Published: 5-Dec-2011
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The ride to the dentist was very quite. Jenny did not speak to whole way there. Her daddy glanced at her several times and notice she had her legs opened just enough to place the palms of her hands between them, keeping her short dress in place, just above her knees.
Her daddy just shook his head and turned his eyes back to the road.
Her daddy didn't notice that Jenny was slowly rubbing herself with the palms of her hands trying to stimulate her privates as best she could through her dress and panties.
Bill drove into the parking structure and looked for an open spot near an elevator.He wanted to take more pictures of Jenny as she got out of the car but knew this might attract some attention from others in the garage who might notice the way Jenny was dressed. The sun dress did not make her look sluttish but did look like it belonged on a six year old because it was so short for Jenny.
Luckily he found a spot, parked , picked up the video camera bag and told Jenny to unbuckle her belt and get out of the car.
He click the unlock button to car doors and hurried around to her side grabbed her hand and headed for the elevator.
The elevator doors opened and he pressed three. The car stopped on two and a woman with two little girls got in and their eyes immediately took notice of Jenny Doctors appointment for your little girl, the women asked Jenny's dad.
Bill taken by surprised said, yes, just a check up!
Medical or dental?
Bill thought quickly to say Medical but knew what that would infer.
Dental, he responded!
Medical for these two!
The women nodded, looked at her girls and said, she's going to the dentist and she's wearing a dress, a very short dress.
Bill thought the ride from one floor to another was taking forever.
The doors finally opened on three. Bill took Jenny's hand again and rushed her out of the elevator.
Just as they got out of the elevator he heard the women say to the two little girls, I bet he has a video camera in that bag.
Bill finally opened the door to the Doctor's office and walked in holding Jenny's hand.
The waiting room was empty and it was just 3 O'clock.
The reception window opened and Bill notice a girl opening the window. It wasn't the regular receptionist he'd meet before and this girl looked no more than 13, maybe 14.
Can I help you?
Yes, where is the receptionist?
She left for the day.
My name is Jill and this is my friend Marsha. We come here after school and help with filing and some cleaning for the doctor.
Well I'm Mr. Seed and my daughter Jenny, pointing to Jenny, who had found a seat in front of the reception window, has a appointment with the doctor.
O, nobody told us about another appointment.
I'll go talk to the doctor. Please have a seat.
Bill turned to find a seat next to Jenny and notice that Jenny was seating with her legs apart like a little girl who was not concerned with the way she sat wearing a dress.
Her mother was constantly reminding her to sit properly when wearing a dress. Yes, Bill got another glimpse of Jenny's panties.
Jenny, sit right, I can see your panties.
Jenny closed her legs.
Mr. Seed , Jill called out, Dr Jenkins will see you first and then I will take Jenny to the exam room.
Bill got up and went through the door where Jill pointed to Dr Jenkins office. In passing Jill said to Mr. Seed, don't worry about Jenny, she's going to have fun today.
Mr. Seed, camera bag on his shoulder just smiled and headed to meet with the doctor.
Jill look back into the reception room saw Jenny seating in the chair and once again. Jenny had let her little legs opened enough so Jill could see her panties. Marsha come over here and look at this little girls.
Jenny looked up and saw Jill and another girl looking at her from the window.
Marsha, this little girl is Jenny Seed. Her father is in with Dr. Jenkins.
O , what a cute little girl you are, Marsha said. You look like you are only six years old with that dress on.
How old are you?
Jenny immediately said, I'm seven.
O, that yellow sun dress is so pretty on you.
Did your mommy helped you get dress to see the dentist today?
No, my daddy did.
He wanted me to wear something nice and comfortable because the doctor is going to clean my teeth and do other things that is going to take a long time. So he told me to wear this dress.
O, Marsha said. It's really cute on you.
Jenny without realizing was swinging her legs side to side with the compliments, opening and closing her legs.
Both Marsha and Jill at the reception counter were laughing as Jenny's panties came in view.
OK Jenny, just wait there a minute and I'll come out and get you to take you to the exam room, OK? U huh.
Jill closed the reception window slowly and her and Marsha took another glance at the little girl.
Marsha, Jill said excitedly.
Did you notice her panties? I could see them from here. Her legs were wide open.
