Published: 11-May-2013
Word Count:
Well I was right to a certain extent. I didnt see Penny for the next 4 weeks but I faithfully turned up at the coffee shop every week day and had some very interesting encounters with some of Penny's friends, featuring mainly Gloria: this little blond bombshell was a little kinky and remarkably forthright. I wasnt prepared for the very honest child who became a regular visitor with me at the coffee shop.
For instance the first monday after the great pee incident: I was sitting with my book and filming the great show of preteen legs and bums and occasionally a bit more and as I was wont to do drifted off into my own little world just sipping really good coffee and taking in the sweet sweet view. The insistant tugging on my coat tails brought me out of the trance and forced my ateention back to world to find Gloria standing between me and the next stool.
"Gloria, hello beautiful would you like to join me for a drink."
"Ok, can I have a Pepsi please?" I went to get her drink and refill my coffee while she climbed into the stool and made herself comfortable. I watched her from the counter and noticed what she was wearing, standard school uniform dress and suede ankle boots and what I thought were tights or pantyhose..but the boots were well made with a small spike heel, only about 5 cm long and it had a black rubber plug on the bottom but they were definitely FMs (fuck me shoes).
I wasnt sure about what the majority of catholic primary schools allowed as normal uniform but those little ankle boots probably werent on the list. Where do these girls get this gear from, Penny with her ultra sexy underwear and now Gloria with her boots; what was next, my imagination was stumbling around in the dark but would soon see the most dazzling light in that darkness.
I brought the drinks over to the table and sat down and noticed that Gloria had my book and was very quietly giggling to herself about what she was looking at on the view screen. She turned her gaze on me and said in a whisper, "You do like to look up girls dresses dont you; your a naughty man."
What could I say she was looking at me with wide eyes and an open mouth, so I shrugged my shoulders and smiled at her and leant over and bumped my forehead on hers then went back to my coffee.
Gloria was shifting and squirming in her seat as she looked at the pictures and videos on the camera and I was not really paying to much attention as the ongoing kinderslut parade up and down the stairs had captured my attention once again.
I noticed that she had gone quiet and still and when I looked down she was intently watching a video on the camera almost with her nose pressed against the screen. I leaned over and peeked at what she was looking at, you guessed it, the peeing model. Gloria looked up at me and her eyes were almost hooded and she was blushing bright red.
"Wow, she peed all over the floor, Penny told me about this video but I didnt beleive her. Why do you take naughty pictures like that, did she know you were doing it when she peed all over the floor; my mum goes spare at me when I pee my bed, did you go mad at her for peeing on your floor???"
"Slow down," Gloria was definitely flushed and panting a little bit from talking so much without taking a breath, "To start with the first question, I sell the videos and pictures to people all over the world through my website. And yes, she knew I was taking pictures and video when she did it, and I didnt go mad at her because I wanted her to do it."
Gloria looked a little stunned at my revelations, "Whenever I do something like that I get spanked by mum, and she makes me wash my sheets and blanket by myself."
"Well why do you do it then, is it because you like it or do you get scared and it just happens?"
The little girl frowned at me and didnt say anything for a few minutes, her blush became even more pronounced and she started to fidget again, Then out of the blue; "When I pee my bed its because I'm asleep but," she paused and I could almost hear the gears turning in her head, "when I wet my pants I like it and sometimes even the spanking I get after."
Well I nearly fell off the chair, this tiny marylin monroe had just confessed that she was a pee freak and liked to be spanked. I had to find out more about her little fetish, "How often do you wet your pants and get spanked for it?"
"At least once a week, but I pee my bed more."
"So when you get spanked do you get changed before or after the punishment?"
"After, mom makes me take off my wet clothes then spanks me and tells me to have a bath and put on clean clothes."
"How does your mum spank you?"
"With her hand, and it doesnt really hurt, except when we have company then she makes it hurt and I cry for a little bit."
My imagination was getting a real work out today. This little blonde bombshell wetting herself and then stripping and getting spanked and bathing and getting dressed in fresh clothes. My pants were about to be ripped right down the centre. I had to ask the inevitable question.
"Do you have to pee now?"
Still blushing and fidgetting in her seat Gloria whispered, "Yes, but I cant right now I dont have any clean clothes with me and mum would kill me for doing it in the mall."
"Thats ok, we can go and buy you some new clothes to change into if you like."
"You want to buy me new stuff so I can wet myself, do want to take pictures of me doing it?"
The question hung in the air for what seemed like a long time, "Yes, but only if you want to, but I dont think I could spank you, I dont want to hurt you at all not even while we are playing."
"Ok, lets go to Kmart and we can get some new stuff, cmon lets go I cant hold it forever."
