Age Can Make A Difference

[ MMf, ped, nc, rp, exh, inc, v, 1st, orgy ]

by Obmuj


Published: 31-Dec-2011

Word Count:

Author's Profile

show Story Summary
This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

After an inheritance of a considerable amount, Kemp Davenport found that he was enjoying life at thirty two years of age with his charming and attractive wife Gwen, who at thirty one, gave her love to him to the fullest extent. Their marriage was complete with their only child, a daughter Candi, who had turned eleven on the last day of May.

When Candi was born, Gwen suffered major complications and was unable to have other children, so the love they gave to their only daughter was expressed constantly by both parents. Nothing could give either of them more pleasure than watching their cute and vivacious young child move from taking her first step, uttering "Dada," and then starting school. Each school year that passed reflected the intelligence that Candi possessed, as her report card was always noted with perfect scores or grades.

Summer was upon the land, and as she completed the fifth grade, Candi had been given an award for her perfect scholarship achievements and for perfect attendance for the sixth year in a row. Once she'd entered kindergarten, she loved school, and looked forward each day to what the education process had in store for her.

Kemp had been the beneficiary of his grandparents' estate and, when he was growing up, had worked each summer on their farm. During his years in college, he'd worked on the farm during the summer months, and would even help his grandfather with chores around the farm after he graduated from college, up until his grandparents had been killed when the farm house caught fire and burned to the ground, six years ago.

Having no desire to farm the 640 areas, he sold-off all but 160 acres, while retaining the barns and other out-buildings. The large herd of Angus cattle was sold off, which included two prime bulls, and 40 of the best cattle, 22 of which had calves. The money realized in selling the land, which he had divided into 20-acre plots, and the farm equipment, together with the other assets of the estate, provided Kemp and Gwen nearly five million dollars.

The 160-acres that he didn't sell were on the west side of the farm and had a large wooded hill, which overlooked a tree-lined meadow. The valley was nestled between hills on four sides and the road he built to where he constructed a home was three-fourths of a mile from the main road. Their dream home was isolated from any neighbors.

A fairly large stream ran through the middle of the valley, and curled up against the wooded hill on the opposite side from where Kemp had built their five-thousand-square-foot log home. The logs used to construct the cabin came from clearing an area slightly more than halfway up the hill to put in a driveway and three acres of lawn. The back of their new home was just twenty feet from the woods.

When the home was constructed, he'd made the complete east end of the cabin into a master suite for him and Gwen. A balcony wrapped around each side of their bedroom suite, and sliding doors opened on all three sides onto the balcony. He'd kept the east and west sides of the house without bedroom windows to aid in the strength of the building. Large windows allowed a view of the valley on the front of the cabin, and the double sliding doors on the back side of the suite allowed a view of the trees in back of their home.

On the opposite end of the home, the same treatment was made for the room constructed for Candi. She had a small balcony on the back of the house, and a larger balcony on the front side of her bedroom. The cabin had an extended center to the floor plan, and it was twenty feet out from the bedrooms on each end of the building.

Kemp had built an extended roof line over the front balconies and they reached to the center of the cabin. The roof also covered the balconies on the sides and rear of the large structure. There were two bedrooms between the end wings of the upper floor of the cabin, and each had a bathroom that was next to the end units, and this provided sound privacy to the major bedrooms. The back of the upper floor of the cabin had a private room for Gwen. A den, which Kemp had built for himself was located in the center section on the upper floor. It had a cathedral ceiling with windows from the floor to the roofline, and a full master bath opening off the den.

The lower floor of the home was spacious, and the entryway was through double glass custom-made doors, each forty inches wide. Once inside the entrance foyer of the home, a turn to the left took one to the large great-room, and to the right, the dining room and kitchen. At the rear of the home was a video room with a pool table and video games.

An isolated indoor pool was located behind the great-room, which was open on the back side with large floor-to-ceiling glass windows across the entire area, and four-foot log beams, to support the upper portion of the home. Hidden within this log structure were steel beams and posts to add additional support. A three car garage and basement were located under the home, except where the pool was located.

Before constructing the building, Kemp had positioned two wind-driven generators, which provided more than sufficient electrical power to run the home. Since he didn't want to have the view of the valley marked with electrical power lines, he'd constructed, on his own, an underground telephone cable.

There was an abandoned oil well on the property near the entrance to his paradise, which was still capable of producing, so he had a supply of natural gas to provide the fuel for heating the cabin and the boiler he had installed for the pool. In addition, Kemp had installed solar panels on the overhanging roofs at the east and west ends of the cabin.

Candi was home alone. It was Wednesday morning, and after enjoying a bowl of cereal with fresh raspberries for breakfast, she decided to take a swim. As was the practice when no one was around except a few close friends of Kemp and Gwen, the family swam nude.

Kemp felt uncomfortable being nude in front of his daughter, now that she wasn't a baby any longer, but he also swam in the nude. After swimming for ten minutes, Candi placed a couple of towels down on the floor at the end of the building where the sun was shining through. Lying down in the sunlight, she found the warmth comforting.

Unknown to the Kemp family, a set of eyes had discovered the lair of the Davenport household, and had taken to walking through the woods to their home site. "The Eyes" belonged to a converted voyeuristic male who was now capturing the family in innocent play and living, but also viewing the adults in their most intimate moments. What had started out as searching for mushrooms a few months ago, his viewing had gone from limited to seeking out the home at night.

With the lights on in the privacy of their bedrooms, and with the aid of binoculars or a medium sized telescope, "The Eyes" could view the inward thrusts and withdrawals of Kemp's manhood into his wife. Even the oral pleasure they gave to each other did not go unnoticed, and the excitement of the man whose eyes took in the most enjoyable aspects of sex between the deeply in love couple did not stop taking his actions further.

Obtaining an expensive video camera and a McIntosh computer to edit the tapes, he was soon recording any acts of intimacy that occurred between Gwen and Kemp. Lately he had discovered a way to view the interior of the home during the day, and he would spy on the daughter as well as the parents. After a time, he made daily trips during the week to see if he could be lucky and watch the frolics of the young girl.

Today, "The Eyes" were watching the young girl as she climbed from the pool, and laid towels on the tile floor of the pool deck and tucked a small air-pillow under her head. In her total ignorance, Candi laid on the floor, enjoying the summer sun, as it tanned her girlish body.

Candi moved her legs apart and had no thought of someone watching her or finding her actions sexual. "The Eyes" took in the sight of the slender legs, and he knew the girl had just celebrated her birthday, having turned eleven a few weeks ago.

"Damn! She has her legs spread open to allow the sun's rays to strike her inner thighs and tan her all over," he thought.

The man behind the eyes found it necessary to take out his erection, and once free and removed from his pants, found it necessary to stroke it until his male fluids shot from the end of his fairly large manhood. His eyes took in the sight of the girl as she pulled her right leg back, bent at the knee, to inspect her foot and while doing so, caused her tiny sex to gap slightly open.

Moving quickly, "The Eyes" looked at the LCD screen on the video camera, and soon zoomed from the girl's face to her pubic area. There was the small gap between her legs spread open to his view, and he imagined he could view her cherry. "God damn," he thought, "What a piece of pussy! Even if she isn't big enough to fuck, her little hairless twat is definitely worth looking at, and she doesn't have the slightest idea I'm watching her."

Rethinking his thoughts on viewing her pussy after so many times, he decided she was ready to have the smooth and hairless cunt between her legs stuck with his cock. "Damn," "The Eyes" thought, "What would it be like to shove my cock into such a young little cunt, and to hear her scream when I pop her cherry?" He then decided, somehow, he would get her little cherry?

Using the zoom on the camera, "The Eyes" took-in the sight of the small vagina and they noticed her labia had not really grown to provide puffy lips around her sexual opening. "Hell, she only has small, fatty strips on each side of her twat, that someday would be fatty pussy-lips, but for now, her lips are so small they don't look like a real pussy, but more like a knife wound in which the skin has rolled back away from the cut."

"Oh damn, shit - shit - shit, that little pussy is so fucking pink inside, hell, now she has it so stretched I swear to god, it looks so good, I would eat her at Main and Chestnut Streets downtown on any Saturday morning."

"The Eyes" continued to watch the young girl as she scratched her legs, feet, and even across her pussy, and he completed his previous comment. "And I'd be damned for it, but I would give her two hours to draw a crowd." As he spoke, he watched as she did a young girl thing and stood up, acting like a cheerleader, and did what he could see were cheers and hand movements. Then the little girl completed hand stands with her legs spread completely open, and her gash displayed to its fullest.

"Man, she is bending backwards; resting on her hands and feet only, and her body is arched so her pussy is pointed directly toward me. Her cunt is wide open, damn-damn-double damn, I would love to stand between those skinny legs and jam my cock up her fucking hole," "The Eyes" said to himself. For another ten minutes she played one-form-or-another of a childish game, then bent over and picked up the towels with her round little ass toward him. With his camera recoding her moves, he watched as she walked over to the shower and rinsed off.

Candi had no idea of the lust she'd created in the man's mind. Walking to her room, she looked in the mirror over her dresser, and made small hand movements over her yet-to-start-developing breasts. "The Eyes" took in the squeezing of her chest skin, as if she was making the fatty skin over her breast-bone into a tit. "No luck, little pussy; you have a couple of years to go before you have anything up on the top-deck to drive some boy wild - and me as well. I hope to hell I get to see you when you get tits!"

The vibrant girl hadn't reached the plateau of development that brought on masturbation, except for the occasional slipping of both of her hands down to cover her vulva. The vision of Candi was causing the man to seek release in a way other than stroking his once-more-erect male sexual object.

Finally, Candi walked over to her dresser and took out a pair of cotton panties which she slipped on, then stepped into a pair of shorts, pulled a top over her head, and followed with her shoes. Moving from the room, she felt a strange sensation pass through her body, as if someone was looking at her. Was her imagination making her believe she was not alone in her own room? She'd been having those feelings more and more recently.

Knowing his view of the girl's nakedness was over for the day, the man walked back through the brush on the two-mile trek to his home. He reached the woven-wire fence topped with a double strand of barbed wire - right where he had parked his green motorized unit, and rode home. Once there, he viewed the video he had just shot, and then marked it with a "C" and the date. "The Eyes" spoke aloud, "I need to get some still photos, so the next time I go into town, I will buy a digital camera."

"Hello, hi Linda, what are you doing?" Candi asked as she answered her phone, having seen the name and phone number on the caller ID screen. For the next half hour, they spoke of eleven-year-old things, and Linda said that her mom was going to drop her off at her place, if that was okay. "Great, tell your mom to buzz me at the gate callbox, and I'll let you through the gate." It was nearly eleven o'clock when Linda arrived, and during the first hour, they listened to CDs and ate a snack.

The soup and grilled cheese sandwiches had been good, and after doing the few dishes they had dirtied, walked outside and down the hill to the small stream that Kemp had dug with a rented dozer. This had given him a small stream that now ran from the big curve in the large creek, nearly half a mile past the log home, and then back to the main creek once more.

At one point in the newly formed stream, Kemp had split the flow around a piece of land the size of a couple of football fields, for an island picnic area. There were a few trees to provide shade, and a log picnic shelter. After dumping several loads of stone and fine gravel on the ground as a base, he'd covered it with concrete.

This had become a place where Candi and her friends felt they had a private playground, and would play under the shelter. To supplement the mud-suckers that he'd remembered catching as a kid, Kemp had stocked the streams with bass and bluegill, which he'd catch for his wife to cook. The girls loved to take bread and make balls of dough and toss them for the fish to catch. Many times, Candi had used up the bread and her mother would scold her for doing so, as there would be no bread for their dinner.

Today was like any other day, and after a while the girls were bored, so they hiked back up to the house and went inside. Getting each a soda, Candi and her friend went into her room and began to watch one of the music channels on the television. When Gwen walked into the house, she found her daughter and Linda sitting at the kitchen table, each talking on one of the portable phones, so they could have a three-way conversation with another girlfriend, Nancy Boyer, who was a year older than they were.

That evening, Kemp and Gwen were swimming in the pool and thought nothing of Candi diving and coming up from under the water to where they were floating. For ten minutes the three of them enjoyed being in the pool. Kemp was slightly disappointed when Candi dived into the water, as he had his erection tucked between his wife's thighs when she joined them. When they climbed out of the water, he was still erect, and Candi noticed that her father's thing was bigger and stuck out in front of him. Candi knew what she was viewing, although she did not relate it to her parents having sex.

