Bukkake in Japan

[ MMf, ped, asian, reluc, 1st, beast ]

by Nozomi


Published: 14-May-2011

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

I was on my way home from school one day, just taking the normal route home with my friends, Maiko and Sorano. We were taking our time and just enjoying the day. Summer was on its way and the weather was nice and warm. We reached a street where the other girls had to leave, so we said goodbye and I continued on alone.

While walking down the street, I found myself just humming, and off in my own world. I come upon a local bar, and as I passed it, I saw a sign posted on the bulletin board out front. It was just something someone had put on it, since it was a free board that the bar had set up.

The sign said they were looking for girls to be in a local production. It stated that they would pay well, and would offer more roles, if the performance was good. I took down the number so I could think about it later. I went on my way, and eventually got back home. I was looking forward to having some fun; my parents weren't home, so I had the house all to myself. I put my things down, took off my shoes, and made my way to my bedroom.

I called out for my dog, Kintaro, but he didn't come running like he normally does. I looked around the house, calling him and yelling out "You want to eat?" and "Mommy needs her Kintaro." I couldn't find him anywhere.

Going back to the kitchen, I saw a note. "Nozomi, feel free to make yourself dinner; your father and I took Kintaro to the vet. We'll drop him off there while we do some shopping and will be back later tonight. Don't forget to do your homework. -Mom"

I was so upset. With Kintaro gone, I had no fuck-buddy, so I grabbed my toys and pulled out my laptop. I found some good movies to watch and got myself off while watching them. It was fun as always, but was nothing like having Kintaro in me. I cleaned up and went to make myself something to eat. Some noodles would make a nice meal, I thought. After eating, I opened my backpack to get out my homework and I saw the number which I'd found earlier on the sign. I thought, "Why not?", and got out the phone.

I dialed and the phone rang a few times, a young woman eventually answering. "Moshi Moshi, thank you for calling Hanafufuma (falling cherry blossoms) studio, how can I help you?" I told her about the sign I saw and she asked me for some information; my age, height, weight and a few other things. She said that this was a local porn studio and that they were looking for new talent.

She asked me if I wanted to set up an appointment. I asked her to give me a second to think about it. Now, I've always liked watching porn movies and had fantasies about being in one, but never thought I'd have the guts to do so. I decided that it's only an interview, so what-the-heck. We set up the time and date and she said that she hoped to see me in person.

A week passed and I was all a-flutter when the day came for my interview. I left a note for my parents saying that I was going to go to the library to study for a midterm exam coming up, and that I was going to be out late. I took the subway, avoiding the normal strangers and freaks who would try to touch me.

I always liked the way they longed to touch me, and pretended to dodge them, but today I didn't have the time. I followed the directions the lady on the phone gave me. It took me to a back alley - the place looked rather small. Opening the door, I walked in.

A woman greeted me and I immediately recognized her voice; it was the lady on the phone. She was very pretty. She sat at a desk so I couldn't get a good look at her, but she wore glasses and had long hair that was up. I said, "Hi," and that I had an appointment for 6:30. She told me to go to the third door on the left down the hallway. I made my way down the hall and passed another girl who was leaving. As we passed, our eyes met and we each give the other a smile, knowing what this place was and all. I knocked on the door and a man's voice said to come in. I pushed the door open and entered the room.

He greeted me and told me to have a seat. He said that his name was Takahashi san and described what he was looking for. He said that he needed a girl for some bukkake, and told me what it was, as if I didn't already know, because their other girl left for a bigger filming company. Then he asked what my sexual experiences were. I told him how many guys I'd been with, and what we'd done, and then about my girl friends (the ones from earlier) and the things we'd done.

At this time, I was getting pretty nervous and excited about the chance to be in porn; my pussy was getting all wet. Then he sighed and said that they needed someone who was a bit more of a freak. Then he sent me out. I felt crushed, and tried to object, saying that I was exactly what he was looking for, but all he did was send me away. As I left, I started to feel sad, but then I took a shot and told him about Kintaro and the things we'd done.

He didn't even look up at me, and so I left. As I made my way to the door, the receptionist stopped me and said that Takahashi san wanted to see me again, and to come back a month from today. I got so excited I almost screamed. I smiled and left, but as soon as the door closed behind me, I jumped up and down.

Have you ever been waiting for something that just never seems to come? Kind of like how kids feel about Christmas and birthdays? Well that's how I was feeling. Every day passed as though time slowed. I tried to pass the time faster, but no matter what I did to try to take my mind off that day, it wouldn't work. I spent my time doing school work, preparing for tests and all. I even told Maiko and Sorano about what I was going to do. They were very jealous, but kind of scared for me. I told them not to worry, and we just joked and had fun with it.

Then the day arrived. I couldn't sleep the night before. I finally passed out with enough time to get about 2 hours of sleep. I woke up and got ready. I let my teachers know that I wasn't going to be in that day, that I needed some rest. He, he, he, I lied. I already had my outfit picked out. I wore a mini-skirt and a nice loose top. I though about wearing panties, but I figured that they would only get in the way, also its kind of naughty having all those guys wanting to touch me on the subway, and if one did manage, he would get a very special surprise.