As we were walking towards Kmart I leaned down and asked her if she liked my present that Penny gave her at brownies the other night. She slowed down and looked up at me, blushing crimson again, "I'm wearing them now."
At hearing that I stumbled and nearly fell over a chair in front of a cafe we were passing, and im sure I heard the seam of my pants rip a little from the growing lump that was, to me at least, getting very uncomfortable.
"You are, did you wash them first?"
"No, but they were a hard in a few places when I put them on this morning."
With that Gloria grabbed my hand and hurried me to Kmart and into the underwear department. As she perused the hundreds of cute and sometimes outright sexy stuff designed for little girls, I was standing just outside the aisle watching her touch and inspect item after item until she found what she was looking for, a cami bra and panty set in white silky material with black and red flowers printed on the front and back, I approved and so did my groin. Then she was off again in search of something else, the tiniest pair of hold up spider stockings ive ever seen and then blue stretch denim shorts with cuffed legbands cut high up the hips and then a baby blue sleeveless tshirt.
As she was dragging me to the checkout I asked, "Dont you want to try them on first?"
"No, I know my size and these will fit really well."
Through the checkout with a rather knowing smile from the checkout chick when she checked each item. Down the mall to the bathrooms and I was told to wait for a bit, she rushed into the bathroom and after only a few minutes she walked out wearing the new clothes and carrying the bag with her school uniform and pantyhose. What was I looking at, a 10 yr old girl slightly chubby but not fat, wearing those black suede boots and spider stockings, blue shorts that looked a size to small and the cut off T. My groin was in rebellion, I was hard as a rock and wishing to be free of the confining material and my balls had just gone from pink to blue and if I didnt do something about the situation soon I thought I was going to be damaged for life.
Gloria almost strutted over to me and when I didnt react straight away she seemed to falter a little bit and the swagger was dropping from her walk. She looked up at me and there the start of tears in her eyes, Quickly now; I had to say something.
"You are absolutely gorgeous!" With that she started to glow again and the strut was back.
"Lets go to the park behind the mall, Ok." It was about 4.30 pm now and we walked outside it was still hot and sunny. We walked to the park and I pulled my big camera from my backpack and set it up. "I really have to go bad now mister Fred, do you weant to take pictures now."
I looked around the park and it was totally deserted and ringed with the rear sides of shops on 3 sides. I couldnt have asked for a more private place had I designed it from scratch.
"Ok, I will just start taking pictures and you can just do whatever you want."
"I want to play near the swings." So she walked towards the swings with me trailing behind and furiously shooting pics.
Suddenly she stopped and turned to me with a smile on her face and a twinkle in her eyes, then as I was still taking pictures the front of her shorts got wet and her pee was running down her legs from the soaked shorts. the wet mark was spreading right around the whole crotch and seeping up to the waist band, suddenly she spread her legs and bent over backwards and kicked up into a full hand stand backwards.
Gloria was still peeing hard and now it was runnimg from the waistband of the shorts down across her back as her t shirt fell down over her head. I walked around to her front and her shirt had fallen over her face revealing the cutest little nipples and slight fatty pads of her just developing breasts. Her pee was running over her belly and soaking the shirt around her face and running into the valley between those tiny boobs and then while I happily snapped pictures she spread her legs wide and then forced herself to pee really hard which made her pee spurt throught her shorts and about 5 cm in the air and then she stopped and held the handstand for another minute at least while her pee soaked into her clothes and her shorts were totally drenched.
As I watched I noticed I could see the wet crotch of her blue panties creased deeply into her immature pussy under the leg of her shorts and I was pulsing cum into my underwear from over stimulation of watching this stunningly sexy little girl thoroughly drench herself in her own pee.
Gloria closed her legs and rolled herself down and sat on her cute little bum in the grass. She was grinning madly and dripping pee off her face and hair and her shirt was still bunched up under her arms showing off her preteen chest and smooth skin from neck to waist. She rubbed her hands over her face and into her hair and then down to her chest and rubbed her pee all over her skin where she could reach. I moved around so I could see her front on and the position of her legs still allowed me to see her panties where her shorts were scrunched up from her handstand. her stockings and legs were wet and as she calmed down she reached down and took off each boot and poured what was inside onto the front of her shorts and then put them back on her little feet.
I was stunned and turned on and ready to rape a tree if it made the wrong move. This little girl is a pee slut and just totally enjoyed covering herself in her own pee, my deviant mind wondered if she would enjoy being peed on by someone else and the idea wouldnt leave my head. I was still taking pictures like a lunatic and I didnt want to stop until Gloria was finished her overwhelmingly erotic show.