None of the three noticed that "The Eyes" were looking at them through the telescope or the video camera that was capturing their nakedness on film. Candi was the first to leave the pool and rinse off at the shower. She went inside to dress, leaving her parents alone once more. After a few minutes, Kemp pushed himself up to where he was seated on the edge of the pool. "The Eyes" caught Gwen as she moved in front of her husband and begin to take his thick erection into her mouth.

For five minutes, the video camera recorded the woman moving her mouth and hand up-and-down at the same time on the thick erection. When Gwen stopped, "The Eyes" could see that the woman was drinking the juices the man had ejected into her mouth. The camera continued to record the couple as Kemp returned the oral delight to his wife. Gwen could be seen squeezing her eyes tightly together, and her mouth was assuredly voicing her approval. With her legs dangling over her husband's shoulders, she lay back on the pool deck in final surrender of her inner soul.

Something caught "The Eyes" attention, and panning the camera toward the entrance of the pool from the family room, he saw the daughter standing just inside the pool watching her father making oral love to her mother.

Candi had stood for minutes watching, first her mother with her father's stiff thing her mouth, and now was viewing her mother's face as she lay back on the tile of the pool deck. The eleven-year-old knew nothing of oral sex, as she took in what she knew was her father kissing and licking her mother's kitten. The image did not shock the young girl, as "The Eyes" noted, but she left quickly before being discovered by her parents. Candi went to her room and quickly turned on her computer and typed in, "kissing between a woman's legs."

The next thing Candi was exploring the world of sex on the computer, and the more web sites she opened, the more confused she became. Yet her mind explained that doing the thing her father was doing to her mother was called oral sex, eating pussy, Frenching, licking her out, and other names.

Next Candi typed in, "woman suck man's penis" and when she opened up the sites, she saw more than she had observed at the pool. Photos of a man squirting white stuff into the woman's mouth and onto her face and breasts made the preteen shudder, not noticing that she was rubbing her tiny slit between her legs.

This was Candi's initial introduction to sex. She was overwhelmed, and after finding photos of the same thing her parents had been doing, quickly turned off the computer so her parents wouldn't see her, and crawled into bed. Her mind was going a hundred miles per hour, and she knew that what she had discovered was something her parents must not catch her viewing. A single tear caught in her eye as she knew that her life was forever changed after what she had seen between her parents, and what she had viewed on the computer screen. Before going to sleep, Candi knew she wanted to see her parents like they were at the pool again. Wait until I show Linda what I have discovered, she thought, and maybe we both can watch my parents.

The next morning, Candi awoke at six and knew her parents would be waking up to prepare for another day at work. Her father, Kemp, was a veterinarian, and Gwen, her mother, was an RN at a family-practice physician's office in town.

Gwen had started to work at Dr. Wilbur Carr's practice before she married Kemp, and within five days, had lost her virginity to him. That had been a painful experience for the young nurse, and it was another month before she finally gave-in to Will taking her again. From then until now, she allowed the doctor to have her at least once a week, and for whatever the reason, never felt a pang of guilt in making her husband a cuckolded man.

Walking down the hallway to her parent's bedroom, Candi saw the door was open, and she walked into the room. She saw her father lying on the bed, the sheet pulled back from his body. He was nude. Her mother was not in the room, and that is when she caught the whiff of coffee filing the air, and knew that her mother was in the kitchen. Having slept in only her panties, Candi didn't think about her father being naked. His thing was bigger than normal and seemed to be stiff, pointing up onto his stomach.

Candi ran toward the bed shouting out, "Here I come; wake up Daddy," and jumping onto the bed at the same time, her open legs allowed her panty-covered young sex to land squarely on her father's erection.

"Holy cow, you crazy girl, you scared the heck out of me!" That was when Kemp felt his little girl's panty-covered crotch pressed against his hard-on. Afraid to move, and uncertain how to ask his daughter to move, he was relieved when Gwen entered the room not knowing that her husband was erect, and seeing her little daughter, understood why he'd shouted out and caused her to run upstairs to see what was wrong.

"Did the little girl scare the big, bad Daddy? Poor Sugar," which was the affectionate name that Gwen used toward her husband. She gave a small jump and landed across her husband's chest. That did not bother Kemp, as that kept his wife from noticing he had an erection pressing tightly against their daughter's crotch. After a slight struggle, he overcame the two females, and quickly turning onto his stomach, stayed that way until his erection went down some, and his wife and daughter finally stopped bouncing on him.

Candi lay down between her father and mother and she wondered about her daddy's thing she'd just sat on. She wished her mother hadn't shown up, since it felt good as she had rubbed against it, even with her panties on. "The next time I'll be naked," she thought to herself. The three of them lay on the bed together for the first time in many years, and Gwen thought it must have been at least five. Finally she rose from the bed, and spoke to her two housemates, "My Dear Sugar, your coffee is ready, and I have fruit and yogurt on the table for all of us, so let's go eat."

Gwen, dressed in her short robe, allowed her daughter to notice her pubic area, although she didn't consider that at the time. Candi, on the other hand hadn't until now ever thought about her mom's sex; now she understood what the area between a woman's legs was for. The area wasn't just to pee with, or to have babies come out. "No," thought the eleven-year-old, after reading and viewing the things on the computer screen last night. "It allowed females to enjoy S E X!"

Looking at his wife as she poured him another cup off coffee, Kemp thought how wonderful she made his life. He firmly believed that no man had ever been with her sexually except him, and that she was a virgin when they married. Gwen had been at the end of her period, and there had been a small amount of blood on him and the sheets after they'd made love on their wedding night. When he'd seen the blood the following morning he was never without doubt that he had taken his wife's virginity.

Kemp was slightly larger than some men in the manhood department, and when he'd shoved it up Gwen the first time on their wedding night, he'd entered her quickly, and she cried out when the suddenness of the act spread her sex open, and he struck deep into her uterus. The deception, which Gwen hadn't planned, was something that Kemp kept in his mind, and never questioned the fact he wasn't the first and only male to share those smooth thighs against his body.

After Kemp left for work, Gwen went to the master suite she shared with her husband and thought of how he would feel if he knew she had sex at least once a week with Will. There had never been a time she felt she should inform her husband of her being unfaithful, and as she eased into the warm bath she prepared for herself, she sprinkled some bath salts in the water, knowing that her body would be smelling of flowers when she arrived at the office and started the closed-on-Thursday-morning work day. This was the time that Dr. Carr had set aside for the two of them to be intimate, and as she trimmed her bikini line, she became sexually heated in knowing she would soon be soundly taken by the man who had captured her virginity thirteen-years before. The excitement became almost unbearable as she used her fingers to hold her labia to the side so she could shave around the area between her legs, and the thick puffy lips that were the matching gates that opened into her womanhood that gave men in her life so much pleasure.

Letting her mind return to the first time she'd had sex, really any type of sex, she remembered the hurt and difficulty Will had in entering her virgin sex. It would not allow her lover to enter her and she recalled Will telling her, "You have the toughest cherry I have ever tried to bust." Every time he attempted to enter her, she remembered how she'd cried out that it hurt too much, and when Will moved her legs up in the air and held them on his shoulders, he made several hard and brutal jams of his cock into her pussy. Finally in a burst of brutal thrust, he tore through her hymen. For Gwen, the pain was so much that she passed out. Later, Will had told her that he should have surgically removed her virginity, as she was one of the few women who had such a thick and tight hymen.

Gwen had spent two weeks at OSU Medical College completing her on-going education requirements a couple of years ago, and she had fallen into bed with a nineteen-year-old geology major at the university whom she had met one morning in the student cafeteria. Reading the material for the third time she was going to be tested on that afternoon, she'd had the feeling that someone was staring at her. After a couple more sips of coffee, her cup would be empty, which would give her the opportunity to stand up and look to see if someone was indeed looking at her.

Glancing at the table in front of her, she saw the dark, ruggedly-handsome young student looking under her table. That was when she'd realized that the overly short skirt she was wearing was more than half way up her thighs, and as usual, she was not wearing panties. Her face turned beet-red, as she knew the young boy had been viewing her spread-open legs, and in fact, she still retained the habit she'd had as a junior high student and on through college, and even today at home when seated at the kitchen table. She would pull her legs back and hook her feet behind the legs on the chair. "Holy shit! He must have seen the whole-nine-yards," she thought, then correcting herself, "No, just the hair covering my hole!" Knowing she'd unconsciously exposed her sex to the young boy had given her immense satisfaction, and she'd wondered if he'd enjoyed viewing her hair. Perhaps her sex had spread apart, which would have made it better for him -- but great for her.

When she'd untangled her feet from the chair legs and moved to stand up, the handsome boy raised his eyes and smiled at her. Then it dawned on her; she'd been sitting in this same chair each of the past three mornings, and knew that her sex had been opening displayed. Walking past the young boy, Gwen looked at his face and smiling, thought, "What the hell should I do now? I shot him my beaver for the last four days, even if I wasn't aware of it at the time."

While refilling her coffee cup, she'd heard someone ask, "New in school? Looks like you're a nursing student, are you?" That question had broken the ice between the two of them, and before leaving for class, the young boy had asked her to have dinner with him, which for some strange reason, she'd accepted.

That night they'd spent an hour eating and talking, and before another ten minutes had passed, she was lying nude on her back with Tom Smith, the school's star quarterback, pounding his erection deep inside her sex. Had someone asked her before that moment if she would have sex with a black male, she would have laughed and said, "Why? I'm married!" That night, she was taken four times by the muscular youth, and he rode her so deeply and hard, that she thought at one point he would disjoint her hips, as he'd bent her legs back over her body and spread them open with his large hands.

When Tom left her a few minutes short of midnight, she smiled and kissed him goodbye at the motel room door where she was staying. Over dinner, Tom had asked if she was aware of displaying her sex to him, and Gwen explained exactly what she had done.

For the next nine nights, she was ridden hard, but when Tom tried to convince her to let him have virgin anus, she refused the first three nights he asked. After that he took her butt four different times, and he started spending the nights with her. Each morning she woke up and would start sucking on his thick, black erection, and once when she'd had him ready to ejaculate, pulled him on top of her. She went to class with his cream in her body and had to wear panties, which she hated, but knew if she hadn't, his cream would drip from deep in her sex and stain her clothes. People would have known what the stains were!

When Gwen had returned home, Kemp greeted her and asked, "Is my little love-nest lonesome and wants some of my anxiously awaiting manhood?" The reality of it was, Gwen had been done so many times that her sex felt raw, especially deep inside. As a nurse, she understood that her womb had been battered and bruised, and jokingly thought that it was likely black and blue well up inside her uterus, and deeper than any erection had ever pounded into her body.

She'd wanted to reply, "My dear husband, I'd love to tell you yes, but I know for certain my insides are black and blue, AND HAVE BEEN BLACK, AND I MEAN REALLY BLACK INSIDE." Thinking for a moment, she'd also thought of adding to her comment, "YOUR WIFE'S PUSSY HAS BEEN BLACK FIFTY-ONE TIMES, AND HER BUTT FOUR TIMES! Hell, I've got to let him push that eight-inch monster of his up inside my battered pussy, and pretend to want it, which I do, but I've never been fucked so much in my life - damn you Tom Smith, that hunk of dark meat is as big as my husband's, if not larger!"

For Gwen, as she finished shaving her pubes after showering, had thought different times of going back to OSU to see Tom and his black hammer, as he called his cock. Each time she wanted to have her body probed with it, she decided against it, and noted her comments in her diary. Kemp, reading the diary later, saw where Gwen had spent three nights at the university for a course on male impotence, and had accepted a proposal to share a bed with a man whom she'd met in the motel bar the first night on the trip. She had written in her diary, "What the hell was his name?"

Kemp knew from reading the diary that she had never meant for him to find out about her sexual activity. Gwen wrote, "Now that I'm back from another three day trip and after fucking four men, I'm looking forward to feeling my first lover place his manhood inside my body, and leave at least two loads of his thick juice inside me." He couldn't believe what his wife had written, but he knew it was a true account of her sexual activity on that trip, and she was even more explicit than when detailing her weekly affair with Wilbur Carr every Tuesday morning. "Detail may not be the proper word," he thought, as her memos in the diary covered each Tuesday with her boss, and even took delight in writing how she'd licked his anus for at least an hour while he did her with a dildo in her pussy and ass.

Dressing in her nurse's uniform, Gwen wore thigh-high stockings and no panties as she prepared for her day's activity. When she left the house, she kissed Candi goodbye, hugged her tightly and told her, "I love you honey," then walked out and got into her month-old Corvette. During the drive down the long blacktop lane through the valley, she wondered how long it would be this morning before her uniform was hanging on the coat hook in the examination room. Will had told her last evening, "I want to give you an enema with at least two hot-water bottles of warm water, and then take you up your lovely ass tomorrow." Gwen hadn't made a reply, knowing the one thing that she hated in sex was enemas. She had taken three bags before and her stomach had cramped and hurt all morning after she had allowed it to happen.

