Published: 23-Nov-2012
Word Count:
It was early on the morning of Saturday, December 20th, the second day of my step-niece Ally's twelfth birthday "slumber" party. The four of us, Ally, Jenny, Sara and I where asleep in a sodden tangle on Ally's bed. The previous day had been fun, and had ended with some revelations. Actually it had ended with more sex, the revelations had come just before that.
The first time I awoke was about two a.m., judging by the glowing hands on Ally's wall clock. I woke up because someone had decided they wanted to have some fun. One of the girls had climbed on top of me and had started having sex with me, and in the dark I couldn't tell which one. The other two where cuddled up against me, so I couldn't even tell by remembering where everyone had been when we fell asleep. Not that it really mattered, I had had sex with each of them at least twice the day before. I started to caress her as we fucked, beginning with her little ass. When I got around to her chest, I realized that she was ten-year-old Sara; her tits weren't big enough to be anyone else. I was disappointed, and at first I couldn't figure out why; I liked fucking Sara. Then I realized it was because I knew who she was, which was startling: I hadn't realized that I was that kinky. Flat chests aren't that much fun, but I played with her hard little nipples anyway. All girls like that.
As Sara road me, I realized that at least one of the others was awake. I could hear her low moans as she played with her own cunt, and from the volume I figured that it was probably eleven-year-old Jenny; she's the quiet one. Of course, Ally can be just as quiet when she wants to be, so I could have been wrong. Whoever it was, the sounds excited me so much that it wasn't long before I came. Luckily, I had felt (and heard) Sara orgasm a moment before.
Since we where done, she just lay down on top of me and went back to sleep. My dick was still inside her, but I liked leaving it in as long as I could when I was done.
I must have fallen asleep again myself, because the next thing I knew Sara had slid off of me and someone else was taking her place. The only reason that I knew that I had slept was that the clock now read quarter after four.
Whoever it was on top of me this time had decided to ride me cow-girl style just like Sara had. I had found that it was a turn on not knowing for sure who I was having sex with, so I just fucked her and enjoyed it. We were caressing each others chests (she with both hands and me with one, the other was caressing her back and ass), but that wasn't enough for an identification because Ally and Jenny where much the same in the dark. I couldn't even rule Jenny out from lack of encountering her long braid since I vaguely remembered her tying it into some kind of bun on top of her head before falling asleep last night. This memory made me happy; I didn't want to know who I was fucking yet.
After orgasm had quaked its way through both of us, whoever it was lay down on top of me and went back to sleep like Sara had. I continued stroking her back and butt until I fell asleep too.
When I awoke next, the sun was up. Jenny was just sliding off of me, so she must have been my last partner. She wasn't truly awake however, Ally was guiding her. When Jenny was safely in Ally's former position, Ally mounted me. Unlike the other two, she lay down pressing her sweet little tits into my chest before starting to ride up and down.
This had been the most fun night of my life, and waking up to the girl I loved practically screwing my head off just made it better. It was a while before we finished, but when we did it was mutual, as usual with Ally. I thought I was going to cum so much that I would pin her to the ceiling like in some stupid movie (and not a porno) that I had seen once.
"I'm hungry," Ally whispered to me after laying there for a few minutes. "I think I'll go start breakfast." Then she got up and left the room, dripping a little cum along the way.
Sara, who I hadn't realized was awake yet, jumped up and said quietly "I'll help." I watched as both beautiful, naked, pre-teen girls left, enjoying the way their asses rippled as they walked. When they where gone, I fell back asleep with Jenny cuddled up next to me.
I woke a little while latter, not more than a half hour and probably less. Jenny had moved, now she sat on the end of the bed with her head in her hands. At first I thought that she had fallen asleep like that, but then I saw her pretty shoulders shake in a sob. She was crying, and I couldn't figure out why. Had I hurt her when she road me last night? I didn't think so. Besides, these did not sound like tears of pain.
Carefully I got up and sat beside her, putting my arm around her. She started to pull away, but then changed her mind and turned to me and cried into my shoulder (so to speak, she really was quite a bit shorter than me and most of her height was in her beautiful long legs).
I surprised myself with how I was handling this. I had never offered comfort to anyone before, but my instincts seemed to know what they where doing. When she had cried herself out, I asked "What's wrong? Do you want to talk about it?"
She just looked at me with blurry eyes and nodded. After a moment of trying, she squeaked out "How am I going to tell my family I'm a lesbian?"
I blinked. I don't know what I expected her to say, but this wasn't it. After a moment I asked "What makes you think you're a lesbian? Or that your family won't understand for that matter?"
"You don't know them. My sibs may understand, but my parents? They are very strait-laced Christians. They'll disown me and kick me out. And I am in love with another girl, that makes me a lesbian right?"
The revelations last night let us both realize that we where in love. I was in love with Ally, and Jenny was in love with Sara. But I was sure that Jenny was enjoying having sex with me the day and night before, and a real lesbian would not have.
"Okay, you're in love with Sara," I replied. "But you did enjoy having sex with me, right?" She nodded. "And you would be willing to have sex with me again right?" Another nod. "And you are still attracted to men other than me, right?" Yet another nod. "Then you are not a lesbian. At worst, you're bi, and you knew that the moment you first had sex with Ally, right? So what's the problem?"
"Bi is just as bad, my parents still will not understand. I'd be in enough trouble just having sex out of wedlock, even if it were with a boy my age. For all this, they'll kill me."
"Oh, I doubt that. The worst they can do is kick you out, and if they do we can set the law on them. Yes I know that if they find out that I had sex with you I'll be put in jail, I mean I'm three times your age. But Ally's parents will claim that they knew nothing about what I was doing, I know because we already agreed on that. So they will be clean, and they can get the law in on your side against your parents."
"But what if they lock me up and don't ever let me out again?"
"I hadn't thought of that," I admitted. "But Sara at least will know if they do that, and those actions can get them in just as much trouble. And you might be able to run away and come here, we can hide you if it comes to that."
