Patty In The Field With Her Brother's Friends

[ mg, Mult, 1st, oral, voy, inc, bro, sis ]

Published: 17-Mar-2013

Word Count:

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show Story Summary
This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

My name is Patty. At ten years old I considered myself to be an average preteen. I had brown eyes, brown hair, and a medium build boyish figure. Although I was not a great beauty, I often caught boys and and men staring at me out of the corner of my eye. I had not begun to develop or go through puberty yet. My breasts were just starting to grow and were little more then tiny nubs with pert, eraser sized nipples.

At the time, my best feature were my legs. They were long and shapely for a girl my age. I liked to show them off wearing short little dresses. I did not really know what sex was yet. I was starting to notice a tingly feeling in my lower region sometimes when riding my bike or when the shower spray hit me at just the right angle, but I never gave it a second thought. People said I was not the brightest kid in the neighborhood so I always had kind of a low self concept. I guess sometimes people took advantage of me.

I used to collect cards called Garbage Pail Kids. They came in packs of bubble gum, like baseball cards, and my girlfriends and I were obsessed with trading them in an effort to get the whole set.

Here is the story of what happened, when my brother Chuckie, who was 15 years old, made me a proposition that would introduce me to the world of sex.


One summer afternoon, Patty and her brother Chuckie were sitting around the house watching TV.

"Patty," Chuckie asked, "how would you like a chance to get loads and loads of Garbage Pail Kid cards?"

"How?" replied Patty.

"Come with me to the clearing in the field by our house, tomorrow at noon and help out my friends satisfy some of their curiosities." he said.

"What do you mean curiosities?" she questioned.

"They have some questions about girl stuff, you know, how girls bodies work and other things." he said.

After thinking about it for a minute, Patty replied, "Ok, I think I can do that. How many Garbage Pail Kid cards are we talking about?"

"Oh, I think that will be up to you." Chuckie said, "That will depend on how well you are able to satisfy them, I mean their questions."

So Chuckie got on the phone to his friends and told them, "It's set for tomorrow. Get to the store and stock up on Garbage Pail Kid cards!"

The next day at noon, Chuckie led his ten year old sister Patty, down the path, in the field next to their house, to a clearing by a weeping willow tree. The field was overrun with tall weeds and trees and the clearing was not visible from the house or road.

Patty wore a cotton pale blue sun dress, cut just above the knees. It flowed freely in the wind, exposing her shapely legs and the flesh of her girlie thighs, causing Chuckie, for the first time, to think of his sister in terms of a real girl, not just his sibling.

Once at the clearing, they met up with Chuckie's three friends, Ralph, Bobby and Barry, all high school boys, fifteen years old. They each held a brown grocery bag, filled with fresh packs of Garbage Pail Kid Cards, soda pop, and snack treats. They brought a brown wool blanket which they spread out on the ground. They all sat down on it, had some pop and snacks and exchanged pleasantries. After a while it was time to get down to business.

Ralph took it upon himself to be the spokesman. "Patty, we asked you here today because we just started dating and are curious about girls and their bodies. Since you are Chuckie's sister, and very mature, (a lie - translated - you're not too bright) we thought you could show and tell us a few things."

"Oh, I'm good at show and tell." Patty answered.

"Great!" said the boys, "Let's get started. Chuckie, why don't you stand guard at the foot of the path."

"The first thing we'd like to learn more about is kissing and making out." said Ralph. "We have all had little kisses, which were just pecks on the lips, but in the movies and on TV, when a boy and girl make out, their kisses are more intense. We've noticed they open their mouths and even touch their tongues together, which is called French kissing." continued Ralph. "Do you think we can practice French kissing with you, so that we can do it right when we start dating?" Ralph asked. "We'll each give you a package of Garbage Pail Kid cards if you can help us."

"Sure, I'll do that," answered Patty, "but I don't know how much help I'll be. I've never kissed like that in my life. In fact I've never really kissed a boy before."

Ralph went over and sat down beside her on the blanket. He leaned into her, and gave her a peck on her lips. She kissed back the same way. After doing this several more times, on the next round, Ralph opened his mouth when his lips were on hers. Her eyes widened but her lips remained closed.

"I think you're supposed to open your mouth when I open mine." he said.

"OK, I wasn't sure." she replied.

Ralph leaned back in, and this time Patty opened wide as their mouths met. They stayed like this for a moment, and then Ralph pulled away.

"That was good," said Ralph, "but your lips seem a little tense. Maybe you can relax your mouth next time."

