Published: 7-Feb-2013
Word Count:
You could call me a nature lover, a health nut, a wanderer. I am thirty-two years old, athletic, well tanned and quite good looking (or so I've been told) with wavy light brown hair cut a little long for a man and green eyes. I have enough money in the bank that I can live in the simple style I like for the rest of my life, and I have never had a problem finding a date or even a bed partner.
However, I do have a problem. Although I could get any woman I wanted (and no few men if I wanted them) without trying, I have found myself getting bored with women my own age. Women more that two or three years older than me rarely interest me, and I have never found myself attracted to another man. No, the only people that I seem to find attractive lately are all girls under the age of eighteen, and sometimes (though rarely) as young as six or seven.
Let me assure you that I had never indulged in such company except on a strictly platonic basis. It's not that I have any particular problem with it if the girl understands what it means and is willing, it's that I'm afraid of getting caught. I have no doubt that I could find such a girl if I looked hard enough, but the chances of getting in trouble during the search would be high.
I am not really a health nut or a wanderer, but I do love nature in all her glorious beauty. People call me a heath nut because I'm always out riding my bike or hiking in low-population areas. They call me a wanderer because I take so many trips that I am home only about four months out of the year, and that will mostly be a week here, another there and so on.
My favorite kind of trip would send most city folk crazy. I like camping out in the middle of a forest, so far out that you can't drive there. My bike is my favorite form of transportation not because it helps keep me fit or is better for the environment, but because I find it fun. I don't even own a car; when I'm home I just rent whatever I'm in a mood to drive that week.
Last May I took a trip out to Oregon's Cascade Mountains near Mt. Hood. There is a little known campgrounds out there with a great view of the sharp-peaked dormant volcano that is a five-hour hike from the nearest road. It only took me three hours to get there on my bike, nor was I the only one there.
The campgrounds had a few little "cabins," but most of it was set up for tents. The only other buildings around were a ranger station about fifteen minutes hike to the north, and the owner's larger cabin.
By the time I got there, all of the cabins (single-room only) were full and there were about a dozen tents set up. This was quite a crowd for such an out of the way spot, especially one I had been told was almost a secret. Double especially because of the time of year; most people don't seem the think that May is ideal for camping, especially that far north.
I paid the owner a week's rent for a place on the edge of the campgrounds anyway and set up my two-room tent. I don't actually mind crowds, specially when I had something in common with all of them. I mean, even a hermit Trekie (if there is such a thing) would most likely go to a Star Trek convention.
I had been there for about two hours when three hikers came up to the occupied site closest to mine. Two of them were a perfectly normal looking man and woman in their thirties who were an obvious couple. The third person was a strange sight indeed in my experience considering the location.
Not because there was anything really weird about her, in fact she was a beautiful little thing who looked just as fit and happy as the other two. The sole fact that made her presence unusual was that she couldn't have been older than eight. Now children aren't that unusual in places like this during the summer, but it was a Tuesday in May and she should have been in school.
I had judged her age to be about eight by the look of her face, even though she was quite small for that age. She had gorgeous ash-blond hair that reached half way down her back, and as they passed I saw that she had the most beautiful blue eyes I had ever seen. She had a great figure, in a flat-chested little girl kind of way. In short, she was just the sort of thing that really got my blood pumping these days.
She was wearing blue-jeans that she was about to out grow judging by their painted-on look (I could actually see the line of her little panties clearly) and a purple sweater. Just before I was distracted by her eyes, I saw that there was a small hole in the stomach of her sweater revealing a hot-pink shirt underneath. I vaguely remember wondering if her panties matched her shirt.
She smiled at me as she walked by, a smile that made me suddenly hard. It was then that I realized I wanted this girl more than I had wanted anyone in years, maybe even ever. The smile seemed to say that she wanted me too, but I had to be reading more into it than there really was.
I watched her unobtrusively for the rest of the day, and at times I was pretty sure she was watching me too. I started to think that I was making her uncomfortable, but whenever we happened to catch each other's eyes she would flash that same smile. I always smiled back of course, it was the neighborly thing to do after all.
