Father Christmas

[ Mgg, fant, 1st, pedo, reluc, mc, mag, sis/sis, spank, rough, bd, SM ]

by Myrddin


Published: 27-Nov-2012

Word Count:

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

My name is Chris Cringle, but don't call me Santa Claus. First off, the Latin word "santa" is the female form of saint, and I'm definitely not a woman. Second, although "Santa" can be a name (as in the long ago Mexican dictator Santa Anna), I've already told you my name and Santa isn't part of it.

Not only that, but I'm not a fat, jolly old man. I am friendly enough, and not at all dissatisfied with my life, but not quite "jolly." I look to be in my early thirties, and even though I am a bit older than that I have no gray or white hair anywhere. I also like to keep myself fit; although I don't have anything like a "six pack," I am far from fat. Most women I meet in my travels find me attractive enough.

Having said all that, I am the person people are referring to when they say "Santa Claus." Yes, I even have a sleigh pulled by eight reindeer, but their names are not what the poem "The Night Before Christmas" says they are. Nor is there a Rudolph, or any animal with a glowing red nose. Though a cute story for kids, that is just plain silly.

Nor am I Saint Nicholas. Yes he was a great man, and yes he was known for doing the same thing I am (though on a lesser, mortal scale), but he wasn't me. After all, I'm no saint.

Not that I particularly mind the comparison, or any of those songs and stories about me. In fact, I rather like several of the songs. Just, please don't call me Santa; I much prefer the British "Father Christmas."

Along with what I have already said, there are a few other differences between me and the popular legends. First, although I have my sleigh and reindeer, I don't need them when doing my rounds on Christmas Eve. I have the power to be where I want when I want, as long as it's only one place at a time. Mortals would call this teleportation, but that implies a power of the mind and my ability is magic. However, it has the same effect, and explains how I get in and out of houses without chimneys. Even the ones with chimneys, come to think of it.

Second, there is no "Mrs. Claus" (or Mrs. Cringle) and never has been. Not that I'm lonely, oh no. My "Elves" see to that. I have many friends, and have never felt a need for romance. That doesn't mean that I never feel lust, I am a man after all.

Third, my "elves" are actually made up of several races. These include at least two that mortal men might call Elves, but also Brownies, Centaurs, Gnomes, and even several Nymphs. In fact, every "creature of the light" from ancient "mythology" is represented among my helpers.

No, I'm not saying that ancient mythology is true, I am a Christian after all. All that I'm saying is that the creatures from it, good and bad, are real. Or at least were, some are extinct now.

As for the "gods," there is some thought that some of that could have been a partial truth. Oh, none of the relationships between them; that was all made up by mortals. But even the Bible itself shows room for the deities themselves to exist.

No, hear me out. Yes, the Bible says that there is only one God, but it also says (or at least implies) that He has no physical image. The Old Testament even goes so far as to say that "He" is neither male nor female, but both and neither all at once. Also, it states that He reveals Himself to people in ways that they will understand, like the burning bush and column of fire for Moses. So who's to say that confronted with a group of people who were incapable of understand just one god, that He wouldn't appear to them as several? I'm not saying that this possibility is the truth, but I can't dismiss it as impossible.

Now, you may ask how I became Father Christmas in the first place. The answer is simple; I saved an elven lord, he granted me some of his powers in thanks, and I decided that this is what I wanted to do with myself.

Things have gotten rather tough for me lately though. Most Christian families these days have enough money that the parents can afford anything that the children want, and do so weather those children deserve it or not. Even then, most children who are old enough to declare Jesus as their savoir don't, and therefore are no longer eligible for my "good list." That doesn't leave much for me to do.

Then there is the coal. I would be leaving a lot of coal these days, except that the reason for leaving it no longer applies. You see, coal use to be a family's main source of heat in the winter. So although the child in question would get no fun out of the gift, it would be something that could help the family. Unfortunately, people mostly get their heat from electricity or gas nowadays, and I can't fill stockings with those.

The only alternative to coal I can think of would be money, which the child could just as easily use for their own pleasure. That kind of defeats the purpose, so I don't leave money. Besides, any money I could leave would be technically counterfeit, and therefore more likely to get the family into trouble than to help it.

It was quite a problem for a while, I didn't know what to do. Then one year, I found a partial solution; if I couldn't leave them coal as a punishment, couldn't I punish them in another way?

