Frat House Crank Call

[ Mf, Mg, 1st, ped, oral, con ]

Published: 1-Mar-2013

Word Count:

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show Story Summary
This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Steve and Irv were fraternity brothers. They were sophomores, 19 years old, at a small midwestern college. Both were average looking. Steve was a little taller and thinner than Irv. Steve was a bit of a ladies' man, and sexually experienced, Irv was somewhat awkward around women and still a virgin. Both of them found themselves dateless one Saturday night in mid September.

Sitting around, watching TV, having a beer in their fraternity house, the communal phone rang at 9:30 PM.

Steve answered it. "Hello, who is this?" a young girl's voice asked.

"This is my fraternity house." Steve said. "Who do you want?"

After a moment the voice continued, "Oh anyone, we're laying in bed in our nighties and are so horny, we just want anyone." Upon this, he heard the voice of another girl giggling in the background.

Steve motioned Irv to come over and listen with him.

"What?" said Steve.

""We're horny, and we thought we could find some boys here." She repeated, as the background giggling continued.

It was obvious that this was a crank call, but seeing the boys had nothing better to do, they decided to play along.

"Yes, we have boys here." said Steve. "How many do you want?"

"Well there are two us, but we are REALLY horny." the girl said. "Send over as many as you have." Now they heard both girls giggle.

"Well we only, have two right now." Steve said. "Will that do?"

"I guess it will have to." the girl said. "Come on over!"

"What's your address?" Steve asked.

The voice in the background, yelled out, "176 Oak Street." And then they heard a stern, "Missy, you weren't supposed to say that." And then the phone clicked off.

"Well, what do you want to do now, Irv?" asked Steve.

"I guess we should check out 176 Oak." Irv replied.

So they got into Steve's car and drove to the address which was 15 minutes away.

They arrived at a brick ranch style house in a middle class neighborhood. They parked the car a few hoses down in the street. There were no cars in the driveway, so they assumed no adults were home. The porch light was on as well as a single light inside towards the back of the house. They decided to knock. There was no response although they thought they could heard muted voices inside. Steve and Irv went around to the lit window, and tapped on it.

"We're here girls. We know you're in there." they said, "Let us in."

"Go away, "said the voices inside, "we were only kidding."

"Oh come on now, we've come a long way. The least you can do is let us come in and say hello." Steve said.

"OK," said the girl. "Come around to the back door so no one sees you."

Once at the back door, the boys were greeted by a girl, who appeared to be about 12 years old, clad, as she said, in a little pink nightly. The nighty was silky, yet not see thru. It was short and came up to the top of her thighs. Though they couldn't see it clearly, she appeared to be wearing a matching bikini panty.

"Hi, my name is Cindy." she said.

"We're Steve and Irv,' they said, "We thought there were two of you?"

"Oh my sister's in the bedroom," she said, "but she's too young to say hello."

"Oh that's OK." they said as they pushed their way in, past her into the room with the light on.

"Hi," said the girl on the bed. "I'm Missy." She appeared to be about 9 years old and had on a matching nighty.

The bedroom was a typical preteen room, which they must have shared, with beds on opposite walls - one side decorated with dolls and stuffed animals, Missy's side and the other with Rock and Roll paraphernalia, Cindy's.

It was clear that the girls were sisters. Though young, both were quite pretty and had reddish blond hair, Cindy's was straight and shoulder length while Missy's was shorter and had a slight waviness to it. Both of their bodies were sexy for girls of their age. Their legs were long and shapely and were accentuated by their short nighties. Cindy, the twelve year old's body was very well developed. She had proportionally wide hips, a small waist, and a firm round butt. Her breasts were her best feature, beautiful, round C-cups that bounced nicely as she paraded in her nightie while firm nipples pressed against the thin fabric. Nine year old Missy had, shall we say, a nine year old body - straight and flat. Yet in her nightie, there was also a certain amount of "baby doll" sexiness to her.

"Well let's get to it girls, you called us. What can we do for you?" asked Steve.

"Oh, we were just kidding, fooling around." Cindy said. "We don't need anything."

"You mean two pretty girls like you don't need anything? That's too bad." said Steve. "We came here to do whatever you wanted."

"You think we're pretty?" asked Cindy. "You two college boys think we're pretty?"

"Absolutely!" the boys answered in unison. "You're every bit as pretty as a big girl, a college girl."

"Well as long as you're here and our parents will be out until late, maybe you can teach us to make out like big girls." said Cindy.

With that Steve led Cindy and sat on her bed while Irv took a seat next to Missy on hers.

"To start making out, you begin by wrapping your arms around one another and kissing." Steve instructed.

Steve leaned over, put his arms around Cindy, an started kissing. Cindy put her arms around Steve a began kissing back. The kisses were nice for a start, but they were what Steve would characterize as "Middle School Girl Kisses."

