinced me to take more drags as they passed the thing around, and I must have got real crazy. At one point I found my panties down to my knees and Brad saying, "Hey guys, she is too young, she hasn't got any hair on her beaver yet. Boy was I embarrassed... does it bother you I don't have hair?"

"Nope. Don't you have any?" he replied with a smile on his face that Nancy understood was to make her feel grown up and happy.

"Guess I got a buzz on and high, huh? Darn, the guys left me chaste and so they were nice guys, right?" Nancy suddenly determined about what she had done for the first time. The preteen understood something like that might happen today if she didn't watch out, but the man didn't offer her a hit.

Nancy had decided the man was involved with modeling by the way he asked her to pose. Nancy enjoyed Andréa requests for her to make facial expressions with either a laugh, smirk, smile or other ways to express her feelings while moving her body in every-which direction.

Nancy realized she didn't know the man's name and asked, "What is your name? I told you mine so you must tell me yours, now isn't that a proper way for us to be friends?" and the look of sexuality floated across Nancy's youthful face.

Noting how sexual the girl just became in her facial expression and seemed to position her body in even more inviting poses, Andréa wondered if by chance this charming young beauty wasn't by chance a mischievous imp of a 12 year old sex pot and the date rape drug wasn't necessary.

She's a virgin if her comments about the guys she got high with are true, so why should I doubt her? At her age she might change her mind about posing nude and eventually having sex with me. I must be careful as she just might take off running and screaming hell-bent-for-an-election. Not wishing the girl to know his real name, Andréa replied, "Ted, I'm just plain old Ted."

"Okay Ted. How would you like me to pose for you now? You're really nice and I'm glad you enjoy seeing my favorite places in the whole world. I'll bet you are too surprised to hear it, but I've ridden the bike bath all the way to the end and back different times. Do you know it is twenty-five miles from one end to the other?" and as she spoke struck a pose that had her standing with her legs spread wide and her right hand as if she was cupping her left breast.

While speaking to the man, Nancy for a reason she didn't understand, moved to where the man stood and lightly struck his shoulder as her body seemed to become heated. Never in her life had Nancy felt the way she was now and the heat passing though her body wasn't from the temperature in the air. Her mind seemed to be lost in a battle that gave her strange and unknown to her, adult like desires.

Nancy placed her hand on his wrist and asked, "Isn't this the most wonderful place in the world. Look at the river below us and the trees and green grass from the river up to the hills over there? I just love seeing the fields where the farmers have crops growing. Those over there are corn fields."

Something tells me, and certainly I hope she will strip off her clothes for me to start my being with this beautiful female creature. Wondering what the girl was thinking as she stood with her hand on the top of his, he slowly turned his palm over and took the 12 year old girl's hand in his. "Honest to God, and I know one thing for certain, and the fact is simply, Nancy is coming on to me," he told him self.

Then he asked a personal question in a way he hoped wouldn't offend her, "Do you a boyfriend... like one you kiss and do things with? You know like let him touch you or perhaps you love him enough you permit him to do other nice things between the two of you... you know what I mean don't you?" and felt her squeeze his hand with her own.

The 12 year old girl wasn't experienced and other than playing kissing games like spin-the-bottle or made up games where the boy and girl would be required to hide in the closet alone for a minute or so, Nancy thought she hadn't done any of the things Ted was perhaps asking if she'd done.

Speaking in a tranquil and serene voice and standing with her body against Ted's, as she gripped his hand more firmly, Nancy remarked, No... no Ted, I've never really kissed a boy. I'm still an innocent girl... you know, like I've never done things with a boy... I'm a v-virgin. Honest Ted. May I say something to you and you won't laugh at me?"

"Yes," and as he spoke he moved his arms and pulled the pretty girl against him and clasping her tight against his body, whispered, "I could never laugh at you. Hearing you tell me you're a virgin, Nancy that is terrific. You know for certain I believe you're a virgin. After all why would I doubt you - other than you are so lovely and guess the boys your age would be after you and tell you, you're really stacked."

Pressing her body against Ted's as he held her, Nancy felt strange feelings in her body that created a need for her to wiggle against the man holding her in his arms. Then some knowledge she had never had reason to understand before this moment, Nancy knew what the hard thing pressing against her lower body and between her young legs was. "Gee, he has an erection," Nancy told her self as she pressed her sex parts against the man's sex thing.

