Published: 13-Jul-2012
Word Count:
Gina's hands were shaking as she paced outside of the small convenience store with her purse. The beautiful 12 year old girl looked at her reflection in the outside window and had to admit that she liked what she saw: long brown hair, full, kissable lips, heavy-lidded eyes, a cute little upturned nose, and soft, sweet cheeks. She thought that she could be a teen model, just as her mom had been, when the time came. Her thin, 5'2" body was just starting to sprout breasts and she practiced every day to make her small buttocks swivel in a provocative manner.
She had come to the store to experiment with her newest hobby: smoking. She had been stealing cigarettes from her mom's purse for a few weeks now, but today she had screwed up enough courage to buy a pack of cigarettes with her allowance. She just had to figure out how to do it.
As she stood there debating, an expensive luxury car pulled up and her neighbor, Mr. Johnson got out of it and walked toward the store entrance.
"Good morning, Gina," he said to her, smiling cheerfully.
"Good morning, Mr. Johnson," Gina said in a sing-song voice, smiling and twisting on her legs. Mr. Johnson was her friend Tandy's dad and he was so handsome! All of the girls agreed that Mr. Johnson was the hottest dad of any girl at Bridgeport Junior High, and his muscular frame gave Gina such a warm feeling between her legs. She watched him go in to the store and thought for a minute. Mr. Johnson was not only handsome, but he was so cool! He always let Tandy have a sip of his beer whenever the girls were hanging out at Tandy's place. Tandy's older sister Tara, who was 19, was a smoker and smoked in front of her dad all of the time. An idea was starting to form in Gina's mind and she hoped that Mr. Johnson would be cool enough to help her out.
As Brad Johnson walked out of the store, he stopped in front of Gina and smiled at her.
"Do you need a lift home, Gina?" he asked. "It's quite a walk back from here and I don't see your bike."
"Thank you," Gina said, flashing her sexiest smile at the older man. "I'd totally like that. Maybe you could do another favor for me, too."
"Well sure," he said. "If I can."
Gina reached into her purse and pulled out a ten dollar bill, which represented a month's worth of saving of her allowance. "Could you buy me a pack of cigarettes and a lighter?" she said quickly, wincing for the adult yelling that she hoped wouldn't come.
"Sure," he said without hesitation. He took the money and said "Come inside with me, Gina."
Walking beside the tall man, Gina walked into the store, her heart pounding in her chest. They walked up to the counter and Mr. Johnson said in a loud voice, "What brand does your mom smoke again, Gina?"
Gina's mom smoked Marlboro Light 100's, but the young girl had another brand in mind. "Virginia Slims 120's," she said in a meek voice.
"One pack of Virginia Slims 120's and a lighter, please," Brad Johnson said to the attractive woman behind the counter. It was well-known that Brad Johnson was divorced, and apparently the woman behind the counter knew it, because she smiled at Brad with a twinkle in her eye. "That's my brand too," she said, obviously flirting with him. She looked above her head at the cigarette racks and pulled out the appropriate pack. She rang up the cigarettes and lighter, then handed them to the handsome man, who paid for it with his credit card. "Have a nice day!"
Gina and Mr. Johnson walked out of the store and he held open the passenger side door of his BMW to allow Gina to slide in. Then he walked around and got into the driver's seat. Once inside, he started the car and handed Gina her coveted pack of Virginia Slims 120's, lighter, and her ten dollars. "Consider it my treat," the 30 year old divorced man said.
"Wow, cool! Thank you, Mr. Johnson!" Gina gushed, accepting them from him.
He smiled a gorgeous smile at the young girl. "On one condition."
"What's that?" she asked, slipping the money back into her purse.
"That you let me watch you smoke one on the way home," he said.
Oh my! Gina shakily opened the pack of cigarettes and withdrew a long, thin, all-white cigarette and put the filter end to her lips. She let it dangle between her sweet lips as she brought the lighter's flame to life and let it kiss the end of the cigarette. The young girl drew on the ultra-long cigarette and let the smoke escape from her nose. Then she took a measured drag and pulled the cigarette from her mouth, holding it in a natural fashion as she blew a cone of smoke.
"Wow," Mr. Johnson said, smiling at Gina in a way that made her heart melt. "You just look so grown up and sophisticated, Gina."
The young girl blushed. "Thank you, Mr. Johnson!"
"Tandy and Tara are visiting their mom this weekend," he said. "Would you like to come over for a bit? You can smoke at my place without getting into trouble."
Gina felt a little ping from her young pussy when he said that. "Sure, Mr. Johnson. That would be totally awesome!"
"Call me Brad."