At sunset, I walked to the edge of the camp where there was a view of Mt. Hood to the west and sat on a bolder that was there. I had been enjoying the sunset for a while, when I suddenly realized that someone was sitting next to me. Looking to my left, I saw the same little girl I had been watching. She smiled at me again, with the same effect.
"Hello," I said, not knowing what else to say.
"Hi," came her reply, "I see you like nice views too."
"I love views like this," I agreed, though secretly I was talking about her rather than the sunset. "In fact, I love nature in all her forms."
"Well I know of one around here that you won't find anywhere else," she told me. "I can show you, if you like."
With the strange feeling that she was about to strip for me, I said "Sure, I'd like that."
She disappointed me however. "Then meet me by the waterfall tomorrow morning at about eight. You can climb, right?"
"I've been climbing longer than you've been alive. I'll be there."
We sat there in silence until the color faded from the sky, then she got up to leave. "Darn, I forgot my flashlight and it's so dark now, you don't have one I could borrow do you?" she asked.
"I only have the one, but I can walk you back to your camp if you like."
"That would be great. By the way, my name's Heather."
"I'm Bruce," I replied.
"Nice to meat you Bruce." She held out her little hand.
I took it in mine. It was warm and soft, except for the calluses obviously caused by a lot of climbing of rough surfaces.
Her camp site consisted of two tents; a smallish two-room like mine, and a medium sized dome tent. Heather's parents where already starting to settle down in the dome tent when we reached the camp. She said good night, and entered the two-room. As she opened the flap I saw that they were using the front room for storage as I did. I figured that she slept in the back. It was a good arrangement; her parents got the bigger "room" of the dome tent, but she got a little extra protection in the form of a lot of stuff that could make a lot of noise. The tent wasn't nylon like mine either; it was a waterproofed canvas that would be a lot harder and noisier to cut through, though it was also heavier to carry.
Then I saw a light come on in her tent, and decided to slip around back and see if she had left her window open. She had.
The light came from a small battery operated lantern that was hanging from one of the roof supports. By its light, I watched this beautiful little girl get ready for bed. She stood at the far end of the tent from the window, which was the worst thing she could have done if she had given a thought to privacy. First she pulled her sweater off, and her shirt almost came with it. She wasn't wearing a bra, not that she had a reason to. Her little nipples were as red as her lips, almost as if she had used lipstick on them. Of course, I was pretty sure that she hadn't been wearing any makeup. I didn't get a long look at them however, she pulled her shirt back down too quick for that. At that time I saw that there was a picture of Minnie Mouse on that shirt.
Then she took her pants off. Feeling a little ashamed at myself, I tried to get as good a look as I could without being seen. If anything, her panties were even tighter than her pants had been. I could clearly see the shape of her little ass as she bent over to take those pants off. When she stood again, I could just as clearly see the shape of her little pussy through those pure white panties. She was just a beautiful as I had imagined, though I was a bit disappointed that her panties weren't pink.
I stood there hoping, almost praying, that she slept in the nude. Instead of continuing to strip however, she walked over to the light and turned it off. Now all I had to give me an idea of what she was doing were my ears. Straining them, all I heard was the unmistakable sound of someone getting into a sleeping bag and what might have been the sound of an air mattress taking the weight of one small girl.
The show over, I walked back to the lookout rock to cool off and watch the stars. When I got tired, I went to my own tent and sleeping bag. Then I fantasized about Heather until I fell asleep.
That night I dreamt that she was joining me in my journeys, sleeping with me every night and staying naked at all times. Though unrealistic, they were good dreams.
The next morning I woke at seven, and after eating I left for the falls she had mentioned. Since this was my first time here, I had to ask how to get to them. I still got there just after seven thirty. I decided to fill the time by taking pictures of the waterfall with the digital camera I took everywhere I went.
Heather got there at a quarter to eight. She was wearing the same purple sweater, but the pants she had on today were looser than those of yesterday and the shirt revealed by the hole was a lighter shade of pink. She also had a small backpack, like those kids used for school when they didn't have many books.
"Good morning beautiful," I said, surprising myself with my choice of greeting.
"Hi Bruce!" she replied with that dazzling smile. "Follow me!" With that she walked off the path into the woods.