Relax Jill, she's just a little girl. Little girls are not careful when they wear dresses. I used to show my panties all the time when I was her age. It's no big deal.
Well you don't know Dr Jenkins!
Dr Jenkins. What about Dr. Jenkins?
O, never mind. I'll tell you tomorrow.
Since tomorrow is Saturday, can you meet me here and help me clean up the exam rooms especially the one Dr J's going to use for Jenny!
What are you talking about, Marsha asked? O, OK, I'll be here.
Mr. Seed came out of the Dr J's office and went to say good bye to Jenny.
I'll be back in a couple of hours. Dr J is going to take good care of you and your teeth so be good.
I'll be good daddy.
Jill had come to get Jenny as the two were saying goodbye.
Don't worry me Seed, I'll watch Jenny for you and if she wants me to I will go in with her when Dr J starts the exam.
Why Jill that would be nice of you but I think Jenny will be OK with the Dr all by herself.
Right dear, U hum!
Bye daddy!
Jenny time to see the doctor, ready?
Jill took Jenny's hand and lead her to the exam room.
As she opened the door Jenny noticed the room was really bight because of all the lights that were on.
She notice a TV on the ceiling right above the chair that she would be sitting in. She also noticed another chair, a little smaller than the big one on the other side of the room. A big TV was also on the ceiling above that chair.
Jill could see Jenny looking around and broke Jenny concentration, Jenny, let's get you up in the chair now.
Jenny took a step on the bottom of the chair and climb up to sit in the chair. Her legs came to rest with them slightly apart but her dress settled just above her knees and all in one quick motion Jenny was in chair with her the palms of her hand in her lap between her legs.
Are you comfortable Jenny? Are you ready to see the Dr? Let me call him.
Jenny did not answer but just keep looking around the room and the TV on the ceiling.
Jenny felt the room to be a little warm and was glad she wore the dress and knew that her daddy was right about her being comfortable.
Jill left the exam room and then Jenny heard a little knock on the door.
Can I come in?
For a moment Jenny hesitated but then felt OK for the Dr. to come in.
U, huh!
Dr. J walked in and immediately saw the little girl seated in the exam chair in her bright yellow sundress.
He couldn't believe his eyes. She was unbelievably cute sitting there with no idea of the pleasurable things that were going to happen to him and her today. Jenny before I get started examining your teeth, can I get you anything or do you need to use the restroom?
I want you to be comfortable in the chair so let me know.
Dr the room is all-fully bright and it's a little hot in here and no I don't have to use the restroom.
Well I can take care of the lights and the temperature but let me know if you have to go,OK?
Dr took a small remote laying on a little table next to the chair and pushed a button that dimmed the lights in the room.
Next he walked over to the thermostat in the room and pretended to reset the temperature in the room but left it at the 70 degree mark.
With the lights dimmed a little and thinking that the temperature was changed, Jenny felt better and said thank you to the Dr.
Jenny sit up straight and tall in the chair now and rest your hands on the arm pads.
As Jenny adjusted herself as the Dr had asked she moved up in the chair and when she put her hands on the arm rest of the chair her little legs opened all by themselves and her dress rose up higher above her knees.
It happened so fast that Jenny didn't noticed the rearrangement of her dress but Dr J did and made a little hum noise as he looked down at Jenny little body. With her head looking up at the ceiling Jenny could see the TV screen close up. There was nothing on the screen so she wondered why the TV was there. She didn't remember it from before.
Jenny that is a very cute little dress your wearing. Yellow is my favorite color and it looks so pretty on you.
My daddy helped me pick it out so I would be comfortable when you exam my teeth. Well your daddy was right because you should always wear something nice and pretty like this when you come to see the doctor. I like little girls when they wear clothes with bright colors.
Now before I get started I just want to tell you not to be scared when I start looking at your teeth.I may have to hold your head or your arms to keep you still when I clean your teeth. Let me know if I hurt you and I will stop right away. O,that's ok Dr. My daddy told me that you might have to touch me but that these touches would be good touches that would make me feel good.
He said that as long as you didn't hurt me I could let you touch me if you have to. I'm glad you and your daddy talked about touching, it helps me know that you are not afraid of coming to the dentist.