Ted understood the girl was feeling his erection against her young pussy and decided not to rush things and asked, "Ready for more photos pretty one?"

Nancy felt a sense of need and hated to break the feeling of her sex being stimulated for the first time in her life and before moving away from the man, rubbed the center of her legs against what she understood was his firm penis. Nancy replied, "Yes, and I will let you..."

In five minutes Ted had taken more photos of the girl and asked, "How about taking your shoes off? Perhaps you could unbutton your top half way down the front?" and noted the expression that appeared on Nancy's face as she realized what he was asking her to do.

Although she didn't truly breasts yet, Nancy knew her small bumps would some day likely be as large as her mothers. Thinking to her self, "I should have worn a bra or at the minimum a camisole under my top so I wouldn't appear nude with my shirt unfastened. That way my naked chest couldn't be seen." Nancy thought, "Ted won't be able to see anything with my shirt hanging open on each side so I guess I'll be okay."

While looking at the LCD screen on the camera, Andréa could see a small rise on the girl's chest. Ted wondered if Nancy was aware her breasts would be exposed if she didn't maintain some modesty in the way she posed with her shirt unbuttoned. Ted was pleased the preteen unbuttoned her shirt slowly and one button at a time until she'd unbuttoned it all the way down the front.

Watching the girl's image on the LCD screen Ted caught quick images of the tiny round ice cream cone shaped breasts on Nancy's body that protruded perhaps an inch. He loved the ends of her breasts topped with pencil eraser size nipples and perhaps dime size areolas.

Nervously tugging the shirt-tales of her shirt, Nancy hoped Ted was somehow seeing her puerile boobies and wasn't embarrassed exposing her body to someone she'd only meet an hour or so before. Nancy pulled one side of her shirt behind her and knew the action completely exposed her right breast.

Somehow the mind of the young girl was saying to her, "Only the camera is seeing my boob, not Ted. What would it be like if Ted touched my breast?" Having drunk the last of her laced caffeine drink, Nancy was now acting on behalf of the drug and her desire to taunt and tease the older handsome man with her body.

Before much longer the teasing 12 year old preteen would be having sex and be in a near state of amnesia and most likely not recall what occurred under the influence of the drug.

Taking a break, Andréa moved and lay back on the grass next to where Nancy was seated. Looking at the girl's loveliness, he took the camera in his hand and captured more images of her small left breast exposed to his camera's lens. His growing lust was accentuated even more with the exposure of the small breast before his eyes in all its glory no more than two feet from him.

Seeing the girl expose her breasts while she was now standing away from him, she pulled her shirt open completely. Now she was so near he could reach out and touch her innocent young boobs if he wished. Telling Nancy to move her shoulders in various positions he knew she was aware her breasts were exposed.

Andréa wondered if Nancy simply didn't consider nor care she was displaying both of her lovely pink tipped oversized candy kisses to his eyes. This was the first time Andréa had ever viewed such young breasts and his passions were growing in both his soul and inside his pants.

Going for broke, Andréa said, "Darling, let you top fall off both of your shoulders and catch it in the crook of your elbows... yes like that... perfect and now be so nice to remove it completely. Allow it to drape it over your left shoulder? Terrific; perfect pose darling. Drop if off your other shoulder. Your doing great... dangle it over your shoulder and down your back. Let me stand and take some different shots. Move like that. You're beautiful Nancy."

Within her mind, and for reasons she didn't understand since she had struck Ted's shoulder and she'd held his hand and pressed her body against his, Nancy felt pleased in Ted viewing her breasts. "He called me darling - does that mean he likes, no does he love me?"

Without being asked, the lanky girl unfastened her skirt and eased it down over her hips. "Do you like me like this Ted? Want me to take my panties off... oh boy Ted I don't know if I can... oh I can't take my panties off... can I, Ted darling? Do you think my panty is pretty?" and as they were her favorite pair, Nancy said in a soft voice, "Ted these are my favorite panty and I love the color and the lace on the front. Do you think they are pretty?"

His eyes took in the lovely image before him and the panties that she was wearing were without doubt seductive. Thinking he had seen lots of females in just their panties, but none caused him to wonder if this female wasn't truly the most adorable. Was he considering this because the girl wearing them was young and truly stunning in appearance? Saying, "Nancy they are the loveliest panties I've ever seen on any woman. You look gorgeous."