Ralph leaned in with open mouth again. Patty leaned in to meet him. This time her mouth was relaxed and it felt better. As they continued to kiss this way, they held their open mouths together for longer and longer periods and even began to grind their lips into one and other. As their kisses grew longer, they began taking each other's breath away.

By the time Bobby said, "OK, my turn." They were both breathing quite heavily.

"I can see why people like this." Ralph said.

"Me too." repeated Patty. Bobby now took his place on the blanket beside her.

As Bobby went in for the kiss, he put his arms around her and pulled her in close. Taking the queue, Patty did the same. Having watched Ralph and Patty, when their lips met, they already knew what to do. They opened wide and their lips relaxed as they pressed their mouths into each other. As the time of their contact increased, so did the wetness in their mouths. They were breathing deeply, and into each other's lungs. They liked the feeling of these deep, wet kisses. Bobby also liked the feeling of having Patty's body pressed hard up against his as he could feel her small breasts and hardening nipples against his chest. As they continued to kiss like this, Bobby stuck the tip of his tongue against Patty's. Instead of pulling hers back, Patty wiggled her tip against his. After a while of this play, Bobby extended his tongue all the way into Patty's mouth. When he pulled it back in, Patty reciprocated by doing the same thing to him. This went on for a while, mouths open, moisture flowing, both tongues probing deeply into each other's mouth. They finally had to stop in order to catch their breath. It was then that Barry stepped in.

Putting his arms around her like Bobby did, Barry made the additional move of lowering her to the blanket and laid his chest over hers. He began his open mouth kissing in earnest, again mouths open, lips grinding, wetness flowing. Deeper and deeper were the kisses, heavier and heavier was the breathing. As Patty became more turned on, she couldn't wait for him to put his tongue into her so she pushed closer and sucked his tongue deep into her mouth. Liking the feeling of this, he in turn sucked her tongue into his mouth. This went on back and forth several times.

As they were deep kissing, Barry moved the rest of his body over hers, landing his pelvis between her outspread legs. As Patty wiggled to get comfortable, she felt sometime hard grind into the crotch of her now exposed panties. Barry also felt something. There was a moist, hot feeing pressing onto the bulge in his pants. Both of them liked this feeling, and continued to deep kiss and grind. They too were starting to feel out of breath so Barry pulled away and Patty sat back up.

"Looks like we've all mastered kissing." Barry said. What's next?"

"Well, we are intrigued by girls' breasts or tits as we call them. We can't seem to get them out of our minds. We notice they are all different sizes. We just keep thinking about them." Ralph said?

"Yes I know." said Patty. "They are all different sizes. Some of my friends' breasts, um tits, are getting big, mine just seem to be staying small."

"How small are they, can we see them?" said Ralph."

"Well I, I don't know." said Patty.

"Oh, it's just us and we're all friends. How about if we each give you another pack of Garbage Pail Kid cards, for you to take down your top and show us your tits?" Ralph asked.

"Ok," said Patty," but I warn you, there's not much to see."

With that they handed over the cards and Patty slipped the top of her dress down exposing her two emerging mounds, topped by her two eraser sized nipples. Even though there was not much there, the boys' eyes widened.

Ralph continued, "We have heard that if someone rubs or sucks on a girls nipples, that they get hard and it feels good for her. Do you know anything about that?"

"Gee, again I don't know, no one has ever touched or sucked on me there." Patty said.

"Well perhaps we can try it, and see what happens, we'll each give you another pack of cards." Ralph said.

Patty agreed, and lay back down on the blanket.

Ralph was the first to approach. He kneaded first one and then the other breast in his hands. They felt bigger than they looked and the skin was the softest he had ever touched. He began rubbing each nipple between his thumb and index finger. The nipples seemed to become more erect, and he could detect a soft moan coming from her.

Next it was Bobby's turn. Bobby was little reluctant. After a quick feel, he placed just the tip of his tongue on each nipple, giving them small swirling licks. As his licks increased in speed, so did Patty's moaning. He decided to yield way to Barry.

Barry, the most aggressive of the group, dove right in and gobbled her right breast fully into his mouth, drawing out the nipple with his lips on each upward move and fondled the other breast firmly with his hand, tweaking the nipple as he did. With this, her nipples expanded to twice the original length, her moans increased, and she began to feel that tingly feeling in her lower region, along with some moisture.

She looked up. "Wow, that does feel good." sighed Patty.

"I guess that answers that question." Chuckie replied from his lookout point. "What's next?"

Ralph continued, "Our next question, concerns a girl's vagina or pussy. We have never seen a real one in person, only in our fathers' magazines. Some are hairy, some are smooth. Some have very small lips while others are puffy. We would appreciate the chance to compare yours with those we have seem in the magazines. Will you show us yours for another round of card packs?"

