Holly, My Young Nudist, Part 2

[ Mg, ped, anal, oral, cons, rom, slow ]


Published: 26-Mar-2012

Word Count:

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You would have to be a complete idiot to believe that something like what I have written could happen in real life. And if you try anything written here, you deserve everything coming to you.

Copyright 2012, by New T. You

Chapter Sixteen

"Sam...Sam wake up!!"

Where had I heard this before?

Opening my eyes would have been much easier if I had had a crow bar, but eventually I got one eye open and saw naked Holly kneeling on the bag beside me. She had something in her hand and was holding it out for me to see but my eyes were still having trouble focusing on what it was. Finally, the five images swam together and I saw she had something dark yellow in her waterlogged hand. One might say...golden.

Sitting up, I took the object and immediately felt the weight of the egg size lump in my hand.

Okay, it looks like it...and it feels like it. So were we to add prospecting to Holly's growing list of accomplishments?

Turning the misshapen and lumpy object over and over in my hand, I guessed its weight to be around 20-25 oz. Doing some quick math I estimated I was holding at least $25,000 in my hand. Holly beamed at me and when my mouth finally began to shape words I asked her where she had picked it up.

"I just followed the stream looking for fossils. I've found a few shells but when the stream made a turn down that way, I saw this in the water close to the bank. It's gold isn't it...it's real huh?" You could see the excitement in her eyes.

Tuning it over in my hands again I said, "I'm not an expert sweetie but it looks real to me. How far down did you find it?" I was truly amazed although I guess I shouldn't have been. People stumbled across gold all the time in California. One of the biggest nuggets ever found was discovered in this state.

"Not far. Do you think you could walk a little? There's no place to drive the cart." Holly was getting more excited by the minute. "How much do you think it's worth?"

"Again Holly, I'm not and expert and I don't want you to get your hopes up. But it's heavy and I think gold is going for around $1200 an ounce. So it could be worth as much as $25,000. But sweetie, don't get too excited. It could be fools gold which looks just like real gold. We'll have to show it to someone." Yes, but who? It did not bother me in the least to fill Pete in. It was his property and therefore it was his gold if that's what it was. But Pete had more money than he knew what to do with so I was betting that he would let Holly keep with his blessing.

"Let's see if my leg can take it. Show me where you found it." I said as I started to roll on my side and see if I could get up. Holly's eyes of course went right to my dick again.

Oh well...let her look. Now I was excited too.

Once I got up on my feet and after the dizziness had passed I limped outside and put on my deck shoes. With Holly's hand in mine, she led me down a narrow deer path about a hundred yards from the falls. The water made a bend right there and it ran very still for about fifty yards. It was ultra clear and I saw several tiny minnows startle as we stepped into the cool stream. Holly showed me where she had found it and I immediately saw three more closer to shore. They were not near as big as Holly's nugget, but maybe half the size. These I picked up and examined. All I could think was that they looked very real. I told Holly that we should get back and make a couple of phone calls.

My mind was jumping back and forth; what we were holding would pay for an ivy league education for her. I was thinking of the things I could buy too but realized I was getting way ahead of myself.

When I told her about making some calls, Holly's voice trailed off but I was too preoccupied to notice. She came up and put one arm around my waist and said, "Do we have to call someone right now? If we call and people start showing up then my vacation is over." She whined. But a whine from Holly was not the same as one from another kid. After thinking it over I decided that we didn't have to notify anyone right away. I told her we could do it when we got back home to which the 5000 watt smile returned. Holly came in closer and hugged me around my waist with both arms which put my cock in direct contact with her warm skin. I felt it jump...and so did Holly who looked down at it, then up at me and smiled.

"Happy are we?" she giggled.

Reaching down she wrapped her little hand around little Sam and gave it a squeeze. Little Sam liked.

"Come on you little sex pot. Let's get back to the camp before you have to carry me." I laughed.

"How about I hire someone to carry you?"

Funny girl.

Holly released my cock and took my hand and started back the way we came. A few steps and little Sam had gone dormant again. Holly talked nonstop all the way back to the camp about what she wanted to buy...not only for herself but for her mother and me. I was so engrossed in listening to her and she was so engrossed in her banter that neither one of us noticed the truck parked next to the bike until we heard someone say, "Well, hello young naturists". Needless to say we both stopped dead in out tracks and stared at old Doc Richard standing by his truck smiling at us

This was what I would call a defining moment in my life. Within the span of maybe five to six seconds, I saw myself being hauled away, tried and convicted then sentenced to life for the moral corruption of a seven year old. I had no idea what was going through Holly's head but she shocked the shit out of me when she broke free of my hand and walked over to Richard as if a naked man and girl walking around the woods was perfectly normal. As she walked up she told him hello with a big smile and hugged him around the waist. Richard was still smiling and said hello back and returned her hug.

"Hello Sam...Holly. Whatcha two doing this glorious day?" He said still holding Holly around her back.

"Uh...we were looking at some interesting rocks Holly found Richard. What brings you up here?" As I talked I made my way over to the cart and retrieved a pair of shorts from my backpack and slipping the rocks into a side pocket of the pack. I had never felt so naked in my life.

"Holly, could you give me a hand please?" I said.

Holly broke free of Richard who said to me, "I came up to see how the leg was. I knocked on the door but there was no answer and seeing that the cart was gone I decided to come up and see if you were fishing. I see you ignored my instructions to stay off of it for a day or so. But I can't really blame you. Who in their right mind would choose to stay inside on a day like this?"

By the time he had finished talking, Holly had the shorts up to my waist and I had zipped and buttoned. I walked over rather awkwardly and shook Richards hand. He was still smiling at me; not a lecherous smile, but one of genuine warmth and kindness. I felt like I had been cast into an episode of the twilight zone.

"Well, help him into that chair Holly and lets have a look at him. Don't feel like you have to dress too hon; guys feel more comfortable talking to each other when we're both wearing something...don't ask me why...it's a guy thing. If you like, you can help me get that bandage off him." He smiled at her and Holly giggled as she helped steady me into the lawn chair.

"Okay sir. I have to tell you though, he's been a most difficult patient. He simply won't listen to me. Maybe you need to have another talk with him?" Holly laughed at the little game they were playing while Richard knelt and started unwrapping the bandage.

I was still trying to get my heart started.

"Stretch that leg out Sam and let's have a look." Richard sat in front of the lawn chair and as he reached the end he turned smiling and asked Holly to get the bag off the front seat of the truck for him. Holly jumped up and walked off as Richard and I watched her cute little butt wiggle away.

"My, oh my...isn't that lovely." Richard said softly while watching Holly's little rear walk away.

What the fuck?

"Anyway...don't have a lot of time Sam so please listen," Richard said in a low voice as he removed the gauze that lay across the bruise.

"There's a reason a man chooses to be a pediatrician for thirty years and never take a wife. I've loved little girls for as long as I can remember. Even had a young lover for a few years back in the late 50s. So don't you go having a coronary on me. I'm sorry I surprised you. But you should have seen the look on your face."

He paused and then saw something on my face he didn't like. He frowned and said, "You can get that thought out of your head too. You don't have to worry about Holly. I was young once and had my fun. But being a little girl lover is a young mans game. I have my memories and that's enough. I was damn lucky I was never found out. But seeing you two together...my goodness...the memories just came flooding back. What a perfect angel she is."

Richard said all of this in a soft and sincere voice. I had never felt so relieved in my life. I was almost giddy with gratitude.

"You didn't just figure this out when you saw us walk up...did you Richard?" I said.

"Well...I had my suspicions last night. When Holly was washing her hands in the kitchen with me, her t-shirt rose up a little high and she gave this old man an unexpected thrill. Watching the two of you together cemented it in my mind but I still wasn't 100% sure. It wasn't until I saw you two walking up the trail holding hands that I lost any doubt. I can honestly tell you though, you are a very lucky man. Holly is the cat's meow." He said and chuckled.

"And I really did come up to check on you...but I'd be lying if I told you that was the only reason. But seeing her again was all I had on my mind. She is such a cute girl and very smart too. I would love to hear how this came about sometime. Only once before in all my life have I seen a young girl like her so comfortable with being nude. It's like she was born that way. No hint of modesty or being uncomfortable...imagine that." He said and chuckled. We both looked over at Holly and saw she had reached the truck and was trying to reach up high enough to reach the door handle.

I was quiet for a moment, then said, "I'm sure I don't need to tell you how relieved I am Richard. When I saw you standing there I thought my life was over. I'd better be more careful up here. You're right however, Holly is a true, dyed in the wool nudist and I love her like I have never loved anyone else in my life. Her mother told me about it when we first met and believe it or not...is cool with it. I understand completely you wanting to see her again. Who wouldn't? She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen."

I paused then told him, "Richard, If you like...Holly posed for some pictures for me yesterday when we were out hiking. Now, I don't want you to think that I have no respect for her or make you uncomfortable, but if looking is all you have in mind, let me talk to her. I think she would be happy to share. We'll call it "for services rendered". I said and chuckled.

Richard looked up at me as he finished looking at the bruise. "HA! Well that would be mighty kind of you Sam. I would love to see them. I am old...but not dead as they say. I promise to keep them safe. Better button up...here she comes. Lordy, lordy...what a perfect little angel." And with that he told me in a louder voice that the bruise looked about as it should and I really need to give it a rest. Holly came up holding the bag and sat it on the ground by Richard.

"Whew! That's kinda heavy. How's his leg doc...do we have to put him down?" She said.

"Actually Holly, I was just trying to decide. He isn't much to look at but my Hippocratic oath forbids me to put down a perfectly healthy person. If only you had broken it; then I could put him down and had you all to myself." He snorted at his own lame joke and this made Holly laugh. Richard was dong his absolute best not to stare at her and I knew just how he felt. He showed Holly how to dress the wound and then how to wrapped it properly. Then he loaded a syringe and stuck me in my thigh. "Antibiotics". He said. "Took me a while to get the script filled in town. I still have my license you know."

When he finished, he stood up and told us to call him if we needed anything. He shook my hand and winked then started to walk away.

Holly looked at me, then ran a few steps to catch up with him and took his hand as she walked him to his truck. When they got there, Holly stood in front of him with her arms across her chest and they talked for a few minutes. I could not hear what was said but at one point I heard them both laughing.

Then Holly made a gesture to him that he should come down to her level. He put his bag on the front seat and knelt down on one knee beside her and they had a few more words. I saw Holly put her hand on his cheek and he in turn put one hand on her hip. When they finished their short conversation, she threw her arms around his neck in a tight hug. His hands naturally cupped her tiny buttocks as he hugged her back. There was nothing lecherous about it at all. It was one of the most...intimate things I had ever witnessed and oddly, felt myself choke up.

He buried his nose into her neck and said one more thing in her ear to which she nodded her head. He rubbed his hand up and down her smooth little butt cheeks a couple of times, then he stood up and got in the truck as Holly stood beside it and waved good-bye. She watched the truck back up, then make a U-turn turn but did not walk back to me until she could no longer see it.

As she got closer I could see two things right away.

One...Holly was crying.

Two...Holly was smiling.

As she reached the chair where I was waiting, she threw her arms around me and softly sobbed. I held her and let her get this emotional moment out of her system although I had no idea what it was. Just holding her warm body and softly stroking her back was soothing for both of us. After five minutes or so, Holly pulled back and I swept back her ratty hair from her face and used my thumbs to wipe away the tears that stained her cheek.

"He...he's a wonderful man." She said and I nodded my head.

"He's like you...isn't he? She asked.

Again I nodded my head knowing what she was referring to. Holly pulled me in tight for another bone breaking hug before pulling back and made an effort to pull herself together.

"I want to go lay down for a while. Come with me Sam." She stepped back holding my hand in an effort to help me stand which I managed to do. We hobbled back to the tent and went inside. Holly turned and reached for the buttons on my shorts, then unzipped them and pulled them to the ground. It is not everyday I have a naked seven year old help me undress. I decided I could get use to it pretty easy. After the shorts were puddle around my ankles, she gently helped me lay down and then snuggled in close to me, taking her natural position of laying in the crook of my arm while resting her arm across my bare chest.

"What did you and Richard talk about Holly? You don't have to tell me...but I would love to know." I said.

I pulled her in closer and she looked up into my face and said, "I was still worried that he was going to do something...like tell on us. So I told him that you hadn't done anything to me and that I just liked being naked outside. He said that I shouldn't worry about it." Holly paused and smiled,

"Then said that he tried nudism when he moved up here but the wildlife signed a petition to make him stop." She softly giggled, then said, "When he was hugging me, he asked me if I loved you. I told him I did...with all my heart. He said that you were a very lucky guy."

Holly's voice was getting softer and my own eyes were already shut. I suppose that is how we fell asleep. My last thoughts were of Richard and how things could have gone much differently.

Chapter Seventeen

My cock was being played with. I could feel fingers gently squeezing it into hardness. I lay still and looked down through slited eyes. Holly was laying beside me with one hand wrapped around my fully hard dick examining it. I lay still has she tested its weight and texture...gently pulling it this was and that as she had her first good look at it. Before long a felt a single stand of pre-cum roll down little Sam's head. As I watched, Holly captured it with her finger and brought it to her nose and sniffed. Not finding any offensive smell, she stuck out her tiny pink tongue and licked the minuscule amount off her finger.

I watched as she licked her lips a couple of time then looked back at the dick in her hand. Glancing once at me, she lowered her head and...Oh my god yes!! She licked the hole where liquid had come from. Again she moved it around her mouth and, still not tasting anything, went back in for the Coup de gras. She opened her mouth wide and sucked the head in but just held it there as I felt her tongue gently trace the mushroom head. I knew I would not be able to last very long so I opened my eyes and lightly cleared my throat.

Holly...with my dick still in her moist, warm mouth turned slightly and saw me looking at her. Not the least bit embarrassed at being caught taking liberties with me, she slipped my cock from her mouth and slurped in a little drool that threatened to escape before laying her head down on my stomach facing me; her soft tiny hand still gripping me.

"Hi". She said smiling.

"Hi yourself. Is there something I can do for you?" I asked her.

"No, just experimenting. I thought for sure it would taste bad...or smell funny, but it doesn't. Is that sperm coming out?" She asked, still holding on to my cock and squeezing it absentmindedly.

"No...that's what's called pre-cum. It makes it easier for a guy to put it in a woman's vagina. I've heard it tastes a little salty. But it won't hurt you." I told her.

"Oh I know it doesn't hurt you. If it did that lady in the movie last night would have had her face melted off. But you're right, it does taste a little salty. The weirdest thing to me is that it can feel so soft and hard at the same time. And it's hot too." She recited all this very matter-of-factly as she continued to squeeze. "I've been wondering what it would be like to suck one since I saw that movie and since you weren't using yours I thought I would try it." She giggled.

"Mmmm...I see. Well if you are still curious, feel free to explore some more. It felt really nice." I said. It had actually blown the top of my head off.

Holly looked back at the cock in her hand and gently stroked it a couple of times before slipping her mouth over the top and really giving it a taste. I felt her warm moist mouth envelope the entire head of my dick and continue down a little until it reached as far as she comfortable. It was enough for me even though only about a third of it was being sucked. I didn't even try to stifle the groans that escaped me. After a few more bobs of her pretty blond head, she slipped it out and giggled saying, "I guess I'm doing it right. You seem to like it."

"It feels wonderful Holly. Do you mind if I return the favor?" She looked at me puzzled so I slid the entire top half of my body down until I was at eye level with her delicious preteen pussy, and spread her legs so I had access to her too. With both of us laying on our side, I lowered my head until my mouth made contact with her soft lips and began licking and sucking. Holly got the idea and resumed her sucking of my now rock hard cock. It was slightly uncomfortable for me because of the height difference...but it was well worth it. Using my tongue, I made it as stiff as possible and began sliding it in and out of her tight little hole while I felt her increase the suction on my dick.

I tried to alternate my technique by changing the tempo and not licking one place for to long and it seemed to have the desired effect. When I began licking the interior of her little girl vagina she moaned deeply and I felt the vibrations all the way down to my balls. Getting my tongue past her hymen took some doing but eventually I was able to lick the inside walls of her vaginal canal at which point she squealed and slipped my dick from her mouth and said, "No fair...you've been doing this longer!!"

Not paying any attention to her protests, I next assaulted her pea size clitoris which has become engorged with blood and stood out from between her sweet little cunny. Laying the flat of my tongue across it, I lapped slowly and then sucked it into my mouth which made Holly suck harder on my rod while still making the deep moaning sound.

I spread her tiny ass cheeks apart until her lovely little rosebud was splayed for me, I released her clit and dove in for her tiny rectum; spearing it with my tongue in an attempt to breach the tight barrier. Holly humped her hips up while still sucking my cock like it held her last meal when I felt the familiar tide rising in my groin and knew this session was about to reach it's conclusion. Fingering her hairless cunny with my finger I found the right combination to bring her off at the same time.

I thought about warning her...but decided she must know what was about to happen so I continued to prospect in her seven year old puss when the familiar squeal came from my little sex pot as she got her well deserved cookies. At the same time I felt my cum boil up and leave my cock headed for her tummy. Holly never missed a beat and kept up a steady routine of swallowing each deposit that left my penis while reveling in her own preteen orgasm. Thus ended our first attempt at sixty-nining...one of the most enjoyable sexual sessions I had ever had.

As we disengaged from each other, we both fell onto our backs and tried to catch our breaths. Holly looked like someone had dragged her behind the Harley and I'm sure I didn't look much better. When she finally rolled back onto her side she squirmed around until we were both facing the same direction and curled her little body around mine. I put her into her favorite position of laying her head in the crook of my shoulder while she threw one leg up on mine. We laid there and held each other while enjoying the afterglow of a delicious cum.

We both dozed for a bit before Holly unwrapped herself and sat up. Looking back over her shoulder at me, she smiled and asked if she could see the gold again. I told her where they were and she got up and walked outside to the cart and retrieved the backpack.

She sat it down and I reached inside the pocket where I had put them and pulled them out one by one and handed them to her. Holly again picked up the one she had found and turned it over and over...admiring it while no doubt thinking of all it could buy. Picking up another one, I too examined it more closely and still found no reason to think it was not real. I suddenly remembered my collage room mate Scott who had been majoring in geology when we went to school at Southern Cal. Scott knew more about rocks than anyone I had ever known. The museum employed him part time to keep their mineral department fresh and interesting.

I rummaged through my pack looking for something to use as a reference or scale. I found some change in one of the pockets and placed a quarter by the lump of rock. I picked up the cell and after placing both in sunlight, shot a picture and saved it to my phone, then sent it to his email address. If anyone would know if it was real...it was Scott. Holly was getting excited again as I told her what I was doing. No more than a minute had gone by when he wrote back.

"Okay...you got my interest. Is this for real?" He asked.

I texted back: "You tell me...I got three more smaller ones that I just plucked from a spring fed stream in the mountains. Are they real?" I hit the send button and marveled at how far technology had come in such a short time. Holly was now sitting in front of me with her legs crossed...which meant her little cunny was gapped open and staring at me. It was very distracting.

The phone chimed again and I read it out loud. "There are a couple of simple tests...but I don't need to run them. I've seen enough to know that these are defiantly the real thing. Are you going to share? HA!!!"

My heart was beating a little faster now and I wrote back to tell him I would be in touch. Next, I called Pete. He answered on the second ring.

"Glad to see you're alive. How's the leg?" He asked.

"Richard did some minor surgery last night and it's fine today. But that's not why I'm calling Boss. Holly went down river from the falls about two hours ago and brought back an egg size nugget of gold. I went back down there with her and found three more laying in the water close to shore. According to my collage roommate I am holding about $40,000 in my hand right now. Have you ever heard of any gold being found up here?"

"No...I've walked all over that place and never found anything like that Sam. Are you sure it's gold?" Pete sounded a little excited too.

"I shot a picture of the largest nugget and sent it to my collage roommate because the guy knows his rocks. He said it looked real to him. Of course I didn't tell him where I had found it and when Richard came by to check on the leg a little while ago, I didn't say anything to him either. I have no desire to see this place over run with people. I know that's your main concern. But now that we know about it, I wanted to ask you if you would mind if we go back and look some more? Holly is peeing herself with excitement right now." Holly slapped my arm and giggled that wonderful giggle of hers.

"Thanks for keeping this to yourself Sam. We have those guys from the Wine Tasters Magazine coming in tonight and they plan on staying for a few days and expect me to entertain them. You two find all you want and I will see you when you get here. Maybe I can get away for a little while and we can talk. And thanks for calling me. Guess I have a little thinking to do. See you sometime tomorrow." And with that he hung up.

I told Holly what he said and she nodded her head. "How's your leg?" She asked.

That's funny...I had not even noticed the pain since we got up. "Seems to be fine. I imagine it will wake up once we start walking again. Do you want to go back and look for more?" Holly was already nodding her head yes before I finished the sentence.

"Okay then, let's get some shoes on and this time we'll take the pack with us to carry them in. Let's leave these here and we'll collect them on the way back." I suggested.

Chapter Eighteen

Once we were dressed; me in my shorts...Holly bare ass naked, we head back to the spot where Holly had made her discovery. I brought along a little camping shovel but had no plans on digging anything up. I could definitely feel a dull ache in the leg but nothing I couldn't handle. Once we arrived at the spot I suggested to Holly that we step gently and slowly as to not stir up any sediment that would cloud the water. Holly nodded her consent and we began our hunt.

