Revenge, Part 9

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by Mtn Dew


Published: 19-Jan-2012

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You might think this is the end of the story, but its not. You see Chelsea gave me a reason to live again. I found a job and cleaned myself up and a year later I met Ms Dora Summers at work and we became friends. A few months later we started dating and a short time after that she invited me home to meet her daughter, Chelsea. I was scared at first, I was afraid she might recognize me, but she didn't. We hit it off very quickly and we became buddies. I found out that her husband Danny was an alcoholic and had just up and took off leaving them even thought they were separated when he did it.

When Dora and I would go on a date I always made sure I asked about Chelsea and included her whenever I could going to the park or to the movies to see a new kids show or to the county fair when it came to town. After a while I pretty much became a fixture around their house and a year later I married Dora and then I adopted Chelsea. She was now almost 8 years old and such a beautiful little girl.

Then came a time when Dora's mother became ill and instead of pulling Chelsea out of school, I told her to go take care of her mother and Chelsea and I would be fine. She only hesitated a minute before agreeing that it would be best if Chelsea could stay in school and not miss any. On Thursday I took her to the airport after we took Chelsea to school and I watched her fly off to Florida to be with her sick mother. She called and checked in Thursday night and she spoke to Chelsea. "Yeah, daddy and I are playing games, he is so much fun to play with," she had told her mom. I couldn't wait until Friday night when the real fun would begin.

When it came time for her bath, I got some of her mom's bubble bath and we made all kinds of bubbles. She was giggling and having a good time and then suddenly she stopped giggling and she looked at me and said, "Daddy, will you get in here with me?" I looked at her and said, "Baby, I don't think your mother would understand if she found out we took a bath together." "Please daddy, I promise, I won't tell mommy or anybody, PLEASE?" and she looked at me with those big blue puppy dog eyes.

I told her, "As long as you promise Baby, OK." She promised by saying, "Cross my heart and hope to die, stick a needle in my eye. I promise." I smiled and laughed at her little girl promise and I stripped out of my clothes as she stared at me and then I climbed into the tub with her. We were playing around and I changed my voice and said, "Fee Fie Foe Fum, I smell a beautiful little girl I want to nibble on some." She suddenly stopped and looked at me with a curious look on her face. "What Baby?" I asked. She shook her head like she was trying to clear it and then she said, "OH NO, YOU CAN'T CATCH ME," she squealed as she tried to get away from my roaming hands. I caught her foot and she squealed again and tried to get away giggling so had she was having trouble catching her breath and then she stopped. "Daddy/ Have we done this before?" she asked. I looked at her and asked, "Well, Princess, can you keep another secret?" she nodded her head.

Yes baby we have, but you are going to have to wait until after school tomorrow and I'll tell you about it. OK?" "OK Daddy," she said. Then I grabbed her around the waist and pulled her until she plopped down on my lap. I hugged her and told her, "I love you so much Sweetheart, I never want to lose you." She hugged my arms and said, "I won't get lost daddy, I know where I live." I laughed at her words. We play a while longer and then I got the handheld sprayer and sprayed all the bubbled down the drain. As we dried off I caught her staring at my cock which was semi hard. She sucked her bottom lip in and started chewing on it just like she did back 3 years ago.

I slipped her night gown over her head picked her up and carried her to bed kissed her on her forehead and told her goodnight. As I was going out the door, she asked, "Daddy?" I stopped and said, "Yeah baby?" she paused a minute and then she floored me when she asked, "Does it still jump around?" I smiled and said, "Yes baby it does and it misses you very much, but we have to wait until you get out of school tomorrow. OK?" "OK Daddy, I love you." I smiled and told her I loved her too, more than anything.

I got off from work early that afternoon and was waiting for her when she got out of school. I told her that this afternoon was hers and we would do whatever she wanted. She looked at me for a minute and then she said, "I want to go home." I was surprised thinking she would want to go to the movies or to the park or to get an ice cream, but home? I asked, "Home? Are you sure. " she nodded her head emphatically I shrugged my shoulder and said, "OK?" and we went home. As soon as we got in the house she grabbed my hand and pulled me towards her bedroom.

Once inside she jumped on the bed and then she twisted around with her head dropping over the edge and then she opened her mouth and stared up into my eyes. I smiled down at her staring back into those beautiful eyes as I unsnapped and unzipped my slacks. Then I let them fall to the floor. I pushed my boxers down and then I pointed my hard cock to her awaiting lips. She immediately reached up and grabbed my hips and pulled me forward. Suddenly all the memories I had came flooding back as her tongue swish against the tender underside of my cock and then I felt the pop and I sank all the way down her throat. I reached up and felt my cock deep in her neck and it throbbed and she shuddered. Then she pushed me back hard and as soon as my cock left her lips she exclaimed, "I made it jump, Daddy, I did. Do it again," and then she pulled me back towards her taking my cock back into her mouth.

