Published: 3-Mar-2013
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Author's Profile
My name is Mike Carter. I was 32 years old and taught fifth grade at a suburban elementary school. My students were mostly middle class, except for this one girl named Debbie. Debbie was not as well off as my other students. She had a waif look about her. Her hair was often unkempt and she only wore faded cotton dresses that she must have bought at Goodwill.
Although unkempt, this ten year old was still attractive. She was about four feet, six, inches tall, had long brown straight hair, and a typical ten year olds' figure, slim, boyish, and with no breasts or hips to speak of.
She was a loner, often teased by the other kids in class. I noticed, when we went out for recess. She would always wander off and go behind the storage shed, at the edge of the playground, between the elementary and adjacent middle school. When the bell rang, she would run back over and join the line in time to enter the building with her classmates. I never thought much of it.
One day, while on recess duty, I noticed something that I didn't notice before. I noticed several different older boys, going back and forth to and from the back of the shed, from the middle school, each day Debbie was there.
I was curious about what was going on. Perhaps they were smoking there I thought. The shed was so exposed, I didn't think I could approach it without getting spotted. Then I had an idea.
I had a spy camera, that sent video to my computer, that I had used for monitoring plant growth in the science lab. Perhaps I could use it for this. Afterschool, when nobody was around, I went out to the shed and hid the camera inside an outdoor speaker, pointing towards the area that was not visible from the two school buildings. I set the timer on my computer, to automatically record each day at recess time, 10:00 am to 10:20 am.
I got really busy, and it was a week before I had a chance to see what my camera had captured. Alone, in my classroom, afterschool, I sat at my desk and opened the laptop. I clicked on the file name cam monday 1, and a movie started to play. First there was no one in the picture and then Debbie entered the frame. She appeared to be waiting anxiously. Then three middle school boys came over behind the shed, and stood in a line in front of her.
Debbie got onto her knees. The first boy handed her what appeared to be a handful of loose dollar bills and change, which she put in her pocket. She then reached over, unzipped his pants, and out popped his five inch penis. She quickly covered it with her mouth and sucked, keeping it completely in, the whole time. After only a few moments of this, I could tell the boy must have cum, for she withdrew her mouth and swallowed.
The same thing happened with the next boy. After giving her the money, he too unzipped his pants. His penis, was a bit larger the first. Not only did she use her mouth, but also her hand to suck and pump until he too came in her mouth which she swallowed completely.
The third boy approached her. After saying something to Debbie, she took the money, and stood up. She lifted her dress and held it up. The boy reached over and pulled her little girl cotton panties off. With that, I got a look at her preteen pussy on my computer screen.
From what I could see, it was little more than a slit between her thighs - no hair, no plushness. The boy reached over and put his middle finger into her smooth pussy slit and began to pump it in and out. Debbie took her hand, reached over unzipped his pants, and took out his now erect penis. She pumped it in time with his fingering. After a while of this, her knees got weak and her body seemed to shake. It appeared she had an orgasm. Simultaneous to this, ropes of white cum spewed from his cock, landing on the ground.
As the boys turned and left, she pulled her panties back up, and left the area, to go back over to her classmates.
The additional files, were more of the same, with different boys. One variation of the fingering, was a boy sucking on her preteen breasts, which were nothing more than erect nipples on tiny mounds of flesh, while she stroked his cock.
When I clicked on the Friday file, I got a real surprise. First of all there was only one boy with her. He seemed to be negotiating harder with her than the others. Finally, he handed her what appeared to be more money which she took and put in her pocket. She then, lay down, lifted her dress, pulled off her panties, and spread her legs. The camera angle allowed me a view of the action right between her legs. Could I be so lucky, as to catch a little girl fucking on video?
The boy took out his seven inch erect penis, and lay on top of Debbie between her legs. He placed his penis, at the entrance of her pussy, and started to push in. He was having a hard time entering her further. Finally he pushed hard and his penis went all the way in. I noticed tears streaming down Debbie's face. Could it be this was her first time? Had I just seen the deflowering of a ten year old virgin? As he pumped in and out, it only took a minute, before he stiffened up, and shot his load deep within her. As he withdrew, gobs of semen, mixed with blood, seeped out of her slit, onto the ground. "Well that answers my question." I thought. They then got up and left the area.
Watching these videos, I was both shocked and excited at the same time. At the very least, I would have a treasure trove of forbidden videos to satisfy my masturbation fantasies for a long time to come.
I closed the laptop, and contemplated my next move.
After thinking about it, I decided to confront Debbie about this. That next week, I asked Debbie to arrange to stay afterschool on Wednesday, on the pretense of getting extra tutoring in math.
When Wednesday afterschool arrived, Debbie stayed back while the other students left. I placed a sign on my door that said "Do Not Disturb - Tutoring" and locked it.
I called Debbie up to my desk, and started, "Debbie, you're not here to do math, I want to show you something."
I opened my laptop and clicked on one of the files. As the action commenced, Debbie asked, "Where did you get this?"
"Oh never mind," I said, as I clicked on additional files, "the real question is, what are we going to do about it?"
"Oh please," she said, starting to cry, "I hope you're not going to show my parents?"