Holly found another small nugget almost immediately squealing with joy as she held it up to show me. She carried it over to the pack and slipped it in. After about three minutes I found my first rock that was almost as big as Holly's. I had never read about people walking around picking up gold before and wondered if this was normal. I reminded myself to look it up on Pete's computer once we made it back to the cabin.

Holly wound up finding three more pieces to my two. This was just what we could see...there was no telling what lay in deeper water. After thirty minutes my leg was telling me to take it easy so I straightened up and found myself stopping to watch Holly as she waded through the water looking for her next piece of treasure.

I had of course noticed how perfect her youthful body was before, but never how flawless she seemed to be. What did she remind me of? I kept coming back to a Water Nymph. Or an elf. Or maybe a fairy. Those would be words I would use to describe how she looked. As we passed closer to each other, I couldn't even see a mole or a birthmark on her beautiful skin.

The stream was much warmer here because the sun had heated the slower moving shallow water. After a few more minutes of looking, Holly waded out into deeper water and slid under the surface. The stream gradually became deeper as you moved to the middle and I waded out to about my shins, being mindful of not getting the bandage wet, and watched Holly's naked form glide just under the surface, scattering tiny minnows ahead of her. The water was so crystal clear and Holly's body was easy to see as it slid through the stream.

Water Nymph. No doubt about it.

When she broke the surface she turned to me and smiled. "I knew you were watching me. Like what you see?"

I laughed and said as a matter of fact...yes. I did like what I saw. Holly breast stroked over to the slight ledge where I was standing and looked up at me with the biggest grin on her sweet little face and her hair shiny and straight.

"I love it here Sam. I wish I never had to leave. It's all so beautiful!" She said. "Do you think we could come back up soon?"

"That would be up to your mother. Since summer has just begun and she appears to be at work most of the time, I'm hopping she'll let us come up here a lot." I said.

Holly smiled and looked down into the water, gently kicking her legs as she enjoyed the calm water. I picked this moment to run what I had told Richard by her.

"Holly, Richard and I talked while you were getting his bag from the truck and, seeing how he will never have a little girl lover again, I was wondering how you would feel about me sharing some of the photos I took of you with him? He's given me his word that looking is all he's interested in and I think it would be okay. But of course, this is something you would have to be okay with." I stopped and gave her a chance to think.

"I still have trouble believing anyone would want to see a naked little girl but if you think it would be alright then I'm okay with it. Heck, if I was at a nudist camp anyone could see me." Holly stopped and I could tell she was thinking about something. "Are you going to show him the...other pictures you took?" She asked.

"It's entirely up to you sweetheart. I think he would be so happy to see all of them but if it makes you feel uncomfortable, then I'll just let him see the more tame photos. Why don't you think about it a little more and we'll talk later...okay?"

"Okay. I wish you could come in with me. How long do you think it will be until you can get rid of the band aid?" This was a bummer I thought. How I would love to get in and hold my naked little girl.

"Probably not for a few days. Water looks wonderful though." I paused then said, "You look so sexy when you're wet; perhaps it's best for your sake that I can't get in there with you. I wouldn't be able to control myself." I said and smiled.

Holly giggled and maybe blushed a little? She pushed off from the bank and floated backward until she was in deeper water, then swam beneath the surface and resumed her skinny dipping. Her little ass came up out of the water and with a few kicks of her feet, she dove for the bottom.

Water Nymph for sure.

I watched Holly swim for a while then resumed my treasure hunt. Walking along the shore a little further down I found one more about the size of a quarter. I had no idea if we were getting rich or wasting our time but it was seven different kinds of fun looking for them. I also began to wonder what Pete was going to say about it. It was his property after all. I also wondered how one went about cashing them in for greenbacks. I made a mental note to look that up as well.

Holly was a good fifty feet away; swimming down the channel of the stream toward the falls away from me and I tried to keep one eye in her direction as I walked back. Another flash of pale little butt and she went back under. I watched the spot she had disappeared from for a good twenty seconds and did not see her resurface. I quickened my pace still watching the spot and still she did not appear. Now I was almost running and when I reached the spot where she had gone under and was preparing to lunch myself into the water, Holly came up gasping for air.

I nearly lost my balance as I stopped the aborted dive and almost went in anyway. Holly turned and saw me and yelled for me to come closer. I waded right up to the bandage and she met me at the drop-off, looking a little wild in the eyes.

"Sam..." She panted trying to gasp air into her lungs, "There's another piece down there buried in the bottom and I can't get it up. It's huge!" She nearly screamed the last part.

I walked closer to her and she swam to the drop off where I was standing. "Are you sure?" I asked.

"I'm sure. I tried to dig around it with my fingers but it won't budge." She said still breathing heavy.

"Okay...let me get the shovel." I said and walked to where I had laid our gear. I was as excited as I had ever been. I knew a big piece would set her and her mother for life, so after picking up the small shovel I waded out past my bandage and Holly showed me the spot.

What was I thinking? Well...I suppose I was thinking that if I really screwed up and lost the leg...I could afford the best prosthetic leg that money could buy.

Gold platted stupidity.

"Let me see what I can do" I said and dove under. I saw it immediately. The sun reflected off its golden surface as two or three tiny trout ran for cover. I felt someone to my right and Holly was there watching me...her long blond hair spread out in a medusas-like web around her head. She reminded me of the movie with Brooke Shields...the one were they are stranded on an island as kids. You know...the one I've watched about a thousand times since I was thirteen.

Water Nymph...unquestionably.

I looked back down at the golden surface of the rock. It was about the size of a football I reasoned and I stuck the edge of the shovel under its side and pushed down. After a period of slight resistance, the suction that was holding it to the bottom let go and it rolled over. I raised my head and got a lungful of air, as Holly breached beside me. We both dove down at the same time and reaching the rock, I lay the shovel on the floor of the stream and lifted it. It had to weigh 10-15 pounds. The fact that I was in the water did not help much but I carried it with both hands up to the shallows and lay it just under the surface.

Holly stood silently beside me staring at it. I think both of us were speechless. If my guess was correct, I could be looking at something worth over $160,000. That was serious money and I was feeling a bit overwhelmed. This was a huge discovery and would be almost impossible to keep secret. I wasn't sure if you had to disclose where you got your gold from but if there were nuggets this size just laying around, imagine what could be found with a mining operation.

My mind was till going a thousand miles a minute when I felt Holly's hand slip into mine. I looked down and her and saw something akin to fear on her face. I think she was feeling the same anxiety I was. People would kill you for a small percentage of what we had found. I knew that much.

I looked at her and said, "Holly...I'm going to suggest that we leave this one here. It's not going anywhere and I don't feel comfortable taking it off the property. I want to talk to Pete about this, then we can decide what to do...okay?"

Holly nodded her head a looked little relieved. When I saw the smile on her face I knew that it had scared her too. Finding a little rock here and there was fun. Finding a rock the side of a small football...that was something else.

I told her it was time to get back to camp and redress the bandage. She nodded and we picked up the back pack with its extra weight and headed back. The ache in my leg was way down and I thought I might be over the worse of it.

This time we are much more cognitive of our surroundings as we made our way back to camp. However, there was nobody about. It had been a long day and was now getting dark. The sun had gone behind the waterfall and the air had a slight chill to it. Holly walked over the cart and fished around until she came up with a t-shirt which she slipped on.

I decided to ride the Harley back to the cabin behind Holly so I began to get it ready while Holly took the pack and put it in the back of the cart then ran back to the tent and retrieved the nuggets we had left there and put them in the pack with the others. I was still a little wet and starting to get chilled so I figured when we got back I would build a fire in the fireplace. Holly got in the cart and after smiling at me...she hit the gas and took off. I kicked the Harley over and pulled out behind her.

Chapter Eighteen

Fifteen minutes later we were back at the cabin and unloading everything. Once we were inside we raided the kitchen making ourselves some soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. Food had never tasted this good and we both wolfed down everything in our bowls and on our plates. Once we were sated, Holly wandered into the living room and turned on the TV. I grabbed my toothbrush and went to the bathroom. I had not realized it had been a while since I had brushed and decided to do so when I finished with the leg. After answering nature's call I sat on the toilet and started to redress the bandage but stopped when I heard the toilet flush upstairs and then water in the pipes. I figured that Holly had gone up and was either running a bath or taking a shower. I liked the idea so instead of rebandaging the leg, I grabbed my toothbrush from the sink and started up the stairs.

I stopped when I saw the half full bottle of Schnapps sitting on the counter. Smiling, I picked up the bottle, then opened a few cabinets until I found two small jelly jars slightly bigger than a shot glass. I took these upstairs and well as another one of my kooky ideas began to form in my mind. By the time I reached the bathroom, I had it pretty well figured out. I sit the bottle and glasses on the nightstand and stood at the bathroom door for a couple of seconds, then went in.

Apparently she didn't hear me this time as I opened the door and saw her frosted image behind the glass of the shower, leaning her head back under the spray. I didn't want to startle her so I let the door close a little more loudly than I had intended. Holly straightened up and opened the glass door; then smiled as I walked over. I noticed her little back pack sitting on the toilet and figured she had some little girl hygiene issues she wanted to take care of too.

As I approached, Holly smiled and said, "Need someone to wash my back...want the job?" She and I laughed as I stripped and stepped in behind her naked body. I got wet then lathered myself and rinsed while Holly stood to the back of the shower watching me. I then sat down on the bench and Holly stepped in between my legs and turned around I picked up the soap and started washing her shoulders, letting my fingers knead her small muscles.

Holly sighed and leaned into my massage as I worked my hands down her back to the base of her spine. Of course, my eyes were once again glued to her beautiful little backside. How in the world did a seven-year-old get such a wonderful looking ass? Sliding my hands down I cupped her bottom and began rubbing the soap over the soft twin globes until her entire bottom was cover in suds. Holly purred her approval and once again leaned forward until her hands were resting on her knees, encouraging me to keep up what I was doing.

As I rubbed her beautiful seven year old ass, I let one hand slip down between her cheeks and started fingering her anus as Holly leaned over further. I felt her push back while raising her head and when I leaned around and looked at her face, I could see her eyes were closed and she had a faint smile on her lips. Knowing it was giving my little angel pleasure, I increased the pressure on her rectum until unexpectedly, I felt the tip of my finger enter her young body. Holly drew in a sharp breath but made no move to dislodge it. I held my hand still for the most part, letting her get use to having something go in rather than go out. And after 30 seconds or so I felt her push back even more as another inch of my middle finger slid in past her tight ring.

I was now to the second knuckle which was clamped in place by her pink little anus. Again I felt her push back until I was complete buried in her ass. Holly stayed like that for a few seconds, then turned and looked at me through half opened eyes and said, "Oh god...that feels so weird. Leave it there for a minute Sam...it's making me tingle everywhere."

Knowing that the hot water would not last forever, I took a chance of loosing the moment and let my finger slip out of her ass as Holly moaned in disappointment. I turned her to face me and rubbed my hands over her; rinsing the soap from her wet naked body, then shut the water off, opened the door and got out. Holly stared at me, wondering why I had stopped our little game right when it was getting good.

"Hot water does not last long in here. Let's brush our teeth and move to the bedroom sweetie. I promise I'll give you a treat you'll never forget." I said. Holly grinned and jumped out and grabbing a towel stood by the shower and dried off, then went over to her little pack that lay on the toilet and got her toothbrush out and leaned over the sink to brush. I stepped out after rinsing out the shower and making sure it was clean.

As Holly brushed, I could not help but admire her cute little bottom and then saw her reflection in the mirror. She was looking at me staring at her ass and she gave me a "do you mind?" look. I continued policing the bathroom as Holly ended her brushing. When she finished, she replaced the toothbrush in her back-pack and took out her brush. Grabbing the dryer she began drying her hair as I went around picking up wet towels and dirty clothes. I loved watching her turn this way and that as she dried her blond hair.

After drying her hair, she finished her routine by taking a small bottle of baby powder and tiny small amounts of it all over her while I brushed my teeth. I love the smell of baby powder. When she finished, she packed everything away then went out into the bedroom and laid down on the bed to wait for me. After turning out the bathroom light, I reached into the medicine chest and grabbed the jar of Vaseline and the bottle of Advil, then joined her.

Holly smiled shyly as I approached the bed and set the jar on the nightstand. I opened the bottle of Advil and shook out a couple, then went back in the bathroom and cupped some water in my hand to wash them down. The leg had felt pretty good, and I needed it to stay that way for the next couple of hours.

Alter returning to the bedroom, I leaned on the bed next to her and stroked her cheek with my back of my hand. "I really want this to be special for you...so be patient while I get a fire going...okay?" Holly smiled and nodded her head, then wiggled her seven-year-old body on the bed to make herself comfortable and watched me. I began by taking the bottle of Schnapps and pouring us both a large portion. I handed Holly hers and she brought it up while tilting her head back and took two quick gulps. She gave a little cough, then giggled as her face turned a little deeper shade of red. She sat watching me expectedly. I threw my head back and shot it in one big gulp...feeling the fire slide down my throat and hit my belly. Holly held out her glass and I poured half the amount of the first shot. Holly took a sip this time, the leaned back with her back against the headboard.

"How's the leg...still hurt"? She asked, taking another sip. She lay on her side with her little blond head resting on her hand and looking so sexy.

"Not really...I've hardly noticed it." I told her.

Walking over to the fire place, I knelt and put a match to the pile of wood and paper that Pete had probably put there. I waited until it caught, then added a couple of good size logs until soon I had a nice cheery blaze going. I replaced the fire screen and next walked over to Pete's Wave radio that sat on the opposite bedside stand. I turned it on and messed with the dial until I found some soft new age jazz coming out of Fresno. Satisfied with the mood enhancers, I went over to where Holly lay watching me and smiling.

Not quite finished with the preparations, I grabbed all four pillows off the bed and arranged them so that three of them were stacked on top of each other and one lay behind those three. Then I took the comforter off the end of the bed and covered them. Holly watched all of this with a slightly puzzled look on her face.

Satisfied, I stood over her and held out my arms. Holly put her almost empty glass on the nightstand, then raised her arms as I gently lifted my naked little girl up into my arms. I felt her little limps wrap around my neck and her legs wrap around my middle as I walked over to the nightstand and killed the lamp; then taking her to the middle of the room, I gently began swaying to the music while rocking her tenderly in a kind of dancing that could only be accomplished with a short seven year old and a fully grown man. Her naked body felt so warm and soft against my chest as I slowly swayed back and forth across the room to the rhythm of the music. Holly giggled and squeezed me tighter, wrapping her skinny legs around me as I cupped her soft, smooth little ass. The fire cast a wonderful orange glow on the entire room making it warm and happy. The heat from the fire felt magnificent on my skin...and I'm sure on Holly's too.

After a few moments, I pulled back and looked into those deep blue eyes and then kissed her on her soft tiny lips. We had kissed a few times before, but this time I let my tongue slide out and slip effortlessly into hers. Holly seemed ready for this because within a span of maybe fifteen seconds, her tongue left her mouth and found it's way into mine. We let our two tongues dance for a while as I marveled how fast she seemed to pick up on stuff like this and soon our breathing became much heavier. Holly stroked the back of my neck as I let one hand leave her smooth little ass and let it ran up and down her back as our tongues danced and twirled; tasting Peach Schnapps in each others mouth.

I had done this before with a few women in my life. But never had I felt such heat and passion before. I didn't know if a little girl could be put into the mood by the same things as a grown-up, but it was fun trying. And this kiss was the longest of my life. I tried to pull back a couple of times but Holly's head just followed me. When we finally did stop Holly smiled at me with closed eyes and whispered, "That was nice".

I hugged her naked body tightly to me as I danced slowly around the room for a little while...enjoying the closeness of her body, then made my way slowly over to the bed. I gently disengaged with her and laid her face down so her hips were laying over the three pillows and her little blond head lay perfectly on the one behind them. Holly got the idea and wiggled around until she was comfortable with her little head down and her beautiful ass high in the air. She tucked her arms under her chest and waited to see what I would do.

I settled in behind her with my knees on the bed and scooted in until I was directly behind her upturned ass. I began by gently massaging her feet and legs; working each muscle and then moving higher. I reached her thighs and spent some time kneading her flesh which brought moans of approval from her. Then, coming up higher until my hands were massaging her sweet little bottom, running them up and down her twin globes as Holly purred, I let my hand continue up and over her ass and onto her back while leaning my face in to put two soft and lingering kisses on each cheek.

My kisses turned into a tongue bath for each of her tiny ass cheeks; lathering one side before crossing her sweet little valley to lather the other; sucking as much of her cheek into my mouth as I could as Holly moaned at the sensation. I had never felt so turn on in my life. I stroked the twin globes with my hands; relishing the smoothness of her bottom. With all the fantasizing I had done over the years I still could not get over the fact that I had here, in my hands, the sweet little ass of a beautiful little girl.

After spending at least five minutes savoring the silky taste of my young lovers bottom, I slowly let my tongue fall into the valley, slipping it between her cheeks and teasing her ass hole while continuing to massage her smooth ass. Holly reached back, pulled her cheeks apart and in the process exposed her beautiful puckered ass hole to me and I began to devour it. I first put the entire flat of my tongue across her anus and gave it several long and deliberate licks. Holly sighed and pulled harder on her ass cheeks...arching her skinny little back in and effort to give me better access. With her mouth slightly open she felt me flick my tongue all over her backdoor while her breathing became more heavy and her moans a little louder. Then making my tongue as stiff as possible, began to push it past the tight puckered ring of her opening.

No matter how hard I pushed, the ring of her rectum stayed locked so I whispered to her to try and relax it. I could tell she was lost...really out of it; but slowly I felt the ring loosen and my tongue was able to finally breach her tight opening. Once it slipped inside I curled the tip and licked the inside of her little girl ass, letting it feel every couture of her anal ring. Holly was panting very heavily now as my tongue explored just inside her asshole. I became aware of my cock which was leaking copious amount of precum that leaked down my rock hard shaft and dripped off my nuts. If I had touched it I would have gone off like a rocket.

I pushed a little harder and Holly gave a sharp intake of air at this new intrusion and spread her thin little legs even further apart. I imagined she could feel every tiny taste bud as my tongue slid in and out of her rear door. The feeling for me was unlike any love making experience I had ever felt and I doubted my cock had ever been so hard. I spread her ass apart even more, stretching her anus open so I could insert more of my tongue into her tight pink ring. I now had half of my tongue up inside of her body and the feeling was like nothing I had ever experienced. Every sense I possessed seemed to be heightened to the point of feeling like I had dropped a hit of acid. I opened my eyes and looked across her beautiful little back which was pushing back at my tongue as I fucked it in and out.

Not wanting to loose the momentum of what I had in mind, I let my tongue slip out of her ass and reached over for the Vaseline and after popping the lid, scooped out a large dollop onto my finger. Sitting the jar on the bed, I went back to my lovers little anus and began to smear the slippery gel around the opening. Then, slowly I again began to work on getting it inside her body. Holly was ready this time and I felt her loosen her anal ring to allow my finger to slip past the entrance. Taking my time I gently inserted my finger until I had half of it buried up her preteen ass; then began to wiggle and stretch it as Holly moaned under me.

At the same time I took my other hand and let one of my fingers softly tickle her soft little pussy, running the back of the knuckle up and down over her sex. My other finger was now buried all the way and I slowly began sawing it in and out of her little ass. After a few moments of this, I could feel Holly's hips moving slightly to match my own in and out movements. Taking a chance, I brought up another finger and put it along side of the one see-sawing in and out of her tight little rectum. As the second finger began to slide in, Holly moaned even louder and her breathing became huskier and she turned to look over her shoulder at me.

As the two fingers slid in and out of her tight little ass, I was determined to give her a good cum, so I slid my tongue down into the soft folds of her seven-year-old pussy. Holly immediately faced forward again and gripped the sheets with her hands as I worried her gaping vagina with my tongue. I slid it between the folds and found her minuscule clit and sucked it into my mouth; my nose now buried between the folds of her little girl ass. My angel made a squealing noise and pushed back even harder so that her ass forced the two fingers deeper into her ass. At the same time I pinched and pulled at her fleshy clitoral hood with my teeth as she yelped and squirmed.

"Oh god...it feels so full. Rub my button Sam...harder!!" She said. I complied and put more pressure on her soft little cunt. Holly put her hands on the bed and began to push back, trying to get her own comfortable rhythm going as I continued to roughly rub her clitoris. Throwing caution to the wind, on one of her out strokes, I slipped a third finger along the other two and as she pushed back, she felt the added digit stretching her young rectum and gasp as it too slowly disappeared into her now gaping ass hole.

"Augh...ahhh...Sam..." It seemed she not only liked the added finger, it took her bliss to a new level although her rocking slowed as her young anus became accustomed to the added volume. But soon her rocking picked up again as my three fingers slipped in and out of her body. Within a few moments she shuddered and let out a soft squeal as she had her first cum and I felt her anus clamp down on my fingers. Rather than collapse, she stayed on her knees and lay her head down as I gently moved my fingers in her rectum.

