Published: 13-Apr-2012
Word Count:
Dr. Richard was a character in my story, "Holly, My Young Nudist." I really liked him!
The good news about this story is that it stands alone and you don't have to go back and read through the first story to enjoy this one.
The bad news is I have not finished it.
With every story I write there comes a point where I have to stop because I am out of ideas on where the story should go. With the first Holly story...that never happened. It came out so easily, I'm still wondering how it happened.
But I write for my own enjoyment and when I stop enjoying a story, I stop and wait for inspiration. I have about a dozen unfinished stories on my computer. I think all of them have promise, but at some point I hit a wall and stopped.
I am mulling over whether or not I want to go ahead and post them as is. I can always post the other parts as I write them. The problem with that is...I find a lot of unfinished stories and it's frustrating to find a good tale only to have it cut off abruptly. Guess I'll think about it some more.
Although I have gone over this story many times, the first Holly story taught me not to mention how hard I tried to fix the grammatical errors. I wish I had never written that stupid introduction.
I've done my best to fix the ones in this story. So please try and overlook my shortcomings and try to just enjoy the story...okay? If they bother you that are welcome to not read this.
And to those who left all those wonderful reviews...thank you SO much!!! You are the reason I am continuing.
New T. You.
"You cannot choose who you fall in love with."~ Doc Richard.
I have to give you a little background first so that the story I'm about to tell you has some continuity. As far back as I remember, I have loved little girls. I imagine the sex play that took place between my cousins, nieces and neighborhood girls when I was growing up never left me. My childhood was filled with sexual adventure and it continued into my teens.
I was not stupid however, and knew that after a certain age it would become too dangerous to continue with those games. So with much difficulty, from the age of fifteen until the time this story took place, I have not engaged in that kind of behavior. Nor have I engaged in what you would call "normal" sexual activity. Grown women have never interested me. I dated some in high school but learned quickly that I did not have the patients for going after something I had no interest in. I hope that makes sense to you.
I knew one other person like me many years ago. One day he just up and shot himself. I remember how it effected the town we lived in. No one could figure out why he did it. But I knew. He and I were in the army together and stationed inside Korea starting in 1951. While there, this fellow had fallen head over hells in love with an eight year old girl who lived in a village down the road.
Her family didn't care; they were excited that they perhaps could use the relationship to make their way to the US. At the very lease he'd give them some much needed money and access to rations and candy bars which were a large part of the local economy. I wish I could tell you the whole story but it would take far to long. I found out about the relationship by complete accident and after assuring him that I was very much the same way, he opened up and told me about her and how much he loved her; and how he had to figure out a way to get her and her family back to the US. We spent many nights knocking freezing mud off our boot while on guard duty and as our friendship grew, we shared our deepest secrets and desires without the fear of being judged. I grew to love him like a brother.
Less than a year before the signing of the armistice, a stray North Korean mortar missed our base and landed directly on top of his little lover's hut. When we arrived, there was nothing left of the simple structure. The very essence of that little flower was vaporized and there was not so much as a shoe left in the gaping hole. My friend changed forever that day. Everyone in the unit saw the abrupt change in his behavior, but I was the only one who knew why. He became depressed, despondent and almost comatose. The Army gave him a hardship rather than a section eight, and sent him home. His tour was almost over anyway.
When I went to visit him after the war, he was living on the outskirts of his home town. Being an only child, and with both parents dead, the only family he had were the people he had grown up with. Not willing to try to hold down a normal job, he made ends meet by doing odd jobs for people around town. Everyone in that town loved him. He and his family had grown up there and were well respected. But when compared to the young man who went off to war, what came home was an empty shell. They all knew that something in the war had hurt him. Not surprising. Lots of guys came home changed. Many of the people he grew up with tried to help him get his life back together but his "life" lay five thousand miles away; obliterated in an empty bomb crater. He retreated from life and found comfort in a bottle. Lots of returning men did.
The town itself was beautiful though and I fell in love with it. After going to medical school on the GI bill I went back there and took over the practice of the old town doctor who wanted to retire. It could not have been any more perfect. I loved the town and put down roots. I think my friend was happy to have me there and he introduced me to half of the people who lived in town. Small towns like that did not warm up very fast to strangers, but my friend helped me make a new life for myself. I had no other family. Both parents had died when I was young and the aunt who raised me died while I was in Korea.
My friend and I spent many an evening sitting outside his trailer talking about the tours we both did. He opened up and told me about his little girl lover too. But only when he had had a lot to drink. It had been five years since she had died and he still grieved for her very much and would usually end our evenings by breaking down and sobbing. I tried to be there for him as much as I could. But you never know what to say in situations like that, do you?
About three months later I was having a drink in the local tavern by the railway station and someone came in and said he was dead. Said that he'd shot himself in the head with his old service revolver. There was a lot speculation that afternoon in that bar. Everyone seemed to have an opinion and a theory as to why he killed himself and most understandably blamed "The War". But I know why he chose to end his least I think I knew what his last thought was. It was heartbreaking to me. But when you had lost your one true love, it's hard to get on with your life.
Since he had no family, I saw to his funeral arrangements and final resting place. I was doing very well by then and could afford it. I think the simple act of seeing to his needs endeared me to the town even more. He was well liked and respected and I think they appreciated my gesture. After that, I was no longer an outsider. I had a home and a community. I started building up patients and got a lot of referrals from them. Even the reluctant and older people who had been seeing the doctor who had retired became loyal patients.
I mostly tried to build up a client base of families with children. I started a health initiative at the schools and saw my business grow even larger. I also pioneered the practiced of sports medicine so a lot of the high school kids became my clients. Some of them stayed with me for thirty years. Since I loved being around children, I tried to steer the practice in that direction but after a while, I grudgingly began to see anyone who wanted my service. (Years later, as the town grew, two more doctors hung out their shingles who were more general practitioners and I was finally accepted as the town's pediatrician.)
But in the beginning, I build a new life in that town and the only thing keeping me from true happiness was someone to share that life with. Many of the town's single women expressed interest and I even accepted dates from a few of them. But again, it was too hard to pursue something that you have no interest in. And eventually I believe I got the reputation of a spinster...or whatever the male equivalent was. I don't think there were any rumors that I might be "light in the loafers" as we called gays back then. I was not overly friendly with any of the town's men. To tell you the truth, I'm not really sure what they thought of me. But after a while the women stopped asking which was a huge relief.
About a year after my friend's death, a single mother and her eight year old daughter came to see me at my office. I had seen the mother around town a couple of times but had never met her. She was about twenty-eight and "easy on the eyes" as we use to say. The daughter on the other hand, was simply stunning. Reddish-blonde hair and deep emerald eyes. Simply stunning. Try as I might to keep my attention focused on the mother, my eye kept being drawn to the little beauty who sat demurely next to her mother as we talked.
I saw right away that there was some tension between them. The mother seemed a little too hard on the young girl; telling her to stop fidgeting and to sit up straight. There had been many times in my profession that I wanted to tell a parent they that should let their child be a child. But back then you never questioned the way someone raised their kids. However, looking back at my children patients who later became parents themselves, the most successful and well-adjusted were the ones that were allowed some measure of freedom to be silly and carefree. The children whose parents were more restrictive and domineering grew up battling alcohol and sometimes even drugs. The saddest thing in my mind was that those children usually carried on the tradition of strictness and thus, a new generation of assholes and boozers.
(And while we are on this subject, there was one situation where I would get involved. If I thought for one second that a bruise, burn or a broken bone was the result of something other than an accident, and if I could not prove it right then, I made note of it and waited to see if it happened again. If it did, I wasted no time contacting the proper authorities. Even when it was not fashionable to do so, I created a network of teachers, parents and policemen who were sympathetic to my cause. I even played chess with the town's only judge on Thursday nights at the tavern. I've been waken up at three in the morning to come look at a child who had "fallen", and who's father had had a little too much to drink. Child abuse was where I drew the line. Of course, I realize how hypocritical it sounds to have a pedophile report child abuse...but there it is.)
I took the woman into my office and asked what I could do for her. The mother hesitated as if it were too embarrassing for her to talk about. After some gentle prodding she told me that the little girl was sleepwalking late at night while her mother slept. The mother told me about finding dirt and leaves in her bed. When she questioned the girl, she had no memory of the episode.