That year there was this pair of nine-year-old identical twin girls. One, Stella, was a very special and kind little girl; she was always thinking of others, rarely got in trouble, and was loved by everyone. Then there was her "evil" twin, Astra.

No, the girl wasn't truly evil. She was just selfish, rude to everyone, and getting into trouble every other day. If anyone deserved a stocking full of coal it was her, and it would work especially well since her sister would be getting one full of her favorite things. Unfortunately, so would "little miss naughty." I had no control over that.

Before I continue with my story, there is something that you must understand about me; I am not nearly as saintly as everyone thinks I am. There is a story I know of that says that I am a vampire. Also in one episode of a once popular TV series about a "Vampire Slayer" and her friends, one of them says that I'm a demon that eats children. These aren't true either, the truth lays somewhere in the middle.

I am a pedophile. That's right, I like to have sex with kids, or at least little girls (the boys don't do much for me). This is why I liked my nymphs, they could look like anything I wanted them to.

Let me assure you, I've never raped anyone. At least, not really. For centuries I had been leaving "special gifts" for little girls like Stella; I would have sex with them, but they wouldn't feel any pain. When I left, I took only my memory of the encounter; I had the power to heal them up so that none could tell that they had ever had sex, and they wouldn't even remember it. All that they would remember was that they had had a very good dream, but wouldn't be able to remember anything about it. They would usually stay in a state of euphoria for several days after "the dream," that was my real gift to them.

That year, I had decided to leave the same gift for Stella. But I really wanted to leave it for Astra as well, after all they were identical. With long, flowing blond hair, bright blue eyes, and perfectly trim little bodies, it would have been great to have both of them at once. But I didn't want to reward Astra for being so bad.

Then I realized, if I can leave a good dream and a feeling of euphoria, why couldn't I leave a bad dream and a feeling of punishment? Of course I could! And it may be fun to watch Stella spanking her sister too.

I have always had a bit of a fascination for S&M, but I have never tried it. In my opinion, the girls I had left my special gifts for didn't deserver any pain. But, upon reflection, there were several that I didn't leave it for who had. Especially in the last few decades. I don't know why it had taken me so long to think about this solution.

Astra was one such girl, and I was looking forward to punishing her. The thought of spanking her, of slapping her little cunt, of fucking her without the least little bit of gentleness or relieving of her pain...

I was a bit surprised to realize that I was looking forward to her punishment more than I was looking forward to giving Stella my special gift. Though, if I could get the girls involved in the "gifting" of each other... The very thought made my loins ach in anticipation.

So that Christmas Eve, I stopped at their house for a bit of depraved fun.

The girls, like a lot of twins, shared a bedroom. So since I wasn't leaving them anything they could unwrap, I just popped right into their room and woke them up.

Yes, I always woke the children up; it was more fun for me and them. I could have used my powers to keep them asleep while I did what I wanted, but that seemed too much like rape to me. Besides, it was more fun if they were responsive.

I knew I was going to have to be careful with what I did to Astra. On the one hand, I didn't want to actually rape her. On the other, I didn't want the experience to be too pleasant for her either. After all if she enjoyed it, it wouldn't be a punishment.

Now as I said, I woke the girls up; but that doesn't mean that I woke them completely. My powers allowed me some control over their little minds, like the ability to keep them from forming lasting memories or feeling pain. It also allowed me to make sure that they were willing and eager, and that they recognized me even though they had no memory of ever seeing me before and I didn't look a bit like my popular image. They did all this by keeping the girls in a dream state; they responded just as if they were awake, but if they had been examined by a doctor he would find that they were in REM sleep.

For Stella that's all I did, but for Astra I changed my routine a bit. I gave her all the physical desire I gave her twin, but I actually increased her inhabitations rather than suppressing them. My intent was to make her want it no matter how much it hurt, but be reluctant to actually indulge.

It seemed to worked.

As they got up, I saw that Stella was wearing a cute little pair of pajamas that she had just about outgrown. They were just tight enough that I could tell that she wasn't wearing a bra (not that she needed one yet), but that she was wearing panties. I found this quite sexy, especially since I was sure she hadn't meant it to be. She just looked like a child that had no idea that her outfit could be alluring in any way.

Astra by comparison seemed to be trying to shock people with her sleepwear. She wore a nightgown, but one that was way too short for her (I could almost see her panties under the hem) and even tighter than her sister's pj's. It was also so low cut that her little nipples were almost visible above the neckline. Not only that, but it was bright red and also slightly transparent; even though it wasn't quite short enough to see her panties under it, it didn't matter for I could clearly see them through it. I don't think that she was doing it to be sexy exactly, she just wanted to shock people. Though if she really wanted shock value, she should have slept naked. I would have loved to see that actually.