The spot she led me to wasn't very far; it only took about fifteen minutes to get there, which was pretty close considering our lack of speed through the undergrowth.
When she stopped, I noticed that she was at the base of a cliff. It was most likely a continuation of the same cliff that the waterfall I could no longer hear came down.
"It's right up there," she told me, pointing at what I took to be the top of the small cliff.
As we climbed however, I noticed that it was nothing more than a large ledge on a cliff that was bigger than I had thought. The trees and plants growing on the ledge are what had confused me.
When we got to it though, I didn't see anything that made the spot special. "So where is this amazing sight you told me about?"
"Right here," she replied as she started to take her clothes off.
I was shocked, all I could do was stand there and watch. And drool. She started with her sweater again, but this time her shirt was tucked in and didn't come up with it. This one had a picture of Hello Kitty on it, but I didn't have to look at it long. When she was topless (she still hadn't been wearing a bra) I saw that her nipples were just as naturally red as her lips, and that she was in even better shape than I had thought. No soft little girl this, she was obviously just as used to physical activity as I was.
Next off were her pants, but she wasn't wearing the white panties of last night. Instead she was wearing a surprisingly skimpy pink pair. She turned around, and I was surprised to see that they were thong. I only got a glimpse however; she took them off too quick for anything more.
When she was naked she stood there without a trace of embarrassment and asked "Do you like it?"
It took me a moment to find my voice. "It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen," I replied. I was a bit surprised to realize I meant it too.
"Well in that case, you can do anything with it you want. We can't be interrupted here."
I had never had sex in the woods before. If a woman that I was at least partially interested in had suggested it, I would probably have found the idea (and, by extension, her) irresistible. When suggested by a little girl I wanted as much as I wanted this one...
My rather loose pants suddenly became so tight that it was painful, and I almost came without any other stimulus.
Pointing at my now bulging pants, Heather asked "Are you going to let that out to play?"
I had an idea. "Why don't you do that for me?" I replied.
She smiled, walked up to me, and started undoing my pants. When she got my dick out, she just stood there for a moment looking at it in awe. Then she gently stroked it a couple times and kissed its tip.
I couldn't believe this was happening. Here I was showing my dick to a completely naked little girl, and it had all been her idea. I was more than half afraid that I would wake up any time now to discover that it had just been another dream.
Then she saw the case I kept my camera in. "Is that a camera?"
"Is it digital?"
"Yes it is."
"Well, if I had known you had that, I would have let you take pictures of me while I took my clothes off."
That sounded like fun. "Well, you could always put your clothes back on for a few minutes, couldn't you?"
I had often fantasized about having a woman pose for my camera, but it had never happened. So this was like a dream come true, only better because of how young she was.
She just shrugged and started to get dressed. I would have been very disappointed if I hadn't known that she was going to take them right back off again. She put her shirt on first, then her panties followed by her pants. When she started to put her sweater back on I almost stopped her, but I decided that I wanted one picture of her with it on.
When she was dressed again, I directed her to stand in a perfectly innocent pose with her hands in her front pants pockets. I turned my camera on its side to take a full-length portrait of her.
Then I told her to take her sweater off again. When her pink Hello Kitty T-shirt was exposed once more, I noticed that I could clearly see her hard little nipples poking at the relatively thin fabric. I took pictures of her from several angles, with her in several positions dressed like that. Some poses looked completely innocent, but others were obviously supposed to be sexy. The others were somewhere in between, so that anyone who saw them (if anyone ever did) wouldn't have known for sure weather she had been trying to be sexy or not.
Then I had her pose so that it was obvious that she had just unzipped her pants. Under my direction, she assumed an expression of such carnal hunger that it would have given even a gay man an instant hard-on. I snapped a few pictures with her like that, then told her to take her shirt off.
For the first picture I took with her like that, I had her face the camera but cover her undeveloped breasts with her hands. The second picture had her with her hands on her little hips, but with her back to the camera. She was looking over her shoulder with a gentle-yet-sexy smile on her young face. Then I took a series of pictures of her with her hard little nipples fully visible. There could now be no mistake about weather or not she was trying to be sexy. Nor was her attempt falling short.