"That was good," said Steve, "but to kiss like a big girl, you have to open your mouth and even stick your tongues together. Here, I'll teach you."

They, again wrapped their arms around each other and kissed. This time Steve opened his mouth and Cindy followed by opening hers. As they mashed their mouths into each other, Cindy's breathing got deeper and quicker. Steve then stuck his tongue into her mouth and moved it back and forth. She took the hint and did the same with her tongue. Her body was starting to relax, to go limp and press into his. It was then that Steve released how firm and soft her breasts were. He never would have believed that a twelve year old's breasts could be such a turn on. As they continued their deep, wet kissing, he lay her down on the bed and covered her chest with his. They kept this up for a little while longer and then Steve broke it off and sat up.

"Now that's how big girls do it!" Steve said.

"I want to be a big girl too." shouted Missy from the other bed. "Come on Irv, it's our turn."

She put her arms around Irv and pulled him close to her, his arms encircled her too. Not having much experience, and being somewhat reluctant that Missy was so young, Irv proceeded with just surface area kisses. Wanting to have none of this, having watched her sister with Steve, Missy became the aggressor. While kissing, her mouth forced open Irv's, passionately kissing like a girl far beyond her years. After pushing her tongue into Irv's mouth, she sucked his into her's. She pushed Irv on his back and leaned in on top and continued kissing. Although she had no breasts, Irv could feel two hard nipples digging into his chest. This went on for a while until she finally sat up.

"Am I, big girl too now? Missy asked.

"You are indeed." said Irv.

Feeling brave now, Cindy asked, "What else do big girls do?"

"Well big girls like boys to play with her breasts." answered Steve.

"What do you mean, play with?" Cindy asked.

"Play with, you know, touch, fondle, maybe even put them in their mouth." said Steve.

"And why do they like to do this?" asked Cindy again.

"It turns both of them on, and makes them feel warm and sexy." said Steve.

Well I don't know how that could be." said Cindy. "Show me."

"In order to be most effective, it should be done while making out." Steve said.

With that Steve leaned over to Cindy, and began to make out again, starting where they had left off.

He was on top of Cindy, giving her hot, deep kisses when he took his hand and began rubbing it from one breast to the other, over the silky fabric of her nightie. A soft sigh came from her lips.

He then lowered the straps off each of her shoulders, put his hand on the top of her nightly, and popped the top down, exposing her breasts, two fleshy mounds. Cindy gasped but lay still.

With his hands, Steve explored each mound, from the base, to the tip of her nipples. "They were so soft," he thought. Using his fingers, he kneaded each nipple until it stood straight up. Cindy was now moaning quite loudly. As he placed his mouth on each nipple, they expanded even more and Cindy was squirming almost uncontrollably below him.

"Now do you see how this can be pleasurable for both people, 'BIG GIRL'?" Steve said.

"No fair," said Missy. "How can I find out if that feels good? I don't have any breasts yet." With that, she pulled down her top, displaying a flat chest which tiny pink nipples.

"Well maybe Irv and I can help me with that." Steve said as he walked over to her side. "Lay down Missy."

As she did, Steve came over, and put his mouth on Missy's right nipple, directing Irv to do the same on the left. The nipples being so small, it was difficult for the boys lips to attach to them. After a little more sucking, the nipples finally started to expand. When this happened, the boys were able to get them entirely the into their mouths. As they sucked, they also ran their tongues over the very tip of the nipples. They were amazed at how long and hard these nipples became in a girl so young. They were also not sure if a nine year old, prepubescent girl, had any sexual urges. Her constant moaning and body gyrating, answered that question.

"Well there you go, Missy." said Steve. I hope now you don't feel left out?"

Cindy then spoke again, "I've heard from friends that big girls do something called 'Going All The Way'. Steve what does that mean and can you to teach us that too?" Cindy sort of knew what that meant, but didn't want the chance to learn from some older boy slip away.

"You seem ready for that Cindy," said Steve. "We'll have to see about Missy."

"Going all the way, means all the way!" said Steve. "It means doing all those things we did before along with a few more. First of all it means 'all the way' off with your clothes."

Cindy reached up and pulled the nightly over her head. She reached down and started to remove her silk bikini panties.

"Not those just yet." said Steve. "Go lay back on your bed."

It was not often, in fact not at all, that Steve had the chance to see a beautiful twelve year old girl's body, spread out before him. He was determined to savor the sight.

As she lay there, Steve couldn't help but admire those magnificent breasts again but his attention was more clearly focused on what was underneath the semitransparent bikini panties.

"Spread your legs, Cindy." Steve commanded, as he went down for a closer view.