"One of you has been a very good girl, the other hasn't," I said without preamble. "Astra, would you like to guess which one you are?"

She kind of looked down at her feet and shuffled them. In a small voice she replied "I haven't been very good, have I?"

"No, in fact you've been quite naughty. Stella has been nice, so she gets a gift. What do you think you deserve?"


"Coal? What would you do with coal? All that you can do is burn it, and your house doesn't have a fireplace. So coal would only get you into more trouble.

"Do you know why I use to give coal?" I asked her.


"It was a punishment; it was something the family could use to heat their home in the winter, but was no fun for the child.

"So I ask again, what do you deserve?"

"To be punished?"

"Yes, you deserve to be punished. Sometimes kids are bad because the want to be punished. Do you want to be punished?"

"I guess..."

"Stella, do you think your sister wants to be punished?"

"I think so Santa." Ouch, that hated name. Oh well, she made up for it with her next words: "I think she wants me to punish her."

Astra blushed, but there was also a slight smile on her young face. I was astonished. Could Stella be right? Could Astra want her twin to spank her?

I just didn't know. What I did know was that it was time for my favorite part.

"So Stella, other than punishing your sister, what gift do you want?" Of course, I knew what she would choose. I had worked hard to get the "formula" right to make sure she would choose what I wanted.

"Could I... Could you..." She paused and took a deep breath. "This sounds naughty... but could we make it... sex?"

Well of course we could! But I didn't say that, all I did was walk over to her and start slowly unbuttoning her pajama top. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a decidedly jealous look on Astra's face. This was precisely as I wanted it, but even so I didn't know if she was jealous because I was giving my attention to Stella, or because she was giving hers to me. I was beginning to believe that the naughty girl really did want to have sex with her twin sister.

Those thoughts were only peripheral though, as I truly wanted to have sex with Stella myself and was therefore concentrating on her lovely little body.

As I unbuttoned her top, I was getting more and more horny. The soft, smooth skin of her mostly flat chest was just as I liked it. As I neared her bottom button, I saw that her stomach wasn't quite as flat as her chest. She wasn't the slightest bit overweight however: her beautiful little tummy just extended out by about a quarter inch (half a centimeter for those of you who use the metric system). It too was perfectly smooth.

Now that I had her top unbuttoned, I pulled it open and slid it off her shapely shoulders. Being only nine she didn't have much in the way of breasts, just tiny mounds that gave the impression of budding tits. Her cute little nipples were only about the size of pencil erasers, and surrounded by small rings that started as the same shade of pink but faded to the same color as her skin at their outer edge.

Glancing at Astra through the corner of my eye, I thought that she looked like she wanted to play with herself, but would have been too embarrassed to. Maybe the girl wasn't as bad as I though...

Now that the beautiful Stella was half naked, I couldn't wait to continue. So I didn't. Her pajama pants didn't have a buttoned front like was normal just a few decades ago, instead they had an elastic waistband. Hooking my thumbs into the waistband, I slowly started pulling the tight pants down. I had considered yanking them down quickly, but decided against it because it was too violent. All violence tonight was going to be directed at Astra after all.

Stella's panties proved to be bright pink with white polka-dots. I liked the way they looked, and I wanted to take them off and add them to my collection as I did with all the girls I gifted this way. (Maybe I should have mentioned that instead of saying I only took my memories, sorry.) I decided to leave them on for a few moments longer however, and proceeded to kiss her. She was the one who initiated the addition of tongue into the kiss though, which surprised me. It wasn't like that had never happened before, but it was quite rare.

I'm not really all that much for kissing however, I'm more about the fucking. So after about five minutes I broke off. I didn't return to her panties just then however, I had another idea.

Turning back to Astra I asked "Is that nightgown special to you?" She just nodded with a bit of worry on her young face. She wasn't dumb, I'll give her that. I walked up to her and was about to rip the thin and surprisingly weak fabric, when Stella stopped me.

"Can I do that?" she asked. That was an even better idea than I had had, so I moved behind Astra to hold her arms still and motioned for Stella to proceed.

She walked up to her twin, and getting a good grip on that way-too-low neckline she used all her strength and pulled. The nightgown ripped right down the center, all the way to the waist with that first tug. So Stella got a new grip and gave another tug, ripping the garment the rest of the way through.