With that Dr picked up this thing that looked like a pencil but it was sliver and long and had a cord at the end of it.
As he raised it toward the ceiling a picture came on the TV screen and Jenny could see lights on the screen and the brightness forced her to close her eyes. Dr J notice the effect the light had and her and said, O I'm sorry Jenny I forgot to warn you about the lights.
You can open your eyes now.
You see this is a camera that goes in your mouth when I look at your teeth so you can see what I'm looking at on the TV screen.
You'll be able to see the good teeth and the not so good teeth and I can tell you what I need to do to take care of the not so good teeth.
Ready let's take a look.
Open wide, wider, a little wider. Yes, that's good.
Without thinking Jenny followed the Dr instruction and opened wide. However not only did she open her mouth as wide as she could but she opened her little legs just as wide so she could to get real comfortable in the chair.
Dr. J notice this out of the corner of his eyes.
Now see this tooth and this one. O, that's not a good one and this one has a cavity. Can you see?
Jenny could not see anything but couldn't answer because the Dr held her mouth opened. Jenny could not see your teeth only her yellow sun dress.
How could she see her dress on the TV screen.
She was looking at screen and couldn't understand how she was seeing her dress on the screen. She also notice that it was not the top of her dress she was seeing but underneath the dress because she could she could see her bear panties on the on the screen.
She was embarrassed and closed her legs without thinking.
Jenny, as Dr. J let her mouth close, did you see the teeth with the black marks on them?
No, Dr.
You didn't? The camera must have turned off. I've been having trouble with it.
Dr J, I didn't see my teeth but I did see something else.
You saw something else? What did you see?
Once again with an embarrassed look on her face she said, I can't tell you because I'm not supposed to talked about them to anyone but my mommy and daddy. We'll Jenny, I don't want you to talked about anything that you don't want to but remember your daddy said that you don't have to be afraid or feel uncomfortable with me so I'm sure you can tell me what you saw.
Well I guess so. I don't think my daddy will get mad.
With a little giggle in her voice, Jenny said, I saw my panties.
You saw what? What did you say?
I saw my panties. Look at the TV.
With that Jenny opened her legs and sure enough you could see her panties on the screen.
Dr J looked and with his mouth opened he starred for moment at the panties on the screen and quickly said Jenny, I'm sorry but I pressed the wrong button on this handle and the camera that at the bottom of the chair turned on and that's why we can see you panties.
I have that camera there so I can watch the patient while I'm cleaning their teeth to make sure they are still and are not moving around.
Here let me turned that camera off.
O do you have to, I like looking at my panties.
Are you sure? You know I'll be looking at your panties too! Is that OK?
U hum!
My daddy likes to look at me with just my panties on all the time.
He even takes video pictures of me in the house and in my back yard.
He even takes pictures of me when I not wearing them.
Do you like to look at panties, Dr. J?
O yes Jenny. I'm just like your daddy. I love to look at little girls panties especially on my little girl patients.
Jill the girl outside, I used to see her panties all the time when she was a little girl and came to visit me.
Here let's me fix the camera so we can get a closer look at your panties.
I see something on them but can't make it out.
Dr pushes the button on the handle and the camera begins to zoom in on her panties. The smiling bear comes into view and you can now read the words "this belongs to daddy".
Dr J is beside himself stretching a hard-on that is pressing against his slacks. He needs to get out of his pants or risk cuming in them.
Taking a deep breath the camera gets closer and now its Jenny who is beginning to squirm as the camera has zoomed so close to her panties that not only could you see the bear and the words but you could also see the line of her pussy lips pressing against the material and a dark shadow of what Jenny knew was moisture seeming from her little vagina.
The little girl knew from the very moment of seeing her panties on the TV screen that she had started getting that feeling between her legs. The feeling that made her want that good feeling that came from looking and touching between her legs. My Jenny those are beautiful little panties.
These are my favorite. They are a little small for me because my daddy brought them for me a year ago.
My mommy only lets me wear them with my jeans because she doesn't want anyone to see them when I'm wearing dresses.
I'm glad daddy let me wear them today.
Jenny, I can also see a little line underneath your panties and your panties are a little wet at the bottom.
Did you go pee a little?