Then I got some images of her slowly pulling her pants down, showing her tight, skimpy, panties to the camera. I got more than a dozen pictures of her in just her underwear, including a couple (not to mention a video) of her with her hand down the front of them obviously playing with herself.
"You look like you've done that before," I told her when I had all the pictures I wanted of the event.
She blushed with embarrassment, but answered "Well, a couple times..." When she realized that the thought turned me on instead of disgusting me, she continued "Actually, I've been doing it since I was four." This last was said with such an air of confession that I was sure she was telling the truth, and had been dieing to tell someone for quite a while.
"I would like to see you play with yourself from start to finish some time," I told her.
"Okay, but only if you can get it on video so that I can watch myself."
"I have a video camera back at camp, we can do it tomorrow."
"Sounds good to me, but can we get back to this? I'm getting very horny."
Hearing such a statement from an almost naked little girl was incredible, so I complied with her wishes.
She was a little surprised when I asked her to put her shirt back on however. I took almost as many pictures of her in just shirt and panties as I had with her topless, then had her shimmy out of those tinny pink undergarments to dance around in just her shirt. Then her shirt came off again and I finally took pictures of her naked. In fact I took more than in any other group yet. She even prolonged the shoot when I ran out of poses to try by doing some gymnastics. My favorite was the hand-stand she did with her shapely legs spread as far as she could get them. I got several pictures of her in that position, from both the front and back.
"Now it's my turn," she stated as she pulled the camera out of my hands. After getting me to show her the controls, she had me close up my pants and started taking pictures.
I won't go into details about how she had me pose (after all, anyone reading this is probably a man and therefore not interested), I'll just say that she had me wear the same variations of clothing that I had had her wear. She took so many pictures that she ran out of room on the two gig memory card I had in the camera. Luckily for both of us I had three more in the little camera bag.
I've never posed naked before, and was unprepared for how exciting it was. I liked it so much that I seriously considered taking up an offer I had had for posing in a light-core porn magazine catering to women.
When she was finally done I was sure that she had taken at least twice as many pictures of me as I had of her, but I'm not complaining.
"Will you fuck me now?" she asked in an innocent tone. Her use of the taboo surprised me; she didn't strike me as the kind to use such language. Then again, she didn't seem the kind to offer herself to someone about four times her age either, especially not someone she had just met.
Besides, the question only made me hornier, as I bet she had intended. Unfortunately for her, I had other ideas.
"Not just yet, there's something I want to do first," I informed her. "Find a place where you will be comfortable, then lay on your back and spread your legs."
Showing an odd mix of disappointment and curiosity, she did as I instructed. "Close your eyes," was my next command.
"Just don't pee on me," she admonished.
"I won't," I promised.
When she had her eyes closed, I silently got down on my knees and lowered my face to her little cunt. The first time I touched her, it was on her hard little clit and it was with my tongue.
She gasped with surprise and pleasure, and was soon moaning with pleasure and humping my face as I licked her little pussy. It tasted quite good, a bit sweet in fact. It was the most fun I had ever had, and I somehow knew that she had never felt anything quite as good in her short life. She was cumming almost immediately, and in no time at all she had reached true orgasm. I had heard that little girls could cum, now I knew it was true.
When I was done she sat up and kissed me on the lips, heedless of the fact that her juices were all over them. "Fuck me now," she demanded.
But I had taken some time to think. "I'm not sure I should," I told her, "I don't want to hurt you."
"Oh, don't worry about that. It's not like this will be my first time or anything."
I had mixed feelings about this; on the one hand I had liked the idea of being the first man to touch her, on the other I was relived that I could give her what we both wanted without worrying about the pain it would have caused a virgin.
"Okay," I said finally. "How do you want it?"
"You're giving me the choice?" she asked. I nodded. "Huh, that's a first. Well then, it's your turn to lay on your back and close your eyes."
I only pretended to close my eyes, but she hadn't told me not to peek. She crouched over me in what looked like an uncomfortable and hard to achieve position. Then she turned my camera on herself and started to move down onto my hard shaft.
My camera was one of those with little screens on both sides, so even though it was pointed at her she could see the image it was taking. From my angle and through slitted eyes, I couldn't however. That was fine with me; I'd be able to see it later.