At last, as I felt sure she was comfortable with the added finger to her hole, I slipped all three fingers out and scooted forward until my rock hard cock was lined up with her seven year old anus. I knew this was going to be the biggest step in our sexual relationship, and I held my breath as the head of my cock made contact with her rectum. Holly had moaned in frustration when she felt my fingers slip out of her ass, and now tuned to see what I was doing. When she saw me crouched behind her, a look of apprehension crossed her face.

I gently massaged her back and bottom and said, "It's okay sweetie...this is no bigger than what you already had in you. Just try and relax. If it hurts you too bad you know I'll stop." I said.

Holly nodded and said, "I...I know you want this...just go slow and stop if I tell you to...okay?" I said of course, and as she turned to face forward again, I began to slide the length of my cock up and down the crevasse of her ass cheeks, relishing the feel of her silky smooth bottom against the underside of my erection; running the shaft back and forth across her rectum. I could have been happy with just that, but knew I had to get it inside of her. After a few moments of sliding my cock up and down the valley of her tiny upturned ass, I increase the pressure to her hole and I felt the head start to slip inside. Holly moaned as the tip made it's way into her young body and I saw her hand grip the covers which was a good signal for me to keep my promise and stop, even thought my instincts told me to ram it home.

With the tip now just inside her tight little ass, I waited for her to relax. I kept up the rubbing and kneading of her back and bottom but held still until I felt her push back. I decided to stay still and let her control the penetration until finally, I felt the head pop into her young body. Holly gasped and stayed perfectly still, letting her stretched young anus grow accustom to the circumference of my cock. She had her head down so I could not read her expression at all. But I knew enough about her to know that she loved having her rectum penetrated and that eventually I would have a good portion of my dick up her preteen asshole.

In a few more moments she pushed again and another inch of cock disappeared into her ass. I spread her tiny ass cheeks and looked down at the most erotic thing I had ever seen. My cock was about a third of the way buried in my tiny lover. The feel of her ass ring clamping down was like no feeling I had ever had before. Holly once again pushed back and I was now half way.

"Oh...Sam...its stretching me...I can feel it inside...feels so full. I can't believe I have a penis in my butt!! So...nasty..." She was breathing these words out in huffs and I stayed still and let her sort out what she was feeling. The sensation of her ass clamped around my dick was exquisite! Her small colon enveloped my cock like a humid, silky glove. Again she pushed back and now three quarters of my rod was in.

Once more she hissed and stopped moving which was a good thing because if she had not, I would have blown my load right then. Her hands worried the sheet as she huffed and puffed getting use to the added fullness stuffed up her second grader ass. Not knowing much about a little girl's anatomy, I had no idea what was being moved around inside her young body to accommodate my cock, but I could feel the walls of her colon enveloping the sensitive skin of my dick as she pushed back one more time.

"Wait...", she said. I patiently did just that until a few more moments went by; then Holly rocked forward, causing my cock to slip slowly out of her ass until just the head remained buried in her...then rocked back until it was again inside her silky bottom. The sensation of feeling her ass ring slipping down my shaft was unbelievable!

"Oh god...it feels so weird...", she said as she rocked forward again. I stared at the junction of our two bodies as she pushed back and forced it back in; watching her tiny hole stretch and move around my penis. If I ever had the chance to do this again...I would have to have a camera nearby.

Using her knees, she slowly and carefully began to rock back and forth as my cock slipped freely in and out of her asshole. I concentrated on not cumming as my little girl sodomized herself on my dick. Holly was now loosing herself in the sensations coursing through her body as I grabbed her tiny butt to steady us. The tempo was agonizingly slow as she would rock forward until just the mushroom cap was inside, then push back to bury it once again.

"Ukg...Ugk..." was the sound she was making...or something like it, as she pushed her ass back and forth shoving my cock in and out of her petite body. I reached under and found her engorged clitoris and began rubbing it as we rocked back and forth; letting my finger slip in and out of her pussy as we rocked in and out. Holly moaned in appreciation at the added stimulation and came up on her hands and arched her back as my cock now slid effortlessly in and out of her ass.

I was lost in the feeling of sexual passion and began to match her thrusts making sure I did not go any deeper and hurt her. My cock made a wonderfully squishy sound as it slid in and out of her stretched anus adding to pleasure I was feeling. And now another sound...this one more familiar starting deep in her throat and rising in pitch until it became the high pitched shriek that all but broke the windows in the entire house as she reached her plateau. Holly pushed back and I felt her rectum contract around the shaft of my cock. Her little legs clamped my fingers hard against her little puss and held it there for about fifteen seconds as the squeal continued until it was cut off as Holly reached her most powerful orgasm, while I erupted my sperm deep into her preteen bowls in the most powerful cum of my life.

It seemed that my cum kept shooting and shooting as I felt a dark curtain pass across my consciousness. I might have blacked out but the next thing I remember is Holly lowering herself to the bed with me still joined at her ass as the last of my seed left me and entered her. After a moment I gently pulled back and my cum covered cock slipped out of her now non-virgin ass. I looked at my cock to make sure there was no blood on it...something I had feared might happen. Finding none I used the edge of the comforter to wipe all the gel from my dick. I would have to wash it and the sheets before we left.

I lay down beside her, gently caressed her now trembling body in an effort to cool her down. It had been a very powerful orgasm...especially for a seven year old. Leaning in, I brushed the hair away from her face and saw that she had not passed out as she did before, but her eyes were half closed and her face expressionless. She stared straight ahead and breathed heavily while I ran my free hand up and down her back, legs and bottom for a few minutes, waiting for her to recover. At last her eyes met mine and a small smile appeared.

"That was the biggest one yet." She said softly.

"Yup." I replied.

"I couldn't believe it when you put it in...it felt...I could feel it inside me. It hurt but felt good at the same time. Why would it feel so good?" She asked.

"Like I said, a person has a lot of nerves down there. Sometimes there's no reason why something feels good...it just does." I knew it was a lame answer but I truly didn't know. I got up and went into the bathroom and got one of the washrags from the linen closet. After soaking it with hot water, I cleaned myself up, then grabbed another and went back to the bedroom. I started at her legs and ran the wet cloth over her thighs...then up the crevasse of her little bottom. After making sure she was clean, I rolled her off of the pillows and arranged them at the head of the bed. Holly crawled up and slipped under the covers, then pulled them back indicating I should get in beside her.

Once in bed, Holly took her position in the crook of my shoulder, putting one hand on my chest and her leg up on my thigh. She leaned up to kiss me then laid her head on my chest. I put my arm around her and began rubbing her back while she made soft little noises of contentment.

"So...I guess you enjoyed that." She said it as more of a statement than a question.

"Holly...if I died tomorrow I would remember that as the best experience of my life. I've never made love to anyone like that...it was the best I've ever had... and that's the truth." I said.

"Glad you liked it. To tell you the truth, if this hadn't happened, I was going to ask you to try it. Ever since I saw that movie of the two people in the field I couldn't stop thinking about how it would feel." She stopped and played with the hair on my chest. Then finished, "It felt good. I've played with myself down there before in the bathtub. I mean...mostly just touching it. I only put a finger in a few weeks ago. But it felt nice then too. It felt different with your dick. It was so warm and soft...but it was hard too. I imagined I could feel the shape of it...and it made me feel so full down there." She looked up at me to see my reaction.

"Do you think that's weird? Playing with my bottom hole?" She asked.

"I think we've been over this. But I will tell you again that when it comes to sex, a million different people like a million different things. Some girls, like my ex-wife like to have their nipples played with. I dated a girl once in collage who loved to have her toes licked. And one of my friends told me he dated a girl who had to have her hair pulled while they were making love. If you go on the Internet you will find web sites devoted to every kind of sex you can think of. Some of them are very weird but having you bottom played with is actually very normal. That's why so many porno films show it." I stopped and waited to see if she needed to ask anything. When she remained attentive, I went on.

"Take me for example. For some reason I've grown up to like little girls. To tell you the truth, I wish it wasn't so. It is probably the most dangerous sex there is. If your mother found out, I'm pretty sure she would try and kill me. But even that might not stop me. When I first saw you all I could think about was seeing you naked. I never in my wildest dreams thought it'd go this far. And if it were any other little girl...I probably would've have tried. But, you were special. I could see that after being around you for ten minutes. For some reason you're able to respond the same way a grown woman can. At least, it seems that way to me. You can have a full fledged orgasm too. I'm not sure I have ever heard of a girl your age having one."

Holly was listening to me closely; I was not even thinking about what I was saying and it all came out so naturally.

"So for some reason I like little girls. For some reason you like having your bottom hole played with. If anything, you are much more normal than me. But I have to tell you, you have made me a very happy guy. I don't even know how I can go back to my life after this. I will be thinking about you all the time and knowing that I can't have you any time I want will be agonizing to me. Wondering if you will get back and suddenly feel different about what we've been doing; wondering if you will grow up and hate me? All these things scare me. But still...for right here...for right now...I am so happy we're together."

Holly smiled when I finished and rolled slightly over until she had both arms under her chin and had them perched on my chest looking up at me. I reached out and stroked her beautiful face with the back of my fingers. Then I swept her hair back so I could see her entire face. Holly's eyes were so blue you could almost swim in them.

"I'm glad I'm here too Sam. I still can't believe that I've done the things I've done with you. And I've thought a lot about how it will be when I get back too. How can I sit over at my house when my boyfriend is across the street wishing I was there? I'm mostly worried about my mom though. Will she be able to tell something is different about me? I'm mostly worried that somehow she will know and that I'll be the reason that you get in trouble. I don't think I could stand it if that happened." She said, and I believed her.

"How about we not think about those things tonight and just enjoy each others company?" I asked. Holly smiled and nodded her head, then slipped back down until she was under the covers and back in the crook of my arm. I hugged her tight, then reached over and turned out the light. Holly sighed deeply then snuggled in with her hand still playing with the hairs on my chest.

The last thought I had, was how wonderful this felt...and how much I loved this little girl. And how warm her little ass was under my hand.


Chapter Nineteen

Holly awoke before me and when I smelled coffee, my eyes popped open. My leg was stiff but after a trip to the bathroom, it felt a little looser. I put on my boxers and walked stiffly down the stairs and into the kitchen where I found Holly sitting naked at the table, sipping coffee and reading an out of date People Magazine. She looked up and smiled as I walked in.

"Morning sleepy head". She said and grinned.

"Same to ya". I answered. "Got any of the coffee left?" I asked as I sat down at the kitchen table.

Holly smiled and got up and poured me a cup as I eyed her beautiful naked body. Apparently she had already had her shower because her hair looked wonderful. As she walked to the counter, I noticed the piping on the vinyl chair had left a red line alone the bottom of her cute little hinny. She sat the cup in front of me and I asked her what she had planned for the final day of our stay.

"Well, I thought..." The cell phone went off. Holly stopped talking as I picked it up to see who was calling. When I saw, I looked up and Holly and told her it was her mom.

"Hello Sam. I thought I'd call and see how the leg was and to see if I still had a daughter or have you finally had enough and sold her to some gypsies? " Heather was in great form for as early as it was.

"Gypsies had her for a couple of hours then paid me to take her back. I even made a nice little profit." Two could play at this game.

"Well how wonderful. So what adventures are you two planning for today?" She asked. I had thought about this a little. Do I tell her about the gold?

"Heather, I have some news that is going to sound a little nutty, but I will tell you upfront that I am not making any of it up." I paused and when she said nothing I plowed ahead.

"It seems that besides nudism, medical evacuation and the taming of local wildlife, your daughter can now add prospecting to her growing list of accomplishments. Yesterday afternoon while I was sleeping off a painkiller, your daughter went exploring down stream a ways and brought back an egg size nugget of gold. When she took me back to where she found it, we found some more...a lot more. We have enough gold here right now to pay for Holly's education at the collage of your choice and probably still set you both for life." I finished and waited to see what her reaction would be. Holly sat at the other end of the table and giggled.

"I see. And...pardon me for asking, but you and Holly are not having a good yuk on poor old mom...right?" I could not blame her. I would have been skeptical too.

"Hang up the phone. I am sending you a picture." I said and hung up on her.

I rolled through the pictures of Holly...reminding myself to get these off the phone as soon as possible...then selected one of the photos I had sent my friend. After I hit send, Holly and I waited.

Twenty second later, it rang and I picked up.

"Well, I always thought Holly was distend to do great things but I was thinking it would happen after collage. So, what happens now Sam. You found it on your bosses land. Doesn't it belong to him? Or were you planning on keeping it a secret?" That kinda hurt...but I did not blame her. When it came to money, people can do some damn strange things.

"If I know Pete, he will probably let Holly keep what she has found. But I would imagine he would ask that we remain silent about where it came from. Pete has fifty times the amount of money this will bring. I don't see him being unfair or nasty about it. But you never know. I called him yesterday and he said we could talk when we got back tomorrow. What are your thoughts?" I asked her.

"Oh dear, I can't think about it right now. Let me get through the day and I will call you this evening. Of course, not thinking about it will probably take up most of my time. This is so unbelievable. Would you put Holly on?" I handed the phone over to Holly after saying good-bye. Holly immediately launched into her tale of discovery for the next ten minutes or so, I got up and started making us some breakfast. I was thinking French Toast.

First thing first though. I started another pot of coffee.

I beat some eggs, added milk, a touch of vanilla and some cinnamon to the batter and started cooking. As I put the last piece on a plate Holly had finished and was standing at my side to help. I had her get us both some orange juice and butter out of the refrigerator, then we both sat down to eat. Holly grinned at me from across the table; I ginned back. We were both thinking the same thing...let's go back and find some more.

We sat after eating and both drank another cup of coffee. Holly looked so gorgeous sitting in her chair; seemingly oblivious to the fact that she was naked. Again I thought about how strange it was that a seven year old girl would find being naked so natural.

After we had finished, I got up and started doing the dishes and Holly said she was going to get everything organized in the back of the golf cart. When I had finished, I went to the living room and retrieved the two jump drives from my back pack and after grabbing the phone off the kitchen table, went back upstairs to the desk where Pete kept his computer. I turned it on and while it booted, I took the memory card out of the phone and slipped it into the special slot in the jump drive. After the computer had cycled, I took the drive and plugged it in to an empty USB port and then found it on the computer menu.

The pictures of Holly ranged from breathtakingly beautiful to pornographic but all of them were the highest quality I had ever seen for a phone camera. The resolution and color saturation were first rate and I made a mental note to stop back by the phone store and thank the sales girl who had recommended it. The ones of her on the red cliffs were stunning. Even the two I shot of her walking ahead of me were sharp and clear. The ones I took of her sunning herself on the rocks were the best. They looked like they had all been shot by a professional. When I got to the close up of her seven year old pussy, I stopped dead. It was by far the best photo of all. After a bit, I went on to the ones of her swimming up where we found the gold. Her beautiful naked form swimming under the water rivaled anything I had seen in art books. I looked forward to viewing them all at home but I needed to get them on the jump drive.

I first slid all of them off the phone card and onto the first jump drive. Then, I went through them one by one, admiring Holly's naked little body. Doc should love these I thought. Even though I had asked Holly if she felt comfortable with letting Doc see them, I did not see any in the bunch that Holly would object to. But, I thought I should still run them by her first. As I went through them one by one, I saw her reflection in the computer screen as she entered the room.

Walking over, she put her arm around my shoulder and I in turn slipped my arm around her waist. I went through them one by one as Holly made little noises depicting her views of their artistic merit. She especially liked the ones of her and the deer but did not like the close-ups of her vagina. Loved the ones of her on the red cliffs...hated the one of her on the rock just before she crippled me. When I asked if she had any opinion of which ones I should let Doc have, she said she didn't care. So I left all of them on the drive, deleted the ones on the card, put the second jump drive in another empty port and copied all of them to it. When I was finished, I said to her:

"You know Holly, every one of those photos is beautiful. You may not think a close up of your privates is beautiful, but it is. If it were a grown ups privates I would enter them in a contest. You're seeing them as dirty pictures. But in fact,, they are art."

Holly smirked and rolled her eyes and said, "How are they art?"

I brought up the one of her vagina that I took down at the rocky stream and left it up on the screen. "Look at the way the sunlight is catching every single tiny hair on your skin. Now look at the color of the inside of your lips. It's the same color as the inside of a sea shell. Also, notice the little beads of water on your skin and the way that the sun makes little starbursts inside each one. And look at the subtle shadows and how they define your lips. I was lucky that everything was in focus. This should be in a photo magazine it's so beautiful." Holly saw everything I pointed out and began to smile. She had only been looking at her young pussy and missing everything that made the photo a piece of art. Maybe I was rationalizing...but I was also telling the truth.

"That's weird," she said. "I would never have noticed those things unless you pointed them out. Now I want it as big as a poster and hanging on my wall in the bedroom..." At that she broke into a fit of giggles. I laughed too, imagining her friends seeing it and their reaction. Not to mention her mother's. The one I shot of her raising up her bottom making her rosebud appear got the same dissection. Soon, Holly was pointing out some things I had missed. She was a very fast learner and as soon as she knew what to look for she was able to make the distinction between art and porno. I told her that I thought both had their place. One was to elicit an emotion. One was meant to arouse. By the time we had gone through all of them she was giddy with her newfound powers.

As we were talking the phone rang. I saw it was the Doc and let Holly answer it. "Hello? Why yes Dr. Richard; I'm just magnificent, thank you...and how are you? Wonderful. Sam? No...he's still alive so I'm afraid you will just have to find your own girlfriend. What's that? Yes...he's right here. Mmmmm? Oh...he's talking to a lawyer about a lawsuit he's thinking about bringing against some doctor who butchered his leg. Would you like to talk to him?" Holly laughed at what ever response she got from the Doc and said good-bye and handed me the phone.

Rolling my eyes at Holly, I took the phone. "Hello Doc." I said.

He was still giggling and I waited a couple of seconds for him to compose himself.

"That little girl is a pistol Sam. I mean...that's some pretty sophisticated humor for a seven year old. How's the leg?" He asked.

"Feeling great Richard. I haven't had to take anything for the pain today and I was only taking Advil last night. I think I am over the worst of it. Attributed no doubt to your superior surgical skill." I smiled.

"Mmm...I couldn't agree more. I'm glad you're feeling better but that will probably pass once you get my bill. Unless of course you still plan on honoring our little agreement? However, I'll understand if Holly has said she doesn't want you to share. But it's about all I've thought about since I left. I'm such a horny old goat...I know..." Richard was a man after my own heart and I had to laugh.

"Actually, I just finished making you a copy. I was planning on dropping by later today and letting you take another look at the leg. Let's say about three?" I asked.

"Sounds wonderful. Why not come by for some bar-b-q chicken? I made some yesterday and it makes a great sandwich. So, how about three o'clock?"

"Sounds like a date Richard. See you then." And with that I hung up.

"We're invited to Docs this afternoon for lunch". I told Holly. "But that still leaves us a lot of time to explore. Do you want to go back and see if we can find any more?" I saw by here expression that she would.

"Yeah! That breakfast should keep us until we get back. Let me use the bathroom and I'll be ready." As she trotted off to the bathroom, I thought that if the whole world was nude, getting ready to go somewhere would be a snap!

Just think of all the time we would save!

Chapter Twenty

I tidied up the kitchen, then went upstairs and put on a pair of Pete's kaki shorts and a polo shirt. Got some fresh socks on then slipped on my tennis shoes. Stopping at the top of the stairs, I picked up the back pack and saw that there were no towels, so I stepped back into the bathroom and grabbed a couple of Pete's big terry cloth towel and stuffed them in to the pack, then went downstairs. Holly was ready, smiling, naked and waiting at the front door. I wondered briefly if I would ever get use to seeing her naked. Then decided that I hoped I never did. Giving her a light slap on her little girl posterior and making her giggle, out the door we went.

Holly got in the golf cart behind the wheel letting me know that there would be NO discussion of who was driving that day. I put the pack into the back of the cart and took my assigned seat next to my naked little chuffer. As we started to drive away, I spotted an old milk crate by the side of the house and told Holly to pull over while I retrieved it. Once it was secured, we took off again.

No sooner had we pulled away, then the cell rang again. This time it was Pete.

"Howdy Boss." I said.

"Howdy Sam. I was just calling to tell you that I've checked and you cannot file a workman's comp claim. Seems that you actually have to be at work and working before they will pay for any treatment."

Swell; it seemed the whole world was trying out their new comedy material on me this morning. Might as well try out some of my own.

"Luckily I won't need to file a claim. Got enough gold here to last me a couple of lifetimes. Oh, and by the way...I quit." Pete chuckled. I really did love that guy.

"I was wondering how it was going up there? Have you two been back to the spot and found any more?" He asked.

"We are heading up there right now. It's a beautiful day and when I asked Holly what she wanted to do our last day, her first choice was to cripple my other leg. But, I told her if she would spare me, I would take her prospecting one last time." Holly laughed and yelled out loud enough that Pete could hear: "I actually wanted to kick him somewhere else Pete." And giggled her head off. I chastised her which got a good laugh from Pete. Jeeze!!! The whole world was against me.

"Sounds like you guys are having fun. How much have you found so far?" Pete asked again.

"I don't know Pete...a lot. Probably have five pounds or more right now. There is another large piece Holly found while swimming that was stuck to the bottom of the creek. I pried it up with the shovel but if freaked us out so we left it by the bank. I may bring it back with us. It has to weigh ten pounds Pete. It's about the size of a small football." I stopped to see what his reaction would be.

