The Little Camper, Part 2

[ gg, 1st, cons, bi, exhib, oral, food ]

by Myrddin

Published: 7-Feb-2013

Word Count:

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

My name is Heather, and people say I am a pretty little thing. I have ash-blonde hair and sapphire-blue eyes. I was quite active for an eight-year-old, in more ways than one; I liked swimming, climbing, hiking, camping, bikes... and boys. In fact, I had willingly lost my virginity to a man on my eighth birthday. His name was Bruce, and he was thirty-two, four times my age (or so he said, I had just started to learn my times tables after all).

In the two months after our week long celebration of my birthday (of which sex was the only way we celebrated), I had started experimenting with other boys. Unfortunately for me, they had all been concerned only for their own pleasure and had left me wanting. Besides, none of them had had anything even approaching Bruce's experience.

When we were together, he had shown me the few pictures he had been able to gather of naked little girls. While looking at them I had been surprised to find that I liked them; that I was bi. My fourth would-be lover (third after Bruce) was the biggest disappointment yet, so I decided to forget boys for now and find myself a girlfriend.

After four months with no luck, I went to a Halloween party. The partygoers ranged in age from seven to ten, but there was only one person younger than me: a little Asian girl by the name of Kristi who had turned seven just barely a week before. I didn't know her at the time however, in fact I had just moved to the area and hardly knew anyone.

The party itself was an illicit affair; there were no adults present because none of them knew there was a party. It was held in an old barn on someone's property; I don't think that anyone even lived there.

The party had quickly gotten dull, until my neighbor's boy Tommy (who was almost eleven, and therefore the oldest) had gotten an idea. "Let's play spin-the-bottle," he suggested.

A couple of the girls and about half of the boys thought that this was a horrible idea, but since nobody could come up with a better idea those that didn't want to play stayed to the side to watch or just went home. Those that were left included both Kristi and I, and had twice as many girls as boys.

Since he had suggested it Tommy went first, using a plastic pop bottle half full of water. The bottle landed aimed at one of the older girls, who he kissed to the giggles of the other girls and the teasing of the boys. Then it was her turn.

The boys had spread themselves as evenly as possible among the girls, and with two-to-one odds were having no trouble getting the bottle to point at girls. The first two girls also had no problem getting boys, but then it was my turn.

After the kiss that passed me control of the bottle (a rather sloppy thing that was no fun at all), I decided that I wanted to see what it was like to kiss another girl. So I tried to aim for little Kristi, and succeeded. She looked so cute, and was definitely the one person there I was the most attracted to.

Kristi flushed, and looked toward Tommy. "It landed on you, so now you have to kiss her," he said in reply to her apparent appeal.

So she leaned over, meeting me half way, and kissed me full on the lips. From the way she kissed me, I got the impression that her problem hadn't been with kissing another girl, but with doing so in public. It was a sweet kiss, with only the slightest bit of hesitation to it. The only person who had ever given me a better kiss was Bruce, and this was at least as good as some of his.

Play continued, with the girls doing their damnest to avoid each other. Kristi's first turn (right after kissing me) landed her the cutest looking of the boys, but to my eyes it looked like she had enjoyed kissing me more. Maybe that was just wistful thinking. A couple spins later, the same sloppy kisser who had gotten me got her. From her barely suppressed look of disgust, she felt the same about his kisses as I did. When she spun the bottle this time, she seemed pleased that it landed on me.

If anything, our second kiss was even better than the first.

I spun not even trying to aim, and got Tommy. He was actually pretty nice, but not as good as Kristi.

One boy ended up getting himself, to which he laughed, kissed the side of his own fist (to the laughter of everyone), and spun again. A few spins latter it was Sloppy Kisser's turn again. He apparently tried to get me again, but to his dismay he missed, and got the boy right beside me.

Looking at him but pointing at Kristi, I said "Tommy told us we had to kiss, so now you have to kiss him." I was really looking forward to seeing the boys kiss; I thought it would be funny. Both boys refused however, and Tommy didn't say a word.

"It's okay for us to kiss each other, but not them?" one girl asked angrily. "That's not fair!" With that she got up and stormed off. The other girls soon followed, Kristi being one of the first, and I being the very last. I shrugged at Tommy as I got up, he just looked disappointed.

Since nobody could think of anything else to do within the limited resources of the old barn and the little we had brought with us, the party soon broke up. It really hadn't been much of a party.

