Published: 1-May-2013
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Author's Profile
My name is Paul Majors and am 22 years old. I always wanted to be a teacher. I have liked helping people my whole life and enjoy teaching others new things. I went to college and studied education to become a High School Teacher.
Most of you have probably seen those rare stories on the news about the High School Teacher having sex with a young female student.
What is amazing is that these stories are so rare, since actual sex between teacher and student is not that rare at all.
I learned this once I was in the profession. I never realized I was attracted to young girls until I got my first job teaching Freshman English Classes at Central High School in California.
The first week of classes was a real eye opener. I never knew how provocative schoolgirls dressed nowadays. Although my students were only Freshmen, they dressed like the older girls I saw in clubs.
As Freshmen most of the girls had reached puberty.
They seemed intent on dressing to show off their developing bodies.
When they weren't in tight jeans displaying their camel toes, they were in mini skirts, providing views of their panty covered crotches as they sat at their desks.
Their tops alternated between the braless tube top, the braless crop top, and the braless low cut tee - braless being the operative word.
For the first time in my life I started to look at fourteen year old girls, as sexual creatures.
I took lots of pictures, supposedly for an end of year slide show when in truth they were for my masturbation fantasies.
I was enjoying my fantasy world. Little did I know it would soon become very real...
About the second week of school, I started to notice a girl named Kelly. Kelly was fourteen years old and had long brunette hair. She was very pretty and had a nice figure with B-cup breasts. She was very intelligent yet quiet, almost shy. I also noticed she had a lot of creativity.
Besides me teaching, I was also the Freshman class sponsor. My first task was supervising the Homecoming float. Knowing that Kelly was so creative, I asked if she could help design it.
Three days later she submitted an idea. The student committee loved it and asked her to join them to help build the float.
A group of students and myself worked everyday at night to build the float in an old barn outside of town.
Kelly was one of the group. I watched her fascinated by her ability to give directions and execute her plan. I also watched her because of her short/shorts and tube tops. I was both physically and mentally attracted to her, even though we hardly ever talked.
As sponsor, I drove a whole group of students home each night. As it so happened, Kelly's home was the last one on the route. I had the opportunity to talk to her one on one a lot. She was a very deep thinker for a fourteen year old and I found we had many of the same philosophical views about life.
It was a shame she was fourteen and I was twenty two. Kelly became less shy around me and started hanging around after class to talk.
After working one night, Kelly was again the last one in the car after I dropped off everyone else.
"Would you like to get some coffee with me?" I asked.
She agreed and we stopped at a local cafe. Helping her out of the car, I took her hand. It was very innocent and she let go as soon as she was out. We talked for quite a while and then I dropped her at home. Before she got out she leaned over, said thank you, and gave my leg a little squeeze.
That became our pattern for the next week. We had coffee before dropping her off. However, our physical contact got a little friendlier. She started holding my hand all the way into the cafe, put her hand on my leg, when we were driving alone, and started hugging me goodnight.
We finally finished the float the night before the parade. After I dropped the last student off, I asked Kelly if she would like to have coffee at my place instead.
She immediately said yes and we drove to my apartment. We went in, I showed her around the place and then made us some coffee.
As we talked, I sensed that she was sad.
"What's wrong Kelly?" I asked.
"Well it's just a shame." she said.
"What's a shame?" I asked.
"It's a shame that we can't be with each other or go out with each other." she answered. "I like you so much. We have so much in common. You get me."
"Kelly, I'm glad you feel that way. I feel the same. I don't know what what we can do about it?" I said, taking her in my arms and hugging her.
We held each other for quite a while, not talking. I felt the warmth of her body as her soft breasts melted into me. She probably felt my hard penis pressing into her.
We stayed that way a little longer, and then, after a short sweet kiss, I drove her home. Even though we didn't do anything, the die was cast, the line was crossed.
The next night was even more difficult. It was the Homecoming dance and I was one of the chaperones. I watched Kelly, who came alone, just standing around longing for someone to dance with.
She was wearing a very sexy dress. It was dark metallic blue and very short. It came above the thighs of her very shapely legs. It had a halter top, which showed off her braless, B-cup breasts nicely.
Toward the end of the night I saw her go into the hallway to use the restroom. I slipped out after her, capturing her attention, and pulling her into a vacant classroom.
We could still hear the music from the gym, so I asked her to dance.
We pulled each other close and swayed to the music. Her breasts felt really soft against me and she was grinding her pelvis into my crotch.
"I wish we could be dancing like this out there in public." she said.
"Me too." I agreed. "Meet me at my car, after the dance."
After the dance, as I was sitting in my car in the dark part of the parking lot, the passenger door opened and Kelly slid in.
We didn't say a word to each other and just like two high school kids, started to make out. Unlike our first kiss, these kisses were passionate, open mouth, French kisses.
Our breathing got very fast and shallow and my penis got extremely hard. I felt her hand, which she usually put on my upper thigh, slide up, and rest on my penis. She didn't squeeze or rub it, she just kept it there.
Feeling this, I got bold. I put my hand on her upper thigh. Sensing no resistance, I slid it higher and more to the inside, yet not going all the way up to her panties.
When I did this, she slid her body forward so that my palm, rested on her crotch. I didn't rub since she wasn't rubbing me but I could feel how hot and moist her panties were.