Seeing that Patty was half naked already, and being excited by the number of cards she was acquiring, she nodded a quick yes.

Still on her back, she pulled her dress up to her waist spreading her legs slightly. The boys' eyes followed those marvelous legs from the tip of her toes, up to her white cotton little girl panties. There was a noticeable wet spot on her crotch area. Lifting her hips up and hooking her thumbs into the waist band, she lowered her panties down past her knees, ankles, and finally kicked them all the way off. She lowered her legs, spreading them wider for all to see.

The boys gasped at the sight of their first real pussy. It was smooth as silk with just a hint of dark fuzzy hair. Unlike the flat pussy lips one would expect in girl her age, Patty's pussy lips were distinctly plush and puffy.

"Wow," the boys said, "please spread yourself even wider so we can get a better look."

With that, Patty gripped her plush pussy lips and spread them wide open. "How's that?" she said.

Speechless, the boys gathered at her feet so they could get an unobstructed view of their first real pussy. That position managed to show off her open pussy quite nicely. The boys noticed a layer of moisture on her inner lips. About an inch and a half in, there was a thin membrane of skin, blocking the entrance. They figured, this was her hymen or cherry, which they had heard needed to be broken when a girl had sex for the first time. At the top of her lips, almost hidden in the folds, was a pink little pearl sized knob, barely peaking out of a hood.

From his vantage point as lookout, Chuckie craned his neck but could not get as good a look as his friends. He was disappointed.

Meanwhile Ralph asked, "May we examine it a little more, maybe even touch it?"

"You can for three more packs of cards," replied Patty.

"Done!" said Ralph so they proceeded to examine her pussy further.

Ralph, again was first. He took each pussy lip between his thumb and index finger and spread it wide so he could have a good look. He saw how silky her insides were. He let his thumb glide across each inside lip as he spread open her pussy. He couldn't believe how smooth, hot, and wet they were. His noise also began to detect a pungent, yet sweet aroma.

Bobby came down to her next. Without hesitation he stuck his middle finger straight inside her pussy hole. He discovered it would only fit halfway before hitting the patch of skin they noticed earlier. This made Patty flinch for a moment. Rather than keep going, he inserted a second finger and wiggled them both around, he too feeling the hot, smoothness of her inside's. They all noticed some small moans coming from deep within Patty. The aroma was getting even stronger.

When it was Barry's turn, he fixated on the pink knob at the top of her folds. As he rubbed it with his finger, it seemed to emerge from it's hood and grow fuller and larger. Patty's moans increased and there was a noticeable increase in the amount of moisture coating the inside of her pussy. He dubbed this knob her love button. (They had not yet heard the term clitoris or known what it was.) By now the aroma from her preteen pussy filled the whole area around the blanket.

As he continued rubbing, Patty's breathing increased and after a moment, her body stiffened and shuttered. She felt a series of contractions deep within her pussy and then it stopped. Everyone sat there frozen.

Patty asked, "What just happened?"

"I think you just had an orgasm." Bobby said. "It's when your body gets sexually excited and then releases. It's also called cumming."

"Oh, cumming feels really good." she said.

Ralph spoke again, "I know this sounds gross, but I heard that girls like it when a guy puts his mouth down there, um on her pussy and licks and sucks. It's called eating a girl out. Do you think you would like to try that Patty?"

"Well I guess so." said Patty. "Your fingers felt kind of good. Maybe your mouths would too. There's only one way to find out. Three more packs please."

After handing them over, Ralph lay down between her wide spread legs. He didn't quite know how to start. The dress was still bunched around her waist, so the first thing he did was pull it completely off over her head. She now lay there completely naked, her preteen body exposed for all to admire, eraser sized nipples poking straight up, silky thighs spread wide, puffy pussy lips splayed open just enough to reveal the thin coating of moisture within. Ralph headed down and gingerly stuck his tongue onto her slit and began to lick. Not a bad taste he thought, in fact this is quite pleasant. He licked slowly at first, from the bottom of her pussy, near her butt, to the top near that delicate knob, staying just on her slit. As his speed increased, Patty began a slow gyrating of her hips to his rhythm.

He finally stopped and it was now Bobby's turn to take over. Bobby's approach was bolder. He opened her pussy lips with both hands and buried his tongue as deep as he could into her now dripping pussy, lapping up her flowing juices as his tongue darted in and out, twirling around, licking those silky walls from side to side. She was moaning deeper and gyrating faster as he continued. He finally stopped to give his tongue a rest.