As I was leaving, I felt someone at my side. Looking down, I was a little surprised to see the little Asian girl who I had kissed twice even though I didn't know her name. Deciding on boldness, I told her "You're a pretty good kisser. I'm Heather, what's your name?"

"Kristi," she replied shyly. "Did... Did you like my kisses?" This was asked with what sounded suspiciously like hope shining through her shyness.

Since nobody else was around by that time I decided to tell her the truth, hoping that I wouldn't shock her to much. "Only one person has ever kissed me better," I said. "That's why I was glad when you got me. Tell me, were you aiming at me like I was aiming at you the first time?"

"You did that on purpose?" she asked with obvious surprise. When I nodded, she answered my question with "Well, kinda..."

"Do you want to kiss me again?" She just nodded shyly. "Well then, let's go to my house."


My parents knew that I had gone to a party that night, but they had thought I was going to the one at the school. When we got to my place, they naturally assumed that she was a friend from school, and I didn't enlighten them. Seeing as we had just moved to this little San Diego suburb from Portland Oregon a week before, this was actually quite unlikely; I hadn't had enough time to make good friends yet. That's why I didn't know many people at that party, and knew none well.

My father did say that it was getting kind of late for visitors, so Kristi ended up calling her place and asking if she could spend the night. It soon turned out that our mothers knew each other from work, so her mother agreed. She even brought some things over for Kristi; a toothbrush, pair of pajamas (though she wouldn't be needing those) and even a robe.

We had kissed a couple times on the way home, but only quick ones; we hadn't wanted anybody to see us; neither of us wanted a reputation for being gay. When we finally got to my room, I took her in my arms and holding her close gave her a real kiss. She was giving as good as she got, so I tentively slid one hand down to caress her cute little butt. She stiffened for a moment, but then relaxed and did the same to me.

She was wearing a short-sleeved dress that buttoned up the middle from neckline to hem. It was a light red, almost dark pink in fact, with white and yellow flowers all over it. She looked so cute. I was wearing a short-sleeved button-up white shirt and a denim skirt; an outfit that I thought looked cute on me. Like me she wasn't wearing even a training bra, but I could already tell that she was wearing fairly normal panties. Her shoulder-length black hair was held back with a barrette, otherwise it was loose. My own longer ash-blond locks were pulled back in two pony tails, each starting just behind my ears. I had been going for cute rather than sexy that night, seeing as I wasn't hunting for boys.

I reflected that seeing the two of us kissing and fondling each other would probably boil the blood of any man lucky enough to see it. The thought made my blood boil. Apparently hers was boiling too; I could feel her hard little nipples pressing into me. So I reached with the hand that wasn't on her but and captured one to play with. After a moment's hesitation, she did the same for me.

Since we were both wearing knee-length skirts, I decided to see how far she would let me go by sliding my hand up hers. She didn't make a move to stop me or object in any way, even when I put my hand inside the leg-hole of her panties. So I pushed my finger up her little ass.

Up until now, she had just been copying what I did. But when she put her hand up my skirt, in the leg-hole of my panties, and inserted her finger into me, it was not in my butt. I'm just glad I wasn't a virgin; as fast as she had done that it could really have hurt otherwise.

That was all I needed to know. Pulling my finger out of her ass, I started unbuttoning her dress. She started to unfasten my skirt. It hit the floor while I was still fumbling with her third button, but she didn't stop there; instead, she moved to my shirt and started unbuttoning it. She got it open about the time I finally got her dress open. Pushing the two garments off each other's shoulders, we let both fall to the floor.

At that point we were still kissing. Actually, making out would be more descriptive, as it wasn't just one long kiss and out tongues were involved as well. We stopped and pulled apart to arm's length to get our first real look at each other's bodies. She was all young, smooth curves, without a hint of extra body fat anywhere. Her breasts were about what you would expect from a seven-year-old (though I didn't know her age just yet), which is to say non-existent. Her cute little nipples were rock-hard though.

At eight-and-a-half, I knew I looked about the same, just with more muscle. Since I was a bit small for my age, we were even about the same size. The only real difference between us was our coloring: ash-blond and blue-eyed me compared to her black hair and eyes.

It was an odd comparison in another way; with my muscles, she was the more dainty looking, but my panties were the sexier of the two. A gift Bruce sent me in the mail, they were as skimpy as anything else I owned since I had given my only pair of thongs to him. They where "cheekies," with a butt-line falling halfway between normal and thong, but they were also lace. I knew from checking myself in the mirror that the partially transparent lace exposed about half of my butt-crack, though the opaque parts hid my hole even if I bent over. In front my pussy was just barely visible, but it was more of a tease than anything even there. I had no idea where Bruce had found something like this in my size.