I was slightly amused at her uneasiness over something so common. I told her that sleepwalking was not that unusual in young children and that she would probably outgrow it. The woman looked down in her lap and fidgeted in her chair for a bit, then told me that her daughter didn't just sleepwalk, she did it...nude.
I was in the middle of shuffling some papers on my desk and my hand froze in midair and I looked at her over my spectacles that were perched on the tip of my nose. I was suddenly less amused and she now had my complete attention.
The mother said that after finding the dirt in the bed a few times, she took to sleeping in the same room with her. And sure enough, on the second night she awoke to see the girl get up out of her bed, take off her nightgown and panties and go out the back door. The mother grabbed her robe and followed her out the back gate and into the field behind their home.
She said that the girl would sing softly as she walked but after about a fifteen minutes, she simply turned around and headed back home. They lived in a very rural place, about two miles outside of town. She was worried that she might get lost or fall down a well. Even more horrifying was the thought that one of the neighbors might see her. After following her home, the little girl slipped back into bed, now completely nude and lay back down to sleep.
I was intrigued. I asked to examine the little girl and her mother called her into the exam room. I asked her mother to get her undressed and put on one of the cotton robes I kept there, then went back into my office. When I returned, she was seated on the table and I ran through my battery of tests but could find nothing wrong with her. But I will tell you that her body was what my dreams had been made of. Her skin was so beautiful, and so soft. It took every bit of self control just to get through the exam. She was average build. Perhaps a bit on the thin side. Her reddish brown hair was long, slightly curly and tied in a ponytail with a blue ribbon. I relished every touch as I went through the exam.
More interesting was that the young girl was not very shy about someone seeing her partially naked. I had examined hundreds of children and had never found one that was comfortable with being undressed...even in front of a doctor. I remember thinking at the time that this was the oddest thing about her examination. But, finding nothing physically wrong with her, I asked her mother if I could talk to the girl alone. I had minored in Psychology at the University and thought I knew a thing or two about the human mind. Once the little girl was dressed and the mother was in the waiting room, I had a delightful conversation with her. She was very bright and had a cute and wonderfully dry sense of humor. I think I fell in love with her right then. In my opinion, she was a healthy and well adjusted little girl. Maybe slightly more mature than other kids, but children of single parents usually were.
After my conversation with her, I asked the mother to come back in and asked the girl to please wait outside. I told the mother that she seemed like a very bright and well adjusted eight year old and that she would probably grow out of the sleepwalking. You would think that she would have breathed a sigh of relief, but she was not happy with that diagnosis at all. She thought that there must be something that could be done to keep her in bed and asleep. She even went so far as to ask me if I could give her a mild sedative. We talked for about twenty minutes, then I made one of those life-changing decisions that altered the course of my existence. I told the girl's mother that if she was that concerned, the girl could stay over at my house on Friday night and I would try and observe her behavior. Then...if I thought she needed any further help I would refer her to a specialist. I added that she was welcome to come and stay the night as well.
The mother seemed beside herself with joy but balked at the idea of her staying the night with a single man. Back then, it would have been scandalous for someone to notice her car parked at the home of the town's doctor all night, but I felt I had to make the offer. She was more than happy to drop her daughter off though.
She asked me what time to be there and I said seven would be fine. All the time this was happening, my heart was skipping like a flat stone on still water. I had bought the old retired doctors farmhouse that was also outside of town. It sat on ten beautiful and secluded acres and was filled with lush fruit trees and old oaks. I told her I would see her then...but added that I thought it would be best for now that we not tell anyone of this little experiment. It was a small town and people loved to gossip. I asked that she keep this arrangement between us which she was more than willing to do adding that she knew all about small town gossip. I imagined with her being a single mother that she was telling the truth.
She was also concerned that she couldn't pay me much money, but I assured her that was not a problem. I would take this case on pro bono provided that if there were any discoveries or a major diagnosis, I would be free to publish them; adding that no real names would be used. Now the woman was awash with gratitude and announced that she would bake some cookies for her daughter and me to eat. We said good-bye and upon joining the daughter, I shook the little girl's hand and told her that we would be spending a little time together this weekend at my farmhouse to which the girl clapped her hands in joy. This was about 1957 I think. It was a much simpler time for sure. If that were to happen today the mother would most assuredly be looking up my name on some offender database.
I was as nervous as I had been in the war. The entire next day I kept expecting to get a phone call from the mother telling me that she had had second thoughts. However, she showed up promptly at seven with her beautiful daughter who was carrying a little suitcase that was very popular back then. Nowadays kids have those cheap nylon backpacks with those creepy boy band plastered all over them. Wearing soft brown cotton trousers and a western style shirt that was also popular then, I greeted them and showed them around the place. True to her word, she handed me a plate of freshly baked oatmeal cookies. The little girl was wearing a simple yellow sun dress that reached about eight inches above her knees, frilly little socks and Mary Jane Patent leather shoes. As she followed us her mother would say things like, 'Stay close now, and don't get your dress dirty'. It was annoying as hell and I decided to make the tour a brief one.
Back then, almost every house had a garden and I was especially proud of mine. I showed them how I had planted it, and then show them the fruit trees. Thankfully, after a few minutes the mother looked at her watch and said she had to run. She told the girl to behave and do exactly as the Doctor told her. The girl promised as we watched her mother walk to her car. I was glad to be rid of her and we said goodbye. She told me again how much she appreciated me taking an interest in her daughter's case then sped away. No doubt she had a hot date lined up with no kiddo around.
As we watched her drive away, then girl looked up at me and smiled. I'm telling you, she was such a peach! In the sunlight, her emerald eyes were unearthly. She asked me where she would be sleeping and I showed her to her room and helped her unpack. I tried my best to make her feel at home, telling her that she was free to do as she pleased and that I had almost no rules in my house. She seemed delighted and asked if she could take off her scratchy dress and put on her play clothes.
I told her that she did not have to ask me, it was her house!! She giggled her head off then shocked the stuffing out of me...and I swear to you this is all true; she said, "Well...if I can do anything I want, then I guess I won't even wear my clothes. I'll just wear my panties." And again she giggled her head off while smiling shyly at me. I told her that she could wear...or not wear whatever she liked.
I think she was expecting me to say that not wearing anything was going to far because she stopped smiling and got a serious look on her cute mug. After waiting to see if I was joking, and then seeing that I wasn't, she asked me if I was going to tell her mother everything she did. I told her absolutely not! This was our house and our weekend. All I would tell her mother was whether or not she had sleep walked. "And", I said, "If you don't want me to tell her that then I won't."
Her smile returned ten fold and she looked like she could not believe her luck. Apparently the mother thought that without a father around, she had to be a little stricter on her daughter and it had hurt their relationship. With no mother around, she was finally free to be a little girl and she took to it like a fish to water. She decided to put this new found freedom to the test and immediately stripped off her dress but left her frilly white socks and black Mary Jane shoes on. Her panties were a frilly, plain white cotton variety that little girls wore back then but to me they were as sexy as any lingerie you see today. I could not take my eyes off of her and she giggled at the look on my face which I'm sure had turned a light shade of pink. Her tiny non-existent breasts with two light red nipples lay on her white chest. The swell of her tummy as it disappeared into her panties was a delight for my eyes. As for her tiny belly-button, had an insy.
I was about thirty-two then if I remember right. I was not James Dean cute but I was okay. Her laughter was like the ringing of fine crystal as she giggled at my reaction. I got myself under control and asked her what she would like to do. She said she wanted to go outside and look around the house. I told her I would make us some milk and cookies and join her in a few minutes on the porch. As she walked away I could not tear my eyes away from her cute panty clad bottom. She had a delightful looking butt and she looked so sexy in those socks and shoes. I thought if I was lucky, I might just get to see that bottom without those panties too.