We could too. Ben had let me in on a little secret that Friday while Ally was still at school, a secret that my love didn't know. This house had a basement, and a darker history than anyone here knew. It hadn't been built to Ben's order as Ally thought it had, but to the order of a drug dealer who had decided to retire. Or at least mostly retire, considering the secret basement. Before the house was finished however, he had been killed by the FBI in a drug bust gone bad. Ben was a lawyer, and had been the only one interested enough who had had been able to afford the property. After he had bought the house, he had wondered why the chimney in a brand new house would be boarded up, and discovered the secret opening in the bottom of the fireplace. It led, via access ladder, to a hidden bunker beneath the house. This bunker was bomb proof, had its own water supply, and could be safely and easily powered for years by the generator in it. But it wasn't really a bomb shelt er, it had been designed either for drug storage... or as a slave pen.
Ben had remolded it himself (so it was still secret), and had made it into a cozy little apartment. Why? I think he wanted it just in case something like this happened: someone underage needed a secret place to get out of a bad situation.
You might think that because of his attitude toward my relationship with Ally that he didn't care, but you would be wrong. He loved children, and would do anything to protect them. He just didn't believe that my relationship with Ally was harmful. Like all of Ally's "parents," Ben believed that the age of consent should coincide with the age of desire, like it had a long time ago. I'm not sure I believe that myself, kids Ally's age usually are not emotionally ready for that kind of responsibility. I guess that made me a pervert, but at least I understood that.
All of this flashed through my mind in an instant. But it wasn't the time for making plans. Now was the time to try and make sure those plans would not be needed.
"Besides," I told her, "they have to find out about it before they can do anything. Just keep it a secret, at least until you're eighteen. Then they can't do anything, you will be old enough to legally make your own decisions. Seven years isn't all that long, my sister Denise and her girlfriend Helen had been sleeping together far longer without our parents knowing about it." I didn't tell her that her relationship with Sara wasn't likely to last that long, first love rarely did after all. That would depress her at best, and make her angry at worst. Right now I wanted her calm and thinking. Besides, I didn't want to think about it. After all, I was Ally's first love too.
"Helen?" asked Jenny. "Ally's mother? But she's married, so she wasn't in love with your sister, was she?"
"Honestly, I don't know," I told her. "Yes, she loves Ben. That I am certain about, but it is possible to truly love two people at once. It's rare, and usually leads to nothing but heartbreak. But if that is what happened to Helen, then she lucked out with who she fell in love with. And so could you."
"I don't want anybody but Sara. Oh, I would still like to have sex with my sister, but only if Sara is there as well. I don't think I want my father anymore, he scares me to much now that I have something to lose."
That last statement sent off warning bells in my head. Scared her now that she had something to lose? This was starting to sound like a repressive, maybe even abusive, relationship. It wasn't sexual abuse, that I was certain of considering what I had done with her, but emotional abuse could be just as damaging, even more so. I decided to keep my eye on the situation, after all I could easily be wrong.
But all I said was "Just remember that you have friends, you have options." I could smell French toast, Ally's favorite. "Breakfast should be ready by now, you up to it?"
"After I use the bathroom and clean up a little," she replied. She got up and walked to the door, than turned and looked at me. "Could you come with me, I don't want to be alone right now."
So I got up and followed her to Ally's bathroom... and watched the beautiful little girl pee. Then I had to pee too, so I did... while she still sat on the toilet. It wasn't easy but I managed not to make much mess, mainly by pissing on her little cunt. Then I had to clean it off, which was the fun part. I didn't use my tongue as I half expected she would have however. After we washed our hands, she washed her face while I kept my hand on her pert little ass. When she was done I was slightly surprised to see that there was no sign that she had been crying just minutes before.
By the time we got to the kitchen Ally and Sara were almost done with their French toast. "Good morning," Ally greeted us. "Hold on a moment and I'll make you some toast." Sara just gave Jenny a big kiss.
The sight of beautiful girls kissing had always turned me on, especially when they were this young. Seeing how hard I had gotten watching her kiss her girlfriend, Jenny offered "Mike and I can entertain each other until it's ready." She turned to me and asked "How do you want me?"
Since I had just been thinking that hers was the only pussy in the house that I hadn't licked yet, I decided to try that. Yet, I wanted to cum too. "How 'bout sixty-nine?" I replied. She smiled and nodded.
We got down on the kitchen floor, then noticed a small problem: She was so much shorter than me that we couldn't reach each other's joy spot at the same time. I solved this problem by having us both lay on our sides. Arching my back a little I was able to put my dick in her mouth and my tongue to her cunt. It was wonderful, this was the first time I had ever sixty-nined an underage girl and I was loving every minute of it. I don't know why Ally and I had never thought of this, but I decided that the next time I licked her I would try to get her to.
This time I came before Jenny did, filling her mouth with my sticky mess. She didn't mind, or lose much either; she was drinking it too fast for more than a little trickle to escape even though my load wasn't small. However, when she came her load made mine look like a couple drops. Now all three of us had had her cum covering our faces at least once.
Sara immediately got down and licked the trickle of my cum off Jenny's face, and then both girls started licking my face clean. I started to play with Sara's clit.
Ally, who was making good on her promise of breakfast, looked at Jenny and said "don't try to lick the cum off of this floor, there's way too much dirt. I'll get a mop latter."
When the girls were done with my face, Jenny sat in one of the tall kitchen chairs while Sara proceeded to clean her twat. It was a beautiful sight.
Breakfast was good as Ally knew how to make the best French toast I had ever had, but it wasn't as fun as what preceded it. Or what followed it either, as I was soon to discover.
After eating, Ally took us back to the family room. We hadn't bothered putting the room back together yet, it was still set up for the "karate practice" of the day before. She opened a hidden cabinet in a bookshelf and pulled out a plastic shopping bag with something in it.
She had us all sit in a circle in the center of the padded floor, and then placed an empty bottle she pulled from the bag in the middle of the circle. "As you probably guessed," she stated, "we are going to play 'spin the bottle,' but with new rules. The person the bottle ends up pointing to is the slave of the person who spun it; they have to do anything the spinner wants until that person comes, or the slave dose. Whichever the master wants. Then the slave becomes the master, and spins for a new slave."
Then she pulled two more items from the bag: her dildo and a tube of KY jelly. I had wondered how they got in the cabinet, but then decided that it didn't matter. I also noticed that the camera was set up again, Ally must have turned it on when she got the bag.