Gina had sufficient time to smoke most of the cigarette on the trip back, and Brad had watched her in obvious fascination as best he could without losing control of the car. Gina felt so much like an adult as she smoked her long cigarette. When they were getting close to their destination, Brad instructed her to put out the cigarette in the car's ashtray so no one would see her smoking when they entered the house. The Johnsons had the nicest house on the street, with a swimming pool and four bedrooms and two baths. The furniture was expensive and tasteful and Gina loved spending time there with Tandy. She was so surprised that Mr. Johnson ("Brad" she reminded herself) wanted to spend time with her there, alone. She was getting that "special feeling" between her legs just thinking about it!
As they walked into the spacious living area, Brad walked to the couch and sat down. He patted the cushion next to his and Gina immediately sat there, very nervous. "Thank you so much, Mr. Johnson!" she said.
"Please, Gina, it's Brad," he insisted, leaning back. "At least when we're alone." He reached into the cedar cigar box on the coffee table and pulled out a long, thick cigar. He used a cutter to clip the end and lit the cigar with an expensive lighter.
Gina inhaled as the smoke wafted past her receptive nose. She always loved the smell of Brad Johnson's expensive cigars. They were so manly, and she felt a little thrill any time she was in the Johnson home and caught a whiff. "Mmmmm," she sighed. "That smells heavenly."
"Light up, if you'd like Brad said, smiling at the young girl. She quickly pulled out her pack of Virginia Slims 120's and took one out of the pack. Brad extended his expensive lighter and Gina took a draw as he lit it.
She blew the smoke into his face. "Oops! I'm sorry," the young girl said, blushing.
"It's quite alright, Gina," he said, leaning back with the thick cigar clenched in his teeth. "You can do that anytime."
"What does a cigar taste like?" the curious girl asked as she took a long drag on her cigarette.
"I'll show you," Brad said, taking a huge draw on his expensive cigar. Then he removed it from his mouth and leaned in close to the young girl and kissed her! He let the smoke waft out of his mouth and she inhaled slightly, drawing the cigar smoke into her mouth.
"Wow," she said. "That's awesome!"
Brad laughed. "The cigar or the kiss?"
Gina blushed. "Both. Mr. Joh... I mean Brad... May I ask you a question?"
"Sure," he said, loosening his tie and tossing it onto the immaculate coffee table.
"Why don't you date?"
"Oh, you noticed that, did you?" he asked. He chuckled as he loosened the top three buttons on his shirt.
"Well, yeah. Sure," she babbled. "I mean, you're so cool and handsome and all. I saw the way that woman in the store looked at you and my mom says that you're a very eligible bachelor. She's always trying to fix you up with her unmarried friends."
"Yeah," he said, shrugging. He trimmed his cigar ash in a large ashtray. Gina did the same with her cigarette. "Your mom really likes to play matchmaker."
"I'll say," Gina admitted. "But you come over for dinner, mom introduces you to women, and you never see them again. Most of them are very interested."
"Well," he said, "it's nice that they're interested in me, but it doesn't mean that I'm interested in them."
"Why not?" The young girl felt so grown up right now, sitting next to Brad Johnson, smoking, and talking about relationships.
"I have very... eclectic tastes, Gina."
She looked at him questioningly.
"It means that I have unique interests," he explained. "But those women your mother tries to set me up with don't have what I'm looking for."
"What's that?" she asked, taking another drag on her cigarette and remembering to blow the smoke into his face.
"Well," he admitted. "For one thing, I'm only interested in girls who smoke."
"oh, really?" Gina asked, moving a little closer to him. She could feel the warmth radiating from his masculine body and it sent a little thrill through her thin frame. "I think some of them smoked."
"No," he explained. "You don't understand. I'm not interested in them. I said that I like girls who smoke."
"Wow!" Gina said. "Really?"
"Like who?" Gina asked, feeling the moistness between her legs grow into a tickle.
"Like you, of course," he said, winking at her.
Gina leaned back on the sofa and snuggled against him, looking Brad Johnson in the eyes. "You can kiss me if you want to, Mr. Johnson," she sighed. "I mean, if you really want to."
"Brad," he whispered, leaning down and kissing her.
Gina had kissed Henry Dalton at a party once. It was a game and they were put into a dark closet for a few minutes while the other kids waited outside. The young couple had used the opportunity to try a French kiss, but neither of them had been very good at it. But Brad Johnson had brought out the best in her and she opened her lips a little to allow the more experienced man's tongue access to her mouth. Their tongues entwined beautifully as Gina felt him reach up and gently massage her stiff nipples through her t-shirt, causing her to gasp in pleasure. When they pulled away, they were both panting.
"Let's go to bed," Brad husked, looking deep into her eyes.
"Anything you say, Mr. Johnson," she managed to whisper. "Anything you say."
Philip Spencer
Jokester 3D
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