Easing onto the highway, she was thinking about how she wanted Will this morning, and hoped he could complete the climax that Kemp had left hanging in her for the first time ever this morning. Her thoughts of sex caused her to fail to see the large log-hauling truck hurtling at seventy miles-per-hour towards her. The height of the truck allowed it to pass across the center of the sports car as it turned onto the highway. The heavily loaded truck pushed the low sports car several feet under its bed, and against the first set of the rear wheels of the death-causing vehicle!

For Kemp and Candi, the news hit as though they themselves had been struck by the log truck, and they were emotionally drained after the funeral. Kemp's love had been taken from him and he pondered what his wife had been thinking about as she pulled in front of the truck. Many thoughts ran through his mind, and he believed she must have been recalling their making love that morning, or the time the three of them had romped on the bed before having breakfast.

Candi cried nearly the entire time since the accident, until the last of the guests had left their home. She felt lost, and when seeing her father sitting on the deck looking out to the east of the valley, walked to where he was seated and climbed onto his lap. With tears in her eyes, she asked her father, "Daddy, why did mommy have to die? She never hurt anyone."

"Princess, some things are never known, but just remember how we joked and played that morning and do you know your mother mentioned to me that you had not gotten into our bed in several years?" Kemp hugged his daughter and told her, "Perhaps that was a sign. You gave her something to take with her to the great beyond. You gave her something to remember."

"Daddy, before mommy left, she hugged me and said, 'I love you honey,' and then she was gone."

For a month after that conversation with his daughter, Kemp knew he needed some time away from all the memories left from his wife. For the past four weeks, he knew that his little girl was also deeply troubled, and even though it was Saturday morning, he called his veterinary supervisor and clinic manager and spoke to them. He told Dr. Delbert Jefferson that he was going to take a two-week vacation, and asked him to handle the business while he was gone. Kemp left instructions that the assistant, Robb Davidson, who was in his final year of vet school, was not to make any major decisions on the treatment required for an animal, without Dr. Jefferson's approval.

"Delbert, I'm not certain how to grade his performance during his internship, but I've caught him making incorrect diagnoses with some dogs and even one horse," Kemp noted. "Dell, I need you to do a work-up on him for the college review while I'm gone, and I'll sign it when I return. You prepare the reports as Robb's supervisory vet, and perhaps you can have Victor work with him. You make the calls on whatever happens in the clinic."

After hearing Kemp give him complete authority in operating the animal clinic in his absence, he understood the faith he was being given. "Thank you for your confidence in me, I will do as I feel you would," Dell replied.

"By the way Dell, I think it is time that you and I sat down and worked out a plan for you to purchase the clinic." Kemp then added, "While I'm gone, see if you can rake-up twenty-thou, to make the down payment. Deal?"

Calling a local security company, Kemp made arrangements for them to arrive at the house the following morning at eight o'clock and to provide 24-hour protection on the property. Walking through house, he decided to take a swim, but first undressed and eased into the hot tub. As he lay back, letting the swirling jets of hot water ease his body, he saw Candi walk into the pool. "Daddy, I was looking for you, can we eat out this evening, and can Linda go with us?"

"Why not, if you would like that. Would you like to hop in with me? I have a surprise for you."

"What is it daddy, something great?"

After telling her about the trip he'd planned for them, he watched as his daughter undressed and, after she had laid her clothes on the nearby table, got into the hot tub with him. After ten minutes or so, he said they'd best get out of the tub before they were in too long. As they stepped from the hot tub and walked the few feet to the pool, he watched as his young daughter walked in front of him, and saw her small, young hips were shaped like Gwen's, and as perfectly round as were her mother's.

Unknown to Kemp, his weren't the only eyes watching the round hips as they moved to the pool. "The Eyes" of the man were once more using the video camera, and it was running while he studied her round hips through the telescope. He'd also been busy taking some shots on his new digital camera. Knowing about the accident, he had not seen much of the people in the house and it appeared that the girl was wearing something all the time, as there were people staying there until the funeral was over. The girl had stayed away from the back of the house for the past four weeks.

Today was a treat after not seeing the young girl for a month. "The Eyes" of the man trailed the young girl, and he looked at her as she rinsed off and used a towel to dry her young body. When she walked into view in her bedroom "The Eyes" followed her moves, and he could see her pick up a bottle of fingernail polish. To his great delight, "The Eyes" saw the girl sit on the edge of her bed, and leaving one leg hanging down over the edge, brought the other one up until her foot was resting on the bed.

Viewing the image on the video-screen and through the digital camera and the telescope, "The Eyes" saw her small gap part, and for the next quarter-hour he enjoyed seeing the pink interior at the very entrance of her tiny sex. "What I wouldn't give to get into something that young," the man with "The Eyes" looking at the preteen spoke aloud. "Shit, what a sweet looking little cunt, damn it, somehow I'm going to eat that cunt and then fuck her till she can't walk," "The Eyes" said as he thought of getting Candi's little cunt before anyone else cracked her.

Removing the video camera from the tripod, the man attached an additional lens and replaced it on the tripod. The lens was now able to view the image of the young girl to within a foot of the camera lens. Before his eyes, the man had the image of the tiny slit between Candi's legs as if she was less than a foot from his prying eyes. Never had a tender young girl been so spied upon, and when she moved her leg down on which she had just painted her toenails, she pulled her left leg up and rested the foot of that leg on the bed.

Unknown to her, when she moved her hips to make herself comfortable, the act of doing so spread her tiny pussy even wider than when she had done the previous foot. "The Eyes" noted how she bent her leg even more pronounced than previously and her knee tilted to the left. That movement spread her sex lips apart so that her penis-looking prepuce was displayed and it extended nearly an inch. Whatever happened, something assuredly gave the eleven-year-old girl a tingle in her splayed pussy. For a moment, she brought a finger across her erect prepuce, and her legs jerked so hard that her left foot dropped down from resting on the edge of the bed. Being seated on the edge of the bed, a wondrous sensation passed through her tiny sex, and both legs kicked out in front of her as she fell backward on the bed.

"The Eyes" watched as the girls legs stuck straight out toward him, and he watched in disbelief as the girl sneaked her right hand down and her fingers moved slowly down her stomach and onto her tiny clit. From what "The Eyes" could determine, the touch of her fingers on her tiny slit caused her legs to shake. And shake they did, as they pointed directly toward him and her feet waved around in the air. Suddenly, "The Eyes" watched as the girl sat back up, and pulling her left leg once more onto the bed, began again painting the nails on her left foot.

Glancing around, as if she was afraid her father might be observing her, "The Eyes" watched as the young girl got up from the bed, walked over and evidently locked her bedroom door. She walking back to the bed and "The Eyes" saw her sit down then get back up and walk the few steps to her dresser. "The Eyes" took in the girl's moving back to the bed, this time holding a hand mirror, and as she once more sat down, pulled both legs up and rested her feet on the bed. Her legs were now in a side V-configuration.

While the video camera was capturing the actions of the young girl as she sat in such an obscene fashion, "The Eyes" took in the girl moving the mirror down so she could view her sex. There was no doubt that this was the first time she had ever investigated her sexual parts, and the man watched and video-taped her pressing her fingers all over her opening.

"The Eyes" took in the girl using two of her fingers to spread the thin labia apart, and nothing had prepared him as he looked inside the eleven-year-old's little pussy, and he could not describe the color of the interior of Candi's luscious looking pussy. Still recording the image before him, "The Eyes" were now wide open as the girl pressed her fingers against her clit, and he saw her face reflect the sensations she received from the touch.

Then he zoomed as tightly to the pussy as the lens could bring the camera into focus. She discarded the mirror, letting it drop to the floor, and using the fingers of one hand to hold the lips apart, pushed the middle finger of her right hand into the parted virgin twat. Something caused the girl to take her finger out of her sex and look toward the door. She then jumped up from the bed, ran to the door and unlocked it and, with the camera lens open wide, "The Eyes" saw her father entering the girl's bedroom.

Something connected between the parent and child, and "The Eyes" took in the sudden hugging of the girl by the father. Knowing that the wife and mother had just been buried, "The Eyes" saw that the father was nude, which wasn't unusual in this household. While holding the young girl who now had her arms around her father's waist, the young girl was evidently remembering something. "The Eyes" wondered if it was the touching of her own sex just moments before.

The girl moved away from her father, eased onto the bed, and with her hands, pulled her father in front of her. Some type of conversation was taking place between them and they both were laughing and smiling. The young girl seemed to be so excited that she fell back onto the bed, still holding her father's hands. "The Eyes" saw the father look down at his daughter's pubic area, and his body language indicated that he was having an emotional problem in viewing between the widely parted legs of his daughter. "Oh man, that little snit's legs are wide open and her father is being treated to having her legs on each side of his thick legs," "The Eyes" spoke aloud. The father turned, as if to leave the bedroom, although the daughter was still holding onto his hands.

"The Eyes" saw that the father was erect and attempting to leave the room from embarrassment at becoming hard from seeing his daughter's sex. Undoubtedly, the father was caught off-guard as his daughter pulled him forward, and he landed over her--between her thin and shapely legs. There could be no doubt, "Dad's erection is assuredly at the gates of his daughter's tiny, immature portal of love," "The Eyes" moaned in lust as he observed the father experiencing what he desired himself. The girl's legs moved and tried to capture her father's waist between them, but finally the father pulled free, and standing for a moment, and from the angle of his head, was staring at his little daughter's pussy. He turned quickly and walked from the girl's bedroom.

"Man," "The Eyes" said aloud, "That little girl is lucky. Her daddy's cock is fat and hard, and would have killed his little daughter had it breached the narrow entrance of the small reddish-pink pussy." "Why couldn't I have been the one to get between her skinny legs and push my bone against her twat, since that was what the youngster desired?" "The Eyes" asked himself. Once more "The Eyes" looked at the pretty girl, and when she moved to get off the bed, "The Eyes" could not believe what he was viewing!

The cute little girl stood next to the bed. Her stomach and small gash were coated with a slimy looking substance, and she had a dreamy look on her face. Moving her tiny hand down to her stomach, her fingers played in the wetness, and slid down through the slick liquid. A dream-like look spread across the girl's face, and she more-or-less fell down onto the bed, her legs dangling over the edge as she lay on her back. When the small girl's fingers moved down through the mucus covering her lower stomach, they wiggled to the edge of her little slit, and "The Eyes" could not believe it when she pulled her legs back and rested her feet at the edge of the bed.

Watching as the little girl scooted back on the bed perhaps a foot, she laid her legs flat on the bed, and placed the bottom of her feet together. The placing of her feet in such a way caused her sex to part, and "The Eyes" knew the mucus that was coating her stomach and twat was the little cunt's dad's cum! "I'll be damned! Daddy was so excited that he shot his load off on his daughter's cunt. Hell, no wonder he walked from the room, he was close to fucking his own daughter!"

"Oh, wow, she's playing in her daddy's cum!" "The Eyes" watched as the girl's fingers played in the wet ejaculate and finally they were rubbing the rich male-juice into her spread-open pussy. To his complete surprise, the girl was rubbing her fingers so that they were moving the liquid from her stomach and between her legs into the gash of her cunt. "Damn, I'm going to fuck her -- if her daddy won't shove his fat bone into her, I sure as hell will find a way to bury my cock in her virgin pussy." "The Eyes" was jacking-off, while video-taping the girl stuffing daddy's sperm into the edge of her pussy.

Kemp called the marina where he kept his fifty-foot cabin cruiser and asked that they have it sea-worthy when he arrived there the next afternoon. "No, that's fine, I'll pick up a supply of food, since I'm planning on being out for two weeks," he told the lady he was speaking with. When the lady, Nell, asked if his wife and daughter were coming with him, he explained, "It will be only my daughter Candi and me, my Gwen was killed in an accident a month ago." "This will be a way for us to forget some bad memories, but thanks for asking, that was nice of you, Nell," Kemp advised the woman.

From the time Candi had watched her mother and father having oral sex, or in her own vernacular, "kissing between a woman's legs," and her mother taking her father's thing into her mouth, she had been searching-out sexual information on her computer. Her explorations of the internet for sexual information eventually led her to discover porn sites, and for the past weeks had been looking at images of men and women having sex. At first Candi did not understand some of what she was viewing, but with the brochures and pamphlets she had received during the fifth-grade girl's health class, she finally tied it all together, or so she believed.