Pointing at the dildo and KY Ally continued "The master can choose to use these items if they want. I'll go first." She spun the bottle. When it stopped, it was pointing right at Sara. Ally lay back, spread her legs and told the other girl "Lick my pussy. And be prepared to clean up my cum."
Sara pounced on Ally's cunt and started licking with enthusiasm. It didn't take Ally long to cum, and when she did Sara started sucking it down. It seemed that she was starting it pick up Jenny's tastes. Of course, she could just be a good little actress.
Then Sara got to spin the bottle, and it pointed to me. She tossed me the KY, got on her hands an knees and ordered "Fuck me in the ass, hard." This isn't one of my favorite things to do, but I didn't want Ally mad at me. Besides, Sara's ten-year-old ass looked so cute. So, following my orders I used the jelly and started fucking her ass as fast as I could. It was a very tight fit, and I was sure it hurt a lot. She loved it however, and came before I did.
Because I had just been the slave, it was now my turn to spin. The bottle pointed to Ally. I didn't want to get Sara's shit in her cunt, that might cause an infection. Besides, I had worn myself out and needed a break. Ally apparently understood at least the first part, because she walked over to the still open cabinet and brought back a pack of sanitizing wipes for me.
Sitting back down, she asked "So what do you want me to do, Master?" That brought back good memories, we had played a similar game before.
I looked around for inspiration, and my eyes landed on her dildo. "I want you to do yourself with that," I told her, pointing. "It deserves to be inside your cunt at least once."
She looked surprised, but she picked the dildo up, twisted it's adjustment knob to the hardest setting, and proceeded to fuck herself with it. She was soon getting into it, sliding the fake cock in and out with her right hand while she played with one of her tits with her left. I was really enjoying the show, and I could tell that the other girls were too. In and out the dildo pumped, making delicious slurping noises. Ally was making noise of her own, loud pleasure filled noises that would probably give Jenny's parents heart attacks even before they found out that they were being made by a twelve-year-old.
Ally finally came, streamers of cum shot from her little pussy. I was surprised by the amount; though it didn't even come close Jenny's worst effort it was still more cum than I have ever seen coming from Ally. Luckily I had been paying close attention to what she had made the dildo do, so I thought that I might be able to duplicate the effort.
She just lay panting with effort, the sticky dildo still sticking obscenely out of her. I though she looked like she could use a drink.
"If you could all wait a moment I'll be right back," I said, then got up and went to the kitchen. When I came back with a pitcher of Ben's Magic Brew (there where several in the fridge) and four glasses all three of them were right where I left them. I filled a glass and handed it to Ally, who sat up to drink it smiling in thanks. Jenny and Sara looked like they might like some also, so I filled the three other glass and we all drank. I hadn't been too impressed the first time I had tried it, but it got better every time I drank some. Soon, I might really develop a taste for it. The girls seemed to agree.
"I'm going to have to ask for the recipe for this," Jenny remarked.
When Ally had drained her cup she informed us "The longer this stuff sits, the better it tastes. Your not developing a taste for it, it's just aging." Then she grabbed the bottle and gave it a spin. It stopped, pointing at Jenny.
Without waiting for the other girl to notice that play had started up again, Ally pulled the dildo from herself and stuck it right into Jenny's cunt.
Jenny gave a jump and gasp of surprise, spilling the last sip of her drink on her little tits. Then she leaned back on her elbows and enjoyed it. Ally leaned down and licked the drink off her tits as she pumped the other girl. After that it was almost a repeat of when Ally did herself with the dildo, but Jenny wasn't doing anything. It was Ally's hand moving to dildo in and out, her other hand and tongue caressing Jenny's tits. Yet, for a change, Jenny was almost as vocal as Ally had been.
Nervously, I looked at Sara. I was nervous because of the looks of jealousy I had seen on Sara's face any time Jenny had been with Ally yesterday. Now that Jenny had proclaimed her love for Sara I had expected things to get worse. So you can imagine my surprise when there was nothing but carnal hunger in Sara's expression.
I got her attention and asked "This doesn't make you jealous?"
"Dose it make you jealous?" she asked in return. When I shook my head she continued "Yesterday it would have, but now I know that she loves me. That this is just for fun and doesn't mean anything. So, there is no reason to get jealous."
Then Jenny's cry as orgasm struck her called our attention back to the show. Jenny was gushing as usual, but this time there seemed to be a gallon of cum pouring and spraying from her cunt. I knew that it couldn't be that much, but the shear volume was astonishing. Even Jenny looked amazed. I couldn't believe it, it was like a bad twisted comedy, but it was really happening.
When Jenny was finally done cumming, Ally decreed "Nobody clean up this mess until we are done here. If possible I want all of us covered with cum before lunch." Leaving the completely covered dildo in Jenny's still oozing cunt she pointed at the bottle with a dripping hand. "Your turn to spin Jenny," she said as she settled back in her place. "Take your time."
Jenny was still trying to catch her breath. She poured herself some more Magic Brew and drank it down before reaching for the game bottle. The bottle once again came to rest pointing at Sara. Jenny slid over to her (leaving a trail of cum), pulled the dildo out of herself and stuck it into Sara. Instead of pumping it in and out as Ally had however, she just stuck it all the way in and then started twisting the knob back and forth making the dildo pulsate from hard to soft and back again. Then she leaned down and started to lick Sara's little clit. Sara loved it, she was arching her back so far in pleasure that I almost expected it to break. It took awhile, but she finally shuddered in orgasm.
After a little while and a little drink, Sara spun the bottle. It landed on Ally, who she had do herself with the dildo again, but this time in the ass as she masturbated with the other hand.
When Ally next spun the bottle, it landed on me again. I was afraid that she was going to make me do something with the dildo, but she handed it and a wipe to Jenny and asked her to clean it. Then she had me fuck her... standing up, my legs holding both of our weights. She had apparently seen it in a movie and thought it looked like fun. It was, but it was also a lot of work. This time when Ally came I wasn't even close, but I was so tired I was ready to stop. She let me, so I gave the bottle a spin.
It landed on Sara again. Remembering what Ally had said about wanting us all covered in cum, I had Sara give me a blow job but told her to wear it all and not swallow. I found that I really liked seeing my cum splat on her young face.