I went to the kitchen and got her a glass of milk, took some of the cookies and put them on a plate. I brought them out to the front porch and sat them on the little table I kept out there, then looked around for my half naked little angel. I heard a laugh and looked around the side of the house and saw her standing inside an old tire swing that had been left by the previous owner and she was pumping her short little legs to swing higher. Every time she bent her legs, I was treated to her little girl butt crack as it peeked out from the top of her panties. Watching her swing back and forth as her long ponytail blew like ribbons behind her...I was mesmerized. When she turned toward me, she waved and then continued playing. I could have sat on that porch all day and simply watched her.
After ten minutes or so she stopped and jumped off the tire and came up to join me on the porch. She had worked up a good sweat and it put a beautiful sheen on her half naked body. It also made her white panties cling a little tighter to her little girl cleft and butt. Her breasts had not started growing yet, but they had that little girl puffiness that I found so sexy. I offered her the milk and cookies which she ate like a half starved refugee, then dragged me by the hand to show her the rest of the place.
We spent some time walking and talking...I can't remember what about...I guess it's been too many years but I loved being with her...and I loved her laugh. As a matter of fact, I spent most of my time with her trying to make her laugh just to hear that magical sound. The simple act of walking around with this beautiful little girl in her panties and those adorable shoes and socks was delightful. I will always remember that walk as a magical hour and I would have been happy to continue, but with the sun almost gone I suggested we go back to the porch. Hand in hand we went back up to the house.
I made us a simple meal of hotdogs and macaroni and cheese. We sat at the big dinning room table; me at one end and her at the other because she thought that was how rich people ate. She even asked if I had a butler. After the huge disappointment of not being waited on by the hired help, she seemed content to sit at the far end of the table and ask me questions. Like, what it was like to be a doctor. And wasn't it gross when kids threw up on my office floor? I had to laugh at her banter. I simply loved her company. The fact that she was half naked only added to my enjoyment. After our meal she dutifully helped clear the table and as I washed, she dried the dished.
There were no video games or computers back then of course. TVs were still a few years away from being in every home so there was not that much for a kid to do back then except read. And this girl was an avid reader. I offered to let her look at my collection of books and she was thrilled. As I said, it was so much simpler back then. I took her to my study and she stood in the doorway with her mouth open as she stared at all the books lining the shelf. She went through the first shelf reading almost every title out loud. I finally sat behind my desk and pretended to do some paperwork as I admired her youthful body. She giggled when she found a copy of Isaac Asimov - The Naked Sun. A book I had not had time to read having just bought it.
"Does it have any naked people in it?" she asked and then giggled her head off.
It was getting on about eight o'clock and she made her selection, then said she needed to take a bath before bed. My heart was beating so hard as I walked her upstairs and showed her the bathroom, then told her I would be downstairs if she needed anything. She smiled and said thank you and as I walked away she turned around and pulled the waist band of her underwear down and treated me with a lovely view of her little butt. Oh, how I wanted to stay and watch but I felt it was too soon to become that familiar with her so I left her to bathe and went downstairs to tidy up.
About thirty minutes later, she came down the stairs and said she was going to lay in bed and read. She was wearing a white cotton nightgown that reached just below her knees. She asked if I would tuck her in, so again she took my hand and we went upstairs to her bedroom. After getting her tucked in, she held out her arms and I leaned down and she put them around my neck and hugged me. I was never so touched as I was right then. She was such a loving girl who now smelled of soap and shampoo.
As I straightened up from the hug, she said, "I guess my mom told you that when I sleepwalk...and I sometimes do it naked."
"Yes...does that bother you?" I asked.
She giggled and said, "I was going to ask you the same thing. Mother gets upset when I do it. She says it's not normal. Do you think it's normal?"
Good question, I thought.
"Truthfully...I've never heard of a person doing it. But I don't think it's anything to worry about. If you're asking me if I'll get upset, the answer is no. You're much too pretty to get mad at." I said and winked at her making her smile. She nodded her head and picked up the book she had chosen as I said good-night.
I went back downstairs and got a flashlight and a pair of slip-ons and put them by the door on the off chance she actually did sleepwalk this night. I went back to the library and grabbed a book and started reading in the living room. I use the word "read" loosely because although I had the book open and was staring at the page, I don't think I read past the first paragraph. My mind was on the beautiful girl sleeping upstairs. My mind kept playing back those few fleeting seconds of her pulling her white panties down and her beautiful little bottom. I entertained the thought of going up there and seeing just how heavy of a sleeper she might be, but decided that I would just wait and see what developed.
I got up much later and made myself a cup of tea, then sat back down in the recliner; feeling my eyes getting heavy. Around midnight or there about, as I was getting ready to call it a night, I heard a stair creek and looked up to see the little girl walking slowly down the steps without a stitch of clothing on. I was heart began to beat faster and my breathing got heavier...I had never felt like that. When I tell you that she was beautiful, you may think that most children have beautiful qualities about them, but this child was a vision. Her hair was like silk and it lay against skin that was almost alabaster. Her tiny nipples were pink. They stood out against her white skin and had that wonderful puffiness to them. The slit between her legs was also slightly puffy and of course, completely hairless. I had seen famous statues of the naked female form in Europe that were less pleasing to the eye than she.
This beautiful, naked child strolled down the stairs and walked right past my chair to the front door. As she past me I could see clearly the most stimulating part of her youthful body...her perfectly shaped bottom. Like the rest of her body, it was pale and wonderfully rounded. As she walked, it would flex from side to side making it impossible to focus on anything else. On shaky legs, I slowly got up and followed her outside to the porch where she stopped and seemed to look around for a moment before she started off into a grove of trees. I grabbed the flashlight and slipped on my shoes and started off after her.
She walked along with me behind her, and sure enough, she started singing something very softly as she walked. It was some sort of nursery rhyme but I was not familiar with it.
She walked out in into the grove for a while and then stopped and turned back toward the house. I never shown the flashlight directly at her so as to not scare her...but there was plenty of light to see that perfect body. I'd seen a few little girls in various states of undress before...but not like this. I could not take my eyes off of her and that incredible little butt. It was so perfect and round. At least that's the way I remember it.
I killed the flashlight as we approached the house waited until she was at the porch before I walked ahead of her to open the door. She walked past me but did not go back upstairs...instead she stopped just inside the front door. I stood there in the alcove admiring her beautiful little body, then stepped in front of her and knelt until I was at eye level. She simply starred straight ahead but made no move to go back upstairs to bed. With the only sound in the house being the ticking of the old clock on the living room wall, I said her name a couple of times softly with no response. With my hands shaking, I reached out and put my hand on her hip to see if contact would disturb her but there was still no reaction.
Sleepwalking is actually called somnambulism and there are many documented cases of it now...but not so much back then. There were, and still are conflicting viewpoints on whether it is harmful to wake a sleepwalker. Some medical books I read say that sleepwalkers should be gently guided back to bed without waking them. Others counter that idea and state that waking a sleepwalker may result in their disorientation, but it is not harmful. Back then it was generally decided that waking the patient was not a good idea. In 1954 there was a study thought to be the "end all" of sleepwalking studies that stated, 'Repression of hostile feelings against the father caused the patients to react by acting out in a dream world with sleepwalking, the distorted fantasies they had about all authoritarian figures, such as fathers, officers and stern superiors'
When I read that, the fact that they had mentioned a father figure I found very odd. Here was a little girl who suffered from the disorder and she had NO father but an overbearing mother. I knew none of this the first time I saw her walking in the nude. All I was thinking about was how beautiful she was. So as I knelt there in front of my beautiful angel, I let my hand slip off of her hip and around to cup her soft bottom. The feeling was so wonderful! And still she made no sign of waking up. She simply stayed there in one spot and looked at a point on the wall behind me. I slipped my hand off of her bottom and let it slide around to her smooth and completely hairless. I thought I might faint.
Not being able to help myself, I leaned down to her soft and hairless mound and gave it a few kisses ...her scent was filling my nostrils and making me almost dizzy. When I pulled back, she was looking down at me and I became very frightened. But she gave me a faint smile and whispered, "You're nice". Then walked up the stairs as I followed and got back in bed. She didn't even bother to put her gown back on. She simply got under the covers, looked up at me and closed her eyes.
I sat on the side of her bed and pondered everything that had happened. I was, of course, worried about what I had done and if she would remember it.