After the death of her mother, she would view the images of what was purported to be a father and a daughter having sex. She especially enjoyed viewing the father squirting stuff from his "cock" all over the girl. Finally, just moments ago, she was able to feel what she had been viewing on her computer screen. Her own father loved her enough to squirt his semen onto her "pussy." "Daddy, why didn't you push your cock into me, like the daddy did with the girl on the computer?" she whispered aloud. From viewing the images of women having the man push his thing into them, and seeing it squirt white stuff into or onto the pussy, she'd finally had a chance to feel her daddy squirt his stuff onto her.

Sunday morning around six o'clock they drove past the security guard standing outside the log cabin, and before driving away, Kemp had asked that he call him on his cell phone if anything unusual happened. He was assured by the guard that they would keep in touch with each other.

Stopping an hour later at an intersection for breakfast and to top-off the gas tank, they entered a restaurant that advertised that it only served home-cooked food. Over breakfast of two eggs over-hard, a large portion of true Virginia sugar-cured smoked ham, a side of freshly prepared grits, and two large buttermilk biscuits, Kemp and Candi both enjoyed the home cooked meal. Father and daughter both had the same meal and Candi surprised her father by finishing her food before he did. "Daddy, may I have a piece of the coconut cream pie that we saw when we walked past the cashier?" Candi asked her father.

"You must have read my mind, but I'm going after the sugar-cream pie. My grandma used to make them all the time and they are a treat," Kemp told his daughter.

Driving along the highway, they stopped for lunch around one in the afternoon at an outlet mall. Candi had seen the billboards advertising the mall and pleaded with her father, "Daddy, please can we stop so that I can get a new bathing suit? They'll have a food court where we can eat. Please daddy?"

Humoring his daughter, he pulled into the parking lot of the large, sprawling mall and parked near the food court entrance. Kemp selected an oriental platter, while Candi chose the Mexican food. They sat at a table near the walkway of the food court and reviewed a brochure that showed all the stores and what they sold. After finishing their lunch, Candi took her father's hand and led him to a name-brand store, but couldn't find a suit that she liked.

Looking at the directory map again, she picked another store. When they went inside, she was thrilled that they carried the brand names she recognized. Picking out three different suits, they had the salesclerk show Candi to a dressing room, where she put on the suit of her choice; she didn't even try-on the other two. Walking back to where her father was seated on a chair, she told him, "Okay, I got the suit that I want. We can get it, right?"

"Honey, I didn't see what you picked-out. How do I know you won't be showing more than you should?"

"Daddy, we swim nude, so why would you worry about a suit?"

"Forget it, I apologize," Kemp said in mock anger. Then he thought about the past month since Gwen had been killed, and how his daughter had come into his room and crawled into bed with him almost nightly, crying about the loss of her mother. Candi would curl up against him, and she thought nothing about the fact that she was nude, as was he. Then he recalled his daughter pulling him until he was standing between her slender legs, and taking his hands in hers, pulled him until he was laying on top of her, and with his steel-hard erection touching her excited pussy, had shot a load of cum onto her hairless sex and over her stomach and vulva.

Now he hoped that the trip and staying on the ship would ease her worries of the loss of her mother. Lately when they would swim, she attempted to touch his penis in some manner. Perhaps she would stop getting close to his manhood, especially so near to his erection that he would spray his cum over her young sex once again.

Back in the car, they drove to the boat dock, arriving at a little past five, and after checking with the dock master, unloaded their items and placed them onto the cabin cruiser. Kemp was ready to make a final check of the lovely ship, and after checking the lights, the gauges, and letting the motor run and listening to ensure that it was running smoothly, called the dock master. "Requesting permission to leave port. You have my chart, although I may alter that when we reach the Florida coast."

"Permission granted, have a safe cruise and good day, Candi," the dock master said as the "Sweet Candi" eased from its slip and headed out to sea. Looking at the ships clock, and noting it was 17:39 hours, Kemp made the notation in the ship's log, along with a few notes on his inspection of the ship. Picking up the mic on his ship-to-shore radio communication system, he reported to the Coast Guard his ship's name and number, identified himself and his daughter, their destination, and obtained the latest weather advisory. Finding the weather would be near-perfect for the next five days, he gave them a general overview of his charted course, and found there were no problems to be encountered on his nautical destination.

They cruised until nearly ten o'clock that evening when they saw the lights of a small dock off the starboard side. Knowing it would be safer to sleep on the waters, Kemp stayed about five hundred yards off shore, and ensuring that his running lights and night signal were on, dropped anchor. After he had the cruiser settled in, he went below deck to find Candi fixing the homemade soup that they'd purchased at the restaurant where they ate breakfast, and that she'd made sandwiches of the Angus roast beef brought from home. Looking at the table, he saw that his lovely "cabin girl," as he called her when they sailed, had placed a chilled Bud Lite on the table for him. Giving her a light pat on the head, he thanked her for making dinner.

After eating and slipping on windbreakers, they headed topside, sat in the deck chairs affixed to the deck, and watched the sky and occasionally, the lights of the small village on shore. "Daddy, look! There's a falling star! That's good luck when you see one, and a year of great things will happen," she said with excitement. For the next hour, the father and daughter enjoyed watching some ships far out to sea passing with the moonlight causing them to seem like some type of dark cutouts on the ocean.

Heading to the cabin, Kemp set the alarm system that would emit a siren warning if anyone attempted to get within twenty-five feet of the ship. He locked the cabin door, and opening the drawer of the stand next to his bunk, saw that the two 10mm police-specials were within easy reach, along with the 44 magnum that held six powerful slugs capable of ripping apart metal.

Undressing and settling between the sheets, he watched as his daughter undressed until she was nude, and without making a move to sleep in her own bunk, walked over and slipped under the covers with him. Saying nothing, he flipped the toggle switch to turn off the overhead light. He flipped another switch which turned on a dim light that was located in the hallway outside the cabin.

This gave security to the ship as the cabin was still dark, but the hallway light would show anyone who had passed the security equipment and wasn't detected. An electronic beam would detect anyone who started across the deck from any direction, and this would provide more than sufficient time for him to reach into the drawers and obtain the weapons. There was also a 12-gauge shotgun and a 30.06 lever-action rifle in a gun cabinet at the entrance of the cruiser's bedroom.

Once Candi had eased under the sheets, she moved until her small body was pressed against her father, and tonight she moved her left leg up over his legs. He knew that he should tell her to get into her own bed, but decided to let her snuggle with him. Her small leg was pressing on his body in such a way that it was lying over his penis. Nearly asleep, he felt his penis growing, and within moments he was erect. He was tired from getting up early that morning and the long drive to the ship, along with cruising until he and Candi had stopped for the night. So, ignoring his erection, he went to sleep almost immediately.

Feeling her father's thing get hard and moving her leg to cover it, Candi wanted to reached down and touch his stiff penis. Instead she, too, went quickly to sleep, but during the night when she woke up and listened to her father's breathing, she knew he was asleep. She let her hand reach down and, as by accident, sought out the thing she had recently become knowledgeable, and certainly inquisitive, about. Her small, soft hand became a lightly gripping fist as it closed around the first penis it had ever held, and the excitement she felt caused her to desire more. She moved her leg and, with her hand, guided her father's erection until she could press her pussy against his hard cock. The thick head of her father's erection was pressing at the narrow lips of her sex, and she shuddered at the contact, desiring more. But she was satisfied at the moment with only the touching, and fell back to sleep.

Kemp woke up, and finding his daughter holding his manhood, became worried. By the time he was fully awake, he realized that his daughter was still asleep and didn't know that she was touching him in an intimate and improper way. Feeling his young daughter's sex pressed tightly against the end of his erect organ was causing untold pleasure to travel through his body. He understood that his little girl had suddenly become interested in sex, and believing it was a result of her mother's death, had no idea that it started from watching him and Gwen going down on each other. Then, the feeling of Candi's small slit bumping against his erect manhood while it was gripped in her hand was causing more than just feelings to travel within his body.

From deep within his loins, he could feel his body preparing to ejaculate, and even as he considered pulling his erection away from contact with his daughter's small sex, he felt the rush of his semen moving from his prostate and his round marbles guiding the thick liquid to travel the final eight inches from his body. Pressing the thick bulb of his manhood to the small slit between his young girl's legs, he knew it was impossible to shove into the small sex, even as he wanted to cross that last frontier with his daughter.

Then it happened! His rich male semen shot from the end of his probing manhood and coated the small slit with five squirting bolts of liquid fire, a fire that eased the thick head to enter nearly to its crown into his daughter. Candi woke up suddenly and it was a moment before she understood what was occurring. Then she reacted, "Oh daddy, oh daddy, you like me -- you really like me. I'm sorry if I made you do that again, but I like feeling your stuff on me -- daddy don't be mad cause I pushed my pussy against your cock and made you come -- isn't that what its called?, daddy, I like it -- I really like it like this, oh, daddy I love you." Candi suddenly realized that his thing was inside her, "Daddy, we're making love -- we are having sex, oh daddy."

It was obvious to him that she was taking responsibility for making him splash five loads of his male juices against the edges of her sex, and when her labia opened it filled the narrow entrance with its first male juices. In fact, he'd unleashed four loads of his warm cum into her sex, and it had landed against her hymen. Then it happened! The wetness of the slick fluid permitted half of his cock-head to slip into and enter her small sex. What Kempt understood was the exact feeling that caused Candi to express her long exclamation of delight. Although she could feel the pain in her sex from being parted and even though it hurt, she wanted more, knowing her sexually experienced father would feel the same with her.

A feeling of remorse struck Kemp. He knew he must pull his still erect penis away from his daughter and tell her she could no longer sleep with him. And that they had just escaped from having sex, even if the preceding wasn't truly sex -- just minus full penetration. Thoughts passed across his brain as quickly as a computer could process ideas of how to stop his daughter from continuing her explorative acts of sex between them. He felt his little girl moving her pussy forward. The small sex nestled between her legs opened as much as an eleven-year-old pussy could, and she was pushing forward and moving her hips in a way to speed up her annoyed and impatient childish need to be penetrated. Candi, although a young girl, did not wish to wait until she was older. She wanted to feel the act of penetration immediately.

Kemp was lost! The head of his cock had slipped completely in until the crown of the head had passed through the outer and nearly non-existent small inner labia. Nothing could ever feel so grippingly tight around his manhood, and he knew his daughter wished for him to penetrate her fully and deep up into her stomach. Tight! The feeling around his cock was a tightness he could never have imagined, and he knew that he wanted the feeling of complete penetration. An unknown need passed through him. As the genitor of the child, he had permitted her to sample the first penis to part her undraped female cavity. He desired to feel her sex engulf his cock, but understood he must cease any further act of taking his eleven-year-old undeveloped girl-child, and by splintering her hymen, make her a soiled virgin.

Candi cried out as the blunt, nearly three-inch-thick end of her father's cock struck against the superbly placed and, as the young child would later find out, nearly impenetrable shallow membrane of skin. When the time came for Candi to feel the stretching of her hymen and the thrust that would be required to end her status as a maiden -- a virgin, the small female would discover how tough her hymen truly was. The preadolescent juvenile and childish girl, but moreover, a virgin who wanted to end that part of her being, moved her body to suck in her father's erect male appendage and render her hymen a part of history.

Nature had placed her hymen close to entrance of her sexual opening, and when it was struck with her father's thick cock-head, she cried out in unexpected and surprising pain, and her entire young body seemed to become a large feeling of pain. "It hurts, oh daddy, ohhhh, it hurts, why daddy, why...?" The fresh-faced juvenile, the sexually immature girl-child had not discovered about her hymen, other than discussing such with Linda, her girlfriend. Just before her father exited her sex with his thick organ, Candi humped her body forward once more, and again her overly thick hymen caused her to experience pain, and she uttered a long, "Ohhhh, Daddddyyyy, it hurtssss, whyyyyy, Daddddyyyy?"

Hearing his daughter cry out, and knowing her cherry must be just inside her labia -- and thick, he understood that he must stop the bursting of his daughter's virginity. "No, Candi, we must stop, you must help me - darling little one, we can't," and then did the hardest thing he had ever done in his life. He jerked his cock from the tight grip of his daughter's labium!

Pulling so suddenly from her gripping sex caused the girl to cry out once again, "Aug, it's too much, daddy, it hurts, but it's okay, 'cause I want you to stick it into me like you did with mommy; oh daddy, please put it back in, I won't cry again!"