And so it went, the bottle spinning randomly and everyone doing their best to fulfill the birthday girl's wishes.
The next time it was Jenny's turn, she got Ally. They both went to the kitchen (being careful not to drip on the hall rug) and got two of the tall chairs. They set them side by side, Jenny climbed up on them so that her pussy was hanging over the gap and she was leaning on the chair backs. Then she had Ally get under her and told her "Make me cum anyway you want."
By licking and playing, Ally was soon dripping with cum from the top of her head all down her front to her own pussy.
By the time Ally declared it was time for launch we all needed a break, and a shower. I had unloaded myself on all three girls faces at least twice (there must be an aphrodisiac in Ben's Magic Brew), and all of us had been through Jenny's "cum shower," even Jenny herself.
How you ask? Simple. Sara had Jenny put her butt on one of the love-seats and her shoulders on the floor, then proceeded to make her cum so that the cum poured down her front. So we where all a sticky mess.
Ally went to the camera to shut it off, but it either ran out of battery life or disk space just before she got there because it went off by itself. Shrugging, she left it for a moment and picked up her old camera from where it had been resting on a shelf. She had apparently intended on using it this weekend, and was able to by taking pictures of the mess we had made of the floor and each other.
Then with my help she pulled a roll of plastic out of a closet. Unrolling the thick plastic as we went I realized that it was a runner to keep the rug clean. It reached clear to the kitchen, but didn't look very good. Which was probably why they didn't use it all the time.
As Ally made sandwiches for all of us, I grabbed the new camera's instruction manual from the box on the counter where Ally had left it the previous day. As I was pulling the manual out of the box however, a small cellophane package that we hadn't noticed before fell out. Inside it was something shaped like a lens cap, but it was made of something that looked a lot like the lens from a pair of polarized sunglasses. There was no writing on it or the plastic bag it was in, and it didn't appear in the parts list in the manual either.
I decided to look up what I had originally grabbed the manual for first, it was more important than a mystery. My mother had a digital camera once that recorded its pictures onto a three inch CD. In order to use the CD in anything else, you had to tell the camera to "finalize" it. This was okay as long as you remembered to do this before the disk was too full, otherwise the final process would fail due to lack of room and the disk would be unusable. My mother had had several disks which had failed that way, and although the camera itself could still read most of the disk and had the ability to transfer pictures from the disk to a computer there were several pictures on each disk that were lost. My mother wasn't happy with that, nor was anyone else that had that particular type of camera even though it was a great camera otherwise.
I was afraid of something like that in this case, but the manual put my mind at ease; the camera would automatically finalize the DVD when it got to a certain point. The light would also start to blink amber for about a minute. The light had been blinking, but it had been red which meant the battery had been low.
I told Ally of my findings, then started to solve the mystery of the odd lens cap. The camera had automatic light reduction, so it couldn't be for that. Then I saw a section labeled "Low-Light Mode." Click. I now knew what it was; a filter to turn low-light mode into x-ray mode. That is, you could use the low-light mode in day time with the filter on and see through peoples clothes. I was astonished. I had heard of such things, but I had never expected to see one. After all they where illegal. I didn't have any idea how it had gotten in the box, but I did know that Ally's (mostly) law abiding parents hadn't known about it or it wouldn't be there. I however am a pervert, and thought that this little device could be a lot of fun. Even if we never used it to invade peoples' privacy, the reason the filter was illegal in the first place, there where a lot of things I could think of to do with it.
After lunch, Ally took us back to the family room. There she broke out the cleaning supplies from the same closet the plastic had come from. Cum is very sticky and gooey, and I was not looking forward to cleaning it up with normal cleansers. Luckily Ally had found something a little more potent, so potent that it had warnings against direct skin contact and fume inhalation written all over it. We were all naked, how were we going to use this stuff? Ally had a solution for that too, and brought out these four clear plastic suits and respirators. The suits would protect us from the chemical without giving us any privacy (perfect!), while the masks would protect our lungs and eyes from the fumes. We all put the suits and masks on, Ally flipped a switch that started a large exhaust fan (apparently this was something they did a lot of) and we all started cleaning.
Before long, we were done. We moved to the kitchen and cleaned it to, but that took even less time. Then we all went upstairs to The Shower still wearing the suits, but we left the masks in the family room closet. In The Shower we helped each other out of the suits and proceeded to duplicate the action of the day before, just without the sex.
After that, Ally suggested a long soak in the hot tub. She let me barrow her new camera (with a fresh battery and disk), so I ran to the pool house first with it and four large bath towels (we weren't making the same mistake twice). Either it was colder than the day before or I was still a little wet, but I survived. When I signaled, the girls started running to join me while I filmed them bouncing. Seeing them from the rear had been fun, but it was even better from the front. By the time they got to me, I was very hard. They each kissed my little head in greeting (Ally's idea), then we went inside to soak our tired muscles.
I sat where I had before, Ally sat in my lap and Jenny sat beside us with Sara in her lap. We all started... massaging each other, especially the "private places." Ally decided to "massage" my dick by taking it into herself and repeatedly squeezing it.
It soon turned into a fuck fest, of course. I remember thinking that Ben's Brew must really be magic. Ally road me again, but this time she was facing away from me. At the same time, Jenny and Sara where making out and playing with each other's little cunts and tits.
When we finally had that out of our systems (as well as a bit more cum), we just sat there soaking up the heat. I decided to broach the subject of Jenny's problem.
"Jenny seems to be afraid about her parents reaction to her relationship with Sara," I stated. Jenny looked at me, but she didn't look angry or hurt, just curious as to where I was going with this. "I thought that we should discus it and make plans for the worst case scenarios."
"What's the worst they could do?" asked Ally. "Ground her?" That was when I realized that in some ways Ally had lead a pretty sheltered life, despite the sexual knowledge that sometimes still surprised me.
"They could lock her up and throw away the key," Sara replied, obviously shaken.
"They wouldn't!" Ally exclaimed, horrified. "Would they?"
"They could," Jenny said. "And knowing them, they probably would."
"Do you think that you could run away if they do?" I asked her.
"I... I don't know," she replied. "I think so. It depends on how they do it. If they depend only on the lock on my door, I can go out the window."