Besides, I suddenly stopped caring as her tight little cunt started stretching over my cock. I don't know how long it took for me to get all the way into her. What's more, I don't care. All I care about was that it was the most incredible experience in my life.
I have had a lot of lovers in my life, but none compared to her at that moment. I can't even say why; it was obvious that she didn't have much experience no mater what she had said. All I know is that it was the best sex that I had ever had despite the fact that she didn't know what she was doing.
She was so tight that it was almost painful to me, which I believe helps to explain my feelings. I'm not a masochist and don't like real pain, but this was more like the pain of a good workout. I can't explain it better than that, you either know what I mean or you most likely never will.
Even though it took almost an hour according to my watch, it was over much to fast. I had been holding off my orgasm for a while because I believe in letting the girl cum first, but when I felt her little body shuddering with that ultimate pleasure I couldn't hold on any longer. I have no idea how much cum she produced because the flood from my balls was much larger than any I had ever produced before.
When we both had finally stopped cumming we just lay there in a sodden pile, trying to catch our breaths.
"If I had known that it was going to be that good, I would have found myself a man ages ago," she spoke up suddenly.
"What do you mean?" I asked. "You told me that this wasn't your first time."
"I lied, this was my first time." She sat up and pointed down to where I was still inside her. She was so tight that I hadn't slid out of her despite the lubrication. "See the blood?" she asked.
When I looked closer I could indeed see what seemed to be blood mixed in with all the cum dripping from her. I was quite beside myself.
The first time I had ever had sex my partner and I where both fourteen, and virgins. In my eagerness I had been to rough, so rough that she had been unable to walk strait for two weeks. It had even hurt her to pee for a while, which was weird as I hadn't touched that particular hole. She had been crying almost from the start and hadn't had any fun at all. Her crying had been silent however; if I had heard it I think that I would have stopped. Or at least, I like to believe I would have.
Even though I had eventually been able to make it up to her, I have felt horrible about it ever since. It had been the last time I had ever been with a virgin, until now.
"Did... did I hurt you?" I apparently sounded so concerned and contrite that she just had to laugh.
"No, it was wonderful," she assured me. At my disbelieving look, she added "Well okay, it hurt a bit at first, but I had known it would and it didn't hurt for long. Besides, even when it hurt the most it also felt so good!" She said the last two words with such contentment and joy that I couldn't disbelieve her anymore.
"Ready for more yet?" she asked. I decided that I was, so we started going at it again.
We had sex almost constantly for the rest of the morning, only taking occasional breaks to rest or drink some of the water she had brought in her little pack. About noon we stopped for lunch. She produced sandwiches from the same backpack the water was in, but I can't honestly say what was between the bread, or even what kind of bread it was. This isn't because I was unfamiliar with any of it, it's because all I remember was the sensual delight of seeing this beautifully naked little girl sitting in a beam of sunlight as she ate. Something fell out of her sandwich once and I leaned over and licked it off of her, I just couldn't help myself.
It was about then that I realized that I didn't know just how old she was, so I asked. Her reply surprised me a little.
"Today is my eighth birthday."
I wasn't surprised that I had been right really, just that it was her birthday.
"Well, happy birthday! You should have told me, I'm sure that I could have found something to give you."
"You already have," she replied with a sly smile.
Then we went for another roll. It was the best so far; she seemed to be a quick learner.
The second half of the day went like the first, with each roll better than the last. Sometime during a break I found out that her parents brought her out here for a week every year for her birthday, and we made plans to meet again the next year.
Finally, with just about an hour left until sunset, we used the last of the water to clean ourselves up a bit, got dressed, and went back to camp. As we where getting dressed however, Heather turned to me and handed me a wad of cloth. When I opened it I discovered that it was her panties.
"Keep them." At my puzzled look, she added "The thought of a man collecting his conquests' panties turns me on. I bet you have a large collection at home."
"Hundreds," I lied, because she seemed to like the idea. "Maybe thousands. So many that I lost count long ago." In fact I had lost count of the partners that I had had over the years, but I doubt that it had been hundreds. Besides, my collection of panties was very small: one.