The urge to do as she asked nearly caused him to do so, but he knew that he must become the leader of this illicit sexual union, and stop before he ruined his little girl's life forever. When he felt his cock-head pull from his adolescent daughter who wasn't yet ready to even reach the development stage of prepubescent growth, he experienced the most phenomenal and exquisite pleasures he had ever known during sex.

Moving onto his side next to his daughter, he knew he must discuss what had occurred, and what made her move to seduce him. Then he recalled her comment, "... stick it in me like you did with mommy..." "Candi, how did you know about what your mother and I did when we were intimate?"

"Daddy, don't be mad, but one time I walked to the door of your room and you were licking between her legs, and a couple of other times I went out on the balcony and watched you and mom through the window and saw your cock going in and out of her pussy." Then, starting to cry, she said to her father, "Don't be mad at me daddy, but I wanted to see what it was like to make love."

Father and daughter lay on the bunk of the ship and Kemp tried to explain about sex the best he could. After several attempts to explain that they couldn't have sex, he conceded to one concession. "Candi, if we do what you ask, you understand that you must never tell a single person what we do; know for certain that I would go to prison for touching you. But if you will agree to this, I will move my organ in and out of the entrance of your sex, but no more than that, do you agree?"

"Yes, daddy, oh yes," Candi answered, with a hoarseness in her breath. Then the little girl moved onto her back and told her father, "Daddy, I want to feel it now, please?"

Against his better judgment, he moved between the gangly and stick-like legs of his daughter. He was always surprised at how her legs were stick-like, but the thighs and calves had more than sufficient meat on them for such a young girl. But one thing that Kemp did know was that his daughter's hips were perfectly round, and although they looked perfect, he soon found they were only large enough to fill the palms of his large hands.

Holding his body above his daughter's, he moved so that his penis, which was fully erect and overly thick, pressed over her vulva. Using his right hand, he guided his manhood to the tiny slit between her legs. "Now, oh yes, daddy, it feels so wonderful, augh, it hurts," she cried out as the blunt head of his manhood pushed-open the nearly nonexistent labia, and it stretched her pussy open in pain. Slowly, for several minutes, he worked his male member into the edges of his daughter's sex, and then he pressed forward to see what she would do if he struck against her cherry.

"Daddy, Daddy!" Candi could not believe how the stretching that she had been feeling could hurt with such a degree of pain. When her father pressed in once more to feel and hear his daughter cry out as he touched his cock to her cherry, he was not disappointed.

"Oh, it hurts, Daddy it hurts but I want it deep, give me all of you," Candi cried out as her thick hymen refused to tear apart and allow her father to take her. Then lust overtook Kemp, and what he had resisted at the start, he finally made a determination to take his young child's virginity. After three strong shoves with his hard erection, he was still unable to puncture his daughter's cherry. Her verbal protest was loud, and he knew that he needed to wait until another time to complete the deflowering of his child.

Finally, he understood the need to wait until some other time to capture his daughter's cherry, and he worked in and out of her small pussy lips, finally unleashing six heavy loads of cum into her welcoming tiny slot. The physical feelings Candi felt as her inner sex was splashed with six warm shots of her father's male juices provided a welcome degree of satisfaction to her sore sex. She couldn't believe that it felt so painful to have her father's cock pushing her tiny sex open, and it seemed that it would tear apart and split her small sex when he shoved in and out of her. Then when she felt the end of his cock striking just inside her gripping little pussy, she thought her father's cock was assuredly going to kill her! When the pain became more than she could accept from the hard penis attempting to push through her hymen, she asked her father to not shove his cock deeper into her body.

Once they were finished and feeling the peak of excitement easing from their bodies, they lay hugging each other, and finally fell asleep. The next morning around six, Kemp awoke and felt his little girl against him. Moving slowly and easily, he finally eased from the bunk, and as he looked at where he had been laying, he saw the dried puddles of semen from the night before when he had attempted sex with his daughter, as she had wanted.

Moving to the head, he used a washcloth to bathe, and after he was satisfied, took his portable battery-operated razor up to the deck and fired-up the engines of the cruiser. Within moments he had the anchor pulled up, and noticed that they had drifted several feet from where he had anchored the night before. Turning the lights off, except for the running lights which he ran during the day, they were soon under way.

By the time Candi woke up and climbed the steps to the deck where her father was, it was just short of ten o'clock, and when she got to where her father sat looking out at the front of the cruiser and the sea, she moved behind him and hugged him in her arms. "Good morning daddy," he heard his own little Candi say in a jubilant voice. Knowing that what had happened the previous evening and night was a "no-no" between her and her father did not bother Candi. In her honest beliefs, the young girl was certain that the love between them would always be wonderful.

"Hello, Sweetie, and how is my girl this morning," he asked as he looked at her for the first time and saw that she was nude. "Fine daddy, and can you stop the ship and let me jump into the water and swim for a couple of minutes?" Then she asked, "Did you like me last night? I hope so, because you made me a woman."

Knowing that she believed that they had gone all the way, he decided not to give her the details of what had happened. Explaining about going all the way could wait. "Honey, I will be pulling into port in about twenty minutes, so it would be best if you cleaned-up in the head, but remember don't use a lot of water."

Watching the round hips of his nude eleven-year-old daughter heading to the stairs to the cabin, he could not believe he had shoved his own cock against her hymen, and could have taken her virginity but resisted the urge. What would happen on the rest of the trip would be interesting, and he understood that he would likely rupture his own little daughter's cherry before a few more days and nights had passed.

When evening came and they had eaten on shore, they returned to the cruiser for the night and after a couple hours of watching TV, retired to the bunk to sleep. Although Candi climbed into his bunk, Kemp chuckled when Candi begged-off from any sexual activity. She commented, "Maybe we'd better not do anything tonight; I feel sore from last night. Is that something I'm supposed to feel; am I okay, daddy?"

"Yes, that's okay honey; you are exceptionally small between your legs and it isn't just from your age, but your thing is not big like some girls." This comment brought forth many questions from Candi about sex, and Kemp answered her inquires as best his knowledge of female anatomy permitted. Before going to sleep she asked several more questions about sex, and when she got the answers they led to additional questions, until Kemp finally told her, "Go to sleep, we still have a dozen days on the trip; good night baby girl."

"Good night, daddy, and sleep tight," she replied.

Awaking the next morning, and looking at the clock on the wall, he noted that it was near 07:30. He also saw that Candi had moved during the night and was resting her head on his chest. To his surprise, he saw that she had somehow placed her mouth onto his nipple, and her lips were clasping it lightly, opening and closing as she breathed. Trying to ease away from his sleeping child, he needed to pick her up to move her from his body. The action of moving woke her immediately and her arms reached out and hugged her father.

"Um, daddy, can't we sleep a little longer? It's too early to get up," and as she spoke, moved her nude form onto his body, and her legs settled on either side of him. In a playful mood, she waffled around on her father and asked, "Now, can we go back to sleep for one more hour, please dear daddy of mine - - - just one more hour?"

"Okay, but then we need to get out to sea." As he spoke, his arms wrapped around his comely daughter. When he next awoke the clock was resting just short of ten o'clock, and he felt how erect he had become while sleeping. She had moved her small sex until the tip of his cock was inserted just between the tiny and nearly non-existent labia. Kemp knew that his own child had suddenly became aroused sexually, and wondered how this cruise was going to end. He truly did not want to enjoy his daughter in a carnal manner. Using his hands to shake his daughter lightly, he spoke, "Candi, time to get up, it's almost ten in the morning, we are about two or three hours late getting out to sea."

When she became awake enough to realize that she was against her father's cock, she wiggled her tiny body so that the contact of her sex and her father's manhood were a little closer. Her small hips were moving so that she exerted pressure against his cock with her narrow slot that was not opening any wider than to allow the very tip of his erection to press at the entrance of her sex.

For the next couple of minutes, they lay so that she could press her small opening against the thick organ of her father. Finally, she asked the question that she had wanted to have the nerve to ask for more than a month. "Daddy, will you kiss me between my legs? I think that it's called cunnilingus, or being eaten out."

Knowing that his daughter had suddenly become overly knowledgeable about sex, Kemp realized that today he needed to determine where she was obtaining her information. Yet, and only for the moment, he thought, I need to wait until we aren't in port to carry on any sexual contact, even if she desires to experience oral sex. Does my little girl know about fellatio, or has she found some boy her age and have been acting out sex games while they play? "Not now little girl, we need to get up and around, and I suggest we go to the showers here in port and clean up properly, so get your buns up and save your request for tonight; perhaps that will work for us."

Moving slowly, Candi sat up on her father's waist, trying to keep the contact between their sexes, and smiling while looking into his face, asked, "You will show me what it's like to be eaten out? Oh daddy!"

They took towels with them and walked to the showers. After Candi entered the women's shower, she saw that they were common showers, and that another woman was washing-off under the water. At first she was embarrassed to undress, but the lady smiled and told her, "You're very pretty, and I promise not to watch you undress." Slowly Candi undressed, and once she was under the shower the woman started to speak with her, and asked, "Would you like me to wash your back?" Candi, being naïve, replied, "Okay, that's what my mom did when I was little and took a bath."

Candi became involved in a conversation of some depth with the attractive looking woman when she stepped under the shower, including what had happened to her mother. A strange feeling was in Candi's body, but she didn't understand what it was that she was feeling, except that the woman had very large breasts and a thick growth of hair on her sex. Soon the woman said to her, "You're such a sweet girl, and I'm sorry to hear about your mother," and as she spoke reached out and hugged Candi, saying, "Let me make you feel good, and hug you pretty one."

Feeling the woman's soapy hands on her back, Candi did not resist or protest as she washed her back, then move down and wash her round hips. The most unique sensation racked her body when the woman used the liquid soap and moved her hands across the front of her preteen body. The sensations were similar to the feelings she'd received when her father had caressed her body the past couple of days when they played being married. During the times when she had convinced her father to touch and be intimate with her, she had considered the two of them as being married and this justified the incestuous touching.

Slowly the woman moved her hands between Candi's legs and her finger slid up and down her nearly lipless vulva. Suddenly a strange sensation passed across Candi's sex as the woman played with her extremely small love button. The woman, a confirmed lesbian, knew how to make the young girl become excited since she had done this so many times with young girls that she could have them shuddering in a climax, even if it was one for a girl who hadn't started her menses. The woman eased Candi's legs apart and soon had her small clit to the point that the young girl was on the verge of climaxing.

Using her other hand and reaching behind, the woman pushed Candi's rounded ball-shaped hips apart and placed the liquid soap onto her tiny back hole. Slowly, the woman eased her finger into her resisting butt, but Candi did not speak, and finally she felt the woman's finger completely inside of her rear hole.

Between the woman's finger rubbing her love button, and the middle finger of her right hand moving in and out of her sphincter, the young girl was soon moaning out the precursor of her orgasm. Her legs could no longer hold her up, and her body crumbled to the shower floor. Moving down with the young girl, the woman moved her own breast to Candi's lips and told her, "Suck my nipple like a baby; you're such a lovely little baby." In another thirty seconds Candi climaxed with a finger in her anus, and a finger rubbing her prepuce covered b-b sized clit until she went off so hard that she bit down on the large nipple in her mouth.

After the woman stood back up and helped Candi to her feet, she kissed the young girl on her lips and asked, "You were wonderful; you got off really great, didn't you?" Once more, the woman kissed her and this time she pushed her tongue into her mouth. When she felt Candi wiggling her own tongue with hers, the lesbian wondered if the girl would become lesbian when she became older. "There's something about this girl and sex," she thought. "I felt her hymen, so I know that she's cherry, but she responded as if someone has enjoyed sex with her before, but who? Her own father?" the woman wondered to herself, but dismissed that idea.

"Honey, I'm going to dry-off and get dressed, but would you wait until I've gone before you leave the shower and get dressed? My husband is waiting for me, and I wouldn't want him to know that I cheated on him with such a pretty girl."

After she walked out to where her father was waiting on the ship, he looked at her and said, "You must be clean inside and out for as long as you were in the shower."

"Yeah, daddy, I was washed inside and out," she said as she went below to the ship's cabin.

Kemp soon had the ship moving out to sea after being off-shore by a couple of miles, and set a course heading toward Florida. Around six that afternoon, Candi had fixed dinner for the two of them and they sat on the deck enjoying the view of the sun as it moved over the water and would soon be lowering over the land to the West.

"Daddy, you're special, and I want you to make love to me tonight," he heard his charming daughter tell him. Not understanding how small her sex was, or how overly thick her hymen was, she added, "I know it will hurt, but I promise I'll be brave and not ask you to stop." "But if I do ask you to stop, don't you dare do it until you're all the way inside me," Candi spoke in a tone that was nearly reverent, but demanding.