The next morning she came down the stairs dressed in her nightgown and smiled that wonderful smile of hers and asked what was for breakfast. I nervously made us waffles and bacon. She did not act any different from the day before but as we sat down to eat, she said, "I suppose I sleepwalked last night. I was naked when I woke up and my feet were I guess you saw me." She said it almost as if she were she had wet the bed.
I told her that yes, I saw her sleepwalk but she shouldn't be sorry for something that she had no control over. She looked at me and smiled sadly, then said that her mother always got very upset when she would sleepwalk and had even tried locking the door to her bedroom to keep her in. I told her that her mother was very worried about her and that people who sleepwalk can hurt themselves. She nodded but still looked a little sad. I asked her, "Are you worried about others seeing you naked? Is that what worries you?" She seemed to think about for a few moments, then said, "Not really. I just feel like I've done something bad. Mother makes such a fuss."
I assured her that I was not in the least bit upset and she seemed to believe me. As we were finishing our breakfast, the phone rang and when I answered it, it was the girls mother asking how everything had went. I told her that yes, she had an episode of sleepwalking, but that I think I had an idea of why. Would she mind me keeping her another night? The mother said not at all. I think she was glad to be rid of her for another day. I imagine not having a father around was hard on women back then. I told her I would drop her off at her home on Monday morning in time for her to get to school, when the mother reminded me that it was school.
Well in that case I said, I will let you know when I am through observing her...would that be okay? She said that I could keep her as long as I thought I needed to. I told her I would call her when I think I have done everything I can. By this time the mother was giddy with relief. She thanked me profusely and we said good-bye.
After I had hung up and replaced the phone in its cradle, I thought about my theory. And to tell you the truth it was grounded in good science. I went back to the breakfast table and told the girl her mother had given her permission for her to stay another night, and longer if she was inclined to. The little angel yelped with joy, jumped out of her chair, ran to me and gave me a very tight hug. I returned the hug and felt her tiny naked body that was under the gown. She must have left her panties off when she gotten up. When she pulled back, I told her that I had some ideas about her sleepwalking and would she be interested in helping me with a little experiment? She nodded her head in excitement.
I said to her that I thought that her removing her clothes when she sleep walked was part of a bigger picture, and would she be okay with going around the house completely nude...just for the day?
Her eyes went big and her hands shot to her mouth, then she started giggling her head off. I loved listening to that laugh.
"Are you sure it's okay? You're not going to tell anyone...especially my mom are you?" she asked seriously.
"Not at all," I told her. "This is an experiment and I want to see if it makes any difference if you are naked in the daytime." Sitting her down next to me, I told her that my idea was that being naked was something that she longed for, so when she was asleep, rather than dream about being naked, she actually became naked. I told her that I would very much like to see if giving her what she subconsciously wanted during the day, would satisfy her enough that she would not crave it when she was asleep. I asked her if she thought she might be able to do that for one day?
She covered her mouth with both hands and giggled while nodded her head yes. My heart was beating so hard I felt certain she would see it through my shirt.
I thought, she won't want to strip off right here, so I suggested to her that she might like to go upstairs and undress and when she felt comfortable, to come down and we would find something to do outside. She giggled again and said that she didn't need time to get comfortable; that I had already seen her naked twice. And with that she grabbed the hem of her nightgown, lifted it over her head and showed me her naked body while smiling shyly at me.
I smiled back and with all my will I tried to ignore her and instead asked for her help in doing the dishes. She draped her nightgown over the back of her chair and turned and followed me over to the sink. Her skin was what you would call creamy. She had no tan lines which told me that so far this summer she had not spent much time in the sun. But what I was most amazed at was her utter lack of modesty. She seemed as natural naked as she did when she was clothed.
I have always enjoyed having an inquisitive mind and loved solving puzzles. I was then, and still am now, a huge fan of the Sherlock Holms mysteries and loved the way that Holms could reason his way to a logical conclusion. So my mind was in its natural state of puzzle solving when I set out to solve this one. As she helped dry the dishes when I handed them to her, I asked her why she didn't seem to mind being naked. She looked at me a little shyly and asked me if I could keep a secret? I told her that as her doctor, I could not say anything to anybody because it was against the law. I told her she could tell me anything and I couldn't breath a word of it to anybody unless she gave me permission.
"Really?!" She asked. She seemed to think about it for a moment, then said, "Well then, I'll share a secret with you. Its one of my biggest secrets and you have to promise to never tell anyone." I nodded my head that I understood.
"I get home two hours before mommy does. And when I get home, I like to take off all of my clothes and walk around. It feels good being naked. And sometimes I even run outside and play for a little when it's nice out. I started doing it when I was six. My mom has to work until five so I always keep an eye on the clock. If she ever caught me she would tan my hide! But I love being naked. It makes me feel good...and free. Sometimes I'll just lay around in my room that way." She looked at me and waited for a reaction and I gave her my best smile.
"You don't think I'm weird do you?" she asked?
I told her of course not. I said I thought that everyone would prefer not to have to put on clothes and that it was perfectly normal. I told her that if she really felt that way, then she did not have to put on any clothes for the rest of her stay...that is, if she didn't mind me seeing her.
She stopped drying the dish she was holding and looked up at me with those beautiful eyes. I think she was so relieved to hear that she was not some kind of a freak that she became overwhelmed with emotion; so much so I thought she might cry. I took the plate out of her hands, put down the dishrag and knelt down holding my arms out to her purely out of instinct. She literally melted into my arms and sure enough, she began sobbing quietly. I ran my hand up and down her back, then cupped her small bottom, I gave it a gentle and affectionate squeeze and she hugged my neck tightly. After a few moments, I push her back and asked her why she was crying?
She looked at me with those tear-filled eyes; so full of heartache, and said that for a long time she thought that she was going loony because of her desire to be naked. She was afraid she would grow up to be a crazy person and have to live in a hospital. I hugged her close again and told her that what she was feeling was something that all boys and girls feel at some time in their lives and that as a doctor, I could tell her with certainty that she was not going to wind up in a hospital just because she liked to be naked. She pulled back to look at me. Maybe she was judging to see if I was sincere. Then she once again fell forward and into my arms and resumed her quiet sobs.
On impulse I picked her up and leaned back against the sink and she immediately wrapped her skinny legs around my waist and hugged my neck. I held her while cupping her warm bottom and relishing the feel of its warm skin in my hands. After a few moments, I walked her out to the living room where I sat down in my recliner and held her while rocking back and forth while making soothing sounds in her ear.
Soon the quiet little sobs gave way to her steady breathing and before I knew it she was fast asleep. I pushed the recliner into it's most laid back position and ran my hands up and down her back and bottom as she settled onto my chest. I had never felt so close to someone in my life. And I supposed that she, not having much in the way of male contact, loved having me hold her. She did not seem to mind my hands softly rubbing her little bottom either. And as I rubbed her tush, she made quiet little sighs and soft moans.
I allowed my fingers to briefly slip down into the crack of her soft bottom and when she did not object or stir, I let them slip further down until they brushed against her silky little girl sex. I was delirious with passion as I softly rubbed her smooth hairless lips; her small pussy felt so divine under my fingers. I cupped her entire sex with my hand when I suddenly felt her push back gently. I froze in fear knowing that if she were awake I could be in a lot of trouble. But when I stopped rubbing her, she tilted her little head up to my face and said softly, 'That feels nice. You can do it some more if you want to.' Then laid her head back down on my chest.
So there was now no doubt...she knew I was feeling her up. My mind whirled as I thought of a way to defuse the situation but then decided that being honest would hopefully be the best way to deal with it.
So I said, "Thank you...I think it feels nice too. Are you sure you don't mind me touching you there?"
She looked back up at me and smiled and shook her head no. "I touch myself there all the time. I didn't want to tell you that part...but when I'm naked after school, sometimes I like to lay down on the bed and touch myself there...and other places. I even do it when I'm outside in the yard. You don't think I'm a dirty you?"
It was obvious to me that although bright and well adjusted, she had some major problems with her self image and confidence; that being the second time she had asked me if I thought her behavior was weird or dirty.