When Barry took over, he decided to continue concentrating on the fascinating pink knob at the top of her pussy. At first he lightly licked this love button with his tongue. The more he licked, the further it emerged from it's hood and the bigger it got. When it got big enough, he was able to get the whole thing into his mouth and to simultaneously lick and suck it at the same time. As he was doing this, he also stuck his index finger into her pussy hole, up to her hymen, and wiggled it quickly in circles. This drove Patty to the second frenzy of the day. She bucked, stiffened and flooded his face with a copious amount of love fluid that he lapped up happily. Patty now understood that this was another orgasm. She liked the feeling of cumming and hoped she could have many more of these feelings today.

"Well I guess we got that question answered," said Patty. "Eating a girl out, does make her feel good."

From where Chuckie stood, he could not see the action closely. He could, however, hear the moans of Patty and could smell the pungent, yet sweet, odor of her arousal. He was getting excited but knew he couldn't do anything about it.

Ralph then continued, "Let's move on to the next question. We got to see what's between your legs, would you like to see what's between ours? Have you ever seen a boy's penis, or cock?" We'd like to know what you think about our cocks?"

"Well I've seen my brother Chuckie's cock when we were much younger, while bathing and watching him go to the bathroom," said Patty. "but that was a long time ago."

"OK, here's three more packs of cards. We'd like you to take a good look, examine and feel our cocks. Tell us what you think. Close your eyes and we'll get naked," Ralph said.

"Me too?" asked Chuckie.

"No, yuk, you're my brother, just stand guard!" yelled Patty.

Patty sat up and closed her eyes. The guys stripped and formed a semi circle in front of her.

"OK, open your eyes." they said.

Upon opening her eyes, young Patty was treated to the sight of three cocks right at her eye level. The cocks were at various levels of excitement, due to the events of the afternoon. She tried to assess how big each one was. Ralph had lost his erection, so it was hard to tell how big he was Bobby's cock was only semi hard and in that state was about six inches. Barry cock appeared to be the biggest of the group and was standing fully erect at 10 inches and seemed mighty thick in circumference.

Without saying a word, she reached over and examined each boy's cock. "I assume this will get bigger." she said to Ralph as she fondled and squeezed the bulbous head of his cock.

With Bobby, she just sighed, and lightly felt and stroked the underside of his shaft. "Beautiful!" she exclaimed as it started to slightly expand. She quickly let go.

When she got to Barry, all she could say was, "Oh My Gosh!" She tried to get a grip on it, but her hand could barely fit around the width. She put both hands, side by side, around it starting at the base and the head still peaked out a good four inches beyond. She liked the feel of it, hard yet spongy at the same time.

"So, what do you think?" asked Ralph.

For so inexplicable reason, Patty was momentarily speechless. The words came out slowly. "Interesting...beautiful...smooth..hard." was all she could say. The sight and feel of those cocks started to conger up those warm, tingly feelings deep within her body that she had felt earlier.

It was Ralph's voice that brought her back to reality again. "We were wondering what it feels like it when a girl puts her mouth on a guys cock and licks and sucks, giving what's called a blow job? Do you think you could help us find out?"

"A blow job? I don't know." said Patty. "It seems that might be worth more than just one pack of cards."

"Ok, here are three each." said the guys.

With that, Patty slid closer to Ralph. Without using her hands, she slipped his flaccid cock into her mouth and began to suck. Her mouth was like a hot moist vacuum. He immediately became fully erect, and to her surprise his cock expanded to seven inches. "Way to go Ralph!" she thought. She continued to suck him, sliding his cock back and forth in her mouth, faster and faster. As she felt his breathing quicken, she took several last sucks and then let him slip from her mouth. As she did, spurts and spurts of white goo shot from the end of his cock onto the ground.

"What was that?" she said, not being fully aware of the details of sex yet. "That was me cumming." said Ralph. "It's just like when you have an orgasm, except when a boy cums, he shoots out sperm, the stuff that will make babies when you are older."

It was now time to concentrate on Bobby. Instead of engulfing his cock in her mouth, she picked up his flaccid cock and began licking the underside with her tongue from the base to the underside of the head. Base to head, base to head until it to expanded to what appeared to be a good eight inches. As she continued to do this, he began to stiffen and twitch. This licking of the underside of his shaft, especially when her tongue hit the bottom of the cock head felt so intense, that soon ropes of white goo shot from the tip of his cock and landed on her chest and breasts. She could not believe how hot it was. She scraped some off with her fingers and played with the stringy fluid. She rubbed the rest into her skin, as if were moisturizing lotion.

"Did that feel good?" she asked Bobby.

"Oh yes." he answered. "Oh yes."

"Well I guess that answers the question about blow jobs." she said.