No Dr. that's not pee and that line is what mommy calls my pussy lips underneath. My mommy calls the wet stuff my little girl juices because it comes out of the my little hole down here
Hole, what hole. Where is the hole? How does the juice come out?
I don't know but you can see it come out of my hole when mommy rubs it, only I have to take my panties off to watch it come out.
Now I know why my daddy was telling me about touches today and good feelings.
Dr. J are you going to help me get that good feeling like my mommy does?
Only if you want me to. I'm sure your daddy won't mine.
Look your daddy left his video camera here so why don't I turn on the camera so he can see how I helped you get that good feeling.
Do you want me to help you get that good feeling and watch the juice come out of your hole?
I can help you take your panties off and hold your legs open while you touch yourself down there.
Little Jenny was beyond embarrassment, she was excited.
U hum. Will you help me take them off?
Sure Jenny but let's go over to this other chair because it's smaller and made for little girls like you.
On this chair you put your head where your feet go and your legs go up here where your head goes.
I will help you.
Now lay down on you back and put head right here.
Now put your legs up here and I will hold them and tie them up here.
When Jenny laid down and raised her legs up to the top of the chair her little dress fell to her stomach.
She could see herself completely on the TV screen and was a little disappointed because she could not see her panties as close up like when she was in the other chair.
The Dr notice her look on her face and said, Jenny are you OK?
Is anything wrong? Are you comfortable?
I can't see my panties like before.
O, I'll fix that in a moment but first I need you to put your legs up here so I can put these little straps on to keep your legs from falling.
Let me know if they are too tight when I tie them.
Jenny keep watching the screen, watching as the Dr strapped her legs to the sides of the leather chair resting her legs on the leg rests built on the sides of chair.
Now with her legs and head in position Dr J brought out two little pillows. One which he placed underneath her head and the other he placed underneath her butt telling her to raise her butt and placed the pillow in a position that titled her butt forward toward the ceiling.
With her legs secure, pillows in position he stopped for a moment and focused on the little girl he was about to enjoy.
Wow an exam table just for little girls.
Bill video camera was already set to go and Dr J. went over and hit the record button.
Jenny was very comfortable in her new position especially with the pillow underneath her butt.
This pillow tilted her pelvis forward towards the camera and with her legs opened you could see the material of her panties stretched down between her legs.
Dr. J are you going to fix the camera?
O yes as he hits the zoom button for the rooms camera.
The zoom found it marks as it slowly focused closer and closer to Jenny panties. The look on Jenny face was cheerful again as she could see the bear, the words, the line and wet shadow on her panties once again.
Seeing everything so close again her hand went to her panties. She didn't know where to touch first.
She touched the material along the front of her mound and felt heat coming from the material.
Looking at the screen from her position she could actually see what she was touching and this was adding more excitement to her exploration.
Her breathing was heavy as her hands and now fingers we just rubbing and touching the material surface of her panties. She could feel the moisture on the surface as she ran her hands down between her legs and coming back up with just her fingers along the lips that were clearly outlined on the material. Dr J. could see that the little girls was absorbed in touching herself and decided it was time to get out of his pants.
Making sure he was not blocking Bill camera from capturing Jenny touching and fondly. Dr J. went behind Jenny head where he had positioned a small stool.
He sat on the stool and very slowly and quietly removed pants and boxer.
Dangling from his slacks came an 1-1/2 diameter cock by about 7" in length and just in time as Dr. J could tell he was ready to cum all over this seven year old.
Later, he thought, there was plenty of time.
Jenny was still touching the material of her panties and was now trying to get underneath the material but having difficultly because of the position she was in and the tightness of the panties pressing against her.
Dr. J can you help me take off my panties?
Dr. J snapped out of his thought as he heard the words panties.
What Jenny, what did you say?
Can you help me take my panties off. I can get that special feeling with them on. Can you help me take them off?
Dr J sprung up from the stool and leaned over Jenny head to reach for her panties without thinking his cock came into Jenny' view.
Dr., what happened to you pants? I can see your penis.
O sorry Jenny that I didn't warn you but sometimes I have to take my pants off because my penis gets hard in my pants when I have little girls like you in my chair.
I'll put them back on if you want.
U no that's OK.
I see my daddy's all the time. I was just surprised to see yours.