I smiled and said, "No sweetie...everyone likes to be touched there...boys and girls. But a grown man like me can get in very big trouble for touching a little girl like this. I could go to prison for a long time if anyone were to find out. If anything, I'm the dirty one. I hope you still like me even though I'm doing something I shouldn't. But you feel so soft right there...I just had to rub it."
She did not answer right away but instead spread her little legs even further and raised her tiny ass up in the air to make it easier for me to reach her open sex. Still looking at me she smiled faintly and said, "That's silly. If I don't mind why would you get in trouble? It feels good...but I guess it doesn't really matter because I'm not telling anyone...especially my mother. She would be really angry if she knew I touched myself like that."
And with that she laid her head back down on my chest but now with her two little hands under her chin, elbows down on my chest and smiled up at me while slowly raising and lowering her hips. This caused my hand to rub up and down her little girl slit and anus without me hardly moving. I was in ecstasy as I felt her move against my hand. This was the first time outside of some childhood games and the office that I had ever had my hands on a little girl and I was excited beyond words.
Deciding that she was sincere in her promise to not let anyone know of our touching, I asked her if there was anything else she liked to do when she was naked and home alone. She smiled shyly and said, "I'll tell you some of the things I do...but not all of them. Not yet. But you have to promise not to tell anyone...ever!"
I smiled reassuringly at her and told her I would never tell...cross my heart. She sat up on her elbows and looked at me, grinned real big and said, "I do lots of stuff. After I try something new...I'll do that for a few days. Then I get tired of doing it and I'll do something else." She looked up at me to see what my reaction was. When she saw nothing threatening, she continued.
"Sometimes I take my pillow and put it between my legs and squeeze it real hard. I do that all the time. If I'm outside, sometimes I'll get up on the rails of the porch and rub back and forth. I love the way it makes me tingle...down there. Sometimes I'll go in the backyard and swing on the rope that we have. Sometimes I'll wrap my legs around it while I swing because it feels good against my cunny. And I have a stuffed dog and he has a plastic tongue that I sometimes rub on my cunny. It's fun to pretend that he's licking me there. I get real tingly down there when I do all those things. Sometimes, I like touching my poop hole too. But I only do that when I'm taking a bath because it makes my finger smell bad. Do you think that's dirty?"
I was becoming so aroused listening to she tell me all the naked games she played with herself, I hoped she did not notice the large lump under her. I answered, "Not at all honey. If it feels good to you then you should do it. But you have to be careful not to hurt yourself when you do those things. If you like, I can show you some things that I think you would enjoy." I was almost shaking with anticipation as she smiled big and nodded her head.
"Just remember your can't ever tell anyone I like to do this stuff...okay?" She asked.
I again reassured her that I would probably get in more trouble than her if anyone ever found out. Then I slid my hands up until I had cupped her under her arms and lifted her naked little body until she was straddling my chest and her little girl sex was gapping open in front of my face. It was so lovely...her little clitoral hood stood out from between her lips and her little hole glistened with moisture. I gently pushed her warm little ass forward until her pussy was against my mouth and kissed it. Looking down at me, she grinned and pushed her pelvis against my lips and placed her hands on my head to steady herself. I pushed her little bottom again and let my tongue slip out and lick her entire sex from top to bottom, causing her to moan loudly and push her soft lips against my mouth.
I allowed my tongue to slide out and into the tight, warm passage of her vagina while gently rubbing her soft rounded bottom with my hands. This had an immediate effect on her and she tilted her head back and opened her mouth slightly as new feelings coursed through her young body. I lapped at her sex and then zeroed in on her tiny clitoris, sucking it into my mouth and tickling it with the tip of my tongue. At the same time I let one hand pull open her small ass cheek as the other sought out her tiny puckered hole. When I found the tight opening, I gently rubbed it with my finger while still sucking her tiny clit. This caused her to start bucking her hips and moan even louder as she hunched her sex hard against my mouth.
All of a sudden, she went rigid and I felt her legs clamp hard into my sides as I bought her to her very first orgasm. From her throat came a high pitched squeal that continued for a few moments until all at once, her tiny body went limp and she fell forward causing me to catch her before she went right over my head and onto the floor. I pulled her down until she was once again laying on my chest and waited for her to recover as my heart pounded in my chest.
In all the books I had read on childhood development, I had never read of a case where a child this young was capable of having an orgasm. The female orgasm was a hot subject back then and there was much debate on whether or not a sexually mature woman was capable of even having an orgasm. I can't imagine what they would have debated about an eight year old having one. Not that I would have joined in such a debate. I had just proven that a very young girl was capable of achieving one so the debate in my mind was over.
After a few minutes of gently stroking her back and bottom, the girl looked up at me though half opened eyes and asked, "What the heck happened to me? I felt so...good. I've touched myself lots of time and never felt anything like that."
"That was an orgasm sweetie. When someone's body is stimulated just right, they experience very powerful feeling. Boys and girls both have them...and as you know now, they feel very good." I thought that a simple explanation was best and yet, even if she had been an older person...I couldn't think of a better way to describe what an orgasm was.
"When I've touched myself in the feels good. But it never a good as that did. Can a person have more than one a day?" I smiled at her innocent question and told her that yes...a person could have several in a day.
"Didn't it taste yucky when you licked me?" She whispered. Again...I had to smile.
"Not at all. I thought you tasted wonderful sweetie. I've never done that before...not even with a grown up woman. But for some reason I just knew it would taste great. Did you like it?" I asked her.
She laughed and said, "Did I like it? Oh my...I thought it was the best thing I've ever felt! I told you that I used my stuffed doggies tongue to pretend...but it's hard plastic. Your tongue felt soft...and warm. And when you sucked my button into your mouth I thought I was going to faint!"
She stopped and sat up on my chest while looking at me and asked, "Why did you touch me...back there? On my butt? It felt so good's so nasty" I had to think about that one. I did not know how she would respond to it when I actually did it...but why? I really didn't know.
"Well, I know that it feels good to have your bottom touched. You told me that you did it in the bath tub. So I thought you might like it if I touched it. I even thought about putting my finger inside...but I didn't want to scare you." I didn't know what else to say.
"I liked it a lot. I think that was what made me have my...orgasm? I love touching myself there. I know it's supposed to be dirty...but I don't care. It feels so good in the bath but I have to be careful not to let my mommy catch me. I don't think she would think it was so wonderful." She stopped and looked down at me...her emerald eyes were so beautiful.
"Can you make me have another one?" She asked and grinned shyly.
"I would love to help you have another one. How about we go upstairs and lay down in my bed. Then I could lick you for a long time if you like." I could not believe that this had progressed as it had. And I knew that if she told anyone I would be ruined at the least...imprisoned at the most. But I simply did not care. I had long dreamed of having sex with a young, beautiful and willing child.
I could not let this opportunity go by.
I pushed the recliner into the upright position and stood up. She reached out and took my hand as I led her up the stairs. I could not believe this was happening and by the time we reached the top I was beginning to think I was having a very vivid dream. I reasoned that even if it was a dream, then it was the best I'd ever had and wished never to wake up. She seemed eager and followed me up to my bedroom.
We entered my bedroom and she ran over to the bed and jumped up on it and waited for me. I walked over to the window and opened it to let in a fresh breeze. It was a beautiful day with clear blue skies so I opened the drapes too. The little girl stood on my bed waiting to see what I was going to do. I walked over to the side of the bed and reached out to hug her, which she did. I ran my hands up and down over her soft warm bottom, relishing the feel of her twin globes of little girl flesh. I kissed her forehead and told her that maybe she would be more comfortable laying down.
I pulled a pillow from the head of the bead and she lay her beautiful little head down on it and slowly let her legs fall open so that her little girl sex was open to my hungry eyes. She looked so damn sexy laying there with her puffy labia stretched open ...I could have achieved my own orgasm if I had even touched my penis. I sat on the bed and ran one hand up her leg and over her little slit which made her sigh and close her eyes as she waited for me to stimulate her again. Laying face down between her thin little legs, I bent down and kissed her wide open and hairless little slit, covering it with my mouth. She signed deeply as I let my tongue snake out and lathered her little pussy with it.