"Hey wait a minute, you didn't get my opinion yet." yelled Barry.

"Oh sorry," said Patty, "but I don't think I can get that big thing into my mouth to find out."

"We need to at least try." said Barry. "Start by putting the head in your mouth." Patty reached up to take hold of his cock, but Barry pushed her hands away.

"No hands, just use your mouth." he said.

Patty opened her mouth as wide as she could and placed it on the head of his cock. It didn't quite go in. She stuck out her tongue, coated her lips with moisture and tried again. This provided just enough lubrication to allow the fat head to slide into her mouth along with an inch or two more. She then began sucking in earnest. As she sucked she instinctively began running her tongue along the underside of his shaft. As this happened, she was able to swallow more and more of his magnificent meat into her mouth and even down her throat. He was so deep, that her tongue was able to lick the underside of his shaft at the base of his cock. As she kept mouth firmly around him she proceeded draw him almost all to way out of her mouth and then slide him all the way back in, all the time still sucking the head and licking the underside of the shaft.

She continued this sliding, sucking and licking, sliding, sucking and licking, faster and faster until he to began to stiffen his body. When he did, he reached up and put his hands on her head, not letting her release his cock from her mouth. Suddenly spurt after spurt of hot creamy cum went into her mouth. He let go of her head, removed his cock and a stream of white cream dribbled out of the side of her mouth. She opened up and the rest of her mouth was filled with white, creamy cum. Patty looked up at him quizzically, and then understood what to do. Taking a big gulp, she swallowed the entire mouthful of cream. To her it tasted like salty, warm milk.

"That tasted good." said Patty.

"And it felt good to me too." Barry said. "I guess that answers another question for us."

Patty just kneeled there in a daze. She enjoyed the taste and sensation of a boy cumming in her mouth.

As she wiped off her chin, Ralph spoke again. "Now it's time for our final question. Do you know what having sex, or fucking is?"

"Well I've heard the words, and heard some things from my friends, but I don't understand completely" Patty answered. "What they told me seemed a little scary."

"Well sex, or fucking, is when a boy puts his cock into a girls pussy, and pumps it in and out until they cum," said Ralph.

"What's the point of that" asked Patty?

"When the girl is older, it is to make babies," Ralph said, "but it is also supposed to be pleasurable for both of them."

"Hum, is that so?" said Patty.

"So our last question is this," said Ralph. "You've seen our cocks and we've seen your pussy. Do you think we could put our cocks into your pussy?"

"Gee, I don't know." said Patty.

"Even if..." Ralph said as he looked into his bag, "...we gave you all the rest of our Garbage Pail card packs, five each?"

After thinking about it for a moment, Patty said, "Well OK, but I don't know what to do."

"Don't worry," said Ralph, "we'll figure it out together Patty. Why don't you lay back down and spread your legs real wide."

She did as Ralph instructed while he took a position between her legs. He couldn't help but stare at that pussy again. He put his erect cock at the entrance of her but noticed it seemed dry. Then he had an idea. Ralph lowered his face, and began licking her pussy, not just the outside slit like before, but full on, into the deepest folds, from top to bottom. Patty raised her head and looked up for a minute and then lowered it back down to enjoy it. Soon she felt the tingling sensation return to her body which she now understood to mean she was ready to cum. Before she could, the licking stopped.

She then felt Ralph's cock, probing the entrance to her pussy. She felt it go in about an inch and a half and then stop as it hit that obstruction they all saw and felt earlier. Ralph knew that it was her hymen, which needed to be broken before he could truly enter her.

"What's the matter? Why did you stop?" Patty asked as she leaned her head up.

"I'm about to break through your hymen. Ralph said. "After that, you won't be a virgin anyone."

"My hymen, virgin, what?" Patty exclaimed. "Break what? Will it hurt?" Patty was clueless and didn't realize what was about to happen to her.

"I'll explain later." Ralph said. "And yes it may hurt a little, but just for a short time and then it will feel really good. This happens to all girls eventually. It's what will make you a woman."

Patty liked the sound of that. "A woman, I'm about to become a woman." she thought as she leaned her head back down.

Ralph took this as a signal to proceed, so pulled out most of the way and then pushed forward hard. As he did he heard a slight pop and felt his cock push through the thin membrane and go in all the way. Patty winced a bit but since her membrane was so thin, it didn't really seem to hurt her much.

Seeing how she did not seem to be in pain at the loss of her hymen, Ralph continued. He proceeded to drawn his cock almost all the way out and then plunge it back in up to the hilt. He did this again and again. As he continued these long steady strokes, Patty's breathing began to quicken and her legs lifted up and wrapped around Ralph's back. This caused his cock to go even deeper into her recently deflowered pussy.