Pete let out a low whistle and told me he would love to see that. I told him we would be at the shop around noon tomorrow.

"That sounds good. I was hoping that you and I could find some time to get away from the store and talk. I was going to put it off, but this kinda changes everything. Let's you and I plan on having lunch tomorrow around noon...sound good?" He asked.

Sounds good to me...anything up?" I was wondering what in the world he want us to have lunch over. Now I was a little worried.

"Nope. Just have some things on my mind. This seems as good of time as any to talk about them. Nothing to worry about. You enjoy the rest of your time off and I'll see you when you get back." We both said good-bye and I sat back and watched the scenery go by. What could he want? I almost wish he had not said anything; now it's all I will think about. Could he be thinking about closing the place down and retiring? If he was, it would shock me. He loved that store so much.

But the fact that he was getting up there in age had crossed my mind more than once in the last couple of years. I have never been one to plan very far ahead. I've always been happy to live in the moment. But if he was thinking about retiring I was going to bring up the idea of me buying the business. I knew how everything worked and I had a few ideas of my own that I would try if he would sell it to me. But, time enough for that later. No sense in fretting about it now I told myself. I would find out tomorrow.

There were some clouds to the south but otherwise another beautiful California day. When we reached the site, I got out and walked with Holly down the path to the pool. Holly slipped her tiny hand into mine as we walked. Before we got there I could see the large piece sitting just under the water by the shore and the shovel I had used to dislodge it still laying in the clear water. Holly let go of my hand and walked to the edge of the water, then waded out to the drop off. I dropped my clothes in a pile by the shore and waded out behind her. Holly smiled when she saw me nude as I walked by her. She reached out and smacked my ass as I went by making me smile. I continued wading off the channel until I was waist deep and walked to the where the shovel lay.

Holly began walking slowly along the shore a few dozen yards away; stopping every so often to bend and look at the rocks just under the water. I slipped under the water and retrieved the shovel, but stayed down in the cold water looking to see if there were any more near by. Little flashes of silver jumped ahead of me as tiny trout swam away. Coming back up I heard Holly squeal and stoop to pick up another good size nugget. I waved at her and met her at the drop off. She was holding a nugget about the size of a golf ball. If she kept this up, she would be a millionaire before we got her home.

"I can't believe we're just walking around picking up gold". I said.

Holly smiled and then looked around at the surroundings. "Me neither. I also can't get over how beautiful it is up here. It' so gorgeous up here. I could never get tired of it if I owned this place. Maybe we'll find enough to buy it from Pete?" Holly said and then giggled.

She started to say something else but at that moment we both heard a low but distinct rumble. Like a distant explosion. We both looked at each other with puzzled looks on our faces, then looked in the direction we thought it had come from. Holly walked to the bank with me in tow when we heard it again...this time loader and behind us. We both turned to see a very dark cloud building to the south. We also saw a bright flash light it up, followed a few seconds later by a very loud clap of thunder.

"Maybe we had better head back to the tent Holly; I think we're going to get wet." I said a little nervously. Lighting always made me uneasy.

Another strike and clap of thunder got our little asses in gear as we both began to trot back up the path with Holly holding my hand as I led us back toward the safety of our camp. I was nervous that I had left my clothes by the bank. The sky had darkened considerably and when the next boom hit, we were running. Holly looked like a bear had seen us and put us on its list of preferred foods. The pain in my leg was there but the adrenaline being pumped into my body acted as a natural drug that allowed me to lead the way. When we rounded the bend where our camp stood about 50 yards ahead, thunder boomed again and a very cold wind slapped us on our butts as the first drops fell.

Big drops.

The drops became a downpour and as we reached the tent all hell broke loose with wind, rain and thunder. Holly literally screamed as I pushed her inside and ran to the cart to retrieve my backpack. When I reached the tent, I tossed the pack inside to Holly then stayed outside to unhook the rain guard down over the door. I then ran to all four sides to do the same to the windows. The wind shook the tent like a dog would shake a rag doll but I knew this tent; it would hold up as long as it didn't get too much worse. I made it back to the door and rain lashed me almost painfully as I ran inside and pulled the flap down after me. I thought about what was still outside and determined there was nothing worth going back out for. We had a dry tent and a dry bedroll. I also had the pack with a phone and dry clothes. We were actually very lucky I decided.

The golf cart would have to fend for itself. I was trying to remember if any of the cabin's windows had been left open and decided that no...they had all been shut when we left.

Holly was now standing next to me shaking from the cold water that had drenched her naked body before making it into the tent. I was also soaked to the bone and starting to shiver. I got in the pack and pulled out a towel and began drying her. Then I used the other towel on myself. Once we were reasonably dry, I pulled open the sleeping bag and got in, pulling Holly in after me. She pulled her little ice cube body into mine almost taking my breath away. Her teeth were chattering as I hugged her tightly, trying to get her warm by rubbing her back.

People had died of hypothermia in July up here. The mountains of California were just as dangerous as any other wilderness. If you were going to play outside with mother nature you had better be ready to rumble when that bitch got mad. Holly's teeth had stopped chattering and I could feel her body slowly warming up. Once again I was glad that her mother was not around. Although I had promised her to keep Holly safe, unless we wanted to stay in the cabin and play cards then being prepared would have to do.

As the storm moved over us, the clouds blotted out the sun to the west and it dimmed the light inside the tent. The rain and wind still played havoc but the old girl was holding up just fine. They had built these tents for American troops to withstand more than this. I knew it would hold together. With very little light left now, Holly was probably a little scared but as I hugged her naked body tightly the shakes began to subside.

"Wow, that was close". I said and felt her nod her head. The tent lit up very brightly and almost immediately the thunder clapped making us both jump. Holly squeezed in close to me and hugged me with all her strength.

"You okay cream puff"? I asked.

"No...I'm scared you dope. I can't believe that it happened right after I mentioned how nice it was up here. Where the heck did all this come from?" She asked.

"Storms can come out of no where up here." I said. "I've seen it happen before. Not just here but all over the country. That's why you have to be prepared. I knew a guy in collage that had been on a camping trip up below Mt. Saint Helens in 1981. Him and his girlfriend were actually 30 miles from the mountain on a river. When the volcano erupted, they did not even know about it. But all that melted snow created a giant wave of mud, trees...anything that wasn't nailed down and it hit their camp. His girlfriend was swept away and they never found her." I paused remembering the quiver in Chad's voice when he told me about it. "You have to be prepared up here for anything. I suppose for instance, I could have eventually made it back to the cabin after my leg got hurt, but having someone else there could have made the difference between me living and dying."

Holly was listening to me and I was glad these experiences were teaching her a lesson. I was equally glad I had distracted her from the tempest raging outside. "Let's talk about something else. What would you like to do with the gold you found?" I asked her.

Holly settled into her favorite position of laying in the crook of my arm with her head on my shoulder and her arm on my chest. Her now warm body felt so nice laying close to me as she lay thinking it over. Finally she said, "I don't know...I want to give it to mom I guess. But I can't help thinking about all the cool stuff I could buy. I know my mom won't let me go crazy even though it's my gold. Well, that is if Pete let's me keep it. Do you think he will?"

I was about to answer when my cell went off again. I looked at the caller ID and saw the Doc was calling again.

"You two alright? He asked.

"We were swimming down from the falls but made it to the tent when it hit. We're huddled in the tent right now. For the most part I think we are okay." I said.

"It raining dogs and cats here. I was out by the garage when this hit now I'm stranded in here." Richard sounded a little shaken.

"Thanks Richard, but I think we're okay for now." I told him. "Are you alright?"

"Well, actually no. The first clap of thunder startled the shit out of me and I stepped off the garage porch and twisted my damn ankle. Hurts like a bitch but I've looked at it and there's nothing broken. Just need to catch my breath. But maybe we should schedule lunch for another day." I knew he had to be hurting pretty bad to miss out on an opportunity to see Holly...and collect his medical fee. I decided we needed to go see him and make sure he was alright.

"Richard, I need to know you're alright. Holly and I are going to get to the cabin and find a way to come to you. You're only about a mile down the road... right? Give us an hour we'll be there." I looked at Holly who had only heard one side of the conversation. She looked at me like I was crazy for even suggesting we go out in this monsoon.

"No...really Sam I'm fine. Got my own golf cart sitting here in the garage and as soon as this lets up I'll make it back to the house. I'll tell you something funny though; I keep a refrigerator out here because I hate running back and forth to the house when I want a cold one. Right now I have two ice cold beers tied to each side of my ankle with an old rag I tore into strips. Looks damn funny. So I think I will just sit here in the garage and drink me a couple of pain killers and be thankful I didn't fall and break my hip. Seen too many old farts pull that one. Once the hip is broke they always seem to go down hill fast. So I'll be thankful it was just a sprained ankle and watch the rain. Tell Holly it was a real pleasure meeting her. You too stay dry and I'll see you the next time you come up; okay? " I was still concerned but trusted Richard to know if he needed help or not.

"Sounds good. We'll make it back up soon. Just promise you'll call us if you need help with anything." I finished and said goodbye. Holly pretty much figured out there would be no trip to the Docs that day. The wind outside had died but the rain poured down in epic amounts. Holly and I got up and I raised the flap to look outside. There were little branches and lots of leaves laying everywhere. The wind had even broken off one good size limb which lay a few dozen yards away. The water ran in small rivers down the road that led to the cabin. But I could see blue sky breaking through to the south and knew this was almost over.

Holly stood beside me and slipped her thin arm around my butt and leaned her head on my hip. I drew her in with my arm around her shoulder and brushed her long blond hair with my fingers. Suddenly Holly let go and turned until she was standing in front of me. I looked down at her perfect angelic face and into her blue/green eyes. She put both arms around my middle and hugged me tight, forcing my dick under her chin. She kissed my belly and looked back up at me. I smiled at her wondering what she was up to.

As she continued looking up at me smiling, her hands slid from around my ass to my hips and slowly to my thighs. Without taking her eyes from mine she slid both hands around my cock and gave it a gentle squeeze. Little Sam loved it and began to sit up and take notice. Still looking in my eyes and grinning a mischievously, she bent over at the waist and licked the tip of my penis with her pink warm tongue. I slid my hands into her blond hair and gave a slight moan has she gave the end two slow and lingering kisses. When she pulled back one single strand of spit or precum as fine as a stand of hair strung out from the end of my cock to her small red lips until it broke. Still keeping her eyes locked on mine...and still keeping that slightly evil grin on her face, she leaned back down and gave my now hard cock one long and lingering suck, letting her teeth lightly scrape the sensitive skin under the head.

My eyes closed and I moaned in pleasure as her mouth left the end of my dick. When I opened them again, she again leaned down and took nearly half of my cock into her seven year old mouth; winding her warm tongue all around the head and underside; then pulling back until just the head remained; then diving down again. My only explanation for her unbelievable technique was her one night viewing of the porn channel. For there was no WAY a seven year old could ever develop such an unbelievable method of sucking cock. But, it didn't feel or look like she was simply mimicking what she had seen.

She pulled back until my cock had slipped completely out, then held it up and licked slowly from the balls to the head, letting her flat tongue slip along the sensitive surface until she reached the top and engulfed my entire dick into her open mouth. But this time instead of stopping once she had half of it in, she cautiously let it hit the back of her throat then stopped and reversed her actions; again letting it slip from her warm moist mouth; then once more slid down until it bumped her tonsils before pulling back. All this time she never took her eyes off of mine. It was a little unnerving having her watch my reaction. But the feeling was unlike anything we had done before. And it was instigated by her!

Again, her tight little mouth slid down until it reached her throat, but this time she tried swallowing it. This of course triggered her gag reflex and she gave a little cough. I played with her hair as she once more let it slide all the way out, then looking at it as she held it in her small delicate hands, she again slid it in until it was at the entrance of her throat. Not deterred, by the past two attempts, she slid further and this time I felt her tiny throat open up a bit as the head of my cock went further than it had ever gone. The feelings were like nothing I had ever felt and she left it there until the need for air was too great and she let it slide out of the tight confines of her esophagus and sucked in a large lungful of air.

"Oh my God Holly..." Was all I could say.

She smiled up at me and let her tongue do another dance on the tip of my blood engorged dick, then slid it in again until this time she managed three quarters of it to slide into her open mouth and down her seven year old windpipe. The tightness of her throat was exquisite on my cock and I had to resist the urge to slam all of it in. I thought I could actually see her throat expanding...her thin neck looked a little fatter but I suppose that was my imagination because I am not that big.

Again, she kept it in her throat as long as she could until her little face turned red, then slowly pulled back. I felt my cock leave the warm tight confines of her little windpipe and when she did she took a huge gulp of air. But she did not let it slip completely out and before I knew it she had pushed it back down her gullet. I had been with maybe three out of twenty woman that were proficient at sucking dick...and not one of them had been as good as Holly was. My moan was quite vocal this time and Holly looked deep into my eyes and even managed to push a little more down her preteen throat.

And so she continued for another two minutes, letting it slide in and out of her tight little throat until at last, on stroke number sixteen I think, I let loose with a massive cum, shooting it directly down her windpipe and into her tummy. Holly held it there, completely impaled until my last shot coated her windpipe, then slowly pulled her head off my dick taking a deep lung full of air; licking the last of my cum from the little hole on top the head. I was speechless which was probably a good thing since I could never articulate to her what that meant to me. Holly gave it one last lick then released it.

"Your face gets all funny when you cum; did you know that? She asked.

"No...but so does yours. I imagine everyone does. But Holly, what the...? Where in the world did you get the idea to do that? I know grown woman who would be SO envious of your technique. And there are probably a few thousand guys who are rich enough to give you what you have found in gold for a blow job like that." I stopped, knowing that I was laying in on a little thick.

"Then I won't ever be in need of work...will I"? she said and giggled her little blond head off.

"No; I guess you won't. But tell me, was it the porno that you watched the other night?" I really wanted to know.

"Of course! That's the first dick I've ever had in my mouth you know. In case you haven't noticed, I'm a real fast learner. I also just asked myself, 'what would feel good to me if I had a dick?'...and then did it." She said and smiled proudly.

"But sweetie; why did you keep looking me in the eyes? That was the sexiest thing I have ever seen." I said, and meant it.

"The two people I watched in the meadow on TV? That's what the girl did. And I think that's why I liked watching her so much. But I also wanted to watch your face. I like it when I can make you feel good. You're always making me cum and I wanted to return the favor." She paused before going on.

"I just don't think I can bring myself to lick someone else back there on the butt and I felt like I owed it to you to be able to do something you liked as much as I like that." She stopped and looked at me. I felt such a love for her right then; a powerful feeling I had never felt for anyone else...ever. I remember thinking at that moment, I would die for this girl and I meant it.

Instead of trying to put into words something that could never be articulated correctly, I dropped to my knees and hugged Holly's naked little body close to me. Holly in turn hugged me around my neck. We stayed like that for a while; her little lips made small kisses on my neck sending goose bumps to break out all over my body.

"Holly, you don't owe me for anything. I love making you feel good by licking you back there. I've dreamed of doing it a million times before I met you. To actually make love to your bottom is like winning the lottery to me. I could do it all day. But thank you for that. If I died right now, I'd remember that as the most incredible thing that'd ever happened to me. I... I love you so much." And my voice broke as I pulled her in and crushed her to my chest. Holly made a little choking sound too and returned the hug.

While we had been talking the rain had died. When I pulled back and brushed the hair back from her cute little face, I looked over her shoulder to see the sun coming back out a little distance away. Holly saw me looking and turned her body so her delightful butt was resting on my stomach so she could see. I wrapped my arms around her soft belly and held her for a few more minutes as she leaned back to rest her blond head on my left shoulder.

"Let's get back to the stream and get that last big piece of gold. Then we'll go back to the cabin for a bite to eat. I need to start a load of laundry before we go back too. Are you okay"? I asked and Holly nodded her head. I stood up and Holly took my hand and led the way.

The grass was now wet and in some places we felt the mud squish between our toes as we walked. As we came around the last twist in the path, Holly spied something on the trail and bent to pick up the gold nugget that she had dropped on our hectic run back to camp. She did not even remember dropping it she had been so scared. But the sun was shining on us now as we arrived at the spot and I went over to the gold chunk and picked it up out of the water. It was at least ten...and probably more like fifteen pounds. Roughly $288,000 if my head for math was still working. How many guys could say they had ever had that much money in their hands?

I had not thought to bring the milk crate to carry it in, so I held it in both hands as Holly grabbed the shovel and my soggy pile of clothes and we started back. Let me tell you, fifteen pounds may not seem like a lot, but try carrying it sometime. By the time we arrived back at the tent, my arms were burning and I half sat, half dropped the nugget into the back of the cart. Holly and I stood there looking at it in awe.

Finally, we went into the tent and got the pack and towels and they joined the nugget in the back of the cart. Holly took one of the towels and wiped the seats then sat in the drivers seat and I wondered if it was a good idea to let her drive on all this mud. But she had done good so far so I said nothing.

To her credit, Holly took it real slow on the way back; seeming to read the road well and avoid the muddiest places. It took twice as long to get back but Holly got us there. I started unpacking the cart as Holly came around to help. There were puddles everywhere and we did our best to avoid them. When we had finished, I took one of the towels and we carefully cleaned all the dirt and mud off our feet. Then we carried everything into the cabin and sat down on the comfortable sofa to rest. Holly sat beside me and put her head on my shoulder. I slipped my arm around my little angel and before I knew it, my eyes were heavy and I heard Holly start to snore. And that's how we stayed for the next three hours.

Chapter Twenty-One

Sometime during our afternoon slumber, we had fallen into a reclining position and Holly now lay spooned in beside me. The air felt warm and clammy and where our bodies touched was wet and sticky. The rain must have risen then humidity. I slowly tried to unwind myself from my sleeping beauty and once free, walked stiffly up the stairs to the bathroom. As I sat on the toilet, I made mental notes about what needed to be done before we left. We needed to clean the bathrooms, strip the beds and do some laundry. Besides policing the kitchen and rest of the house I thought about three hours should do it. I flushed and turned on the shower to rinse all the sleep sweat off of me and stepped into the spray.

As I rinsed, I felt a cool rush of air as Holly slipped into the bathroom and sat on the toilet. I could just make out her form through the frosted glass and I heard the unmistakable sound of pee going into the pot making me smile for some reason. I saw her stand up and before I could say something, she flushed making the water in the shower shoot up at least 30 degrees and scalding everything in the spray. I gave a little yelp and jumped out of the bellowing steam as Holly opened the door and stepped in.

"What was that?" She asked and then saw the clouds of steam. "Oh crap, did I do that? My uncles house was the same way...sorry Sam." And with that she slipped her little naked body in close and hugged me.

"S'okay, just startled me. Guess we had a little nap, huh?" I said as the temperature returned to normal and Holly stepped under the spray.

"Yeah. I think the storm and all that running made us tired. But I feel great now". Looking over her shoulder at me with a devilish grin, she said, "Want to wash my back again"? And wiggled her tiny bottom at me.

"As tempting as that is...I need to get out and start cleaning up the house. You finish up and I promise you something special later." I said.

"Ooooh. I wonder what it will be. Are you going to molest this little girl again? You bad, bad pervert. I hope you don't make me do a bunch of nasty stuff." She said and then bust into a fit of giggles as she saw the look on my face.

Holy shit...what have I created?

"Come on...just a fast one...I'll let you do it in my butt." She giggled as she pushed me back to the shower seat. How in the world could I resist an offer like that? As soon as I felt the back of my legs hit the seat I sat down and Holly leaned in and gave me a long and lingering kiss on the mouth; letting her tongue slip inside and play tag with mine. I slipped my hands around her small waist and cupped the bottom that I loved so much. Holly broke the kiss for a moment as she reached over and grabbed the bar of soap and lathered up her tiny hands. She wrapped her fingers around my cock and covered it with soap while leaning in for another long and passionate kiss as she stroked my dick and down, making it as slippery and hard as possible.

Without much fanfare, Holly broke the kiss and turned around. She bend her thin little legs until her soft tiny ass was rubbing my now rock hard cock. Reaching back, she grabbed her bottom and pulled until her ass cheeks until they were spread wide open and her little puckered anus was exposed. Pushing back, she slid her bottom opening up and down the under-shaft of my dick, rubbing her asshole up and down the entire length of my cock. She moaned as the pleasure from the contact sent shivers through her body; not to mention sending me into throws of erotic bliss.

However, soon the sensation was not enough for her and she stopped. Reaching back she grabbed my dick and lined it up with her wrinkled button, then began putting pressure on it, using her weight to start the trip up her tight little rectum. As slippery as my cock was, it did not take much effort before the head broke the barrier of her tight little rosebud making her hiss and stop the downward pressure. I had the best view, watching as my cock twitched and jerked at the sudden tightness of her little girl ass ring and seeing it stretched over the head. Every time I think I had seen the most erotic thing, Holly managed to pull a new one out. The soap was doing its job as she once again pushed down and forced another two inches into her body. She stayed there with her back arched, and about half of my cock sticking out of her warm preteen ass.

I had to hold on for dear life to try to keep from coming right then. Holly pushed down and I could feel her colon wrapping and molding itself around my dick. Then, with short moves, she began to lower and raise herself; sliding my cock in and out of her tiny ass. I reached around and slipped my hand down to her soft little slit and began fondling her hairless pussy; catching her tiny clit between two fingers and squeezing it as Holly moaned and tried to shove more of my dick into her.