Look how big it is. It's really fat.
My daddy's is small and long.
Your penis is short and fat.
Do you think it's fat, Jenny?
Well it's big this way, holding both hands together in a circle but small this way indicating the length. My daddy's is small this way that I can hold it in one hand but real long this way indicating the length.
Wow, so you touch your daddy's penis?
U huh. I can hold in with one hand.
Would you like to hold mine?
U hum!
First let me help you with your panties.
Here let me reach over your head and see if I can pull them up your legs a little. Dr J reach over bending in front of Jenny heads.
His balls and penis hit Jenny nose as he leaned for her panties.
Grabbing the waist band of the material he tried to pull them away from her body but from this angle he couldn't get a good hold of them.
Beside he keep bumping his balls against Jenny nose.
Dr your penis is in the way of the TV screen.
Jenny just move it out of the way. Use both hands if you have to and hold it still while I slip off your panties.
Jenny took Dr. cock in both hands and tried to hold it still and move it out of the way of the screen.
With his cock in her hand Dr J made another attempt at her panties and was able to pull them up her legs exposing the naked flesh of pink skin the wet with fluid coming out of her little hole.
Dr J took a moment to feast on the small lips that ran between her legs.
He noted her pussy lips were slightly red from her rubbing and a shinning slim of moisture seeping from her vagina.
He stood back and was going to sit back on the stool and watch what Jenny would do next without her panties.
Jenny, instead of just moving Dr. J's penis out of the way took the fat part of it in both hands and began sliding her hands up and down. This was easy for her as he was providing plenty of pre-cum juices with all this excitement.
The first couple of strokes made Dr. J freeze as he felt his cock swelling with the touch of the little girls hands.
Jenny noticed the penis starting to gown harder and longer and kept up the up and down motion on his penis.
Dr. J when I do this to my daddy he shoots this cream from the hole on top of his penis. Are you going shoot the same cream as my daddy?
Jenny your daddy and I have the same cream and it's called cum.
Can you say cum?
Sure I can say come, but the kind of cream my daddy and mommy told me about is spelled CUM.
My daddy told me about cum. He said I have cum too only it's the little girl juice that comes out of my little hole down here when I have my special feeling and I let him and mommy know when I'm ready to cum.
Very good Jenny. So when you have that special feeling let me know when you're going to cum and maybe I will be ready to cum and we can cum at the same time.
Do you want me to help you get that special feeling now.
U huh.
Jenny, I'm going to diddle your vagina with my finger.
Do you know what diddle is?
Has your daddy or mommy ever told you about diddling?
No, what's did-ling?
Diddling is when someone like your daddy or mommy takes their finger and plays with your vagina.
You can diddle a little girl with her panties on or you can take them off.
It better when you take them off like you did because I can touch up and down and between your legs.
Now hold my penis with both hand but move it a little so you can see the TV screen. That a girl. Can you see? I took your panties off and now we can see your pussy lips and the wet little hole down here.see you can see the juices coming out of right here. Can you see it?
Now take one of your hands and put it here, Dr J pointing to her vagina, and put some of it on your finger.
That a girl.
Now get as much as you can and put in on my penis and rub it up and down like before.
Now while your rubbing my penis I'm going to diddle you, OK?
U-hum. Jenny could barely speak. She was in a pre-O- cloud and the Dr. knew it. Jenny watch the screen and my finger and I'll show you what diddle is.
You see my finger? U Huh.
I 'm going to rub my finger on the top of you pussy, right here.
Can you feel it?
I'm going to press here just a little and rub at the same time.
Can you feel it?
Jenny little butt arched forward with this slight pressure.
Now watch as I slid my finger down though the your little lips, right here.
Can you feel that?
I'm going to rub a little harder now and see if you like it.
Jenny did not answer but arched her butt forward meeting the pressure Dr J was applying the her little valley of raw flesh.
Now his finger was just outside of her vagina. He wanted to push it in but keep it outside gathering the juices seeping from her little hole down to her anus.
He keep circling her vagina as he gathered more juices on his finger tip. He was not at the right angle to do what her wanted.
Jenny, you can let go of my penis right now so I can go around to the other side of the chair. Jenny let go and laid her head on the pillow.