Through the fabric, the first thing Steve noticed was that Cindy had a thick, hairy bush, so hairy, in fact, that it poked out on each side of the panty crotch. The hairs covered what appeared to be a plush and puffy set of pussy lips. Right down the center of the panties was a perfect, dark slit. Through the panty, Steve reached over and began running his finger from the bottom to the top of that slit. At the top of her slit, he could see her clitoris popping out. As he rubbed, each time he reached the clitoris, he hesitated, digging in and twirling his fingers on it in a little circular moment. This was having an effect on Cindy. Her pelvis rocked up and down with each stroke.

Steve removed his finger and lay on top of her. He pulled off his tee shirt, and lay down, this time he put his whole body over hers, laying his chest against her breasts, and seating his crotch over hers between her now spread legs. He resumed the heavy making out and fondling of her breasts as his crotch ground into hers.

The fabric of his jeans was rubbing uncomfortably on both of them so he reached down, unhooked them and pulled them and his under shorts off in one motion. This released his rock hard, nine inch penis from its' confines. As it sprung straight up, Missy gasped and her eyes widened as she quietly observed the action from the other bed.

Steve lay back down between Cindy's legs, this time his bare penis, not jean clad crotch, rubbed along the slit of her silk covered pussy. As he rocked back and forth, the crotch of her panties became wetter and wetter, a result of the combination of her juices and his pre cum. By now she was breathing heavier, rocking more quickly and moaning loudly.

With this, Steve reached down and grabbed hold of her soaked panties. Cindy raised her hips and Steve whipped them off. Steve took another moment to savor the sight of the first preteen pussy he had ever seen. He couldn't help but notice how plush and puffy her pussy lips were, far more pronounced than any girl twice her age. He just had to have a feel. He also noticed the her pink clitoris was really peaking out from it's hood at the top of those lips. He reached down and put his hand completely over her entire pussy, squeezing the lips together lightly. He then took both hands, placing them one on each side of the slit, spread her lips while rubbing the insides with his thumbs. He could not believe how moist and smooth her insides were. Letting go of one lip, and still keeping the other spread, he took his free hand and inserted his middle finger into the entrance to her pussy. She gasped and tensed up as the finger hit the membrane of skin that was her hymen. He removed his finger and started to rub the clitoris. As he did, it began to expand further and get harder, her moans became deeper and Steve knew it was time.

"Are you ready to go all the way, to really become a big girl?" Steve asked. All Cindy could manage was a nod yes.

Propping himself on his elbows, Steve positioned himself between her legs. Not using his hands to guide him, he took aim at the entrance to her pussy with his penis. As he pushed slowly forward, he could feel the hot, wet lubrication of her hole. After a few side to side movements, he hit the right spot and felt the head of his penis pop inside her love tunnel up to her hymen. He rocked slowly in and out in order to build up more moisture.

When he felt that she well lubricated, he thrust forward hard breaking through her hymen and going in to the hilt.

"Ouch!" She yelped. "That hurt."

Steve stopped as his penis remained all the way in, to give her a chance to get used to the feeling.

"Don't worry." Steve said. "It will just hurt for a little while."

"What just happened?" asked Missy, shocked.

"Steve just popped her cherry." Irv said. " I'll explain later. Just watch."

Steve then continued with a series of short, steady stokes, in and out. After a little of this, her discomfort appeared to be turning into pleasure. She had never had anything this big in her pussy. Only her fingers, and only up to her hymen. She was definitely getting excited. Steve then began the fucking rhythm he liked the best - long, slow strokes. Pulling out almost as far as he could go and then plunging in as deeply as possible. Pumping in and out like this, made his nine inch penis, seem twice as long to both of them. Being a twelve year old virgin, her pussy was the tightest he had ever had. He felt the hot, moist walls of her pussy, clinging so tightly to his penis, that he could barely tell where his flesh ended and hers began.

As he could feel her excitement building, he began pumping faster, still maintaining his long, deep strokes. That brought Cindy over the top. She began screaming loudly, and her whole body convulsed as her pussy clamped tightly around Steve's penis, pulling it even deeper into her as he continued to pump.

That, in turn, sent Steve over the top. His penis shot load upon load of thick, hot, white cum deep into her pussy. He pumped and pumped until they both got still. They stayed that way, buried deep within each other, for several more moments.

Finally Steve pulled out and as he did, cum, mixed with some blood, oozed out of her pussy, and dripped, messily onto her sheets.

"You're certainly not a little girl anymore." Steve said, looking down at her and wiping his penis clean on the corner of her sheet.

Meanwhile, on the other bed, Missy and Irv sat wide eyed and speechless over what they had both witnessed.

"OK, Missy, now you know what to do when you get older." said Steve.

"No, I want to know now!" exclaimed Missy. "I want to be a big girl now!"

Cindy looked over to the boys and shrugged her shoulders. "Well she always wants to be like me." she said.

The boys took that as an approval to go for it. Steve went over and sat on the other side of Missy, opposite Irv.