Holly was obviously enjoying herself as my tool slid almost completely up her ass, and then hissed as it started back out. The ring of her anus would follow my cock as it began its short journey in but would try to pull itself out as it slid outward. As I watched my dick slide out, I could see the slick produced soap she had coated my cock with gather up at the base of my manhood because her rectum was so tight, it acted like a squeegee; scraping the soap down to where her strokes would stop. I could not help myself...I reached out and grabbed her ass cheeks for better purchase and started a rhythm of my own.

As I once again sodomized my little girl, Holy did something that truly shocked the shit out of me. She began to trash talk.

"Oh shit...that feels so good. Fuck my ass Sam... fuck my ass! Fuck me....fuck me..." I was grunting like a pig in heat as I started picking up the pace until I was jack-hammering her second-grader shit hole. I had never been turned on my trash talk in the bedroom. But when Holly did it, it was the sexiest thing I had ever heard.

"UH...UH....UAHHHH...RUB MY CUNNY FASTER....HARDEROH GODAAUGGHH!!!", Holly could no longer talk as she approached her preteen orgasm while she bounced up and down on my cock. She arched her back and shoved her body back until I was buried balls deep in her tiny body. I felt the cum boiling up and grabbed her around her middle to hold her still as I prepared to shoot my load of cum deep into her bowels. Holly felt my cock twitching and reached her own cum right about the same time with a lot of noise.

"AHHHHHHCKKKK", she almost seemed to strangle on her own voice as I felt her sphincter clamp down on my cock in an effort to pinch it off. My own cum was reaching it's peak at the same time as I felt squirt after squirt pump into her ass. It was by far the most powerful orgasm I had ever experienced and I thought my cum would surely fill her intestines until they bust. But finally, after the most powerful cum of my life, I relaxed as I felt her go limp. She walked backward a half step until she was sitting on my lap, my cock still buried in her ass but not for long as I felt it loosing its hardness. She reached back and wrapped one arm around the back of my neck as we both felt my cock finally being squeezed by her muscles until it slipped out and hit my inside thigh. I kissed her neck and held her around her middle for a while, then stood up to wash off my penis as Holly sat down on the seat and leaned back with her eyes closed.

"Thanks Sam. That was...so wonderful." She said sleepily.

"For me to." I said.

I stepped out and toweled myself off then stepped to the sink and lathered my face with shaving cream. As I stood there scraping the stubby hair off my face, I could see Holly's movements behind the glass as she too cleaned herself up. After I rinsed and brushed my teeth, I started to leave, but as I did I pulled the handle down on the toilet, then walked very fast out of the bathroom as a little muffled screech came from the shower and a few unprintable words followed.

My, my...such unladylike language.

I hurried into the bedroom and pulled on my last clean pair of boxers as I heard the water turn off. I hurriedly slipped out of the bedroom and down the steps as I heard the bathroom door bang open.

"Hey." Holly screeched at my back as it disappeared down the steps.

"Just remember payback is a bitch!" She yelled. I giggled all the way down to the living room and began picking up blankets, pillows and bits of clothing that had been dropped here and there. Holly thankfully stayed upstairs and did whatever little girls do after their showers.

As I reached the kitchen, I heard the cell go off and scrambled to find it in the backpack. I glanced at the ID and saw it was Heather.

"Hello Heather." I said.

"Hello Sam. I just got home and was greeted by an empty house. I guess I miss coming home to hugs and kisses. Is my lovely daughter there or is she out making friends with the forest creatures?" She said.

"Right now I am sure she is plotting something terrible for me after the little prank I just played on her..." I related my story...then realized that I was telling her that at the very least, we had passed each other naked in the shower. Heather was quiet for a minute, then said:

"And are you two now in the habit of walking naked around each other Sam?" Kicking myself for being so careless, I tried to determine if her words were just stiff...or maybe a little cool that she now spoke into the phone.

"Well, I would not call it a habit Heather. But we did swim nude earlier and I suppose she has seen me undressed a couple of other times. To tell you the truth I did not think much about it. Does it upset you?" I asked and waited for God knows what.

After a couple of seconds, Heather sighed and said, "No, I guess not. I'm so sorry if I insinuated anything Sam. Holly has seen grown men nude before. What you just heard was just that puritanical bitch I use to be creeping back into the moment. God I hate that bitch! And I think I told you once before that although I don't know you very well, I trust Holly to know the difference between having a little fun...and something else. Again, please forgive me." And now I felt like a total perv.

"It's okay Heather. This was the reason I told you I had my reservations about Holly practicing her little diversion. In this day and age, if a man is naked in front of a little girl, he must be a pervert. But you know as well as I do that Holly is infectious. She just has a way of drawing you out. If someone had told me last month I would feel perfectly natural being nude in front of a naked little girl that I have known less that a week...well...I'm sure you know what I would have thought.

"But you're right about one thing. I think you can trust Holly. I've never seen a girl like her. We have had so much fun up here the last few days. We even got caught in a horrible thunder storm less the five hours ago. We had to run back to the tent and huddle there until it passed." I paused...then went on.

"And yes, we were naked. But I can promise you this Heather. I would never do anything to hurt your daughter. In less than a week I have fallen hopelessly in love with the little munchkin. If I ever had a daughter, I would hold Holly up against everything she was, and then hope against hope she could measure up. She is truly one of a kind. " I waited for Heather to say something.

"Yes, she is that and so much more Sam. I wish I knew you better. I want to tell you the whole story of Holly and her dad and me. You also have a way of drawing people in and getting them to talk about things and, well...again, I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I can't wait for you and I to set down and have a real conversation. Is Holly around or is she still in the shower?"

This lady was intriguing to say the least.

"Let me see what Holly is up to Heather. And don't think another thing about it. I can't imagine the feelings that you've been wrestling with. I look forward to us sitting down and having a chat. Just a minute and I'll find Holly." I said and called up the stairs for Holly. She leaned over the rail and saw me extending the phone in my arm and came down the stairs wrapped in a towel to take it; giving me another murderous look as she snatched the phone from me. I in turn stuck my tongue out at her. It's fun to be seven again.

I went into the kitchen and thought about Heather and our conversation. I really didn't think I had anything to be worried about. But isn't that what every little girl lover thinks just before they slap the handcuffs on him? Well, there was no sense worrying about it. What would happen would happen. I would never try and come between Holly and her mom so if she suddenly felt uncomfortable with me around her daughter, then I could do nothing about it.

Not liking the way my thoughts were going, I pushed them away and started tidying up the kitchen, putting all the dirty dishes in the washer. I could see Holly sitting on the couch and talking to her mother. She did not seem in distress so I continued until the kitchen was spotless. I then made Holly and I soup and grilled cheese sandwiches and took hers into the living room. Holly looked up and smiled while she listened to something her mother was saying.

"Okay mom....okay mom...I'll call you first thing in the morning. Mmmm? Yup. Best vacation I've ever had. What? Oh...I don't know. I'll talk to Sam and call you in the morning. Mom...Sam is standing here with lunch. Okay...I love you too...Bye." She pushed the end button on the cell and looked up at me.

"I think she really misses me. This is only the second time we've been away from each other for more than a few days. But she's happy I'm coming home tomorrow." She said this and then took a huge bite out of the grilled cheese. "Mmmmm...is there any better than a grilled cheese? Maybe a pizza." She said with her mouth full.

I was still thinking about Heather and her momentary lapse. But maybe I was making a bigger deal out of it than it really was. I guess Holly saw I was deep in thought because she reached out and stroked my back a couple of times. "What's up Doc?" She said.

I thought about telling Holly about my conversation with Heather. Then thought better of it. This was our last day here and I didn't want to spoil it. So instead I said:

"Oh...just a little sad that is this our last day up here. And I was hoping we could come back here soon. There are still a couple of things I wanted to show you. There is a cave to the south of here. And there is a beautiful meadow not far from the rocky creek where I got hurt. In the spring you would not believe how many flowers there are. And in the winter this place looks like a post card. The falls ice over and the snow covers everything. I hope I get the chance to show it all to you."

Holly put her plate down on the coffee table and leaned over to hug me. She squeezed me tight, then leaned back and said, "We will Sam. Somehow I know it will all work out."

I smiled at her as we finished our lunch. Holly took the dishes into the kitchen and started washing them off and putting them in the dish washer. I got up and went upstairs and stripped the bed, picked up all the dirty towels and clothes that I could find, then took everything downstairs to the laundry room and started a load. I asked Holly where all her dirty clothes were and she went to where she had left her bag and started pulling out what little she had to wash.

Another plus for nudism!

We still had the tent to take down and I needed to police the camp site one last time so I told Holly I was going to take the golf cart and do just that. Holly said she was going to keep the laundry going and maybe mop the kitchen floor and make sure the bathrooms were clean. She came over as I slipped on my shorts and shoes and hugged her naked little body to me tight. Then kissed me once on my belly and turned back to the kitchen.

Tearing my eyes away from her cute little bottom, I went outside walked to the cart where we had put the large nugget. I lifted it out and sat it on the front porch and once again studied it. How much are you worth? I wondered. I then jumped in the cart and drove up to the site only getting stuck briefly in the mud the rain had left behind. It was good to be alone for a while and I took the opportunity to gather my thoughts. And there were a lot of them to gather. On impulse I took out the phone and hit Richard's number. He picked up on the first ring. "Howdy Richard. How's the ankle?" I asked.

"Much better Sam. It wasn't much of a sprang to tell you the truth. And as long as I'm being honest, I knew it wasn't when I called you. I hope you don't think less of me Sam, but after thinking about it, I did not think it was a good idea for me to be around little Holly. It just hurts too much and brings back a lot of painful memories. I was wrong to subject myself to that kind of mental anguish when I invited you over. I hope you understand." He said.

I was a little shocked. I had no idea that Holly was causing him so much discomfort and I told him so.

"Oh Sam, this is just an old mans regrets...that's all. It's hard; actually its hell to be a little girl lover. Those kind of feelings can sneak up on you at the worst times. Let me ask you, is Holly the first young girl that you have actually had a relationship with? You don't have to answer if you feel uncomfortable but I imagine you are just now realizing how different your life is fixing to be. If Holly is your first then I promise you will never forget it. And neither will she. " He said all of this softly and with compassion.

"Holly's the first time I have ever acted on those feelings Richard. But I've had them as long as I can remember. Besides a lot of looking, I've never acted on them before. But Holly...she's so special Doc. And I feel so conflicted about this relationship I've developed with her. I love her more than I have loved anyone or anybody in my life. And it makes me feel so bad to have to deceive everyone, even though no one would ever understand me loving a seven year old girl. Especially her mother. But I've never felt so in love before even though I know this will never work out...I can't help it." I stopped, a little shocked that I was opening up this much, and waited for him to say something. But Richard took a few seconds before answering.

"You said it yourself Sam. You cannot choose who you fall in love with. No more than you can choose the color of your eyes. This is the tragedy...and the beauty of being who we are." Richard paused and then said, "I want to tell you my story Sam. I think once you hear what I went through, it will help you. I've had thirty long years to think about it and I think I have reached some closer; wrestled the demons if you will.

"I've actually written it all done in a memoir of sorts. Writing was one of the best things I could have done. It helped me see and remember things I might have forgotten forever. I'll make you a copy so when you leave tomorrow, call first and I'll meet you two at my gate and give it to you. I guess I don't have to tell you to be careful with it; although its been so long I doubt there is any thing anyone can do to me now. Maybe make my life a little more complicated. No matter; I know you'll be carefull with it. Call me tomorrow and I'll meet you out front." Richard said good-bye and I hung up the phone as I pulled into the camp site.

I don't really remember breaking down the camp. My mind was on other things. I realized that I did not want to leave here for one thing. And the act of breaking everything down meant I would be soon. I worked for about an hour and before I knew it, the place looked just like it did when we pulled in. I took a moment to take in the beauty of the place before I left. The sound of the falls were so beautiful...and in my mids eye I imagined Holly, walking naked over to the deer. And wading in the water just before I drowned her with a canonball. I turned and saw her sitting on my lap looking at the stars, and warming herself by the fire as the heat cast a warm glow and dried her beautiful nude body after swimming in the creek. I hope that if I live to be a hundred I never forget those things.

I thought about making another trip down stream, but realized that it would not be as much fun unless Holly was with me. So when I had the last of the gear packed up, I grabbed the two lawn chairs and tied them down so they would not fall out, and headed back to the cabin. I thought about what Richard had said and decided that I wanted to hear his story very much.

I pulled next to the Harly and began traferring everything I could into the saddle bags. Then I took the chairs and put them back where I found them. Pulling the cart around in back I found Holly sitting on the back steps, drinking some orange juice and soaking up some sun. The air was a little cooler than it had been before the rain but the humidity was up too. Holly smiled and watched as I plugged the powercord up to the outlet on the porch.

"Did you get everything?" She asked me.

"I think so. Got to tell you...I was pretty sad taking down the tent. I think I agree with you. I never want to leave here. Taking down the tent made me realize that we're only here for one more night. Got me a little bummed out. But like I said, we will try to come back soon." I took my pack out and sat it on the ground. It was quite a bit heavier than it was when we got there. I looked over at Holly and saw that she had leaned forward and grabbed her knees and was staring at the ground.

Well crap...leave it to me to get her feeling as depressed as I was about leaving.

I walked over and sat beside her and slipped my arm around her shoulder. "Hey kiddo...we still have tonight. What say you and I go up to the highest point on the property and look at the stars? If you like...we can take the sleeping bag up there and stay the night. I'll even build a fire and make you Smoores...or get you drunk...anything you like." I stopped and waited for her to say something.

"Sounds like fun. I'll make us some sadwiches to take. And I saw some binoculars hanging inside the back door...want to take those too?" She asked. I saw she was making an effort to pull out of the funk. But the spark was not there as it had been when we first arrived.

"Look sweetie, I know you're sad...I'm sad too. But what are we going to do about it? You miss your mom and I have to get back to work someday. The best we can do is to get back here every chance we get." I hugged her tighly around the shoulders and she gave me her best smile.

"You know, it'll be getting colder soon. And Christmas is just around the corner. Why don't we start making plans to come back up the week before Christmas too? We can have our own little Christmas up here. I came up once after it had snowed and it is so beautiful." The more I talked the more she smiled. I was beginging to pull out of the funk too.

I looked at the kitchen clock through the back door and saw it was coming up on four. We still had some housework to do so I stood up and reached out my hand for her to take. Once we had gotten up, I went in to the laundry room and started pulling things out of the dryer. I heard the water running upstairs and figured she was cleaning the shower. Once I had everything in the lundry basket, I went upstairs and put clean sheets on the bed and then the worked on the pillow cases. I could see Holly breifly as she walked around the bathroom.

I took all the clothes and put them in piles after folding them. Then went downstairs and got my backpack. When I got upstairs, Holly had pulled her clothes out of the piles and was putting them in her little packpack. When we finished, we went downstairs and started packing for our last trip out on the property. Holly made sandwiches and took the chips, carrots and all the makings for the Smoores and put them in a large grocery bag. I made sure the Schnapps was still in my pack and then loaded everything in the cart.

By six we were pulling out...this time I was driving. It was a slightly tretchous road that led to the spot I had in mind so I thought it best that I do the driving. Holly didn't mind as far as I could tell. She was still a little down I think. We headed off to the east, past the rocky creek where my leg met it's demise, then through the gove of oaks. The road began to climb here and the cart slowed as it struggled to keep up with the grade. Holly held on to the roll bar and gave me a questioning look. I smiled and kept climbing the thin steep road. There was not much to look at because it actually cut through the middle of a bluff. But once the road leveled out, you could see for miles. Holly now took interest as I turned the cart north and pulled to the edge of the bluff. The view was spetacular. The sun was sitting to the west and it cast a wonderful glow to the surrounding area.

I had to work fast getting some rocks gathered to build a firepit. There was pleanty of dead wood laying everywhere and Holly set out to gather it. Once the fire was going we took our sleeping bags out of the cart along with the lawn chairs and set them by the fire. Holly broke out the sandwiches and pop. We sat close together and ate our sandwiches and stared into the fire as darkness closed in around us. Soon the stars blanketed the sky above us and Holly got up and came over to sit in my lap while we stared at the heavens. We had not talked much since we set out and both seemed content to enjoy each others company. I reached below the seat and grabbed the Shnapps and poured us both a shot. Holly gave a little cough at the first belt but smiled when she got the aftertaste.

After an hour of idle conversation and three more belts, Holly stood up and pulled me to my feet. She led me over to the sleeping bag and got in as I dropped my clothes and slid in beside her. Holly assumed her regular posistion in the crook of my arm, leaned up to kiss me...then settled in to sleep. It was perfect. No sexual tension, just two friends nodding off to sleep with the fire crackling and cricket chirping. I was asleep almost instantly.

Chapter Twenty-Two

"Sam...wake up", The voice came from far away.

"Sam...common...wake up", Much closer this time.

"SAM!" Right in my ear and I was awake and Holly was right in front of my nose giggling.

"Morning cream puff...what's up"? My mind was slowly coming up out of the fog of sleep. Holly was sitting on my stomach, wearing my t-shirt and holding a steaming mug that smelled divine. I smiled at her and took the mug from her hands.

Holly reached beside her and picked up her own coffee mug and sat smiling down at me. When I raised my head to take a sip, I saw that the bottom half of Holly was still very much naked and her cute little pussy was gaping open at me. Holly saw me look and playfully smacked my head.

"Bad pervert. Stop looking at the little girls cunny." She giggled.

"Sorry Cream Puff. I couldn't help it. It looks good enough to eat. Maybe I'll have some of it instead of breakfast." I said and smiled up at her.

"Pifffttt...only a bad man would eat a little girl's cunny. Besides, I just peed out of it...you might not like the flavor." She was still giggling as I sat my mug down and reached under her soft warm bottom and lifted her towards my mouth.

Holly squeaked as I planted a kiss on her lovely little pussy...and sure enough it was a little damp with little girl pee. I could not have cared less. I've always been a morning person when it came to sex. I kissed it again and then let my tongue slip out and gave her entire slit a long and wet lick. I heard Holly squeak again but this time it was followed by a soft moan. Sitting down on my chest for a moment, Holly sat her mug down on the ground and then scooted up until her beautiful little cunt was once again pressed against my mouth.

"Well...go ahead, lick the little girls cunny." She whispered and put her tiny hands on top of my head and pulled it tight against her. I again slipped my tongue out and began lathering her little girl sex with it. I slipped both hands around behind her and cupped that wonderful ass as I licked and kissed with abandon. Holly's hold on my head increased as I wormed my tongue out and up into her vaginal opening; sliding it past her hymen and into her short canal. I wiggled my tongue trying to lick the inside walls of her vagina, making her hump up and down. It would be a long time before I would attempt to do this with my cock, but Holly was treating my tongue like a small cock as she slowly raised and lowered herself up and down on it. I laid completely back with my head on the ground and let her take over.

It was strange to be used as a little dildo, but in a good way. Holly was now panting and humping up and down on my tongue, stretching her hymen in the process. At last I felt her muscles contract and she threw her blond head back and squealed as she went over the edge and fell forward. I caught her as she fell, knowing that if I didn't she would crack her head on the ground. I held her and continued gently licking and sucking her wet little puss for a few minutes, then sat her back down on my stomach. Holly laid there for a little while, then sat up slowly and picked up her mug of coffee and took a sip. I did the same as we both looked at each other and smiled.

After a few sips, Holly again sat her mug down and scooted back until she had shoved the sleeping bag down enough that her now sopping wet cunny was sliding down little Sam. I moaned as her wet little vag slid all the way down to my nut sack, then slid all the way up until her opening encased my cock head. Putting her hands on my chest, she slowly slid back and forth, leaving a slick trail of her little girl juice along the entire length of my cock. It took all of about sixty-seconds before I blew a massive amount of semen all over us. I had not noticed that Holly was going for cum number two but I heard her squeak again as she popped off.

And that was our last sexual encounter at Pete's property. We lay there panting as the sticky cum dried between us. Finally I raised her and took off her t-shirt and wiped the mess up. Holly was grinning at me...which was always good.

"I guess that's the last one til next time. Or...maybe I can sneak over some night and surprise you?" She said and giggled.

"Oh, I imagine if you really wanted it all you would have to do is to call me at work and I would come running. I'm so pathetic. Or maybe I can slip away for a long lunch? What time does your mommy get home little girl?" I said which made Holly burst into laughter. I sat up which was her signal to hop off and stood up in the cool mountain air. Holly stood too and slipped her arms around my middle and hugged me tightly. I bend down and kissed the top of her head, then turned and walked over to the fire. Holly stood beside me and I looked down to see the coffee pot sitting on top of some coals. Had I taught her that?

I spied the instant coffee and made myself another cup as Holly hugged her nude little body and moved closer to the fire. Her tiny butt was covered in goose bumps. I walked over and picked up the bedroll and carried it over close to the fire. Holly got the idea and crawled inside then sat up and pulled it around her like a serape. I pulled on my shorts, then went to the cart and pulled out my heavy gray sweat top. I joined Holly and sat beside her as we enjoyed the fire and drank our coffee. The world was waking up around us and we could hear birds starting their morning songs.

