Preteen Central, Part 2

[ Mg, photo ]


Published: 17-Nov-2011

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This story is a work of fiction, the acts described are purely for the purposes of fantasy only.

Me and May sat on the sofa talking, I asked if her parents minded her modeling for me. She responded by telling me that her parents died in a car crash when she was little, and that Lindsay had been looking after her since. I comforted her with my words, though it should be noted that she seemed to be well over the whole thing. May smiled back at me and I began explaining the photo shoot to her. She seemed to be okay with the idea so I guided her through the house to the studio. I picked my camera up and made sure everything was set right, with this being my first photo shoot ever, I didn't want to fuck everything up and to be honest even after the quick Uni course I still didn't know anything. While I began getting the rest of the studio ready I told May to relax and take a look in the bag at the clothes she will be modeling, yesterday I went shopping and bought loads of clothes ranging from jeans to hot pants, long sleeve t-shirts to boob tubes. After 5 minutes of setting up I asked if she was ready, she'd been looking at the clothes and didn't protest to any of them, she said yes and asked where she should get changed. I explained that to start with she can stay in the clothes she was wearing now, then after some pictures she would pick out a set of clothes from the bag, close the changing room door (since I'd made the set look like a changing room in a shop I thought I might as well include it in the set). I then told her to place the clothes she had taken off on top of the door. Knowing that on the other side of the door (which only covered from the top of her knee till just under her neck) she was semi-nude was a turn on for me, and since I wasn't going to take nude pictures yet I might be able to get a couple of nipple slips as there is a mirror on the back of the changing room. May seemed happy to compile and we began the shoot.

I began taking pictures and told May to just pretend that she is actually trying on the clothes at a shop. After about 10 minutes I began giving instructions to her, she responded well to what I was saying. Since she was wearing low cut jeans I asked her to turn around so her back was facing me and bend over too look in the bag of clothes. As she did I was getting wonderful views of her blue panties where the jeans where just too small to cover her whole butt, I took more of this pose than the other, which is funny since this pose would not enter the final version of the set as I would have to show this to Lindsay and didn't want to give her the wrong impression. I could wait till later sets to start putting more risqué photos in. Now back to the photo shoot, May picked her next outfit, it was a summer dress made up of flowers in a nice pattern, what was an interesting thought was that the dress would only go down to her knees and the top side would be loose if I posed her right. Dirty thoughts of posing her entered my head, I could easily get a nipple slip or an up skirt. May entered the changing room and closed the door, she took her top off first, facing me as she pulled the top over her head I got a quick, yet rewarding view of her little nipples, I hoped that I got it in a picture but I was unprepared for that. She gave me a wink as she placed the white cotton top on top of the door, and then pulled down her low cut jeans. May then dressed into the dress and reopened the door. May looked even cuter in this outfit with the color enhancing her skin. May looked in the mirror and from my angle I got both a front and back view of the 11 year old, her little breasts highlighted quite well in the dress. She come closer to me and began posing, simple posing and not to sexy to start with, I needed enough photos to fill the set. Now for the more risqué photos hehe. I directed her to kneel down and lean forward towards me, with her in this pose I had a lovely view down her chest and even caught a glimpse of her panties. Next I told her to sit on the floor and take her shoes off. As she untied her shoes I got some cute photos of her concentrating, and even a few up skirts as she took the shoe off. As she finished taking the second shoe off I asked her to stand and change her clothes again, as she stood up I got another view of her nipples. The next outfit was a long sleeve shirt, which would be almost skin tight, and a pair of jeans, the jeans where made to look old and had several cuts and had places where the material was faded in color. I know that I would not see a lot of skin with these clothes but let her pick them anyway, plus I didn't want to scare her off or get unwanted attention from Lindsay if all the sets where of loose fitting, skimpy outfits. She pulled the dress over her head, this time I got myself ready for the nipples to appear but sadly as she took off the dress she turned around giving me a photo of her naked back, still a nice picture. After getting dressed May came back to the centre of the set and this time began posing without my instruction, to be honest with the poses she was doing there was no need for my input. May continued to pose and I could clearly see that her nipples where erect, I thought about getting her to change clothes again but I decided to let her continue a bit more, I wanted to get a nipple slip with them beautifully erect nipples but decided to give May another 10 minutes before asking her to change again, this time I know that she had to pick the short skirt and ever a standard t-shirt or the boob tube. She reentered the changing room and started taking the top off, again I was ready and waiting for the shot of the nipples. As she took the top off the neck was really tight and she struggled to get it off, as she was struggling I took the chance and took several pictures of her bare chest. She continued undressing and then redressing, pulling the skirt up my heart stopped as I waited for her to choose the top. After an agonizing eternity, at least for me really it was barely 3 seconds, she leaned back up and revealed that she had picked the simple t-shirt. My heart dropped, but at least the boob tube could be used later, my brain already coming up with ideas even while busy with the photo shoot. May started to pose again however this time, she opened the door to the changing room and stayed inside posing in the mirror. I got in closer and began taking pictures, trying to not put her off but also trying to get good views of her. May looked at the skirt in the mirror and started to play with it moving it around and doing swirls while I was enjoy the almost constant views of her blue cotton panties. My penis began to come alive even after I put all my will power to try and stop it, I couldn't help it. I moved back to my original position and continued shooting. May had now moved out of the changing room and into the center area, it is slightly raised so as she moved and the skirt lifted I could still get some fairly good views of her panties. As she reentered the changing room I asked her to leave the door open this time, as it's the last time. May seemed unsure so I continued, I told her that she would be facing away from the camera so she would not be exposed. After a few more words of encouragement May agreed. May then entered the changing room and began slowly taking her top off, I could see she was shaking with the nerves, the top dropped to the floor and she very slowly commenced taking her skirt off. I told her to stop and leave the skirt on, again not wanting to push her too far, May seemed to then be a lot less nervous. I told her to turn her head toward me and smile, she did perfectly, my penis was now becoming even harder so I told her that we were finished and she could get dressed.