Ralph had masturbated often but this feeling was a hundred times more intense. It was as if his cock was being squeezed on all sides by a hot, spongy, moist vice grip. The smooth gliding feeling on the underside of his cock was matched by the contrasting squeezing and loosening of his cock head by her inner lips.

As he continued to pump in and out, Patty felt his upper shaft rubbing back and forth against her hardening love button. With this she started a shaking deep within and her pussy began to pulsate and squeeze. The effect of these contractions was immediate and intense on Ralph. Stream upon stream of white, hot cum shot from deep within his balls to deep inside her pussy. He continued to pump until the spurting stopped and then kept his cock buried deep within her pussy, not wanting this feeling to end. Finally he rolled off and his cock popped out of her leaving her pussy splayed open for all to see.

Chuckie glanced over just in time to see the thick, white, creamy liquid flowing from her within her, down her butt and onto the blanket. It flowed for what seemed like five minutes, the last few drops displaying a slight pink tint.

Like the others, Chuckie's cock was rock hard now, yet it was constrained by his under shorts and pants.

"Well that answers that" said Patty, your cock fit and it felt good. I like sex and I like fucking. I seemed that you liked it too Ralph. I guess there is nothing left to find out."

"Hold on Patty." said the others. "We need to form our own opinions. Plus we gave you all the rest of our cards."

Patty knew this and was only kidding them.

"OK," she said, "who's next?"

Bobby rushed over with his erection in hand. "I don't really want to lay on this sticky blanket." he said. "Perhaps you can move over a bit and turn over onto your hands and knees." Patty complied and Bobby came around behind her. Still holding his erection in his hand, he probed around with his penis, until he felt her sopping wet pussy hole and began to push forward.

The head, which was thicker around than the rest of his cock, popped right in. Wow, what a feeling Bobby thought. He pushed further and the rest of his eight inches slid easily in all the way. The feeling was incredible, especially the tightness he felt around the upper and lower parts of the head and the smoothness he felt on the underside of his shaft. He too began with long, slow stokes in and out, in and out.

Patty noticed a difference in Bobby's cock. For one, it was bigger and thicker then Ralph's. For another, on every inward stroke, the top of his cock head was hitting a particularly sensitive spot which was deep within her pussy. (She learned later in life that this was her G-Spot.) As his speed increased, so did her excitement and she leaned her whole body into him on each inward stroke.

Finally this rhythm was too much for him. His balls tightened and his cock shot load after load of hot cum into her already cum soaked pussy. Upon feeling the hot, wet liquid filling her pussy, Patty's body convulsed into her most intense orgasm so far of the day.

As Bobby pulled out, Patty sank from her knees straight onto her stomach, legs slightly spread. Again, what seemed like buckets of white, hot, cum leaked out of her pussy and onto the blanket. They all watched in awe. Chuckie glanced over again, fascinated by the white cum leaking from his sister's pussy.

Exhausted now, and out of breath, Patty whispered, "I guess it's time for you, Barry - although I have no idea how I am going to get that ten inch thick monster cock into my ten year old little girl pussy."

"Don't worry," he said, "I think you're well stretched out and lubricated by now, and I've got an idea."

With that Barry came over and lay on his back next to her, his massive erect cock sticking straight up.

"If you straddle me," he said, "it may be easier to get me into you."

Patty obeyed and facing him, placed one knee over each of his hips. At this angle her legs were spread pretty far and her pussy spread almost as wide as it could go. Upon opening her legs, a small load of Ralph and Bobby's cum dripped out of her pussy and slid down his erect shaft onto his balls. She began to lower herself, and reached around to grab his cock to guide it into her.

"No, lets try without any hands." he said.

She lowered herself again, this time trying to center her pussy on his cock. It was too far forward so she began a back and forth grinding in an attempt to find the mark. His cock slid forward and back on the slippery slit until it landed at the entrance to her tunnel. She pushed down slightly. Being so big, only half of the head initially went in. Patty began to wiggle and gyrate some more. This, along with the moisture of her pussy allowed the head to spread open her folds and allowed his cock to penetrate her pussy several inches past the head.

At this her pussy felt full but she was determined to have more. Patty rose up and down a little several times in order to further coat his cock with her juices. Then she bore down with all of her weight and felt his cock go all the way in. They stayed this way for a minute, Barry trying to take in the feeling of having his cock totally engulfed in her hot, moist vice like grip, and Patty having her pussy so full, the walls of her flesh clung to every square inch of his shaft.