"Woe, wait a minute," I said. "Your bedroom door has a lock on it?"
"What's strange about that?" Ally asked. "So dose mine."
"I noticed," Jenny answered with a crooked smile. Then she sobered, "But yours locks from the inside." "Have they ever locked you in?" Sara wanted to know. So did I, for that matter.
"Yes, but never for more than a week," she said, as if that made it okay.
"Do they even let you out for meals? Or to use the bathroom?" Sara was furious.
"Well, no. My father will come in three times a day with food and a clean bed pan. He always knocks first," she added at the looks on our faces.
"Ally, I think we need to talk to Ben about this. Today." Then I turned back to Jenny. "Do your siblings have locks on their doors too?"
"Julie dose, but not Peter. They let him get away with anything."
"How dose your mom feel about all this?" I asked.
"It doesn't matter what she thinks, she's only a woman after all. Besides, she is totally devoted to Dad and dose anything he wants. It's disgusting really, watching her bow and scrape."
This was looking worse and worse. Ally's eyes where wide with shock, so I could tell that she agreed with me. Sara's face wore a look of great concern.
Seeing all of this, Jenny just looked puzzled. "What, you mean this isn't normal? I mean, I know that Ally's parents aren't like this, but they're just odd. Aren't they?"
"Yes," Ally answered, "mine are odd, but yours are crazy. Locking you up like that is just... wrong."
"What's more," I added, "it's illegal. They should be locked up, or at least your father should. Your mother might just be broken, in which case she needs help."
"Well, isn't what we've been doing for almost a day now illegal too? And isn't letting Ally do this just as wrong?" Jenny demanded.
"Well, yes and maybe." I answered her. "Yes, I am most definitely breaking the law just sitting in this hot tub with you, since we're all naked and not members of a nudist colony." Ally sputtered a little at that. "Yes Ally, I know that your parents don't think it should be. They think that the age of desire and the age of consent should be the same, and I agree to a point. But that doesn't change the law, and the law says that I may not do this until you are eighteen. But, letting Ally do it is a different matter all together. Forcing her to do it would be very wrong, but letting her? Not necessarily. Ally, what would you do if your parents had forbid you from having sex until you were eighteen?"
She snorted. "I'd do it anyway. It's my body, not theirs. If I wanted to have sex with the entire high school football team, they wouldn't be able to stop me. Of course, they wouldn't try and the girls basketball team is more my style anyway. Those boys can be rough."
I turned back to Jenny. "So, by letting her do what she wants, they actually have the ability to protect her from some of the consequences. Like kidnapping, because she doesn't have to go anywhere to have her fun and a kidnapper will find it very hard to take her from her own house. Therefore, although it is still a gray area, their attitude isn't really wrong. Now, my touching her is another thing, society as a whole would condemn both me and them for what is happening here."
"Okay, so my parents are creeps," Jenny relented. "But what do I do about it?"
"Daddy Ben is a lawyer, a darn good one too.," Ally said proudly. "He can and will help you. He can get you out of that house before your parents ever find out the truth about you and Sara. He may even be able to arrange for you to move in here. We do have a spare room after all."
"Okay," I said, taking control for a moment. "Here is what I suggest. First, I'll give you my cell phone number and you can call me anytime night or day if you need me to come and get you. I know where I can hide you until Ben can make legal arrangements for you. Second, you talk to Sara by phone every night. Keep the conversations like you were just friends just in case, but this way if Sara doesn't get a call from you some night she will know that something is up. Other than that, all we can do is wait and hope."
"Thank you for doing this," Jenny said with feeling. "It means a lot. I don't know how I will ever repay you."
I just reached out and stroked the inside of her thigh, starting at the knee and working my way up. "You already have," I said in a very suggestive voice. Then I removed my hand from her pussy where in had come to rest, and added in a normal voice "Besides, I would do it even if I had never had a hope of getting you into bed. I don't need or want any repayment but the satisfaction of helping someone who needs it."
"What did you mean by 'she's only a woman' anyway?" Sara asked Jenny.
Looking slightly puzzled once more, Jenny replied with "When did I say that again?"
"A couple minutes ago," Sara said. "You said that it didn't mater what your mother though because 'she's only a woman.'"
"Oh, that," Jenny said with disgust. "That's how my father thinks. He says that since Eve got Adam thrown out of Eden, that women can't be trusted and are only good for having babies. I know better, but only because he made the mistake of letting me go to public school."
"Don't your siblings go to school?" I asked.
"Not Peter, he's home schooled," she answered. "But Julie goes to Saint Augusta's. I used to also, but I got kicked out. So, my father sent me to public school since it wasn't worth his time to teach a mere girl and mom 'has better things to do,' in his words. I'm just as glad, it gets me out of the house and their are boys there."
Saint Augusta's was a local all girls Catholic school run by nuns. It had a reputation of being strict, but giving a good education. All in all, it was considered a good school, and it wasn't cheep. Not the sort of place a man who thought his daughters of little worth would normally send them.
"Why did he send you and your sister there?" I asked.
"Because it made him look good," she replied. "Uhg, I hate the place! they make you wear a uniform that makes Ally's normal getup look sexy; high collared, long sleeved blouses and full length skirts like something out of the eighteen hundreds! They don't allow any talking in the building except in response to a nun's question, and even then it must be in a low calm voice or you get into trouble! And they make the girls eat the same boring crap the sister's do every day!" She huffed, but it obviously felt good getting that off her chest. After a moment she continued more calmly "Don't get me wrong, most of the sister's are pretty nice and they all mean well, and it isn't like they actually abuse the students. I mean, the worst they will do is lecture. The very worse they can do is kick you out, like they did me."
"Why did they kick you out?" Sara asked, once again beating me to the punch.
"I couldn't learn to be quiet enough," Jenny admitted.
"Not quiet enough? You? Little miss 'can't even scream in passion'?" Ally said incredulously.
"Well, Sister Deborah told my parents that it was because I couldn't stop speaking out of line. Though, maybe she suspected something about them and was covering for me. After all, she was the one who cough me trying to sneak a camera into the girl's showers."
"That would get you kicked out sooner than talking, especially since I doubt that you had any problem keeping quiet," I agreed.
"Did you get any pictures?" was Ally's reaction.