We sat and drank; again just enjoying each others company. The cloud that had hung over us the day before seemed to have gone and for that I was happy. I asked Holly if she was worried about anything and she smiled and shook her head no. I leaned over and hugged her tight to me; kissing the top of her little blond head.

After an hour of being lazy, the sun had warmed up enough for us to start packing up. I took the shovel out of the cart and threw dirt over the burning coals and then we both started loading up the cart. As hard as I might have tried, it was almost impossible not to stare at Holly's seven year old nude body as she walked around the camp. Holly would catch me staring every once in a while and grin. Maybe she did have an idea what kind of effect her youthful, naked form had on me.

Having gone years looking at pretty little girls who were clothed and imagining them naked, here in front of me was a real live naked second grader. It was very erotic to me to watch her go about doing mundane things like roll up the sleeping bag and put it on the cart as I caught glimpses of her little rosebud winking at me. Or watching her beautiful little ass as it wiggled and flexed with each movement of her thin legs. It was a huge turn on and I would have been content to sit there and watch her all day.

As soon as we were finished, I got behind the wheel and we started back to the cabin. Holly started singing a song she had learned in school; something I had never heard before, but it had a catchy tune and I joined in with her on the chorus. We were in fine spirits when we pulled up at the cabin.

Holly ran into the house yelling over her shoulder that she had to pee. I imagined that coffee on a seven year old bladder would cause that. I stayed and unpacked everything on the porch, then drove the cart around in back and plugged it in to the recharger. Going in through the back door and into the kitchen, I stopped and poured us both a tall glass of orange juice. I head the toilet flush in the bathroom upstairs and then Holly came running down the stairs. I yelled out that I was in kitchen and she came in to ask me what she could do to help.

We had packed most everything the night before so I told her that besides getting some clothes on, there was not much more to do.

"Oh...I've decided to go like this." She said giggling. "I just can't see getting dressed for such a short ride home."

Funny girl.

"As much as I would love to see the reaction of other cars...I think it would be best if you put on something." I smiled at her.

Holly took her backpack in the living room and found something to wear, then came back in and asked if we had time for some breakfast. I told her that rather than messing up the kitchen, why not stop in town and find some pancakes and bacon? Holly loved the idea. So after we made one more trip through each of the rooms to make sure we had not forgotten anything, we shut the front door, then got the last of our things stowed away on the bike.

On our last trip up on the porch, Holly looked down at the large nugget and asked if we should bring it with us. I shook my head no, and told her that I didn't feel comfortable towing it around. I suggested we put it out of sight under the porch, and either Pete or I would figure out what to do with it later. Holly seemed to be okay with that.

I climbed on the Harley and kicked it over as Holly donned her helmet and sunglasses; climbed on board and hugged her arms around my middle. Just then I remembered one more thing I had to do, and I got off and dug around in my backpack until I found what I was looking for. I pulled out the cell phone and dialed the Docs number. He answered on the third ring. Maybe because he was limping today? I told him Holly and I were on our way to his gate and he said he would meet us there in fifteen.

I gave the Harley a little bump and we head off to the front gate. The day was simply gorgeous. The sky up here was so blue! As we headed down the dirt road I heard Holly shout. I looked over, a deer and her baby were running parallel to us about fifty yards away. Holly was beside herself with joy and I did not have the heart to tell her that these woods were full of mother deer and their fawn but who was I to piss on her parade? Besides, it very well could be the same deer. I reached in my pocket for the camera phone and snapped a photo of them just before they hit the tree line. Holly yelled goodbye to them and hugged me tight.

After getting through the gate, I pulled out onto the road that would lead us to Richards. Holly loved the sound of the bike and the wind in her face. In about three minutes, I saw the Doc's truck by the side of the road and he waved to us. We pulled up along side his truck and we all said our good mornings.

"Morning Holly, don't you look pretty today." He said.

"Oh, I'll bet you say that to all the girls." Holly answered. I turned to look at her over my glasses and she said, "I mean, thank you Doc. That's nice of you to say".

I couldn't very well have her turning into a little flirt...could I?

Richard barked out a laugh and said, "Ain't she a pistol? Are you going to run straight back to the city?"

"We thought we would get some pancakes first. Is there a place in town we could stop?" I asked.

"Oh my yes. There's a place on the main drag called Wanda's that has the best pancakes in the world...and I'm not joking. On Sunday mornings, people will line up outside." Sounded like just the place I thought.

Richard reached beside him on the front seat and brought out a large yellow envelope and handed it to me. I in turn reached into my pocket and took out the small flash drive and handed it to him. Richard looked at Holly and she gave him a bashful smile which he returned. We said our goodbyes and I again thanked him for all he had done. He waved it all away and started his truck. Holly suddenly jumped off the bike and walked up to his truck. She stood on the running board and reached in through the window and hugged Doc around his neck. You could tell he was touched as he closed his eyes and buried his nose in her hair.

After a moment or two, Holly pulled back and kissed him on his cheek. Then jumped down and walked back to the Harley. I nodded to him and he waved as we both went out separate ways. Holly was again hugging my middle as I goosed the gas and we took off. Once in town, I found Wanda's and ate one of the best breakfasts either one of us have ever had. The smell of cinnamon apples hung in the air and the waitresses were all young hippy girls who would break out into song every once in a while which made Holly laugh and sing along. She was being a typical seven your old girl and I couldn't help myself for loving her.

After we had paid our bill and walked outside, Holly took my hand as we walked toward the bike. "Thank you Sam. That was a great way to end our vacation." She said as she swung one leg over the bike.

"You are so welcome sweetie. I do believe that was the best vacation I have ever had. And it's all because of you." I replied and leaned in for a quick peck on her lips.

Back on the road, I headed down to the lower elevations but did not take it up to top speed. Traffic was light and I was enjoying the crisp mountain air. Holly was enjoying it too as we drifted down the mountain highway. Holly was now a seasoned rider and leaned into the curves with me as we glided though the forests; both of us loving the feel of the wind on our faces. Every once in a while she would tighten her grip on my middle for no apparent reason making me smile. All too soon we were out of the mountains and heading back to civilization. About an hour and a half after eating breakfast, we were pulling into the liquor store.

I parked the bike and set about loading all the gear out of the saddle bags and into the truck. Holly helped by climbing into the bed of the truck and arranging everything as I handed it to her. Every once in a while our eyes would lock and we would smile at each other. I guess all in all, it was the trip of a lifetime and I should be happy for it. Holly held out her hand for me to help her down and we both walked in the front door of the shop.

Lynne was working the cash register and smiled as we came in. "Well look at you two...you could be father and daughter. Did you have a good time?" Holly walked over and began telling Lynne about our trip. I left them and walked back to the office to find Pete on the phone. I laid the key to the Harley on his desk and he tossed me his key ring so I could remove my truck key. He grinned and held up two fingers meaning he would be off in a couple of minutes. I walked into the storeroom and made a quick trip to the boys bathroom. When I came I could see Pete leaning on his elbows listening to Holly recount the highlights of our trip.

"Well, it sounds like you both had a good time. I knew you would like it up there. I've seen lot's of deer too but never had one let me feed them." Pete smiled at me as I walked up and then asked Holly if she would like to join us for lunch?

Holly told him that we had just had a huge breakfast, but that she would love to come and sit with us. I walked out to the truck leaving Pete and Holly talking on the sidewalk and grabbed the backpack. When I rejoined them, we all went down the sidewalk a block to our favorite burger joint. It was early and there were very few people there so we were able to get a booth in the back. We all went up to the counter and placed our orders, then walked back and sat down.

Pete was smiling the whole time we sat and waited for our order. That in itself was not that unusual, but he looked pleasantly happy about something. Holly sat by him and told him all about her discovery and the three subsequent trips back to the same spot. Pete listened and laughed when she told him about being chased back to the tent ahead of the storm. Then he asked if he could see one of the nuggets. I looked around and seeing no one near by, I reached into the side pocket of the pack and by pure luck, pulled out the first piece that Holly had found.

Pete let out a low whistle and sat turning the nugget over in hands. After looking at it a while, he asked how much I thought there was in the pack. I told him about six pounds, not counting the one still up at his cabin. Holly was watching his face and trying to do the same thing I was...read his mind. Pete sat looking at the nugget for a moment longer, then handed it back to me right when our order was called. I got up and took the tray from the pick up counter, and walked it back to the table. Holly was giggling at something he had said and Pete clapped his hands together and rubbed them as I sat his burger in front of him.

Holly and I shared an order of fries that Pete kept trying to steal, causing Holly to playfully slap at his hands which brought uncontrolled giggles from her. I could not help but laugh as Pete would inch his fingers closer to the basket, then snatch a fry as Holly tried to catch him. They seemed to have hit it off great. Pete sat and ate his burger as he caught me up on the last few days.

When he finished, he cleared the baskets away and walked up to the counter and ordered another round of cokes, then came back and sat next to Holly. He had Holly and I retell the story of Holly and the deer, how I got hurt, and Holly's discovery of the gold. Then he had Holly tell him which parts of the property were her favorites. I got the feeling that he was stalling but I loved listening to her recount out time together. During a pause in the conversation, I finally asked him if he had any thoughts about the gold and what he thought should happen to it. I've never been known for being a patient guy.

Pete leaned back, looked at Holly and gave her a wink...then looked back at me. "I told you about my meeting with the guys from the wine magazine. I am ashamed to say that was not entirely true. The men were lawyers representing a vineyard about forty miles outside of Naples, Italy. I had mentioned to the owner on my last trip how much I would love to own my own vineyard, and he apparently took me seriously. June and I had talked about owning our own vineyard but when she passed I never really gave it another thought.

"However, now that the opportunity has presented itself, I find myself excited about something again. I don't need to tell you how badly June's death affected me Sam, and I want to tell you how much I appreciate everything you did for me back then. You helped me over a pretty bad hump and for that I am grateful. I've had a pretty wonderful life but the one empty place in it has been that I had no children. I told you not long ago that you've been a good son, and I meant it Sam. I have watched you mature these last few years and you helped fill that void of not having a child to pass this on to. Which leads me to my next item...the business." Pete saw something in my eyes and smiled.

"Guess I had you pegged huh?. He said and chuckled. "I could always read you Sam. I figured sooner or later you were going to ask if you could buy the business and I guess that day is today. If you want it, I'll sell it to you at a fair price and give you better terms than you could get at any bank. Right now, sales are approaching the million dollar a year mark. The internet side is going strong and we have had nothing but growth every year. If I agree to sell it to you...please don't mess it up."

I started to say something but Pete held up his hand. "That's not all of the deal Sam...wait until I finish." I closed my mouth and Pete leaned back and tuned his attention to Holly. "As I was asking before being so rudely interrupted, what did you think of the property short stuff? Think you might like to go back sometime?" He said. Holly looked a little puzzled that he had changed the subject but recovered and said:

"I've never seen any place like it sir. It's like a dream. Everywhere I looked there was something beautiful to see. But the falls were my favorite. I think it's the most beautiful place on earth and I'd love to go back if you'll let me." She said this with such sincerity I thought Pete might tear up. It was obvious that Holly loved the property.

"Well, it's not up to me little one; because the property is part of the deal for the wine store. I'll be living in a beautiful Villa in Italy, tending my beautiful vineyard and chasing beautiful servant girls. I can't just let the property sit there unused. That would be a grave sin. So, the deal is that Sam here agrees to pay me X amount of dollars for the business and the property. I promise it will be well within your means Sam. You agree to not sell it until you receive word that they found me dead with a beautiful Italian woman." He stopped and grinned over the table at me. I'm sure it amused him to no end to see my utter shock at his offer. Holly's mouth was literally hanging open as she looked back and forth between Pete and I.

"Pete...I...I don't know what to say. I've been thinking about approaching you on buying the business for a while...but the property...the gold? What do you want to do about that?" I asked.

"Well, that is something isn't it." Pete put both hands on the table and stared into it for a moment, then said, "To tell you the truth Sam, I'm going to forget about the gold. It will just complicate things. I have more money than I will ever spend in my lifetime and I pride myself on not being greedy. The vineyard is making more money than the store, and June's life insurance policy was obscene. I gave half of it to her favorite charity and it's still obscene. The owner in Italy made me a sweet deal so what would I do with even more money?" He paused for a moment, then added, "I would like to have one of these pieces you brought back made into something to remember it by." He looked at Holly and said, "Do you think I might have one of the smaller pieces? I'll let you go with me when I have the jeweler design it." Holly smiled and nodded her head.

He stopped talking and turned to look at me straight in the eyes, then said in his most serious tone, "However, I will not have the property destroyed by a mining company Sam. I just could not bear to see that. If you agree to the deal, you will give me your most solemn promise that it stays the way it is. I mean, I have no objections to you improving the property but I will not see it raped. Can I get your word on that?" He stuck out his hand which I accepted. My head was reeling and trying to take in everything when it occurred to me that Pete was leaving.

"Of course Pete. But...when is all this going to take place? Are you just hopping on a flight to Italy and leaving us tomorrow?" Even though I was as excited than I had ever been I my life, the thought of not having Pete around was almost unbearable.

"I signed the papers yesterday. The deal has to be approved by about a zillion people, but I should be on my way in about two months. That will give you and I all the time we need to work out the deal and for me to get my affairs in order. I still have to find out how to ride a Harley to Italy." Pete laughed and looked over at Holly who was still staring in shock at us both.

"Maybe I should make you the deal. You're much prettier than he is." He said with a smile. Holly giggled and told him she would be glad to and held out her hand. Pete shook it and said to me, "Sorry Sam, but she is much prettier than you."

I was still digesting everything that had happened in the last ten minutes. Holly was looking at me smiling when suddenly tears starting running down her cheeks. I held out my arms and she got up and came around the table and hopped up in my lap. Pete smiled and dabbed is eyes with the napkin as she buried her head in my chest. I kissed the top of her head and sat and rocked her a bit. I looked over her blond little head at Pete and could only imagine how wonderful it must be for him to do something like this for someone. It had to be a great feeling to alter the course of someone's life.

After watching us for a few moments, Pete leaned forward on his elbows and said, "I almost forgot; I have my lawyer standing by to take your call about the gold. He will refer you to my accountant who can fill you in on the tax stuff. If you are planning on letting Holly and her mother keep what you've found, that would be a huge advantage to you. As I understand it, you can make a one time gift of this to someone with little or no taxes. If you want to put part of it into a trust for Holly, then my people can help you with that too. Or, if you have someone else in mind that fine also. But my guys are the best...just thought I would throw that out there."

We sat and talked for a little while, then I told Pete that I had better get Holly home to her mother. Pete nodded and smiled at the picture in front of him. I now had everything I had ever dreamed of...and it felt good. I smiled back and nodded my head to him to which he return the nod.

We all got up and walked back to the shop. Pete and I stood outside and chatted a bit while Holly ran in to use the bathroom.

After she had gone inside, Pete said to me, "You look good in this role Sam. If I were you, I would marry that girls mother and give her the daddy she so obviously needs. I'm not the only one who can alter the direction of someone's life."

I nodded my head thinking to myself, how would he feel if he knew the truth? I doubt we would be standing here now. That was the problem with being who I was. Holly came back and gave Pete a giant hug, then we got in the truck and headed home.

Holly was quiet on the trip back to the house. It was coming up on noon and her mother would not be home for another five hours. I reached over and ran my hand through her hair and she turned away from the window and smiled and put her hand over mine.

When we arrived at my house, Holly said that she would love to use the hot tub for a while and would I mind? I gave her a look and she laughed and said, "Okay, Okay...it's still my house." She took her pack into her room and came out three minutes later in her natural state...completely naked. She smiled as she walked by me and headed out to the tub. I followed her, admiring her little girl butt that I could never get enough of. Once the top was off and Holly was in the tub, I told her that I was going to take a nap and would she please wake me in a couple of hours.

I went in the bedroom and stripped off, then jumped in the shower for a quick wash. The spray was hot and felt wonderful as it washed away the night dirt and morning romp with Holly. Grabbing the soap, I worked up a good lather and set about scrubbing every inch andevery nook and cranny until I felt fresh. I turned off the shower and glanced out the window to see Holly free-floating around the tub on her back...letting the jets bounce her from one side to the other. I dried, then took time to shave, clean the teeth, and dry the hair. Wearing a towel around my middle, I walked into the bedroom feeling like a wet dish rag and laid down. So much had happened today...some of which I could not even begin to comprehend.

I fully expected to wake up at some point and realize all this had been a hallucination of gigantic proportions.

So Sam...what did you do this week?

Oh lets see...I got divorced, got a killer deal on a place to live, met a beautiful seven year old nudist, fell in love with her, had unbelievable sex with her, took her camping and found gold, inherited a million dollar business, plus the property...no way.

This just did not happen in real life. I laid there on the bed feeling sure my brain would not shut down, but I fell almost immediately to sleep.

Chapter Twenty-Three

I felt Holly's naked body slip in next to me as I came up out of my nap. I reached around her, and pulled her in close so she was spooned in with my arms around her. She wrapped her arms over mine and turned her head up to look at me. I leaned down and kissed her chastely on her warm little lips and hugged her closer. I smelled soap, shampoo and a touch of baby powder so I figured she had showered at some point recently. Glancing at the clock I saw that I had slept for almost three hours. I asked Holly what she had been up to.

"I almost fell asleep in the hot tub. So I got out and laid down on the couch and took a nap. I woke up about an hour ago. You were still asleep so I took a nice long bath and then came in to wake you. I thought maybe we could have one more...you know...before mom got home." She said and grinned up at me again while pushing that little ass I loved so much back into my groin.

"You do want to fuck me one more time...don't you Sam?" She asked, grinning devilishly.

Good lord, why would that kind of talk coming from her turn me on so much?

"I don't know...do you want me to fuck you one more time before you go home to your mommy?"

HA!! What a perv I am.

"Mmmm...yes please. But first I want you to lick my little cunny...then my butt" She said as she ground her little ass harder against my now rigid cock.

I scooted down until my face was even with my little girl's bottom, planting kisses along her spine on my trip down, then traced my fingers over her amazing little girl ass, loving the feel of her silky smooth skin. Planting a kiss on both cheeks, I raised the top leg so her little cunny was right in front of my nose and gave it a long and very wet kiss. Holly purred her approval as I munched on her little box. She reached down and grabbed the raised leg and brought it up to her chest which parted the cheeks of her bottom. I slipped my tongue down and gave the little rosebud a long and lingering tongue bath which made her purr even louder.

Reaching over the to bedside drawer, I once again picked up the small bottle of baby oil that I kept there. Turning her over on her stomach and parting her cheeks, I squirted a bit on her little girl rectum, then put a small amount on my hand and lubed up my cock. Then turning back on her side, I reached over and picked up her top leg and raised it in the air while kissing her beautiful neck.

I positioned my dick at the opening of her asshole and pushed. I felt the tip go in and Holly moan in pleasure as it inched it's way into her young body. I felt none of the resistance I had felt on the last two times...and Holly did not seem to be in any discomfort as I sank into her buttery little ass. I stopped when I felt I was about half way in and leaned down to kiss her lovely neck again. Holly reached up and wrapped her thin little arm around my neck and pulled me in tight.

I began a gentle pumping motion as my lubed cock slid in and out of her tight, seven year old ass. To say it felt wonderful would not do justice to the act. Holly began her own movements, pushing back to shove another two inches of dick up her rectum. The movements were not frantic or hurried, but instead they were the actions of two people relishing the feel of making love to each other. Her ass cheeks added to the feeling as she squeezed and contracted them, making the contact on my cock that much more erotic.

My hands played across her little nipples, gently pinching and squeezing them between my thumb and forefinger. Holly pulled her hands from around my neck and put them over mine; pushing harder against her immature breasts while still humping back in an effort to bury my cock deeper into her ass. I was now about three quarters of the way into her tight orifice and loving the feeling of her warm insides molding themselves around my cock. And loving the sound of lube and friction making that wonderful squishy noise as I slowly fucked her little girl asshole. When I reached between her legs and rubbed her engorged clitoris, Holly moaned loudly and bucked her hips up and down to meet the thrusting cock sliding in and out of her ass while my fingers played with her small hairless slit.

I picked up the tempo a bit so that now we were rutting like two dogs in heat. I felt her rectum squeezing and contracting as she played with the muscles of her ass...the feeling on my cock was indescribable. The wet squishy sound of my cock sodomizing her added to my pleasure and I went over the edge quickly, with Holly's ass squeezing my cock as I shot my load deep into her bowels. As the last of my spunk left my cock and splattered the inside of her colon...Holly made that wonderful squealing noise that seemed to come from deep inside her soul as her rectum twitched and contracted around the middle of my penis as she got her cookies too.

At last we were both spent and collapsed on the bed as we lay there in the afterglow of our most recent ass fucking. Holly again put her arms around the back of my neck and squeezed me tightly as I gently kissed her smooth and soft neck. I could still feel her playing with her backdoor muscles as they massaged my now deflating cock. As soon as I felt my penis go soft I pulled back gently and felt it eject itself from that warm tight place and plop onto my thigh. Holly turned to face me with a most satisfied looked on her little mug, then kissed me fiercely on my lips. We kissed for a long time...our tongues dancing with each other...knowing that this was going to have to last us for a while.

As we broke from our kiss, Holly buried her face in my chest and sighed. I stroked her golden hair and wondered how I would ever survive without her with me all the time. I let my hand slide down for a final feel of that wonderful little ass, cupping it from underneath and squeezing it gently.