I looked closely at Gloria and noticed she was happy and animated and breathing heavily, what an amazing sight. I stopped taking pics and put my backpack down with the camera on top and sat down opposite her and just watched as she slowly calmed down and started to notice things outside of her own head.
"How you doing over there beautiful?" I said in a low voice.
Gloria blew out a big breath and smiled at me, saying,"Ok, I'm Ok. That was really cool. I really liked you taking pictures of me doing that."
"I'm glad you liked it. You certainly seemed to enjoy yourself and you pee a lot."
"I held it for a long time, it was a lot, I'm soaked. Can you help me wash off with the tap and then I can get changed."
"Of course, we can go over to those trees and then no-one will be able to see."
"No, here's fine, can you take my dress out of that bag and my new panties."
With that she started to strip by taking off her boots first and then the stockings and t-shirt and shorts, by now my pants were tight again, it was getting uncomfortable with my wet underwear. Standing in front of me and not shy about taking her clothes off in front of a virtual stranger, she hooked her wet and dripping panties with her thumbs and pushed them down her hips and slid them off her feet one at time and handed them to me and they followed the pee wet clothes into the plastic bag. Nude as the day she was born she walked the few steps to the water fountain and splashed clean water all over her body and rinsed her hair in the little sink under the fountain then shook herself like a big puppy and when she was satisfied, asked for clean panties which she quickly put on and they clung to her damp skin and formed the most delightful cameltoe I have ever seen.
I dropped the plastic bag and grabbed for the camera and started taking pictures again and then thought, why not video, so I switched the camera to video mode and shot this cute little blond pulling her pantyhose up and patting them into place between her legs and then the boots which were still wet went on, now the little cami bra which rolled up on her damp skin and I had to help unroll it and then finally the little school uniform; she extracted a hair brush from her school bag and brushed it through her hair and then put 2 scrunchies into the long blond locks and she was done.
I would find this simple act of watching a little girl get dressed one of the most erotic things I have ever witnessed, knowing what she had been doing less than 5 minutes before. This very simple act completed with no fuss and absolutely no embarrassment in an open park with just me to see. I was speachless and falling in love with this unabashed little minx who loves to play with her own pee so much.
"If you would like to take my things home and wash them for me, I can pick them up next monday from you at the coffeeshop." Gloria said to me as she stepped away and started back to the mall. I followed after picking up the few items laying around. I stuffed the plastic bag containing the pee wet clothes into my backpack along with the big camera and handed Glorias schoolbag to her as we strolled along.
"So how do you feel Gloria, I have to say you are an amazing little girl."
"Yeah I'm good, a little bit sticky and my pussy is still tingling, but I had fun and I hope you still like me after I was so naughty in the park. I sort of miss the spanking like everything is not finished. But ill tell mum I wet myself at school and she will give me some punishment which will have to do for now."
As we entered the mall near the foodcourt, Gloria turned to me and said, "I have to go now, have fun with my wet stuff and Ill pick them up next week, Ok."
"No problem, if you see Penny can you tell her I said Hi."
"Ok see you mister fred."
"See you Gloria."
I couldnt get to my car fast enough, as I sat in the drivers seat I opened my backpack and took out the plastic bag and opened it and there was only a very slight citrus smell comming out of the bag as I breathed in the smell of fresh little girl pee and I found the panties which were still dripping so I quickly pushed them into my mouth and sucked them as dry as I could leaving the crotch panel out....delicious. I took them from my mouth and opened them up and looked at the white cotton panel inside the crotch, even with the material wet I could see a film of sticky cum fresh from Gloriias pussy; so I licked the creamy goodness and tasted Glorias cum for the first time but definitely not the last time.
With Glorias cum fresh on my tongue I went home and used every bit of the clothing left in the bag to cum into and onto; but not until I had sucked and squeezed out all the pee they contained. I finally downloaded the videos and pictures to my comp and started a new encrypted file for both Penny and Gloria.
For the rest of the week I didnt see Gloria or Penny at the mall, even though I attended diligently every day and wasnt late once. My trusty book camera took copious hours of video and pictures from all different places in the mall.
On the weekend I went to the football game featuring the local team which was on Pennies and her mums shirts. I had a good time but didnt see Penny there, but I got a lot of hd video of the cheerleaders doing their routine at half time and most of the girls were young teens or preteens.
Monday and I was excited because I planned to see Gloria today and I had laundered the outfit she left in my care after I had thoroughly debauched myself with these very cute clothes. All except the panties, just before 3pm I was showered and ready to go and just before I left the house took the clean pair of blue cotton panties and shot a load of cum into the crotch and sealed them into the ziplock bag.
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