Here little body was going through small electric gyrations throughout and Dr J knew she was so close to cuming that he wanted to have his finger inside her when she did.
Going to the end of the table where her feet were strapped he grabbed hold of the panties that he had pulled up to mid thigh and pulled them up to the little girls knees.
This allowed Dr J to reach down with one hand to the little girl's pussy and with
two fingers open up her the lips of her vagina.
Jenny laying her head on the pillow was so close to cuming that she could barely keep her eyes open when she heard Dr J telling her to what he was going to do next. Jenny can you see my fingers holding your vagina lips open, see! Can you see how pink and wet your hole is and how much little girl juice is coming out?
Can you feel my fingers rubbing your little lips faster and faster.
More gyrations from the little girl's body. Ug. Ug. Ug. sounds from her lips. Her hands holding on the base of the table.
Jenny, I'm going to put my middle finger, this one, can you see? U. I'm going to put it inside your vagina, right here. Can you see? Ug. Ug. Here it goes.
Dr J holding her opening open with his fingers of his left hand takes his middle finger of his right hand and slowly, gently enters her small vagina. Jenny are you still watching. See my finger. Can you feel it?
U, huh. Hum! Agg. Hum! AGG.
Jenny is close.
Dr. J. bring his finger out just a little and pushes it back in.
Jenny at her tender age of seven has a very small opening so the Dr. is just entering the tip of his middle finger moving it in and out.
Jenny can you feel my finger. Look up at the camera. My finger is inside.
I'm going to move it a little faster and watch what happens.
Jenny didn't need to watch what was going to happen.
That special feeling was here.
Dr. J. finger was causing the feeling and Jenny was ready.
Cum, Cum, Cumming. The words came out of her mouth.
Dr. J could felt her orgasm come all over his finger.
Her pussy juice was pouring out of her vagina.
He was still inside her moving his finger in and out at a faster pace with just the tip watch Jenny body squirm to the pleasure of his finger.
With his finger still inside of Jenny he took his left hand and put it behind her back holding her forward. With his middle finger still inside he jabbed her pushing her from behind to meet the his stabbing finger.
That did it. The little girl screamed and yelled at the top of her lungs.
She started to cry with tears coming down her face. Her body was trembling. Dr J could only hold her with his hand on her back and his middle finger in side of her to hold her still.
Then she went limp on up.
He took his finger out of her and laid her down on the table.
the spasms of her orgasm were still causing her to gyrate in her sleep.
After seeing the this little girl convulse from the pressure of his finger inside her Dr. J came around to Jenny head and as weak as the little girl was from her orgasm he managed to get her to resume the hold on his penis with both hands. He reached for her dress which slipped off from underneath her fell to the floor. She was naked except for her panties around knees.
At seven her nipples were dark and pointing hard on her chest.
He wanted to lick, touch, explore her chest but was too close to cuming.
Jenny was not doing such a good job with his cock as she was going limp from her orgasm and was not stroking like he wanted.
Dr. J. took hold of his cock and with both hand started a rapid pump and a gush of sperm shot out of his cock landing on Jenny' chest hitting her erect nipples.
His next shot was more than the first and carried further down Jenny to her belly button and top of her pubic mound soaking the hood of her clit.
Another pump, more landing on her mound traveling down the lips of her pussy to her vagina.
He was good of one final burst and moved to Jenny head and brought her head back where he shot his last gush of sperm onto her face hitting her nose, eyes and lips. Now just leaking sperm he let it fall into her hair.
Jenny had her eyes closed by down was just lying in the chair totally limp completely naked with sperm trails all over her body.
Dr. J recovering himself sat down on his stool and admired the mess he had made on the little girl.
Jenny was asleep in the chair and he did not want to wake her.
He grabbed a nearby sheet and throw it over the naked little girl.
Jill, Dr. J.
Jill is Marsha still here?
No Marsha had to go home.
Can you help me with Jenny so she can go home when her Dad gets here.
Her Dad is waiting for you in your office.
O shit!
You go talk to Mr. Seed.
I'll help Jenny get ready to go home.
(Next. Jill helps Jenny)
notur daddy
Maybe its not the authors first language, however it will be such a shame to see a dirty mind go to waste
John Thomas
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