Though cute, her panties were positively tame in comparison. They were of normal cut, made from soft pink cloth patterned with white and pastel-yellow flowers. If I didn't know any better, I would have thought that they were made specifically to go with her dress, the patterns were that similar.

As all we had on were our panties, I could tell that she was enjoying the sight of me as much as I was enjoying looking at her. The crotch in those cute little panties was getting as wet as mine.

"Wow," she said, speaking the first words since closing the door, "where did you get panties that sexy?"

"I'm not quite sure," I replied. "They were a gift from a friend."

"A boyfriend?"

I thought a moment before replying. "I guess you could call him that." But I had had enough talk.

I closed with her again and knelt in front of her, where I gently started pulling her panties down. She just stood there and let me. Her bald little pussy was so beautiful, I just had to taste it. So I leaned in to kiss it, but soon found myself licking it instead. Taking one foot out of her panties (they were around her ankles, though I don't remember pulling them all the way down) she spread her legs and putting her hands on the back of my head started pushing my face into her crotch.

She started cumming immediately, but unfortunately it wasn't long before her little legs could no longer support her weight.

As she settled to her knees she kissed me once more, licking a fair amount of her juices off my face in the process. "Your turn," she told me, and started pulling my panties down.

Since I was still on my knees, that was as far as she could get them. She then pushed me over so that I was laying on my back with my legs bent under me (thankfully I was limber enough that this wasn't even uncomfortable, let alone painful). She lifted my knees until they stuck straight up in the air, and pulled my soggy panties the rest of the way off. Finally, she put her head down between my legs and started licking my twat. I had been unable to get any of the three boys I had been with to do that, so Kristi was only the second person who ever had. She wasn't as good as Bruce had been, but I was pretty sure that this was her first time and he had had a lot of experience. As it was, I was soon sure that she would eventually be better at it than he was.

Seeing as a knew I hadn't brought Kristi to orgasm, I squirmed over until I was almost laying beside her. She had moved with me, still intent on licking me dry (futilely, I might add). So I reached out, grabbed her legs, and gave a mighty heave. This had the effect of getting her to lay on top of me, which was just what I wanted. I started licking her again.

I don't know how long we lay there sixty-nineing it, all that I know is that by the time we stopped I could no longer hear the TV.

The house we had rented only had two bedrooms, one at each end of the "common" rooms. This meant that my parents' bedroom was at the opposite side of the house from mine. Since the TV was against the wall separating my room from the living room, I could always tell if it was on. From the time my parents got home to the time they went to bed, the TV never shut off. This could have been annoying, but the house was insulated well enough that only an indistinct hum came through most of the time. I actually found the hum soothing, and it allowed me to know when it was safe to get up for a drink without needing a robe.

Opening my door and peaking out, I could tell that they really were in bed; there wasn't even the faintest hint of light leaking under their door. Once in bed for the night, they never left their room until morning. The master bedroom had its own bathroom, and they were quite heavy sleepers. More than once, I had needed to use their bathroom because the other had been plugged (which happened all to often; there was something wrong with the drain) and they had never noticed no matter how much noise I accidentally made. The last time I had even been completely naked, without even a robe.

I usually slept naked these days; I had ever since that wonderful week with Bruce. It just made me feel tingly all over. I had even taken to walking around the house at night naked. It was fun; gave me a feeling of... Well, I'm not sure how to describe it any better than I already have, it just felt good. No, I wasn't a nudist; I was an exhibitionist.

That night I decided that I wanted to have sex with Kristi in the living room. "Come on, the coast is clear," I told her.

"Wh-what!? But we're naked!" she hissed back.

"Yes, so?"

"What about your parents?"

"Oh, them. Don't worry about them, they wouldn't wake if a freight train ran through the house."

"Well, if you're sure... But I still don't know why you want to go out there."

"You'll see," was all I said.

I led her out to the living room couch, pulled her down beside me, and started kissing her again. I wasn't sure what to do next, after all I had never had sex with another girl before. Kristi solved the problem for me, at least for the time being, by reaching out and caressing me all over.

I started doing the same to her, but it wasn't long before my hand was drawn to her pussy like a magnet. Her hand found my cunt soon after.

It was soon more than I could handle, so I decided to try something. I pushed her down to lay flat. Since I was still kissing her, I ended up on top of her. Moving until my pussy was pressing right on top of hers, I started humping her. She curled her legs around me and started humping back almost immediately.