I smiled nodding my head and said, "Yes you did baby, you remember, don't you." She nodded as best she could as my cock slipped deeper into her mouth. Watching her and remembering what we did in that cabin caused my cock to throb and she suddenly grabbed my hips and yanked me forward, sinking my cock completely in her throat. I felt her hard breathing against my scrotum just before she shuddered and I felt her throat muscles constricted on my cock. That caused my cock to swell and throb as I exploded into her throat. She pushed back to the crown as I filled her mouth with my seed. She swallowed and pushed he away and then she jumped up and hugged herself tight against me. "I love you so much Daddy!" and then she kissed me right on the lips, I could taste my seed on her lips. She had surprised me, that was the first time she had ever kissed me on the lips.

I wrapped my arms around her and swing her around and said, "I love you too Princess and I am so glad I am now your daddy. She gushed and said, "Meee tooo!" as we slowly spun around in a circle, she put both hand up and held my checks and looked into my eyes again, and then she said, "You look different than I remember." I smiled and said, "Baby, back then was a very dark time for me. But you, you are the reason I got out of the darkness, you are the purpose I am living right now. If it wasn't for you I would have a reason to live. And I hugged her tightly.

Then I stopped spinning and sat her down on the bed. "Chelsea, you have to make sure Mommy never finds out about what we do when we are alone. Can you make sure she never finds out?" "Yes Daddy I will make sure she won't find out, I promise. And she had a huge smile on her face. Then she got quiet and looked up into my eyes and said, "Daddy?" "yes baby." I said. She paused a minute and then she asked, will you put it in my poopy hole and make it jump around." I dropped to my knees and hugged her and said, "Baby, I would like nother more than to do that."

She scrambled up on her knees and started pushing her shorts and panties down her slender thighs and then she fell back as she yanked them from her legs. Watching her caused my cock to throb and re-harden. I quickly told her I'd be right back and I grabbed the tube of KY I had bought and hid just for this occasion and then I ran back into her room. She was already on her hands and knees with her butt at the edge of the bed and I dropped to my knees and grabbed her hips and pulled her back against my tongue. She shivered as I started to lick and suck on her pussy. she tasted the same as I remembered.

As I orally stimulated her, I started playing with her butt. Her butt was pulsing like it was kissing my fingertip. I twisted the top off the KY and squeezed it after I pressed the end of the tube against her sphincter muscle and then I squeezed a dollop onto my finger and slowly pushed it into her butt. She cooed and shivered as it slipped inside. Then I added another finger and did the same thing and then a third. Even though it had been 3 years, my fingers went in quicker than the first time I did it 3 years earlier.

By the time I had all three of my fingers in her butt completely she was vibrating and gasping hard. I pulled my fingers free after stretching her little butt. I put my cock against her anal opening and pushed. My cock popped into her ass and she groaned and threw herself back against my chest and then she screamed as her body shuddered and spasmed as an orgasm tore through her young body. Her muscles clamped down on my cock painfully and even though I had just blasted a load down her throat I again exploded deep in her ass. I can't remember even blowing a load as quick as I did that day.

Chelsea and I both passed out and I was awakened by the phone ringing. I quickly jumped up and ran naked to answer it. Dora yelled into the phone when I answered it, "Where in the hell have you been?" I quickly tried to clear the fog from my mind and said, "Chelsea and I have been out. Why what is wrong? She was still about half yelling when she said, "Nothing I just got scared when you didn't answer and I was afraid something had happened." I tried to calm her down and I told her "NO, NO every thing is fine and I wore Chelsea out and just got her in bed."

After a few minutes she was calm and said, "I was scared I was going to be living a nightmare all over again." I smiled to myself and said, "No Baby, Chelsea and I are not going anywhere and we will be together forever." she didn't get the 2 meanings and that was fine with me. we lived happily ever after and Dora never found out about us.

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Was a pretty good story. A few misspellings missed here and there and could have been just a little longer. Also a 'x years later' epilogue I think would have made for a sweeter ending. I enjoyed the story, it was well done.


I found the searies interesting, but yet you left alot open for later chapters, that never came to light. why.
there were also some places left open to be explored, and you never lead that way, again why.
mom need to find them, she needed to know that her baby was/would be safe with her new daddy. mommy needed too become invovled with the couple as join them for some hot fun. mommy needed to get knocked up too, while she eat her daughters pussy. happy family fun, can be so rewarding for all invovled. Lets see some action next time.


should have gagged chelsea father with her dirty panties. lol


Very good story! Yes there are some misspelled words and punctuation issues. But unless you have better punctuation yourself, DON'T throw stones. I liked how the protagonist became the girls father and was always gentle with her. The drunk got his just deserts. There are always multiple paths a story can take and I think this one had a great upbeat ending. There is no reason (IMHO) the girl's Mommy needs to know the relationship between the girl and her new Daddy, just that he loves them both and will care for them forever.


I just finished reading all nine chapters of your story and loved it. I don't care about misspellings as long as the story is good and this one was. Don't need mommy involved. Little dick daddy got just what he deserved . Thanks for the good read.

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