After a moment, Patty was the one who started to move, up just slightly and then down, up just slightly and then down, over and over, their flesh so tightly intwined, their organs never lost their grip on one and other. As Patty got used to this feeling, she raised herself higher so that the head just about came out of her pussy and then all the way down in a long, slow stroke.

This seemed to be having a pleasant effect on both of them so she continued in and out with long slow strokes. As this was going on, Barry reached over and began a rub her emerging love button with his thumb. This caused Patty's breathing to quicken and to increase the pace of this lengthy thrusting. The group stood mesmerized as they could see a white, glistening fluid, the combination or past cum and her juices, covering the large cock as it emerged on each outward stroke.

The feeling of her velvety pussy squeezing and loosening on his cock was staring to build up an ever tightening feeling in his balls. The feeling of his cock filling her pussy to limit, setting every nerve ending inside on edge, along with the pressure building as he rubbed her love button sent both of them over the top. After about ten long fast and furious strokes, he trust his hips up as she bore down on his cock bringing them as deep into one another as humanly possible.

He exploded deep inside her as her body convulsed and she fell forward onto him. As they lay still in that position, his cock buried deep within her pussy, a noticeable white stream of hot, milky cum started flowing out of her cock filled pussy, down the base of his shaft, settling in a pool on his balls. Being such a tight fit, it was hard to believe this could happen.

After a few moments, Barry lifted her up off of his cock. When he did this, several more large blobs of cum plopped out of her pussy landing on his cock, balls, and pubic hairs. As she lay beside him, she dreamily rubbed her hand in the cum pool around his hairy crotch, lifting her fingers to her mouth and licking off the creamy load.

"Um, that's good," she said. She then bent her head down and proceeded to lick and suck the cum from around his cock and balls. She even took his public hairs in her mouth, a small cluster at a time, and pulling her mouth outward, cleaned them to a wet silky shine.

As Barry got up, he was speechless. So were the other boys who were standing wide eyed, naked and again with raging erections.

It was Ralph who finally, broke the silence, "Chuckie, thanks for making this happen, Patty thanks for helping us understand more about girls."

"Oh, I learned a lot too," said Patty. "And I think I've also been able to complete my Garbage Pail Kid collection, thanks! But I have another question for you. Why are you and Bobby's cocks hard again? I thought I took care of that earlier?"

"I guess we got all excited watching you and Barry," said Bobby.

"How do you make them go down?" Patty asked.

"Well, at home we stroke them and jack off." Bobby said.

"Why don't you just do that here." said Patty.

"At home we look at naked pictures of women in our father's magazines while we stroke ourselves." Bobby said.

"Well how about using a real naked girl here." she said.

With that she lay back down on the blanket, and spread her legs. Ralph and Bobby gathered around her sides, and with hard cocks in hand, started stroking. Barry just sat their watching, cock deflated having just cum moments earlier. They continued to stroke, Ralph with long slow strokes and Bobby with a short, quicker pace.

Out of the corner of her eye, Patty could see Chuckie, rubbing his tent pole gingerly over the outside of his pants.

"Hey big brother," Patty yelled, "No need to sit this one out. Come on over and join the action."

Chuckie needed no more coaxing. In an instant, he undressed and took a place opposite Patty's spread legs. From this vantage point he could finally get a good look at his sister's freshly fucked pussy. As she lay there, splayed open widely, he could see the traces of white cum within her moist, pink hole from those three fucks. On her smooth, puffy lips, there appeared to be several patches of dried cum, clinging to her sparse, fine public hairs.

Chuckie began to stroke harder. Patty glanced up at him and finally caught sight of his cock.

"Woo brother!" Patty gasped, "Where have you been hiding that thing?" She was referring to his cock which was about twelve inches long but not as thick as Barry's. "Long and thin," she thought, ""I'll have to explore that another day."

As the boys continued stroking themselves, Patty reached down and began fingering her pussy inserting it first into her hole, to get some moisture, and then rubbing it onto her love button which began to get harder and redder.

Although she wasn't turned on when this started, the feeing of ecstasy began to overtake her body now. The nipples on her barely visible breasts popped out again to the size of one inch pencil erasers. Her breathing began to quicken, her pussy became wetter, and her crotch began rocking back, forth and upward.

Upon seeing this, Barry's cock got hard again and he joined the circle by Patty's head and began stroking.

Now all the boys were stroking their cocks as Patty rubbed her pussy. Patty's moans increased, her body began shaking, her pussy began contracting and she commenced an orgasm that seemed to last forever. With this, the boys started cumming.

Having not had a release all day, Chuckie was the first to cum. He sprayed a generous load all over, and into, the open pussy which was displayed wide, right in front of him.