"Well, I took one," she said, "but the camera was confiscated and I never got to see how it turned out. Besides, I would have gotten in real trouble trying to get it developed."
I valiantly turned my laugh into a cough. Once I was certain that I wouldn't hurt her feeling by laughing I asked "You tried to take a normal thirty-five millimeter camera into the girl's showers?"
"Well, actually it was an APS, but yes. You could say it was a little stupid, but I just wanted to have a picture of one of my classmates nude, and I didn't have a digital. Sister Deborah most likely misunderstood my intentions, the girl I took the picture of wasn't very nice to me. She probably thought that I was going to use the picture for revenge and had no idea that I had wanted to hump the girl." Now she laughed, "I almost wish that I could tell her the truth, just to see the look on her face."
"Why don't you?" asked Sara.
"Oh I couldn't, she might tell my father."
"Why did he let you come here?" I asked. "For that matter, how did you convince him to let you take karate?"
"Well, I'm not sure dad even knows where I am; mom told me I could come." Jenny answered. It seemed to me that she had a little hope for what that could mean. "As for the karate, I'm not sure. When sensei saw me at school he asked if I would be interested in learning. When he asked dad, he did so in a way that might of made dad look bad if he said no."
"Your sensei asked you to join?" I asked. "Are you sure he doesn't just like to see pretty young girls work out?"
Ally answered me, she was his student too after all. "No, sensei believes that girls should learn to protect themselves. Besides, he is more interested in the boys."
"He's gay?" Sara and I asked in unison.
"Yep," Ally and Jenny replied the same way. Then we all broke into laughter.
When we finally stopped, Ally asked "Hey Jenny, would you like my old camera? It's digital so you wouldn't have to get any film developed, and it's a diver's camera so it wouldn't be harmed by a shower."
"Oh that would be great! Do you mean it?"
"Of course I mean it, I wouldn't have offered otherwise. You just have to let me get the pictures I took earlier, then it's yours. Now, I'm horny again. Anybody got a coin?"
I didn't know what having a coin had to do with being horny, but that wasn't my first reaction. "Are you kidding? Where would any of us hide a coin? We're all nude! And I don't see any purses here, just pussies."
"I can think of a couple places we could hide coins," Sara said with a lop-sided smile. "But you would have found them all before lunch, Mike."
"Well," Ally said, "I was going to flip a coin to see who I had sex with next."
"It should be my turn," Sara pointed out. "You just had sex with Mike, and before that you licked Jenny's pussy."
"Well, I want my pussy licked now, so lets sixty-nine. Jenny, you get to have Uncle Mike fuck you any way you want."
"Okay, but I don't know what I want to do," Jenny replied. "Sara, what do you suggest?"
"I would like to see you fucked in the ass myself," Sara said.
"There should be a bottle of KY over there," Ally put in helpfully. "Come here now Sara."
We all climbed out of the tub, Sara lay on her back and spread her legs while Ally kneeled over her head and then lay down on top of her and Jenny bounced over to get the KY jelly.
When she got back Jenny handed me the lubricant and kneeled beside Sara, sticking her little ass in the air. As I have said, I wasn't much for butt fucking. However, I was beginning to discover that I liked sex with pre-teen girls so much that I didn't care what form it took. Besides, my only real objection was getting shit on my dick.
I now know that both Ally and Sara, the owners of the only little asses I had been in at that time, had both been experimenting by shoving things up their butts. With the sole exception of the chopstick the day before, Jenny hadn't. Ally and Sara had both been tight fits from behind, but I didn't think I was going to get into Jenny's ass.
After my first attempt proved it too tight to penetrate, I started playing with it to loosen it up. Using the KY, I slowly slid a finger in then out and back in again. After doing this for a while, I figured it was loose enough to add a second finger. Despite a little pain each time I stretched her ass more, Jenny was enjoying it.
Now, I'm not all that well endowed. My dick is only about six and a half, seven inches long (I don't know for sure, I've never measured it). However, it is about twice as thick as the two fingers I had in Jenny's ass and my fingers aren't exactly small. Not big, but not small either.
When those two fingers where moving easily, I removed them and tried inserting my cock again. This time I got it in, but it was still hard until I got my head past her sphincters. After that it was just fun, for both of us.
This was the first time I had fucked a girl in the ass that she didn't play with herself. Jenny wasn't, but only because Sara seemed to be trying to get her whole hand into Jenny's tight cunt. That wasn't really what Sara was doing, but the thought just made me hotter at the time. She had three fingers inside Jenny and was pumping her as fast as I was. Jenny seemed to think she was in Heaven as she pushed back into our combined thrusts.
Ally had no idea what Sara was doing to Jenny, because she never missed a beat licking and sucking Ally's twat. If Sara seemed to be trying to get her hand into Jenny's pussy, Ally seemed to be trying to get her head into Sara's. Both girls were humping each other's faces, and orgasm was imminent.
Jenny came before anyone else, but didn't want to stop so Sara and I kept going strong. The next to cum was Ally, but when Sara didn't slow down she figured the younger girl wasn't done and continued licking and playing.
Through it all I was trying hard not to loose my load. By the time I couldn't hold it back any longer each girl had cum at least twice. I filled Jenny's tight little hole with so much cum that it was squirting out her ass with each pump.
"Leave it in me," Jenny told me when we were done. "You just gave me a cum enema and I don't want to make a mess." If she had wanted me to stay hard, that was the wrong thing to say. To counteract it I latched onto the idea of sending Jenny into a girls locker room with a hidden camera. It mostly worked, especially when I tried to figure out where a naked girl could hide a camera.
Ally walked over to a nearby "rock" and somehow moved it aside. I had leaned against and sat on that rock several times, so I knew that it was solid. It must have had a hidden catch.
Beneath the rock was what looked like a narrow urinal placed flat in the floor. At the question in my eyes, Ally explained "It's a Japanese toilet."
Seeing the possibilities right off, Jenny and I inched our way over until we were both straddling it. That was much easier to say than do of course as we had to crawl, but we made it somehow. When I pulled out of Jenny's little ass, an incredible stream of cum poured out of her. I had had no idea that I had pumped so much into her. I steadfastly ignored the brown flecks in it.