When I pulled back to look at it again, I noticed that her hymen seemed to not all be there. Knowing that she would have at least hinted that she had had sex before, I puzzled as to what happened to it. I made my tongue as stiff as possible and began licking the outside lips of her sex while she moaned out loud.
"Oh...oh my goodness..." She panted as I inserted my tongue into her open slit. I could feel what remained of a partly torn hymen which confirm in my mind what she had told me about playing with herself was true. She must have gotten a little carry away during one of her masturbation sessions and torn it. What ever had happened, I reaped the benefits because it easily admitted my stiff tongue and I relished in sliding it in and out of her little girl hole. As I sucked and licked her little girl slit, I let my tongue slip out once in a while to tease her pink little ass...just to see what she would do.
What she did was to reached down and grabbed her thighs and pulled them up to her chest which opened up her bottom to me. I slowly let my tongue trace down the short trip from her pussy to her tiny puckered anus and licked the flat of my tongue across it which made her jump. She raised her head to watch me as I rimmed her tiny back hole.
"OH....OH MY GOODNESS!!!" She said again...this time much louder as my tongue traced tiny circles around her tight little puckered rectum. The feeling was like none other I had ever had as I leaned in to devourer her wonderful ass. I let one of my fingers slip into the opening of her little girl slit to my second knuckle as she went wild under me. She threw back her head and opened her mouth as she panted like a dog that had run a mile flat out as my finger now sawed in and out of her tight wet pussy while I still traced circles around her ass hole with my tongue. Pulling back I used the middle finger of my other hand to slip into her rectum which seemed to send her into a new level of ecstasy because she raised her head looked down at me with her mouth hanging open and a wild look in her eyes.
"Please...." She said and grabbed my hand so she was pressing my finger further into her tight, eight-year-old ass. To my complete surprise, she then began pulling and pushing it in and out of her pink back hole, sawing it in and out as she thrust her hips up to push even more of it into her. I tried to keep my other finger stimulating her little girls slit but it became more difficult with all of her thrashing. The best I could do was to find her tiny clitoris and keep some pressure on it while she rammed my other finger in and out of her tight warm rectum. I would have never believed that a little girl could become so worked up with sexual arousal.
" I go again!!!" She squealed as her body went rigid and taunt...her face a mask of pure ecstasy as she held my hand and pushed my finger as deep as it would go into her anus while thrusting her little hips off the bed and keeping them there; burying my finger up to the hilt. To finish her off, I began to wiggle my finger within the confines of her colon; rubbing the walls as she continued to push my finger in. Her little face was almost a grimace as she went over the edge. The scream started in the depth of her throat and escaped with such force I was suddenly very glad that I lived so far away from town as her little body went from rigid to limp as she reached her peak and she collapsed on the bed causing my finger to pop out of her bottom. The little thing laid there panting for a few minutes, then raised her head to look at me and started giggling her pretty little head off as she looked at me from between her legs.
"That was a GOOD one!!" She said and continued giggling. I was completely baffled for several reasons. First, there was no known case that I was aware of where a girl this young could...or would participate in this kind of sexual activity. Of course...this was the late fifties and child sex was not even hinted at. Second, the stimulation of her anus with my finger I thought was of particular importance but how I did not know. And last, where had she learned this behavior? Certainly not at school.
I let her catch her breath for a moment, then asked her how she felt.
"It was wonderful!" She said; her breath still heavy and husky. He small chest rising and falling as she stretched out on the bed. I kissed her little puss one more time and got up to wash my hand. When I returned she was still basking in the afterglow of her second orgasm of the day. I sat on the bed and brushed back some of her golden hair with my hand.
"That was really something. " I said. "Can you tell me why you grabbed my hand and did that?"
She suddenly got a little shy it seemed. She reached down and played with a few strands of her hair and smiling. "Well...I told you that there was some stuff I wasn't going to share with you right away."
I reached out a finger and tickled her ribs for trying to keep a secret from me which brought out peals of giggles from her. I told her to tell me or I would tickle her until she peed the bed which made her giggle more.
"Okay, okay...I'll tell you." She said as she rolled over on her side to look at me.
"I LOVE to put things in my butt!!!" And again she started giggling while clasping both hands over her mouth as if to say, 'I can't believe I'm telling you this.' Her laugh was infectious. As she giggled at whatever was going on in her little head I started laughing quietly...not wanting her to think I was laughing at her.
I pulled myself up until I was laying next to her. I brushed a bit of her hair away from her forehead and asked her what kind of things?
" first I used small things like pencils, old toothbrush. I really liked the way they felt going in and out of me. But pretty soon, I wanted something bigger. So I started looking around the house before mother got home from work and I found a candle. I thought it was perfect because it was small at the end but got bigger at the bottom. I used that for almost a week. I hid it under my bed and before I went to sleep, I would push it in and out until I thought I was going to explode.
"At kinda scared me...that feeling I kept something was going to happen to I would always stop. Then I would get up and wash it in the bathroom. But about a week later I wanted to try something bigger. That's when I decided the handle of my hairbrush would be good. It took a little while to get use to it because it was pretty fat. It was round and I knew it would he was the only thing I could find at the time. But pretty soon it fit nicely and I would use it at night. Sometimes I couldn't wait so I would run home from the bus stop and almost tear off my school clothes so I would have enough time to play.
She was still smiling at me and I continued to smile back. I was enthralled with her story and the feelings it was producing in me. My penis was very hard as I listened to her describe sodomizing herself.
"After a couple of weeks, I was using it twice a day. Once when I got home from school and once when I went to bed. But before long, again...I thought I wanted to try something even bigger. I looked around the house but did not find anything. Then one day, when I was helping my mother get cucumbers from our garden I got the idea to use one of them. I found a small one that was a little bigger than my hairbrush handle and hid it in my room. For the rest of the evening all I could think about was how much fun I was going to have using it. I didn't dare use it when I went to bed. I had started to make noise. And if my mother heard she would be in there in three shakes.
"When I got home the next day, I went to the bathroom cabinet and got my mother's jar of Vaseline. Then I took off all my clothes and laid face down on the bed and put my bottom up in the air. Then I smeared a bit of the Vaseline on the cucumber and started pushing it against know. It felt so good! At first I was afraid to put it in. I was a little scared that it might tear something and hurt myself. But I couldn't stop...and pretty soon I began pushing harder until at last I felt it slip in. At first it hurt a little, but I knew from the other things I had used that the pain would go away in a little while. When I had gotten use to it, I pushed more of it in and it started feeling real good. I loved the way it made me feel so full down there.
"I got so wrapped up in using it that first day that I lost track of the time and the next thing I heard was my mom pulling up into the driveway. Oh boy...was I scared. I ran into the bathroom where I had left my clothes and locked the door. I had just finished dressing when my mom knocked on the door and wanted to know if I was in there. I put the cucumber in the dirty clothes hamper and came out. My mom wanted to know why I still had on my school dress and why I looked so flushed. I told her that I had a tummy ache and had been sitting on the toilet since I got home. Mom felt my forehead and said that I felt very warm and should take a bath and go to bed. Before I got in the bath tub, I took the cucumber out of the dirty clothes and washed it; then hid it under my mattress.
"I got up the next morning and went downstairs for breakfast but mom felt my forehead again and said I should stay in bed and miss school for a day. I was so excited because I knew mom would have to go to work and I would be left at home by myself all day! I acted like I really was sick and went upstairs and went to bed. She came in to kiss me and then hurried out the door telling me to stay in bed.
"That was three weeks ago and it was one of the best days I have ever had. I had never been left alone for that long before and I started thinking about all the fun things I could do and not be hurried. As soon as I saw my mom pull out of the drive, I took off my night gown and panties and decided that I would be naked all day. It felt so good to be able to walk around the house without any clothes on. I even spent part of the day laying outside in the sun. But I burn real easy so I didn't stay out for long. I did walk all over our property. I even climbed a tree!! I hung onto one of the lower branches and swung back and forth. The air felt so good on my cunny and I hung there until my arms got tired. Of course I didn't go anywhere I could be seen from the road. But after playing outside for a while...I started thinking about the cucumber and doing nasty stuff. So I went back inside.