It was incredible. Feeling her smooth, lithe little body moving beneath mine was like nothing I had ever experienced before. Bruce and I had had sex many times, but since we were out in the woods without any kind of bed, it hadn't been much like this. Besides, Bruce had been much bigger than Kristi.

Then there had been the "Three Disappointments." They had been too busy thrusting toward their own orgasms to do anything else; the only parts of them that had moved were their hips and hands.

Kristi was wiggling and moaning softly in pleasure, but was still doing her best to continue kissing and caressing me. As I was doing my level best to continue kissing and caressing her. Not that it was easy to catch her mouth with her wiggling so much, but I didn't really care. I was kissing any and every part of her that I could reach, and she seemed to be just as indiscriminate.

Once again I lost track of time, all I know is that by the time we were done I was quite spent. We lay there in a sodden heap, dripping with sweat (and other things).

Other things... That thought should have made me realize where we were, and what kind of mess sex could make. It never crossed my mind however, a fact that was going to cause me no little embarrassment the next morning. Of course, the fact that I fell asleep too quick to think of much of anything may have had something to do with it.

Yes, there we were; two pre-pubescent girls, laying in a pile, completely naked, on the living-room couch. If we had been found like that...

Fortunately, we had an antique Grandfather clock in the living room; one of those tall things complete with pendulum. It was so old that it even had to be wound by key in three places once every day. It was one of my Mother's most prized possessions; it had once been owned by her grandfather and still worked perfectly.

It would chime with three different type of chimes. The most simple chime consisted of three notes and would sound at fifteen and forty-five after the hour. The next most complex chime would sound at the half-hour, with the most complex sounding at the hour and followed by single notes counting that hour. I had grown-up with that clock and was quite used to it, but Kristi wasn't.

I don't know how long we were asleep, but I figure that she was so worn-out that she slept clean through several chimes including at least one hourly chime. When it struck three however, she awoke with a start that sent me tumbling to the floor. It was the rudest awakening that I had ever had, though looking back at it, it was also the funniest.

"Maybe we should get to bed," I told her as soon as I was able to think. "We don't want to be found here." Her agreement was unmistakable, even if it was silent, so we went back to my room and finally got into bed.

My bed was actually quite unusual for one used by a girl my age. You see, when we had moved here my parents had decided to upgrade to a queen-sized from their old full-sized. At the time I was still using a single, not even a twin, and it was getting a bit small for me. I had asked for a new twin-sized, but jumped at the chance when they offered me their old bed. As impossible as having sex in the single had been, I figured that a twin might not be much better. But with a full...

The fact that they had most likely had sex in it didn't bother me; I just got them to replace the mattress pad and buy me new sheets. They agreed since this was still cheaper than buying two new beds would have been.

This meant that there was plenty of room for two little girls. We crawled in under the light covers I used, and Kristi snuggled right up to me. I thought she just wanted to cuddle, until she slid on-top of me and made an obvious bid for more sex. This was a little bit of a surprise seeing as I knew she was tired, but I was willing.

I had thought that having her on top wouldn't be much different than the other way, but I was dead wrong. When I had been on top, I had stayed flat because I enjoyed the feeling of her nipples sliding against me. Kristi didn't stay flat: she arched her back and head so far that she would have been looking at the opposite wall if her eyes hadn't been closed in pleasure. We didn't stay in the one position either; we had a lot of room to move in after all.

The clock in the living room struck four before we were done. This time we slept until morning.

I didn't wake until almost quarter after ten, which was actually quite late for me even on a weekend. Even then I only awoke because Kristi was trying to disentangle herself from me. "I need to pee," she told me when she saw that I was awake. That sounded like a good idea.

My parents had their own bathroom off of their room that was just as easy for then to get to as the other one was, so it was mine; I only had to share with guests. Since it was just outside my room, my parents had even let me put up a curtain across "my" hall on one of those extendible poles that didn't need any hardware. This gave me privacy to get to and from that bathroom, and I seldom took anything clean to wear with me when I showered; I preferred to be naked most of the time after all.

Since I had made sure that the curtain was closed when we had finally gone to bed, I knew that we didn't need to put anything on just to go pee. Kristi wasn't so sure however, and insisted on at least putting her robe on.

On the way I almost regretted not putting mine on, as we were stopped by my father's voice.

"Oh good, you're up," he called when he heard my door open. When I stuck my face out the side of the curtain, he continued with "We're going out for a couple hours, and will be bringing sandwiches home for lunch by one. What would you girls like?"

