Preteen Central, Part 1

[ FMg, cons, sex ]


Published: 15-Nov-2011

Word Count:

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This story is a work of fiction, the acts described are purely for the purposes of fantasy only.

I should start by telling you my name, I'm Dexter, most people call me Dex, i'm 22 years old. I'm a fairly average person, not to tall but not short, I have an athletic build. About 4 months ago a friend I was close too died. This ofcourse was unsetting for me, however in his will he left me everything... And I mean everything. The first thing that caught my eye was the money, a small fortune all for me, second was a house on the outskirts of town. So after the lawyers did their thing and I got given the money and the deed to my new home I decided that I should now follow my dream of becoming a photographer.At this point I should also tell you that I always enjoyed looking on the internet for preteen, or teen models, but not the pornografic kind, rather the artisic kind (If you can call it artisic, what I really mean is non-nude). What really got me off was the nip-slips or the even better pussy-slips. I just love them. Now back to the story...

Since now I didn't have to worry about getting a job I got straight to work building a new photo studio in my new home, funny thing was I bought a tri-pod before I even bought a kettle, I was obsessed about getting the best studio my money could buy. After I finished buying everything for the studio I began buying things to make my home seem for homely. The house was rather big, and gave off a cold presence so I got a decorator in called Lindsay, she was 24. She was wonderful at her job and looked even better, I myself had not had sex for over 2 years after spliting up with my girlfriend. Having Lindsay around the house was a great and horrible thing, she was constantly bending over, giving me great views of her cleavage, Lindsay didn't have the biggest breasts probably only a b-cup at most but the view still gave me something to think about every time I mastabated. 2 weeks later my house looked completely different, it was amazing. After spending almost 2 weeks with Lindsay I asked her out for a dinner as a thank you, she accepted (Much to my relief).

The following saturday I drove to her house to pick her up. After a 10 minute wait she finally came outside, I was blown away at her beauty. Lindsay was wearing a tight red dress, that hugged her body wonderfully, the top part of the dress was of simple design but showed her cleavage, she was clearly not wearing a bra. The dress split just under the hips on both sides of her body, so as she walked I could see her long, elegant legs. After the dinner we started talking, she asked about the studio, it was at this point i realised that in the two weeks Lindsay has worked for me she not once had asked about the studio. I told her that I was starting a small modeling company, which would be an internet based business. She seemed genuinely interested so I continued. I would take pictures of the models and then sell the picture sets through my internet site. She asked how long I'd been doing it, I lied telling her I'd done it for 4 years since leaving school. Really I'd not even picked up a camera for at least 5 years, but she didn't have to know that.The rest of the evening went great and she even asked if we where going back to my place, I eagerly told her yes. Kissing as we walked to my frout door, almost falling over a couple of time, we got in and made our way upstairs to the bedroom, while striping each other of our clothes. Her breasts her even more perfect than I had imagined, as her whole body was to be honest. We made it to the bedroom and collapsed onto the bed, Lindsay got onto her back and opened her legs longingly awaiting my penis. My penis at this point was ready to explode, to try and stop myself I started doing complicated math in my head. After ten minutes of pure blissful enjoyment I could not stop myself from cumming, I pulled my penis out and cummed on her chest. I then started to give her oral sex, mainly because I wanted to enjoy this moment for as long as possible. Lindsay, unable to control her own voice screamed with pleasure, I continued since my penis was still soft, I thought that if I continue till I get another erection that maybe I could go for round 2. I was right, I grabbed my penis and with great speed rammed my penis back inside her wonderfully warm pussy. Lindsay moaned with great pleasure as I got faster and faster, I was feeling the need to cum again. Already I thought to myself, I was definitely out of practice. Within 5 minutes I had cummed again, but I still felt great and I think Lindsay was too. After cleaning up the cum we both sat and began talking.

Lindsay asked what kind of models I used for the pictures, I didn't know if I should tell her the truth or not but decided that I might as well. I told her that I perfer the model to be between the ages of 9 to 13 but sometimes upto 17 if the girl was pretty enough. She didn't react as if it was wrong, infact she said she had a younger sister called May who was 11 and might be interested in doing some modeling. As if my day could get any better. I told her to bring her to the house for a test shoot next weekend if she'd like to. Lindsay said she would since May's always looking to be the center of attention. That brings you upto date in the story of my studio so far, I know not much has happened but after Lindsay went I quickly took a course at the local Uni and got my photo skills, and what words to use ect. Now its Saturday morning and I'm just waiting for Lindsay to arrive with May. I made the set up to look like a shop changing room and the set would have May trying on a series of clothes, I know I said this was a test shoot but I saw her picture and shes even better looking than Lindsay (baised I know since I perfer young hehe).

Lindsay arrived 15 minutes later. I hugged Lindsay as she came in and then had my first face to face with May. I'm blown away at her slight, her skin complexion was perfect, she had long brown hair that was in a ponytail, bright blue eyes that I know would show up beautifully in the pictures. She had a slender build, she looked really innocent, again perfect for the pictures. Her bust size was barely aa-cup and it looked like she was not wearing a training bra, her top was hugging her chest area giving me a good view. Below she was wearing low cut jeans, that covered only a little of her thigh showing me her angelic legs.

"Hello May." I said as a smile beamed across her face.

"Hey Dexter." May's voice was such a sweet thing, almost everything about this girl was perfect.

"Call me Dex, everyone I know calls me that." I smiled back, as Lindsay pulled me aside to discuss everything.

"Sorry Dex, but is it ok if I leave May here with you. I have a big job coming up and have to come up with loads of designs for it. I know I'm using you as an unpaided babysitter but I was hoping that it would be okay, I'll give you something special tonight as paymeant." Lindsay winked at me as she said the final sentence, how could I refuse. God, what have I done to deserve this, a perfect girl and a perfect woman.

"Ofcourse its okay Lindsay. Ohh before you go I need you to sign some paperwork." I told May to continue into the living area as me and Lindsay entered the office to do the paperwork, Lindsay was in that much of a rush she didn't even read the paperwork. At that point I wish I'd writen that I could take naked photos of a sexual nature, but alas its just saying that the photos are going to be sold ect. Lindsay then said goodbye to May and left. I got a glass of water for May, as I returned May was sitting on a chair with her legs akimbo, I could see she was wearing blue cotten panties. My penis began to stir in my pants so I quickly sat down and handed the glass of water to May. My head was running wild with anticipation for the photo shoot, this would be the first of many I hoped and for want I had planned things could only get better.

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I'm curious why Lindsay never asked to see some of his work. Otherwise, if you ignore the atrocious spelling and the fact that the author doesn't know the first thing about photography, this is a good beginning to an erotic fantasy.


I just love these studio stories. Yeah, they are all similar, but I could wank to the all day. Keep it up--give us Part 2. But a bit of proof reading would be good.

Knicker peeper

Story has lots of potential. Don't rush into getting the child naked. Want to see up her skirt and down her top, with sexy silky lingerie. Her sister must be encouraged to molest and f**k her too, maybe under the influence of drugs.


The story is off to a good start. If you continue it, feel free to send me Part 2, or at least let me know that you have posted it. The story shows great promise. Hope to be able to finish reading it.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.