She was so engrossed in her story and she had me hanging on every word. To think that not three miles from my house, a little eight year old girl had spent the day running around naked! You have to remember that this was the late 1950s. Playboy was still a couple of years away from being published. People were much more conservative back then. If you got to kiss a girl on the second date, you would be in heaven. Just the thought of seeing a naked girl was enough to get a young man hard. Today you can almost turn on the TV and see all the bare skin you want. Back then, a bikini would have been scandalous. So when I tell you that listening to her describe walking around naked for a day was a turn have to take it in context of how things were back then.
I sat there, totally being entertained by her story as she continued telling me about her sexual escapades. She had stopped talking and was looking at me as if gauging my reaction. I smiled and told her she should tell me everything because I was her doctor and I would be able to tell her if she was doing anything that could be dangerous. She smiled back and then said she really liked being able to share this with someone and continued.
"Do you promise you won't think I'm a freak? The next part is my biggest secret. I never thought I would be telling anyone about it." She looked at me with eyes that were so full of desperation.
"I will tell you this one more time...I give you my word as your doctor AND your friend. Everything you have told me is not that unusual. If you were going to tell me that the next thing you did was kill a puppy...then I would be worried. But you just saw me lick your butt a few minutes ago. Do you think I'm a freak?" I asked.
" I guess I don't" She said and looked very relieved. " I had decided to be naked all day..." She continued.
"I didn't want to rush things so I decided to take my time and enjoy myself. I laid on my bed and just rubbed my body at first. I rubbed my boobies and my tummy loving the way my skin felt. Then I played with my cunny for a little while. It felt so nice to try new things without worrying about the time. I jumped up and went into my mother's bathroom and got her bottle of body oil and the jar of Vaseline and put them on my bed next to me. Then I got a towel and laid it out on the bed so I wouldn't make a mess. I put some oil on my hands and rubbed it all over me. I loved rubbing my cunny with oil. It felt so slippery.
"Then I let my finger slide down until I was rubbing my poop hole. I usually didn't do that unless I was in the bath tub, but I didn't feel like having a bath right then. So I let one finger rub my bottom hole and I loved it! Pretty soon I put one finger in and pushed until it was all the way inside. It felt so wonderful and soon I was tingling all over my body. I did that for a long time...and each time I felt myself getting that funny feeling I would stop. I didn't know then that I could have an orgasm. Now I do thanks to you!" And she giggled a little.
"When I had played with my butt for a little while, I reached under the mattress and got the cucumber out. I looked at it for a second, looking at how smooth it was. Then I pulled my legs we did earlier so it made my butt open up better. I was so excited that I was shaking a little and I put it against my little hole and began pushing it until I felt it slipping in. It hurt a little starting out, but I stopped and waited. Then I pushed a little harder and felt it pop in. It was such a shock! But again I waited and then pushed a little more in. I felt so full and it stopped hurting pretty quick. Before very long I had pushed almost half of it in. Then I laid there and played with it...I mean, I would tighten and loosen my hole making it feel so good.
"I couldn't believe that I had something that big in my bottom hole, so I took the hand mirror off my nightstand and held it down so I could see it. I had to move the mirror around until I found it...but when I saw it sticking out of my bottom, it made me feel very naughty, but good too. It was fun being naughty!! I held the mirror with one hand and moved the cucumber in and out with the other. My little hole looked so...weird! It was stretched open and my cunny hole was open too. I'd never see that hole before. So I laid there for a long time watching it slide in and out of my butt. I know it sounds weird, but it really felt I was pooping for a long time. It just made me feel full...and very naughty.
"I used the cucumber for a long time until I got a little sore. So I stopped and went exploring outside again. First I took a washrag and cleaned myself up. I had oil all over my body and it made me feel icky. I ran outside and I did cartwheels in the front lawn until I was dizzy. I took the hose out and attached it to the water sprinkler and then ran through the spray. It was only eleven in the morning so I knew I would have time for everything to dry."
She stopped and looked up at the ceiling. "Let's see...what else did I do? After the sprinkler I think I sat on the porch swing for a while until I was dry. Oh...I went in the back and swung on the rope for a long time. I loved wrapping my legs around it until it was rubbing my cunny and then swing around. That felt real good. Then I went for a long walk in the cornfield. That was probably the funnest thing I did. It was exciting to walk up and down the rows being naked. After a couple of hours I wanted to go back inside and do nasty stuff again. So I went back to my room and laid back down but this time I laid face down and played with my cunny. I took my pillow and put it between my legs and squeezed. All these things made me feel so tingly all over. But whenever I got that funny feeling I would stop because I didn't know what was happening. I thought that if I kept doing it...well, I'm not sure what I thought. But it was a little scary when my whole body would get hot and I would tingle down there. So I would just do it until I felt it creeping up on me...then I would stop and rest.
"Then I rolled over and used the cucumber on my butt again. I still couldn't believe that something so naughty could be so much fun. I was having such a great time that I completely forgot about having any breakfast OR lunch. So I just laid there for the rest of the day playing with myself."
She lay there looking at me as she told me of her day of uninterrupted sexual exploration. I was never as turned on as I was right then. She had just told me that she loved to masturbate anally. If she could work a cucumber into her little body, I naturally wondered if she would be open to something else?
As she finished telling me her story I was so worked up, I had to take it to the next step and see if I could be included in her games. I knew I had to be careful. If I could present it to her as just another way to have fun then I felt I would have a better chance of succeeding. I asked her if she would like for me to show her other ways to feel good? She asked what other ways. I asked her if she would like to see me naked? She laughed and nodded her head as she sat up on her knees to watch. I was so excited I was shaking but now I wanted to be included in her games. She watched as I took off my shirt while I sat on the side of the bed, then my pants. My underwear was so tight against my aching cock and when she saw the bulge her eyes never left it.
"Is that your peenie?" She asked.
"It's my penis." I said as I pulled my underpants off and then lay on the bed. She was smiling as she leaned in to take a closer look. I asked her if she had ever seen one before.
She blushed and nodded her head yes. "At the beginning of the school year, we had a new teacher. Once, during lunch period I forgot my lunch box in my classroom and went back to get it. We're not supposed to be in the classroom without our teacher, but I thought I would just run in and get it. Once I'd found it, I heard the door rattle and I hid behind the coat rack. Our teacher came in and locked the door, then...oh my, this is so naughty...I looked though the coat rack and saw him kneel down at Mary Suffield's desk looked like he was smelling her seat."
She scrunched up her nose and looked at me. I did they same and we laughed. She continued, "But then he sat up and unzipped his pants and started pulling on his thing. I was so scared he would see me...but he did that for a few minutes then pulled out his handkerchief and held it over his penis. He kinda jerked a couple of times...then zipped his trousers and left. His was real fat...and long. Yours is smaller and nice."
She said this as she looked closely at it. I was still thinking about the teacher and his lunchtime adventure. Seemed like I was not the only one in town with an eye for the little girls. However, she was right in her assessment of the size of my penis. I was not blessed with a large one; six inches at the most, but it never had never been an issue with me.
She knelt beside me while looking at my cock. By now it was as hard as it had ever been. I asked her if she wanted to touch it...since I had touched her it was only fair and she nodded yes. She slowly reached out and wrapped her hand around the shaft which produced two things that made her startle. I moaned and it jumped. She giggled and dropped it as if it had tried to bite her.
"It jumped! Did you do that?" She laughed.
"Yes...and no. I can make it jump and twitch but sometimes it can do it all by itself. It felt so good to have your hand on it that this time, it jumped all by itself." I told her.
"It so warm. How come it's so warm?" She asked as she held it in her tiny hand making it look much bigger than it really was..
"There is a lot of blood in there that makes it so stiff. The blood is warm." I answered.
As the little angel turned my penis this way and that, she suddenly looked up and me and giggled. The look on her face said that she had thought of something very naughty.
"Why the giggle? Is my penis that funny?" I asked her and laughed myself.
"No...I just thought of what it reminds me of." She said and covered her face with her hands in embarrassment and giggled her little head off.
" And what does it remind you of my little giggle monster?" I asked, making her erupt into fits of laughter.
"THE CUCUMBER!!!" She laughed and grabbed my stiff penis again.
"And as soon as I thought of that...I thought about what it would feel like to have this in my butt!!" And this time she nearly blew a blood vessel she laughed so hard.