After she had finished dripping, Jenny stood and turned around so that I could see her cunt. She then proceeded to pee into the strange toilet. Watching a beautiful, naked eleven-year-old girl stand there pissing while looking me right in the eyes was incredibly erotic.
Ally handed me a pack of flushable wet wipes from somewhere and told me "Clean yourself off, but no masturbation! If you cum, you better be inside one of us." She then took her turn over the toilet, looking me right in the eyes as Jenny had. When she was done, Sara took her turn and did it precisely like the other two. She then spoiled it by squatting down and shitting, though the fact that she continued to look me in the eyes did keep a measure of eroticism in the act.
Shaking her head, Ally handed Sara some toilet paper. When the younger girl was done wiping herself, Ally stepped on a button beside the foreign toilet that flushed it.
After replacing the fake rock, Ally turned to us and announced "I'm still horny, but this floor is too hard. Since none of us are currently wet, let's leave the towels here and head back to the family room."
That's just what we did, but since running naked was loosing its thrill we did things a little different. Sara climbed up on my back holding herself in place with her arms and legs, Ally and Jenny both put one hand on my cock and I grabbed one of each of their tits. If walking while someone else holds your dick is like a hand job, just think what running that way is like. I came all over their little hands before we reached the house, nor was I the only one to reach orgasm during that run. Sara was holding on so tight that I could feel both her hard nipples and clit pressing into me, and the bouncing as I ran was apparently enough. At least, that's what the trickling wetness on my back said.
As we entered the kitchen from outside, Ally went to the fridge and I went to the phone. I dialed the number to Ben's cell phone, and filled him in on Jenny's problem after he picked up.
"Well there's nothing I can do about it right now, but I'll look into it as soon as I get home." he told me, then we said goodbye and hung up.
After having a glass of Ben's Magic Brew each (two in my case), we went to the family room where Ally told us what she wanted.
She held out a cup with folded scraps of paper in it. "This cup holds numbers," she explained. "We will each draw one paper from the cup to find our starting positions."
If this explanation isn't clear to you, don't worry; at the time only Ally knew what she was talking about. We drew anyway. I pulled the number one out of the cup, Sara the number two, while Jenny retrieved the number four. This left number three for Ally.
"Okay, we are going to form a daisy chain," Ally informed us. "The numbers are in clockwise order, with number one being licked by number two, two by three, three by four and four by one."
We all laid down on our sides in a square facing into the middle. Jenny pressed her pussy against my lips while Sara tried to swallow my dick. Ally meanwhile pressed her cunt into Jenny's face and her lips into Sara's twat.
Before we started though, Ally had one more instruction. "Oh, and try not to let any cum reach the floor. If you do, you'll have to lick it up."
And here I was licking the gusher. I figured that since I was going to be swallowing her cum anyway, I might as well try to keep her entire cunt in my mouth.
It turned out to be nearly impossible, she was moving too much. She seemed to appreciate my trying however, especially when my teeth would hit her clit. So, I started to gently chew on it. She loved that, and started cumming almost immediately.
I quickly clamped my mouth over her cunt and did my best to drink her cum. I was mostly successful, but some escaped. No one else had cum yet, not even me though Sara was still trying to swallow my dick, so I went back to chewing on Jenny's clit. She went back to cumming and I wasn't quick enough to catch it, so I just let it flow.
Her pleasure had turned me on to a point that when I finally came, Sara almost drowned. When I glanced down I saw some of my cum shoot out of her nose. She started coughing.
She wasn't the only one with cum in her nose. Because of our positions my nose was almost inside Jenny's twat, right in the path of her seemingly endless stream of cum.
I suddenly realized that we were done when Ally said "Okay, time to clean up. Then we draw and start again."
Licking up Jenny's cum wasn't as bad as I though it would be. When I was done (I was the last, Jenny had set a new record) Ally said "Every body clean the face of the person who made you cum."
Jenny didn't wait for Ally to start, she just spun around and licked my face clean.
When she was done, Sara presented her face to me. She still had my cum dripping from her nose, so I took it into my mouth and sucked. I noticed immediately that my cum didn't taste as good as theirs. I licked it off of Sara anyway, but as I did I wondered if Jenny would like a guy's cum after all. Then I remembered that she had already tasted mine and seemed to like it fine.
When we were done with the clean-up, Ally told us all "It's time to get new numbers."
Drawing from the cup, I was surprised that I drew the number one again. This time Sara got four and Jenny got two, leaving the three for Ally again.
After another glass of Ben's Brew each we lay down in the square again, with Jenny taking my cock into her mouth and Sara pushing her pussy against my lips.
Licking Sara was different from licking Jenny: Sara moved more, but her cum came in tiny spurts that I had no trouble catching. After a couple minutes I had an idea that I knew she would love, so even though the angle was odd I shoved my fingers up her ass. I wasn't the least bit gentle; I just quickly forced two fingers into her as far as they would go and started pumping them in and out as fast as I could. She loved it so much that Ally had to remind her to keep licking twice.
When I came this time, my load was small enough that Jenny seemed a little disappointed. There also wasn't anything for me to clean off her face. I also hadn't let any of Sara's cum hit the floor, though I had made sure that she would have to lick my face. I was really starting to like that.
As I knelt there with Sara licking her juices off my face, I realized that I had never given her a good kiss. So I pulled her against me, one hand between her shoulder blades and the other squeezing her little ass while I tried to shove my tongue down her throat. With her naked little body pressed to me I realized that I hadn't fucked her since two a.m. Unfortunately, Ally didn't give me a chance right then.
"Okay," she told us, "This daisy chain idea hasn't worked out as I had hoped. Pair off with the only person you haven't licked since we started this and sixty-nine them."
I reluctantly let go of Sara so that she could go to Jenny, beckoned to Ally, and lay down on my side in the position I had come up with that morning with Jenny.
As I licked Ally's twelve-year-old cunt, she gave me the best blow-job I had ever had. I wondered why at first, but then realized that we were both responding to what the other was doing to us and she had more experience than Jenny. It was the first time we had done it this way after all. Orgasm didn't take long for ether of us, and we came at the same time once more.
After laying there about five minuets to catch her breath, Ally looked at my watch. With a look of surprise on her face she told me "Take a break while I go get dinner ready." With that she jumped up and went to the kitchen.