She didn't seem to know what to do next however, so I grabbed the back and pulled it off of Astra as roughly as I could.

The nightgown had had no sleeves, just shoulder straps. Since the front was ripped, those straps had been all that was holding it on and they could easily have been slipped off her little shoulders. But that would have been way too tame, so I grabbed the thing on the outside of those flimsy straps and pulled to the center and down. The straps broke, but not before they and what remained of the neckline left painful looking welts.

Her panties proved to be white just like I had suspected seeing them through the nightgown, but instead of being plain they were decorated with a pale pattern of angels.

Now both nine-year-old girls were down to nothing but their panties. I was pleased to note that so far they were completely identical. The only differences were Astra's welts and the colors of their panties. Their beautiful little nipples were even equally hard.

I of course was already completely naked. This is another thing about me that is different from the legends: I didn't wear any of the different coats and hats that the different cultures claim I do. In fact, I never wore anything on my rounds anymore.

I decided that I just had to touch those delicious little nipples, so reaching out with both hands I grabbed and squeezed one of each girl's. Stella's I squeezed softly to give har pleasure, Astra's I mashed down on to cause her pain. Stella gasped and moaned, Astra gasped quite differently and then whimpered. It was wonderful.

The surprising thing was that although I hadn't see any wetness from either of them before that, both pair of panties were quite wet afterward. I think that Astra was actually getting off on the pain!

It was now time to take those panties off, so I kneeled down in front of Stella and slowly, lovingly, pulled those fantastic pink panties down to her ankles. The slight curve of her belly smoothly continued into her gorgeous slit mons. I was a bit surprised to see her cute little clit poking out from under its hood. Wonderful!

Looking at Astra, I noticed that she seemed to like the view as well. This was fine with me, but what wasn't was the fact that she still had her panties on. So I reached over and pulled them off as fast and violently as I could without actually ripping them. This consisted of little more than pulling them down really fast, but that was satisfying enough. Now I had both of their panties to add to my already quite sizable collection.

I then put my hands on both girls' bare bottoms, gently for Stella and with a slap their parents should have heard for Astra. Next I caressed Stella's shapely ass while I squeezed Astra's roughly.

Oh, I should have told you earlier; my magic allows me to slow time in localized places, which is how I can deliver gifts to houses around the world in one night. It was also how I knew that the twin's parents wouldn't come to investigate the noise we made; it would be over long before they could even realize that they had heard something.

I then roughly manhandled the naked little Astra until she stood right beside the equally naked little Stella. Other than slight differences in hair style and the slight welts on Astra's shoulders, the girls proved to be completely identical from the top of their heads to the ends of their toes. This included their gorgeously wet bald little pussies of course.

It was now time to have some fun, so I ripped the covers and pillow from Astra's bed and had her lay down on it on her back. I had her stick her arms strait out and then bend her elbows until she could put both hands on her headboard. I then reached into my magic bag (the only thing I had brought with me besides my lust) and pulled out some light nylon rope. Using lengths of it I first tied her hands into place, then her upper arms.

Then I had her bend her knees until her feet were flat on the bed. I then tied rope to both ankles, but didn't tie them together. Looping the rope around her secured upper arms, I then ran it down to the short footboard at the end of the bed. Pulling on the rope that way, I wrenched her legs out as far as they would go. Further than was comfortable for her, I'm sure. She was now tied up so tightly that she could hardly move at all.

I then had Stella get on her knees at the foot of the same bed, a school ruler in one hand while spreading her pussy for me with the other. She then began slapping her sister's cunt with the ruler. I could tell that it was causing her pain, but Astra also seemed to be enjoying it a little. I know Stella was.

Since Stella was still offering her little pussy to me, I decided to take it. I entered her slowly and gently, even though my magic kept her from feeling any pain. No, the speed was for me; I just wanted to savor it as long as I could. She was tight, the tightest nine-year-old I had ever entered. She wasn't the tightest girl I have ever fucked, but she wasn't the youngest either.

I had once discovered that a man was planning to ring-in the new year by seducing or raping his six-year-old step-daughter. There was nothing I could do to stop it, and she was so cute and beautiful that I couldn't actually blame him for his interest. So I decided to show her that it could be pleasant that Christmas. She was the youngest and tightest girl I have ever had sex with, but she wasn't as much fun as Stella.