"Sweetheart, let's not rush things. I thought you wanted to try oral sex, so until we find a way to get your little pussy to stretch, perhaps we should play like we have been." Then Kemp added, "Perhaps we will at least try; but no promises that I'll go all the way into you tonight."

"No daddy, I want it all the way in me, no matter how it hurts, so don't you even think of stopping, please, not this time, just do it all the way," she implored her father.

After cleaning the dishes, they sat on the deck and watched the small TV. Kemp believed that installing the small satellite dish had been a smart move, as it provided a way to keep up with what was going on, especially about possible storms.

After a short time, Candi took off her clothes and asked her father, "Am I sexy? Daddy, what would cause an older woman to desire seeing me in the nude, or want to kiss me and even touch me between me legs or my butt?"

"Why are you asking me such a combination of questions, has some woman come-on to you?" he asked his daughter and wondered if this had anything to do with her sudden interest in sex for the past few weeks.

"No daddy," Candi lied, knowing that she could never tell anyone how a woman had made her become excited and that discovering the woman's finger in her butt created a terrific feeling. "You know daddy, I only desire being personal with you. Can you tell me about a man and woman having what is referred to as anal sex?"

When she'd climbed onto his lap to be held, they'd become involved in more questions dealing with sex. As a result, Kemp wondered exactly what was going on in his daughter's life, especially her sexual life. This was a good time to start asking some questions, but in a guarded way, about her sexual experiences.

"My darling daughter, I want you to be perfectly honest with me, and I won't be upset about what you tell me, nor will I lecture you however you reply." He hugged his daughter and asked, "You know that we've been more involved than we should have been, so what all have you done sexually, with whom, and where are you getting your knowledge and experience?"

For an hour she snuggled on her father's lap and told how she had read and looked at web-sites, and lastly spoke of the woman in the shower. Kemp at first was upset with the woman, but when Candi told him, "Daddy, I don't ever want another woman to touch me or kiss me, and it wasn't bad and I don't hate her, whoever she was." But, in her mind Candi had decided to practice what the woman had shown her with her friend Linda, but there was no way she could tell her father.

For the next half hour father and daughter spoke of tomorrow's plans to pull into port in Florida. They would check into a hotel at Pier 66 in Ft. Lauderdale. "Honey we'll need to be underway early tomorrow morning so we'll get up around six." They went below, and as he undressed he saw his nude daughter lay on his bunk with her legs parted fairly widely and she asked, "Are you going to lick me as you promised?"

After he was undressed, Kemp lay down on the bed next to her and asked, "You're my daughter, are you certain you want to continue being intimate?"

"Yes, let me feel what you did to mom, and I want to be close to you the rest of my life, and don't make me wait to feel what oral sex is like when a man licks the girl or woman he cares about, please daddy, now?"

Kemp looked between his eleven-year-old daughters's longish-looking legs, and although they had the thinness of a young girl, he could tell they would be perfectly formed some day in the near future. My god, he thought, her legs will be an exact copy of her mother's, and boys will be trying to convince her to spread them. Slowly, and knowing he was passing a sexual frontier that he should not be doing, he pressed his lips lightly against Candi's vulva, and without any real labia, was kissing what seemed like extremely smooth skin, with a long looking cut in the center.

Extending his tongue from his mouth, he brushed it from the bottom of his daughter's slit, up through the narrow channel until the tip pressed against her prepuce, which he found long and harder than he had ever noticed previously. Then again, he thought, I've never been this close or felt her sex like this, and he felt his daughter move her hips upward, and she uttered, "Um, oh daddy that is so warm and wonderful!"

He led his daughter to the fullest extent of oral sex and his tongue probed her tiny anal ring and licked her pussy as deeply as his tongue could search inside her small opening. No wonder I couldn't get my cock into her and how wonderful it felt to only slip my cock-head into such a small, tight pussy, he thought. Using his tongue in the most stimulating way he had ever done when he went down on a woman, he used it like a penis, and he manipulated Candy's prepuce and tiny clit. He built his daughter up to a climax time after time, and just when she was about to hit the peak of pleasure, he would stop. Starting over at least a dozen times, he felt her body shaking, and finally knew he must let her go, as her hands had moved down and grabbed his hair, and like an older experienced woman, pulled his face against her sex.

Until now, she hadn't spoken or uttered a word, as he brought her off to an explosive orgasm, and she sobbed out, "What is happening to me, daddy, I feel like..."

He felt his daughter's small sex quiver as her climax hit full blast, and as her hips rose up from the bed she being to urinate as her orgasm hovered at its peak. As her warm urine entered his mouth, he drank from her urethra as she shuddered. He knew that his daughter was experiencing the ultimate in orgasmic release. He'd felt Gwen do the same thing many times, and each time he had made his late wife pee when he took her with his mouth, he felt more in love with her.

Kemp was hard -- his cock was ready to take his daughter to new delights she had told him she wanted a short time ago. He moved up between her legs and pushed his cock against her wet sex. For several minutes he moved the head of his cock at the tight opening, but could not slip it inside, and then he felt the bulb slip in until the crown was inside her small inner lips that were nothing more than tiny little flaps. He could feel the tip of his cock pressing against the shallow-placed membrane, but he couldn't go any deeper. Never could he have believed a hymen could be so hard to get through, and finally he went off -- and shot long streams of cum against her hymen, as he kept his cock head pressed against the thick door to her inner body.

Her daddy's thick thing had stretched her narrow slit until she thought that he would rip her pussy apart at the top and bottom. Believing she was ready to have sex as she had asked her father to do to her early that day, Candi had accepted the pain from the initial stretching of her tightly gathered sexual lips, but not the battering at her hymen. "Oh daddy, ohdahodohodeho, no more daddy, augh it hurts so badddd, no more Daddddyyyy, take it out, aughhhh," she begged her father to stop pounding at her hymen, while her thin, young-girl legs were kicking out and around in the air. She'd made her tiny hands into fists and they were unknowingly striking her father's back and shoulders.

Still the harsh, punitive striking of her father's blunt and uncompressing short thrust was so brutal that she couldn't believe her father was being so cruel. "Daddddyyyy, oh stop, I'll never ask you to fuck me again, never, it's so brutally painful, stop Daddddyyyy stop, please why won't you stop?" She could think of no reason for his not stopping the shoving of his big thing up inside her pain-filled sex -- except that she had told him not to stop, no matter how much she begged him or if she said that it hurt. Candi was suffering from the painful experience of having her virginity punched out of her pussy, but her pleas didn't stop her father.

She felt she would die from the physical attempt to shatter her impenetrable hymen, and as she felt her father shove harder than ever against whatever the thing in her pussy was, thought it was mean of him. Still her legs kicked-out on their own, needing to help her escape the raping penis, and waved around in the air. She didn't understand that he was now simply filling her little slot with his male juice. The image of her tiny, flailing legs, spread outward on each side of her father's strong and wide body was almost ludicrous to anyone who would have viewed the miss-sized coupling from overhead.

Kemp had no thought of stopping and knew it was assuredly the most excruciating pain his little girl had ever felt, and with the final heave of his cock he'd hoped to breach her pussy. He was unable to break through his daughter's preadolescent virginity, but unladed his cum against the impenetrable wall of skin, his daughter's tough and thick cherry.

After they were relaxed and lying side by side, Kemp listened as his daughter began crying and apologizing for peeing, but she hadn't realized that she was doing so at first. Finally He told her, "We should get into your bunk, and I'll take the wet sheets from this one. Did you get what you wanted, pretty girl?"

With the soft sound of crying, she sobbed, "Oh yes, and daddy, I don't think that after what you just gave me allows me to be a girl anymore, I think you made me a woman."

"Honey, you are still a girl, but you definitely experienced a woman's enjoyment of orgasm from oral sex." Are you okay, or do you hurt in your pussy from my trying to enter you, Honey?" Looking at the emotionally flushed face of his daughter, Kemp said, "I wanted to be in you very much, maybe we can try it again later in a few days when you aren't sore, if you want."

"Just do me with your tongue for the next few days, and I will be happy."

For the remainder of the trip, Candi could not receive enough oral sex, and she was not hesitant to instruct her father how to lick and kiss her to give her the feelings she desired. The last night of the cruise she asked her father, "Before we get home, will you try to put it in me again? And even if it hurts, don't stop."

That proved more than Candi could handle, and finally she cried out in real pain as she felt her hymen start to tear open, and she begged her father, "No more, oh God, daddy it hurts so much, I can't take it any deeper!"

Kemp knew that his daughter had nearly been deflowered, as he could feel his cock finally start to tear apart the skin that made her a virgin. The moment he pulled back and was ready to try to drive into her body all the way, was when he listened to his daughter ask him to stop. After pulling out of her sex, he saw a slight redness, not enough to show she had lost her virginity, but only enough to provide evidence that it had a slight indention in her maidenhead.

The final night of the trip provided a change in the sexual acts between father and daughter, as Candi decided to attempt oral sex on her father. The small mouth of the girl wouldn't open enough to fit over the thick head of her father's cock, but between using her tongue and lips as best as she could, plus jacking-off her father at the same time, she received a thick load of male cream in her eleven-year-old mouth.

Nearly gagging, Candi did not remove her mouth until she had four more streams of semen shot to the back of her throat. After several attempts, she had swallowed most of the liquid, but sitting up in the bed and starting to speak, her mouth opened and the white mucus dripped from her lips and down onto her small body.

Once Kemp and Candi were again home and in a few weeks time, Candi was back in school. When they arrived at their log cabin, they did not notice that "The Eyes" were there to view them the following day. No thought of being watched entered either of their minds, and Candy proceeded to be nude around the house, but only in her father's bedroom did she show any romantic or sexual activity with him. The act of oral sex was done nearly every-other night in Kemp's darkened bedroom, so "The Eyes" never noticed the incestuous acts between father and daughter. For the next several months, until school was out once again for the summer, Kemp had attempted to enter his daughter's vagina, but she could not accept the pain.

The second week of summer arrived and Candi was now a twelve-year-old with small breast buds. They weren't out more than half-an-inch from her body, and were mostly pink, puffy nipples. Topping off her Mons Veneris were a few strands of light brown, and slightly blonde maiden-hairs. She hadn't noticed when they first appeared. One night as he was performing oral sex on his daughter, Kemp brought up the fact that she had maiden-hair on top of her pussy, right at the cleft, and a few on the very top of her labia.

Unknown to Candi, "The Eyes" had noticed them also, and he had obtained a stronger lens and video camera. He'd also been successful in getting a few spots of brush to grow only ten feet from her bedroom window. Now the image of her budding breasts and the beginning growth of hair on her little pussy brought him to pure lust-filled desires to fuck the delightfully cute girl.

Two days later Linda came over, and "The Eyes" found not one, but two enchanting, and later that day amusing, young, budding, preteen damsels. Watching the two young females remove their clothing, it became evident that the one who lived in the log home was ahead of her friend in the development of their bodies. "The Eyes" watched as they moved from the bedroom to the swimming pool. They were once more looking at the small humps on each other's chests and Candi, the bold one, spoke then reached out and fingered the other girl's breasts. Then she had the other girl sit on the table and lay back with her legs hanging over the edge.

Before his eyes and the camera that was recoding the sight before him, "The Eyes" saw the girl who lived in the cabin place her mouth between the other girl's legs and perform oral sex on her friend. Evidently the girl knew how to perform oral sex, and "The Eyes" knew that she likely had been doing it for a while, but with whom, her father?

"Oh, my, Candi, you'd better stop, something is happening, oh, Candi I feel so funny, I'm going to explode, augh golly yes!" Linda was beyond anything but feeling her very first climax float from her soul and travel to that secret spot between her legs. Until now she had not considered it as being a spot of untold pleasures. Shouting out her final words as her climax washed over her, she told her best friend, "Candi, lick me back at the top, yessss, oh, yessss, there, ohhhhh, Candi, I'm doing somethinggggg, yeahhhh!"

After the two girls moved from the table and jumped into the water, "The Eyes" watched the prepubescent girls play childlike in the large pool. When the girl who lived in the home walked over to the large windows, "The Eyes" got a close-up of the few hairs on her pussy, and when she opened the louvers of one large window pane, she was truly a beauty to view.

The girls were not aware that they were being observed when the girl who lived in the house spoke to her friend and led her to the sofa. "The Eyes" took in the view of Candi as she moved her lips to her friend's and shortly was fondling her tiny nipples and then the small slit between her legs. Within moments the leader of the two grasped the other girl's hand and placed it between her legs, and from the looks of her lips as she spoke, was telling her to touch her like she was doing.