Nancy whispered, "Take my photo in them. Tell me how to pose any way you like seeing me in my favorite panties. I'll do anything you want me to do for you sweetheart. Anything you want me to do for you I will do, just ask what you wish for me do, Ted. Even the thing... you know... I'll do the s-sex thing if you... oh Ted I will if you want that."

Nancy hoped the sentiment wasn't for naught as she struggled in her young mind on what was appropriate or taboo. Knowing she was allowing the man to view her dressed in only panties would really and truly upset her mom.

However, Nancy was responding to strange and unordinary emotions and understood she was enjoying peculiar and unexpected passionate desires. Also her body seemed to respond in strange ways she couldn't understand. Never before had she experienced such poignant and heart rendering needs in her life.

For the next several minute Andréa was taking one shot after the other of the lovely vision before him. To his surprise Nancy said, "Ted, I'm embarrassed taking my panties off. If you wish to photograph me wearing nothing but my smile, you must remove my panties. I feel funny and tired. I feel as if I will fall asleep. You didn't hypnotize me did you my darling Ted?"

Looking at the pretty preteen he replied, "Why would I do something like that, I'm enjoying your company. You'll permit me to remove your very pretty panties?" and Andréa wondered if she was open to sex with him after all the things she had said about doing anything he wished.

Nancy felt a little embarrassed as she knew Ted was assuredly used to older females and they'd have hair on their sex. She spoke in a soft voice, "Ted. I don't have any hair yet... down there."

As she spoke Nancy pointed her fingers at her pussy. "Will that embarrass you by not having hair on my sex, but I'm young?" only then did Nancy consider the size of her breasts that had been displayed for at least the last half hour.

Moving to where Ted was sitting while taking her photo, Nancy kneeled on her knees with her feet and the calves of her legs pointing out behind her. Nancy nervously informed him, "Okay, remove them if you want... darling."

Knowing where things were leading and was too crazy to even consider, Ted's hand moved and placed both of his hands on the girl's small waist line. Asking, "You're certain about this Nancy" You are such a delightful looking female... I could love you, if you..."

The murmur sound of Nancy's voice replying to his comment when speaking the words was mellifluous. Ted could barely hear her response, "Yes. Yes, you may do... do anything you want. Hurry before I change my mind. I'm kind of scarred, but I like you a lot... Ted, I'll be yours."

His fingers slipped inside the waist of the thong panty Nancy was wearing and slowly slipped then just below her pubic area. His eyes took in the sight of her hairless sex. The small fatty mons and smooth hairless labia was a lovely thing to view. Ted knew he wanted to capture this image of her for his personal viewing of the lovely creature in the future.

"Don't move cute one as I want to capture your loveliness just as you are. Nancy you are a truly remarkable gnome of a female. God, you're such a lovely creature to behold. In moments Ted was snapping photo after photo as Nancy allowed her image to be recorded on the magnetic card in the 14 pixel digital camera.

In disbelief Ted watched the 12 year old lean backward, while resting on one hand behind her. She used her other hand to push down the pale green panties with a lace insert of the same color as the satin the panty. The lace was such it exposed the expanse of skin across her lower stomach. A hint of her narrow slit sex was visible.

Like her fingers were moving in slow motion, Nancy eased down her panty until it was down to the point where her smooth lipped vagina opening was in view. Next she eased it below her vaginal lips and continued pushing it downward until her sex was fully exposed. Nancy knew her body was of interest to Ted, and watched him move so his camera was capturing images of her vulva. Then the preteen pushed her panty half way down her thighs.

For the older man and one who had photographed many teen girls and older woman, it was a certainty he'd never looked at such a young female vision and so turned on sexually. His thoughts of entering between the smooth lips of the fresh virgin sex of Nancy and working his cock into the girl until she cried out a sound that told her virginity had been breached. This view caused Andréa to stop taking photos and place his camera on the ground. Then he motioned for the girl to move to him.

Never in his life was there such smooth, tightly squeezed together and only lightly puffed up vaginal lips as he was viewing before him. Damn, to think I'm going to be the man to split her cherry. Andréa watched the impish girl move her feet to where he waited.

Nancy stopped before him and displayed her hairless sex that he wanted to spear open with his raging cock and so stiff in his clothes it hurt.

With a faraway look on her face as she asked, "Do you enjoy seeing all of me... is my little thing pretty Ted? Do you like it, even though I don't have any hair on my little hole? You can have my tiny thing if you want... what is making me feel so funny and flushed?" and she made as sexy of a smile as had ever adorned her face.