May and I then went back into the living area and I congratulated her on an excellent job. May's smile got even wider as I continued with the praise. I asked her want she wanted to do while we wait her sister Lindsay to come back. She thought for a few seconds then asked if we could take some more pictures. I told her that it would take me a few hours to change the set into something else, her smile disappeared, however I could do some candid photos if she liked. May looked at me confused and asked me want candid meant. I told her that it was when the pictures where just quickly taken without much set up. I also told her that she could not tell Lindsay about this extra photo session, I paused for a second so I could think of a good excuse as to why not since I wanted to get some good photos for my personal stash. All I could think of saying as an excuse was that the paperwork did not cover this and I would get into trouble, she quickly agreed and I went to get my camera. I asked May where she wanted me to photograph her, she quickly responded with the kitchen also adding that she was hungry. My kitchen was rather big so there was plenty of room to work with, in the center was a large work space that had the sink as well as a fruit bowl on it, so I told May to climb up and have some fruit she grabbed an orange after climbing up and slowly worked at taking the skin off, all the while I was getting some lovely photos of her. During her peeling the orange she pressed it to hard and the orange squirted its juice at her leaving a wet mark on her top, I got some photos then told her that we had better wash it so it would not stain, she quickly agreed but asked if I could get her a replacement. I ran back to her studio and grabbed the long sleeve top, I wanted so much to grab the boob tube but thought that would again give the wrong impression, I could almost hear my penis complaining. By the time I had got back she had filled the sink with water and was already topless covering her precious chest with one hand, I passed her the top and she quickly put it on, sadly turning away from me to do so. I continued taking pictures as she washed her top, I then suggested that we watch some tv or maybe a dvd while we wait for her top to dry and for Lindsay to arrive, to be honest I thought that I could of pushed her to maybe give me slightly more erotic poses for photos but didn't want to push too much the first day, right now she seemed to be super happy and loving every moment of it so I will have to wait till the next photo shoot.

We ended up watching Camp Rock on the Disney channel, time went very slow from this point but Lindsay finally come back. She asked if everything went well to which May jumped straight up and asked her sister when she could come back to do it again. Lindsay laughed and said 'I guess everything went well then' I welcomed her back but quickly said that the payment that she offered for tonight would have to wait till tomorrow as I would be busy, I really wanted to see what she was going to do, but couldn't wait to see the photos. Lindsay agreed saying she was very tired and would not of performed well enough for me, May looked very confused by our conversation, Lindsay then asked when I could next fit May in, I told her in 4 days, I wanted to give the impression I was kind of busy but still didn't want to wait too long to see May again. Lindsay then said that I better be free tomorrow night for the payment, I readily accepted. Now to upload the photos onto the computer.

After 30 minutes of sorting I managed to get rid of the blurred and other crap photos and made 4 sets ready for my internet site, I began uploading them. Now I could finally get to looking at the photos that interested me. The first pictures I began masturbating too was the first time she got changed, I had got that nipple slip and it was glorious, she looked so innocent and cute in the photo while displaying her lovely little nipples to me. Her areola was adorable and her nipple, not yet erect sat perfectly in the middle, the slight indent in the center of the nipple made the nipple even cuter, I came to that picture but still desired more. The next set was fairly boring at least until the kneeling bit, which I left out of the set for the internet, May looked quite the picture while kneeling and leaning forward slightly giving me an uninterrupted view of her bare chest right down to the panties. The best photos came at the end of the next set, as May struggled to take that tight long sleeve t-shirt off, she gave me loads of views of her nipples, the photos were great, I had captured 7 each at a different stage as she struggled. The best was the 6th photo, I had zoomed right in on the chest area and most of my monitor was filled with May's bare chest. Her erect nipples sat flawlessly on her chest. After setting up a slideshow of the best photos I masturbated over and over. I then had a shower and went to bed. The next morning I had a txt from Lindsay asking to see May's photos and some more models photos. Shit I don't have any other models...

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very nicely written. keeps your attention throughout... can't wait to read the next one!!

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