After ten minutes of making out, Kelly left to meet up with her parents who were picking her up.
I found myself in a real dilemma. I was starting to fall for a fourteen year old and one of my students. It wasn't sex, we hadn't done anything yet and it wasn't love, it was too soon. This was of societies biggest taboos yet it didn't feel wrong to either of us.
We decided that we shouldn't repress our feelings but agreed we had to use extreme discretion. Luckily we got to see each other every day at school. We kept our conversations about schoolwork when we were around others. We could sometimes sneak a hug or kiss in my office when no one was around.
We had to be creative for our other encounters. Oftentimes we would use my car, after nighttime activities like games or clubs. That usually resulted in just heavy make out sessions although we started to get more touchy/feely. These always had to be cut short because of her rides.
Then we figured out a way to spend weekend time in my apartment. Kelly started accepting more invitations to parties. After staying just a little while, she would come over to join me. Her parents never checked and this usually gave us two of three hours together.
We tried to use this time to do what normal dating couples would do. But instead of going out to the movies we would rent one on pay-per-view. Instead of going to a fancy restaurant we would get take out. But the best part was, instead of having to make out in the car, we had a whole apartment!
Like I said, our sessions were starting to get more intense. Whereas, in the car, I only felt her breasts over her clothing, in here I finally had the privacy, to slip my hands under her shirt. As I felt her bare breasts, I was always able to make her nipples expand.
We also got bolder when it came to below. While I used to rub her over her panties, once in the apartment, I started pulling the crotch off to one side and fingering her bare pussy. Kelly too started reaching inside my underwear and grabbing my erect penis.
One evening while in the throngs of passion, we decided it was time to see each other naked. I stripped first. She was so fascinated by my eight inch penis she couldn't keep her hands off it.
I then stripped her. I slowly pulled her tube top off and got a good look at her B-cup breasts. They were so cute I gave each nipple a little kiss.
Then I pulled off her shorts and came down to her panties. They were plain, white cotton, French cut bikinis, my favorite. They make a girls' hips look so sexy.
When I pulled them down I got the real treat. Her pussy was the most perfect I had ever seen. She had medium plush outer lips with just a thin coating of brown pubic hair. The protrusion of her clitoral hood poked out the top, pointig its way down to the treasure.
I wanted to put my mouth right on it and eat her out but we were not to that point in our relationship yet. We had not even had sex. She was only a Freshman.
As we lay down making out, our naked bodies pressed against each other, her breasts against my chest, her bare pussy, now against my penis. As we rubbed each other that night, I brought her to her first orgasm at another's hand and she pumped me until my semen coated her inner thigh.
At this rate we knew we would be ready to go 'all the way' soon and were just waiting for the right time. I ordered some birth control pills online, had them delivered to my apartment, and Kelly started taking them.
The right time finally came when Kelly was invited to a sleepover. She went for an hour and then excused herself to spend the rest of the night with me.
When she arrived I was ready. I had a candlelight dinner waiting with her favorite romantic music playing. We even had wine, but only a little. I didn't want the alcohol to influence her behavior.
After dinner Kelly excused herself to go change. She emerged from the bathroom in a blue satin nightie. It was not see through yet it outlined her B-cup breasts perfectly. It was cut well above the thighs, showing off the crotch of her matching panties, which were capped by a visible cameltoe.
I quickly stripped down to the cotton boxers I sleep in.
Taking her by the hand I led her to my bedroom. We melted into each other and then fell into the bed.
Soon we were naked in each others arms. We opened our mouths and kissed, tasting each others tongues. Our hands wandered all over each others bodies.
It was obvious we were ready. It was obvious we were in love. I centered myself over her and felt my hard penis up against her pussy. As I pushed forward, it pressed against the opening, which was blocked by her hymen.
I wanted to be gentle, so I pushed slowly. My penis went into her about a half inch, stretching her hymen with it. I continued to push in another half inch and then I felt myself break through. Kelly looked at me with a tear in her eye and then put her open mouth over mine, giving me the most passionate kiss ever.
While she was doing this I slid all the way into her. After pausing a moment, I started to pump in and out, with slow, steady strokes. She felt so good I wanted it to last.
I had had sex before but it never felt like this. Her fourteen year old pussy was not just tight, it was hot, smooth, and silky. Her pussy walls surrounded my shaft, stimulating it, like a thousand tiny fingers.
Soon I sped up and those pussy walls started clenching and unclenching my penis as she started to orgasm. It felt sooo good I could not last and shot the biggest load of semen I ever had, deep into her pussy.
When I pulled out, I watched a hot cream pie drip onto my sheets. it would not be the last load of the night.
We made love all night long, in every position we could and even tried oral sex.
After a mellow morning "quickie', we took a shower together to wash away the evidence of our passion. Kelly then got dressed, to return home from her 'sleepover'.
Kelly and I were together all through high school. After she graduated we wanted to make our relationship public. I knew, however, society would never stand for it - even if she was now a former student, even if now she was over eighteen.
We decided to move to another town and I got a job at different school.
Surprising, now everything was OK. No one batted an eye seeing me with an eighteen year old. Everyone was OK since no one knew she was a former student. You can rest assured, all hell would have broke loose if they knew the truth.
Oh the hypocrisy...
More accounts to come...
Philip Spencer
The author still suffers from penis-size exaggeration, but only once and it does not detract much.
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