I knew that what he meant were those big sub sandwiches, so I explained that to Kristi and we gave our orders. I expected them to leave then, but my mother asked "By the way, do you know what made this large stain on the couch?"

That was when I thought of the mess we must have made the night before, but all I said was "No..."

She apparently knew that I wasn't telling the truth, because her reply was "Well, it had better be clean by the time we get back." Then I heard the front door close.

I carefully slipped out to the front door and looked through the window just in time to see the car pull away. I locked the door, then turned to Kristi and striped her robe off of her. "Since we will have the next couple hours alone, there's something I want to do," I announced.

"Can it wait until I've had a chance to pee?" she replied. "Breakfast would be nice too."

"Well... I guess we can wait to do the second part. The first part will be quick enough, so lets go!" With that, I dragged her to my parent's bathroom, leaving her robe behind.

When we got to their bathroom, I got into their big tub and crouched down at one end. Then I motioned that she should do the same at the other end. When she was in place, I told her "Start peeing on the count of three, Okay?" She gave me an odd look, but just nodded. "One... Two... Three!" I called, and on three we both started emptying our bladders.

I did this because Bruce had liked to watch me pee, even though watching him pee wasn't all that fun for me. After all, since we had both been naked most of the time I couldn't see anything I couldn't when he wasn't peeing. In addition, that act seemed to make him a bit limp, and I like dicks best fully erect.

I had figured that there must be something special about seeing a girl pee, but watching Kristi pee wasn't doing anything for me. In fact, it was kinda gross. It could have been worse though; the drain was in the middle so at least we didn't get each other's piss on our feet.

She seemed to think it was just as gross as I did, so when we were done I told her "Sorry, I thought that would be more fun."

"That's okay," she replied, "you can make it up to me after breakfast."

Breakfast was a quick meal of toaster waffles; neither of us wanted to waste any time since we didn't have much when we would be alone. Besides, lunch wouldn't be all that far away. I decided to make the meal fun however (although with both of us still naked, it was already novel).

I had put so much syrup on the waffles that they were quite messy. I had done this on purpose, knowing what would probably happen. Sure enough, on her second bite Kristi dripped syrup on her chest. She even managed to get a drop on one of her little nipples, and I just couldn't resist licking it off. We were soon dripping syrup with obvious intent, just so the other could lick it off.

When Kristi leaned back and dribbled some on her pussy, I decided that it was time to stop playing. "If we're going to do that, let's do it right," I told her. "Do you want to be on top or bottom?"

"On top please, I like it better there."

Pushing the almost empty plates aside, I climbed up on the kitchen table and lay on my back spreading my legs. Then I motioned for her to climb up on top of me and press her sticky cunt to my lips. It was an obvious bid to start a sixty-nine session, and she took it as such.

She surprised me however by picking up the syrup bottle and squirting a liberal amount on my pussy before starting to lick it. The dribble of syrup on her pussy was really only a few drops, but it was enough for me; it tasted good enough by itself that more syrup would only have made things worse.

It took us both about a half hour to reach true orgasm (though we had started cumming immediately).

When we were done, Kristi turned to me and said "I feel all sticky, I would like to wash up a bit."

This happened to be exactly (well, pretty much) what I had had in mind, so I took her back to my parent's bathroom as my bathtub wasn't as big as theirs.

Once the tub was ready, I suggested that we wash each other. She thought that was a great idea, so we climbed in and proceeded to do just that. It soon turned into playing, and then into more sex, just as I had known it would. I soon discovered that the hardest part of having sex in a bathtub was to do so without anyone drowning. Despite the risk (or perhaps because of it), it was some of the best sex yet.

I still preferred Bruce, but Kristi was better than anyone else I had ever been with. Girls my own age and adult men, that was the way to go. Now if I could just get the two of them together... But I didn't know how she would react to the idea. It wasn't like I knew her all that well yet, was it possible that she really was a full lesbian? At seven?

When we were done, I looked at the clock hanging on the bathroom wall: it said 12:30. "Oh damn! We only have half an hour to get everything cleaned up before my parents get home!"

I didn't waste any more time, I just pulled the plug on the tub, stood up, and grabbing the showerhead off its hanger proceeded to rinse both of us off. Then we dried each other off, which almost lead to more time wasting.

After making sure that the tub was soap free, we went out to clean the couch. Luckily, it was an old vinyl thing that didn't stain easy. I had never actually lay naked on it until last night, and hadn't thought about how skin can stick to vinyl. Now I realized that it may have been a bit painful for Kristi last night, and decided that I would find a way to make it up to her. But for now I had work to do.