"Oh...well..." I said smiling at her, "That is a naughty thought for a little girl your age. But I think it would be okay if you wanted to try. It is probably smaller than then your cucumber."
Well send me to hell...I wanted my dick in her little ass so much I thought I might actually rape her. If she had already had the thought...then all I was doing was giving her permission...right?
She looked surprised that I would say it's okay and put her hands over her mouth again and giggling she fell over on her side. Then she sat up and grabbed it again, looking at it more closely.
"It would probably feel a lot better than the cucumber because it's so soft...but are you sure you wouldn't mind putting it in my butt?" She asked. "It's such a dirty thing to do." But the small smile on her face told me that she was already thinking how much she would like it.
"It's entirely up to you. I know I would like it...and from what you've told me, you would probably like it too." I said. I told her to hold on for a moment and I jumped up and walked into my bathroom and got the small jar of Vaseline I had. When I returned she was on her knees looking what I had brought. I thought I would need to do the application but she eagerly reached for it before I had even reached the bed.
Wasting no time...but still giggling, she took the jar and opened it. Then putting one of her tiny fingers into the gel, she pulled out a dollop and sat the jar on the nightstand. I watched in amazement as she fell onto her back and raised her skinny legs up to her chest and began rubbing the slippery substance to her tiny pink opening. Even as she applied the slick gel to her rosebud she closed her eyes and leaned back while smiling and biting her lower lip; obviously enjoying the feeling of her well practiced hands as she stimulated her pink little opening. I sat and watched as she slipped her finger past the opening and into her rectum as my cock began to firm up once again at the incredibly erotic sight.
After a few minutes of self stimulation, she opened her eyes and laughed at the expression on my face. I smiled back and asked her if she was ready.
"I can't believe we're going to do this...but you have to promise to go slow. It takes a little while to get use to bigger things. Do you want to do it like this or should I get on my knees?" She asked.
"What would feel more comfortable for you?" I asked.
"I think up on my knees...but remember that you have to go slow." She said seriously.
I told her I would be very gentle and with that promise, she giggled again and rolled over on her tummy, then came up on her knees leaving her top half almost flat on the bed. This opened up her bottom and put it at just the right height. I was completely and utterly overcome with lust. I figured that if she had had a cucumber in her anus, she should have no problem handling my penis. I scooted in until my cock was touching her small pink rosebud.
My little girl moaned when I rubbed the head of my penis back and forth across her pink little rectum as I spread the lubricant. The feeling of her back opening against the underside of my cock was heaven. I could have been satisfied just sliding it between those beautiful twin globes but needed this desire to be consummated...I had to have my cock in her. On one of the down strokes, I felt the tip line up into the dimple of her anus. I saw that she felt it to and I began a steady pressure until I felt the tight petite opening begin to dilate to admit the tip of my mushroom head. She moaned again as the head slipped past the circle and slid smoothly in until the ring slipped over the head making her and myself, gasp.
Although she had not asked me to stop, I paused for a moment reveling in the sensation of having my cock in her eight year old ass...a dream long desired; finally being fulfilled. The urge to continue pushing was overwhelming but I stayed still allowing her little girl rectum to grow accustom to my dick. As I knelt behind her, my hand naturally sought out the soft cheeks of her upturned bottom and I relished the feel of her smooth skin under my palms. I began a gentle massaging of her beautiful globes and heard her sigh her approval. At last, I felt her push back and watched an inch more of my cock slid into her. The feeling was incredible! As she pushed back again, over half of my dick slid into her body and again I heard her moan in either approval of was hard to tell.
"Oh my stars!" She whispered. "It feels...please...please..." She did not finish he sentence but instead pushed back again until I was completely inside her warm buttery bottom. Her anal ring was now gripping the base of my cock like some kind of velvet cock-ring. The rest of my penis could feel every contour of her insides and I had to stop and steel myself from cumming right then. I still had my hands on her ass cheeks and kneaded them as I calmed down. After a minute or so I placed my hands on the small of her back just above her tiny bottom and began slowly pushing her away, then slid her back until my balls were touching her cunny.
"Oh my stars!!" She said again as her breath got heavier. "It feels so much better than that hard old cucumber!"
"Are you okay though?" I asked. "Do you want me to continue?"
Instead of answering me, she tilted forward until my cock had slid almost completely out of her rectum with only the bulbous head still buried. Then she pushed back, causing it to bury itself all the way to the base. She repeated the movement until she had started a rhythm. I could now feel the inside contour of her colon as it wrapped and molded itself around my cock and I began to fuck her in earnest. Each thrust would rock her tiny body forward but not one word of complaint ever came from her. Instead, her moans and sighs became more vocal. But underneath every noise was the wet sound of our union. I loved that sound for some reason. Maybe because it was proof all this was actually happening.
"Oh please...slow down a bit" she said and I slowed the tempo as I felt her squeeze the muscle of her rectum, as if playing with my cock. That just about finished me off but still I managed to hold off of my own orgasm. She knelt before me and squeezed her rectum for a minute or two then began pushing back again but this time very slowly. She did not stop until my hips were pressing against her small warm ass.
"I can feel it inside me...I feel so...full!!" She said.
"But you're okay? Do you need to stop for a minute"? I asked her.
"No..." She said in a husky voice as she started pushing and pulling her tiny body away from me again; this time setting her own pace. She was now up on her elbows and looking forward...not trying to see me any more. Or maybe she had her eyes closed...I could not tell from that angle but we settled into a kind of rhythm that was comfortable for both of us. The silky feel of the inside of her rectum molding itself to my cock was the best sexual feeling I had ever had and I tried to memorize everything I was feeling so as not to forget it.
As we settled in to a steady rhythm, I let her set the pace and imagined myself being along just for the ride. My eyes were fastened on the union of our bodies as my cock slid in and out of her young body, loving the way it looked as it slid in and out of her anus. I could never describe the feeling and I knew I would not be able to hold off very long without cumming. So as she pushed and pulled I reached under her and managed to find her soft, and now very wet pussy and began stimulating it. The fact that she was producing her own lubrication was fascinating to me. Up to this day I had no idea that a girl so young could be this sexually aroused. I found the opening of her vagina and as she would thrust back, I would allow my finger to penetrate her slightly.
This was apparently all the stimulation her young body could take because she at once froze on the down stroke of my cock and I gripped her clitoris as I felt her body begin to spasm and shake. Again, the high pitched whine started in her throat and soon she was almost screaming as the orgasm took her. For my own part, without warning I began shooting stream after stream of cum deep in her bowels; coating the inside of her colon with ropy spurts. Without realizing it, my fingers were gripping her ass cheeks so hard I saw slight bruising on it later.
Also escaping my notice was the streams of sweat that were running down both of our bodies. We were simply drenched in sweat, soaking the sheets under us. And as our bodies stopped convulsing, she slowly lowered her hips to the bed until she was just a few inched above it at which point her strength gave out and she collapsed, dislodging my cock. I also had trouble keeping myself up and allowed myself to fall beside her face up and gasping to catch my breath.
I put a hand on her pale shoulder and softly caressed it while getting my heart rate down to a level where cardiac arrest was looking less likely. At the same time I noticed my breathing becoming less ragged and I was able to bask in the afterglow of the most erotic experience of my life. My angel's hair fell across her face in sweaty strands and I brushed a strand of it away so I could see her eyes which were closed.
Her breathing was slowing also and when I touched her cheek, her eyelids gradually opened and she managed a tiny smile.
"Bet were not going to be telling my mom about that!" She said and I smiled at her at wit.
"No...I doubt she would believe it was part of your treatment." I said which made her smile also.
Rolling over on my side I pulled her in close to me and held her tightly against my chest. And I could have laid there like that the rest of the day. The feeling of her skin against mine was wonderful and I stroked my hand down to her soft little bottom. I was so tired and remembered that I had been up until well after midnight waiting to see if she would sleepwalk. I was wrung out from our coupling too and after we were settled on the bed I fell almost immediately into a sound sleep.
End Of Part One
I cannot promise when part two will come. Please be patient.
Dr. tim
Long Story Lover
Doctor B
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