"First of all, it's off with these clothes." Steve said.

Steve reached up and pulled off her top while Irv reached down removing the bikini panties. As they laid her on her back, they each took a leg and spread her open. Just as they had suspected, she barely had any pussy lips, nor any pussy hair - just a small, flat slit between the tops of her two smooth thighs.

"I don't think anything is going to fit in here." Irv said discouraged.

"Don't worry bro," said Steve. "She just has to be ready. You strip and I'll prepare her."

Irv removed his shirt, pants and underwear exposing his erect penis for the first time to the group. It was a mere six inches and not as thick as Steve's. This was actually a good thing, being that Missy had only a nine year old pussy.

Steve in the meantime, did something unexpected to the Missy. He leaned down and put his mouth snack dab on Missy's little girl pussy. He began an earnest licking, working his tongue into her slit. He worked it up and down and noticed a slightly developed knob starting to protrude from within the folds at the top of her slit. He knew it was her preteen clitoris which he sucked into his mouth simultaneously licking it with his tongue. This was having the desired effect on her. The little nine year old was getting turned on, her pussy slit was widening, exposing some nice, pink inner lips, and she was getting quite wet, I mean really wet.

"Ok, I think we're ready." said Steve. "But I think we ought to try a better position." he said. "Ralph, lay on your back. Cindy come here." he continued.

"Now Cindy, help me lift your sister into place." he said.

They each took one side of Missy and lifted her pelvis up to a position straddling above Ralph's extended penis.

With his hand, Steve placed Irv's penis right at the entrance to Missy's pussy slit and rubbed it against it in a circular motion, getting it nice and wet.

"OK, on the count of three Irv, you push up and we'll pull Missy down." Steve said. "One, two, three go!"

And there it went, Irv's penis, right through Cindy's hymen, all the way into her pussy. Cindy felt a sharp pain which resulted in several tears rolling down her cheeks but she was determined not to let on how she really felt.

As Steve and Cindy let go of Missy, she seemed to extinctiively understand what to do. She began rocking her hips up and down, sliding Irv's penis in and out of her now unlocked pussy. The more she rocked up and down, the better it felt and the pain was replaced by pleasure. Steve and Cindy could see some blood on Irv's shaft as it went in and out, but they did not say anything, not wanting to scare Missy.

The feeling on Irv's penis was almost indescribable. He had masturbated many times, but this felt nothing like that. The difference was in how smooth, soft, silky, hot, and moist this was compared to his hand. The tightness was incredible. She continued rocking up and down, but this being his first time, he wanted to set the pace. He rolled her over onto her back, any started the in and out, long, slow strokes that he had seen Steve doing.

Meanwhile, as Steve and Cindy sat next to them watching, Cindy noticed that Steve's penis was hard again. Cindy then did something totally spontaneous for her. It must have been pure instinct, but she leaned down and put Steve's penis into her mouth about an inch or so. When he did not pull back, she sucked it in even deeper and then animal passion just took over. She sucked it in and out, from the head to the base, over and over. Steve thought he was in heaven, watching one girl being pounded by his fraternity brother, while another girl's hot, wet mouth was sucking his penis for all it was worth.

As he glanced over to Irv and Missy, he saw that her legs, were now wrapped around Irv's back and could tell that Irv was as deep as possible into that nine year old pussy. Suddenly both of them let out a moan, and stiffened. Her pussy convulsed as he shot load after load of pent up hot cum deep into her pussy.

Seeing this, Steve could not hold back and shot his load into Cindy's mouth. Surprising to Steve, Cindy swallowed the hot load and licked him clean, a behavior he had not expected in this young girl leading him to think she knew more than she had let on.

"Wow, you became a big girl fast." Steve said to Cindy.

"What about me?" said Missy from below Irv.

"Most definitely, you too." said Steve.

As Irv rolled off of Missy, his penis popped out limp from her pussy releasing a stream of cum and blood onto her sheets also.

All of them sat there naked, in a daze from what just happened.

All of a sudden they heard a car pull into the driveway.

"Oh my gosh, you've got to get out of here." shouted Cindy. "It's our parents."

With that, the boys gathered up their clothes, and like in the movies, hurried out the back door which was by the girls' room.

They ran naked to the car in the dark. Once in the car, they dressed, noticing that they had inadvertently picked up Cindy and Missy's pink, silk bikini panties which were soaked with the juices of little girl pussy. They drove back to the fraternity house, souvenir panties in pocket.

Since the girls had random crank dialed, there was no way to ever track down Steve and Irv again. This was lucky for the boys, especially when the underaged girls had to explain their bloody, cum stained sheets to their parents.

For Steve and Irv, they never chanced going back to the house. They had only the memories of that night plus the aroma of those panties to help in their masturbatory fantasies for months to come.


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I liked it. Maybe they might find both girls in another story then see where it goes.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.