Luckily it didn't take long to clean the couch, because we still had the kitchen to finish. My parents wouldn't be happy to find that we hadn't cleaned up after ourselves, even if we were doing so when they got home. Besides, there was more mess on the kitchen table than just our breakfast dishes.

Right as we had finished I heard a car door slam. "They're home!" I yelled. And there we were, standing in the kitchen completely naked. Why hadn't we put some clothes on? Probably because we liked being naked around each other.

We ran for my bedroom. We were almost there when I remembered one detail. "Your robe!"

With a stricken look, she ran back into the living room to get her discarded robe. She just made it back through my hallway curtain when I heard the front door open.

"Girls! We're home!" my mother called.

We both ducked into my bedroom before I pretended to open the door (just rattled the knob a bit) and replied "Okay! We'll be right out!" Then began the frantic rush to get some clothes on.

Kristi came up with my panties from the night before and looked like she was about to put them on, but then decided against it as they had dried a bit crusty. So I went to my underwear drawer and pulled out two clean pair.

Handing one to her, I said "Here, you can have these if you want them, I have plenty and Bruce keeps sending more."

"Bruce? Is he your boyfriend?" That's when I realized that I had used his name, the first time I had uttered it to anyone.

"Well, not really..." Then I decided to tell her all about it, after all I did want to get the three of us together. "But he was my first lover."

"How many have you had?" she asked.

I thought about lying and telling her that she was my second, but thought better of it. "Including you and him, five. But the other three hardly count, they weren't very satisfying at all. They were all boys, by the way."

"Why weren't they satisfying?"

"Because they were all so concerned about their own pleasure that they never thought of mine. You and Bruce did."

"What made Bruce better than the other boys?"

"Oh, Bruce isn't a boy, he's a man."

This shocked her, but not for the reason I thought it would. "You mean, you're a rape victim?"

"Rape? Who said anything about rape?"

"Well, I just... I mean, why..." She seemed unable to find a response.

"Bruce would never rape anyone. In fact, he didn't even start it."

"You mean...?"

"Yep, I asked him. He was eager enough though."

"How long ago was this?"

"About six months ago, on my eighth birthday."

"Have you seen him since?"

"Not since that week, but we have plans to get together for my ninth birthday." Then I decided to take a chance, and added "You're welcome to join us, if you want."

"I... I'll have to think about it."

"But you might come?" I couldn't help but to ask, or keep the hope out of my voice.

"Maybe..." She was silent for a moment. "Would I have to have sex with him?"

"I guess not, but we would both be happier if you did."

"Well... I guess I'll come then, if I can get permission from my parents. But I may not have sex with him, just with you."

"You don't mind if he at least watches?"

"No, in fact it sounds like fun." Then she had a thought. "What's he look like? Do you have a picture?"

I did, several dozen even, by that time. He had even posed in a magazine; I had snagged the copy my mother had bought. She didn't even know I was interested in such things, maybe didn't even know I knew they existed. Because of this, she never asked if I had seen it, and probably still thinks she misplaced it somewhere.

Anyway, I pulled that magazine out of it's hiding place. She wouldn't believe that it was actually him in the pictures, but she did believe that he looked just like "that other man."

Then my father called "Girls? Are you coming, or should I feed your sandwiches to the dog?"

We were both dressed by this time, so I shoved the magazine back into its hiding place, opened the door and replied "We don't even have a dog!"

"Oh, you're right," he returned, fainning surprise. "Well, I guess that you will just have to come here and eat them yourselves." So we did.

After lunch we returned to my room. I was determined to prove that that was my Bruce in the magazine, so I showed Kristi all of the pictures I had on my computer of him; the ones I had taken as well as ones he had sent since. She liked them.

"I'm gonna have a chance to have sex with him!? Oh, I can't wait!" She seemed to have made up her mind about weather or not she wanted that.

I decided to see if he was online, and sent him the instant message "Want to play?"

It took a few minutes, but he finally replied with "Sure, what shall we play?"

"What about strip poker?" I asked.

"I wish!" was the reply.

"Where R U?" I typed.



"Yes, and I'm going to send Dracula after you for your horrible typing."

At this, I knew he was joking. "Har har, very funny. Where are you really?"

"That's better, and I'm in Virginia."

"Oh, her again."