I looked over at Jenny and Sara and saw that they were still licking each other. A moment later I got to watch them both cum.
When Sara started making motions of wanting to continue, Jenny said "I need a break, maybe Mike can help you."
At that time I was surprised to realize that I was hard again. "Sure," I told Sara, "but only if it is not oral or anal."
Sara smiled and nodded, so I rolled onto my back. Sara was there in an instant and laid on top of me, then guiding my hard cock she slid her tight ten-year-old pussy onto it.
I realized that the only one of the girls I had done it with this way was Ally. Sara and Jenny both seemed to prefer cow-girl style, probably because I always played with their nipples. This way had to be easier on Sara though; she didn't have to use her legs. It was a nice change for me too, because I got to caress her pert little ass instead of her nipples.
Sara started to slow down, she was obviously tired. When I grabbed her around the waist to help her keep moving, she let me know without words that she liked it. Soon I was doing all the work.
Eventually she came, and promptly fell asleep.
I didn't know what to do. I wasn't done yet, but she apparently was. Would she mind if I continued? I figured that she probably wouldn't.
I soon realized that I hadn't been doing all the work after all. A limp girl was not as easy to move as one that was awake and helping. I continued anyway.
Five minutes later I came inside her. She had started to snore. I noticed that Jenny had disappeared.
A while later, perhaps ten minutes, Sara awoke and I told her "It's probably time for dinner, we should go to the kitchen."
We got up and walked to the kitchen. The plastic runner was still laying in the hall, which was lucky because we were both dripping. When we got to the kitchen we found Ally and Jenny on the table, humping.
The oven timer rang at just about that moment, but I could tell that Ally wasn't finished yet. I just told her that I would get it, patting her butt as I walked past.
Dinner that night turned out to be chicken enchiladas. After Ally and Jenny had finished having their fun (and had cleaned up the mess they made) we all sat down to eat. Nobody became someone else's plate that evening, but the girls made a joke out of picking their enchiladas up and sucking them, pretending that they were cocks. By that time they were all pretty good at cock sucking and the sight was turning me on again. So I picked one of mine up and stuck my tongue into it pretending that it was a pussy. The girls all got a laugh from that, especially when the hot cheese burned my tongue.
After dinner we ate desert (ice cream sundaes) while watching one of Ally's special movies. I can't remember the name of it, but I doubt that you would have heard about it anyway. It was a fantasy adventure set in the Middle Ages, though the costumes were definitely not accurate. I know this because I'm sure that ladies of that time did not walk around wearing less than modern day hookers. At first I thought that the female lead was playing two roles, but when the two characters started having sex with each other I realized that they where played by twins. Even though it was a little light on plot, the hard-core sex scenes more than made up for it.
None of us engaged in sex during the movie, in fact the only contact we had with each other was to lick the ice cream off if one of us happened to get sloppy. The girls all seemed to do this with abnormal frequency, but I couldn't be sure that it wasn't because they were being distracted by the movie.
When it was over, Ally decided that she wanted to try something. She left the room and came back with something I had never thought I would see in her hand; a double-ended strap-on dildo.
"Okay, I want Uncle Mike to lie on his back and one of you two to straddle him while I do you in the ass with this." she indicated the strap-on. After a moment she added "I don't know what the other of you should do, any suggestions?"
"Well, It should be Jenny's turn with Mike," Sara stated. "The only way for me to fit into the puzzle would be to sit on Mike's face, but I think that I would rather stay out of it and use your camera to record it. I think I might just get chapped lips if I'm licked out again so soon, and I don't mean the lips on my face."
"No, you don't want those lips chapped. Your plan sounds good to me, any objections?"
There were none, though Jenny looked both apprehensive and excited by the thought of being done in both holes at once.
As Ally donned the dildo, I noticed that the end she slipped into herself looked rather limp. "How dose that thing work anyway?" I asked her. "I've never been able to figure them out, the end inside you doesn't move at all dose it?"
She didn't answer, just pulled it back out and started squeezing the other end. As pressure was put on the outer end, the inner got longer and harder. After the demonstration she inserted it again, this time squeezing the outer end to make it easier.
By this time Sara had started recording. I laid on my back, Jenny got on top of me and took me into her just like Sara had before dinner. Ally then got on her knees between our legs and started working the strap-on dildo into Jenny's tight ass.
I had never before fucked a girl while something was shoved into her ass, so I was surprised to find that Jenny's already tight cunt was stretched tighter by the pressure from behind. I could also feel the dido sliding against my cock, separated as it was by just a few layers of thin tissue. Before this, I would have said that both sensations would have been unpleasant or uncomfortable. I would have been wrong.
Though only a little thicker, the new dildo was considerably longer than my own equipment. It was still only about ten inches, but I figured that that was a lot more than would fit up Jenny's little ass. I was right. When it had gone in as far as it would go, there was a good three inches still sticking out.
At first Ally and I were out of sink so bad that she was all the way in when I was almost out. Jenny thought she was in heaven, but when we finally got synced up she was beyond thought.
When she came that time the volume of her cum exceeded her previous record, even considering that Ally and I both came at almost the same moment.
Turning the camera off, Sara helped Jenny clean up the spilled cum once again using nothing but tongues. Meanwhile Ally sucked her own cum off the part of the strap-on that had been inside her and used one of those handy sanitizing whips to clean the other end. Then Sara licked me clean and Jenny did the same for Ally.
At that point we were all so worn out from the almost constant sex that we decided to call it a night even though it was only nine o'clock. So we all had a final glass (or two) of Ben's Magic Brew and went upstairs.
As we got to Ally's bedroom however, we discovered that there was still some cum that wanted out of each of us. Jenny donned the strap-on and started doing Sara with it while Ally and I made love the natural way.
We were all caressing every bit of flesh that came into reach except our own. By this time I was so tired that I couldn't tell (or remember) just who I was fucking but she seemed to have six nipples, two cunts and a rubbery cock. The odd thing was that the cock seemed to be fucking the cunt that I wasn't. I figured that I must be dreaming (I was actually half right), but although it was a weird dream it was also a good one. My strange partner came from at least one cunt right as I came, and I knew no more.
End of part 2
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