I made it to the studio, and no one had even gotten to my underwear-free pussy! I knocked on the door and walked in. I greeted the receptionist and said I was there for a shooting. She just smiled and said that I needed to fill out some paperwork first. They were all standard forms, I guess, waiving my right to sue for different reasons, and an agreement saying that I wanted to participate willingly. Then she took my ID and made a copy. When I completed the papers, I handed them back and she gave me my ID, and then took me to a room down the hall.

Takahashi san was already there waiting for me. There were some objects set up in the room and the camera was there with a crew waiting to shoot. He went over the things that were going to happen. He said that the fact that I'd been with my dog gave him an idea and he wanted to incorporate it into the film. He said that I would start off having the dog lick me. He said that he'd gotten a trained dog from a friend of his and that he was used to mounting girls like me. I got wet just from him talking.

He said that after a bit of the dog licking me, that I would go down on him in order to get him horny. (That's all I'll tell you about before hand, you will just have to read about it in progress.) I had some questions for him. I wanted to know how many of these movies were going to be made and what are the chances my parents will find out about them. He said that there was a rich guy putting up the money, he wanted to see this, but he would get the only tape.

Takahashi san also said the funder of the movie said that I could keep a copy of the tape. I was shocked, I was positive that I would regret this in the future. Takahashi san even gave me some sort of legal document like the ones I signed when I came in that day.

After all was said and done, we got underway. I sat on a chair that they had set out for me. I called the dog over and he went to work right away. I could tell he was a professional dog, because he had me orgasming quicker then Kintaro ever had. I think I came three times before Takahashi said to go down one the dog. He just sat there and let me lick him. He was panting very hard and I could tell I was doing well.

I had to try my best just not to call out Kintaro's name while this was going on. After a few minutes Takahashi said to let him mount me. I got on all fours and got my self in position. Takahashi said some word that I couldn't hear and the dog was on me real quick. I barely had to help him get in my hole, but he almost got in my ass so I had to help a bit.

As soon as I got him in me, he sped up his humping and pumping. I was in heaven and could not even speak right. I mumbled some things, but I was doing all I could not to drool. It was the time of my life. Pretty soon I felt that same feeling in my pussy that Kintaro gave me. His knot was growing and I was not going to stop it for anything. He just pumped and pumped until we were locked in place. He swung his legs around and we were tied. He was trained very well, because once he was in place, he didn't move, but I still felt him cumming in me.

Then Takahashi signaled to a man near a door, and as I looked over when he opened it, I saw quite a sight. It was a room full of men, naked except for their underwear. There were a few girls in there getting them hard, and as soon as the guy opened the door, they came pouring in. As I sat there tied with the dog, the guys from the room gathered around me and each took his turn at cumming on my face.

I don't know how many guys there were, but this went on for a long time. I was shot at by so many different cocks in my face that I lost count. I was getting covered. I got shot at in my eyes, ears, nose, mouth, every possible place on my face was covered. The guys made their rounds and when they were done, I had another surprise in store.

While I was covered in cum and had the dog still tying, they brought me a treat. I couldn't see want it was, but someone said to open my mouth, and I did. Then a feeling entered my mouth that I knew quite well. While cum from the strange men was running down my face, they had me sucking on another dogs cock. I was being fed the cock as far as I could allow it to go. Every time the cock entered my mouth, it carried some of the cum that came off my face. Oh my, what a day it was turning out to be. I felt the dog start to knot and I knew he was getting ready to release everything he had, so I used a free hand to jack-off the dog and have him cum on my face too. It was thinner than the guy's cum, so it ran down quicker. It felt so nice, though.

I started to lick the cum off my fingers when I felt the dog start to move from my pussy, and I knew he was almost ready to un-tie. The camera guy saw this too and went around getting a close-up of his cock coming out of my pussy. I felt him move more and then it happened. His cock slipped out and I heard his cum hit the floor, it was very silent in the room, everyone was in awe, I guess.

Takahashi san yelled out, "Cut," and that they were done. "Great work," he said to the guys, then he came to me, handed me a towel and said that I was the best he had seen in a while. I got cleaned up, got dressed and was preparing to leave.

I went to Takahashi san's room and got paid for the movie. I got a nice sum of money; I guess who ever put up the money really wanted this. I got 200,000 yen, which is about 2,000 dollars. Then he handed me my copy of the movie we shot and gave me his card. He said that I could call him anytime if I wanted to do something like this again. I got my stuff and was on my way.

As I walked home, I couldn't stop thinking about what just happened. It just got me hotter and hotter. As I was on the subway, I guess I was very wet because one guy was just staring at my crotch. I looked down and I could see my juices running down my leg, along with a hint of doggy cum.

Mmmm what a day it was indeed.


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fantastic i loved it wanked & cum twice (not bad for a guy in his 70's

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