At last, Holly rolled over on her back and said that we had better start getting dressed. I suggested a quick shower so we both headed into the bathroom and I started the water. Holly stepped in and I followed, loving the view of her tiny...and recently well-fucked ass as she stepped over the rim of the tub. As I got in I quickly wet myself and then stepped out of the spray to allow Holly to do the same. It was a strictly platonic shower with neither one of us wanting to start anything because of the time restraints.

Once I was rinsed and dried, I stepped out and began drying while Holly finished her shower. As I was drying off, one of those harebrained ideas began to form in my mind. At first I dismissed it out of hand but it grew as these things often do with me. By the time Holly came out of the shower I was sitting on the toilet seat, wrapped in my towel and deep in thought. Holly did not notice at first but when she saw me just sitting there gathering wool, she stepped in front of me and lifted my chin with her hand. I startled and then smiled up at her.

"What you thinking about Sam?" She said...obviously concerned. Maybe she thought I was worried about all of this sex play coming out but I wasn't. Holly was smart and I knew if she put her mind to it her mother would not suspect anything. I reached out and rubbed the towel she was wearing up and down her bottom and legs, then smiled again and suggested we get dressed. Holly smiled shyly and said that first she needed to use to the toilet...that our romp had stirred up her insides and she needed a little privacy to take care of it. I quickly beat a retreat and went into the bedroom to dress, closing the door behind me.

Chapter Twenty-Four

We finished with ten minutes to spare when the doorbell rang and Holly turned off the TV and ran to answer it. I finished putting away the folded towels and stepped into the living room just in time to see Holly grab Heather in a huge bear hug. Heather laughed and picked her up a few inches and engulfed the little girl in a monster hug of her own.

I walked out into the living room and smiled at the scene. Finally, they parted and Heather walked over and shocked me by hugging me tightly.

"Thank you so much for doing this for Holly Sam. I'm not sure how I can ever repay you." She said into my ear as she tried to squeeze the life out of me.

I laughed and returned the hug of a woman I barely knew, telling her that it was I who should be thanking her.

Holly stepped up and hugged us both.

As soon as we had that out of our systems, I suggested we have some drinks on the patio. Holly took her mother out as I went into the kitchen and retrieved three wine glasses. I got in the top cupboard and took down a bottle of the most expensive wine I owned. It was a gift from Pete the day my divorce was final.

I took the wine and three glasses out to the patio and sat down as I listened to Holly tell her mother about all we had done the last few days. Heather... although tired from work, listened and laughed at Holly's vivid expressions. When I sat down they turned to look at me and my bottle.

"Chteau Haut Brion Pessac-Lognan 1982. This was a gift from my boss when the divorce from my wife was final. He told me not to take to long to open it because although it's an expensive wine, it would not keep for too much longer. I told myself that I would wait for a special occasion. I trust you'll allow me to share it with you and your daughter Heather...we have a lot to celebrate and I have a feeling you both are going to be very special to me as time goes on." I said.

Heather gave me a wonderful smile and looked over at Holly who simply raised her eyebrows as if to say, "Hey...don't look at me".

"And to what do we owe this special honor Sam? If anything, I should be the one breaking out a bottle of wine. It sounds like you gave my daughter the time of her life" Heather said while still smiling. She was one of those people whose smile lit up a room.

"Let's all drink a toast then we can get down to business...sound fair"? I asked then added, "I'd like Holly to try a glass too...this wine is very special."

"Well, I suppose if the French allow their children a little wine, I can allow it this once." She said surprising me because the French really did allow their children to drink a little wine with dinner.

I popped the cock and poured three measured amounts in all three glasses, then suggest we give a few moments to breath. Holly smiled and resumed telling her mother about the deer, finding the gold, hurting my leg, driving the cart...and the storm that chased us back to the tent. Heather and I both laughed at her vivid way of telling a story. Holly was very good at relating an experience with great detail and flavor.

Heather was relaxing and listening when I got up and retrieved the back pack with the gold from the living room. I brought it out as Holly was finishing her story about our last night up on the small mountain. I sat the bag down on the small table as Holly finished and Heather leaned forward to see. I unlatched one flap and pulled out the first nugget Holly had found.

I held it out to Heather as she held out her hand to accept it. When I released it she startled in surprise at its weight. She sat and looked at it for a long moment, then asked me what it was worth.

I didn't answer but instead reached over and picked up all three wine glasses. I gave Heather hers, then Holly...then I held up mine and said, "Please bear with me. This is such a monumental day for me. Holly has not told you the best news, but I wanted to say something before I tell you that part." I stopped and looked at both of them holding their wine glasses as they waited for me to continue.

"I've been so miserable for so long, I had forgotten what it was like to be happy. Then a little girl tried to help me with the lock in my front door and my life has not been the same. You are one of a kind Holly, and I want to thank you for helping me see that there is life after such a painful time. So, this first toast is to Holly. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart...for showing me that there is still happiness...wonder...and love in this world." I raised my glass as Holly beamed and Heather smiled and we all had a tiny sip.

I watched Heather's eyes get big as the wine had its desired effect. When I tell you this is a good wine...I mean it is one of the top ten rated wines in the world. She smiled and turned to Holly...who made a face, stuck out her tongue and gave a little shiver.

Oh well, I suppose it was too much to ask for a seven year old to have sophisticated taste buds.

I raised my glass again and said, "To the mother, who managed to raise one of the most interesting kids I have ever met. I hope we grow to be good friends." And again we clinked glasses and took another small sip.

With that sappy part out of the way I told Heather about meeting with Pete that afternoon and the offer he made. I then related what he had said about the gold and his desire that Holly and she take it as a gift. Heather looked like she was going to faint and I almost moved in to take the glass from her hand...but she quickly recovered and put the glass down, then covered her face with her hands.

Holly moved over to put her arm around her mother as she sat and absorbed what I had told her...but I was not finished.

"Heather..." I said, "I am going to suggest something that may sound crazy, but I would like for you to think about it then we can talk some more later." I stopped and took a long pull from my glass, then continued.

"I know you have managerial skills so what I would also propose, is you coming to work for me running the wine shop. Whatever you're making now will pale in comparison to what I'll offer you. I can't run the place by myself, and I would rather not try and find someone to help me. I promise you, you'll love this business. It will involve a lot of travel to different vineyards and suppliers. It would be impossible to run the store and do all of that travel. I can watch Holly when you're gone. Since we have all of this new found wealth, maybe we can find a house big enough for all of us to live in and still maintain our privacy. If you like, I will let you handle that too." I paused while they both tried to absorb what I had said.

"And while I'm on the subject of living together, I would like to offer an arrangement that would, I feel, benefit all of us and also make me very happy. I want to explore you and I having joint custody of Holly. Now wait and hear me out before you go off your rocker...there are several advantages to this. First...if anything were to happen to me, you and Holly would get everything I own. It would secure both of you for the rest of your lives. And to put your mind at rest, I am not looking, at least right now, for another relationship. But the idea of being a father to Holly is very appealing to me." I stopped and looked at them both trying to gauge their reaction. Holly's mouth dropped open and Heather looked speechless. Before she could answer I plowed ahead.

"I know it's a lot to take in Heather but I just spent one of the most enjoyable vacations I have ever had with Holly and now I want nothing more than for her and you to have security, and some happiness too. I think I can be a good father to her and be a positive influence. So, before you reject the idea, please give it some thought. I know I have...and so far I can't find any problems with my scenario..." My mind was shutting down.

How could I have been so stupid as to think that this would work? I could tell from the expression on Holly's face that even she thought I had lost my mind.

A long silence ensued while we all sat there waiting for someone to say something. At last I said, "I can't believe I said that...you must think I'm a lunatic Heather. I don't suppose we could continue this evening by pretending that I never said any of it...could we"?

Heather smiled faintly while watching me squirm. Holly decided to rescue me by getting up and coming over to sit on my lap and laying her head on my shoulder. I hugged her to me briefly and kissed the top of her head. I looked over at Heather who had leaned forward and was staring into her wine glass. The entire situation was hard to read.

And I would never have guessed what was coming.

Heather held her glass out and I quickly grabbed the bottle and filled it. She then sat back looking at Holly and I while taking another long drink. What in the world could she be thinking about? She was looking at us with such a strange expression. At last she leaned back and started talking.

"I've not been entirely honest with you Sam. But after I tell you this story I think you'll see why. I only hope I have not misread this situation and that once I finish, we are still friends." Another long pull on her glass and then she held it out for another fill. What in the fuck was going on? Holly was also looking at her mother who sat back and tried to begin.

"Holly's dad...Oh dear lord...how can I tell this"? She leaned forward and took another drink. It would not be long until she was too shitfaced to speak.

Again Holly took matters into her hands. She slipped down off of my lap and walked over to her mother and cupped her face in her hands. Heather looked into her daughter's eyes and found what she needed to continue.

"I told you my parents were puritans who thought that sex was dirty. They had good reason to." Another drink,

"I...I had a brother named Jack. We were very close. I use to follow him everywhere and he never treated me bad the way that some brothers treat their little sisters. We were best friends."

"When Jack was thirteen and I was eight, my parents went to visit my dad's mother in the next state while our younger sister was at band camp. They felt Jack was hold enough to watch me so they left him in charge while they went and spent a week away from us. We were so excited to have the house to ourselves... and...things happened." She took another swallow from her wine glass and I held out the bottle for another fill. Holly had pulled her chair closer to her mother and was holding her free hand. I saw Heather's eyes start to tear up and wondered what demon she had been fighting for the last several years to make her this emotional.

"It started out innocent enough, we were both curious about...sex. That evening I asked him if he would wash my hair and we wound up in the bath tub together; something we had not done since I was a baby. One thing led to another and by late that evening we were having full intercourse. But you have to believe me, Jack was not the instigator in this...I was just as culpable. I loved him so much and what we were doing felt so good...so right! He was such a tender kid. And for the next five days we explored this new found side to our relationship. Jack was so gentle and so loving toward me. I never felt abused...or felt that he had manipulated me. I don't think we left his bed the entire next day." Heather was not looking at me or Holly. She was looking off somewhere in the distance and seeing everything over again.

I was simply not believing what I was hearing. She and her brother had been lovers? At age eight? Needless to say, she had my full attention.

Holly was also sitting on the edge of her seat...her eyes so wide in disbelief as she listened to her mother talk about things that her and I had been doing less than three hours ago. I had no idea where this was heading but I thought I knew the ending. Heather looked over at Holly and smiled at her daughter who squeezed her mother's hand and smiled back.

"This...relationship...continued for a long time. My parents were so wrapped up in their own lives they never noticed how close Jack and I were. Both were professionals and spent many hours working on climbing the corporate ladder. Jack had actually been taking care of me and my sister long before we became lovers. All the way up until he was a senior and I was in my first year of Jr. High. We had feint interest in other members of the opposite sex to keep up appearances. No one suspected anything. Not even our sister suspected...especially that we might be sexually involved.

"But that all changed one day when I got home from school and Jack was there to greet me like always. The following day was the last day of school and we were excited about the summer ahead. We were sitting in the backyard on the glider when Jack leaned in close to kiss me. Soon we were kissing each other passionately like we had done a million times before. When I pulled back I happened to look behind him and saw my dad standing at the window watching us. I was shocked and scared into total immobility as my eyes and my fathers remained locked.

"When Jack saw my face he turned and saw my father too. We all sat there looking at each other until my father opened the screen door and called Jack into the house. I had never been so scared in my life. I knew my dad was going to kill him. They were in the house for a long time until finally my dad came out and sat next to me. He started asking me questions that refused to answer without Jack being there. My dad got very angry...until he was screaming at me; calling me a whore and a tramp...he basically was blaming me for seducing Jack.

"Right then Jack came out holding a towel to his nose. The towel was soaked in blood and I ran to him asking him if he was alright. My dad went ballistic as Jack pulled me around him until I was between him and my father. They yelled and screamed at each other. My father slapped him a few times but he would not move or hit back. About then my mother and sister came home and my dad took my mom in the house while telling my sister to go to her room. She looked terrified as she left to go back inside. I tried to stop the bleeding from Jacks nose. A few minutes later our parents both came out looking very grave. They threatened to call the police on Jack if he did not leave the house. I screamed at them that they couldn't do that...that I would kill myself.

"Jack turned to me and told me to go to my room and wait for him. For some reason I had this idea that he was going to come to my room and tell me that we were leaving and we could run away together. But Jack came up about half an hour later and told me he was going away. He was going to enlist in the army and in return, our parents would not report him to the police. I grabbed him and told him no...we could run away...but he gently told me that I was thirteen and we could never have a life while we were on the run. He said that he would come and get me in four years. I would be close to being eighteen then and we could go to another town and be together again.

"I remember thinking, 'Four years'? I can't wait that long and I told him so. He smiled and told me it would go fast and that he would find a way so that we could see each other once in a while. I hugged him and wept as I felt my heart breaking. Then he kissed me and told me to be brave, take care of my sister and that he would be back.

"My mother and father would not speak to him as he packed his bags and got ready to leave. My sister stood at the top of the stairs looking bewildered. As I walked him out, he told me he would try and see me after school the next day and that I should make our parents think that I was okay...nothing to worry about. He had money...he had always had a job of some kind. He also had a car that he had paid for.

"I stood there hugging him for what seemed like a long time before I heard my mother's voice telling me to get in the house. I pulled back and Jack threw his bag in the backseat and after one more look at me, pulled out of the driveway. My heart was breaking. I remember wondering how could I go on without him? As soon as he had turned the corner, I walked into the house and went to my room. My mother came in later and told me that they did not blame me for what had happened; that my brother was a monster and that I shouldn't worry about being abused any more.

"Of course, they never told anyone. They were so worried about what people would think...what they would say about our family. And I used that as a weapon against them. Whenever they would start to badmouth him, I would tell them to shut up or I would tell everyone at school what they had covered up. That usually worked but needless to say, our relationship changed. We did not talk at dinner and when dinner was over, I would go to my room for the rest of the evening. I know that in their own minds, they thought they had done the right thing by sending Jack away. But I hated them for taking away the only person I would ever love.

"My sister was traumatized by the whole experience. She was only ten when Jack left and asked me over and over again during the next few days what had happened. I eventually told her and she took it a lot better than I had thought she would. I was so afraid she would think that her brother and I were freaks. She later joked to me that she would have done the same thing...that our brother was such a fox. We laughed and I think her acceptance a support played a big roll in helping make it though the next few years."

Heather stopped and emptied the rest of her glass. Tears had been falling for some time and I got up while she had taken a break and went inside and got a box of tissues. When I came back out, Holly had her mother's head in her arms and was hugging it; pulling it against her little chest while Heather cried. My heart ached for her.

Heather pulled back from her daughter and took a tissue from the box I had sat beside her. She dabbed her eyes and then went on with her story.

"The next day, Jack met me on my way home from school. He knew the route well enough...we walked it everyday. When I passed the stretch of road that was lined by forest on both sides I heard him give a short whistle. I turned and saw him though the trees and ran to him. He hugged me tightly then kissed me deeply while I clung to him. Finally he pulled back and we started walking along a path that ran parallel to the road. I told him about how awful it was going to be without him and he told me that I had to be patient. That he would find a way to contact me when he was back here on leave.

"We were almost out of the woods by then but I stopped him and told him that if he was leaving, I needed him one more time. He smiled at me and said that he wanted me too and that if he was leaving for four years we had better make it a good one. He said to wait until our parents were asleep then to sneak out the house and he would meet me at midnight at the end of the block. I kissed him again and ran home. Mom had taken to staying home for a few days to make sure Jack did not return while they were at work. We were not speaking so when I got home I went right to my room while my mom sat in front of the TV and had another martini. I did my homework, had another painful dinner with my parents, then spent the rest of the evening waiting until I could sneak out and see Jack.

"At eleven-thirty I slipped out the back door and walked to the end of the block, and sure enough, a few minutes later Jack came by. I was so thrilled to see him and he took me to a motel on the edge of town where he had been staying. I remember being so excited as he took me to bed. It being Friday night I knew I would be able to sleep in the next day so we were able to spend all night making love. At thirteen, I have already spent five years being his lover but this felt almost like the first time. He got me back home as the sky was beginning to lighten and again, I slipped in the back door and went to bed. No one bothered to wake me for hours.

"I got to see Jack only a few more times over the next few years. He had taken a shine to military life and re-upped for another four years when his tour was finished. When I turned eighteen, I enrolled in a collage that was in the same city as his base. I had never been so excited in my life. For the next three years my life was happy. Jack and I lived as man and wife and no one knew any better. Our feelings for each other only grew...and I knew that no matter what, Jack would always be there for me. I went to collage and worked part time at a local diner. I had never been so happy.

Heather paused and tried to keep from falling apart. I could see she was just barely winning that battle. Tears were falling over the lip of her eyelids and down her cheeks. When she continued...her voice was much softer.

"I had just turned twenty when the base Chaplin and his commanding officer came to the door. They told me there had been an accident on base; that Jack had been changing a tire on a big truck when it blew up in his face killing him. I remember thinking that they must be mistaken. Then I think I fainted because the next thing I remember was being examined by a doctor in the base hospital who informed me I was pregnant. I was so distraught over Jack's death I could not deal with the idea of being a mother and for the next few days I simply laid in bed at the house and cried. I even thought about suicide until I realized I would not be just taking my own life but the life I was carrying." Holly had tears running down her cheeks as she listened.

"Once Jack was buried, I had some hard decisions to make. Since Jack and I were not married, there would be no benefits. So what ever I did, I would have to do on my own. As the next few weeks went by I became more and more determined to have the baby and make a life for us. I stayed in school as well as worked at the diner and some nights at a local bakery right up until Holly was born. I actually went into labor as I was putting bread into an over and they rushed me to the hospital in a delivery van. Jack had managed to save almost all of his pay from the army during his first four years and a good chunk of it went to paying the medical bills for me and my new baby.

Heather looked over at Holly who was now silently crying as her mother told her the story of how she was born. "From the moment I saw you my life changed sweetie. I had never seen such a gorgeous baby. You were so small...and so beautiful. I knew it was going to be hard to raise you and try to stay in school so I used every resource I could find: Student aid, grants, food stamps...you name it. After I graduated I went to work for the company I work for now. And gradually I was able to start building a life for us. I'm so sorry that you never met your dad...my brother. You would have loved him."

"Oh mama..." Holly said and stood up and wrapped her mother in a fierce hug that lasted a long time. I stared down at the ground...almost feeling like I was intruding. But the big question was...why was she telling us this? Did she suspect that Holly and I were also lovers?

After a few minutes, Heather and Holly unlocked their arms from around each other and Holly sat back down but still held her mothers hand. Heather was defiantly not feeling any pain from the wine that she had drunk. She had managed to kill almost the entire bottle. Once they had their composure back Heather looked at me and smiled faintly.

"So...what do you think of my story Sam?" She asked as she sniffed and wiped her eyes with a tissue.

"It sounds like a love story that ended tragically Heather. It must have been excruciatingly painful for you to live with. I am so sorry for your loss." I said.

Heather crumbled up the tissue but instead of putting it on the table with the rest of the used ones, she held the wadded paper, playing with it the way someone with high anxiety would do. Then she asked me, "And...the fact that he was my brother? And that we were having sex when I was that young?" I sat looking at her for a moment suddenly realizing...she knew. Somehow, through mother's intuition or something I said or did, she knew and this story was for my benefit. My mind raced as I tried to tell myself that I was imagining it, that there was no way she could know. But I knew in my heart that Heather had spilled her guts to me because she knew that I had molested her daughter.

Well...might as well come clean then.

"I don't judge people Heather. And a very wise man told me just yesterday that we do not get to choose who we fall in love with. But, if I am reading you correctly, I would imagine you are asking me if I love your daughter the way that Jack loved you. And I suppose that I would have to answer yes. I have never felt the way I do about Holly with anyone else. I love her deeply...fiercely. I can only hope that you understand."

I could not fathom a circumstance where those words would ever have left my mouth, but there they were. And now the chips would fall where they would.

Holly got up before anything else was said and stood in front of her mother. When Heather looked up at her daughter, Holly took both of her hands in hers and said, "I love him mama. The first time...I started it..."

"Holly..." I said and tried to take full responsibility. Holly, as usual was having none of it.

"He told me more than once that it wasn't right...at least other people would not see it as not being right. But I liked it...and I asked him to do it again. He's like you said my dad was...he's gentle. And he's kind. And I love him mom." She said all of this with such maturity, I could not believe we were listening to a seven year old.

Heather said, "I see. And how do you two think this will work? Sam...are you going to take her to school...take her to the dentist? How about the doctor? What if he sees something unusual? What then? Is she going to move in with you? Or...just supposing we do all get a house together...are you two going to have sex while I'm in the same house? Holly...are you going to live with him and do his cooking and cleaning? What about your friends...will you be bringing them over to meet your new boyfriend? And am I supposed to put my blessing on this? And most importantly...what will you do when Holly grows up and is not a little girl any more? Will you dump her and move on to the next little girl?"

She was not screaming or yelling. She was asking me how this was supposed to work out...and I didn't have a good answer for her. If anything her voice was plaintive...pleading. Holly looked over her shoulder at me and I could see the tears running down her face.