"She asking me to make love to her... how can I resist such an offer?" he asked himself. His erection was full and painfully constrained in his under wear and he knew that when he released it from its confines, it would seek another tight place to hide.

Stepping closer, Nancy stopped directly in front of Ted and in a deeper voice remarked. "Okay Ted, take them off... my panties are yours to remove, if you must. Do with me whatever you wish. Ted I know what that means, but I truly don't know what I should do to assist you. Do you care if I lay down? Gee I feel so..."

Smiling at the pure sexual image that only a girl this young could produce, Ted's vanity forced him to ask Nancy as he had the other virgins or females who were reluctant when it can to giving in to sex. "Dear Nancy did you just say and mean I can fuck you" If that is what you mean? Please tell me so I know what I can or cannot do. Otherwise I can't bear to do anything with you unless you've told me fucking you is okay and our love matters?"

With what assuredly was going to be words Nancy would speak during their carnal acts, Nancy would for certain be led to express what she was feeling and to ensure the 12 year old girl would ask to be fucked, Ted once more asked her to say she wanted him to fuck her. "Nancy if you want me to fuck you, tell me you want my cock in your pussy and to fuck you."

Expressing such words was adherent to the preteen and had often heard girls don't say such vulgar words, including fuck. Now she was being asked to say them. This caused Nancy to think of what Ted wanted her to say. Knowing she must reply to the man viewing all of her and what she wanted him to do with her sexually.

Nancy looked at Ted and knew he wished to hear ask, "Y-you want me to say the bad word... do you really want me to say f-fuck? Oh darling I said that awful word. Yes, oh Ted, I want you to f-fuck me."

Ted observed the look of surprise spread across Nancy's face and knew that she was susceptible to his taking her sexually. Nancy was in the state of sex and her body was charged without him ever touching her so far. In fact he smiled thinking how she had led her self to the point of asking for sex and she was only 12.

Looking at the man and she knew her face had a silly look on it, Nancy knew Ted was planning on doing with her and decided she wanted it as well. Once more she uttered, "Fuck me, you want to fuck me don't you Ted? I know what that means. You'll put your thing in mine. Gee maybe we shouldn't."

Andréa had long ago discovered woman are so different when it comes to using the "F" word and normally found they didn't until becoming used to having sex. The majority of woman will shy away from saying the graphic word for sex, unless prompted to utter the word by the man giving them sexual satisfaction.

Andréa watched Nancy's eyes flutter and a smile moved across her face. He could see she took a deep breath as she thought of what she was about to do with a man for her first time. Looking at the girl, Ted decided to take more photos of the girl, especially of her vagina and he positioned her so her lovely face was in most of the next fifty or so photos he took of the relaxed nude body of the lovely 12 year old virgin.

One thing is certain, I will take a photo of her face as I get her cherry. I hope she understands the pain she will obviously feel when I take her and the hurt and pain her suffers from when giving up her cherry.

Yes, stretched out on the grass before him was the vision of a young and innocent virgin. A young virgin who asked only a couple minutes before, "...do you enjoy seeing all of me... is my little thing really pretty Ted? You can have it if you want..." Nancy had remarked something to that effect while standing and informing him he could remove her panties.

Both of them were aware at the time what Nancy was saying. A 12 year old with no experience had told him to remove her panties and do whatever he wished with her. Ted knew exactly what Nancy meant as she said in a loving voice, "...now take them off and if you must, then do whatever you wish. Ted I know what that means..."

After taking several photos of her young and hairless pussy, he was amazed at how smooth her labia were. Not one blemish could be noted on her entire body, except for a small scar on the outer side of what some day would be her fully developed right breast. "I wonder how she got that scar?" he asked aloud as he studied her body.

Although her voice was sweet, Ted could hear a fear of the unknown in her question as she asked, "How bad does it hurt a girl her first time... some girls have said it's very painful to have a guy split her open the first time?"

"There will likely be some pain darling, but I'll do something first to make it easy for you." Placing the camera on the ground, he positioned his body so his face was above her pubic area. His lips moved to cover her young sex and in seconds were performing oral sex on her. For the next five minutes or so Ted licked and kissed the entire area of her sex.