Ralph and Bobby were next. Standing on either side of her, their hot waxy loads covered her breasts and coated her erect nipples. Patty was turned on by how hot the cum felt on her body.

Finally Barry came. He took aim at her face. His first few spurts hit her cheek. She then turned, slightly opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue. She was able to catch the rest of his familiar salty cream and swallow it.

Totally spent, Patty lay there, breathing slowly, smiling coyly and covered with cum.

"Wow, what a Mess," Ralph said "how do we clean her up?"

"I have an idea," said Chuckie. He when over to her stash of Garbage Pail Kid cards and picked out one which he knew was a duplicate. He then went and kneeled beside Patty. Taking the long edge of the card, he scraped along the puddle of cum on her cheek, lifting it onto the card.

She got the idea of what he was doing, turned her head and opened her mouth. As he held the card above her, it dripped the cum into her mouth. She swirled it for a moment and then swallowed. He repeated this until her cheek was clean and then moved on to her breasts.

Her small mounds and chest were easy to scrape clean which he did transferring the card filled loads again to her mouth. The nipples were another story, however. (Incidentally, the card would forever be know as Connie Cum Face to the group.)

"Sis, I think I am going to have to do something else to clean these nipples up," he said.

"Do what you have to do," she replied looking up.

With that, Chuckie opened wide and engulfed her right nipple in his mouth, sucking all of the left over cum into his mouth. Initially Patty was taken back that her brother was licking her there but then it began to feel natural, actually good.

Chuckie then came back up, leaned over her open mouth with his, and let the load transfer into her throat. She swallowed it eagerly. He then repeated the process with the left nipple.

It was now down to the final area to be cleaned, her crotch and pussy. He tried using the card scraping method but there were too many folds and valleys to work. He figured he had permission to try something else.

The first thing he noticed in looking at he spread open pussy, that there was a pool of still moist cum just inside the opening. To get this he decided to use his middle and index fingers to scrape as much out as possible. He inserted his fingers deep into her hole. She gasped for a moment. He twirled his figures around until a fair amount of cum coated his fingers. He transferred his fingers to her mouth which she licked clean and swallowed.

The next challenge was the dried up cum all over her fuzzy lips and even on her love button. How about my tongue he thought. He began licking the dried cum off her puffy lips. The cum did not seem to be coming off so he swallowed a little to make his tongue wetter and that did the trick. He licked up, down and all around her pussy lips, sometimes inserting the tongue into her slit, and onto her love button. All of the attention by him down there was having an effect on her and soon she exploded into another orgasm.

As her orgasm subsided, he stopped the licking and determined her to be clean, however, there was one last challenge. There were several pools of sticky, liquid cum in the creases between her outer lips and legs. Since it was the cum he had shot earlier, he decided to take his flaccid cock and transfer the coating onto it.

Being long and flexible, even in it's flaccid state, he rubbed it all over the area and along with using his hands, managed to sop up all the remaining cum and deposit it on his cock. He then crawled up over his sister's head. She knew right away what she needed to do.

Opening her mouth she gobbled up his entire flaccid cock and began licking it clean. As she did this, it started to grow, at first just a little but soon to the whole twelve inches. When this happened, she could keep only the front six inches in her mouth.

Chuckie's cock was so different than Barry's. Although as long, it was thinner, smoother and easier to suck. While she knew she had probably cleaned him up by now, she thought, oh what the heck, he deserves this for everything he has done for me today. With that she tried and succeeded in swallowing him even deeper, halfway down her throat. With her mouth, she moved back and forth from the tip of his glans to the base running her tongue firmly back and forth over the length of the underside of his shaft.

This hot, wet vacuum. silky tongue, and deep penetration were too much to take and Chuckie finally erupted, his cum shooting deep down Patty's throat. When she had swallowed every last drop, his cock began to deflate and popped out of her mouth.

"Thanks Sis," said Chuckie. "Thank you too, Bro," sad Patty. "We'll have to pursue this more at home, sometime!"

It was getting late, so they all got dressed and gathered their things. They hung the soiled blanket on the willow tree in hopes that a rain would wash it out for use on another day.

Many questions were answered that day. Many curiosities were satisfied. A girl became a woman. And a collection of Garbage Pail Kid cards was completed...


R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


This was fucking amazing! You really caught the personalities of a bunch of horny boys and a pubescent girl. I'm looking forward to more

cummy cunnies

Not nearly dirty enough.

Miss. UK Chicken-Hawk

Lovely story! Enjoyed reading it. Would love to hear more.


a fantastic prick pleasing story


Very Good, This Right Here, Is My Fav Story On This Site, Love Everything About It !!! Thank You !!!

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