"Heather," I said, "I don't know. If I survive this conversation and do it without going to prison for the rest of my life, then I suppose we will make it work somehow. As to your other questions; as I said before, we will just see how it all works out. The idea of watching Holly grow and mature into a grown woman is just as appealing to me as loving her as a little girl. I just know that I love her so bad it hurts. But I will tell you this right now: I refuse to get between a mother and her daughter. As to the rest of your questions you asked us...I believe most of them depend on you."

Holly was still standing in front of her mother; holding her hands but when she heard what I had said, she half turned toward me and smiled.

Heather pulled Holly over to her and sat her on her lap. Holly hugged her mother around the neck and said, "Please don't hurt him mama. If you want us to end it...then we will. We have enough money to start over somewhere if that's what you want. But I love him. We'll find a way to work it out...I promise."

So now my fate...our fate was in Holly's mother's hands. I never would have believed that this would have happened to me. But I went into it with my eyes wide open. If Heather decided to end it and have me arrested I would have to deal with it. But, I doubted that was going to happen. Her love for her brother had given her a unique perspective. If she had suspicions that I was abusing her young daughter then the proper thing to do was either try and kill me, or to call the police. Heather did nether so I was assuming she needed to know some particulars before she made up her mind.

Heather smiled at her daughter and told her to sit down. Then she picked up the gold nugget and examined it again. I sat and watched her as I thought of something else I could say...but in the end I sat quietly and said nothing. Holly came over and sat in my lap instead of returning to her chair. I pulled her up and kissed her ear making her smile.

Finally Heather stood...unsteadily at that. I shot up and reached over to steady her which she allowed. Once she had her sea-legs, she told Holly that they had better be getting home. Holly looked at me...then her mother...her face a carbon copy of mine...bewilderment. What in the world was going through that woman's mind? Heather looked at me said, "We can continue this conversation later. I need to get home and get some sleep. Again Sam, thank you for taking Holly with you. I'm sure it was a trip she will never forget. Holly, get the door for me sweetie."

I walked them to the door feeling as if I had entered another dimension. I walked them out to the front yard and down the walkway to the street. I went mainly to make sure that Heather did not fall down and hurt herself. Holly walked along side of her letting her mom use her shoulder as a crutch while carrying her little knapsack. She looked over her shoulder at me one last time and tried to smile. I smiled as best I could and watched as they crossed the street to their house. And suddenly I felt drained. All I wanted was a beer and some sleep. Heather's behavior and the tale of her brother and her seemed very bizarre. My biggest fear right then was that she might call the cops in this drunken state. But I trusted that Holly would be keeping an eye on her and would let me know if something was up.

Chapter Twenty-Six

I opened the window to the backyard, killed the light and laid down on my bed with my thoughts still reeling over the events of the day; defiantly one of the most monumental days of my life. As I watched the lights from outside make patterns on the ceiling, my main concern was Holly and her safety. I would do anything to make sure she was not hurt emotionally by this. I was determined to make sure she was going to be alright. I was jarred by a thought that crept into my mind right then...I loved her. More than anything or anyone that had come before, I loved that little girl with all of my heart. I was more concerned for her well-being that my own and that made it seem more...right?

I laid there in the bed that Holly and I had had our first love making session, missing her already. How in the world would I survive without her? I laid looking at the ceiling for 40 minutes lost in my own thoughts when I heard the side gate click open outside and tiny footsteps on the patio. When I heard the sliding glass door open I was already sitting up and staring at my bedroom doorway. Holly stepped in quietly and in the dim light, saw me sitting on the edge of the bed. She was dressed in a Little Mermaid night shirt and had on little slippers. She looked so...lovely!

She walked over and stood in front of me...then lifted the gown up and over her head revealing her naked body. My eyes soaked in the natural beauty of her nakedness. Letting the garment fall to the ground she stepped in and put both arms around my neck and leaned in to kiss me. It was a deep, passionate kiss that lasted several seconds. My hands quickly found her soft warm bottom and caressed it while our tongues danced. Finally she pulled back and crawled up to straddle my lap. She scooted her little bottom forward a bit until my now hard cock was being mashed against my stomach by her soft little pussy.

"Hi." She said and smiled.

"Hi yourself. Where's your mother?" I answered.

Holly looked down at my chest and then reached out and played with what little hair I had there. "Well, we got home and mom went right to bed. Needless to say, she's feeling no pain. I sat and talked with her for a while. I think she's tired and not thinking straight. She asked me again if you had forced me to do anything and of course I told her no. Then she asked me if I really loved you and again I told her yes." Holly paused and looked a little sad, then said,

"She also asked me what things we had done...but I told her that was personal and I didn't feel comfortable talking to her about it. She nodded her head like she understood and said that she wouldn't feel comfortable talking about things she and my dad had done either. Then she said that I should come here and be with my boyfriend. She asked me to please be back by noon because she wanted us to do some shopping. She also told me that she envied me. She said that she longed to be eight again and that being made love to at that age was one of the most beautiful memories she has of her brother." Holly smiled and hugged me close. Her little body smelled so fresh and clean and I buried my face in the crook of her neck and kissed her there.

"Are you okay Holly? I mean...it must have been difficult to hear about those things from your mom." I said this as I ran my hand through her silky hair and brushed some of the loose stands from her angelic face.

"I'm okay. It's good to know the truth. I feel a little weird knowing that my dad was also my uncle...but he sounds like he was a nice guy. Like you Sam." She said and smiled.

"In a way I'm also relieved that mom knows about us. I've never been good at keeping secrets from her. At least we won't have to sneak around."

Holly gave my chest a gentle push and I leaned back so my top half was reclining on the bed and looked up at my beautiful young lover. She looked down at me with her hands still on my chest and her hairless little slit resting comfortably on my cock and slid forward, sliding her smooth little girl sex up the entire length of my hard phallus. When she reached the head, I felt her soft warm lips engulf it and I moaned at the sensation. I closed my eyes and gave myself over to her as she slid back once again until her supple little ass was resting on my ball sac. When she was all the way back I felt her lean forward until I felt her warm breath on my right nipple.

Catching me by complete surprise, I felt something warm and wet close on it, as Holly sucked it into her mouth. It was an incredible...mind blowing experience. She stayed, there lightly sucking my man tit, letting her slick warm tongue play around the nipple, then I felt her teeth light nip it. I sucked in a huge amount of air at the sensation of her tiny teeth clamped down on my nipple and Holly giggled at my reaction. Releasing it, she licked her way over to the left breast and sucked it into her mouth provoking the same reaction. As she licked and nipped at the nipple her back and forth motions on my cock began once again. I was breathing hard through my mouth as I felt nerve endings begin to fire that had never been woken up before.

Rubbing her tiny slit up and down the length of my cock while sucking and lightly biting my breasts was something very new to me and I wondered briefly where she had seen it. I had been with lots of older and more experienced women before but not one of them had ever done this. Where had she learned it? I didn't have much time to wonder because Holly lifted up, leaving my breasts wet and my nipples hard and took my cock in her hand, lined it up with the opening of her vagina and began gently pressing back. As I felt the head of my cock find her opening, I quickly grab her hips and stopped her from pressing back any further.

Holly had had her eyes closed but opened them when I stopped her backward motion and looked at me. "No honey...not that. I promise it will hurt worse than anything you have ever felt. Maybe when you're a couple of years older..." I said softly.

For the first time since I had met her, I saw real darkness fall across her face. She sat down on my thighs and said sternly, "Sam, don't ever stop me from doing something I want to do. For your information, I wasn't going to fuck you. But I thought I might be able to fit the tip in. If we're going to be lovers then we have to be equals. I haven't stopped you from whatever you wanted to do; you have to give me the same respect."

I was really taken aback by the anger. But I stood my ground. "I do respect you Holly, and I do consider us equals. But I will not stand by and let you hurt yourself. You may think you know what you're doing, but you are new to this. So if you want to try something like that, then let me know in advance. I'm pretty liberal in bed and I'll try anything new. But I thought you were going to try intercourse. And I can't let that happen yet."

Holly still looked mad and said, "I'm sorry. But I don't like being treated like a little kid even if I am one. In bed...I'm your lover. Not a little kid who can be told what she can and cannot do."

Man...she was willing to take this all the way. Still...I continued to press my case.

"I understand. But as a lover you have to be willing to listen to your partner. If you did something that I did not like or did not feel good...then as my lover you have to respect that. Let's say you grabbed my balls and squeezed them really hard. I can promise you I would say something. Or...let's say I wanted to pee in your mouth...don't laugh...there are people who get off on that. But you would have the freedom to say...NO WAY ARE YOU PEEING IN MY MOUTH!! And I would respect that."

I hoped that ended it...but no.

"That's not the same thing and you know it! You stopped me because you thought I was not grownup enough to make that decision. Not because you would not have enjoyed it. If I wanted to fuck you, then you should trust me to make that choice." Holly stopped and raised up off of me and I could see her in the half light that filtered in from outside. When I saw her face I could see she was not just upset...she was fuming!

"Holly..." I began but she interrupted me again.

"You liked it enough when you had your dick up my ass! And you knew that was going to hurt me...at least at first. And you didn't stop me from swallowing your dick in the tent even though you knew that would be uncomfortable." Holly looked down at me. She also made a good point. It's so weird having this kind of discussion with a seven year old who is going on twenty.

I lay there looking up at her, not wanting to loose this argument but knowing I had already lost. Finally Holly pushed off of me and started to get up but I grabbed her wrist.

"Wait...you're right. I'm sorry. What you said was one hundred percent right. It's hard for me to remember that you're smart enough to know what you can and cannot handle. I promise to try very hard not to make that mistake again. You know I've never had a lover as young as you so please cut me a little slack until I get the hang of it...okay? Part of me wants to protect you from getting hurt and the other half wants to fuck your brains out. So try to understand why I would feel a little conflicted."

Holly stopped half on and half off of me as she made up her mind. Finally, she smiled a little and sat back down on my now limp cock. She looked down and giggled. "Well, now I know how to turn you off!" She said and laughed.

I smiled too and pulled her down until I was hugging her to my chest. All of a sudden I didn't feel like sex anymore. I could tell Holly didn't either. I rolled over and pulled the sheet up over us as she spooned her little ass into my lap. I put one arm around her middle and turned out the light. Holly put her tiny arm over mine and pulled it in tight to her belly.

I leaned down to her ear and whispered, "I love you so much Holly; I don't ever remember loving anyone more than I do you. I didn't realize how empty my life was until I met you. I just wanted to tell you that."

Holly squeezed my arm again and whispered, "I love you too Sam. Let's go to sleep...maybe you can wake me up with something special...okay?"

I kissed the top of her head and settled in holding her close to me. Whatever tomorrow brought, I was happy and content to have my little nudist here in my arms. Holly pulled my hand up to her mouth and placed a soft kiss on it, then returned it to her warm little tummy.

I don't remember falling asleep.

The End

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


Wow! Thank you! What a beautiful story. Thank's for sharing this gem with us.


I have no words to describe how good your story is. No, this isn't a story, it's a novel worth of publishing and selling in bookshops around the country. Seriously, your achievement here is of epic proportions. There are very few authors on Loliwood or anywhere else for that matter that could match you in writing child erotica this good, this sweet and this beautiful.


Great story, well written, thanks.


What an amazing story; simply beautiful. I read your foreword on the first part of this story and find myself relating quite well in most parts -- especially appreciation from writers. While I haven't yet posted any stories on this site, I have done so on others and after spending hours and hours writing and receiving a simple 'Good read' feels like you've been punched with a sledgehammer.

This story embodies all that I look for when I sit down for a good read of some erotic literature. Too many stories deal with rape, or reluctance, but this here captures some realism which makes it perfect. Sure some liberties are taken, for example the extenuating circumstances that make Heather accept Holly and Sam's relationship, as well as the gold which will make it possible for them to keep it going, but above all it's the feeling and emotion you've put into this story that make it extraordinary.

Sam truly loves Holly, and lets her take the lead in everything that affects her -- saves at the end with the possibility of sex. I only wish there were more stories of this nature based around love, though for now, after reading this, I am content.

No matter what others say, no matter how, as you've emphasized in your writing, frowned upon and indeed spat on upon our interests in love with young girls is, it's who we are.

Keep up your fantastic writing, because even those that are too lazy to review after reading so much hard work love it.

Best regards,



Part Two is every bit as good as Part 1. Thank's so much!

I'm very selective in my reading on ASSTR. The second I see any signs of violence or force or bondage, etc, I close the file but give me a story about a relationship between a boy and a girl or a man and a girl and I get caught up in it right away. Like any other sane person though, I know where fiction ends and real life begins. Children deserve a childhood.

Your work, 'Holly, My Young Nudist' has enchanted be for the last five hours, with only a couple of pee breaks! Thanks so much.


this is a wonderful story ... so well written. the imagery is evocative. thank you for this. i hope to read more sometime.
and of course ... it's terribly erotic.
thank you


WOW. Awesome story

Open Minded Dad

Too many stories about sex are filled with worthless padding, this was an excellent story with sex entwined through it.
You have the gift of storytelling, I hope you take it further.


Excellent story. Extremely well written with great character development and story line. Hope you share some more of your stories and don't be put off by an occasional critic. Those who can, do and your surely did write a good one.


I agree;this is a great storyi will be looking for more of ur writings


The best story of this genre that I have ever read. Made me smile, laugh, nod knowingly, and was the source of some wonderful fantasies. The effort and care that you put into crafting the story is both appreciated and lauded from afar.

I only hope that you choose to write more. As you say, so many stories are so poorly written. This is like finding a diamond in a coal field.

ONLY because you say that you wanted everything to be perfect in the story ... I think you meant 'lose' every time you wrote 'loose'. Again I only point it out to improve such a wonderful story by a tiny additional increment.

some old guy

Now, come on!
Here is a paste from the story:

working her hands down until she had grasp it making me gasp.
I felt week kneed and felt my head swim.
she reached around his waste and hugged him

Three lines and three misspellings. We're batting a thousand here!

Yet Pyrone writes, 'Extremely well written...'
Open Minded says, 'You have the gift...'
dacanuck gushes, 'The effort and care that you put into crafting the story is...'

There was no 'effort and care' put into this story. There was no 'gift'. And there was no 'extremely well written' anywhere in this story.

Has anyone here seen literature? Does anyone here know how to spell our language? Should we rave when some ignorant writer displays his pitiful education?

If we're going to ignore technical skills, then let's get that up front. Post 'poor skills' at the beginning of every story. Put 'poor skills' on the home page.

This is a waste of time. I'm out of here.

New T. You

Well now I really feel bad. The more mistakes that people point out...the more I want to crawl under a rock. The truth is...even though I do have a good education, spelling has always been black magic to me. No matter how many times I went over that story, I did not catch those mistakes.

But unless you have a knack for spelling and grammar, writing is hard! I should have found someone to edit and proof read it. And I do intent to rectify that soon. But as to your comment that no effort was put into this story, you could not be more wrong. Although it fell woefully short of the perfection I was trying for, hours went into it.

But you are welcome to ignore any future stories I post.

New T. You

rupert the bear

Hi New T You,
The moment you mentioned your problems with people's spelling and grammar in your intro, I knew there would be spelling errors in your story -- it's just karma.
However... and it's a big however... you really are a superb storyteller and you shouldn't let that get to you. This is really one of the most enjoyable stories I've read in a while -- a nice, believable build-up, well-rounded characters, good description. I really hope you continue writing.


An epic story. Very well written with a great development of the characters. Please do not feel discouraged by people who point out spelling mistakes. Every idiot can find spelling mistakes in other people's stories. But only a truly devoted genius can create a story like this.

Looking forward to more fom you!

no one of consequence

Anyone complaining about spelling and grammar in a written work that is offered for free is being absurd and abusive. There is simply no comparison between published works and fan fiction of this sort, whether it be erotic or not.

The primary advantage of published works is that they have been edited by someone, or someones, other than the author. It is extraordinarily difficult for the author of a work to be an effective editor of it as well. And for stories of this type, finding someone else to edit it, for free, and not report the author to the authorities for daring to even think of these subjects, is simply impossible.

New T. You, and any other authors, please do NOT worry so much about spelling or grammar. Those who obsess over those things have the entire world of published literature to enjoy. We who seek the types of stories here, have only the authors who are willing to write such things, without compensation. Please, just write great stories like this, with characters so vivid that we fall in love with them just a little bit.

Misspell. Use bad grammar. Within reason, of course. But WRITE. And know that there are thousands out there who will never dare to give a reply, who treasure what you have created.


A good... let's say friend, Steve Cannell, could not correct his own work to save his life. Yet he writes amazing stories and TV scripts. Fear not the corrections from those who overlook your superb yarn-spinning. It does seem that at times there are two writers, one who writes flowingly and with few mistakes, and one who cannot put two sentences together without making an English teacher want to commit hara-kiri. Nonetheless, the final product is spell-binding erotic fiction.

Forgive yourself for your grammatical shortcomings, and I will forgive myself for my inability to write such terrific stories. More, please!


A good story and I'm waiting for more. English is not my language so I don't care for the spelling and grammar. I only know that practice can make it better. Keep on writing and don't listen to those who count misspelling and bad grammar they're to busy with that to see the story.

Old but young

I agree with everyone who called this story 'Awesome'... I normally skim a story here and there, but this one grabbed me, and I just had to see how it turned out - fantastic ending, too...

Thanks so much for writing this! And don't be discouraged by the detractors - I look forward to more of your writing...


Good writing has absolutely nothing to do with spelling and grammar. I should know, as I have always had near perfect spelling and grammar, but little skill in actually writing great stories. I suppose that may make it easier for me to read stories which have a lot of mistakes as my mind sort of auto-corrects on the fly without it bothering me too much.

I would encourage the author to make use of a good proofreader, but on the storytelling front I'd say you're doing a great job.

Thanks for an amazing story, and I too will be looking forward to more of your writing.

Epic length story fan

Don't let yourself get demotivated from comments about your grammar. You're storytelling is great, the character development is really nice to read and Holly is a sweet little angel every young girl lover is dreaming of.
I myself could not imagine one person in the world who I would give a story like that to proof read so I can imagine that it's very hard to find all the errors by yourself, especially considering the length of the story.
Keep it up, I'm waiting for your next novel :)

old fart

Im really sick of people who piss and moan about spelling errors. I was an English major in college, and couldnt stop reading your story. I sat so long that my ass fell asleep. Yes there were errors in your story, but who gives a rats ass except self loving assholes. Keep up the good work. Would love to read more about Holly. Hope you write more with her mother's participation. No I didn't proofread this review.


i myself am not any good at spelling i also am very bad at putting words together to make story asspecaly one like HOlly but i can read and understand the words and the word that are misspelt--- so you so called intulectulls ha.ha. go and fuck you selfs i love the story very much and there was no vile or hertful partsin it --just from a few BIGGOTS.


the story was fantastic,not many story's on here are that good.I find that the girl you use holly being 7yrs old maybe just a little too advance for her age,maybe a little older would be better like 11 or 12yr old.forget about the spelling errors they make no difference to the story anyhow.you get caught up in the characters and you don't see the the errors.


Fantastic stories (parts 1 & 2)!!!!
As for the grump, some old guy, ignore him and people like him.

I look forward to more stories from you keep up the great work


ive read many stories on here. but few have grabed my heart.thank you


Thank you very much for your story! There were obviously many hours of thought and work involved. Yes, there were some mistakes that a proof reader would have caught, but that does not alter the fact that this was a powerfully entertaining piece. Thanks again!!


Thanks. This is a real good story. I ended up reading it twice searching for more. I really expected the ending as more of a climax with the ending still outstanding. this story still have a lot of potential with a lot of information left for the imagination. I would love to see the writer's version of his imagination as he did real good in his first 2 parts. Don't worry about the mistakes. To me it is out of your heart and allow us the readers to bend it slightly to our need of interest. Well done and hope to see a follow up!!!


Please let me correct my statement about the professional writer in my previous message ant state that a good/professional editor get hold of this story, but still it is more in place here as it is and not otherwise.


I so agree with the Anonymous person above and hope for a follow up too. This story with a little bit help from a professional writer and replace 7yo holly with 20yo holly, and it can easily see the light of publishing, but it belong here as it is in it original state. This story really still have a lot of potential as Anonymous mentioned and will have no meaning from any another pen than New T. You's Thanks New T. You


more please i wouldlike to hear about what happens in the next few years of hollys life please wright more wowwwwwwwwwwwww


I have a technical comment. In the scene where Holly takes Sam's cock into her throat, you say that his penis is in her wind pipe, which I take to mean her trachea. This is the path to her lungs, not her stomach. I believe that this is a physical impossibility, or would be severely traumatic, if not fatal, if it were possible. And anything other than air going into the lungs causes severe coughing. Liquids cause drowning.

You probably are just unfamiliar with the physical aspects of the form of oral sex known as deep-throating. It is actually the esophagus that is involved.

By the way, deep-throating is greatly overrated by the porn industry. It looks shockingly awesome on film, but it is not as pleasurable in real experience as a skillful application of the hand, lips and tongue. I, personally, am totally turned off by it. Seeing or hearing anyone gag makes me gag, which is why I can't watch a lot of HC porn. In my opinion, deep-throating is more about domination than physical pleasure, and out of place in a story about a tender, loving and romantic relationship and especially such a relationship with a child.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.