"Well that's up to you young lady," I said, "what is your explanation for this?"
"I just really need money," she said "my parents are poor, and I use this money so that I can buy a few nice things, like the other kids have."
"Oh please, Mr. Carter, can't we work something out?" she said, as she straddled my lap, facing me holding me close, tears still running down her face.
As she straddled me, her dress rode up, and I could feel her crotch, through the fabric of her panties, pressing against my hardening penis. I felt an extraordinary amount of heat coming from her. As she wiggled around begging, I also felt a fair amount of moisture.
I was now at her mercy, rather than the other way around.
"Well if we did some of the things you saw me do on the computer," she said, "do you think we could keep this just between us?"
"That seems like a plan." I said.
With that she lifted herself off of my lap and got onto her knees in front of me. She unzipped my pants and took out my ten inch hard penis.
"Oh my," she said, "that's much bigger than I'm used to."
She put her head in my lap and took the head of my penis into her mouth. After getting it nice and wet, she slid about half of it into her mouth, down her throat. As she sucked, I pumped myself in and out, her saliva further coating my penis with every thrust.
Her mouth was like a hot, wet vacuum and I could tell I was not going to last very long doing this, so I pulled out.
"I'd like to do what you did last Friday." I said.
"Oh I've only done that once," she said, "but OK, we can try."
With that she lay down on the floor and pulled off her panties.
"No, up here." I said, as I motioned to my desk. "I'd like to do something to get you ready first."
She hopped up onto my desk in front of me. I reached out, spread her knees, and got an up close view her ten year old pussy. I confirmed what I saw the video. Her pussy was little more than a smooth, hairless, little slit with just a hint of the puffiness that would eventually develop.
I lowered my head, and placed my tongue right on her slit. She looked surprised but didn't say anything. I continued to lick up and down, working my tongue into the slit about and inch. As I continued, I started to feel her getting wetter down there and I began to notice a wonderful sweet aroma filling the air.
My tongue went up inside, to the top of her lips, and I saw that she had the start of and immature clitoris. There was a hint of the tiniest bud, pink and emerging slightly. I concentrated my licking on this. Her pelvis began rocking in time with my licking and all of a sudden, she stiffened, her whole body rocked, and she released in a strong orgasm. As this happened, a small pool of liquid, came out of her pussy, onto the papers on my desk that I was correcting. I was not aware, that a girl so young could even have an orgasm, let alone one so strong. It was a pleasant surprise.
"OK, young lady," I said, "I think you're ready now."
She then slid forward, off my desk, onto my lap, and straddled me, placing one leg on each side of my hips. I placed my still hard penis, at the entrance of her pussy. Being so wet, the head popped right in.
I wiggled it around a bit and pushed up while pulling her down onto me. Surprising to both of us, my ten inch penis went all the way in, up to the hilt.
After staying like this for a moment, Debbie was the one who continued the action. Perhaps it was instinct that took over but, she raised her hips up, withdrawing almost my entire shaft from her pussy and then pushed back down, burying me again up to the hilt. This she continued, again and again, in slow, deep strokes. I cannot even begin to describe the sensation. Her pussy was so tight that it griped my shaft from all sides. It was so smooth that it felt like velvet. I have had a fair amount of sex, but nothing compared to the tightness of this preteen pussy.
As we continued, her strokes began to quicken and so did her breathing. Her pussy was hot, wet, and slippery. After a while more of this, her body again stiffened, and I felt her pussy walls expanding and contracting around my penis. As I started to cum, I pushed my pelvis up as she pushed hers down, emptying my load deep into her pussy. Thankfully, since she had not yet started to go through puberty, I did not have to worry about getting her pregnant.
After staying locked together for a while, to catch our breath, I lifted her off of my lap. My cum started to leak out of her pussy, so I lifted her over the trash can, and let it drip it. I took some of those brown, school, paper towels, and wiped her off completing the cleanup. (I only hoped the night janitor did not inspect the trash too closely.)
"Since you let me do what I saw in the video, I guess this can remain a secret, and your parents will never have to know," I said.
"Well there's one thing, from the video, you didn't do." said Debbie, pointing to her pocket. "I think that would help to keep 'everything' secret not just from my parents but from a lot of people."
Knowing she had me now, I reached into my pocket and pulled out a twenty dollar bill.
"Is this OK?" I said.
"Oh yes, it's more than the boys ever give me," she said, as she put it in her pocket. "You know, maybe you could 'tutor' me each week?"
"I'll put you down for every Wednesday." I said.
The rest of the school year was great, our weekly 'tutoring' sessions were quite enjoyable. As time went on, I noticed that Debbie was wearing nicer dresses, her hair was done up more professionally, and she seemed to have many of the other things her classmates had. It seems like her time, both with me and behind the shed, was paying off.
Speaking of the shed, Debbie never put two and two together, and never realized the camera was still there.
This afforded me many more weeks of erotic entertainment, before she went onto middle school and found another place to "do business".
Speaking of entertainment and business, I was able to make a good deal of extra income, by posting those videos on the Internet.
In fact, you can view them, for a fee, at http://www.......
Oh no wait, that would be illegal, wouldn't it??????
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