"Um, oh my Ted... that is so strange. We are doing... you're doing oral sex on me, aren't you?" and as she asked her young hips wiggled around as the sensations from her clitoris (which she didn't realize was what the man was stimulating) and inside her sex was causing her to squirm in pleasure. Nancy whispered, "That is nice... I like that Ted... oh darling, oh my what are you doing to me? Uh... uuuuugggghhhh," Nancy moaned out as she climaxed for the first time in her life.

Moving slowly and savoring the moment, Ted slid his long six-foot-three body up between the lovely thighs of the 12 year old virgin. My God her thighs are so exquisite and the smoothness of her vulva was matched by the smooth skin of her legs and torso. This girl had perfect skin and she would become one very attractive woman.

Moving his erection with his hand to the sexual entrance of her body, it took some time before he completed lodging the crown of his cock within the narrow channel leading to her mark of purity. Slowly and gently he eased his cock into her body opening.

Only at the last moment did he remember his camera and using the motor drive to record the girl's face as he took her virginity. Ted eased his cock twice against her hymen, and on the third shove against her virginity, he split her hymen and continued shoving forward with his cock until his body was pressed against her pubic area.

Nancy made a wailing sound as her cherry was spit. Her voice and the sounds that came from her throat he would never forget. Ted listened as the young girl sobbed out in pain of some degree and he listened as Nancy uttered, "Ugh ohhhhh, ho noooo, Teddy it hurts some," and tried to pull her hips back as he breached her cervix all the way with his complete cock until the end of his cock was against her womb's door.

"Ughhh, oh Teddy it hurts some. Move easy... oh gee, wait a minute before pushing back in me. Help me Ted; help me make it stop hurting. Oh I love you and want you to do me, but be gentle. Wow you feel so deep now," and the young hips bumped up from the ground with strength enough to push Ted up with her.

To his surprise the girl wasn't as vocal as some of the older virgins he had captured with his cock, and this girl seemed to be moving her body so she was rubbing her sexual entrance against him.

Nancy's birthing channel was tight and Ted worked slowly to gain complete entrance into her body as deeply as he cock could reach. After nearly seven or eight minutes he filled her non-child bearing womb at the present time with his thick white mucous of semen.

After entering her vagina and his erection stroking deep inside her body, Ted felt himself completing the act of sex with the lovely girl and initially splitting her still, at the start of entering her body, he was striking her fully intact vaginal membrane. Things had changed as he stroked his cock back and forth in her tight and gripping channel, and now placed the first load of semen ever to squirt up inside her youthful pussy.

Yes, Nancy's thin mucous membrane with the medical name hymen, he had ruptured with his thick cock head and had slowly worked his cock in and out of the now bleeding sex slow and as gentle as possible until flooding it with his male juices. Now that he had unleashed his thick male cream, he shoved up into her and was held himself tightly lodged as deep as he could reach within her clasping sex.

Knowing his cock was against the entrance of he young womb and squirting it full of his come, gave him intense pleasure and relief. He loved feeling Nancy's arms moved around his neck.

A female's virginity was honored and named after Hymen, the Greek god of marriage. But for ted, he was enjoying and glowing in the knowledge he had just captured another cherry - his nineteenth to have split asunder.

Nancy lay curled up over the man who had just injured her, and this was the only way Nancy could describe what they had done together. Her sex felt raw and seemed to burn like around the entrance and just inside her opening.

Her young sex felt stretched and yet she was happy knowing the man loved her. She had posed for him and when she had watched him undress; her eyes couldn't believe what a man looked like. Yes, she liked the man and knew two days from now would be even better. Even with her little pussy being plundered the second time, Nancy thought how much woman suffer so the man she loves can enjoy her.

When will the pain stop and it will be all pleasure that she had read about in some books that didn't have graphic details but spoke of how a man made a woman feel such pleasure she would faint from the joyful bless?

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


Very real... A 12 y/o girl in love with the man who seduced her... Fuck-me... Oh, so real to life.. She was 'high' with sexual thoughts.. Fuck-me... and his cock broke her cherry and pushed her cervix up against the entrance to her womb.. I felt her birth canal stretch as I felt my own cock going into the 'little-tease' that lives next door... She wanted it... She told me so.. and so my cock went up against her womb and I unloaded my hot sperm in so many waves I can't remember... The age is just right....... 12 years old.


I felt compelled to comment on your story.I found your work very erotic,stimulateing,and well written.I am really looking forward to reading more.:A new fan

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