Within moments the two girls were laying one-over-the-other rubbing their sex together with each taking turns being on top. "The Eyes" took in Candi as she sucked the small nipples of her friend and he jacked-off as the girls engaged in lesbian acts that surprised him and caused him to wonder where Candi had obtained her sexual powers.

For a two-week period, Linda visited Candi while her parents traveled to South America. They had arranged with Kemp to have their daughter stay with him and Candi while they were gone. "The Eyes" never failed to capture the two girls on stills or in videos, but when it rained for three straight days, he was unable to photograph the girls at all. Had he been able to watch them, "The Eyes" would have seen them run outside in the rain and down by Kemp's diverted creek where the banks of the stream were muddy.

The girls ran around naked in the rain and enjoyed the raindrops splashing against their nude skin. While they wrestled around on the ground together, Candi moved on top of her friend and began thrusting her pubic area against that of Linda's, simulating the act of intercourse. This was enough to bring her highly sensitive girlfriend to an orgasm. The image of two twelve-year-old girls frolicking on the rain-drenched ground would be enough to trigger any deviant into joining the actions of the sexually charged preteens.

After Linda had climaxed, she returned the favor for her friend, and as she bucked her pussy against Candi's yielding sex, rubbing against the center of her widely spread legs caused Candi to reach her orgasm too, but not necessarily the strong apex of sexual release she'd received from her father's oral stimulations.

For a few minutes, they lay on their sides facing each other. Candi moved until she was kissing her friend, and pushed her tongue into her mouth as the woman in the shower had done. Only moments passed until Candi was sucking and kissing the small bumps of breasts that only raised on Linda's chest enough to show promise of what was to come. Candi moved her hand down and began to touch and play with her friend's small sex which was adorned with a few hairs and her puffy labia surrounding the narrow gash that led into her female wound.

Moving so that she was now lying with her head on her friend's stomach, Candi decided to "fuck" her friend with her middle finger. She moved her left hand so that her fingers could seek-out her tiny pink sphincter, and stimulate Linda's anus for the first time. Within moments Linda felt her puckered opening accepting her friend's finger; the feeling wasn't necessary painful, but was certainly enough to create discomfort. Whatever she felt, Linda allowed her girlfriend to continue using her finger to "fuck" her anal opening.

After a few minutes of playing with Linda's anus and running her finger all around the narrow slot between her friend's legs, Candi decided to try using her finger in Linda's pussy, as her father did with his cock. Pressing her finger inside the tightly gripping female wound, Candi felt what she correctly defined as Linda's cherry. Wanting to cause her friend some pleasurable pain, she began to thrust her finger hard against the thin membrane that grew close to the entrance of Linda's sexual opening. After a few minutes of using one finger, Candi decided to use two fingers inside her friend's pussy, and when she shoved in both fingers with a fast and hard thrust, she split Linda's cherry apart.

"Ayieeee, stop - - - stop, it hurts, take your finger out, you hurt meeee, oh, stopppp, noooo moreeee, Ayieeee, help me, help me Mommyyyyy," Linda screamed, and as she understood that her friend had just taken her virginity from her, began to cry. Then, with a startled look Linda said, "Candi, you took my virginity," and looking down, saw that she was bleeding from her sex, which confirmed the loss of her cherry.

For at lest ten minutes the two girls hugged and kissed each other. Finally Linda accepted the fact that her friend loved her and would always be with her. "After all," she told Candi, "My boyfriend or husband was supposed to get my cherry, now you are my first."

"Are you mad at me for getting your cherry, did it hurt much, how does it feel now?" Candi asked, and then asked several more questions about the loss of her cherry.

"Let me tell you, it stings inside and it hurt like crazy when you pushed your fingers into me so hard, I wanted to kill you it hurt so badly," Linda said to her friend, but she smiled and reached out and hugged her, and spoke softly, "Now you have my cherry, when can I have yours?"

After a short while they got up and ran to the creek where Linda used her hands to wash away the evidence of her lost virginity. She reached out and grabbed Candi while stating, "I might just drown you for taking my cherry, you bad girlfriend." While speaking, the two girls started to hug and push each other, and suddenly they both fell backwards onto the muddy creek bank. For the next five minutes they rolled around in the mud, and when they walked up onto the grassy area alongside the creek, they looked at each other and started laughing.

Linda saw that Candi had lots of mud covering her tiny sex and she reached out and played with the wet dirt. They stood and rubbed their muddy bodies together, but had not heard Candi's father arriving home. Kemp stood watching his daughter and her friend as they were covered in mud then walked into the house and took out his digital camera. Using the zoom lens, he took several photos of the girls as they rubbed around while standing up, then he saw them lay down on the ground and Candi get between Linda's legs.

Kemp had no doubt about what they were experimenting with; it was an act of sex between two females. Taking more photos, he watched as Linda moved her tiny legs around his daughter's back. After several minutes it was obvious the twelve-year-old girl climaxed, and with a great deal of enjoyment.

Stepping back into the house, he watched as the two girls walked into the stream and washed off, then realized they would soon be coming into the house. He didn't want them to know that he'd been watching the lesbian scene the two preteens had presented.

Inside the house he went to his room, removed his clothing and quickly slipped on his bathing suit, then walked briskly to the kitchen and got a can of lite beer from the refrigerator. He then went to the pool and got into the shallow end of the water and sat on the steps. When the girls entered the pool they didn't notice him at first as they walked toward where he was seated. When they saw him, he said, "Hi, girls, been out walking in the rain? Guess we should eat out this evening, what do you think of that idea, Linda?"

Linda was embarrassed to be seen in the nude by Candi's dad, although she and her own parents all swam together in the pool in the nude when they visited with Candi and her father. When Gwen was alive, they would spend at least one afternoon and evening with the Davenport family, the wives taking turns preparing the meal for all of them. But this was the first time that Linda had been nude in front of Kemp since she had grown small breasts and had hair starting on her pussy.

Being nude was only one part of the problem for Linda. Thinking that Kemp could tell that she'd lost her virginity to his daughter only an hour or so before, she turned red in embarrassment. Kemp caught the look on the girl's face, and knew that something had happened between the two of them. He wondered if it was because of the lesbian act he had witnessed?

Candi took Linda's hand and they walked over and sat down next to Kemp on the pool steps, but not before he looked between Linda's legs and saw that she was bleeding slightly. He understood that the girl wasn't into her menses yet, and then he knew why she seemed agitated. He would ask Candi later if she had taken her friend's cherry.

The next day the rain came down even harder and since it was Saturday, Kemp was at home and was dressed when the girls came down to the kitchen. He had bowls of cereal on the table for them and dishes of cut-up bananas and raspberries for them to top it off with. "Good morning, I guess you two had a great sleep. This evening we'll go out to eat, so what or where do you wish to have dinner?"

"Can we get all dressed up and eat at the "Wild Buffalo Steak House" daddy? Candi asked her father, as they sat at the glass-topped table and began to fix their cereal. When they sat down Candi was on the chair next to him, while Linda was seated across from him. Looking down, he could see Linda's legs. She was holding them apart and allowing her lower legs to swing back and forth as she sat on the chair.

Making small talk with the two girls, he got up and poured himself another cup of coffee, and sitting back down, noticed that Linda had pulled her right leg up under her left one which caused her pussy to be displayed. He enjoyed the knowledge that he was viewing the few hairs on the preteen little pussy and understood that he was viewing what only one other man had ever seen, her father. However, had he known that "The Eyes" had seen her several times and had her on video film and photographs; he would have wanted to kill the man.

Looking closely, Kemp could see that there was no doubt that somehow Linda had lost her virginity to his daughter, as her parted pussy showed the ragged look that only those that have lost the hymen have. The view also showed that the area around and in the entrance was red, and appeared to be inflamed. Glancing upward, he saw that Linda was looking at him and her eyes locked on his. Then she smiled, and moving her legs further apart began flirting with him, and letting him be aware that she was now sexually alert to the desires of a male. "My god," he thought to himself, "Linda is most likely offering herself to me.

For the next several minutes the three of them sat at the table. Kemp could not stop looking at the sex of the young girl across from him and he thought to himself, "I've never looked at Candi like this when she sat at the table with me." When Linda pulled her feet up onto the edge of the chair and allowed her legs to part, he know only one thing, "If I get the chance, I will fuck that girl!?

That evening the three of them dressed up to go for dinner at the "Wild Buffalo Steak House," he in slacks, a polo shirt, and blazer, while the two girls wore their best dresses. In fact, Linda wore one of Candi's, as she hadn't brought a nice dress with her. That was the way she'd explained why she needed to wear her girlfriend's dress. Before they left to eat, Linda went to the bathroom. While she was gone Kemp looked at Candi and asked, "I know you somehow got Linda's cherry, so don't deny it, but how? And no, I'm not mad, just curious."

Looking at her father, Candi smiled and told him, "With my two fingers, and she liked it, and daddy, she wants you to do her tonight when we get home." He listened as his daughter told him, "She let you see her pussy this morning at the table and tonight, I'm supposed to be asleep and she will come into your room and pretend to be afraid and crawl into bed with you."

"Candi, what if someone finds out, then what? What if she tells her parents? They'll have me arrested and I'll be locked up forever."

"She won't tell, and I haven't told her about anything you and I have done together, but I did tell her about the woman in the shower. She accepted that that was how I knew what to do with her," Candi explained. "Hush daddy, she's coming back into the room," Candi told her father, as she whispered, "Daddy, I need you to shoot your stuff into me, and I want you to do me all the way when Linda goes home."

The dinner was wonderful for the girls, and they flirted with a couple of older boys that they knew. Candi said that they were fifteen, but Linda said she believed they were older since they both drove cars. When they returned home it was still raining. Kemp had previously moved his bed for a better view from the window in the front of the house, and had purchased three oriental room-screens to block-off an area in the large bedroom. This he'd turned into a small living room. The Western-style sofa and matching chair were leather, and he'd purchased a new bedroom suite to replace the one that he and Gwen had slept in since they had lived in the cabin.

When Candi had seen the look of the screens, she begged her daddy to fix her room up like his, which he did. This was likely a good idea, as that night "The Eyes" braved the heavy rain and waited until they had arrived. When he got no more than a quick view of the two preteen girls in the nude, he went home.

It was shortly after eleven o'clock and Kemp was watching the late local news on television, when Linda walked into his room. The first thing he saw was that she had on a short pajama top, but he knew she was not wearing panties. Pretending to not know what was to take place, he asked, "Hi, Linda, what's going on; where's Candi?"

"Candi's asleep, but I'm scared, and wondered if I could curl-up with you until I'm not scared anymore and can go back to bed and go to sleep?"

Before he could say yes, Linda got into bed and curled up next to him. For the past two weeks she'd been sleeping with Candi, and they'd wrapped up in each others arms and legs, so she was not hesitant to do the same with Kemp. When Linda felt his hard erection against her thin and curvy right leg, she moved so that her pussy was pressed tightly against the older man's leg.

Neither said anything, but Kemp used the remote to turn off the television, and with another one, turned down the lights until it was dark in the room. He was uncertain how to proceed with the young girl. He knew what she wanted, but should he start the sexual union or allow her to try her womanly, albeit sexual, ways on him? "Will you hug me and keep me warm, K- Kemp, I feel cold," Linda whispered.

He understood that the girl was certain how to proceed with seduction and he eased his large hand down across her back making circular motions with his hand until he was caressing the small round globes of her buttocks. Moving so that his cock was pressing against her body, he felt her shudder, and she knew that soon she would have the big thing that was touching her stomach inside her body.

Whispering softly, Kemp asked, "Would you like to hold me? Like -- you know what I mean, you can touch me if you wish, sweetheart." The older man was in paradise, and when the small, soft hand moved and took hold of his erection, he heard her utterance of, "Um, oh my, Kemp."

Knowing he was going to have sex with the girl, he decided to just get it over with and enjoy the act and not pretend any longer. Moving his hand down, he caressed the tiny buttons on her chest and then brought his lips to her nipples and licked and sucked them until he felt the tiny eraser-sized nips become erect. Taking them one-at-a-time into his mouth, he lightly bit them and listened as she tried not to protest that it was hurting when he applied pressure, but he wanted the girl to know the difference between soft caresses and the need for more forcefulness in making love.

When his finger found her tiny slit, he played with the edge for a few minutes, then eased his finger inside and confirmed that she was no longer a virgin. Using his thumb against her clit, he found her prepuce was somewhat longer than he expected it to be, but it was as hard as a small penis. Between his finger moving gently in her pussy and his thumb on her clit, he asked her, "Are you a virgin, or have you ever had sex before, and with whom?"