I noticed that she had wiped a smear of blood and cum onto the inside of my memento right where her pussy would rest if she were to wear them again. When I asked, she admitted that it had come right off her cunt as we sat there talking just after our first roll. I had still been inside her, and I hadn't even noticed.
She slept naked that night. I know, because I watched her again. This time I didn't bother to stay hidden. She smiled at me when she saw me, then spread her little cunt and winked. Laughing, she turned her light off.
Before I went to my own tent and sleep, she whispered out to me "See you tomorrow, at the fun place."
The next day I slept a little later than I had intended; she had really worn me out the day before. When I got to the base of the cliff, I looked up to see her standing there already completely naked. It was almost as if she hadn't bothered to put clothes on that morning. I'm sure she had of course, but I liked the illusion.
This time I had brought a pack of my own, which included my camcorder and laptop computer. I also had a solar panel that was just right to power the computer.
We had even more fun that day. First, I filmed her making herself cum. Then we had the wildest fuck yet, and after that we spent an hour going through the memory cards from the day before. The last thing she took had been a video catching the moment that she had lost her virginity. All it showed was my dick and her pussy, but it was well framed and wonderful. Then she poured through the small collection of kiddy porn a had in a protected file. She liked the little girls as much as I did, which surprised both of us.
When we were done with that, I burned her a password protected CD with all the best pictures she had taken of me as well as all the pictures I took of her and a copy of my kiddy porn collection. I also gave her a copy of the video of her masturbating earlier that day.
After that, she asked for a video of me masturbating. This wasn't something I did often, but of course I did know how to pleasure myself. After all, who doesn't? So she got what she wanted. I even kept a copy of the last part for myself, because she let me cum on her little face.
She liked it so much that she demanded I let her give me a blow-job. As if there was a chance I would refuse! I got that on video too, and then we recorded me licking her pussy.
The rest of the day we alternated between regular fucking and sixty-nineing it. Once again we went back to camp just before sunset.
The third day, she greeted me with a request for me to fuck her in the ass. I got that on video too. It's a good thing too, because I doubt she will be doing that again any time soon.
The rest of that day, and in fact the rest of the week went just like that. We would spend the entire day naked, most of it in each other's arms. She slept naked every night, making sure I got to see her strip. It was the best week of my life.
That Saturday we only had half a day of fun, then she had to go help her parents to pack the camp up so they could go home. I still had one day left of my rent, so I took a short solo hike before returning to camp. Just before they left, Heather came up to me to say goodbye. Making sure that no one was looking, she kissed me on the lips. Then she handed me a piece of paper and ran back to help her parents.
Before they walked off, all three of them separately turned and looked at me at least once. I got the funny feeling that both of her parents knew (or at least suspected) what we had been doing, and that they didn't mind!
When they were gone, I read the note that Heather had given me. In it she told me how wonderful the week had been. It went on at some length but didn't actually say that we had done anything illegal. It did say that she knew that I had been watching that first night however, and that her shirt coming up hadn't been an accident. The letter ended with her address, both home and e-mail.
It has been almost a year since I met Heather. I have only had two women in my bed in all that time, and only once or twice each, which is almost celibate for me. They have both been fairly short petite women, of eighteen and nineteen years of age respectfully. They just didn't compare to little Heather.
I have kept in contact with her, and we have even sent pictures back and forth (in encrypted files of course). In the last year she has started experimenting with other people, none older than thirteen. She tells me that the few boys she has been with haven't even come close to pleasing her the way I did, so she has given up on them for now. She has found one partner that turned out to be everything she had hoped though; a little Asian girl almost a year and a half younger than she is.
She has sent me pictures and video of herself with this other girl. Like Heather herself, she is young enough to still be cute. However, they both seem to have the ability to get by blood boiling from expression alone, and seeing them naked (especially together) is almost painful.
I did take up the offer to pose for the magazine. It was fun, but I was a bit surprised when Heather told me she had a copy. Apparently her mother had bought it, and she had snagged it from her. She hadn't known for sure that it was me until I told her so though.
Next week I'm heading back to the same campgrounds to meet up with my little lover again. She will be turning nine, and she will be bringing her girlfriend (who will still be seven) with her. I can't wait!
love young
skint eastwood
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