Nubie and Daddy

[ mg, gg, mmg ]

by Nubie7


Published: 18-Jan-2011

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Nubie ran up the stairs to the bathroom again waiting till the last minute to go pee. A habit she still had at 7 years old. She opened the bathroom door and ran to the toilet pulled her little panties down to the floor and sat down to pee. As she concentrated on finishing up she heard a noise coming from the shower and looked behind the little wall between the toilet and the shower and saw her daddy in the shower doing something she didn't know what he was doing but he had his hand on his private part and was rubbing it with his hand. She saw him take a jar and open up the lid and putting something on his private area and again started to rub his thing. She didn't know what to call what her daddy was rubbing but he seemed to be licking it. She wondered why he had not turned on the shower if he was going to take a shower.

Nubie keep watching her daddy rubbing himself. Nubie saw daddy' thing getting bigger and longer as he keep rubbing and putting more of what was in the jar on his thing and making grunting noises as he was rubbing. She keep watching.

Nubie did not know that her daddy had heard her come in to the bathroom and new his little girl was watching what he was doing. He was nice and hard by now and decided to get out of the shower and go back to his bedroom which was connected to the bathroom.

Cock in head open the shower door and walked into his bedroom leaving the door opened.

He went over to the TV on the dresser and turn it on with the volume turned down low.

Nubie at 7 was curious at what her daddy was doing rubbing his thing and wanted to see more. She quickly wiped herself with toilet paper pulled up her panties and without flushing the toilet tiptoe toward the bedroom door.

Peeking into the room she saw her daddy laying on his bed still rubbing his thing. Now she could really see that his thing was sticking straight up and his hand was going up and down on his thing. What ever he put on his thing made his hand slide up and down and she could hear him grunting more and more. She keep watching.

Daddy knew his little Nubie was just outside the door and he turned up the volume on the TV which made Nubie turned to look at the TV. Her eyes saw something she did not understand and her mouth let out a loud O.

On the TV she saw Jenny, who waw also 8 year old from next door and Daddy doing something she had never seen before but didn't understand what they were doing. Her surprise was that they had no clothes on and Jenny was rubbing her daddy's thing just like he was doing now. She keep watching.

Daddy got the remote and hit the rewind button and the screen went dark as the tape began to rewind. Nubie keep watching.

The tape stopped and daddy hit the play button and Nubie saw Jenny on the TV but she had her clothes on and was swinging on the swing in her back yard. She was wearing a little tank top with a short skirt that blew up with the wind so you could see her white panties when she push forward. Nubie wondered who was film Jenny on the swing. Whoever it was had walked closer to Jenny on the swing and had the video camera pointing real close where you could on see her little panties. You could see them real close on the TV. As the the video keep playing you can see Nubie's daddy walking up the Jenny on the swing and saying something to Jenny. Nubie could not hear what her daddy was saying but then she saw Jenny open her leg real wide as see was swinging. The camera got real close again to Jenny and all you could see were Jenny' panties again. Nubie kept watching.

The TV screen went black and then the picture came on again. Jenny was still swinging but her legs were closed and you could not see her panties anymore with them closed. The camera was still up close to her legs and skirt as she went back and forth. She saw her daddy in the picture again and could not hear was he was saying but then Jenny spread her little legs out like she did before and Nubie let out an O as the camera was up close showing Jenny pee pee.

The camera back away a little so you could see Jenny's face and she was laughing and giggling to the camera. Nubie could also see Jenny' pee pee at the same time. The camera once more was close up again to Jenny's pee pee and Jenny had spread her legs even further apart.

You could see Jenny little pee pee real clear in the camera now real pink with a tan line from her panties. The camera move so you could see both Jenny' face, her pee pee and Nubie' daddy was now standing close to Jenny.

Jenny stopped swinging and Nubie's daddy was holding the swing from moving. The camera was moving in close again and was showing Jenny pee pee again but this time there was a finger touching her pee pee.

You could see the finger touch the top of Jenny' pee pee rub it. You could hear Jenny giggle and laugh. The finger keep touching her pee pee and was pushing down between her legs to where her little butt was touching the seat of the swing. Jenny slid her butt forward on the seat of the swing and now the finger was touching her butt. You could see the little hole down there where her poo poo comes out and the finger was rubbing it. The finger went back up to the top of her pee pee and rubbed back down to Jenny butt.

Nubie then saw the finger and a thumb open up Jenny' pee pee and the camera got really close up and you could see more pink and it looked like Jenny had peed because her pee pee was all shining and wet.

To be continued.

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More please. How many more men from the neighborhood can be entertained?


Ok so far. Keep writing.


Good start. Keep it coming. You may want to check you used 'keep' and I think you want 'kept' like 'kept looking' not 'keep looking'.


A good base but the grammar and proof reading need a little work !


This is an interesting concept for a story, but the grammar and spelling mistakes are a distraction. It almost appears that English is not the author's first language.

Uncle Jerry

Well Nubie7 I'm still on a awesome 'high', us elderly tend to take a lot longer to get there.. , but when we do we enjoy the results as we cum back down - for this I thank you. 'Shining and wet' fills my mind as I sit here now, little Jenny lingers in my thoughts - I thank you again. To be 'Nubies daddy' would be too much to handle at my age, but in my own mind today I handled it well - shall probably handle it once more too.. , but after I rest for a short time first. Love this story, add more.. , and I'll read more too I can assure you of that - now my final 'thank you'.. , from UNCLE JERRY


Very nice. I just hope Mommy will be in next part.


I too, must say that the English language is not the writer's native language, which truly caused difficulty in reading this wonderfully perverse tale of voyeurism and perversion.

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