Without thinking, she replied, "I've had sex once, with Candi, and. . ."

"Don't worry, its okay, I won't tell her you told me, deal sweetheart?"

"Yeah, thanks for not being upset."

"What do you want me to do with you? Tell me exactly, pretty one," he asked the young girl as he wanted to see if she would say that she wanted to fuck?

"Would you fuck me, is that what I should tell you?" she asked in a hushed voice -- so soft that he could just make out her question."

Placing the twelve-year-old girl on her back, he eased between her legs and using his right hand, worked the thick head of his cock against and between the puffy lips of her tight sex. Slowly he moved the end inside her body, and he felt her tense up from the first cock to part her pussy lips. Then as he moved it slowly in and out of the entrance of her pussy, he pressed past her Labia Minora until the head was completely encased within the gripping young sex.

"Can you not move for a minute? It kind-of hurts and feels like it's stretching me wide-apart down there and it kind of burns."

"Tell me when you want me to move it deeper," he replied, but at the same time was making small movements back and forth and when she didn't reply, began feeding his cock into the juvenile pussy. For nearly five minutes he worked his cock back and forth in the girl's small sex, and finally he moved so that she was no longer allowing any hesitation, he drove all the way inside her body.

"Kemp, you're too deep, no, pull back, it hurts like that, and oh, maybe we should stop," Linda cried out.

Now there was no turning back and he rode the young girl in a full stroke in-and-out of her small pussy, and before long he heard the age-old grunts and uh's an oh's that women make when they're enjoying sex. This time, a twelve-year-old was giving him her vocal wail of sounds, and he increased the strokes and quickness, and assuredly, the hardness of his drives into and back out of her trembling body.

"Augh, oh Kemp, I feel like it is - - - yes, oh Kemp, darling, I'm going to. . ."

"My god," Kemp thought, "The little minx is climaxing -- and on her first fuck, damn how lucky can a man get?" Then his body prepared to unload his built-up cream, which he hadn't been able to release since Linda had come to stay two weeks before. His cum splashed against the womb door of the tiny girl, and he knew he was filling her sex with his five loads of stringy thick white mucus.

After they untangled, Linda hugged him and said, "I think that was the most wonderful thing in the world, but will you not tell Candi we did it tonight?"

"I won't tell, it will be our secret, but do you want to sleep with me tonight and maybe we can do it again, or do you want to sleep with Candi?" he asked in a soft voice.

"You will allow me to sleep with you, like we are married, really? I guess you are my Lover, aren't you," she said but then added, "I don't think I can stand to do it again tonight, I'm kind of sore and stretched out down there."

Unknown to either of them, Candi had quietly come into the bedroom where they were enjoying the initial sex between them, and she'd listened and watched from behind one of the screens.

Candi was surprised to see how her friend had moved her legs all around when she and her father were having sex, and more surprised in how she shoved her small round hips up from the bed. Hearing her friend reply that she would sleep with her new lover, Candi smiled and returned to her bed. This was part of the plan she and Linda had worked out.

It was nearly three in the morning when Kemp awoke to feel his cock being stroked, and then he realized that it was Linda. He was erect, and he kissed the preteen lips as they moved to meet his, and easing his large body atop the young girl's, soon was buried completely inside her small sex. He could feel that her pussy was still wet from his first loads of cum, and was soon filled with another four shots of warm male cream. This time she did not climax. She found the idea of a man going off inside her exciting, but she wanted to find some way that she could see what it looked like. The next morning around seven when she and Kemp awoke, she asked if there was some way that she could see what it was like when a man shot his stuff into a woman.

He told her how to stroke him, and as she did, he allowed her to set the pace. After several minutes, she had a nice rhythm going and had moved so that her head was resting on his stomach. When he shot off, it hit Linda squarely and she couldn't believe how it looked as it targeted her face for its place to land.

After wiping with the edge of the sheet, Kemp asked her, "Now you know, so what do you think?"

"I think that I enjoy knowing now what you put into me last night, and would you explain to me sometime about the stuff that gets a girl pregnant, and all that?" She looked at him and said, "I'd better go get into bed with Candi before she wakes up and I'm not there."

Kemp lay in bed for another half hour, and then got up, showered, dressed in his bathrobe, and walked into the kitchen to start a pot of coffee. Turning on the small TV hanging under the kitchen counter, he tuned to one of the twenty-four-hour national news stations. He looked at the screen he saw that a suicide terrorist had blown himself up and killed at least five people including three Americans, and injured at least fifteen others. The terrorist had set himself off at a plaza in Argentina's capital city, Buenos Aires, and the authorities were surprised as this was something new for that city.

It was nine o'clock that night, and Linda's parents still hadn't called. They were due home by around three in the afternoon, and no word had been received so Kemp was about to call the airline when the phone rang. After advising the caller that he was watching the Martin child, Kemp listened as a US embassy staffer informed him that both of Linda's parents had been killed during the bombing. They had found the information to call him in the Martin's hotel room. Ms. Elizabeth Martin had emergency information written in a book, including how to reach him. After hanging up the telephone, Kemp had a flashback to when Gwen was killed, and now he would need to address the issue with Linda. My god, he thought, they were likely killed while he was having sex with their little daughter!

For the next hour Kemp spoke to Candi, and especially to Linda who he was holding on his lap, as he informed them about John and Liz being killed. Candi had walked into the kitchen to get herself a drink and Linda, with a sobbing voice asked, "I want to live with you and Candi; now you can be my husband and father, is that okay with you?"

"We will have to see, but you are sort-of an orphan, as your parents were the only children in their families, and your grandparents are deceased on both sides of your parent's families. Linda, we will need to let the court decide that, okay?" Then he added, "but I will do all in my power to have you live with us, deal?"

Even though it was late, Kemp called his friend, Drew Williams. The two of them had been friends since they were in first grade. Nancy, Drew's wife answered the phone when Kemp called and after small-talk for a couple of minutes, gave her husband the telephone. Drew listened as Kemp explained the circumstances, and upon hearing that Linda was an only child, and her nearest relatives were extremely older uncles and aunts of her father and mother, felt that they would prevail in the local court. Drew said that he would file court papers the first thing in the morning with Judge Rebecca Wilbarger. "Kemp, I need you to bring the girl with you to my office by seven thirty tomorrow morning so that we can get the paperwork signed and we can meet in chambers with the judge before she starts her day in court.

That night, as they prepared for bed, Kemp was shocked when the girls both asked if they could sleep with him. He gave them both a brief discussion that they must never advise anyone that they slept in the same bed. Candi, being somewhat mischievous, asked, "You mean to tell me that I can never tell my best friend, Linda that I slept with my daddy and she can't tell me that she slept with my daddy, and now Linda walks funny?" Both of the girls started to laugh, and finally Kemp joined in the laughter.

Kemp went to sleep between the two young girls and he listened as Candi fell asleep. Just before he was also ready to go to sleep, he felt Linda move against him and whisper into his ear, "Can we get into bed in one of the other rooms, just you and me? I . . . will you .. . hold me . . . like last night, cause it. . ."

Easing from his bed, he led the young girl into one of the guest rooms and turned down the bed covers, then turned and pulled the short top Linda was wearing from her body. Moving with the girl onto the bed, he at first held the girl, and she was bold enough to reach down and take his erection into her hand. Kissing the puffy little breasts of the pretty girl, he decided to give the girl something he knew she would enjoy, and he moved his face down and kissed her stomach, then between her legs.

For Linda, the sex the older man gave her was more intent than what she had received from her friend Candi on the back-porch table. Her hips were soon bumping up to keep the contact of his tongue on her clitoris. And when he moved his tongue between her love lips, she sobbed her approval. Feeling the warmth of his tongue as it pressed and licked across the small opening between her hips gave Linda such sensations that she shuddered, and told him that is was so wonderful.

Within moments, he had moved the girl onto her back, and eased the thick head of his penis into her small body. This time when he took the girl, he was slow and only moved a little at a time until he was completely inside the snug fitting glove of her sex. "Oh, you feel different tonight, you're so gentle, it's starting to do that strange thing inside me, yessss, ohhhh, you're doing it - - - aren't you, aughhhh, yessss. . ." She reached her climax from the pressure of being licked and kissed between her legs, and then the slow stroking in and out of her tender pussy. Kemp could feel her small sex gripping his erection and she seemed to be willing his cock to unleash his load of cream into her body and he pressed completely into her as he folded her legs back over her torso.

The pushing of her body into a doubled-up position caused her to open her slender legs wide and the rounded balls of her hips were receiving his pelvic area. She could feel the sack below his cock strike against her anus. Pressing as deeply as he could force his cock, but not in a battering effort, he splashed a massive load of cum deep against and into her womb, followed by three lesser loads.

"Kemp, please stay as you are for a moment. I like feeling your sack-thing against my butt, and knowing you're squirting your stuff inside me, I want it up me forever, please don't pull out of me."

Listening to the girl, he now understood something he had never known about young women; they enjoy the presence of a man's wet essence deep inside their bodies. He understood from his thinking about the matter, that Mother Nature was at work in allowing the female to become with child when the male placed his seed into her. Yes, that was what he learned from both his daughter and now Linda asking him to squirt his stuff into them, and to keep his thing inside them after he'd filled their tiny holes with his sperm. Even Gwen at times, as he had lain over her, would pull her legs back up and over his back, and at times she'd held her legs up in the air when he unloaded his cum up into his wife.

"Oh Kemp, that was wonderful, you made me your woman once more, thank you, now I will go sleep with Candi, if that's okay with you."

The next mooring, he rousted the two girls from bed and told them to shower while he did likewise in his room. By seven-fifteen they were in Drew's office, and after signing the paperwork they walked across the street to the courthouse. Within moments, Kemp became the temporary legal guardian of Linda, and a hearing was set for one month from that day for a permanent hearing.

After leaving the judge's chambers, Kemp called his office and told them that he wouldn't be in and if an emergency came up, to call him on his cell phone. Driving to the nearby Cracker Barrel, the three of them went inside to have breakfast. Ordering their meals, and once they had eaten, Kemp drove the two girls to Linda's house, where they collected her clothing and personal items that she wished to take with her. Once they had loaded Linda's things into the SUV, they walked through the house and Kemp decided that they should take her computer with them and he carried it out to his vehicle.

Once more they walked back through the house. Linda and Candi went to her room to see if they could find something else the girl wished to take with her. Kemp walked into the room where John had his computer and turning it on, found that John had not installed or set-up any password protection. Kemp began to look through the files to find any personal information John may have loaded onto the hard drive. Finding nothing on the computer, he opened a drawer with several computer disks inside. The first disk was basically mailing addresses and phone numbers. But when he opened the second file, he was shocked to discover photos of Liz and even Linda in the nude. Placing another disk into the computer, his jaw dropped when he saw images of Gwen in the nude and close-up photos of her sex with what had to be semen, and then a wide-shot of Gwen showing six men standing behind the bed on which she was laying.

In shock, Kemp put the entire group of disks into a box to take home with him. Searching through the room he found several videos and he packed them into another large carton, and finally decided that he had collected everything he'd found regarding his wife, Linda, and Liz. It was obvious that Liz had taken some of the photographs of Gwen and John together, and a couple showed Linda in the nude and some of the photos on the disk had to be recent, as she had the few hairs on her sex.

Looking in John's and Liz's bedroom had proved to be a good idea, as he located the cameras and other items that John had used to load the photos onto the computer. Kemp decided that he should take the computer home with him, and after he reviewed all the files on it would determine if he should simply use his software that erased a computer clean, and was used by the military and other government offices before disposing of used or obsolete computers.

Several photo albums also contained nudes of his wife and his friends. Finally he was satisfied that he had all that he needed to ensure that no one was able to view anything damaging to the memory of the couple, or the memory of his departed wife. When they went home, he unloaded the items for the girls, and the other items he carried to his home office, and locked them inside the lair.

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Hi. Just finished your story of 'Age Can Make A Difference'. I real ly liked it. Look forward to reading other stories by you.



Good story, but I can't help thinking you stopped before the ending. When does he make a true woman out of his little Candi? When does he find his late wife's diary that you mention he read? What the shit is it with this character you called 'The Eyes'? That is just a huge unexplained chunk of your story! How the hell can any creep like Mr Eyes get within 10 feet of their house and not be caught!?!? Surely with all the firepower he has on his boat Kemp must have at least that much at home ... and be more aware of his surroundings.

So many questions left unanswered. Please don't make a good story turn into an unfinished letdown!


Fantastic I really enjoyed this, and hope you dont take too long in writing the next episode which there should be as the story has been left open, with a view for more intimate antics with the two preteen girls.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.