It was his turn to type "Har har." As far as I knew, he had never had a girlfriend named Virginia, and even if he did he wouldn't be communicating with me while he was "inside" her.

The greeting out of the way, I told him why I was contacting him. Told him about Kristi, and her disbelief that he was the man in the magazine.

"Let's switch to VM." He meant video messaging, so I started the special encryption equipped program he had sent me, and turned on my web cam.

"Hello," he greeted as his slightly jerky image appeared on my screen. There was a background of trees behind him. From the way the few remaining leaves were moving they were real trees, not just a backdrop. He was on another camping trip, as usual. It was actually quite surprising that I had gotten a hold of him.

"Hi," we chorused back.

"Well, you didn't tell me she was so cute."

Kristi blushed a little, but made no other reply.

"Tell her that this is you," I demanded, holding up the magazine.

"Yep, that's me all right."

"She wants to see your dick."

"Well, it's right there in the picture."

"No, I mean for real."

"That's a bit hard right now, I'm on the other side of the continent."

"I meant at my birthday party; I'm bringing her along."

I could see the interest in his eyes, but his cautious nature kicked into gear. "You're not gonna get me into trouble telling stories are you?" I knew his wording was for plausible deniability (even though I didn't know the term back then), and therefore wasn't hurt by it.

"Nah, she's the only one I've told, and she has as much reason to keep it secret as we do. After all, if she blabs she will never get to have fun with you."

He turned to her. "You want that?"

She blushed even deeper, but smiled and nodded. "Can I see your dick?" I think that she almost died of embarrassment when she asked, but she still meant it.

"The pictures aren't good enough?" When she shook her head, he continued "Then you'll have to show me something."

"Like what?" she asked.

"Well, since I'll be showing you my most private part, you should show me yours."

"He means your pussy," I told her, possibly unnecessarily.

Almost as if the sound of my voice had reminded him of my presence, he added "Not just hers, yours as well honey."

So we both angled our cameras to the right height, and we all dropped our pants. Well, he did anyway; we only dropped our panties, but we did lift our skirts.

He then asked us to play with each other a bit, but seeing as he was four hours ahead of us and his computer was solar powered, that's just about all we had time for. We did end up naked however.

Before logging off, he told us "See you both in May. I can hardly wait!"

"Me either!" Kristi replied.

"You do know that I don't mind if your not a virgin, don't you?" he asked her.

"I know, but unless I can find a man I can trust I will be. Heather says I can trust you, so see you in May."

"Heather? Could you send me pictures of our new friend there? And perhaps a video or two? You know what I like."

"Sure thing Bruce," I replied. "That it, if it's okay with her."

"It's okay with me," she chimed in. "Sounds like fun even."

Saying goodbye, we both signed off. Kristi and I were too worked up however, so we went to my bed for another "roll," as Bruce calls them. There was one difference this time however; I set up my camcorder to record the whole thing for Bruce.

Kristi stayed for dinner that night, but soon after her mother came to take her home. We both wanted her to stay another night, but apparently there was something she and her mother had to do the next day. I don't think that it was church, but I don't remember too clearly through my disappointment.

I next saw her that Monday at school, and we started hanging around together every chance we got. As she was a year younger than I, we were in different grades and therefore different classes. But we still had lunch and each recess together. We were soon known to be best friends, though if the others only knew how close we really were...

I made other friends at school in the following months, but although several were interested in boys and the rest were curious about them, Kristi and I were unable to find another girl that might want to join us in a threesome. The one time we thought we had almost ended in disaster.

Kristi and I took turns staying at each other's houses on the weekends, always without any of our parents ever suspecting what really went on in our bedrooms at night. And not just when we were together: I know for a fact that every night she was alone, Kristi played with herself. I know this because she asked me to teach her how.

Then one weekend that March, my mother asked if I would mind entertaining another girl. Her family had just moved to the area, and since we hadn't been there that long Mom thought that I could help her settle in.

I didn't like this idea at all, but of course I couldn't tell my mother that my main objection was that I wouldn't be able to have sex with my best friend. Even if I thought she would understand (which I knew she wouldn't), I was too embarrassed to say it. That's just not something someone talks to their parents about after all.

Unfortunately, Mom had decided that this was a Good Idea, and wouldn't listen to the complaints that I could raise. So, promptly at four that Friday, Merry Death arrived. That is the nickname I gave her of course; her real name was Meredith. It was soon obvious that Meredith and I had precisely two things in common; an attraction for boys, and an intense dislike for each other.