Even though I knew beyond a doubt that Stella was a virgin, she seemed to already know what she was doing. Or at least more than any nine-year-old should. She was so tight that it was almost painful to fuck her (the six-year-old actually had been a bit painful), but she was moving with a motion that almost made me cum before I was all the way inside her. I held out by using my magic to reduce my own sensitivity, and started humping.

In and out I pumped, that tight little pussy gripping my dick the whole way. It wasn't just gripping because it was tight either; little Stella had somehow already figured out how to increase her own pleasure by contracting and loosening her vaginal muscles rhythmically. I could soon tell that she was about to reach orgasm, so I canceled the magic on myself and came with her filling her little premature womb with my spunk.

I don't know if Astra had reached orgasm, and I really didn't care. All I knew or cared about was what Stella did the moment we stopped cumming; she took one of her twin's nipples in each hand and twisted hard, then leaned down and bit her clit hard enough to cause pain. If Astra hadn't came by then, then she did in that moment because when Stella let go and backed away Astra's sheets were wet with cum right under her little ass.

It didn't appear that my plan of punishment was working, but by that time I didn't care. I was having too much fun to stop anyway.

I was still hard, but this is normal for me; I can stay hard as long as I like and cum as often and as much as I want. After all, as you may have noticed my magic works on me as well.

So, as soon as Stella was out of my way I lay down on top of Astra and shoved my still dripping cock into her virgin cunt. I wasn't the least bit slow or gentle, in fact I went as fast and hard as I could. After all, I wanted it to hurt. That was also why I chose this position; although I'm not fat, I am much heaver than any nine-year-old girl so my weight on her would make it a bit harder for her to breath. Also, with her legs held in the position they were it would put even more pressure on them. If I didn't heal her, I'm sure that she wouldn't be able to walk strait the next day just from the pain in her legs alone.

Astra was every bit as tight as her sister, and so my speed actually hurt me a bit. That was only fair however, and I believed in being fair even --or especially-- when dealing out punishment. Despite the pain, it was even more fun than I had thought it would be.

My "partner" seemed to be having mixed feeling about it however; it was hurting her so much that tears of pain were flowing down from her eyes into her ears, yet she was humping back. The noises she was making also seemed to mix pleasure with pain.

I wasn't planning on letting her cum, but she came even before I did. It took me completely by surprise, I hadn't imagined that she could possibly like it enough to orgasm.

After that, I untied her and made her clean all the cum off of me with her tongue. There was no blood though; although they had both been virgins neither girl had bled at all. This would have surprised me if I hadn't know the cause. After all, my magic worked on more than their minds and my body.

What did surprise me was that as soon as she was done, both girls started kissing each other passionately. In fact, they were making out!


I soon found out that the reason Astra had been so bad all year was because she had wanted Stella to punish her sexually, even if she hadn't known it herself. Because of this, I broke my own rules by letting them keep their memories of that wonderful night. At their request, I also didn't restore their virginity to them.

I left them after that, after all I had other little girls to visit and even with my magic I don't have infinite time.

That next year both girls were as nice as could be, even if Stella was a bit mean to Astra in the bedroom. After all, by being mean she was being nice; Astra was a masochist. Stella wasn't really a sadist however, she just liked giving the kind of pleasure her partner wanted.

The next Christmas I visited the girls one last time. This time I brought them real gifts, but had them open them in front of me because a strap-on and a double-ended dildo were not the sort of toys that their parents should see. They were only ten after all.

When the girls grew up, they both got married. Astra chose a real sadist, and was in heaven every night. Stella lucked out and got a good man who was a gentle lover. The two couples spent several nights a month together however, everyone having sex while punishing and being punished by each other.

They had seven children between them, but no one is sure just which man was the father of any of them.

The twins never told a sole about me or my two visits.

As for me, I am still giving little girls special gifts and probably always will. And, even though my first attempt to punish one went a bit awry (even if she did "learn her lesson"), I still punish naughty little girls. Some even learn their lessons.

The End

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God I love a good laugh! When I read 'but I actually increased her inhabitations rather than suppressing them' I nearly fell off my chair! You really increased her living areas?!?!? Perhaps you meant to increase her 'inhibitions'?

Thanks for the laugh.


Yes, I meant 'inhibitions', but I am a horrible speller and sometimes click the wrong word in the spell checker. At least it's good for a laugh sometimes.

Like a sign I saw once said 'Auto correct is my worst enema.'

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