It didn't actually start out to bad. For a while, Kristi and I thought that we may have found our third in fact. But when we carefully tried to see if she was interested, she took it completely wrong.

She thought we were accusing her of being a lesbian! After that, she was our biggest enemy. She even started telling everyone at school that we were lesbian lovers. This was just a bit unfair; even though she wasn't too far from the truth, we had spent two miserable nights within arms reach without ever touching. She hadn't seen us so much as hold hands, and yet she seemed convinced that her story was completely correct.

Then came time for us to meet Bruce. We told him of our problem, and he give us the suggestion of finding ourselves boyfriends. He liked the idea of us pretending to be lesbians, but he is already writing that story, so I won't go into it here.

After that week-long party which was, if anything, better than the first, Kristi and I started looking for boyfriends to convince everyone that we weren't lesbians. I chose my neighbor, Tommy. Kristi actually ended up with "Sloppy Kisser" from the Halloween party.

His name turned out to be Ben, and Kristi only started going with him to get rid of the reputation Meredith was determined to give us. Fortunately, she was able to teach him the right way to kiss a girl, and he even ended up with the reputation as the best kisser in our class. Kristi also ended up with a good reputation: being hard to get, but well worth the work. She loved that.

My relationship with Tommy didn't go so good though. It started just fine, but since all either of us knew was kissing and sex (though he didn't know much of the latter), we soon ended up playing with each other. He wanted to go further, but when I refused he said that I must be a lesbian, because I certainly wasn't a virgin. Not that he really knew how to tell the difference, but I was afraid that he would "confirm" Meredith's accusation for the whole school. So I slept with him.

He wasn't too bad either; better than any of the "Three Disappointments" anyway. Unfortunately, he was also a bragger. I ended up with the reputation of being easy, which was almost worse than being thought a lesbian. At lest as a known "lesbian," I wouldn't have had every boy in the school trying to get into my pants.

As for Meredith, it soon turned out that the reason she was so incensed about our "accusation" was that she was a lesbian, and couldn't admit it to herself. Her interest in boys? That was the same syndrome as when men who are obsessed with women suddenly turn out to be gay.

It was several years before we found that little fact out, though Bruce predicted it when I told him of the situation. She even apologized for the trouble she had caused, and I figured myself honor bound to tell her that Kristi and I had been lovers at the time (though we were both bi, not right out lesbians), and had been trying to see if she wanted to join us.

She asked if she could join us then, and since Kristi had just dumped her latest boyfriend, we agreed. So we got our threesome of girls at long last.

As for my bad reputation, I finally discovered that it wasn't so bad after all. Besides, little as I would have admitted it back then, it was almost true. I am not (quite) a slut, but I'm not one to stick with one partner for very long. My longest "permanent" relationship so far has been with Kristi, and we have both been sleeping with other people through most of it. We even made a couple of her boyfriends very happy, but only as breakup gifts. I may tell you about one of those sometime, but not now.

It has been almost five years since I met Kristi. I am about to turn fourteen, and she's still twelve. Meredith had already turned fourteen, but her father is in the military and she is in Europe right now. Never having been interested in men, and not even truly interested in boys, she never joined us when meeting Bruce. We didn't even tell her about him.

Yes, I still meet Bruce every year for my birthday. In fact, we leave for the campgrounds tomorrow. We have even met him a couple times when he was in the area, most of the time in that same barn the Halloween party was held in. We may not be meeting for much longer though; I think I'm getting to the age were I'm not interesting enough to be worth the risk. Oh well, as they say, there are other fish in the sea.

Right now, I'm going back to bed before Kristi wakes up and notices that I'm gone.

The End

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Great story! Please say that we will get to read about Heather's ninth birthday!


Very nice story, mate! You know, of course, that as she gets older Bruce would be a damned fool if he didn't marry her. That she gets older changes things a little, but not so much that she's not the best sex he's likely to ever get. She's also going to attain breeding age, and there begins another story entirely, no? Carry on, you're a good writer, you have a natural grasp of the language, and I like the way you think, mate. Do please carry on, I'm hoping for several more evolutions from this one!


This will become a great series for you, I'm sure. Well written as well. Thanks for taking the time & patients to write so constructively. Bruce is waiting to see her & some of her 'friends' I'm sure. Hope you'll write your next chapter soon


I haven't written part 3 yet, but I do intend to. As for further stories, I hadn't planed on any, but we will see. In fact, I just had an idea for having Bruce move closer to Heather. Maybe I'll write one from Kristi's perspective...

The reviewing period for this story has ended.